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In this study, we evaluated different dietary fishmeal and protein levels on growth performance, intestinal structure and intestinal microbial community of juvenile channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. A total of 1800 fish distributed into 36 tanks were fed with nine different diets containing three protein levels (300, 330 and 360 g/kg) with three fishmeal (FM) levels (0, 30 and 60 g/kg) for 90 days. The results showed that significant interactions between the protein level and FM level were observed in final weight (FW), weight gain (WG), Na+, K+‐ATPase and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) activities. The significant lowest FW, WG, Na+, K+‐ATPase and AKP activities were observed in fish fed with no fishmeal and 300 g/kg protein dietary while the highest were shown in 60 g/kg fishmeal and 330 g/kg protein treatment. Additionally, the microvillar length of the mid‐intestine in catfish was significantly affected by the interaction between dietary protein level and fishmeal level. The intestinal samples were dominated by three major phyla, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Fusobacteria. Genera Romboutsia and Turicibacter accounted for probably 800 g/kg of the phylum Firmicutes; meanwhile, genus Cetobacterium represented more than 900 g/kg of the phylum Fusobacteria. In conclusion, this study indicated that channel catfish juveniles can be fed with a practical diet without fishmeal as long as the protein level increased to 360 g/kg; however, if the percentage of dietary protein was 300 g/kg, it seemed that fishmeal need to be supplied as a protein source.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of dietary lysolecithin on growth performance, feed utilization and metabolic responses of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Fish (initial weight: 14.77 ± 0.45 g) were randomly fed one of five practical diets supplemented with graded levels of lysolecithin (0, 125, 250, 375 and 500 mg/kg) in quadruplicate groups for 10 weeks. Results showed that no significant differences in weight gain, condition factor and viscerosomatic index among all the treatments. Fish fed diet supplemented with 250 mg/kg lysolecithin had significantly decreased feed conversion ratio and significantly increased protein efficiency ratio compared to that fed the control diet. The group with 250 mg/kg of dietary lysolecithin had higher protein and lower lipid contents in the whole body, and lower lipid content in the liver than those in the control group. Groups supplemented with 250–500 mg/kg of dietary lysolecithin had significantly higher gastric and intestinal lipase activities than the control group. Dietary lysolecithin at the level of 250 mg/kg significantly increased the activities of Na+, K+‐ATPase, alkaline phosphatase, total antioxidative capacity, total superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase and significantly decreased the content of malondialdehyde compared to the control diet. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of lysolecithin could confer benefits of feed utilization, body composition and antioxidative capacity of channel catfish.  相似文献   

Mucins are large glycoproteins that cover epithelial surfaces of the body and play important roles in prevention of inflammatory and various infectious diseases. In this study, five membrane‐bound and seven secreted mucin genes in the channel catfish were identified. All these identified mucin genes possess at least one PTS, von Willebrand D (VWD) or SEA domains. The expression of the 12 mucin genes in channel catfish was first studied with infection of Edwardsiella ictaluri and Flavobacterium columnare. Expression difference in MUC13a, MUC13, MUC2 and MUC5b was found in the intestine after E. ictaluri infection. Eight mucin gene expressions (except MUC3a, MUC2, MUC4 and MUC5f) were up‐regulated at 4 hr and down‐regulated after 24 hr in the gill with F. columnare infection. Expression level of MUC2 gene was up‐regulated in the intestine with E. ictaluri infection without no significant change in the gill under the F. columnare infection, which indicate that MUC2 is tissue‐specific gene expression and has different immune respond to two bacterial challenge. Taken together, the study showed mucin from the gill by F. columnare challenge induced an obvious response than mucin from the intestine with E. ictaluri infection.  相似文献   

An 86‐day growth trial was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary oxidized fish oil on the growth and cytopathology of juvenile channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Four diets containing 0 g kg?1 (control: fresh fish oil), 30 g kg?1 (low‐oxidized oil group), 60 g kg?1 (medium‐oxidized oil group) and 90 g kg?1 (high‐oxidized oil group) graded oxidized oil levels with the same dietary lipid level (90 g kg?1 diet) were evaluated. The results show that the specific growth rate decreased with increasing dietary oxidized oil level (< 0.05). All examined liver and kidney tissues in all dose groups exhibited what appeared as dose‐dependent cellular modifications. In addition, lipid droplet accumulation in the hepatocytes of fish in all dose groups was increased, and their localizations were distinctly different between all dose groups. The ultrastructural changes suggest the progression of mitochondrial vacuolation, especially in the renal tubules, in all dose groups. These results reveal a previously underappreciated effect of dietary oxidized fish oil on channel catfish kidneys. Overall, a series of nutriphysiological responses were adversely affected by exposure to dietary oxidized fish oil, and the corresponding interference patterns on the metabolism and transport of nutrients within cells were observed.  相似文献   

The industrial aquaculture pond system has gradually replaced the use of traditional earthen pond, as it causes less pollution and is more economical. In this study, an industrial ecological purification recirculating aquaculture system consisting of the water source pond, high‐density culture ponds, a deposit pond, and ecological purification ponds for channel catfish cultivation was established. Twelve water samples from different ponds were sequenced, and the bacterial communities were analysed. The abundances of Cyanobacteria and Merismopedia varied in different functional ponds of the system. The water quality was stable after two months of cultivation at 1.89 ± 0.22 mg/L total nitrogen, 1.1 ± 0.08 mg/L NH4‐N and 0.43 ± 0.1 mg/L total phosphorus. The fish weight increased in a nearly linear manner, reaching 237.63 ± 23.8 per fish at day 120. An analysis of the environmental parameters, water quality and fish weight suggested that the system had an effective water purification process. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the community was affected at the genus and phylum levels by different environmental parameters. We identified several dominant beneficial bacteria with nutrient removal abilities. Overall, our results demonstrated that the ecological purification recirculating aquaculture system had notable effects on water quality improvement and promoted changes in bacterial populations. These results provide important information on the microbial ecology of pond industrial eco‐aquaculture systems.  相似文献   

Recent studies in terrestrial animals have shown that feeding the oxidized lipids led to a reduction in triacylglycerols (TAG) and total cholesterol (TC) in liver and plasma. However, limited information is available on the effect of oxidized lipids on lipid metabolism in fish. In this study, four diets containing 0 g kg?1 (control: fresh fish oil), 30 g kg?1 (low‐oxidized oil, LOO), 60 g kg?1 (medium‐oxidized oil, MOO) and 90 g kg?1 (high‐oxidized oil, HOO) graded oxidized oil levels with the same dietary lipid level were fed to channel catfish for 86 days. The tissue lipid metabolism and fatty acid composition of the fish were investigated after this period. The results showed that plasma and liver concentrations of TAG and TC decreased with increasing dietary oxidized oil level (< 0.05). Decreasing liver lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase activities were observed with increasing dietary oxidized fish oil inclusion (< 0.05). The liver C22:6n?3 concentrations significantly decreased with increasing dietary oxidized oil level (< 0.05), while muscle lipid had a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It suggests that the adverse effects of dietary oxidized oil may be induced by inhibiting lipid metabolism enzymes and, consequently, inhibition of cholesterol homoeostasis and fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus anguillae (HVA) was detected during disease investigations of European eel, Anguilla anguilla L. at two stillwater fisheries in central England. These represent the first records of HVA from UK eels. Both mortalities were eel‐specific and took place during August 2009 and July 2010 at water temperatures between 17 and 19.4 °C. Pathological changes consistent with HVA infection included haemorrhaging in the fins, skin lesions and necrosis within the gills and liver. Transmission electron microscopy revealed active virion replication within the gill tissue. An initial assessment of risk is presented, indicating that HVA represents a high disease risk to UK eel stocks. However, further studies are required to establish the distribution of HVA before a reliable assessment of impact may be obtained. Until then, the detection of HVA holds important implications for eel conservation and management, in particular eel stocking activity.  相似文献   

The efficacy of copper sulphate (CuSO4) against the early stages of an experimental acute infection of Flavobacterium columnare in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) was evaluated. Fish were challenged, by waterborne exposure to F. columnare in an ultra‐low flow‐through water delivery system, and treated with CuSO4 at 4.2 and 2.1 mg L?1 at 5.5 h post challenge for 4 h. Bacterial challenged non‐treated fish acted as a positive control and non‐challenged non‐treated fish acted as a negative control. Fish challenged with F. columnare and treated with CuSO4 at 4.2 and 2.1 mg L?1 post challenge had mortalities of 6.4% and 18.3%, respectively, compared with the positive control, which had 90.2% mortality. The mortality of challenged fish treated with CuSO4 at 4.2 and 2.1 mg L?1 was significantly different from the positive control. There was no significant difference between the mortalities of the 4.2 and 2.1 mg L?1 treatments. The results suggest that CuSO4 has clear therapeutic value against columnaris infections.  相似文献   

Growth, survival and production of endangered Indian butter catfish (Ompok bimaculatus) fingerlings were examined at different stocking densities. The experiment was conducted for 8 months in nine earthen ponds having an area of 0.03 ha each. 30‐day‐old fingerling, stocked at 40 000 ha?1 was designated as treatment‐1 (T1), 50 000 ha?1 as treatment‐2 (T2) and 60 000 ha?1 as treatment‐3 (T3). At stocking, all fingerlings were of same age group with a mean length and weight of 3.36 ± 0.08 cm and weight of 0.83 ± 0.02 g respectively. Fish in all the treatments were fed with a mixture of rice bran (50%), mustard oil cake (30%), fish meal (19%) and vitamin‐mineral premix (1%). Physicochemical parameters, plankton populations and soil parameters were at the optimum level for fish culture. Highest weight gain was observed in T1 and lowest in T3. Final length, weight and survival of fish also followed the same trend as weight gain. Highest specific growth rate was observed in T1 followed by T2 and T3. Feed conversion ratio was significantly lower in T1 followed by T2 and T3 in that order. Significantly higher amount of fish was produced in T1 than T2 and T3 respectively. Higher net benefit was obtained from T1 than from T2 and T3. Overall, the highest growth, survival and benefit of fish were obtained at a density of 40 000 fingerlings ha?1. Hence, of the three stocking densities, 40 000 fingerlings ha?1 appears to be the most suitable stocking density for culturing of Indian butter catfish in grow‐out system.  相似文献   

This study investigated the existing species of Crassostrea in the natural environment, farming systems and artificial spat collectors at a protected estuarine area in Brazil, through PCR‐RFLP of mitochondrial 16S rRNA. Among 450 samples collected in the natural environment, 303 were C. brasiliana and 147 C. rhizophorae. Oysters present in the rocky subtidal zone were C. brasiliana. However, both species occurred on mangrove roots in the intertidal zone. Farm‐raised samples included only C. brasiliana. It was observed that attached specimens in commercial collectors had a banding pattern distinct from C. brasiliana and C. rhizophorae, indicating the presence of a third species in the estuary. The 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that these specimens are clustered with the oysters from Pacific and Indian Oceans, and genetically close to the oysters of Beihai, China (0.3% genetic distance). Oysters obtained from the seed capture showed 17.8% distance of in relation to C. brasiliana, 17.6% for C. rhizophorae and 10.3% for C. gigas, demonstrating high genetic divergence from these species. The occurrence of an exotic species in the Cananéia estuary may have strong ecological and economic implications which require new guidelines for farming, conservation and sustainable fisheries management for the native oyster species.  相似文献   

Mediterranean populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta L. complex) have lost a large part of their genetic distinctiveness, mostly due to massive restocking, and the waters of the Gardens of Ninfa (province of Latina, central Italy, Site of Community Importance since 2013) are regarded as one of a few potential reservoirs of autochthonous trout lineages in the Tyrrhenian drainage of the Italian peninsula. In this study, nuclear and mitochondrial markers were used on brown trout samples from Ninfa to estimate non‐Mediterranean influence in the population gene pool, potential changes of genetic structure over time and genetic relationships with other sites known (or suspected) to host native trout gene pools. Striking changes in both microsatellite and mtDNA allele frequencies over a 9‐year time span were found and provided evidence of unrecorded stocking from the nearby Lake Fibreno. Results are analysed in the light of potential ecological consequences of such events on a longer time scale and provide a scientific background for fisheries management and conservation programmes in the area.  相似文献   

Age‐0 gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum are the main prey fish for white crappies Pomoxis annularis in many US reservoirs. However, these prey fish commonly outgrow their vulnerability to white crappie predation in some, but not all, northern Missouri reservoirs. Potential variables that could influence abundance, growth and mortality of age‐0 gizzard shad were examined in three reservoirs that differed with respect to age‐0 gizzard shad growth rates. Because of thermal effluent from a power plant, gizzard shad spawned earlier in Thomas Hill Lake and initial densities of larvae were greater than in the other reservoirs. Larval and juvenile gizzard shad grew slowest in Thomas Hill Lake, followed by Mark Twain Lake and Long Branch Lake. Growth rate of larvae increased with increasing water temperature and food abundance, but decreased with increasing conspecific density. Similar relationships were found for juvenile growth, except that growth declined with increasing temperature. The slower growth of larvae and juveniles in Thomas Hill Lake was probably a consequence of their greater densities relative to their food abundance and higher water temperatures during the juvenile stage. Conversely, both larvae and juvenile gizzard shad grew more rapidly and juveniles attained large sizes in Long Branch Lake owing to their lower densities relative to their available food. Mortality of larvae and juveniles was mostly similar among the reservoirs. Because of their greater abundance and slower growth, gizzard shad were available as prey for white crappies for a longer period in Thomas Hill Lake than in the other reservoirs.  相似文献   

Alabama bass, Micropterus henshalli Hubbs & Bailey, are the dominant sportfish of Allatoona Reservoir, Georgia, USA, but no population assessment has been conducted. Thus, growth and total annual mortality were estimated in spring 2005, and a tagging study was conducted in 2006 and 2007 to estimate angler exploitation. These data were used with an age‐structured model to assess performance of a 356‐mm minimum length limit (MLL), a 406‐mm MLL and a 330‐ to 406‐mm protected slot length limit (SLL) compared to the present harvest regulation of no MLL. Mean annual exploitation varied from 12 to 22% each year and was generally highest for fish > 330 mm; total annual mortality was 44%. Models predicted a 49–153% increase in numbers of Alabama bass reaching 432 mm, a 22–66% decline in numbers harvested and only moderate declines in yield (5–25%) with the alternative harvest regulations compared to current conditions. The SLL may be an acceptable compromise to allow Allatoona Reservoir anglers to still harvest fish while also improving Alabama bass size structure.  相似文献   

The fingerling‐rearing experiment of the threatened catfish, Mystus cavasius was carried out at different stocking densities in earthen nursery ponds. Twelve‐day‐old fry were stocked at 200 000 ha?1 in treatment‐1 (T1), 250 000 ha?1 in treatment‐2 (T2) and 300 000 ha?1 in treatment‐3 (T3) respectively. The mean length and weight of fry at stocking was 1.24 ± 0.25 cm and 0.11 ± 0.04 g respectively. Fry in all the experimental ponds were supplemented with SABINCO nursery feed for the first 14 days and starter‐I feed for days 15–56. The physico‐chemical parameters and plankton population of pond water were within the suitable level for fish culture. Growth in terms of final weight, final length, weight gain, length gain and specific growth rate and survival of fingerlings were significantly higher in T1 than those in T2 and T3. Feed conversion rate was significantly lower in T1 followed by T2 and T3 in that order. Significantly higher number of fingerlings was produced in T3 than that in T2 and T1. Even then, consistently higher net benefits were obtained from T1 than those from T3 and T2. Among the treatments evaluated, 200 000 fry ha?1 was the best stocking density considering the highest growth, production and net benefits of fingerlings of M. cavasius in nursery ponds.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of physical contact on the growth of Apostichopus japonicus through various stocking densities, group culture and physical isolation culture. The results showed that the specific growth rates (SGR), the feed conversion efficiencies and the energy used for growth of the animal decreased with the increase in stocking density, while the coefficient of variations (CV) in group culture treatments increased. In high density treatments (4, 6 ind./40 L), the SGRs in isolated culture treatments were not different to those in group culture treatments of the same density, however, the CVs in the latter (58.0% and 60.4%, respectively) were significantly higher than those in the former (37.8% and 35.8%, respectively). The CV difference between group one and isolated one of the same density (20.2% and 24.7%, respectively) was less than that in single individual culture (32.7%), indicating that the effect of physical contact on growth variation was weaker than that of genetic factor. This study proved that the individual growth variation in sea cucumber resulted mainly from genetic factor and physical contact, while some chemical mediator might also be the factor affecting the growth rate of sea cucumber.  相似文献   

不同养殖模式对斑点叉尾鮰生长和肌肉品质特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究不同养殖模式下斑点叉尾鮰的生长性能和肌肉品质特性,随机选取传统池塘(TP)、高密度循环水系统(HD-RAS)和水泥池塘(CP)养殖模式下的鲜活斑点叉尾鮰,测定其生长状况,以及肌肉营养成分、颜色、持水力和质构特性。结果显示,TP和HD-RAS的斑点叉尾鮰的增重率和特定生长率差异不显著,但均高于CP;CP的肝体比(2.35%±0.22%)显著高于TP和HD-RAS;与TP相比,HD-RAS和CP肌肉的粗脂肪含量更低,粗蛋白和灰分含量更高;HD-RAS肌肉的亮度值(L*)(58.18±3.56)、红度值(a*)(6.05±1.08)最高,CP最低,分别为48.15±6.04和4.81±0.84;传统池塘养殖的斑点叉尾鮰熟肉率最低,离心损失、滴水损失和失水率最高,HD-RAS和CP之间差异不显著;HD-RAS和CP肌肉的硬度、咀嚼性和弹性显著高于TP,但3处理组间的内聚性和回复性没有显著差异。研究表明,与传统池塘养殖模式相比,水泥池塘养殖模式易造成斑点叉尾鮰生长减慢,而高密度循环水养殖模式对斑点叉尾鮰生长性能没有显著影响,并且在该养殖模式下肌肉具有更高的持水力、质构特性,同时呈现高蛋白、低脂肪的营养特点。  相似文献   

Bait is an integral part of coastal life, but is perceived as a low‐value resource as fisheries are data‐limited, locally focussed and largely unregulated even though the ecological impacts of collection are considerable. An empirical assessment of three UK‐based ragworm fisheries combined with an analysis of published literature has produced the first global assessment of polychaete bait fisheries. The five most expensive (retail price per kg) marine species sold on the global fisheries market are polychaetes (Glycera dibranchiata, Diopatra aciculata, Nereis (Alitta) virens, Arenicola defodiens and Marphysa sanguinea). We estimate that 1600 t of N. virens per annum (worth £52 million) are landed in the UK with approximately 121 000 tonnes of polychaetes collected globally valued at £5.9 billion. Using remote closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras to monitor collectors, activity at local sites is considerable with a mean of 3.14 collectors per tide (day and night) at one site and individuals digging for up to 3 h per tide, although intensity differed seasonally and between sites. Collectors removed on average 1.4 kg of N. virens per person per hour, walking a considerable distance across the intertidal sediment to reach areas that were usually already dug. The implications of these human activity and biomass removal levels are explored in the context of fisheries and conservation management. At local, regional and national scales, polychaete bait fisheries are highly valuable, extract significant biomass and have considerable impacts; therefore, they urgently require governance equivalent to other fisheries.  相似文献   

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