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Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua, harvested in US waters are currently managed as a Gulf of Maine stock and as a stock comprising Georges Bank and southern New England populations. Over the past two and a half decades, success of age‐1 recruitment to the Gulf of Maine stock has varied by more than an order of magnitude. To investigate the hypothesis that this variation is related to variation in the transport of larval cod to nursery areas, we carried out model simulations of the movement of planktonic eggs and larvae spawned within the western Gulf of Maine during spring spawning events of 1995–2005. Results indicate that the retention of spring‐spawned cod, and their transport to areas suitable for early stage juvenile development, is strongly dependent on local wind conditions. Larval cod retention is favored during times of downwelling‐favorable winds and is least likely during times of upwelling‐favorable winds, during which buoyant eggs and early stage larvae tend to be advected offshore to the Western Maine Coastal Current and subsequently carried out of the Gulf of Maine. Model results also indicate that diel vertical migration of later stage larvae enhances the likelihood of retention within the western Gulf of Maine. Consistent with model results is a strong correlation between age‐1 recruitment success to the Gulf of Maine cod stock and the mean northward wind velocity measured in Massachusetts Bay during May. Based on these findings, we propose a wind index for strong recruitment success of age‐1 cod to the Gulf of Maine stock.  相似文献   

The justification for incorporating environmental effects into fisheries stock assessment models has been investigated and debated for a long time. Recently, a state‐space age‐structured assessment model which includes the stochastic change in the environmental covariate over time and its effect on recruitment was developed for Southern New England‐Mid Atlantic yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea). In this paper, we first investigated the correlations of environmental covariates with Southern New England‐Mid Atlantic yellowtail flounder recruitment deviations. The covariate that was most strongly correlated with the recruitment deviations was then incorporated into the state‐space model and alternative effects on the stock‐recruit relationship were estimated and compared. For the model that performed best as measured by Akaike information criterion, we also compared the estimates and predictions of various population attributes and biological reference points with those from an otherwise identical model without the environmental covariate in the stock‐recruit function. We found that the estimates of population parameters are similar for the two models but the predictions differed substantially. To evaluate which model provided more reliable predictions, we quantitatively compared the prediction skill of the two models by generating two series of retrospective predictions. Comparison of the retrospective prediction pattern suggested that from an average point of view, the environmentally explicit model can provide more accurate near‐term recruitment predictions especially the one year ahead recruitment prediction. However, the accuracy of the near‐term recruitment prediction from the environmentally explicit model was largely determined by the accuracy of the corresponding environment prediction the model provides.  相似文献   

Gulf (Brevoortia patronus, Clupeidae) and Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus, Clupeidae) support large fisheries that have shown substantial variability over several decades, in part, due to dependence on annual recruitment. Nevertheless, traditional stock–recruitment relationships lack predictive power for these stocks. Current management of Atlantic menhaden explicitly treats recruitment as a random process. However, traditional methods for understanding recruitment variability carry the very specific hypothesis that the effect of adult biomass on subsequent recruitment occurs independently of other ecosystem factors such as food availability and predation. Here, we evaluate the predictability of menhaden recruitment using a model‐free approach that is not restricted by these strong assumptions. We find that menhaden recruitment is predictable, but only when allowing for interdependence of stock with other ecological factors. Moreover, while the analysis confirms the presence of environmental effects, the environment alone does not readily account for the complexity of menhaden recruitment dynamics. The findings set the stage for revisiting recruitment prediction in management and serve as an instructive example in the ongoing debate about how to best treat and understand recruitment variability across species and fisheries.  相似文献   

Off southern‐central Chile, the impact of spring upwelling variability on common sardine (Strangomera bentincki) recruitment was examined by analyzing satellite and coastal station winds, satellite chlorophyll, and common sardine recruitment from a stock assessment model. In austral spring, the intensity of wind‐driven upwelling is related to sea surface temperature (SST) from the Niño 3.4 region, being weak during warm periods (El Niño) and strong during cold periods (La Niña). Interannual changes in both spring upwelling intensity and SST from the Niño 3.4 region are related to changes in remotely sensed chlorophyll over the continental shelf. In turn, year‐to‐year changes in coastal chlorophyll are tightly coupled to common sardine recruitment. We propose that, in the period 1991–2004, interannual changes in the intensity of spring upwelling affected the abundance and availability of planktonic food for common sardine, and consequently determined pre‐recruit survival and recruitment strength. However, the importance of density‐dependent factors on the reproductive dynamic cannot be neglected, as a negative association exists between spawning biomass and recruitment‐per‐spawning biomass. Coastal chlorophyll, upwelling intensity, and SST anomalies from the Niño 3.4 region could potentially help to predict common sardine recruitment scenarios under strong spring upwelling and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)‐related anomalies.  相似文献   

Northern rock sole recruitment in the eastern Bering Sea has been hypothesized to (a) depend on wind‐driven surface currents linking spawning and nursery areas, (b) be density‐dependent, and (c) be negatively impacted by cold bottom temperatures over a large nursery area during the first summer of life. A suite of models was developed to test these hypotheses. Data included 32 years of recruitment and spawning biomass estimates derived from a stock assessment model and wind and temperature indices customized to the environmental exposure of age‐0 northern rock sole in the eastern Bering Sea. The predictive ability of the models was evaluated, and the models were used to forecast recruitment to age‐4 for recent year classes which are poorly retained by the standard multi‐species bottom trawl survey gear. Models which included wind and temperature indices performed better than a naïve forecast based on the running mean. The best‐performing model was a categorical model with wind and temperature thresholds, which explained 49% of the variation in recruitment. Ricker models performed more poorly than models without a spawning biomass term, providing no evidence that recruitment is related to stock size. The models forecast higher recruitment for the most recent year classes (2015–2018) than for prior year classes with observed poor recruitment (2006–2013). These environment‐based recruitment forecasts may improve recruitment estimates for the most recent year classes and facilitate study of the effects of future climate change on northern rock sole population dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract Observations relevant to the North American stock complex of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., suggest that marine mortality is influenced by variation in predation pressure affecting post‐smolts during the first months at sea. This hypothesis was tested for Gulf of Maine (GOM) stocks by examining wind pseudostress and the distribution of piscivorous predator fields potentially affecting post‐smolts. Marine survival has declined over recent decades with a change in the direction of spring winds, which is likely extending the migration of post‐smolts by favouring routes using the western GOM. In addition to changes in spring wind patterns, higher spring sea surface temperatures have been associated with shifting distributions of a range of fish species. The abundance of several pelagic piscivores, which based on their feeding habits may predate on salmon post‐smolts, has increased in the areas that serve as migration corridors for post‐smolts. In particular, populations of silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis (Mitchell), red hake, Urophycis chuss (Walbaum), and spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias L., increased in size in the portion of the GOM used by post‐smolts. Climate variation and shifting predator distributions in the GOM are consistent with the predator hypothesis of recruitment control suggested for the stock complex.  相似文献   

An individual‐based model (IBM) for the simulation of year‐to‐year survival during the early life‐history stages of the north‐east Atlantic stock of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) was developed within the EU funded Shelf‐Edge Advection, Mortality and Recruitment (SEAMAR) programme. The IBM included transport, growth and survival and was used to track the passive movement of mackerel eggs, larvae and post‐larvae and determine their distribution and abundance after approximately 2 months of drift. One of the main outputs from the IBM, namely distributions and numbers of surviving post‐larvae, are compared with field data as recruit (age‐0/age‐1 juveniles) distribution and abundance for the years 1998, 1999 and 2000. The juvenile distributions show more inter‐annual and spatial variability than the modelled distributions of survivors; this may be due to the restriction of using the same initial egg distribution for all 3 yr of simulation. The IBM simulations indicate two main recruitment areas for the north‐east Atlantic stock of mackerel, these being Porcupine Bank and the south‐eastern Bay of Biscay. These areas correspond to areas of high juvenile catches, although the juveniles generally have a more widespread distribution than the model simulations. The best agreement between modelled data and field data for distribution (juveniles and model survivors) is for the year 1998. The juvenile catches in different representative nursery areas are totalled to give a field abundance index (FAI). This index is compared with a model survivor index (MSI) which is calculated from the total of survivors for the whole spawning season. The MSI compares favourably with the FAI for 1998 and 1999 but not for 2000; in this year, juvenile catches dropped sharply compared with the previous years but there was no equivalent drop in modelled survivors.  相似文献   

Time series of American lobster (Homarus americanus) postlarval settlement from southern New England to Atlantic Canada exhibit many common features, and a cluster analysis indicates a block of regions extending from Massachusetts to Maine that have coherent interannual variations. The spatial scale of this block suggests that variability in settlement is related to large‐scale, rather than local, processes. We examined the association between settlement at six reference regions and monthly mean atmospheric conditions (temperature, geopotential height, westerly and southerly wind components, and wind curl) from the North American Regional Reanalysis. We first extracted the dominant modes of variability in monthly averaged geopotential height, temperature, and wind curl. The leading mode from September, which represents high geopotential height, warm temperatures, and negative wind curl throughout the study area, was strongly correlated with settlement at most of the regions. The third mode from August, which represents enhanced southwesterly winds, was correlated with settlement in Rhode Island. Correlations between local atmospheric conditions and lobster settlement confirm the principal component results. Settlement was correlated to varying degrees with geopotential height (positive), temperature (positive) and wind curl (negative) with lobster settlement at the northern sites, with temperature being a stronger indicator in the north and curl a stronger indicator in the south. Rhode Island settlement was strongly correlated with August westerly winds. The correlation between settlement and atmospheric conditions could improve our understanding of stock‐recruit relationships for lobster populations and provides one mechanism for how climate change could impact lobsters.  相似文献   

Oceanographic processes and ecological interactions can strongly influence recruitment success in marine fishes. Here, we develop an environmental index of sablefish recruitment with the goal of elucidating recruitment‐environment relationships and informing stock assessment. We start with a conceptual life‐history model for sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria on the US west coast to generate stage‐ and spatio‐temporally‐specific hypotheses regarding the oceanographic and biological variables likely influencing sablefish recruitment. Our model includes seven stages from pre‐spawn female condition through benthic recruitment (age‐0 fish) for the northern portion of the west coast U.S. sablefish stock (40°N–50°N). We then fit linear models and use model comparison to select predictors. We use residuals from the stock‐recruitment relationship in the 2015 sablefish assessment as the dependent variable (thus removing the effect of spawning stock biomass). Predictor variables were drawn primarily from ROMS model outputs for the California Current Ecosystem. We also include indices of prey and predator abundance and freshwater input. Five variables explained 57% of the variation in recruitment not accounted for by the stock‐recruitment relationship in the sablefish assessment. Recruitment deviations were positively correlated with (i) colder conditions during the spawner preconditioning period, (ii) warmer water temperatures during the egg stage, (iii) stronger cross‐shelf transport to near‐shore nursery habitats during the egg stage, (iv) stronger long‐shore transport to the north during the yolk‐sac stage, and (v) cold surface water temperatures during the larval stage. This result suggests that multiple mechanisms likely affect sablefish recruitment at different points in their life history.  相似文献   

Recruitment dynamics are challenging to assess or predict because of the many underlying drivers that vary in their relevance over time and space. Stock size, demographic and trait composition, condition and distribution of spawning fish and the spatio‐temporal dynamics of trophic and environmental interactions all influence recruitment processes. Exploring common patterns among stocks and linking them to potential drivers may therefore provide insights into key mechanisms of recruitment dynamics. Here, we analysed stock‐recruitment data of 64 stocks from the north‐east Atlantic Ocean for common trends in variation and synchrony among stocks using correlation, cluster and dynamic factor analyses. We tested common trends in recruitment success for relationships with large‐scale environmental processes as well as stock state indicators, and we explored links between recruitment success and demographic, environmental and ecological variables for a subset of individual stocks. The results revealed few statistically significant correlations between stocks but showed that underlying common trends in recruitment success are linked to environmental indices and management indicators. Statistical analyses confirmed previously suggested relationships of environmental–ecological factors such as the subpolar gyre and Norwegian coastal current with specific stocks, and indicated a large relevance of spawning stock biomass and demographics, as well as predation, whereas other suggested relationships were not supported by the data. Our study shows that despite persistent challenges in determining drivers of recruitment due to poor data quality and unclear mechanisms, combining different data analysis techniques can improve our understanding of recruitment dynamics in fish stocks.  相似文献   

Surveys for lobster larvae in offshore waters of the north‐eastern Gulf of Maine in 1983, 1987 and 1989 confirm that local hatching occurs mainly at depths <100 m over the banks, including Georges and Browns Banks. Detailed studies in the vicinity of Georges Bank in late July of both 1987 and 1989 indicate that the first and second moult stages were located primarily over the bank whereas stages III and IV lobster were collected both over and off the bank. At times stage IV lobster were more abundant off the bank than over it. The condition of stage III and IV lobster, as measured by a lipid index, was better off than over Georges Bank in 1988 and 1989 indicating a possible physiological advantage to being off the bank. In addition, the higher surface temperatures off Georges Bank would shorten larval development time to settlement. To determine the probable hatch sites of stage IV lobster collected off of Browns Bank in 1983 and off of Georges in 1987 and 1989, a 3‐D circulation model of the Gulf of Maine was used to simulate larval lobster drift backwards in time. In all cases, areas off Cape Cod, MA, and off Penobscot Bay, ME were suggested as the source of the larvae, although most of the larval trajectories never reached these near‐shore waters that are well‐known, larval hatching areas. The model‐projected larval release times match most closely the observed inshore hatch off Massachusetts but model uncertainties mean that coastal Maine cannot be ruled out as a source. Georges Bank is also a potential source because the present model does not take into account short‐term wind events, off‐bank eddy transport or the possibility of directed off‐bank larval swimming. Examination of weather records prior to and during our 1988 and 1989 sampling periods indicates that winds were not of sufficient intensity and duration to induce larval transport off Georges Bank. The shedding of eddies from the northern flank of Georges Bank into the Gulf of Maine are a relatively common phenomenon during summer but not enough is known about them to evaluate their contribution to possible cross‐bank transport of lobster larvae. Directed larval swimming is another possible source for the stage IV lobster found near Georges Bank. Plankton distributions across the northern frontal zone of Georges Bank in 1988 were used as proxies for the scarce larval lobsters. The more surface distribution of the microplankton, in particular, supports the possibility that wind and eddy events may be important in the transport of stage III and IV lobsters off of Georges Bank. Further studies are needed to evaluate these possible additional sources of advanced stage lobster larvae found off of the offshore banks.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) is the primary spawning ground for western Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). In this work, information reported by previous studies about the preferred environmental conditions for the occurrence of bluefin tuna larvae in the GOM is integrated into a dimensionless index, the BFT_Index. This index is used to evaluate the spatial and temporal variability of areas with favorable environmental conditions for larvae within the GOM during 1993–2011. The main findings of this work are that: (i) the proposed index successfully captures the spatial and temporal variability in the in situ occurrence of bluefin tuna larvae; (ii) areas with favorable environmental conditions for larvae in the GOM exhibit year‐to‐year spatial and temporal variability linked with mesoscale ocean features and sea surface temperature; and (iii) comparison of the BFT_Index‐derived variability with recruitment of age‐0 fish estimated from recent stock assessment indicates that changes in environmental conditions may drive a relevant component (~58%) of the recruitment variability. The comparison with the recruitment dataset further revealed the existence of key regions linked with recruitment in the central/northern GOM, and that the Loop Current may function as a trap for larvae, possibly leading to low survival rates. Above (below) average conditions for occurrence of larvae in the GOM during spring were observed in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2006–2008, and 2011 (1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2003 and 2010). Results reported here have potential applications to assessment of bluefin tuna.  相似文献   

Data from stock assessment surveys, published research and climate sensors were linked to model the interaction between fishing, physical‐oceanographic processes and spatial patterns of larval settlement for western king prawn [Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus]. This information was used to evaluate the trade‐off between larval recruitment and catch during fishing periods that demand high prices but coincide with spawning. Total rates of larval settlement were maximized when tidal currents and atmospheric physical‐forcing components were coupled with simulations of larval swimming behaviour under average gulf temperatures. Average gulf temperatures sustained longer larval durations and increased larval settlement rates by over 12% compared with warmer gulf conditions simulated under a scenario of global warming. Reproductive data coupled with outputs from the biophysical model identified consistent inter‐annual patterns in the areas contributing to larval settlement success. Areas located in the north‐east, and central‐west of the fishery, consistently contributed to over 40% of all larvae reaching a settlement in each year. Harvest sensitivity analyses indicated that changes in the spatial patterns of pre‐Christmas fishing could lead to improvements in overall rates of the larval settlement while maintaining or improving the levels of catch. Future studies to refine the model inputs relating to physical processes, larval behaviour and mortality rates for P. latisulcatus coupled with surveys of juvenile prawn abundance to ground truth the modelled predictions, would allow stock recruitment relationships to be more closely examined and inform adaptive management of the fishery in the future.  相似文献   

Demography can have a significant effect on reproductive timing and the magnitude of such an effect can be comparable to environmentally induced variability. This effect arises because the individuals of many fish species spawn progressively earlier within a season and may produce more egg batches over a longer period as they get older, thus extending their lifetime spawning duration. Inter‐annual variation in spawning time is a critical factor in reproductive success because it affects the early environmental conditions experienced by progeny and the period they have to complete phases of development. By reducing the average lifetime spawning duration within a fish stock, fishing pressure could be increasing the variability in reproductive success and reducing long‐term stock reproductive potential. Empirical estimates of selection on birth date, from experiments and using otolith microstructure, demonstrate that there is considerable variation in selection on birth date both within a spawning season and between years. The few multi‐year studies that have linked egg production with the survival of progeny to the juvenile stage further highlight the uncertainty that adults face in timing their spawning to optimize offspring survival. The production of many small batches of eggs over a long period of time within a season and over a lifetime is therefore likely to decrease variance and increase mean progeny survival. Quantifying this effect of demography on variability in survival requires a focus on lifetime reproductive success rather than year specific relationships between recruitment and stock reproductive potential. Modelling approaches are suggested that can better quantify the likely impact of changing spawning times on year‐class strength and lifetime reproductive potential. The evidence presented strengthens the need to avoid fishing severely age truncated fish stocks.  相似文献   

Cod stocks in the North Sea, including the Kattegat and the Skagerrak, have declined dramatically since the 1970s. Occasionally there is a high recruitment of juveniles in Kattegat/Skagerrak, without leading to the rebuilding of adult cod stocks despite reduced fishing mortality. In a biophysical model of egg and larval drift, we examined the potential importance of extant and historical spawning grounds for recruitment of cod in the Kattegat/Skagerrak seas using data of spawning stock biomass from the 1970s and from today's reduced stocks. The results suggest that Kattegat in the 1970s relied on largely locally retained (83%) larvae with little annual variation in recruitment. Kattegat also provided a substantial proportion of larvae recruiting in Swedish Skagerrak (72%). This is in contrast to present conditions where the Kattegat spawning stock has been reduced by 94%, and Kattegat only provides 34% of locally retained larvae and 30% to Swedish Skagerrak. Instead, the protected area in the Öresund and the Belt Sea are expected today to provide most larvae recruiting in Kattegat. Also, the inflow of larvae from the North Sea to Skagerrak and Kattegat can be significant although highly variable between years, with a positive correlation to the North‐Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO). The rebuilding of healthy spawning areas in the Kattegat may be key for restoring local cod stocks in both Kattegat and along the Skagerrak coast. This poses a management challenge if cod with local ‘Kattegat’ adaptations, e.g., in terms of egg density and migration patterns, are lost or reduced to non‐resilient densities.  相似文献   

Despite management practices to achieve sustainability, commercial landings for Florida spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) have experienced a drastic decline (57%) since 2000. This is cause for concern not only for economic reasons, but for issues of sustainability. An annual index of P. argus post‐larval (puerulus) abundance, estimated with a generalized linear model with significant mean sea‐level effects, shows a 36% decrease in annual puerulus supply since 1988. In addition, local Florida spawning stock biomass estimated from an age‐structured sequential population analysis decreased 57% since 1988. Puerulus abundance follows a highly correlated (R = 0.76) trend with a 12‐month delayed spawning stock abundance, which supports the contention that the Florida spawning population is a significant contributing factor to post‐larval recruitment in Florida. Residuals about the puerulus on spawning stock abundance function follow closely an interannual North Atlantic Oscillation Index signal. This residual effect is thought of as a secondary regional population effect on Florida puerulus recruitment. The Florida spiny lobster stock is exploited with no fishing mortality controls due to the Pan Caribbean recruitment concept adopted in Florida spiny lobster management. Therefore, the potential of recruitment overfishing exists if fishing mortality controls to protect local spawning stock abundance, such as catch quotas, are not introduced.  相似文献   

Explaining recruitment variation in fish is essential for successful fishery management and is consequently under constant review, with an increasing focus on how maternal factors, relative to environmental influences, operate at the level of individual female spawners and extend from the spawning stock through to recruitment. We estimate total egg production (E) in Icelandic summer‐spawning herring (Clupea harengus) from 1963 through 1999 by using sequential population analyses (SPA) and their estimates of stock biomass and recruitment, various size and maturity metrics, and individual fecundity estimates that rely on total length and the condition of the spawners. Generalized linear models indicate that maternal effects are of significance in explaining SPA‐based recruitment‐at‐age‐3 (R). The best model explained 64% of the variation in R and incorporates E constrained to the repeat spawners (40%), the NAO winter index (18%) and ocean temperature (6%). The latter two represent the winter and spring periods subsequent to year‐class formation. Recruit spawner contributions to E were of no significance in explaining variation in R despite the fact that they could contribute as much as 55% of E when their contribution to E was consistently underestimated by a factor of ~ 2, based only on their contribution to spawning stock biomass. We conclude that the spawning potential of the repeat spawners should replace total spawning stock biomass for determining recruitment potential in stock assessment. In addition to the incorporation of oceanographic factors, this would provided a more cautious and risk‐adverse approach.  相似文献   

The investigation of larval dispersal and retention, their variability and dependence on wind conditions, has become a major topic in fisheries research owing to potential effects on stock recruitment and stock structuring. The present study quantifies the wind‐induced variability of larval retention of herring in a highly productive coastal lagoon of the Western Baltic Sea. This lagoon, the Greifswalder Bodden, represents the main spawning area of Western Baltic Spring‐Spawning Herring, a stock that has recently undergone a continuous decline in recruitment. The study tests whether this decline was related to changes in larval retention, more precisely to changes in wind conditions, the main forcing of the lagoon's circulation. To answer this, a model approach was applied. Larvae were tracked as Lagrangian drifters under constant and variable wind conditions, examining the main drift patterns and reconstructing the incidents during the period of recruitment decline. For the latter, weekly cohorts of virtual larvae were released in the lagoon over the entire spawning period (April–June; >16 weeks). The fraction of retained larvae per cohort was related to observed larval abundances. On this basis, a new retention index was defined to evaluate the annual larval retention. The results presented cannot explain the observed recruitment decline but characterize the lagoon as an important larval retention area by virtue of unsteady wind conditions that prevent a steady outflow of larvae.  相似文献   

Different stock–recruitment models were fitted to North Atlantic albacore (Thunnus alalunga) recruitment and spawning stock biomass data. A classical density dependence hypothesis, a recent environmental‐dependence hypothesis and a combination of both were considered. For the latter case, four stock–environment–recruitment models were used: Ricker, Beverton‐Holt, Deriso's General Model (modified to take into account environmental effects) and conditioned Neural Networks. Cross‐validation analysis showed that the modified Deriso model had the best predictive capability. It detected an inverse effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on recruitment, a Ricker‐type behaviour with density dependent overcompensation when environmental conditions are unfavourable and a Beverton–Holt‐type behaviour towards an asymptotic recruitment carrying capacity with favourable environmental conditions. The Neural Network model also detected that under favourable environmental conditions high spawning stock biomass does not necessarily have a depensatory effect on recruitment. Moreover, they suggest that under extremely favourable environmental conditions, albacore recruitment could increase well above the asymptotic carrying capacity predicted by Beverton–Holt‐type models. However, the general decrease in spawning stock biomass in recent years and increasing NAO trends suggest that there is low probability of exceptionally large recruitment in the future and instead there is a danger of recruitment overfishing.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that synchronous recruitment is due to a shared susceptibility to environmental processes using stock–recruitment residuals for 52 marine fish stocks within three Northeast Pacific large marine ecosystems: the Eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and California Current. There was moderate coherence in exceptionally strong and weak year‐classes and correlations across stocks. Based on evidence of synchrony from these analyses, we used Bayesian hierarchical models to relate recruitment to environmental covariates for groups of stocks that may be similarly influenced by environmental processes based on their life histories. There were consistent relationships among stocks to the covariates, especially within the Gulf of Alaska and California Current. The best Gulf of Alaska model included Northeast Pacific sea surface height as a predictor of recruitment, and was particularly strong for stocks dependent on cross‐shelf transport during the larval phase for recruitment. In the California Current the best‐fit model included San Francisco coastal sea level height as a predictor, with higher recruitment for many stocks corresponding to anomalously high sea level the year before spawning and low sea level the year of spawning. The best Eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands model included several environmental variables as covariates and there was some consistent response across stocks to these variables. Future research may be able to utilize these across‐stock environmental influences, in conjunction with an understanding of ecological processes important across early life history stages, to improve identification of environmental drivers of recruitment.  相似文献   

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