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A catchment‐scale salmon, Salmo salar L., habitat enhancement scheme was developed for the River Main (Northern Ireland) with reference to baseline habitat and electric fishing surveys. In total, 19 separate sites were enhanced using flow deflectors or random boulder addition. Habitat suitability for juvenile salmon increased at enhanced sites following the scheme, and significant changes in underlying physical habitat characteristics (particle size, depth and flow) were detected after the installation of flow deflectors. The overall index of salmon fry recruitment, monitored across the catchment, showed no change between pre‐ and post‐enhancement periods. The mean biomass of salmon evident at individual enhancement sites (5.1 g m?2) was significantly higher than the mean biomass at control sites (1.2 g m?2). Increased densities of >0+ juvenile salmon were associated with enhanced sites relative to controls. Marking studies indicated the potential for long‐range dispersal of juvenile salmon between 0+ (summer) and 1+ (summer) age classes. The potential of the scheme to enhance the local salmon stock was discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract – The objective was to compare juvenile salmon density in 20 streams throughout the very large River Tana, northern Norway, and to relate variation in density to a suite of environmental factors. Four sampling sites were electrofished in each stream (one at the mouth of the stream and three within the stream) in August and October 2000, 2001, 2002. 0+ salmon parr were absent from seven streams, present at the mouth of 11 streams, and present within only two streams, both of which were probably spawning streams. Older parr migrated upstream into most streams and their highest densities were usually found in streams flowing directly into the spawning habitat in the three largest tributaries of the Tana or the river itself. Juvenile salmon were sparse or absent in streams flowing into smaller tributaries. Most streams with high parr densities were those of dense riparian vegetation that provided terrestrial invertebrates as drift food for the salmon parr, cover for fish, cooler stream temperatures in summer, and food for benthic stream invertebrates that were also a source of food for the parr.  相似文献   

Stocking density is a biotic factor affecting the production of cultivated animals in aquaculture. Herein, a rearing trial was conducted to investigate the impact of stocking density on the survival, growth performance and physical injury of Marsupenaeus japonicus juveniles in a flowing water aquaculture system. Five stocking densities were examined in this study, that is, 10, 20, 40, 80 and 160 individuals/m2. Throughout the experiment, ammonia nitrogen and nitrite concentrations ranged from 0.02 ± 0.006 mg/L to 0.08 ± 0.035 mg/L and 0.002 ± 0.001 mg/L to 0.076 ± 0.021 mg/L respectively. The survival rate, specific growth rate (SGR), weight gain (WG), absolute growth rate (AGR) and coefficient of variation for weight (CV) across the stocking densities ranged from 90.38 ± 3.20% to 94.33 ± 4.73%, 1.42 ± 0.16%/day to 1.53 ± 0.05%/day, 1.09 ± 0.19 g to 1.15 ± 0.16 g, 0.018 ± 0.003 g/day to 0.019 ± 0.004 g/day and 16.21 ± 5.78% to 35.09 ± 10.68% respectively. Within the investigated densities, the survival rate and the abovementioned growth parameters were not significantly (p > .05) affected by the stocking density, consequently, a higher stocking density resulted in a significantly (p < .05) greater final biomass. The results regarding physical injury showed that the antennal breakage rate displayed a tendency of a positive correlation with the stocking density. Overall, the current study provides basic data for establishing a viable intensive farming system for Mjaponicus and a promising indicator for easily assessing the crowding stress status of Mjaponicus.  相似文献   

唐金玉  王岩  任岗  李由明 《水产学报》2019,43(6):1438-1448
通过93 d围隔实验比较了增加摄食配合饲料的鱼(草鱼和银鲫)密度和添加EM菌对三角帆蚌、草鱼、银鲫、鲢和鳙综合养殖系统中浮游植物群落和初级生产力的影响。采用2×2实验设计,设4个处理:LF0(20尾草鱼+10尾银鲫)、LFA(20尾草鱼+10尾银鲫+EM菌)、HF0(40尾草鱼+20尾银鲫)和HFA(40尾草鱼+20尾银鲫+EM菌)。所有处理中三角帆蚌、鲢和鳙密度相同,均为每个围隔内40只蚌、8尾鲢和2尾鳙。实验期间围隔内不换水,每天分2次投喂配合饲料;定期向LFA和HFA围隔内泼洒EM菌。结果显示,围隔内出现浮游植物超过81种,分别隶属7门、32科、73属;实验前期浮游植物优势种为微囊藻和栅藻,后期转为微囊藻、平裂藻和腔球藻;浮游植物生物量平均为3.2×108~8.3×108个/L;摄食配合饲料的鱼密度和EM菌对浮游植物种类组成和多样性无显著影响,但高密度草鱼和银鲫组(HF0和HFA)中浮游植物生物量和群落呼吸强度较高,初级生产力较低;添加EM菌可降低蓝藻在浮游植物生物量中的比例,增加初级生产力。研究表明,在蚌鱼综合养殖中放养摄食配合饲料的鱼密度不宜过高。  相似文献   

Due to the economic potential of Hypancistrus zebra in the ornamental fish market and its current classification as an endangered species in its natural occurrence sites, the present study sought to determine a suitable feed management strategy and stocking density to allow for an adequate captivity maintenance of this fish species. Three experiments were conducted as follows: (1) feed preference (artemia Artemia sp., shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, fish Cynoscion spp. or mussel Perna perna); (2) determination of feeding rate (5% and 10% live weight day?1) and frequency (1, 2 or 3 meals. Day?1); and (3) evaluation of stocking density (0.25, 0.50, 1.00 and 2.00 g/L). Zebra pleco did not present the characteristic buccal scraping behaviour on the feed, commonly seen in other Loricariids. Artemia was the preferred diet followed by fish, shrimp and mussels. The frequency of two daily meals and the feeding rate of 10% live weight day?1 allowed for an improved zootechnical performance. Zebra pleco showed enhanced specific growth rate at the density of 2 g/L. Our results suggest that, to improve the zebra pleco rearing conditions, it should be maintained at a density of 2 g/L, fed two daily meals at a feeding rate of 10% live weight day?1. These findings correspond to useful information for an adequate management of this species and could assist in the supply of healthy specimens to the ornamental fish market as well for the restocking of declining wild populations.  相似文献   

The abundance of salmon lice and the physiological effects of infection were examined in two stocks of sympatric sea trout and anadromous Arctic char in northern Norway. One stock feed in a coastal area with extensive salmon farming (exposed locality), while the other feed in a region with little farming activity (unexposed locality). The results showed that the lice infection was significantly higher at the exposed locality, at which the mean intensity of infection peaked in June and July at over 100 and 200 lice larvae per fish respectively. At the exposed locality we also observed a premature return to freshwater of the most heavily infected fish. Such behaviour has previously been interpreted as a response by the fish to reduce the stress caused by the infection and/or to enhance survival. Blood samples taken from sea trout at sea at the exposed locality showed a positive correlation between intensity of parasite infection and an increase in the plasma cortisol, chloride and blood glucose concentrations, while the correlations from sea trout in freshwater were more casual. Several indices pointed towards an excessive mortality of the heaviest infected fish, and 47% of the fish caught in freshwater and 32% of those captured at sea carried lice at intensities above the level that has been shown to induce mortality in laboratory experiments. Furthermore, almost half of all fish from the exposed locality had lice intensities that would probably cause osmoregulatory imbalance. High salmon lice infections may therefore have profound negative effects upon wild populations of sea trout. At the unexposed location, the infection intensities were low, and few fish carried more than 10 lice. These are probably within the normal range of natural infection and such intensities are not expected to affect the stock negatively.  相似文献   

The occurrence and density of ≥ 1+ brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and their relationship with prevailing instream and catchment characteristics were studied in 50 small forest streams, partially dredged for forest ditching. The occurrence of trout at a stream site was largely determined by the abundance of pools, size of upper catchment and water pH. Moreover, at sites where trout occurred, the abundance of pools was lower at dredged locations than at those in a natural state. In riffles in a natural state, there was a positive relationship between trout density and three instream variables: the abundance of stream pools, cascades and instream vegetation, while an inverse relationship was found with the abundance of substratum of 2–10 cm in diameter. Of the catchment variables, correspondingly, the proportion of forest in the upper catchment was positively related and the proportion of peatland negatively related to trout density. No significant regression model could be fitted for dredged riffles. The possibility of enhancing trout populations in dredged riffles is discussed.  相似文献   

Tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon were intensively grown from PL15 for 56 d in tank systems at stocking densities of 1000 and 2000 shrimp m− 3, with and without the addition of artificial substrates (AquaMat® (buoyant and non-buoyant) and polyethylene mesh) at each density. Shrimp growth was significantly greater at the lower density and when substrates were added. Mean shrimp weight at harvest ranged from 0.64 ± 0.06 g (2000 shrimp m− 3, no added substrate) to 1.17 ± 0.01 g (1000 shrimp m− 3, added substrate). Survival was high and averaged 79.5 ± 2.7% across all treatments. The addition of substrates significantly increased survival at both stocking densities; however, survival was not significantly affected by stocking density. A maximum harvest density of 1645 shrimp m− 3 and biomass of 1.27 kg m− 3 were produced at a stocking density of 2000 m− 3 with added substrates. Both harvest density and biomass significantly increased with stocking density and addition of substrates. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) of formulated feed was significantly lower when substrates were added. The results show that growth of P. monodon juveniles was inversely related to stocking density during intensive production. However, production output was significantly increased by addition of artificial substrates, which enhanced both growth and survival.  相似文献   

Using rainbow trout plasma protein (IGF-BP) which specifically binds human insulin-like growth factor (IGF) (Niu and Le Bail 1993), we have developed an assay to measure plasma IGF-like levels in different teleost species. Before the assay and to prevent interference by IGF-BP, IGF-like was extracted from all samples, using SP Sephadex C-25 in acidic conditions. After this treatment, contamination of the IGF fraction by IGF-BP which was estimated by binding assay, was approximately 5%, and was not detectable by western ligand blot. Human IGF-I was used as standard and labelled hormone. Sensitivity of the assay was 0.15–0.40 ng/ml (ED90) and ED50 was 1–3 ng/ml. hIGF-II crossreaction was partial and no significant displacement was observed with Insulin from different species or with other hormones. Inhibition curves were obtained with plasma IGF fractions (but not with tissue extracts) from teleost and mammals and are parallel to the standard curve. These results suggest that the protein binding assay can quantify an IGF-like factor in the plasma of teleost and that the binding sites of IGF are well conserved during vertebrate evolution. Using this IGF binding assay, IGF-like was measured in parallel with growth hormone (GH) in plasma from young rainbow trout killed every 1.5h throughout one day. The daily profiles for both hormones, which appear pulsatile, are similar. A significant correlation was observed between GH levels and IGF-like levels with a 1.5h delay. Analogous observations were obtained in individual catheterized adult rainbow trout. Although plasma GH levels differ greatly between fish, less variability is found with IGF-like. In a third experiment, rainbow trout were starved or submitted to bovine GH treatment for four weeks. Starved fish, in which plasma GH levels increased, had plasma IGF-like level significantly lower than in fed fish. In bGH injected fish, plasma IGF-like level was significantly higher than in non-injected fish. These results suggest that, as in mammals, IGF-like secretion depends on plasma GH level and could be modulated by the nutritional status of fish.  相似文献   

养殖密度影响鱼类福利是鱼类生理生态学、福利学和种群生态学研究中的关键问题,已受到各国学者的关注。文章综述了养殖密度影响鱼类福利的主要研究进展,讨论了鱼类死亡率、生长、摄食以及应激反应等福利指标随养殖密度变化的规律及其描述方法;在此基础上,对鱼类福利指标随不同放养密度变化规律的研究以及应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This paper evaluates the stocking effectiveness of masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou in Hokkaido, northern Japan, through a coast-wide two-stage sampling survey of commercial landings. From January to June 1994–1996, commercial landings of masu salmon at 33–36 fish markets were sampled at 7–10 days intervals, and 60 866–72 124 fish were examined for marks indicated by fin clips. Based on the survey data, numbers of total and hatchery-reared masu salmon landed were estimated. To examine the structure of the errors, stratification of fish markets was implemented on the basis of geography and magnitudes of landings, and the stratification improved accuracy and precision of the estimates. Accuracy of the estimated numbers of total fish was evaluated by being compared to the true numbers of masu salmon landings reported by fishermen's cooperative associations. Estimates of total masu salmon landings were within ± 10% of the true numbers. The estimated recovery rates (± SE) for hatchery-reared masu salmon smolts were variable ranging from 0.18 (± 0.06) to 3.50 (± 0.41)% among the stocked groups. An optimal sampling strategy was examined to obtain precise estimates for future studies.  相似文献   

Stocking density, representing a potential source of long‐term stress, is widely recognized as a critical factor in aquaculture husbandry. Atlantic salmon were reared at low‐density (LSD, ~9.80–18.41 kg m?3, initial to final density), medium‐density (MSD, ~19.62–36.96 kg m?3) and high‐density (HSD, ~28.79–53.54 kg m?3) stocking levels for 66 days to investigate the stress‐induced changes in fish growth and welfare. At the end of the trial, the salmon in HSD group showed significant lower final weight and higher ration level than those in MSD and LSD groups (P < 0.05). The salmon farmed in LSD group had higher special growth rate (SGR) and lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) (P < 0.05). However, stocking density could not affect the mortality, condition factor and coefficient of variation of salmon. The pectoral fin index of salmon in LSD group was significantly higher than that in HSD group (P < 0.05). Fifteen haematological and serum parameters were detected to assess the stress and welfare levels of salmon. The salmon farmed in HSD group had higher glucose (GLU) level and lower Cl?, haemoglobin (HGB) and red blood cell (RBC) concentrations (P < 0.05). Contrast to the pattern of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, the cortisol, maleic dialdehyde (MDA) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels of HSD group were higher than those in other two groups (P < 0.05). All these findings will provide a reference for selecting suitable stocking density in Atlantic salmon farming industry.  相似文献   

Abstract  Marine protected areas are an important tool for management of marine ecosystems. Despite their utility, ecological design criteria are often not considered or feasible to implement when establishing protected areas. In 2001, the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument (VICRNM) in St John, US Virgin Islands was established by Executive Order. The VICRNM prohibits almost all extractive uses. Surveys of habitat and fishes inside and outside of the VICRNM were conducted in 2002–2004. Areas outside the VICRNM had significantly more hard corals, greater habitat complexity, and greater richness, abundance and biomass of reef fishes than areas within the VICRNM. The administrative process used to delineate the boundaries of the VICRNM did not include a robust ecological characterisation of the area. Because of reduced habitat complexity within the VICRNM, the enhancement of the marine ecosystem may not be fully realised or increases in economically important reef fishes may take longer to detect.  相似文献   

Two variants of Loma salmonae occur in net-pen reared chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. The typical variant (OA) has a host specificity for salmonids of the genus Oncorhynchus whereas the atypical variant (SV) has a host specificity for brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, and in this study, the ultrastructure of the two are compared. In fish at 8 weeks post-exposure xenomas of the SV variant have a very high proportion of mature spores compared with other developmental stages, while in xenomas of the OA variant there are fewer spores and many other developmental stages. Spores of the SV variant had up to 20 turns of their polar tube whereas those of the OA variant only had 17. Furthermore, the spores of the SV variant were significantly larger than those of the OA variant. The sporophorous vesicle for both variants appears to form around a sporogonial plasmodia, which results in many spores developing within the vesicle.  相似文献   

Three temperature levels (18, 23 and 28 °C), three stocking density levels (0.72, 1.42 and 2.84 kg m−3) and two sizes of groups (averaging 104 and 173 g respectively) were used to conduct experiments on the effect of temperature, stocking density and fish size on the ammonia excretion (AE) of palmetto bass ( Morone saxatilis × M. chrysops ). The AE increased with the increase in temperatures by a significant degree ( P <0.05) among different temperature groups. There appeared to be a tendency towards increase of the AE with increased stocking densities, and significant differences ( P <0.05) were found among stocking groups. The AE of smaller size-group was significantly higher than that of the larger size-group. Diurnal variation of AE in palmetto bass showed that the AE rose greatly to reach a peak at about 4 h after feeding, and to the lowest values at about 24 h post feeding in all of the experimental groups.  相似文献   

Plasticity in life‐history traits provides advantages for introduced fish in overcoming demographic bottlenecks that would otherwise inhibit establishment. Here, the influence of population density, temperature and latitude was tested on the growth increments and growth rates of invasive populations of topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva, a small Asian cyprinid fish that is invasive across Europe. Aquaria experiments tested the roles of fish number and temperature on growth increments under a fixed food supply, pond experiments tested the role of density on growth increments, and a field study completed in England and Wales tested the influence of density and latitude on growth rates. In aquaria experiments, whilst growth increments were higher at 21 and 23 °C than at 19 and 25 °C, fish number had a greater influence on growth than temperature. Higher growth increments were produced at lower densities. In experimental ponds, growth increments were significantly higher in ponds with low densities of P. parva compared with those at elevated densities. In the field study comprising 10 wild populations across a latitudinal gradient of 4.0°N, a difference in mean air temperatures of approximately 3 °C, and estimated densities between 0.5 and 65.0 m?2, population density was the only significant predictor of growth rates. Whilst populations at very low densities comprised of significantly faster growing individuals, there were no significant differences when densities were between 15 and 65 m?2. Thus, invasive P. parva populations have considerable growth plasticity, especially at low densities, with this likely to be important in their ability to colonise new environments.  相似文献   

Regional coastal conditions have a strong influence on juvenile salmon survival during their critical first months in the marine environment. Salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) survival has been thought to be favored within the high latitude downwelling domain if water column stabilities increase, whereas stability may have the opposite effect in upwelling‐dominated lower latitudes. In this study, the relationships between water column stabilities during early marine residence of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in both the upwelling and downwelling domains of the northeast Pacific Ocean and marine survival rates for hatchery stocks ranging from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, to Kodiak Island, Alaska, were explored. Contrary to expectation, there was no clear difference in the effect of stability on marine survival rates in the downwelling and upwelling domains. In both domains, marine survival rates increased for pink salmon stocks that experienced below‐average stability on the inner shelf during early marine residence. Stability effects from the outer shelf showed no consistent relationship to marine survival within the northeast Pacific.  相似文献   

In this study, effects of stocking density on the growth performance and physiological responses of blunt snout bream, Megalobrama amblycephala juveniles were evaluated. The fish (average body weight, 25.76 ± 2.25 g) were randomly stocked at densities of 30F (30 fish/m3), 60F, 90F and 120F in 12 cages (1 m × 1 m × 1 m) in a concrete pond, with three cages for each density, for a period of 6 weeks. The higher stocking densities had a negative effect on individual growth performance. The results indicated that serum cortisol, triglyceride, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate transaminase, alkaline phosphatase and malondialdehyde activities; and Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Vibrio numbers in the intestinal microflora increased significantly as the stocking density increased. In contrast, the viscerosomatic index, hepatosomatic index survival rate; serum glucose, total cholesterol, lipase, protease, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities; and Clostridium, Bacteroides, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus and Bacillus numbers in the intestinal microflora decreased significantly. The 90F and 120F groups showed obvious enlargement of the lamina propria and goblet cell damage, indicating that the gut showed inflammatory responses. The specific growth rate and weight gain rate increased significantly as the stocking density increased from 30 to 60 fish/m3, but decreased significantly when the stocking density was over 60 fish/m3.  相似文献   

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