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We used the average fork length of age‐3 returning coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and age‐3 ocean‐type and age‐4 stream‐type Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) salmon along the northeast Pacific coast to assess the covariability between established oceanic environmental indices and growth. These indices included the Multivariate El Niño‐Southern Oscillation Index (MEI), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Northern Oscillation Index, and Aleutian Low Pressure Index. Washington, Oregon, and California (WOC) salmon sizes were negatively correlated with the MEI values indicating that ultimate fish size was affected negatively by El Niño‐like events. Further, we show that the growth trajectory of WOC salmon was set following the first ocean winter. Returning ocean‐type British Columbia‐Puget Sound Chinook salmon average fork length was positively correlated with the MEI values during the summer and autumn of return year, which was possibly a result of a shallower mixed layer and improved food‐web productivity of subarctic Pacific waters. Size variation of coho salmon stocks south of Alaska was synchronous and negatively correlated with warm conditions (positive PDO) and weak North Pacific high pressure during ocean residence.  相似文献   

Juvenile marine growth (SW1) of salmon and a new temperature change (TC) index were evaluated as ecosystem indicators and predictors for the post age‐0 year class strength (YCS) of groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and eastern Bering Sea (EBS). Our hypothesis was that SW1, as measured on the scales of adult Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), is a proxy for ocean productivity on the continental shelf, a rearing area for young salmon and groundfish. Less negative TC index values are the result of a cool late summer followed by a warm spring, conditions favorable for groundfish YCS. In the GOA, SW1 was a positive predictor of age‐1 pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), but not age‐2 sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) YCS, indicating that the growth of the Karluk River sockeye salmon that enter Shelikof Strait is a proxy for ocean conditions experienced by age‐0 pollock. Contrary to our hypotheses, the TC index was a negative predictor of GOA pollock YCS; and the SW1 a negative predictor of EBS pollock and cod YCS since the 1980s. Recent fisheries oceanography survey results provide insight into possible mechanisms to support the inverse SW1 and YCS relationship. For the EBS, the TC index was a significant positive predictor for pollock and cod YCS, supporting the hypothesis that a cool late summer followed by a warm spring maximizes the over‐wintering survival of pollock and cod (Gadus macrocephalus), especially since the 1980s. The TC and SW1 index showed value for the assessment of pollock and cod, but not sablefish.  相似文献   

Here we investigate processes affecting productivity of capelin and walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska. We examine pelagic habitat selection by comparing the distribution of juvenile fish and their prey with oceanographic properties and we evaluate the potential for interspecific competition by comparing diets and measures of foraging. The primary field study was conducted in Barnabus Trough, Kodiak Island, Alaska, during September 2005. The distribution of fish was assessed acoustically and trawls were used to collect individual fish for stomach content analyses. Physical and biological data were collected with conductivity–temperature–depth probes and zooplankton tows. Age‐0 pollock were distributed in cool waters offshore of a mid‐trough front, coincident with the distribution of euphausiids, their preferred prey. In contrast, capelin and their prey (copepods) were distributed throughout the trough. We observed that sympatric capelin (occurring with pollock) often had reduced foraging success compared to allopatric capelin (occurring alone). Results of a bioenergetic model also suggest that the exclusion of capelin from foraging on euphausiids can have negative consequences for capelin growth.  相似文献   

We investigated the distributional shifts of groundfish in response to anomalous ocean conditions, particularly the recent anomalously warm period (2014–2016; “The Blob”), based on data from ten Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl surveys conducted by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center during 1996–2015. Six groundfish species were considered: Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus), Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus), northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra), and southern rock sole (Lepidopsetta bilineata). Ontogenetic differences were examined by dividing data for each fish species into size classes. Our study demonstrated that after accounting for size‐specific depth preferences, the spatial responses of groundfish to anomalous ocean conditions differed by species and foraging guild in the central Gulf of Alaska. Pacific cod and arrowtooth flounder showed similar responses to ocean warming, but different responses to cooling. In general, Pacific cod moved to deeper depths in warmer years and moved to shallower depths in colder years. Arrowtooth flounder also moved deeper in warmer years. However, in colder years, large arrowtooth flounder (>40 cm) shifted toward shallower depths while smaller‐sized fish shifted toward deeper depths. In warmer years, large pollock (>30 cm) moved to deeper waters while smaller pollock (10–20 cm) moved to shallower waters. Pacific ocean perch exhibited an opposite response to thermal changes in habitat compared with Pacific cod and arrowtooth flounder. They moved deeper in colder years, but there was no clear change in depth as a function of size in response to warmer habitat.  相似文献   

In 2003, the Alaska walleye pollock industry reported product quality issues attributed to an unspecified parasite in fish muscle. Using molecular and histological methods, we identified the parasite in Bering Sea pollock as Ichthyophonus. Infected pollock were identified throughout the study area, and prevalence was greater in adults than in juveniles. This study not only provides the first documented report of Ichthyophonus in any fish species captured in the Bering Sea, but also reveals that the parasite has been present in this region for nearly 20 years and is not a recent introduction. Sequence analysis of 18S rDNA from Ichthyophonus in pollock revealed that consensus sequences were identical to published parasite sequences from Pacific herring and Yukon River Chinook salmon. Results from this study suggest potential for Ichthyophonus exposures from infected pollock via two trophic pathways; feeding on whole fish as prey and scavenging on industry‐discharged offal. Considering the notable Ichthyophonus levels in pollock, the low host specificity of the parasite and the role of this host as a central prey item in the Bering Sea, pollock likely serve as a key Ichthyophonus reservoir for other susceptible hosts in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Hatcheries release >4.5 billion juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) into the North Pacific Ocean annually, raising concerns about competition with wild salmon populations. We used retrospective scale analysis to investigate how the growth of chum salmon (Oketa) from western Alaska is affected by the abundance of chum salmon from Japanese hatcheries and wild pink salmon (Ogorbuscha) from the Russian Far East. Over nearly five decades, the growth of Kuskokwim River chum salmon was negatively correlated with the abundance of Japanese hatchery chum salmon after accounting for the effects of sex and spring/summer sea‐surface temperature in the Bering Sea. An effect of wild eastern Kamchatka pink salmon abundance on the growth of Kuskokwim River salmon was detectable but modest compared to the intraspecific competitive effect. A decrease in Japanese hatchery chum salmon releases in 2011–2013 was not associated with increased growth of Bering Sea chum salmon. However, the abundance of wild chum salmon from the Russian Far East increased during that time, possibly obscuring reduced competition with hatchery chum salmon. Our results support previous evidence that chum salmon are affected by intraspecific competition, and to a lesser extent interspecific competition, in the North Pacific, underscoring that the effects of salmon hatchery production transcend national boundaries.  相似文献   

Information on prey availability, diets, and trophic levels of fish predators and their prey provides a link between physical and biological changes in the ecosystem and subsequent productivity (growth and survival) of fish populations. In this study two long‐term data sets on summer diets of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in international waters of the central North Pacific Ocean (CNP; 1991–2009) and Gulf of Alaska (GOA; 1993–2002) were evaluated to identify potential drivers of steelhead productivity in the North Pacific. Stable isotopes of steelhead muscle tissue were assessed to corroborate the results of stomach content analysis. We found the composition of steelhead diets varied by ocean age group, region, and year. In both the GOA and CNP, gonatid squid (Berryteuthis anonychus) were the most influential component of steelhead diets, leading to higher prey energy densities and stomach fullness. Stomach contents during an exceptionally warm year in the GOA and CNP (1997) were characterized by high diversity of prey with low energy density, few squid, and a large amount of potentially toxic debris (e.g., plastic). Indicators of good diets (high proportions of squid and high prey energy density) were negatively correlated with abundance of wild populations of eastern Kamchatka pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) in the CNP. In conclusion, interannual variations in climate, abundance of squid, and density‐dependent interactions with highly‐abundant stocks of pink salmon were identified as potential key drivers of steelhead productivity in these ecosystems. Additional research in genetic stock identification is needed to link these potential drivers of productivity to individual populations.  相似文献   

Using a salmon migration model based on the assumption that swimming orientation is temperature dependent, we investigated the determining factors of the migration of juvenile and immature chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the North Pacific. We compared the predictions of the model with catch data of immature and juvenile chum salmon collected by Japanese research vessels from 1972 to 1999. The salmon migration model reproduced the observed distributions of immature chum salmon and indicates that passive transport by wind‐driven and geostrophic currents plays an important role in the eastward migration of Asian salmon. These factors result in a non‐symmetric distribution of Asian and North American chum salmon in the open ocean. The directional swimming component contributes to the northward migration in summer. The model results indicate that during the first winter Asian chum salmon swim northward against the southward wind‐driven currents to stay in the western North Pacific. This suggests that Asian chum salmon require more energy to migrate than other stocks during the first winter of their ocean life.  相似文献   

Recruitment variability in many fish populations is postulated to be influenced by climatic and oceanographic variability. However, a mechanistic understanding of the influence of specific variables on recruitment is generally lacking. Feeding ecology is one possible mechanism that more directly links ocean conditions and recruitment. We test this mechanism using juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) collected off the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, in 2000–2009. Stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C), an indicator of temperature or primary productivity, and nitrogen (δ15N), an indicator of trophic position, were taken from muscle tissues of genetically stock‐identified salmon. We also collated large‐scale climate indices (e.g., Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Pacific Gyre Oscillation), local climate variables (e.g., sea surface temperature) and copepod community composition across these years. We used a Bayesian network to determine how ocean conditions influenced feeding ecology, and subsequent survival rates. We found that smolt survival of Chinook Salmon is predicted by their δ13C value, but not their δ15N. In turn, large‐scale climate variability determined the δ13C values of salmon, thus linking climate to survival through feeding ecology, likely through qualities propagated from the base of the food chain.  相似文献   

Horizontal ocean transport can influence the dynamics of higher‐trophic‐level species in coastal ecosystems by altering either physical oceanographic conditions or the advection of food resources into coastal areas. In this study, we investigated whether variability in two North Pacific Current (NPC) indices was associated with changes in productivity of North American Pacific salmon stocks. Specifically, we used Bayesian hierarchical models to estimate the effects of the north‐south location of the NPC bifurcation (BI) and the NPC strength, indexed by the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), on the productivity of 163 pink, chum, and sockeye salmon stocks. We found that for salmon stocks located in Washington (WA) and British Columbia (BC), both the BI and NPGO had significant positive effects on productivity, indicating that a northward‐shifted bifurcation and a stronger NPC are associated with increased salmon productivity. For the WA and BC regions, the estimated NPGO effect was over two times larger than the BI effect for pink and chum salmon, whereas for sockeye salmon the BI effect was 2.4 times higher than the NPGO. In contrast to WA and BC stocks, we found weak effects of both horizontal ocean transport processes on the productivity of salmon stocks in Alaska. Our results indicated that horizontal transport pathways might strongly influence population dynamics of Pacific salmon in the southern part of their North American ranges, but not the northern part, suggesting that different environmental pathways may underlie changes in salmon productivity in northern and southern areas for the species under consideration.  相似文献   

Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to investigate the relationships between annual recruitment of natural coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from Oregon coastal rivers and indices of the physical ocean environment. Nine indices were examined, ranging from large‐scale ocean indicators, e.g., Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), to indicators of the local ecosystem (e.g., coastal water temperature near Charleston, OR). Generalized additive models with two and three predictor variables were evaluated using a set of performance metrics aimed at quantifying model skill in short‐term (approximately 1 yr) forecasting. High explanatory power and promising forecast skill resulted when the spring/summer PDO averaged over the 4 yr prior to the return year was used to explain a low‐frequency (multi‐year) pattern in recruitment and one or two additional variables accounted for year‐to‐year deviations from the low‐frequency pattern. More variance was explained when averaging the predictions from a set of models (i.e., taking the ensemble mean) than by any single model. Making multiple forecasts from a set of models also provided a range of possible outcomes that reflected, to some degree, the uncertainty in our understanding of how salmon productivity is driven by physical ocean conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Stocks of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma collected from: (i) the Sea of Japan (off Rebun Island and Kumaishi); (ii) the Pacific coast (off Shikabe and eastern Hokkaido); and (iii) Nemuro Strait off Hokkaido, northern Japan, were examined for anisakid nematodes during December 1999 to February 2000, and the prevalence and abundance of Anisakis simplex and Contracaecum osculatum larvae were compared among the various sampling sites for fish of the same size and age. Anisakis simplex was generally more abundant than C. osculatum . Infection by A. simplex varied between the aforementioned stocks of walleye pollock as well as within stocks, whereby fish from off Rebun Island and Nemuro Strait were infected the most, followed by those from off the Pacific coast and Kumaishi. Infection by C. osculatum differed between the host stocks, and C. osculatum was the most abundant among the fish from Nemuro Strait. The infection variations seemed to be due to differences in host growth rate, host feeding habit, and the distribution of marine mammal final hosts. The results indicate that these two larval nematodes are useful biological indicators for the population study of walleye pollock in Japanese waters.  相似文献   

Concern about impacts of climate change in the Bering Sea prompted several research programs to elucidate mechanistic links between climate and ecosystem responses. Following a detailed literature review, Hunt et al. (2011) (Deep‐Sea Res. II, 49, 2002, 5821) developed a conceptual framework, the Oscillating Control Hypothesis (OCH), linking climate‐related changes in physical oceanographic conditions to stock recruitment using walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) as a model. The OCH conceptual model treats zooplankton as a single box, with reduced zooplankton production during cold conditions, producing bottom‐up control of apex predators and elevated zooplankton production during warm periods leading to top‐down control by apex predators. A recent warming trend followed by rapid cooling on the Bering Sea shelf permitted testing of the OCH. During warm years (2003–06), euphausiid and Calanus marshallae populations declined, post‐larval pollock diets shifted from a mixture of large zooplankton and small copepods to almost exclusively small copepods, and juvenile pollock dominated the diets of large predators. With cooling from 2006–09, populations of large zooplankton increased, post‐larval pollock consumed greater proportions of C. marshallae and other large zooplankton, and juvenile pollock virtually disappeared from the diets of large pollock and salmon. These shifts in energy flow were accompanied by large declines in pollock stocks attributed to poor recruitment between 2001 and 2005. Observations presented here indicate the need for revision of the OCH to account for shifts in energy flow through differing food‐web pathways due to warming and cooling on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf.  相似文献   

Our collaborative work focused on understanding the system of mechanisms influencing the mortality of juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Coordinated field studies, data analysis and numerical modelling projects were used to identify and explain the mechanisms and their roles in juvenile mortality. In particular, project studies addressed the identification of major fish and bird predators consuming juvenile salmon and the evaluation of three hypotheses linking these losses to (i) alternative prey for predators (prey‐switching hypothesis); (ii) salmon foraging behaviour (refuge‐dispersion hypothesis); and (iii) salmon size and growth (size‐refuge hypothesis). Two facultative planktivorous fishes, Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) and walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), probably consumed the most juvenile pink salmon each year, although other gadids were also important. Our prey‐switching hypothesis was supported by data indicating that herring and pollock switched to alternative nekton prey, including juvenile salmon, when the biomass of large copepods declined below about 0.2 g m?3. Model simulations were consistent with these findings, but simulations suggested that a June pteropod bloom also sheltered juvenile salmon from predation. Our refuge‐dispersion hypothesis was supported by data indicating a five‐fold increase in predation losses of juvenile salmon when salmon dispersed from nearshore habitats as the biomass of large copepods declined. Our size‐refuge hypothesis was supported by data indicating that size‐ and growth‐dependent vulnerabilities of salmon to predators were a function of predator and prey sizes and the timing of predation events. Our model simulations offered support for the efficacy of representing ecological processes affecting juvenile fishes as systems of coupled evolution equations representing both spatial distribution and physiological status. Simulations wherein model dimensionality was limited through construction of composite trophic groups reproduced the dominant patterns in salmon survival data. In our study, these composite trophic groups were six key zooplankton taxonomic groups, two categories of adult pelagic fishes, and from six to 12 groups for tagged hatchery‐reared juvenile salmon. Model simulations also suggested the importance of salmon density and predator size as important factors modifying the predation process.  相似文献   

More than 1,000 age-identified chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta collected at 23 stations in the Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean in June to July 2003 were used to estimate their origin of stocks using a DNA microarray developed for analyzing the mitochondrial (mt)DNA haplotypes. The observed haplotype distribution was nearly the same as that reported previously for fish collected in September 2002 and 2003 in the present surveyed areas. A conditional maximum-likelihood method for estimation of stock compositions indicated that the Japanese stocks mainly distributed in north central Bering Sea, whereas the Russian stocks were mainly in western Bering Sea. The North American stocks were abundant in eastern Bering Sea and around the Aleutian Islands. Such an area-specific stock composition was not significantly different between mature and immature fish. Thus, the combined results of 2 years suggest that the distribution of chum salmon is nonrandom in the surveyed areas in summer and autumn, and that fish of the same origin migrate together to the same area irrespective of age.  相似文献   

The ocean survival of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) off the Pacific Northwest coast has been related to oceanographic conditions regulating lower trophic level production during their first year at sea. Coastal upwelling is recognized as the primary driver of seasonal plankton production but as a single index upwelling intensity has been an inconsistent predictor of coho salmon survival. Our goal was to develop a model of upwelling‐driven meso‐zooplankton production for the Oregon shelf ecosystem that was more immediately linked to the feeding conditions experienced by juvenile salmon than a purely physical index. The model consisted of a medium‐complexity plankton model linked to a simple one‐dimensional, cross‐shelf upwelling model. The plankton model described the dynamics of nitrate, ammonium, small and large phytoplankton, meso‐zooplankton (copepods), and detritus. The model was run from 1996 to 2007 and evaluated on an interannual scale against time‐series observations of copepod biomass. The model’s ability to capture observed interannual variability improved substantially when the copepod community size distribution was taken into account each season. The meso‐zooplankton production index was significantly correlated with the ocean survival of hatchery coho salmon from the Oregon production area, although the coastal upwelling index that drove the model was not itself correlated with survival. Meso‐zooplankton production within the summer quarter (July–September) was more strongly correlated with coho survival than was meso‐zooplankton production in the spring quarter (April–June).  相似文献   

A study of common minke and Bryde's whales was conducted in the western North Pacific in the 2000 and 2001 summer seasons to estimate prey selection of cetaceans as this is an important parameter in ecosystem models. Whale sighting and sampling surveys and prey surveys using quantitative echosounder and mid‐water trawl were carried out concurrently in the study. Biomasses of Japanese anchovy, walleye pollock and krill, which were major prey species of common minke and Bryde's whales, were estimated using an echosounder. The results suggested that common minke whale showed prey selection for Japanese anchovy while they seemed to avoid krill in both the offshore and coastal regions and walleye pollock in the continental shelf region. Selection for shoaling pelagic fish was similar to that in the eastern North Atlantic. Bryde's whale showed selection for Japanese anchovy in August 2000 and July 2001, while it showed prey selection for krill in May and June in 2001.  相似文献   

Acoustic trawl surveys were conducted in 2000 and 2001 in two troughs located off the eastern coast of Kodiak Island in the Gulf of Alaska as part of a multiyear, multidisciplinary experiment to examine the influence of environmental conditions on the spatial distribution of adult and juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and capelin (Mallotus villosus). Continuous underway sea surface temperature samples and water column profiles collected in 2000 and 2001 showed the presence of a sharp shelf‐break front in Chiniak Trough and a mid‐trough front in Barnabas Trough. At distances <22 km from shore, the water column was well mixed, whereas a well‐defined mixed layer was present beyond approximately 22 km from shore. Satellite drifter tracks in Barnabas Trough entered along the upstream edge of the trough and appeared to follow the frontal boundary across the middle portion of the trough. A storm in 2001 weakened stratification and cooled surface water temperature by 1.6–2.1°C. Wind mixing associated with the storm event mixed subsurface chlorophyll a to the surface and enhanced nutrients in the surface waters. The storm event revealed spatial partitioning of summer production in Barnabas Trough, with production concentrated in regions inside the mid‐trough front. In contrast, post‐storm summer production was distributed throughout Chiniak Trough. The spatial distribution of walleye pollock and capelin differed and appeared to be related to differences in habitat characteristics. Acoustic survey data identified four acoustic sign types: age‐1 pollock, adult pollock, capelin, capelin–age‐0 pollock mix. The spatial distribution of these four sign types appears to be influenced by the oceanographic and topographic features of the two troughs. Adult pollock were broadly distributed throughout Chiniak Trough, whereas adult pollock were aggregated on the coastal side of the frontal system in Barnabas Trough. In 2000, capelin occurred with age‐0 pollock. In Chiniak Trough, capelin were most abundant along steep topographic gradients at the edges of the trough and in a deep region near Cape Chiniak, whereas the capelin–age‐0 mix (2000) or capelin (2001) concentrations were observed in slope water intrusions over the outer shelf in Barnabas Trough. Results suggest that habitat selection of walleye pollock and capelin are controlled by different processes. Capelin distributions appear to be limited by oceanographic conditions while other factors appear to be more important for pollock.  相似文献   

Information on the annual variability in abundance and growth of juvenile groundfish can be useful for predicting fisheries stocks, but is often poorly known owing to difficulties in sampling fish in their first year of life. In the Western Gulf of Alaska (WGoA) and Eastern Bering Sea (EBS) ecosystems, three species of puffin (tufted and horned puffin, Fratercula cirrhata, Fratercula corniculata, and rhinoceros auklet, Cerorhinca monocerata, Alcidae), regularly prey upon (i.e., “sample”) age-0 groundfish, including walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogramma, Gadidae) and Pacific cod (Gadus microcephalus, Gadidae). Here, we test the hypothesis that integrating puffin dietary data with walleye pollock stock assessment data provides information useful for fisheries management, including indices of interannual variation in age-0 abundance and growth. To test this hypothesis, we conducted cross-correlation and regression analyses of puffin-based indices and spawning stock biomass (SSB) for the WGoA and EBS walleye pollock stocks. For the WGoA, SSB leads the abundance of age-0 fish in the puffin diet, indicating that puffins sample the downstream production of the WGoA spawning stock. By contrast, the abundance and growth of age-0 fish sampled by puffins lead SSB for the EBS stock by 1–3 years, indicating that the puffin diet proxies incoming year class strength for this stock. Our study indicates connectivity between the WGoA and EBS walleye pollock stocks. Integration of non-traditional data sources, such as seabird diet data, with stock assessment data appears useful to inform information gaps important for managing US fisheries in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Differences in zooplankton populations in relation to climate have been explored extensively on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf, specifically in relation to recruitment of the commercially important species walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus). We addressed two research questions in this study: (i) Does the relative abundance of individual copepod species life history stages differ across warm and cold periods and (ii) Do estimated secondary production rates for copepods differ across warm and cold periods? For most copepod species, warmer conditions resulted in increased abundances in May, the opposite was observed in colder conditions. Abundances of smaller‐sized copepod species did not differ significantly between the warm and cold periods, whereas abundances of larger‐sized Calanus spp. increased during the cold period during July and September. Estimated secondary production rates in the warm period were highest in May for smaller‐sized copepods; production in the cold period was dominated by the larger‐sized Calanus spp. in July and September. We hypothesize that these observed patterns are a function of temperature‐driven changes in phenology combined with shifts in size‐based trophic relationships with primary producers. Based on this hypothesis, we present a conceptual model that builds upon the Oscillating Control Hypothesis to explain how variability in copepod production links to pollock variability. Specifically, fluctuations in spring sea‐ice drive regime‐dependent copepod production over the southeastern Bering Sea, but greatest impacts to upper trophic levels are driven by cascading July/September differences in copepod production.  相似文献   

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