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The general warming of the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) and the wide range of abundance exhibited by several eastern Bering Sea flatfish motivated an examination of how density‐dependent and density‐independent factors may influence the spatial distributions of EBS flatfish. In this study, EBS trawl survey data from 1982 to 2006 were used to examine how temporal changes in the distributions of six flatfish species groups [yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera), rock sole (Lepidopsetta sp.), flathead sole (Hippoglossoides sp.), Alaska plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus), arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes sp.), and Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)] are related to temporal changes in the location of the ‘cold pool’ (bottom water < 2°C), and how the area occupied by flatfish are related to the cold pool and population abundance. Rock sole and flathead sole distributions have generally moved northwest since 1982 and are significantly correlated with the movement of the cold pool, whereas arrowtooth flounder avoid the cold pool and their area occupied is inversely related to the size of the cold pool. The area occupied by arrowtooth flounder and rock sole are also significantly related to stock abundance. Multivariate statistical models indicate that the location of rock sole is more strongly related to stock abundance than to the cold pool, whereas the area occupied by arrowtooth flounder is more strongly related to the area of the cold pool rather than abundance. The temperatures occupied by several flatfish stocks indicate a substantial variability in suitable temperatures. These results suggest that a complex suite of density‐dependent and density‐independent factors may determine the response of EBS flatfish spatial distributions to increasing temperatures.  相似文献   

In the view of an urgent necessity to improve the quantity and the quality of farmed fish species, there is a strong need to improve our basic knowledge on the effects of first feeding during the developmental stages of fish larvae. High mortality, mainly due to food deprivation or inappropriate food quality, has been observed in many larval fish species, but knowledge about the morphological, biochemical and molecular processes related to this topic is still poorly understood. The understanding of the early larval ontogeny as well as the larval nutritional requirements and the molecular and cellular mechanisms elicited by fish larvae during food deprivation and starvation are thus of primary importance. At this regard, this study investigates, in Dover sole larvae, the effects of starvation and starving/re‐feeding procedures at a morphological, histological, biochemical and molecular level. The results evidenced that starved larvae progressively decrease in growth, lipid content, affected their gastrointestinal tract and muscle development and increased cortisol and heat shock protein 70 levels. On the contrary, starved and re‐fed larvae showed, after the restoration of a favourable feeding condition, a compensatory growth. In conclusion, this is the first study analysing through a multidisciplinary approach the effects of food deprivation on the development of an important economic species, the Dover sole.  相似文献   

Nearshore hypoxia along the coast of Oregon and Washington is a seasonal phenomenon that has generated concern among scientists studying this temperate upwelling ecosystem. These waters are affected by coastal upwelling‐induced hypoxia mainly during late summer and fall, but the effects of low oxygen levels on fish and invertebrate communities, particularly during the early‐life history stages, are poorly known. We investigated the effects of hypoxia and other variables on the species composition, density, vertical and horizontal distribution of fish larvae along the Oregon and Washington coasts during the summers of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Bottom‐dissolved oxygen (DO) values ranged from 0.49 to 4.79 mL L?1, but the overall water column DO values were only moderately hypoxic during the 3 yr of sampling compared with recent extreme years. In this study, DO was found to be an environmental parameter affecting the species composition, but other variables such as season, year and depth of capture were also important. Although the overall density of fish larvae increased with increasing bottom‐DO values, the effect on individual species density was limited. Slender sole (Lyopsetta exilis) and sand sole (Psettichthys melanostictus) were the only species to have a weak trend of density with DO, but both showed negative relationships and neither relationship was significant. Our results indicate that larval fish spatial distribution was only moderately affected within the range of observed oxygen values, but low DO may be an important factor under intense hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates environmental drivers of U.S. West Coast petrale sole (Eopsetta jordani) recruitment as an initial step toward developing an environmental recruitment index that can inform the stock assessment in the absence of survey observations of age‐0 and age‐1 fish. First, a conceptual life history approach is used to generate life‐stage‐specific and spatio‐temporally specific mechanistic hypotheses regarding oceanographic variables that likely influence survival at each life stage. Seven life history stages are considered, from female spawner condition through benthic recruitment as observed in the Northwest Fisheries Science Center West Coast Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey (age‐2 fish). The study area encompasses the region from 40 to 48°N in the California Current Ecosystem. Hypotheses are tested using output from a regional ocean reanalysis model outputs and model selection techniques. Four oceanographic variables explained 73% of the variation in recruitment not accounted for by estimates based exclusively on the spawning stock size. Recruitment deviations were (a) positively correlated with degree days during the female precondition period, (b) positively correlated with mixed‐layer depth during the egg stage, (c) negatively correlated with cross‐shelf transport during the larval stage, and (d) negatively correlated with cross‐shelf transport during the benthic juvenile stage. While multiple mechanisms likely affect petrale sole recruitment at different points during their life history, the strength of the relationship is promising for stock assessment and integrated ecosystem assessment applications.  相似文献   

Highly productive surface waters and hypoxic (dissolved oxygen, DO ≤ 2.0 mg L?1) bottom waters develop seasonally on the northwestern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf due to nutrient and freshwater inputs from the Mississippi‐Atchafalaya River system. We investigated the spatial distribution of the cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus), a highly mobile, bentho‐pelagic species that is a seasonal resident of the shelf, in relation to surface chlorophyll, bottom‐water hypoxia, and other environmental variables (salinity, temperature, depth). We used synoptic trawl and aerial surveys to investigate ray distributions at both shelfwide (100–1000s km) and local (5–50 km) spatial scales. Shelfwide sampling indicated that rays were associated with regions of high surface chlorophyll and low bottom salinity and DO, conditions characterizing the Mississippi‐Atchafalaya plume region. Local sampling in and around the hypoxic zone indicated that rays preferred habitats where bottom waters were hypoxic but they primarily occupied normoxic (DO > 2.0 mg L?1) waters above the bottom hypoxic layer. Stomach fullness and diet composition were similar between rays sampled in habitats with hypoxic versus normoxic bottom waters. These results indicate that cownose rays are strongly associated with riverine‐influenced regions of the shelf and preferentially use habitats with hypoxic bottom waters, perhaps for benthic foraging. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of considering the responses of mobile species to enhanced productivity and to hypoxia‐induced habitat degradation, which are both the products of coastal eutrophication.  相似文献   

Northern rock sole recruitment in the eastern Bering Sea has been hypothesized to (a) depend on wind‐driven surface currents linking spawning and nursery areas, (b) be density‐dependent, and (c) be negatively impacted by cold bottom temperatures over a large nursery area during the first summer of life. A suite of models was developed to test these hypotheses. Data included 32 years of recruitment and spawning biomass estimates derived from a stock assessment model and wind and temperature indices customized to the environmental exposure of age‐0 northern rock sole in the eastern Bering Sea. The predictive ability of the models was evaluated, and the models were used to forecast recruitment to age‐4 for recent year classes which are poorly retained by the standard multi‐species bottom trawl survey gear. Models which included wind and temperature indices performed better than a naïve forecast based on the running mean. The best‐performing model was a categorical model with wind and temperature thresholds, which explained 49% of the variation in recruitment. Ricker models performed more poorly than models without a spawning biomass term, providing no evidence that recruitment is related to stock size. The models forecast higher recruitment for the most recent year classes (2015–2018) than for prior year classes with observed poor recruitment (2006–2013). These environment‐based recruitment forecasts may improve recruitment estimates for the most recent year classes and facilitate study of the effects of future climate change on northern rock sole population dynamics.  相似文献   

In August 2007, as part of the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) West Coast Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey, we examined the biomass of demersal organisms in a known hypoxic area off the Oregon coast. Although observed each summer, the intensity of hypoxia has varied annually (2002–2007) with the greatest temporal and spatial extent noted in 2006. In 2007 we identified the geographic extent of the hypoxic zone and sampled 17 stations along two depth contours (50 and 70 m) within the area. A Sea-Bird SBE 19 plus equipped with a dissolved oxygen (DO) sensor was attached to the bottom trawl to monitor oxygen concentration during each tow. Bottom DO concentrations at all stations were hypoxic with means along the tow tracts ranging from 0.43 to 1.27 mL L−1. Total catch per unit effort (ln CPUE, kg hectare−1) and species diversity (number of species, N ) were significantly and positively related to oxygen concentration along the hypoxic gradient. In addition, CPUE (natural log-transformed) for eight fish species and five benthic invertebrate species were significantly and positively related to bottom oxygen concentration within the hypoxic region. Condition factors for five fish species, as well as Dungeness crab ( Cancer magister ) increased with increased bottom oxygen levels along the hypoxic gradient. Historical catch (2003–2006) within the hypoxic zone indicates that biomass was significantly lower in 2006, the year with the lowest bottom DO levels, relative to other years.  相似文献   

Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) below near‐surface optimums in the eastern tropical seas are among the largest contiguous areas of naturally occurring hypoxia in the world oceans, and are predicted to expand and shoal with global warming. In the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP), the surface mixed layer is defined by a shallow thermocline above a barrier of cold hypoxic water, where dissolved oxygen levels are ≤3.5 mL L?1. This thermocline (~25–50 m) constitutes a lower hypoxic habitat boundary for high oxygen demand tropical pelagic billfish and tunas (i.e., habitat compression). To evaluate similar oceanographic conditions found in the eastern tropical Atlantic (ETA), we compared vertical habitat use of 32 sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) and 47 blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) monitored with pop‐up satellite archival tags in the ETA and western North Atlantic (WNA). Both species spent significantly greater proportions of their time in near‐surface waters when inside the ETA than when in the WNA. We contend that the near‐surface density of billfish and tunas increases as a consequence of the ETA OMZ, therefore increasing their vulnerability to overexploitation by surface gears. Because the ETA OMZ encompasses nearly all Atlantic equatorial waters, the potential impacts of overexploitation are a concern. Considering the obvious differences in catchability inside and outside the compression zones, it seems essential to standardize these catch rates separately to minimize inaccuracies in stock assessments for these species. This is especially true in light of global warming, which will likely exacerbate future compression impacts.  相似文献   

Diets of top predators may be useful indicators to the availability of forage fish in marine ecosystems. Juvenile rockfish (young‐of‐the‐year Sebastes spp.) compose a significant part of the diet for many predators in the central California Current, including chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and several species of marine birds and mammals. Herein, we develop annual indices of juvenile rockfish relative abundance by collating time series data sets on: (i) the proportion of rockfish in the diet of three species of seabirds breeding on Southeast Farallon Island (1975–2002); (ii) the number of rockfish in chinook salmon stomachs (1980–99); and (iii) the abundance of rockfish captured in scientific mid‐water trawl net surveys (1983–2002). We used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to combine indices, and refer to these as ‘Multivariate Rockfish Indices’ (MRI). Combining time series verifies the patterns shown by each alone and provides a synoptic perspective on juvenile rockfish relative abundance. The diets of predators with the largest foraging ranges (Common Murre, Uria aalge) and chinook salmon co‐varied strongly with the net samples, and appear to be the best indicators. The salmon also sampled species of Sebastes not caught in the nets. The MRI reveals interannual variability in juvenile rockfish abundance, a substantial decline in abundance in the 1990s, and a partial recovery in the early 2000s. Predator‐based sampling is a cost‐effective enhancement of scientific net sampling.  相似文献   

Northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra) is a commercially important fish in the North Pacific and a focal species in understanding larval transport to nursery grounds in the Bering Sea. However, the temperature‐dependent vital rates and settlement dynamics for this species have not been described in detail. We reared northern rock sole larvae in the laboratory to measure growth, condition, development and settlement parameters across four temperatures (2, 4, 7 and 10°C). Both length and mass‐measured growth rates increased with temperature and were best described by non‐linear regression. Residuals of the length–mass relationships were positively related to temperature, indicating larval condition also increased with temperature. Larval development and settlement were largely size dependent, resulting in reduced larval stage duration and earlier settlement at higher temperatures owing to more rapid growth at elevated temperatures. However, larvae at colder temperatures were less developed at a given size, but more likely to settle at smaller sizes than larvae reared in warmer conditions. These temperature–response parameters can be used to refine current and future transport models for northern rock sole larvae under changing environmental conditions in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Offshore‐ and deepwater‐spawning flatfish species face the problem of transport of their planktonic stages to shallow juvenile nursery grounds that are often far shoreward in bays or estuaries. We compare life history attributes of four offshore‐spawning flatfish species in the Gulf of Alaska: Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus) and Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus) to examine how their larvae get from a spawning location at the edge or beyond the continental shelf to specific inshore nursery zones. We utilize historical records of survey catches of different life stages to characterize the stage‐specific changes in distribution of spawning, planktonic stages and juvenile nursery areas. We infer transport mechanisms based on the shifts in distribution of the life stages and in comparison with local physical oceanography. This comparison provides insight into the different mechanisms marine species may use to solve the common ‘problem’ of planktonic drift and juvenile settlement.  相似文献   

In this work, we have assessed the effects of different stocking densities on the biometry, survival and physiological status of the wedge sole (Dicologoglossa cuneata), focusing on changes in the stress system and intermediate metabolism, with the aim of determining a stress indicator for chronic‐stress situations in this species. Wedge sole were kept at three different stocking densities (0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 kg m?3) for 197 days, and survival, growth, plasma metabolites, cortisol and enzymatic activities were assessed. Survival rates were the highest at low density, though growth did not vary significantly among treatments. Enzymatic activities, mainly in muscle, differed depending on stocking density. Liver hexokinase activity at low stocking density was the highest, while no differences were detected for the other enzymes assessed. In muscle, all enzymes significantly increased in activity with stocking density. We concluded that long‐term high stocking density culture significantly changed enzyme activities (hexokinase, glutamate dehydrogenase, glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase, and lactate dehydrogenase) in wedge sole muscle, although liver enzymes, plasma cortisol and metabolites did not vary significantly. Therefore, muscle enzymes, hexokinase and glutamate dehydrogenase, could be considered stress indicators for this species in chronic‐stress situations.  相似文献   

Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis, Kaup) is a promising flatfish species in aquaculture. However, skeletal anomalies are still a great concern in sole farming. Investigation of this issue is crucial to improving larval quality and optimizing production. The aim of this study was to thoroughly assess anomalies in the rachis of reared sole at early developmental stages. Sole (n = 507) were sampled at 31 or 32 days after hatching (dah). The specimens were stained with alcian blue and alizarin red and evaluated for the detection of vertebral deformities. Most fish presented 9:34:3 vertebrae in abdominal, caudal and caudal complex regions, respectively. Remarkably, all specimens showed at least one spinal anomaly. Alterations of neural/haemal elements, as well as deformities of hypurals, parhypural and epural, were recurrent. Vertebral body anomalies and/or vertebral column deviations were identified in 52% of the individuals. Vertebral deformations and fusions were common, especially in caudal complex. ‘Minor’ anomalies were predominant, and some of the detected disorders might be a result of non‐/low‐pathological processes. These results contribute a new insight into the main skeletal anomalies affecting cultured sole larvae. Further research is required to determine their impact on fish welfare and external appearances at commercial stages.  相似文献   

Overfished species of rockfish, Sebastes spp., from the Northeast Pacific experience high bycatch mortality because of ‘barotrauma’, a condition induced from the rapid change in pressure during capture. Field experiments show that it may be possible for rockfish to recover from barotrauma if quickly recompressed; however, no work has followed the physiological recovery of rockfish after recompression or determined whether it is possible for rockfish to survive barotrauma in the long term. Barotrauma was induced in adult black rockfish, Sebastes melanops Girard, from a simulated depth of 35 m, followed by recompression. Blood and selected tissues (eye, heart ventricle, head kidney, liver, rete mirabile and gonad) were sampled at days 3, 15 and 31 post‐recompression to evaluate the tissue‐ and physiologic‐level response during recovery. No mortality from barotrauma occurred during the experiments, and feeding resumed in 80% of both treatment and control fish. The primary injury in treatment fish was the presence of a ruptured swimbladder and/or a ruptured tunica externa (outer layer of swimbladder), which was slow to heal. Blood plasma was analysed for glucose, sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, insulin‐like growth factor‐1 and cortisol. Plasma analyses indicated no strong effects because of barotrauma, suggesting overall handling stress outweighed any effect from barotrauma. Rockfish with ruptured swimbladders may face compromised competency in the wild; however, it appears the majority of black rockfish decompressed from 35 m have a high potential for recovery if recompressed immediately after capture. This research suggests recompression could be a valuable bycatch mortality reduction tool for rockfish in recreational fisheries.  相似文献   

The benefits of protection of a small (4.3 km2) marine protected area (MPA) for Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, were investigated through experimental fishing trials and long‐term (up to 293 days) passive acoustic telemetry. A total of 106 trammel net sets were carried out between 2007 and 2011. Significant differences in abundance and biomass of sole between bottom types/depths (sandy bottoms between 12 and 20 m deep vs muddy bottoms between 35 and 45 m deep) were found, but no significant differences were attributable to the implementation of the no‐take area. Passive acoustic telemetry revealed that most Senegalese sole spent a large part of their time between first and last detections (average residency index = 69%) inside a relatively small area (average 95% = 1.2 km2), during which they preferred sandy bottoms, the most common habitat inside the MPA. Results also demonstrated that Senegalese sole do regular excursions beyond reserve boundaries, eventually emigrating from the MPA. The results suggest that small coastal MPAs providing adequate habitat may protect individuals of this species while allowing for moderate levels of adult spillover to neighbouring areas.  相似文献   

海州湾前三岛海域底层鱼类群落结构特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2013年5月至2014年4月,对前三岛海域底层鱼类群落采样调查共渔获鱼类6目15科22种。大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)、许氏平鲉(Sebastes schlegelii)、斑头鱼(Hexagrammos agrammus)和星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)等属于常年性岩礁鱼类,是该区域鱼类群落的优势种。花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)、大头鳕(Gadus macrocephalus)、鲹科和鲭科种类为季节性洄游鱼类。应用典范对应分析(CCA)方法分析了环境因子对鱼类群落结构的影响,结果表明,鱼类时空分布主要受底层水温和底层水体溶解氧含量的影响。斑头鱼、五带高鳍鰕虎鱼(Pterogobius zacalles)、褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)、铠平鲉(Sebastes hubbsi)、鲐(Scomber japonicus)和高体鰤(Seriola dumerili)资源量与底层水温密切正相关;大头鳕和大泷六线鱼资源量与底层水体溶解氧含量关系最为密切,且大头鳕仅分布在低温季节具有较高溶解氧的深水区;许氏平鲉和星康吉鳗分布区域广泛。基于稳定氮同位素法确定了鱼类营养级,常年性岩礁鱼类位于第三营养级和第四营养级,属于中级肉食性和高级肉食性鱼类;花鲈和大头鳕处于最高营养级(4.0),是顶级捕食者。  相似文献   

Knowing how Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) distribute in relation to ocean conditions is of primary importance to halibut managers, as they are tasked with estimating stock size and designing effective monitoring programs amidst a changing climate. This research examined near‐bottom environmental data alongside halibut survey catch data for the years 2006–2009 on the continental shelf of Oregon, Washington, and southern British Columbia. The objectives of the research were to: (1) characterize summer environmental conditions and halibut distribution; (2) explore ranges and possible tolerance thresholds for halibut in relation to temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, and pH; and (3) identify the primary environmental factors affecting distribution of halibut and model the observed relationships. Seasonal hypoxia is an annual feature of the study area and results suggest halibut exhibited an apparent DO minimum threshold of 0.9 mL L?1. Ordinary least squares multiple regression analysis indicated that depth, temperature, and DO were significant variables in predicting halibut distribution, whereas salinity and bottom type were not. Ambiguity in model results led to the use of two additional analytical methods, geographically weighted regression (GWR) and tree regression, to examine regional variation and the overarching structure of halibut distribution. The three models yielded similar results indicating the importance of DO and temperature as variables describing structure. The GWR model yielded the best fit of the three when using DO as a predictor variable, indicating that regional variation is a factor. These results suggest that low, but above‐threshold, DO may be contributing to catchability differences in the survey.  相似文献   

This study focused on the comparison of growth and mortality of Lion's Paw scallops Nodipecten subnodosus from Gulf of California and Pacific populations and their reciprocal transplants, cultured in suspended module and bottom culture in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Environmental parameters were monitored to determine site‐specific differences and were correlated with scallops' population‐specific responses. Significant differences in growth were found between sites, populations and grow‐out methods. Growth performance of scallops originating from the Pacific population was lower and uniform between Pacific and Gulf culture sites, whereas Gulf scallops cultured at the Pacific site grew better. Growth and survival was higher in suspended than bottom culture, mainly due to depth‐associated differences in food and oxygen supply. Increasing temperatures and decreasing food and oxygen during summer months resulted in depressed growth and elevated mortality. At the Pacific site, this was partially compensated by considerably higher food availability. Gulf scallops resisted high diurnal temperature changes at San Buto significantly better than Pacific scallops. They also survived generally better than the Pacific population, independent of site and grow‐out method, indicating physiological adaptations to high temperatures and low food availability in their habitat. Consequently, the Gulf population appears to be more feasible for aquaculture operations in coastal lagoons with stressful conditions.  相似文献   

The recovery of whale populations from historical depletion may have the potential to noticeably affect Northeast Pacific ecosystems and fisheries. Surplus production models based on whaling catch records were used to reconstruct the historical abundances of five large whale species in the waters surrounding Haida Gwaii, British Columbia. The results suggest that the local abundances of all five species were vastly higher before the onset of modern whaling. A comparison of ecosystem models representing the states of the local marine food web before and after full whale recovery indicates that abundant whales could consume large proportions of the annual production of their principal prey, ranging up to 87% for Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) and 72% for piscivorous rockfish (Sebastes spp.). Dynamic modelling of the food web effects of whale recovery, including simulations of simultaneous top‐down and bottom‐up forcing and a Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis, revealed noticeable (~6–12%) top‐down effects on Pacific herring biomass owing to increased predation by humpback and fin whales. However, these effects cannot explain the magnitude of recent declines in local herring biomass. The dynamic modelling results also suggest that top‐down effects of whale recovery could result in reduced biomasses of large rockfish as a result of predation by sperm whales, as well as potential cascading effects on many demersal fish groups. These findings have numerous practical implications for ecosystem‐based fisheries management and whale conservation strategies in Northeast Pacific waters.  相似文献   

Betanodavirus reassortant strains (RGNNV/SJNNV) isolated from Senegalese sole harbour an SJNNV capsid featuring several changes with respect to the SJNNV‐type strain, sharing three hallmark substitutions. Here, we have employed recombinant strains harbouring mutations in these positions (r20 and r20 + 247 + 270) and have demonstrated that the three substitutions affect different steps of the viral replication process. Adsorption ability and efficiency of viral attachment were only affected by substitutions in the C‐terminal side of the capsid. However, the concurrent mutation in the N‐terminal side seems to slightly decrease these properties, suggesting that this region could also be involved in viral binding. Differences in the intracellular and extracellular production of the mutant strains suggest that both the C‐terminal and N‐terminal regions of the capsid protein may be involved in the particle budding. Furthermore, viral replication in sole brain tissue of the mutant strains, and especially double‐ and triple‐mutant strains, is clearly delayed with respect to the wt strain. These data support previous findings indicating that the C‐terminal side plays a role in virulence because of a slower spread in the fish host brain and suggest that the concurrent participation of the N‐terminal side is also important for viral replication in vivo.  相似文献   

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