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Severe rot of leaves, peduncles and flowers caused by Gibberella zeae (anamorph: Fusarium graminearum) was found on potted plants of hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis), a liliaceous ornamental, in greenhouses in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in January 2001. This disease was named “Fusarium rot of hyacinth” as a new disease because only the anamorph, F. graminearum, was identified on the diseased host plant. The authors contributed equally to this work. The fungal isolate and its nucleotide sequence data obtained in this study were deposited in the Genebank, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences and the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers MAFF239499 and AB366161, respectively.  相似文献   

In 2005, characteristic symptoms of crown gall on grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Muscat of Alexandria, and cv. Seto Giants) were observed in a commercial greenhouse-orchard in Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Isolations from diseased tissues consistently yielded bacterial colonies that were white, glistening, and produced abundant polysaccharide on potato semi-synthetic agar (PSA) medium. Ten representative isolates were chosen for further characterization. A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay showed these strains were not Rhizobium vitis but did possess a Ti plasmid. The bacteriological characteristics of the isolates corresponded well with R. radiobacter. The almost complete 16S ribosomal DNA sequences of isolates AT06-1 and AT06-2, selected from 10 grapevine isolates, were determined and corresponded to sequences of R. radiobacter. The pathogenicity of the isolates was tested on young grapevine and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants. Gall symptoms developed on both plant species after inoculation, and bacteria with the same colony morphology as those inoculated were reisolated. Based on these results, the isolates were identified as R. radiobacter (Ti). This report is the first of the occurrence of R. radiobacter (Ti) on grapevine in Japan. Phylogenetic analyses using the partial nucleotide sequences of virC operon located on a Ti plasmid showed that the isolate of R. radiobacter (Ti) isolated from grapevine and some strains of R. vitis (Ti) belonged to the same monophyletic group, which differed from the groups of R. radiobacter (Ti) isolated from plants other than grapevine and of the majority of R. vitis (Ti) strains isolated from grapevine. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accessions AB306890, AB306891, and AB465432–AB465459.  相似文献   

A new leaf rot disease was found on the leaves of figmarigold (Lampranthus spectabile). The causal organism, identified as Pythium aphanidermatum was found to cause the same symptoms after artificial inoculation and was then reisolated from the inoculated plants. We propose to name the disease Pythium rot of figmarigold.  相似文献   

In 2003–2004, anthracnoses of Enkianthus campanulatus and Rhynchosia acuminatifolia were found for the first time in Kanagawa Prefecture and Tokyo in Japan. These pathogens were identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides based on their pathogenicity, morphology and ribosomal DNA spacer sequences. Results were presented at the annual meeting of The Phytopathological Society of Japan in 2004.  相似文献   

Severe spotting, blight and drop of leaves caused by Colletotrichum dematium were found on potted plants of Polygonatum falcatum, a liliaceous ornamental, in open fields in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in May 2001. This new disease was named anthracnose of P. falcatum. Keisuke Tomioka, Jouji Moriwaki, Toyozo Sato contributed equally to this work. The fungal isolate and its nucleotide sequence data obtained in this study were deposited in Genebank, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences and the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accessions MAFF239500 and AB334523, respectively.  相似文献   

The clustered hrp genes encoding the type III secretion system in the Japanese strains MAFF301237 and MAFF311018 of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae were sequenced and compared. The strains differ in their pathogenicity, location, and year of isolation. A 30-kbp sequence comprising 29 open reading frames (ORFs) was identical in its structural arrangement in both strains but differed from X. campestris pv. campestris, X. axonopodis pv. citri, and X. axonopodis pv. glycines in certain genes located between the hpaB-hrpF interspace region. The DNA sequence and the putative amino acid sequence in each ORF was also identical in both X. oryzae pv. oryzae strains as were the PIP boxes and the relative sequences. These facts clearly showed that the structure of the hrp gene cluster in X. oryzae pv. oryzae is unique.  相似文献   

Erwinia ananas, the causal agent of bacterial palea browning of rice, was transformed with bioluminescence genes to clarify their behavior on rice plants. Transformant CTB009T2 was used to inoculate rice plants, and the subsequent bioluminescence of CTB009T2 was observed using a two-dimensional luminometer. Luminous spots frequently appeared on anthers after flowering and on dead tissues such as leaf tips, lower leaf sheaths, and leaf blades. In spikelets that developed the disease symptom on the palea, luminous spots appeared 48h after flowering on stigmas, basal parts of ovaries, and lodicules. These results indicate that postflowering anthers and dead tissues on rice plants are important sites for a rapid increase in the pathogen population, and that the multiplication of the pathogen on internal tissues of spikelets after flowering is associated with the appearance of browning.  相似文献   

Tomato leaf mold caused by Passalora fulva was found on two tomato varieties carrying the Cf-9 gene in Japan, in 2007. The isolates obtained from Chiba and Fukushima were identified as race 4.9.11, and those from Gunma were races 4.9 or 4.9.11. This is the first report in Japan of tomato leaf mold caused by P. fulva strains that can overcome the Cf-9 gene.  相似文献   

In some areas of Japan, yellow spots with white pustules on leaves, stems, petioles, peduncles and calyces were found on Ipomoea nil, I. triloba, I. lacunosa and I. hederacea var. integriuscula. We demonstrated that the diseases on I. nil, I. triloba and I. lacunosa were caused by host-specific strains of Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae and defined three forma speciales of the fungus, respectively, for the three Ipomoea species: “f. sp. nile”, “f. sp. trilobae” and “f. sp. lacunosae”. Because the diseases were new to Japan, we coined the Japanese name “shirosabi-byo”, which means white rust. We also showed that the disease on I. hederacea var. integriuscula was caused by A. ipomoeae-hardwickii. We named this new disease “white rust (shirosabi-byo in Japanese)”.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea is a non-specific, necrotrophic pathogen that attacks many plant species, including Arabidopsis and tomato. Since senescing leaves are particularly susceptible to infection by B. cinerea, we hypothesized that the fungus might induce senescence as part of its mode of action and that delaying leaf senescence might reduce the severity of B. cinerea infections. To examine these hypotheses, we followed the expression of Arabidopsis SAG12, a senescence-specific gene, upon infection with B. cinerea. Expression of SAG12 is induced by B. cinerea infection, indicating that B. cinerea induces senescence. The promoter of SAG12, as well as that of a second Arabidopsis senescence-associated gene, SAG13, whose expression is not specific to senescence, were previously analyzed in tomato plants and were found to be expressed in a similar manner in the two species. These promoters were previously used in tomato plants to drive the expression of isopentenyl transferase (IPT) from Agrobacterium to suppress leaf senescence (Swartzberg et al. in Plant Biology 8:579–586, 2006). In this study, we examined the expression of these promoters following infection of tomato plants with B. cinerea. Both promoters exhibit high expression levels upon B. cinerea infection of non-senescing leaves of tomato plants, supporting our conclusion that B. cinerea induces senescence as part of its mode of action. In contrast to B. cinerea, Trichoderma harzianum T39, a saprophytic fungus that is used as a biocontrol agent against B. cinerea, induces expression of SAG13 only. Expression of IPT, under the control of the SAG12 and SAG13 promoters in response to infection with B. cinerea resulted in suppression of B. cinerea-induced disease symptoms, substantiating our prediction that delaying leaf senescence might reduce susceptibility to B. cinerea. Contribution from the Agriculture Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, No. 127/2006 series.  相似文献   

A new disease was observed on Trifolium dasyurum, with symptoms beginning as a halo spot and developing into a leaf blight. The causal organism was identified by microscopy and DNA sequence studies as Botrytis fabae. This strain of B. fabae was also demonstrated to cause disease on foliage of a range of pulse crops, including Vicia faba, Pisum sativum, and Lens culinaris. This study demonstrates the potential of this strain of B. fabae to not only pose a significant threat to T. dasyurum but also to pulses grown in rotation with T. dasyurum that are susceptible to this strain of B. fabae.  相似文献   

In October 2001, anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds ex Simmonds was found on three-leaf akebia (Akebia trifoliata) in Saitama, Japan. This is the first report of anthracnose on three-leaf akebia caused by C. acutatum.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study levels of resistance to Fusarium basal rot in onion cultivars and related Allium species, by using genetically different Fusarium isolates. In order to select genetically different isolates for disease testing, a collection of 61 Fusarium isolates, 43 of them from onion (Allium cepa), was analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Onion isolates were collected in The Netherlands (15 isolates) and Uruguay (9 isolates), and received from other countries and fungal collections (19 isolates). From these isolates, 29 were identified as F. oxysporum, 10 as F. proliferatum, whereas the remaining four isolates belonged to F. avenaceum and F. culmorum. The taxonomic status of the species was confirmed by morphological examination, by DNA sequencing of the elongation factor 1-α gene, and by the use of species-specific primers for Fusarium oxysporum, F. proliferatum, and F. culmorum. Within F. oxysporum, isolates clustered in two clades suggesting different origins of F. oxysporum forms pathogenic to onion. These clades were present in each sampled region. Onion and six related Allium species were screened for resistance to Fusarium basal rot using one F. oxysporum isolate from each clade, and one F. proliferatum isolate. High levels of resistance to each isolate were found in Allium fistulosum and A. schoenoprasum accessions, whereas A. pskemense, A. roylei and A. galanthum showed intermediate levels of resistance. Among five A. cepa cultivars, ‘Rossa Savonese’ was also intermediately resistant. Regarding the current feasibility for introgression, A. fistulosum, A. roylei and A. galanthum were identified as potential sources for the transfer of resistance to Fusarium into onion.  相似文献   

A new bacterial black spot disease was observed on Odontoglossum, Odontioda, Odontocidium, and Vuylstekeara orchids in Japan. Typical symptoms on the leaves were dark or black spots (or both) with a yellow halo. The causal agent was identified as Burkholderia andropogonis (Smith 1911) Gillis, Van Van, Bardin, Goor, Hebbar, Willems, Segers, Kersters, Heulin and Fernandez 1995. The isolates were pathogenic on four original host orchids, Phalaenopsis orchid, and tulip; they were not pathogenic on white clover or corn after needle stab inoculation. An antibiotic bactericide (oxytetracycline/streptomycin mixture WP) was most effective for controlling the disease.  相似文献   

A viral disease was found in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, on statice (Limonium sinuatum) with chlorotic leaf spot, necrotic stunt, and dwarfing. Spherical virus particles 30 nm in diameter were isolated from infected plants and statice seedlings and caused identical symptoms 4 weeks after mechanical inoculation. Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the coat protein showed 98% and 98.7% identities with those of Grapevine Algerian latent virus (GALV) nipplefruit strain. This is the first report in Japan of a viral disease on statice caused by GALV. The nucleotide sequence data reported here are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession AB461854.  相似文献   

Biological control of Rhizoctonia solani with Trichoderma harzianum has been demonstrated in several studies. However, none have reported the dynamics of expression of defence response genes. Here we investigated the expression of these genes in potato roots challenged by R. solani in the presence/absence of T. harzianum Rifai MUCL 29707. Analysis of gene expression revealed an induction of PR1 at 168 h post-inoculation (hpi) and PAL at 96 hpi in the plants inoculated with T. harzianum Rifai MUCL 29707, an induction of PR1, PR2 and PAL at 48 hpi in the plants inoculated with R. solani and an induction of Lox at 24 hpi and PR1, PR2, PAL and GST1 at 72 hpi in the plants inoculated with both organisms. These results suggest that in the presence of T. harzianum Rifai MUCL 29707, the expression of Lox and GST1 genes are primed in potato plantlets infected with R. solani at an early stage of infection. Mycothèque de l’Université catholique de Louvain of S. Cranenbrouck's affiliation is part of the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Micro-organisms (BCCM).  相似文献   

Repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) analysis using BOX and ERIC as primers showed a highly divergent phylogeny among field strains of Burkholderia glumae. To elucidate the sources of oxolinic acid (OA) resistance in field strains of B. glumae isolated from rice seedlings cultivated in Mie, Toyama, and Iwate prefectures, Japan, the amino acid at position 83 of GyrA (GyrA83), which is involved in OA resistance, and the DNA patterns from the rep-PCR and the partial nucleotide sequences of gyrB and rpoD from various strains were analyzed. The ten Mie strains, in which GyrA83 was isoleucine (Ile), were divided into two groups based on the band patterns in rep-PCR analysis, although the nucleotide sequences of gyrB and rpoD were identical among the strains. Based on the band patterns in the rep-PCR analysis and the gyrB and rpoD sequences, two highly OA-resistant Toyama strains, Pg-13 and Pg-14, for which GyrA83 was serine (Ser) and Ile, respectively, were in the same lineage. This suggests that the bacteria might acquire OA resistance faster than phylogenic diversity as determined with the repetitive sequences BOX and ERIC and with gyrB and rpoD. Furthermore, three Iwate strains (H95, H101, and H104), isolated from seedlings of different cultivars grown in different years and having Ile at GyrA83, are probably in the same lineage, suggesting that OA-resistant bacteria might be transferred among different cultivars.  相似文献   

Wasabi (Wasabia japonica) is grown for its highly-valued rhizome which is used as a condiment in Japanese food. Symptoms of vascular blackening in the rhizome were first observed in 2005 in plants grown in British Columbia, Canada. Microscopic observations and microbial isolation from infected tissues revealed that most of the xylem tracheid cells were blackened and bacteria were consistently associated with symptomatic plants. The bacterium most frequently recovered was identified as Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (Pcc) using BioLog™ and sequencing of a specific ~510 bp IGS region. Pathogen-free plants obtained using meristem-tip micropropagation were inoculated with a wasabi isolate of Pcc. Vascular blackening symptoms developed in the rhizome after 8 weeks when the rhizome was first wounded by stabbing or cutting, or if the roots were pre-inoculated with Pythium species isolated from rhizome epidermal tissues, followed by inoculation with Pcc at 1 × 108 cells ml−1. Xylem tracheid cells were blackened and Pcc was reisolated from all diseased tissues. The highest frequency of rhizome vascular blackening occurred at 22°C and 27°C and these tissues occasionally succumbed to soft rot at higher temperatures, but not when inoculated tissues were incubated at 10°C. The rooting medium used by growers for vegetative propagation of wasabi was shown to contain Pcc but the pathogen was not recovered from the irrigation water. Entry of Pcc through wounds on wasabi rhizomes and the host tissue response result in symptoms of vascular blackening.  相似文献   

Pepper mottle virus, genus Potyvirus, was first identified in Japan based on particle morphology, host range, aphid transmission, and molecular classification using the nucleotide sequence of the coat protein gene and 3-untranslated region.  相似文献   

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