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Wu K  Mu W  Liang G  Guo Y 《Pest management science》2005,61(5):491-498
A continuous programme for monitoring resistance of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) to commonly used insecticides was undertaken for assessing the impact of Bt cotton planting on the evolution of the pest resistance from 1994 to 2002 in China. The bioassay results showed that the resistance levels per year in field populations of H armigera to lambda-cyhalothrin, phoxim and endosulfan decreased, respectively, to 9-15-fold, 11-14-fold and 6-8-fold in 2001-2002 from 197-262-fold, 52-74-fold and 18-38-fold before the cultivation of Bt cotton in 1997. This significant increase in susceptibility to insecticides is expected to result in a reduction in insecticide application for H armigera control in Bt cotton. It is concluded that Bt cotton is playing an important role in the long-term management of H armigera by increasing the potential for natural and chemical control of the pest.  相似文献   

Compared with an unselected susceptible population, a cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), population selected for 22 generations with transgenic cotton leaves (modified Cry1A) in the laboratory developed 11.0-fold resistance to Cry1Ac (one single-protein product MVPII). Resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner subsp kurstaki (Btk) was selected for 22 generations with a 5.2-fold increase in LC50. The estimated realized heritabilities (h2) of resistance for transgenic-cotton- and Btk-selected populations were 0.1008 and 0.2341, respectively. This reflects the higher phenotypic variation in response to Cry1Ac in the transgenic-cotton-selected population. This variation may have been caused by differences in protein toxin levels expressed in different growth stages of the transgenic cotton. Because of the different slopes of the probit regression lines between Cry1Ac and Btk, the estimated realized h2 cannot be used visually to compare resistance development to Cry1Ac and Btk in H armigera. Thus, the response quotient (Q) of resistance was also estimated. The Q values of resistance for transgenic-cotton- and Btk-selected populations were 0.0763 and 0.0836, respectively. This showed that the rate of resistance development would be similar in both selection populations. This result indicates that the selection of resistance using transgenic cotton is different from that selected using the single toxin. Resistance risk to transgenic cotton and Btk in field populations was assessed assuming different pressures of selection by using the estimated h2. Assuming the h2 of resistance in a field population was half of the estimated h2, and the population received prolonged and uniform exposure to transgenic cotton or Btk causing >70% mortality in each generation, we predicted that resistance would increase 10-fold after <23 generations for Cry1Ac in transgenic cotton-selected-populations and after <21 generations for Btk in Btk-selected populations. Cross-resistance would be expected after <48 generations for Btk in transgenic-cotton-selected populations and after <21 generations for Cry1Ac in Btk-selected population. The results show that the potential to evolve resistance is similar in both transgenic-cotton- and Btk-selected populations, but that cross-resistance development to Btk is slower in transgenic-cotton-selected populations than cross-resistance development to Cry1Ac in Btk-selected populations.  相似文献   

分别于1990年、1992年、2001年和2005年从山东泰安、山东夏津和湖北天门采集3个棉铃虫H elicoverpa arm igera种群,采用点滴法测定了4种杀虫剂对其的毒力,以监测各种群的抗药性变化趋势。结果表明:19901992年3个种群棉铃虫对氰戊菊酯的抗性增长迅速(13.256.1倍);19922001年抗性增长速度有所减缓(3.111.0倍);20012005年抗性水平降低。3个种群棉铃虫对灭多威和辛硫磷的抗性变化趋势与氰戊菊酯的基本相似,但抗性水平较低;对硫丹则均一直处于敏感水平。引起抗药性变化的原因主要与各类药剂的使用频率和转B t基因抗虫棉的大面积推广有关。  相似文献   

棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera是世界性重要农业害虫。目前防治棉铃虫的主要手段是种植转苏云金芽胞杆菌Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt)杀虫蛋白的转基因作物。本文旨在研究棉铃虫V-ATPase H在Cry1Ac蛋白毒力和抗性中的作用。利用实时荧光定量qRT-PCR技术分析V-ATPase H在Cry1Ac抗、感品系棉铃虫幼虫中肠及敏感品系棉铃虫幼虫受Cry1Ac诱导后的表达情况;在昆虫Sf9细胞中过表达V-ATPase H对其进行细胞定位,通过细胞毒力试验验证其对Cry1Ac毒力的影响。结果发现棉铃虫V-ATPase H基因在抗性品系中低表达,并且V-ATPase H在受到Cry1Ac诱导时也低表达;在Sf9细胞内表达V-ATPase H蛋白发现其在整个细胞中都有分布,过表达该蛋白后增强了细胞对Cry1Ac蛋白的敏感性。结果表明V-ATPase H参与Cry1Ac蛋白的毒力。  相似文献   

Organophosphates are valuable insecticides used to control Helicoverpa armigera on cotton in Australia. Those most commonly used for Helicoverpa spp. control are pro-fenofos, parathion-methyl and chlorpyrifos. However, there is an emerging organophosphate-resistance threat in Australian H. armigera, which is compounded by cross-resistance between profenofos and parathion-methyl. An insensitive acetylcholinesterase has been identified as the common resistance mechanism. No resistance to chlorpyrifos has been detected and acetylcholinesterase remains fully sensitive to the chlorpyrifos oxon. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

目前对转苏云金芽胞杆菌Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt)的研究发现,液泡型ATP酶(Vacuolar-type proton ATPase,V-ATPase)可能是Bt的一类新型受体。我们前期通过构建棉铃虫的中肠酵母文库筛选Cry1Ac的结合蛋白发现棉铃虫V-ATPase亚基B(V-ATPase B)可以与Cry1Ac结合。为明确V-ATPase B在Cry1Ac毒力和昆虫对Cry1Ac抗性机制中的作用,本研究首先采用实时荧光定量PCR技术分析了该基因在抗感Cry1Ac棉铃虫幼虫中及其受到Cry1Ac诱导时的基因表达情况;通过Ligand blot进一步地证实了其与Cry1Ac的结合特性;并通过在Sf9细胞中表达V-ATPase B的试验验证了其功能。结果表明V-ATPase B在抗性品系及受到Cry1Ac诱导时均下调表达,Ligand blot证实了V-ATPase B与Cry1Ac特异性结合;并且在昆虫细胞内过表达该基因,会增强Cry1Ac的细胞毒力。研究结果表明棉铃虫V-ATPase B是Cry1Ac的功能受体,并有可能通过降低基因表达来参与棉铃虫对Cry1Ac的抗性形成。  相似文献   

棉铃虫是世界性的重要农业害虫。围食膜作为昆虫抵御病原微生物入侵及有害物质的第一道天然保护性屏障,其上可能存在与Bt抗性相关的受体蛋白。本研究以Bt Cry1Ac抗性和敏感品系的棉铃虫围食膜为对象,采用NuPAGE电泳技术、配体杂交、质谱鉴定和生物信息学分析等技术,测定了围食膜蛋白含量,鉴定了蛋白质的组成及与Bt Cry1Ac毒素的结合能力。结果表明敏感品系围食膜中蛋白含量为22.19%,抗性品系围食膜中蛋白含量为26.99%。抗、感品系棉铃虫围食膜上存在与Cry1Ac毒素结合的6个差异蛋白,推测其中棉铃虫羧酸酯酶蛋白和血影蛋白是2个有意义的抗性相关蛋白,2个新蛋白可能参与Bt抗性。研究证明棉铃虫围食膜上存在Bt结合蛋白且与抗性相关,为进一步明确Bt抗性机制、制定合理的Bt抗性治理策略提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Resistance to pyrethroids and other types of insecticides in Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) has been documented in many countries. The isolation of specific resistance mechanisms in isogenic strains is an optimal approach to investigate cross-resistance pattern, and to validate resistance breaking pyrethroids. In this study an isogenic metabolic resistance CMR strain was successfully isolated from a field pyrethroid-resistant population of H. armigera. With this strain, cross-resistance among 19 pyrethroid insecticides with varying chemical structures was analysed. RESULTS: Resistance to pyrethroids in the CMR strain was likely to be due to enhanced oxidative metabolism. The most significant cross-resistance in the CMR strain was between pyrethroids such as fenvalerate, tau-fluvalinate and flumethrin characterised by having both phenoxybenzyl and aromatic acid moieties. Substitution of the phenoxybenzyl group with a polyfluorobenzyl group, as in tefluthrin, benfluthrin and transfluthrin, overcame most of this resistance. CONCLUSION: The findings in this study support the assertion that it is possible to find pyrethroids that are active against resistant populations. Such pyrethroids could be considered as possible partners or resistance breaking pyrethroids in a pyrethroid resistance management programme for H. armigera in China and in other Asian countries where the oxidative metabolism resistance is a dominant mechanism.  相似文献   

棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera是一种全球性的重要农业害虫,主要为害棉花、玉米和大豆等作物。长期种植单价Bt棉花(表达Cry1Ac蛋白)会使棉铃虫田间种群承受单一、持续的选择压力,必然会导致棉铃虫对Cry1Ac的抗性发生演化。该文概述我国棉铃虫田间种群对Cry1Ac的抗性现状、自然庇护所对棉铃虫Cry1Ac抗性演化的延缓作用以及棉铃虫对Cry1Ac抗性的遗传多样性,并对今后我国关于棉铃虫Bt抗性的治理对策进行了展望。  相似文献   

Effects of Bollgard II cotton containing two Bacillus thuringensis var. kurstaki Berliner (Bt) toxin proteins (Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab), non-Bt cotton (DPL 491) and starvation on survival and development of cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner), were determined in the laboratory. Larvae of the first four larval instars died when they fed on the terminal leaves of Bt cotton plants at 50 days after planting (DAP). However, 51.3% of fifth instars that fed on 50 DAP Bt cotton leaves pupated, and 87.1% of the pupae successfully developed into adults. Of the unfed fifth instars (starved), 55.6% pupated and 88.1% of the pupae emerged. Pupae that developed from larvae fed on Bt cotton leaves and unfed were significantly smaller, being 89.7 and 73.2% of the weight of the pupae that developed from larvae fed on non-Bt cotton leaves. Leaves of 120 DAP Bt cotton were less toxic to T. ni larvae. When the first instars continuously fed on 120 DAP Bt cotton leaves, 75.9, 60.6, 56.4 and 38.4% of larvae survived to second, third, fourth and fifth instars respectively, and 20.9% pupated and 17.9% successfully became adults. However, it took the surviving first instars 37.1 days to become adults, which was 7.2 and 8.9 days longer than those fed on 50 and 120 DAP non-Bt cottons respectively. Pupae that developed from larvae that fed on 120 DAP Bt cotton leaves were only 50.9 and 52.6% of the weight of those developed from larvae that fed on 50 and 120 DAP non-Bt cotton respectively. Non-Bt cotton, both 50 and 120 DAP, did not exhibit significant effects on larval survival and development, except that the pupae in the 50 DAP non-Bt cotton treatments developed over a significantly longer time than those in the 120 DAP non-Bt cotton treatment.  相似文献   

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