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An outbreak of EHV1 abortions occurred at a riding school in The Netherlands in 1991. Seven of twelve pregnant mares aborted, and another foal died at 8 days of age. Six abortions occurred within 12 days in March after an initial abortion on 8 February. Four mares delivered live foals. Virological examination of four aborted foals revealed an EHV1 infection. Serological results for paired sera from 17 horses suggested, that the initial abortion on 8 February was the index case, and probably caused the other six abortions. The index case could well have been caused by reactivation of latent virus induced by transport stress. The laboratory results are discussed in the light of the present knowledge of the pathogenesis and epidemiology of EHV1 abortion.  相似文献   

An outbreak of neurologic disease associated with serologic evidence of equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) infection occurred in a herd of 46 riding school horses. Ataxia and paresis were observed in 14 geldings and 5 barren mares. Eight affected horses had distal limb edema, 1 horse had a head tilt, and 3 others had urinary incontinence. Other clinical signs included fever, depression, and inappetance in 30 horses. Seven horses with neurologic signs were treated with acyclovir. Serum neutralizing antibody titers against EHV-1 increased 4-fold between acute and convalescent samples or exceeded 1: 256 in 19 of 44 horses, confirming recent infection. A significantly greater proportion of horses that seroconverted were mares ( P = .014). Of the 19 horses exhibiting ataxia and paresis, 17 made a complete recovery, 1 made a partial recovery, and 1 was euthanized.  相似文献   

Twenty-one pregnant mares were inoculated with EHV1. Nineteen became infected as evidenced by clinical signs and/or viremia but only one mare aborted a virus-infected fetus. The viremias were leukocyte-associated and appeared to be non-productive, latent infections of these cells. Infectivity, detectable by cocultivation, persisted in the circulating leukocytes for as long as 9 days without resulting in abortion. The data suggest that it is extremely difficult to evaluate the efficacy of vaccines in preventing EHV1 (Rhinopneumonitis) abortion due to the paucity of non-exposed mares, lack of tests which measure residual protection, and an incomplete understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms involved in abortion due to this virus.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody blocking ELISA was developed for the detection of antibodies directed against either EHV1 or EHV4. For this purpose, we selected a monoclonal antibody directed against a cross-reactive, conservative and immunodominant epitope of both EHV1 and EHV4. High antibody titres were found in rabbit antisera and SPF-foal antisera infected with either EHV1 or EHV4. After experimental challenge of conventional horses with EHV1 or EHV4 significant increases in CF and ELISA titres were found, whereas VN antibodies did not always increase significantly. In 344 paired serum samples submitted for diagnostic purposes a good agreement (kappa = 0.75, confidence limits = 0.63-0.88) was found between VN test and ELISA regarding a significant increase in titres. Also, a good correlation was found between VN and ELISA titres (r = 0.76, p<0.0005). The relative sensitivity and specificity of the Mab blocking ELISA as compared with the VN test were 99.9 and 71%, respectively. The rather low relative specificity of the ELISA may be explained by a relatively low sensitivity of the VN test. The ELISA also detected increases in titre after vaccination with an EHV1 subunit vaccine, and after primary field infections in weaned foals. We concluded that the Mab blocking ELISA is more sensitive, easier to perform, more rapid and more reproducible than the VN test. We consider this test as a valuable tool for serological diagnosis of both EHV1 and EHV4 infections.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the seroprevalence of equine herpesvirus 1 in foals around weaning and after weaning on two large Thoroughbred farms using a type-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine exposure to infection.
Design A longitudinal population study in groups of Thoroughbred weanling foals.
Study population Two hundred weanling Thoroughbred foals from a population of about 380 foals were enrolled on two adjacent stud farms in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales. Foals on both farms were weaned from February to May 1995 into randomly selected groups of 10 to 15 foals. Farms were selected because of their willingness to cooperate in the survey and because their detailed records of foals and their movements. They were representative of well-managed large Thoroughbred stud farms in New South Wales. Both studs had upper respiratory tract disease among weanling foals around weaning each year although the sero-prevalence of viral respiratory disease on either farm was not known before the study.
Procedure Serum was collected from foals within each group at fortnightly intervals from 9th February until 1st June 1995, and at a single follow-up period in August 1995. Each sample was tested in triplicate using an antibody-detection ELISA which is type-specific for EHV-1 and EHV-4 antibodies.
Results and conclusions There was serological evidence of EHV-1 infection both before and after weaning. The prevalence of EHV-1 antibody in the sample population increased during the study and individual cases of EHV-1 infection were identified. The increase was caused both by the seroconversion of foals within the groups and by the recruitment into the study of foals with pre-existing EHV-1 antibody. Evidence of EHV-1 infection in Thoroughbred foals after weaning has not been reported previously in Australia and this has implications for vaccination regimens.  相似文献   

The specificity of selected immune responses to equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) and type 4 (EHV-4) was examined in 3 colostrum-deprived specific-pathogen-free foals. Single foals were vaccinated with inactivated EHV-1, inactivated EHV-4, or control cell lysate plus adjuvant followed by successive intranasal challenge exposures with EHV-1 and EHV-4 or with EHV-4 and EHV-1. Vaccination with inactivated virus preparations elicited cellular immune responses and antibody which were augmented by subsequent challenge exposures. Cellular immune responses, as measured by in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis, were cross-reactive after foals were given either EHV-1 or EHV-4. Serum virus-neutralizing antibody responses were type-specific for foals given EHV-1, but were cross-reactive after EHV-4 administrations. It was concluded that diseases caused by EHV-1 and EHV-4 may be more effectively controlled with a bivalent vaccine containing both EHV-1 and EHV-4 than with the presently used monovalent vaccines based on EHV-1 alone.  相似文献   

The restriction endonuclease DNA fingerprints of 57 isolates of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV1; equine abortion virus) from abortion, perinatal foal mortalities and encephalitis from 15 epidemics that occurred in Australasia between 1975 and 1989 were examined using the enzymes Bam HI, EcoRI and Bgl II. There was a remarkable degree of uniformity in the restriction patterns; mobility differences were observed in only 14 of 52 (27%) of the fragments. Twelve of these 14 fragments were located within the repeat structures that bracket the unique short region of the genome or were located at the left terminus of the 150 kilobase pair genome. Based on the Bam HI fingerprints the commonest virus identified in our study was EHV1.IP (P is for prototype strain). There was a single notable exception in that the Bam HI fingerprints of all 8 isolates from one of 3 Victorian farms that experienced abortion in 1989 resembled a variant EHV1.IB that was identified as a cause of abortion in Central Kentucky in 1970 to 1974. We present evidence that EHV1.IB caused abortion in California in 1964 and has remained unaltered in its Bam HI restriction pattern. No antigenic differences were found among 4 distantly related EHV1 isolates, including the variant IB, using a panel of 5 monoclonal antibodies to glycoprotein C (gC), a glycoprotein recognised to be highly variable. The uniformity of these unrelated EHV1 isolates is further evidence for a recent origin for EHV1 and may help to explain the natural history of this virus in the horse in which it seems to be a cause of serious epidemics of abortion and perinatal mortality, and less commonly of encephalitis.  相似文献   

Some kinetic data on the inactivation of equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV1) and equine rhinovirus type 1 (ERhV1) by betapropiolactone (BPL) and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation are reported. 0.25% BPL at 37 degrees C for 1 h reduced the titre of EHV1 by greater than 10(3 . 4) and of ERhV1 by greater than 10(4 . 1) TCID50/ml. UV irradiation (334 microW/cm2) produced similar reductions in titre after 2 min. These data were used as a basis for inactivating EHV1 and ERhV1 by the combined action of BPL and UV irradiation. Viruses were exposed to 0.1% BPL for 1 h at 4 degrees C with constant stirring, followed by UV irradiation for 2 min, followed by incubation for 3 h at 37 degrees C. Inactivated EHV1 elicited secondary immune responses only in horses whereas ERhV1 produced primary immune responses in mice (including athymic nu/nu mice), rabbits and probably in horses.  相似文献   

Representative strains of EHV isolated from an aborted foetus and from a horse with rhinopneumonitis in New Zealand had restriction endonuclease DNA fingerprints typical of those usually associated with these syndromes elsewhere and now designated EHV1 and 4 respectively. EHV1 was isolated from the brain and spinal cord of a 4-year-old gelding that died of myeloencephalitis. A mare on the same farm, at about the same time as the gelding developed myeloencephalitis, aborted and EHV1 was isolated from the tissues of the aborted foetus. Restriction endonuclease DNA fingerprints of the viruses isolated from myeloencephalitis and abortion were indistinguishable by Bam HI but were distinguishable using Bgl I, Pvu II, Xho I and Hind III. The restriction endonuclease DNA fingerprints of 3 EHV1 strains known to cause myeloencephalitis were compared with each other and with EHV1 strains not known to be associated with myeloencephalitis. The Bgl I Pvu II and Hind III DNA fingerprints of the 3 myeloencephalogenic strains appear distinguishable from non-myeloencephalogenic strains. Abortion was induced in a mare by intrauterine inoculation of EHV4. The Bam HI, Bgl I, Pvu II, Xho I and Hind III restriction endonuclease DNA fingerprints of the inoculum virus were indistinguishable from virus recovered from the foetus. It was concluded that passage of the virus through the foetus did not detectably alter the restriction endonuclease DNA fingerprint.  相似文献   

Latent equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) infection is common in horse populations worldwide and estimated to reach a prevalence nearing 90% in some areas. The virus causes acute outbreaks of disease that are characterized by abortion and sporadic cases of myeloencephalopathy (EHM), both severe threats to equine facilities. Different strains vary in their abortigenic and neuropathogenic potential and the simultaneous occurrence of EHM and abortion is rare. In this report, we present clinical observations collected during an EHV-1 outbreak caused by a so-called “neuropathogenic” EHV-1 G2254/D752 polymerase (Pol) variant, which has become more prevalent in recent years and is less frequently associated with abortions. In this outbreak with 61 clinically affected horses, 6/7 pregnant mares aborted and 8 horses developed EHM. Three abortions occurred after development of EHM symptoms. Virus detection was performed by nested PCR targeting gB from nasal swabs (11 positive), blood serum (6 positive) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (9 positive) of a total of 42 horses sampled. All 6 fetuses tested positive for EHV-1 by PCR and 4 by virus isolation. Paired serum neutralization test (SNT) on day 12 and 28 after the index case showed a significant (≥ 4-fold) increase in twelve horses (n = 42; 28.6%). This outbreak with abortions and EHM cases on a single equine facility provided a unique opportunity for the documentation of clinical disease progression as well as diagnostic procedures.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop rapid (< 8 hour) tests using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the diagnosis of equine herpesvirus 3 (EHV3; equine coital exanthema virus), equine gammaherpesviruses 2 (EHV2) and EHV5, equine adenovirus 1 (EAdV1), EAdV2, equine arteritis virus (EAV), equine rhinitis A virus (ERAV; formerly equine rhinovirus 1) DESIGN: Either single round or second round (seminested) PCRs were developed and validated. METHODS: Oligonucleotide primers were designed that were specific for each virus, PCR conditions were defined and the specificity and sensitivity of the assays were determined. The application of the tests was validated using a number of independent virus isolates for most of the viruses studied. The PCRs were applied directly to clinical samples where samples were available. RESULTS: We developed a single round PCR for the diagnosis of EHV3, a seminested PCR for EHV2 and single round PCRs for EHV5, EAdV1, EAdV2 and RT-PCRs for EAV and ERAV. The PCR primer sets for each virus were designed and shown to be highly specific (did not amplify any recognised non-target template) and sensitive (detection of minimal amounts of virus) and, where multiple virus isolates were available all isolates were detected. CONCLUSION: The development and validation of a comprehensive panel of PCR diagnostic tests, predominantly for viruses causing equine respiratory disease, that can be completed within 8 hours from receipt of clinical samples, provides a major advance in the rapid diagnosis or exclusion diagnosis of these endemic equine virus diseases in Australia.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of equine herpesvirus 9 (EHV-9), a new type of equine herpesvirus isolated from Gazella thomsoni, in horses was investigated by intranasal inoculation of EHV-9 (10(7) pfu) to two conventionally reared 8-months old half-bred weanling horses. Fever higher than 39 degrees C was recorded. Virus was recovered from nasal swabs and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Both horses developed neutralizing antibody to EHV-9. Perivascular infiltration of mononuclear cells and glial reaction were found in the olfactory and limbic systems. The results suggested that EHV-9 has a pathogenicity in horses.  相似文献   

Equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) is responsible for respiratory disorders, abortion and myeloencephalopathy (EHM) in horses. Two pathotypes of EHV-1 strains are circulating in the field: neurovirulent (N) and non-neurovirulent (NN). For both strains, CD172a+ monocytic cells are one of the main carrier cells of EHV-1 during primary infection, allowing the virus to invade the horse’s body. Recently, we showed that EHV-1 NN strains showed a restricted and delayed replication in CD172a+ cells. Here we characterize the in vitro replication kinetics of two EHV-1 N strains in CD172a+ cells and investigate if the replication of these strains is similarly silenced as shown for EHV-1 NN strains. We found that EHV-1 N replication was restricted to 7–8% in CD172a+ cells compared to 100% in control RK-13 cells. EHV-1 N replication was not delayed in CD172a+ cells but virus production was significant lower (103.0 TCID50/105 inoculated cells) than in RK-13 cells (108.5 TCID50/105 inoculated cells). Approximately 0.04% of CD172a+ cells produced and transmitted infectious EHV-1 to neighbour cells compared to 65% of RK-13 cells. Unlike what we observed for the NN strain, pretreatment of CD172a+ cells with histone deacetylases inhibitors (HDACi) did not influence the replication of EHV-1 N strains in these cells. Overall, these results show that the EHV-1 replication of N strains in CD172a+ cells differs from that observed for NN strains, which may contribute to their different pathogeneses in vivo.  相似文献   

The mucosal surfaces are important sites of entry for a majority of pathogens, and viruses in particular. The migration of antigen presenting cells (APCs) from the apical side of the mucosal epithelium to the lymph node is a key event in the development of mucosal immunity during viral infections. However, the mechanism by which viruses utilize the transmigration of these cells to invade the mucosa is largely unexplored. Here, we establish an ex vivo explant model of monocytic cell transmigration across the nasal mucosal epithelium and lamina propria. Equine nasal mucosal CD172a+ cells (nmCD172a+ cells), blood-derived monocytes and monocyte-derived DCs (moDCs) were labeled with a fluorescent dye and transferred to the apical part of a polarized mucosal explant. Confocal imaging was used to monitor the migration patterns of monocytic cells and the effect of equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) on their transmigration. We observed that 16–26% of mock-inoculated nmCD172a+ cells and moDCs moved into the nasal epithelia, and 1–7% moved further in the lamina propria. The migration of EHV-1 inoculated monocytic cells was not increased in these tissues compared to the mock-inoculated monocytic cells. Immediate early protein positive (IEP+) cells were observed beneath the basement membrane (BM) 48 hours post addition (hpa) of moDCs and nmCD172a+ cells, but not blood-derived monocytes. Together, our finding demonstrate that monocytic cells may become infected with EHV-1 in the respiratory mucosa and transport the virus from the apical side of the epithelium to the lamina propria en route to the lymph and blood circulation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify whether an EHV-1 induced abortion can be prognosticated by an increase of antibody titres, virus shedding and/or viraemia and whether the current abortion diagnostic is suitable. In this context the immune response post immunization and a possible reactivation were of great interest. For this purpose blood samples of 32 mares between the ages of 5-21 years were regularly investigated during a period of two years before and after vaccination and pregnancy. Neutralization tests, indirect immunofluorescence tests as well as PCR and virus isolation were used for EHV-1 diagnostics. It could be shown that the horses reacted individually to vaccination. In 14 cases a EHV-1-reactivation was suggested. An abortion prognosis was not possible even using serological, virological and molecular biological parameters. In addition, virus shedding and antibody titres were individual. An acute infection was detectable by a significant rise of antibodies and viraemia as well as virus shedding in the secretions. For the abortion diagnostics the antigen detection in combination with virus isolation and PCR from fetal lungs gave reliable results. In addition, the virological and serological investigation of the mare is recommendable. For prophylaxis we would advise a regular vaccination and strict hygiene.  相似文献   

Two isolates of the abortion strain (subtype 1) of equine herpes virus 1 (EHV1) were recovered from nasopharyngeal swabs of 3 Thoroughbreds in training in Hong Kong taken during an outbreak of clinical respiratory disease. There are 2 subtypes of EHV1, the abortion (1) and respiratory strains (2) and serologically it is not possible to differentiate between the 2 due to antigen cross-reactivity.4Monocyte counts undertaken by the same experienced technologist on blood films made by a modification of the traditional ‘wedge’ smear taken from blood samples collected from 58 Thoroughbred horses during the outbreak revealed a significant correlation to EHV1 serum titres.This may allow for earlier identification of affected animals during an outbreak especially in situations where virus confirmation facilities are not readily available.  相似文献   

Equine herpesvirus type-1 (EHV-1) and equine arteritis virus (EAV) are infectious agents that cause serious health risks to horse populations and are disbursed worldwide, which can lead to significant financial losses. In addition to being responsible for abortion and neonatal death, these viruses are associated with respiratory illness. Although previous research and reviews have been written on these viruses, both viruses still affect horse populations around the world and the vaccines currently available are not completely protective, especially against EHV-1 and equine herpes myeloencephalopathy (EHM). Moreover, EAV is considered a threat to the $102 billion equine industry in the United States. As a result, these viruses represent a huge threat to the horse industry and efforts geared towards preventing the outbreak of the disease are strongly encouraged. For this reason, updates about these viruses are necessary and require more and more discussion on the nature and characteristics of these viruses to know how to overcome them. Prevention and control of abortion and neonatal foal death caused by each of the two viruses depend on appropriate management strategies coupled with prophylactic vaccination. This review presents the latest detailed information on EHV-1 and EAV from several aspects such as transmission, clinical signs, pathogenesis, latest developments on the treatment of the diseases, vaccination, and finally challenges and future perspectives. The information presented herein will be useful in understanding EHV-1 and EAV and formulating policies that can help to limit the spread of these viruses within horse populations.  相似文献   

DNA-mediated immunization was assessed in a murine model of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) abortion. Whilst there are differences between the model and natural infection in the horse, literature suggests that EHV-1 infection of pregnant mice can be used to assess the potential ability of vaccine candidates to protect against abortion. Female BALB/c mice were inoculated twice, 4 weeks apart, with an expression vector encoding EHV-1 glycoprotein D (gD DNA). They were mated 15 days after the second inoculation, challenged at day 15 of pregnancy and killed 3 days later. The gD DNA-inoculated mice had fewer foetuses which were damaged or had died in utero (6% in gD DNA, 21% vector DNA and 28% in nil inoculated groups challenged with EHV-1), a reduction in the stunting effect of EHV-1 infection on foetuses (gD DNA: 0.40g+/-0.06, vector DNA: 0.34g+/-0.10), reduced placental and herpesvirus-specific lung histopathology and a lower titre of virus (TCID(50)+/-SEM/lung) in maternal lung than control groups (gD DNA 4.7+/-0.3, vector 5.3+/-0.2, nil 5.6+/-0.2). Maternal antibody to EHV-1 gD was demonstrated in pups born to a dam inoculated 123 days earlier with gD DNA. Although protection from abortion was incomplete, immunization of mice with gD DNA demonstrated encouragingly the potential of this vaccine strategy.  相似文献   

In 2009, a novel swine-origin H1N1 influenza A virus (S-OIV), antigenically and genetically divergent from seasonal H1N1, caused a flu pandemic in humans. Development of an effective vaccine to limit transmission of S-OIV in animal reservoir hosts and from reservoir hosts to humans and animals is necessary. In the present study, we constructed and evaluated a vectored vaccine expressing the H1 hemagglutinin of a recent S-OIV isolate using equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) as the delivery vehicle. Expression of the recombinant protein was demonstrated by immunofluorescence and western blotting and the in vitro growth properties of the modified live vector were found to be comparable to those of the parental virus. The EHV-1-H1 vaccine induced an influenza virus-specific antibody response when inoculated into mice by both the intranasal and subcutaneous routes. Upon challenge infection, protection of vaccinated mice could be demonstrated by reduction of clinical signs and faster virus clearance. Our study shows that an EHV-1-based influenza H1N1 vaccine may be a promising alternative for protection against S-OIV infection.  相似文献   

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