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根据《森林与牧地可更新资源计划法》(RPA),美国林务局必须定期提交关于国家自然资源的报告,但以往对城市地区的自然资源从未发表过专门报告。20世纪后半叶,美国都市化面积成倍扩大,90年代大约是50年代和60年代的2-3倍。人对本地、地区和全球的环 相似文献
城市森林健康包括生态健康、经济健康与文化健康,本质是要体现森林生态系统的平衡、价值与市场意义,同时也要符合大多数人的审美情趣和文化价值取向。结合以往的森林城市建设规划实践,分别从生态健康、经济健康与文化健康角度提出了森林改造、林分质量提质、高效立体林业经营、生态采伐和森林文化建设五个方面的城市森林健康经营措施,旨在为城市森林健康规划提供参考。 相似文献
论城市森林的范围及经营对策 总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33
工业发展与城市化使城市环境恶化,城市对森林的需要增加。建设完善的城市森林生态体系,合理划分城市森林的范围,并进行高效经营已是当务之急。本文对影响划分城市森林范围的森林类型、划分原则、为协调城市与林区关系及在市场经济条件下的经营对策进行探讨。 相似文献
再论"结构化森林经营" 总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13
在回顾和评价现有可持续森林经营途径的基础上,本文着重论述了"结构化森林经营"的科学性和可行性.文中指出,结构化森林经营的目标--培育健康森林,符合现代森林经营理念;经营理论建立在结构决定功能的系统法则上,理论基础稳固;经营方法充分利用了"基于相邻木关系的森林空间结构量化分析方法"的科学性、简洁性和可操作性,从而使林分结构调整成为可能;经营模式以健康森林结构的普遍规律为范式,以保证林分结构调整目标明确;经营原则在很大程度上借鉴并进一步量化了德国近自然森林经营的原则,有效规避经营风险.总之,结构化森林经营不失为一种简洁、操作性强、科学的森林可持续经营方法. 相似文献
广州城市森林可持续经营的策略研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
随着城市森林的实践在国内外开展并逐步走向深入,广州作为国际化大都市,目前的城市森林经营状况与城市地位和优越的资源条件很不相称。通过分析广州城市森林可持续经营的现状和目前存在的一些主要问题,提出了广州城市森林可持续经营的基本思路和建议。 相似文献
文章分析城市森林经营方案编制的重要性和必要性,论述方案编制的指导思想、基本原则、重点内容和主要依据,着重介绍了城市森林经营方案编制的几个关键技术,并提出一些对策措施,旨在抛砖引玉,为城市森林经营方案编制提供参考。 相似文献
根据对湖北省京山县石龙镇站村联营龙泉庵林场的调查 ,分析了站村联营的优越性 ,总结了龙泉庵林场联营 13年的经验 ,认为站村联营是集体林经营的一种好形式。 相似文献
Use of a gradient of N-deposition to calculate effect-related soil and vegetation measures in deciduous forests 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Deposition of N and S has increased since the 1950s in most European countries and N accumulates in ecosystems that are not N saturated. This study shows long-term effects of a (modelled) N deposition of 7–17 kg N ha−1 per year on biological and chemical processes in soil, vegetation composition, and functional types of field-layer plant species in deciduous forests. Soil pH largely determined the response of the soil processes, emphasising the importance to compare soils of similar acidity regarding the effects of N deposition. The most pronounced effects were demonstrated for the most acid study plots. When we compared regions with a deposition of 7 and 17 kg N ha−1 per year we found a 40–80% higher soil N mineralisation rate, 2–90% higher nitrification rate and 10–25% lower C:N ratio in the region with the highest deposition. Similar but smaller differences were indicated when regions with a deposition of 7 and 10 kg N ha−1 per year were compared. Number of species was lower in the regions with the highest deposition. Literature data for plants on N concentration, nitrate reductase activity (NRA), growth rates, morphology and height were calculated on a site basis. They varied to different extent between the regions. The N concentration was 7–24% higher in the regions with the highest N deposition. We argue that the effect-related critical load based on our results should be set to a N deposition of 7–10 kg N ha−1 per year. Critical loads for a subdivision of deciduous forests would give lower critical loads for the most acid soils compared to less acid soil. 相似文献
邵阳市森林生态系统净化大气的功能价值估算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
马文银 《中南林业科技大学学报(自然科学版)》2010,30(2)
以湖南省邵阳市为研究对象,采用生产成本法、影子价格法、替代工程法等,估算了邵阳市森林净化大气服务功能价值。研究结果表明:邵阳市森林生态系统净化大气功能的总价值为81.98×108元.a-1,其中森林固定CO2的价值为24.06×108元.a-1,释放O2的功能价值为11.4×108元.a-1,净化SO2的功能价值为0.61×108元.a-1,滞尘功能价值为40.09×108元.a-1,过滤净化空气的功能价值为5.82×108元.a-1。研究结果可为邵阳市生态环境保护和管理经营,核算绿色GDP以及森林资源的生态价值量化提供科学依据。 相似文献
浅析浙江省义乌市生态公益林建设 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
阐述了义乌市生态公益林建设的发展过程,并对现有政策及作用进行了分析,找出存在的问题和原因,并从加大对生态公益林建设资金的投入、建立政策支持多途径补偿、生态公益林区营林措施、做好宣传工作和做好漏登山林生态公益林的资金发放等方面提出生态公益林可持续发展的对策。 相似文献
The canopy-scope was recently introduced as a cheap, robust,portable and easy to use instrument for assessing canopy opennessin forests. In this study, the method was tested in predominantlyconiferous plantation forests, which were different in speciesand structure to the forests where the instrument was originallytested. The relationship between canopy openness (calculatedfrom hemispherical photography) and canopy-scope score at individualpoints, despite being statistically significant, showed considerablescatter, especially at low values. Consequently, the canopy-scopeis not recommended for obtaining estimates of canopy opennessat a single point within plantation conifer stands. However,good results were obtained when values were averaged acrossa plot. Eight to 10 canopy-scope measurements in 0.25 ha werefound to be sufficient to estimate canopy openness. 相似文献