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越南农业生产概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了越南的地理位置及气候条件,指出根据越南地形、土壤和气候条件,可将越南农业划分为红河平原、北部丘陵山区、中山部及中部沿海地区、西原地区、东南部、九龙江平原6个生态区,并介绍了越南农业结构以及玉米、水稻、木薯、红薯、甘蔗、花生、大豆、茶叶、咖啡、橡胶、胡椒、腰果、椰子等主要农作物的生产概况。  相似文献   

概述了越南的地理位置及气候条件,指出根据越南地形、土壤和气候条件,可将越南农业划分为红河平原、北部丘陵山区、中山部及中部沿海地区、西原地区、东南部、九龙江平原6个生态区,并介绍了越南农业结构以及玉米、水稻、木薯、红薯、甘蔗、花生、大豆、茶叶、咖啡、橡胶、胡椒、腰果、椰子等主要农作物的生产概况。  相似文献   

由于2006年越南一些胡椒种植地遭受严重的干旱,胡椒产量预计会下降,但其种植面积增加,胡椒供应量应能够满足出口的需要,保证了其在出口市场上的领先地位。越南现在平均每年生产10万吨胡椒,估计占全球胡椒产量的50%。据越南统计办公室报道,2006年第一季度越南胡椒出口值达到6700  相似文献   

2005年世界香蕉生产概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香蕉属芭蕉科(Musaceae)芭蕉属(Musa)植物,原产亚洲东南部,即中国南方及马来西亚、新几内亚和菲律宾等,是热带、亚热带最主要的水果之一。香蕉产量在各类水果产量中保持着第二至第三的排名,仅次于葡萄和柑桔。世界香蕉主产地分布于南纬30度到北纬30度之间,主要集中在中南美洲和  相似文献   

文章概述了老挝的地理位置、气候条件以及农业在该国的地位,指出老挝农业生产按地理位置可分为北部、中部和南部3个农业生态区,并介绍了老挝水稻、玉米、花生、木薯、甘蔗、大豆、咖啡、香蕉、西瓜等9种主要农作物的生产概况.  相似文献   

老挝农业生产概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章概述了老挝的地理位置、气候条件以及农业在该国的地位,指出老挝农业生产按地理位置可分为北部、中部和南部3个农业生态区,并介绍了老挝水稻、玉米、花生、木薯、甘蔗、大豆、咖啡、香蕉、西瓜等9种主要农作物的生产概况.  相似文献   

晚疫病是越南马铃薯上最重要的病害。各马铃薯产区均有发生。在江河三角洲地区晚疫病的发生通常比较晚,从12月下旬即第二个生长季后半期开始发病,在1月至2月气温较低、湿度较大时,晚疫病常常严重流行。在Sapa地区(北京高原),整个生长晚疫病对马铃薯作物都是主要威胁。在感病品种上病害的发生和严重度可达到100%。在大叨地区,在干旱季节(11-4月)晚疫病发生最轻,而在雨季(5-10月)严重流行。在越南,还未进行晚疫病菌生物学和流行学方面的基础研究。对晚疫病防治研究主要集中在筛选新的杀菌剂。大部分工作集中在抗病育种和抗病品种的筛选。目前需要进行晚疫综合治疗、流行学、晚疫病菌生物学和抗病育方面的深入研究和培训。  相似文献   

巴基斯坦的水稻生产概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要介绍了巴基斯坦的水稻生产和出口情况,水稻种植生态区,目前正种植的水稻品种及主要的病虫害,并对巴基斯坦的水稻生产提出一些改进措施。  相似文献   

<正>越南香蕉树种植面积占越南总的果树面积的19%。香蕉年产量为140万t,但仍无法满足海外增长的需求。越南香蕉出口到许多市场,如日本、英国、俄罗斯、乌克兰、中国、新加坡和韩国。由于原材料缺乏及保存和运输技术等方面的原因,影响了香蕉的质量和外观。另外,香蕉价格的不稳定性,许多蕉农连根拔起香蕉树,改种更赚钱的水果树。  相似文献   

根据菲律宾农业统计局数据,该国的香蕉种植面积达到41.8万公顷。其中约50%分布在棉兰老区,确切数据为20.8万公顷,集中于该区的达沃省、哥打巴托省、布基农省等。约有4万公顷的土地用于种植出口香蕉。棉兰老区具有土地广阔、降雨量稳定和无台风等优越条件。香蕉产业是菲律宾最大的国民收入来源。香蕉种植业衍生并壮大了众多相关行业,提供了将近5万个诸如采收、  相似文献   

This paper introduces Vietnam's climate condition,main rice production regions and analyses the expansion of rice planting area,rice cropping system during the last decades.The result from the change of rice production,planting area,yield,and rice trade indicates that the economic reforms in Vietnam from 1986 have contributed to a spectacular rise in rice production and exports.However,there are still problems and opportunities for rice production and export in Vietnam.The paper suggests that Vietnam should make the most use of the advanced international rice cultivars and technology to improve irrigation and water conservancy facilities to benefit rice farmer and consolidate Vietnam to be the major exporter of rice in the world market.  相似文献   

为了探索用鸡粪作栽培肥料的肥料效果,进行了香蕉配施有机肥(鸡粪)试验。结果表明,用鸡粪栽培香蕉,可以促进香蕉植株的生长,提前抽蕾,提早成熟和提高产量,同时还可以提高香蕉可溶性固形物含量,改善香蕉果形和熟色光泽,提高产品品质和效益。而施用量以鸡粪的纯氮量占总施纯氮的50%为宜,效益最好。  相似文献   

以国家香蕉产业技术体系抽样调查的1995-2013年我国香蕉的产量、收获面积、物质投入、人工投入等相关数据为依据,运用C-D生产函数模型计算出1995-2013年我国香蕉生产的科技进步贡献率为23.5%(索洛余值法),其中收获面积的弹性系数为1.023、物质投入的弹性系数为-0.582、人工投入的弹性系数为0.517.这与我国农业科技进步贡献率52%相比,还存在不小的差距,其主要原因是我国香蕉科技投入的有效不足和技术扩散的实际成效有限.加强科研攻关,提高科技对香蕉生产的支撑作用,推动香蕉科研与实际生产紧密结合,加速香蕉生产技术的有效供给和有效扩散,加快香蕉产业的组织化发展进程,建立准公共类生产技术的供给机制,是未来较长一段时期内提升我国香蕉科技进步贡献率的根本所在.  相似文献   

甘蔗是越南主要经济作物之一,现在年种植面积近30万hm2,种植区域分为6个区.本文对目前越南甘蔗生产中存在的一些问题及制约因素进行了分析,并提出了进一步发展的对策.  相似文献   

为了明确香蕉枯萎病菌对香蕉苗期生长的影响,袁模拟3种病菌侵染途径(带菌土壤、带菌香蕉苗、带菌土壤与带菌香蕉苗),及中低高3种带菌浓度(10、10³、106 CFU/mL)监测香蕉枯萎病菌4号生理小种(FOC 4)对香蕉苗期茎围、株高、叶片长宽等生长指标的影响,并进行统计分析。结果表明,在接种后第64 d,所有处理香蕉苗的茎围、株高、叶片长宽增长均与空白对照差异显著;在一定范围内,接菌浓度越大,香蕉苗的茎围、株高、叶片长宽生长就越慢,甚至停止生长;接菌浓度低至10 CFU/mL(带菌香蕉苗)依然能使蕉苗发生香蕉枯萎病;90%香蕉苗被香蕉枯萎病菌侵染后叶片出现畸形。  相似文献   

为了解不同肥料对香蕉和粉蕉果实挥发物成分和含量的影响及其影响机制,以香蕉巴西(Musa AAA Cavendish subgroup cv.Brazil)和粉蕉广粉1号(Musa AAB Group Fenjiao cv.Guangfeng NO.1)为试材,研究了增施鱼粉和花生麸对果实挥发物及相关酶活性的影响。结果表明,香蕉巴西中检测到32种挥发性物质,粉蕉广粉1号中检测到25种挥发性物质,均以酯类为主,其次为醛类,粉蕉果实中没有烃类及酚类物质;香蕉果实挥发物总量为6 113.43~20 253.89μg/kg,粉蕉果实挥发物总量为1 614.09~4 383.99μg/kg。增施鱼粉和花生麸能增加香蕉和粉蕉果实的挥发物总含量和种类,促进大多数挥发物的积累,以增施鱼粉的效应最大;增施鱼粉和花生麸能够提高香蕉和粉蕉果实醇脱氢酶和醇酰基转移酶的活性,增施鱼粉的效果最明显;在香蕉和粉蕉果实后熟过程中,醇脱氢酶活性不断下降,醇酰基转移酶则出现一个活性高峰,香蕉和粉蕉具有相似的酶活性变化模式,但酶活性水平存在差异。香蕉和粉蕉果实在挥发物成分和含量上都存在差异,增施鱼粉可以提高果实醇脱氢酶和醇酰基转移酶活性,与增施鱼粉后香蕉和粉蕉果实挥发物总量和种类的增加有一定关系。  相似文献   

香蕉是广西南部亚热带区域主栽果树品种之一,近几年来蕉区遭受台风危害,造成香蕉倒伏、折断等.香蕉抗风栽培技术主要针对香蕉易受风害影响的情况,选择抗倒性强的品种,采取竹木搭架、加强田间管理等综合栽培技术提高香蕉抗风害能力,以减轻焦区尤其是沿海地区栽培香蕉遭受台风危害倒伏折断造成的损失,确保种植效益.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨香蕉幼苗时期对K+的吸收动力学参数特征。【方法】采用改进常规耗竭法,研究香蕉幼苗对K+吸收动力学参数。【结果】用根干重作为Michaelis-Menten方程的Vmax量纲较为合理,当K+浓度为560mg/L时,香蕉吸K+速度最快,吸钾量最大;当香蕉钾吸收量达到最大钾吸收量的1/2时,溶液中K+浓度(Km)为129.2mg/L。【结论】香蕉对K+的吸收量随着溶液中K+浓度的增加而增加,K+吸收动力学曲线符合Michaelis-Menten方程,Vmax量纲不同,所得到的K+吸收动力学参数值也不同。  相似文献   

Sweetpotato-pig production is an important system that generates income, utilizes unmarketable crops, and provides manure for soil fertility maintenance. This system is widely practiced from Asia to Africa, with many local variations. Within this system, pigs are generally fed a low nutrient-dense diet, yielding low growth rates and low economic efficiency. Our project in Vietnam went through a process of situation analysis, participatory technology development (PTD), and scaling up over a seven-year period to improve sweetpotato-pig production and to disseminate developed technologies. The situation analysis included a series of pig production assessments in several provinces in northern and southern Vietnam, and pig supply-market chain identification was conducted in 13 provinces. The analysis of these studies informed the project of the following: (1) appropriate locations for our activities; (2) seasonal available feedstuff and farmers feeding practices; (3) market fluctuation and requirements; and (4) feeding and management improvement needs based on which the subsequent phase of PTD was designed. The PTD involved a limited number of farmers participating in sweetpotato varietal selection, sweetpotato root and vine silage processing, seasonal feeding combination, and pig feeding with balanced crop-feed diet and silage. Six years of multi-location and multi-season sweetpotato selection resulted in a few promising varieties that yielded up to 75% more dry matter and have since been formally released. The most significant results of silage processing and feeding trials include improved growth, higher feeding efficiency, increased year-round local feedstuff, and considerable labor reduction from eliminated cooking and vine cutting. Once these technologies were developed, a farmer-to-farmer training model was designed for scaling up the adoption and impact. Farmer trainers from seven communes in seven provinces received training in these technologies. In turn, they undertook the responsibility of training other farmers on sweetpotato selection, processing, and feeding. An impact study was also administered to monitor and evaluate (M&E) the dissemination process and to document the impact of the new technologies and farmer-to-farmer training model on pig growth and farmer income generation. The results showed that both participating and non-participating farmers have taken up the technologies, although the former demonstrates higher rates of adoption than the latter. The participants also generated more income and saved more labor from the adoption of the technologies. While the scaling up and M&E activities are on-going, the project has since broadened from a sweetpotato-pig system perspective to a pig-cropfeed system perspective based on farmers needs. It has included other crop feeds such as cassava and peanut stems in the research portfolio. New technologies based on on-going PTD will continuously be incorporated into the future training curriculum.Dai Peters is currently a senior scientist with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) based in Hanoi, Vietnam. This publication is based on research conducted while she was a research scientist with the International Potato Center (CIP). She holds a PhD from North Carolina State University. Her research interests include on-farm participatory research methodologies, agroenterprise development, and sweetpotato-pig farming systems in Vietnam and Papua, Indonesia. Her recent publications include a manual on crop-based pig feed systems, post-harvest fermentation of sweetpotato roots and vines, and agroenterprise development.Nguyen Thi Tinh is currently a coordinator of the sweetpotato-pig improvement project at the International Potato Center in Vietnam. Ms. Tinh holds a Masters degree in animal nutrition from Wageningen University, Netherlands. She participated in the project on pig feeding trials for five years.Mai Thach Hoanh is a sweetpotato breeder with the Root Crop Research Center of Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute (VASI). He holds a PhD in sweetpotato breeding from the same institute. He participated in the project for seven years on sweetpotato selection. Nguyen The Yen is a crop scientist in the Food Crop Research Institute of Vietnam. He holds a PhD in sweetpotato breeding from VASI. He participated in the project for five years on sweetpotato selection.Pham Ngoc Thach is a lecturer with the Hanoi Agricultural University. He holds a PhD in veterinarian science from the same university. He participated in the project for five years in controlling pig diseases during the feeding trials.Keith Fuglie is a regional coordinator and research scientist in the International Potato Center based at Bogor, Indonesia. He holds a PhD in agriculture economics from the University of Wisconsin. He designed the impact study for the project.  相似文献   

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