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林火动态研究与林火管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
林火动态是一个生态系统可持续性的稳定指标, 准确掌握林火动态和可燃物特性是制定合理林火管理策略或规划的基础。林火动态与可燃物积累过程密切相关, 了解森林可燃物积累过程是开展林火管理的基础。文中综述了林火动态及可燃物变化的研究进展。林火动态受地形、植被和气候等因素的影响, 随着气候、植被和人为活动的变化, 许多区域林火动态发生了显著变化, 并影响可燃物积累过程及其空间分布。森林结构和可燃物组成的变化会导致火频度、火灾类型和火强度发生变化, 林火管理对策也需要相应调整。我国重点林区的林火管理策略也应根据林火动态变化和可燃物情况进行调整, 以适应变化的气候和植被条件。  相似文献   

林火动态变化对我国东北地区森林生态系统的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我国积极的森林防火政策导致了我国东北林区的森林火周期延长,并影响到森林结构和可燃物组成的变化。火周期的延长会引起森林可燃物载量增加,并导致火频度、火灾类型和火强度发生改变。森林火周期延长还会引起大兴安岭地区云杉林的分布范围增大。植被的变化又对林火动态有反作用。为适应林火动态和可燃物的变化,我国东北林区森林防火政策需要作相应调整,采用林火管理思想开展森林防火工作。  相似文献   

全球变化背景下的我国林火发生趋势及预防对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
森林火灾对气候波动具有敏感性。近年来世界气候异常,高温天气、飓风、暴雨、干旱等灾害在世界各地频繁发生,全球正在经历一次大的以气候变暖为主要特征的气候变化过程。异常天气及其引起的森林群落结构的变化,将使火险增加,林火的发生有增加的趋势。我国的华北、西北、东北、黄淮等地区的气候有变暖、变干的趋势,易导致冬春连旱,春夏连旱,这对森林火灾的增加将构成严重威胁。持续增温,导致森林易燃可燃物积累多;防火期发生明显延长;早春火和夏季森林火灾多发;林火发生地理分布区扩大;森林可燃物干燥,森林火灾燃烧性加大,火灾发生频率高。  相似文献   

森林可燃物含水率及其预测模型研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
森林可燃物是森林火灾发生的物质基础,其含水率的变化直接影响森林可燃物着火的难易程度。高效准确地模拟森林可燃物含水率动态变化的规律,对预测预报林火发生或林火行为具有重要意义。文中从可燃物含水率的影响因子、理论算法、预测模型3个方面阐述了森林可燃物含水率及其预测模型研究进展;指出了研究存在的问题;提出了可燃物含水率研究展望:加强野外定位观测研究,优化测定方法并强化野外采样和室内试验标准化工作,加强可燃物含水率时空异质性研究,加强观测尺度外推问题研究并构建含水率遥感反演模型。  相似文献   

文章通过对干旱定义和对干旱等级的划分,从持续干旱对森林可燃物、火源和林火行为等方面,综合分析了持续干旱对森林火灾的影响。结果表明,持续干旱会降低可燃物的含水率,使可燃物载量和分布发生变化,对森林可燃物有较大影响;持续干旱还会影响火源,使林火强度增大,林火蔓延速度加快,火烈度增大,提高森林火灾发生的几率和森林火灾的强度。  相似文献   

持续干旱对森林火灾的影响研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对干旱定义和对干旱等级的划分,从持续干旱对森林可燃物、火源和林火行为等方面,综合分析了持续干旱对森林火灾的影响。结果表明,持续干旱会降低可燃物的含水率,使可燃物载量和分布发生变化,对森林可燃物有较大影响;持续干旱还会影响火源,使林火强度增大,林火蔓延速度加快,火烈度增大,提高森林火灾发生的几率和森林火灾的强度。  相似文献   

森林可燃物含水率预测及燃烧性等级划分   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
森林可燃物含水率预测及燃烧性等级划分黑龙江省人民政府森林防火指挥部办公室王瑞君黑龙江省第一林业调查规划设计院于建军吉林省吉林市林业局郑春艳林火预报就是通过测定和计算某些气象因子、人为因素和可燃物含水率等,预报火发生的火险天气、火灾发生以及火灾发生后火...  相似文献   

细小可燃物易燃性的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
细小可燃物易燃性的试验研究王刚,金晓钟(黑龙江省森林保护研究所)细小可燃物是森林火灾最危险的引燃物。据统计95%以上的林火都是由地表细小可燃物首先引起的。因此研究不同地表可燃物在不同的天气条件下的引燃概率,对控制火灾发生的引燃机制具有实际意义。198...  相似文献   

金森 《林业科学》2002,38(4):171-175
林火是森林生态系统中重要的生态因子.森林作为可燃物主体对林火的影响具有尺度性.虽然这种影响与尺度之间的关系研究较少,但在具体尺度上的研究却很多.在实验室小尺度上同质可燃物床层与火行为的关系可用Rothemel模型(Rothemel, 1972)来描述.在林分尺度上关于森林对林火的影响的研究,包括森林可燃物含水率的变化及其与林火发生和林火行为的关系等,国内外研究都很多.在景观斑块尺度上(GCTE 1990年定义)的研究较多,尤其是关于火作为一个扰动因子与景观格局的相互影响.在景观尺度(100km2,GCTE 1990年定义)上,特别是对景观之间的火系统(fire regime)关系研究较少.在景观以上尺度的研究国内尚未进行.介于景观和区域之间的尺度(100~10000km2)与我国的各省区内由不同森林类型形成的异质区的尺度相近.在该尺度上主要是对林火统计特征与区域可燃物、气候等属性之间的关系进行研究,采用自上而下的方法 ,注重统计规律,较少考虑自下而上的机理.它与区域尺度上的研究是进行大尺度规划,如国家火险等级区划的基础.  相似文献   

森林的燃烧性主要根据森林可燃物水分动态变化、可燃物载床、可燃物种类和类型进行评估,在一定的气象和环境条件下,森林可燃物的类型和分布明显影响着林火发生的行为特征。森林可燃物的载量的增加,森林结构单一,易形成大片连续且均匀的水平、垂直可燃物分布结构,导致森林综合抗火能力下降,加大发生重大或特大森林火灾的概率。针对林分的实际  相似文献   

The paper described the natural conditions and forest types in Northwestern Region of China. Most forests in the region are distributed in subalpine areas. It is important to protect the existent forests in the region for maintaining ecological balance. According to the statistics results of 1991~2000, the paper analyzes the forest fires distribution and fire severity. Annually the numbers of forest fires range from 52 to 240. The incidence rate of forest fires in Northwestern Region is under 0.33 per ten thousand ha. There are 0.67-64.4 ha burned area per ten thousand ha forest. The main reasons for forest fires lie in the dry weather conditions, many firebrands, and high fuel loading. The strategies of fire management in the region are to stress the fire education in forest regions, strength the firebrands' management, emphasize the fuel management, and improve the fire monitoring and fire control ability.  相似文献   

Large forest fires have recently increased in frequency and severity in many ecosystems. Due to the heterogeneity in fuels, weather and topography, these large fires tend to form unburned islands of vegetation. This study focuses on a large forest fire that occurred in north-eastern Spain in 1998, which left large areas of unburned vegetation within its perimeter. Based on a satellite post-fire severity map we searched for the relative influence of biotic and abiotic factors leading to unburned island formation. We divided the area of the fire into individual units we called “slopes” which were meant to separate the differential microclimatic effects of contrasted aspects. The number of unburned islands and their areas were related to 12 variables that influence their formation (i.e. land cover composition, aspect, steepness, forest structure, two landscape indices and weather variables). We hypothesized that unburned vegetation islands would concentrate on northern aspects, in less flammable forests (i.e. broadleaf species) and higher fragmentation to interrupt the advance of fire. While north and western aspects did have a higher presence of unburned vegetation islands, our study suggests greater presence of islands in slopes that are larger (i.e. more continuous areas with relatively homogeneous aspect), with greater proportions of forest cover, with higher wood volumes and with lower proportions of broadleaf species. Climate also played a role, with relative humidity and wind speed positively and negatively correlated to island formation, respectively. Unburned vegetation was more frequent on slopes with lower diversity of land covers and higher dominance of one land cover in the slope. Since slopes with only one land cover (i.e. forests) had more islands than slopes with multiple cover types, we infer that under severe meteorological conditions, fragmented forests can be more affected by wind and by water stress, thus burning more readily than forests that are protected from this edge phenomenon. These results would reinforce forest management strategies that avoid linear features (fire-lines and fire-breaks), to enhance fuel treatments that focus on areas and minimize fragmentation.  相似文献   

南方人工林森林火灾发生和危害之评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据全国25省区和南方4省区1999~2001年的森林火灾数据,分析评估了南方人工林发生森林火灾的原因、过程和危害的程度;探讨山火防范和控制,减少危害和投资风险的途径,并以肇庆市国有林场过去10年森林火灾发生情况作验证。人工林森林火灾受气候、地区森林覆盖率和特征、人工林特征、经营管理系统等的综合影响,每年10月至次年2月份为干旱季节,森林火灾发生最为频繁。肇庆国有林场过去10年森林火灾面积比率为0.023%0~4、840%0。通过设立健全的森林防火和控制系统,有效的营林管理,南方人工林发生火灾的面积机率可以最大限度地降低,应可以控制在1%以下。  相似文献   

森林火灾中的树冠火研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
森林火灾按其燃烧物和燃烧部位的不同, 通常可分为地表火、树冠火和地下火3种。树冠火是指在林冠层燃烧和蔓延的火, 通常与地表火同时发生。树冠火发生数量不多, 但其燃烧温度高、火强度大、蔓延速度快, 对森林的破坏性极大。从树冠火的发生机制、蔓延模型、扑救方法、预防和减弱树冠火发生及蔓延危险性的措施几方面对当前国内外树冠火的研究进展进行了综述, 并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

森林防火隔离带技术的变革与优势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以消减可燃物的方式预防和阻隔森林火灾是林火管理工作的核心。传统阻隔技术向遮荫型防隔火技术的演变已成为近10余年西方多林国家林火管理工作的重要走向。从林火的特点和蔓延基本规律出发, 遮荫型防火隔离带技术通过局部消减可燃物载量和规则化可燃物分布, 显著降低其可能形成的林火强度, 使大多数火灾自行熄灭。该项技术的实施不受区域和气候条件限制; 与传统全光式防火隔离带和生物防火林带相比, 不但工作量较小, 对林分植被和生态环境的干扰也较小。该项技术实现了偶发性林火的防控、森林健康及生态维护的有机结合, 以此替代传统防火隔离带技术效益显著。针对遮荫型防隔火技术的进一步研究工作应包括不同稀化程度林带潜在火行为和其防隔火效能的量化评估、林地局部可燃物稀化的高效作业机具以及伴随该项技术实施产生的大量生物质副产品的有效利用问题。  相似文献   

Bark beetle-caused tree mortality in conifer forests affects the quantity and quality of forest fuels and has long been assumed to increase fire hazard and potential fire behavior. In reality, bark beetles, and their effects on fuel accumulation, and subsequent fire hazard, are poorly understood. We extensively sampled fuels in three bark beetle-affected Intermountain conifer forests and compared these data to existing research on bark beetle/fuels/fire interactions within the context of the disturbance regime. Data were collected in endemic, epidemic and post-epidemic stands of Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine and Engelmann spruce. From these data, we evaluated the influence of bark beetle-caused tree mortality on various fuels characteristics over the course of a bark beetle rotation. The data showed that changes in fuels over time create periods where the potential for high intensity and/or severe fires increases or decreases. The net result of bark beetle epidemics was a substantial change in species composition and a highly altered fuels complex. Early in epidemics there is a net increase in the amount of fine surface fuels when compared to endemic stands. In post-epidemic stands large, dead, woody fuels, and live surface fuels dominate. We then discuss potential fire behavior in bark beetle-affected conifer fuels based on actual and simulated fuels data. Results indicated that for surface fires both rates of fire spread and fireline intensities were higher in the current epidemic stands than in the endemic stands. Rates of spread and fireline intensities were higher in epidemic stands due, however, to decreased vegetative sheltering and its effect on mid-flame wind speed, rather than changes in fuels. Passive crown fires were more likely in post-epidemic stands, but active crown fires were less likely due to decreased aerial fuel continuity. We also discuss the ecological effects of extreme fire behavior. Information is presented on managing forests to reduce the impact of bark beetle outbreaks and the interplay between management, bark beetle populations, fuels and fire hazard and behavior.  相似文献   

Five models for the consumption of coarse woody debris or woody fuels with a diameter larger than 0.6 cm were assessed for application in Australian southern eucalypt forest fires including: CONSUME models for (1) activity fuels, (2) natural western woody and (3) natural southern woody fuels, (4) the BURNUP model and (5) the recommendation by the Australian National Carbon Accounting System which assumes 50% woody fuel consumption. These models were assessed using field data collected as part of the woody fuel consumption project (WFCP) in south-west Western Australia and northern-central Victoria. Three additional datasets were also sourced to increase variability in forest type, fuel complex and fire characteristics. These datasets comprised data from south-west Western Australia collected as part of Project Aquarius, the Warra Long Term Ecological Research site in Tasmania and Tumbarumba in south-eastern New South Wales. Combined the dataset represents a range of fire behaviour characteristic of prescribed burning conditions with a maximum fireline intensity of almost 4000 kW m−1.  相似文献   

Pre-fire woody fuel (diameter > 0.6 cm) structure and its consumption by fire were measured at experimental/prescribed fires and high intensity wildfires in eucalypt forests in southern Australia in order to better understand and model the dynamics of woody fuel consumption. Two approaches were used in model development: (1) a fire or plot level analysis, based on a dataset which includes the proportion of the pre-fire woody fuel load consumed at each fire; and (2) a stage level analysis, based on a dataset where woody fuel consumption was measured at a woody fuel particle level (i.e. pre-fire and post-fire diameter). For the plot level analysis a generalised linear model (GLM) approach identified the Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) as the best predictor of the proportion of woody fuel consumed, with an R2 of 0.58 and mean absolute error of 10%. The stage level analysis recognised the various combustion stages through which a burning woody particle would pass, but failed to develop an accurate model that predicted the ignition, partial and full consumption of woody fuels based on fuel, fire behaviour and environmental variables. Analysis showed that consumption of woody fuel particles is highly variable and that variation in fire behaviour potentially has a greater impact on woody fuel consumption, than does variation in fuel characteristics (e.g. state of decay, fuel suspension and interactions with other fuel particles). The FFDI GLM provides forest and fire managers with a tool to manage woody fuel consumption objectives and may assist fire managers with forecasting post-frontal fire behaviour. The FFDI GLM may also assist forest and fire managers to better meet land management goals and to comply with air quality and emission targets.  相似文献   

Characterization of forest fires in Catalonia (north-east Spain)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study analyses the temporal variation in the distribution of the number of fires, area burned and fire sizes in Catalonia using fire data from 1942 to 2002. The study shows variations in the distribution of fire size over recent decades, with a significant increase in the number of very large fires. The study also analyses relationships between characteristics of the forest (altitude, slope, aspect, living fuels and species composition) and the probability of the fire occurrence. The analysis is based on the overlay of forest cover data and perimeters of forest fires during the period (1986–2002). Of the analysed variables, altitude affects most the probability of fire occurrence, with higher proportions of burned forest area at lower altitudes. Stand’s vertical structure is also relevant, with lower proportions of burned area in stands with mature tree cover without understory. The study helps to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of forest and fire management policies, especially those related to forest and fuel management at the landscape level.  相似文献   

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