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在室内采用水培方法,比较草铵膦对抗草铵膦转基因水稻品系99-1与普通水稻品种越富和中作93的无影响浓度,从而明确该除草剂对水稻是否存在残留药害.结果表明,草铵膦对转基因水稻品系99-1的无影响浓度明显高于非转基因品种,对前者的种子和2叶龄幼苗的无影响浓度分别为8.28 mg/L和48.97 mg/L,而对后者的种子和2叶龄幼苗的无影响浓度分别为1.83 mg/L和2.06 mg/L.这些无影响浓度均高于推荐用量下草铵膦在土壤中的残留浓度.因此,正常用量下的草铵膦对转基因水稻品系和普通水稻均无土壤残留问题.  相似文献   

为给抗草铵膦转基因水稻‘Y0003’商业化生产后除草剂的安全高效施用提供科学依据, 探索了该转基因直播稻田草铵膦的最佳施用时期和施用剂量。研究了在直播稻田3~4叶期、5~6叶期以及分蘖期施用0.225、0.45和0.9 g/hm 2草铵膦(有效成分, 下同)后, 草铵膦对杂草的控制效果和对转基因水稻生长的影响。在测试的3个施药时期, 施用0.225 g/hm 2草铵膦对杂草防除效果都很差, 水稻减产严重; 在水稻3~4叶期和分蘖期施用0.45和0.9 g/hm 2草铵膦对杂草的防除效果也较差, 水稻生长受到严重影响, 与无草对照相比水稻产量显著下降。但在水稻5~6叶期施用0.45 和0.9 g/hm 2草铵膦对主要杂草的防效均在90%以上, 且对水稻安全。因此建议抗草铵膦转基因水稻‘Y0003’直播田在水稻5~6叶期施用0.45~0.9 g/hm 2草铵膦来控制田间杂草。  相似文献   

水稻与稗草在大田条件下的竞争关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同类型不同密度的水稻与一定密度的稗草混合种植 ,结果表明 :在低密度条件下稗草的生长速率显著高于水稻 ,而在高密度条件下水稻的生长速率显著高于稗草 ;随着种植密度的增加 ,水稻的生长速率逐渐增大而稗草的生长速率逐渐减小。所有条件下稗草的相对生长速率都显著高于水稻的相对生长速率。水稻单位面积产量在试验条件下随水稻密度的增加而增加 ,且差异显著。相对来说 ,稗草对穗重型品种的影响比对穗数型品种的影响更大一些 ,但差异不显著  相似文献   

抗除草剂转基因水稻的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水稻是我国乃至世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,杂草是影响水稻产量和品质的主要因素。近年来,抗除草剂转基因水稻的研究与应用取得了较大进展。本文概述了稻田的主要杂草及防除方法,简述了稻田常用的几种除草剂及其作用机理,介绍了全球抗除草剂转基因作物的现状,着重阐述了抗除草剂转基因水稻的研发进展、应用及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

20%草铵膦AS防除香蕉园杂草田间药效试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草铵膦,又名草丁膦, 由联邦德国赫斯特化学公司首先合成开发,是一种具有内吸作用的非选择性触杀型除草剂,属于膦酸类除草剂,是谷氨酰胺合成抑制剂.  相似文献   

拜耳作物科学公司为扩大草铵膦的生产,历时2年花费1500万美元完成位于美国密执根州的Muskegon工厂的扩产工程。公司此举的目的是为满足LibentyLink系列转基因玉米、棉花、  相似文献   

为探索园艺矿物油在非耕地橘园对精草铵膦的减量增效作用,于2021年开展园艺矿物油对10%精草铵膦可溶液剂(SL)的减量增效作用试验。结果表明,10%精草铵膦SL 1 500 mL/hm2与不同浓度的园艺矿物油混用30 d后对马唐、碎米莎草的株防效分别在90.49%、79.64%以上,对杂草的防治效果随桶混矿物油浓度的增加而增高。10%精草铵膦SL 1 500 mL/hm2+99%矿物油乳油1 875.0 mL/hm2、10%精草铵膦SL 1 500 mL/hm2+5%d-柠檬烯SL 1 275.0 mL/hm2和10%精草铵膦SL 3 000 mL/hm2对橘园杂草马唐和碎米莎草的株防效均达到100%。由此可见,园艺矿物油对精草铵膦防治橘园杂草马唐和碎米莎草具有减量增效作用。  相似文献   

为了进一步明确稗草对水稻生长发育的影响,采用大田试验,设置稗草不同出苗时间和不同密度对机直播稻产量的影响.结果表明,随着稗草出苗时间的延迟,稗草对机直播水稻产量的影响逐渐减弱.当稗草密度是1株/m2(B1)时,稗草对机械直播水稻的产量无显著影响,但当稗草密度为3株/m2(B3),出苗时间为水稻播种后0、7、14 d时,...  相似文献   

采用田间试验方法研究了五氟磺草胺和氰氟草酯复配剂(五氟磺草胺•氰氟草酯)对水稻直播田杂草的控制效果和应用安全性。结果表明,五氟磺草胺•氰氟草酯对直播稻田的禾本科杂草、阔叶杂草和莎草均具有较好的防除效果,有效成分用量90~180 g/hm2的综合防效可达95%以上,显著优于对照药剂氰氟草酯,与五氟磺草胺、五氟磺草胺+氰氟草酯、丙草胺+苄嘧磺隆的防效相当。五氟磺草胺•氰氟草酯显著降低了稗、鸭舌草种群对田间N、P、K养分的吸收,保持了土壤肥力。五氟磺草胺•氰氟草酯有效成分用量90~120 g/hm2苗后茎叶处理对水稻安全,对后茬小麦、油菜、甘蓝、葱、大蒜等作物无不良影响。  相似文献   

采用整株生物测定法测定两种除草剂二氯喹啉草酮与二氯喹啉酸茎叶处理对水稻田杂草的生物活性及对水稻的安全性。结果表明:当二氯喹啉草酮和二氯喹啉酸有效成分剂量均为600 g/hm2时, 两种除草剂对稗属杂草、鳢肠的鲜重抑制率均高于94%, 其GR90为107.35~558.58 g/hm2; 对马唐和耳叶水苋的鲜重抑制率低于85%, 对抗二氯喹啉酸西来稗和千金子的鲜重抑制率低于50%; 不同的是二氯喹啉草酮对丁香蓼和异型莎草的鲜重抑制率分别为92.17%、94.33%, 均显著高于二氯喹啉酸(83.64%, 85.57%)。二氯喹啉草酮和二氯喹啉酸对1.5叶期水稻安全性差, 选择性指数为2.53~3.58; 对3.5叶期水稻安全, 选择性指数大于4, 各处理水稻鲜重与对照组之间无显著差异。本着高效、安全、经济的原则, 不推荐二氯喹啉草酮用于防除水稻田禾本科杂草, 仅对部分阔叶类和莎草科杂草发生严重的水稻田, 二氯喹啉草酮可以作为补充除草剂。  相似文献   

湖南稻区稗草对二氯喹啉酸的抗药性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对湖南部分稻区稗草生物型对二氯喹啉酸的抗性水平进行监测。琼脂法测定结果表明,湖南安乡稗草生物型已对二氯喹啉酸产生了明显的抗性,2001年安乡稗草生物型IC50结果显示,其最高相对抗性倍数高达63.80;常德市郊、汉寿县、长沙县高桥镇和春华镇的稗草生物型对二氯喹啉酸的抗药性正在形成,IC50相对抗性倍数比值为2.15-2.78;而其他地区稗草生物型尚未对二氯喹啉酸产生抗性。茎叶喷雾法测定表明,在室内即便是使用高浓度400 mg/L二氯喹啉酸也不能很好地控制安乡稗草生物型;田间使用浓度为6倍于田间推荐用量(1 350 g/hm2)的二氯喹啉酸不能有效防治安乡稗草生物型,而用田间推荐量(225 g/hm2)的二氯喹啉酸可有效的防治敏感性稗草生物型。以上结果表明湖南安乡稗草生物型已对二氯喹啉酸产生极明显的抗药性。  相似文献   

中国稗草病原真菌对稗草及水稻的致病性   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
从稗草病叶上分离到8种病原真菌,它们是:链格孢、棒弯孢、月弯孢、画眉草弯孢、橙黄树座霉、紫附球菌、Bipolarisschoemaker和尖角突脐孢。前4种病原菌对水稻有致病作用。在对水稻无致病作用的4种病原菌中,橙黄树座霉、紫附球菌和B.schoemaker对稗草的致病力弱,而尖角突脐孢对4.5叶期以下的稗草有极强的致病作用。寄主范围测定表明尖角突脐孢除了轻度侵染玉米幼苗,对其它主要作物如水稻、小麦、大豆、棉花、谷子、豌豆、芸豆、向日葵、芝麻、大麻无致病作用。本研究结果表明尖角突脐孢在我国可作为微生物除稗剂的候选菌  相似文献   

Dose–response experiments were conducted in glasshouse pot experiments to investigate the selectivity of oxadiargyl, a recently introduced herbicide, in direct‐seeded rice under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Crop sensitivity to oxadiargyl was comparatively greater for wet‐seeded (anaerobic) than for dry‐seeded rice (aerobic). Likewise, greater efficacy against Echinochloa crus‐galli (L.) was also observed under anaerobic conditions. These results indicate greater activity of oxadiargyl under anaerobic conditions, but that application pre‐sowing with subsequent flooding would reduce selectivity in wet‐seeded rice. The results are discussed in relation to rice production in Mediterranean agriculture.  相似文献   

Gibson  Foin  & Hill 《Weed Research》1999,39(3):181-190
The relationship between root and shoot growth were determined for water-seeded rice and Echinochloa phyllopogon in greenhouse experiments. When grown in monoculture at four nitrogen rates (0, 60, 120, 180 kg N ha−1), root dry weight was highly correlated with canopy structure for both species. Echinochloa phyllopogon showed a significantly stronger response to the nitrogen rate than rice. When rice and E. phyllopogon were grown in competition, with roots either separated or allowed to mingle, root competition contributed more than shoot competition to reductions in the growth of the target species. The results suggest that root competition may be the primary mechanism determining competitive outcomes between water-seeded rice and E. phyllopogon . The importance of root competition and the relationship between root and shoot growth demonstrated in this study suggest that researchers should not rely solely on correlations between shoot traits and competitive ability as evidence that competition is primarily for light. Our results also suggest the importance of considering the whole plant when assessing rice cultivars for competitive ability.  相似文献   

为了明确宁夏稻区稗草对五氟磺草胺抗性水平及抗性机制。采用整株生物测定法测定了宁夏地区6个稗的原变种Echinochloa crus-galli var.crus-galli种群对五氟磺草胺的抗性水平,并测定了每个种群的乙酰乳酸合酶基因(ALS)序列和ALS酶离体活性,以及P450抑制剂马拉硫磷对稗草种群抗性水平的影响。结果显示,与敏感种群相比,5个疑似抗性种群对五氟磺草胺表现出不同程度的抗性(10.18倍~32.71倍),其中抗性种群N14,N22,N27和N51的ALS 574位色氨酸突变为亮氨酸,N53的197位脯氨酸突变为亮氨酸,敏感种群N43没有发现突变位点,五氟磺草胺对抗性种群ALS酶的IC50均明显高于敏感种群,马拉硫磷对五氟磺草胺有增效作用,可提高稗草种群对五氟磺草胺的敏感性。综上所述,稗草种群对五氟磺草胺产生抗性是由于靶标基因ALS突变,同时稗草种群对五氟磺草胺的抗性也可能与细胞色素P450介导的代谢增强有关。  相似文献   

Summary Co-ordinating herbicide applications with the suppressive ability of the crop has the potential to improve weed control and optimize herbicide use in water-seeded rice. However, the successful integration of herbicide applications and crop development depends on the timing and duration of competition between rice and weeds. The critical period of competition between rice and Echinochloa species was examined in field and glasshouse experiments from 1996 to 2000. In 1999 and 2000, Echinochloa species seeded 30 days after rice in field experiments did not survive and rice yields were not reduced when plots were kept weed-free for 30 days or longer. In a basin experiment conducted in 1998, E. phyllopogon seeded with the crop was unaffected by light competition alone but the relative importance of shading by the crop increased when E. phyllopogon was seeded after rice. Management strategies that delay the germination or growth of Echinochloa species might confer a competitive advantage to rice and reduce the need for herbicide applications. However, yields in the field experiments were reduced by at least 18% after only 30 days of competition in both years, suggesting that it may be difficult to integrate currently available herbicides with crop growth in water-seeded rice.  相似文献   

Seed production of residual weed populations needs to be taken into account when estimating the long-term impact of low-input agronomic practices. The objective of this study was to measure the effects and interactions of crop, weed control, tillage practice and nutrient source on the seed production of the dominant residual weed species in a maize/soyabean rotation at two sites: Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. on a Sainte-Rosalie clay and Chenopodium album L. on a Duravin clay loam. Seed production per unit area was estimated in each experimental unit. Weed seed production was greater under mechanical weed control compared with chemical weed control. In 1997, E. crus-galli seed production reached over 326 000 seeds m–2 in mechanical weed control treatments, but averaged less than 500 seeds m–2 in the chemical weed control treatments. Chenopodium album produced in the range of 766 000 and 73 000 seeds m–2 in mechanical and chemical weed control treatments respectively. Very few or no weed seeds were produced in soyabean under chemical control. Tillage intensity and nutrient source did not affect seed production of either weed species, with the exception that E. crus-galli produced more seeds in chisel than in mouldboard plough tillage in soyabean. Weed control method had more impact on seed production than tillage intensity and nutrient source in a maize/soyabean rotation.  相似文献   

为了明确新型除草剂NC1的杀草谱、施药时期、使用剂量及对水稻的安全性,采用种子生物测定法测定34.5% NCI悬浮剂对稗草的生物活性,并与30乡丙草胺乳油进行比较;采用室内整株生物测定法测定34.5%NC1 SC不同时期处理对禾本科杂草的控制作用和对水稻的安全性,并进行田间验证.结果 表明:NC1对稗草种子的生物活性优...  相似文献   

利用旱直播稻自身的竞争及化感作用,评价旱直播稻品种(品系)对杂草的抑制作用。采用田间小区试验方法,评价旱直播稻对杂草的竞争能力和耐受能力。通过测定旱直播稻特征化感次生物质含量计算出的化感指数来评价其化感潜力;在旱直播稻播种后45 d,杂草生物量与旱直播稻的生物量成显著负相关、与相对竞争强度成显著的正相关。旱稻品系‘HF04’和‘HF011’对杂草的抑制作用最强,前者抑草能力强表现在竞争力,后者抑草能力强表现在耐受杂草竞争力和化感作用。  相似文献   

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