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近年来,新乡市在加快水产业发展的同时.高度重视水产品质量安全生产,采取一切措施.加强了从水域环境、生产投入品、病害防治、无公害水产品养殖、水产品运输与加工、消费等渠道的宣传教育、培训与技术指导工作.为水产品的安全生产和安全食用发挥了积极作用。 相似文献
我区有养殖水面3867hm2,其中南美白对虾养殖面积1300多hm2。南美白对虾养殖是本区渔业增效,渔民增收的支柱。但是近几年来虾病发生比较严重,有 相似文献
1988—1989年北票市龙潭水库连续两年移植池沼公鱼发眼卵450万粒,1990—1991年两年捕捞池沼公鱼18.1吨,平均每年每亩增产4.21kg,池沼公鱼收入5.43万元,占水库渔业总收入的四分之一,取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益。 相似文献
随着人们对水产品的需求不断增长,水产养殖业飞速发展,传统的水产养殖方式体现出明显的缺陷,如:通过增加养殖面积来增加养殖总量造成效益下降,水产品质量下降;养殖营养物的外排、化学药品的使用造成水体自身污染、环境恶化,等等。因此有必要探索新的健康养殖模式,研究新的养殖技术、方法来维系水产养殖业的可持续发展。作根据当前广西沿海水产养殖业的实践经验,摸索出南美白对虾健康养殖的一套方法,希望与同行们共同探讨。 相似文献
2005年信阳市利用养殖水面98万亩.水产品总产量12.78万吨(比“九五”末增加了3.62万吨.增长了40%),水产行业总产值达14.23亿元(比“九五”末增长了5.42亿元,增加了62%)。 相似文献
南美白对虾引进养殖的巨大成功,促进我国对虾养殖业迅猛发展。2003年我国南美白对虾养殖面积达24.7万hm^2,产量达45.5万t,占全世界产量的35%,出口约10万t。不仅沿海地区能养殖,而且在没有海水的江西、湖南、湖北、四川、重庆、山西、青海、新疆和吉林等内陆省市也开始养殖。但其疾病严重、价格下跌、养殖成本提高等困难,严重影响南美白对虾养殖业的发展。为了走出困境,开创对虾养殖新局面, 相似文献
山西省1985年成鱼产量达到276万公斤,比1984年净增80万公斤,比1981年的65万公斤翻了两番多。水产养殖业在山西已开始显示出突出的优势,如何因势利导,把这种势头保持并发展下去,确是一个值得引起注意的问题。否则,在成鱼产量连年大增,大批水产品进入市场后,产供销的销售环节不可避免地要出现障碍,直接影响水产业发展。因此,要对水产品市场即将出现的情况作充分的估计,及早采取相应的措施,使全省水产业能够持续发展并争取在短时问内,全省水产品产量有较大的增长。 相似文献
A. Rollo R. Sulpizio M. Nardi S. Silvi C. Orpianesi M. Caggiano A. Cresci O. Carnevali 《Fish physiology and biochemistry》2006,32(2):167-177
Two bacterial strains, Lactobacillus fructivorans, isolated from sea bream (Sparus aurata) gut, and Lactobacillus plantarum, isolated from human faeces, were administered simultaneously, during sea bream development, using Brachionus plicatilis and/or Artemia salina as vectors. The probiotic treatment significantly affected gut colonization. To test the probiotic influence on stress responsiveness, sea bream fry, 47 days post-hatching (p.h.), were subjected to pH stress (from 8.6 to 6.3) and cumulative mortality, cortisol levels and HSP70 gene expression were analysed. Cortisol was selected, since under stress conditions its level increases. HSP70 was selected with consideration of its wide involvement in response to a great number of injuries, and because it protects cells probably by binding and refolding damaged proteins. The results obtained indicated that the administration of probiotic to sea bream fry induced higher HSP70 levels, indicating a greater potentiality to respond to the harmful conditions possibly present in fish farms. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the levels of cortisol found were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in both groups under probiotic treatment. When pH was used as a stressor, it induced a higher cumulative mortality in the control; the mortality was found to be significantly lower in both treated groups. Interestingly, a significant increase (P < 0.05) in HSP70 gene expression was observed in all stressed groups. These results suggest an improvement in tolerance to acute stress of fry fed with probiotics. 相似文献
2000—2004年分别在马銮湾、火烧屿、鳄鱼屿和猴屿4个海区进行卵形鲳鯵网箱养殖,探讨在养殖模式和饲料投喂技术相同条件下,海水流速度对网箱养殖卵形鲳鯵生长的影响。结果显示,海水流速最慢的马銮湾海区养殖效果最好,海水流速最快的猴屿养殖效果最差。 相似文献
Spatiotemporal patterns of distribution of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, and sea bream, Sparus aurata, and their influence on artisanal fisheries are explored before and after an escape event that released 1.5 million fish into the wild off La Palma (Canary Islands). Data were collected by in situ visual census and first sale data as a proxy of artisanal fisheries landings. Permutational anova of escapee abundances in shallow coastal habitats revealed consistent spatial patterns that linked densities of these fish to distance from escape point, whereas temporal patterns were related to a higher biomass released during winter. A nearby marine protected area did not show different densities of escaped fish. Local artisanal fleet catches accurately reflected the massive escape event and offer the main contingency force to mitigate the potential negative effects of massive escape events over shallow coastal habitats. 相似文献
肥料在水产养殖中的应用及前景 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
水中的浮游动物和浮游植物是鱼类的天然饵料 ,能弥补饲料中缺乏的某些营养素。合理的施肥能促进水中浮游生物的生长 ,是提高鱼塘产量、增加养鱼效益的有效方法 ,也是发展渔业生产的重要措施之一。在鱼苗、鱼种培育到成鱼饲养的整个过程中 ,施肥都是其中关键的一环。1 水产养殖施用肥料的必要性近年来 ,由于饲料原料的大幅度涨价 ,尤其是鱼用饲料的价格飞涨 ,致使养鱼成本急剧上涨 ,效益逐年降低。研究表明 ,鱼类对饵料中的蛋白质含量要求较高 ,一般在 30 %~ 4 5 %之间 ,如草鱼鱼苗要求 35 % ,鱼种及成鱼要求 2 5 % ;鲤鱼 30 % ;团头鲂 35 … 相似文献
水产养殖的实质是一种以"物"换"物"的过程,也就是通过水产养殖,把饵料或肥料转化为水产品的过程.水产养殖单位面积产量的高低和经济效益的好坏,在很大程度上取决于使用的饵料是否合理和投饵的技术是否科学.对于水产养殖来说,正确合理地选用饵料,科学合理地投喂,是促进养殖动物快速生长,提高饵料转化率,降低饵料成本,提高经济效益的关键.饵料投喂是水产养殖中的一大关键环节,只有正确把握饲养鱼类的投饵数量,科学投喂,才能提高饵料的利用率,保证养鱼增产增收增效.目前对于鱼类的研究多集中于鱼类养殖技术、营养和饵料开发方面,对于科学的饵料投喂的报道较为少见.而这方面的研究结果对于我们开展水产养殖业、提高效益、节省成本以及在环境保护方面是很重要的.因此,科学把握水产养殖中饵料投喂显得尤为重要.投饵技术包括投饵量的确定、投饵时间、投饵次数、投饵方法和投饵原则.下面就投饵技术几个方面以及饵料投喂存在的问题进行阐述,期望能使读者对科学投饵有一个清晰的认识,并且对于解决饵料投喂存在的问题提供借鉴. 相似文献
长期使用抗生素和其他化学药物防治养殖病害已引发了一系列环境和社会问题[1,2 ] 。近年来 ,人们开始尝试在养殖水体中施用益生菌 (Probiotics)来改善养殖生态环境 ,提高养殖动物的免疫力 ,抑制病原微生物 ,从而减少疾病的发生。在欧美、日本以及印度尼西亚、泰国等国家的水产养殖业中 ,益生菌制剂得到日益广泛的应用 ,并已创造了巨大的经济效益 ,有望成为未来水产养殖动物病害防治的一个新方向。本文对近几年来国内外益生菌制剂在水产养殖中的应用状况予以系统介绍并对今后的发展趋势进行阐述。1 益生菌浅析1974年Parker… 相似文献
Sustainable aquaculture: developing the promise of aquaculture 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
As experience with aquaculture grows worldwide, the concept of sustainable aquaculture is increasingly recognized to incorporate
both spatial and temporal dimensions of environmental, economic, and social parameters. Practitioners have discovered that
sustainable aquaculture must not only maximize benefits, but also minimize accumulation of detriments, as well as other types
of negative impacts on natural and social environment. Therefore, sustainable aquaculture development must be advanced in
a manner that is environmentally sustainable and that protects the quality of the environment for other users, while it is
equally important for society to protect the quality of the environment for aquaculture. This paper provides a brief review
of the worldwide aquaculture development in the last decade, and gives a few examples of sustainable aquaculture activities
in the coastal areas that are using natural coastal habitats and ecosystems. Based on already existing national and international
efforts to promote sustainable aquaculture, key recommendations are provided, including what should be the next proactive
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The decomposition of the organic matter, in the form of excess feed and excreted faeces, introduced to the environment by aquaculture can endanger living organisms by lowering oxygen levels. To increase the accuracy of the oxygen utilization assessment, we developed linear (L‐MOD) and non‐linear models (NL‐MOD) for the dynamics of decomposition and accumulation of the organic matter, oxygen utilization and ammonium production. The models are based on mass‐balance stoichiometric reactions for conversion of organic matter into bacterial biomass under aerobic conditions. Organic matter is represented by a general chemical formula sensitive to protein, carbohydrate and lipid content. The mass of organic matter is expressed in chemical oxygen demand (COD) units, providing more convenient tracking of oxygen utilization. Degradable part of the organic matter is distinguished from a non‐degradable part. The model results are compared with the data sets from simulated aquaculture pond experiment. 相似文献