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Gum arabic production from Acacia senegal is lower in sub-humid areas than arid areas. Water stress is thought to be the reason for higher yields in arid areas. The application of ethephon is thought to mimic the effect of water stress in other plants. The objective of this study was to determine if the application of ethephon would increase the gum yields of Acacia senegal under sub-humid conditions in Cameroon. Trees receiving 40 or 120 mg ethephon were compared to controls in field experiments at a semi-arid and a sub-humid location in Northern Cameroon, over two seasons. Two provenances from drier areas (Sudan) were compared to the local one. In the first season, gum yield of the local provenance treated with ethephon was increased by 400–600 % compared to the untreated trees. Gum yield at the semi-arid location was 77, 313 and 214 g/tree with 0, 40 and 120 mg ethephon/tree, respectively, while at the sub-humid location, it was 30, 186 and 114 g/tree with 0, 40 and 120 mg ethephon/tree. However, in the second season, the effect of ethephon was not significant in the semi-arid area, whereas it was evident in the sub-humid area (up to 478 g/tree). Moreover, ethephon did not affect gum yield of provenances from drier areas (Sudan). This showed that the water-stress hypothesis has to be refined. The development of ethephon-based tapping systems is promising, but requires further studies with a wider range of environmental conditions and A. senegal provenances.  相似文献   

Vegetative propagation of Acacia senegal is possible from branch fragments taken from the crown of mature trees (13 years old), without causing ortet destruction.The most responsive planting stock is taken from cuttings 15 cm long (with 12 to 15 nodes) and a diameter of 10 ± 6 mm (wood of 2 to 4 years old). With this material, the ablation of the leaves prior to planting is a factor which furthers development of the cutting's root system.The development of the root system is also highly influenced by the time at which the cutting is taken: results vary from 10% during the dry season to more than 70% during the rainy season (June—October).Cuttings can be taken from branches 50 cm long. It is thus possible to preserve the planting stock for 8 days in a continually humidified jute cloth and then to make the cuttings at the time of establishment in a nursery, without changing their rhizogenic aptitude.The cuttings show characteristics of maturity (slow growth, plagiotropy, fructification). It is nevertheless possible to preserve the collected genotypes in the field, or better, in planting pots in the nursery, so as to further the process of physiologic rejuvenation with the aim of in vitro cloning.researcher at CIRAD/C.T.F.T., detached to ISRA/D.R.P.F.  相似文献   

Gum arabic production in Sudan has developed over the years in a well-established traditional bush-fallow system in which the gum tree (Acacia senegal) is rotated with annual crops. Following the Sahel drought, the gum area has suffered from deforestation and gum production has declined. Several programs have been developed to stimulate gum production; however, many original adopters have disadopted gum production and the bush-fallow system. In this paper we apply a logit model to study the decision-making behavior of farmers in west Sudan and to identify the socio-economic factors influencing disadoption of gum production and gum agroforestry system. Variables that measure farmer’s wealth were found significant in explaining the disadoption behavior. Off-farm work was also found to positively influence the disadoption decision. Results show that a higher level of income from annual crops decreases the probability of disadoption, which suggests that annual crops and gum production do not compete but rather complement each other within the farm household economy. Therefore, policy measures aiming to boost the production of annual crops in the region might reduce seasonal labor migration and accordingly stimulate gum production.
Afaf H. RahimEmail:

Despite the ecological and economic importance of Acacia senegal, little is known about the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on its natural regeneration patterns and population structure. We investigated the effects of these factors within the Lake Baringo woodland ecosystem. Data was collected from 60 plots of 20 m 9 20 m systematically distributed in four A. senegal-dominated populations within the Lake Baringo woodland. Sample populations spanned a degradation gradient measured by a population disturbance index(PDI). Trees were measured for diameter at breast height(DBH) and categorized by growth stages: seedling, sapling and adult tree. Higher seedling and sapling densities were recorded in lightly than heavily disturbed populations, but only sapling density was significantly different between the two disturbance levels(P = 0.02). Lightly disturbed populations revealed a reversed J-shape size-class distribution(SCD) indicative of stable structure unlike the heavily disturbed populations.The quotient and permutation indices indicated unstable populations with episodic recruitment and mortality.Our study reveals that natural regeneration and population structure of A. senegal were affected majorly by selective harvesting and heavy browsing. Suitable management strategies to control livestock grazing and illegal tree harvesting within the woodland is required to promote conservation of the species genetic resources  相似文献   

In order to study and monitor rates of rooting, callusing and survival, small diameter stem cuttings (less than 0.4 cm) with eight nodes (12–14 cm long) were taken from trees in the field at different times of the year in tests with small batches of cuttings. Among the four tested substrates, well drained crushed basalt powder placed on a bed of gravel was the best rooting medium. Rooting was generally poor or even non-existent with this type of cutting, but the presence of leaves both promoted rooting and significantly (using Chi square test) improved survival of the cutting. Four leaves were sufficient to assure the necessary metabolic functions. Only stem cuttings collected during the rainy season gave roots and then, only when hormonal treatments were applied to the cuttings. 8%-IBA resulted in significantly better rooting than did 2%-IBA, 0.2%-NAA and 1%-IAA. With 8%-IBA, the rate of rooting varied between 50 and 70% for leafy cuttings collected in the rainy season. Hormonal treatments had a significant effect on the survival rate of the stem cuttings during the two months observation period. Further investigations are being conducted with different types of cuttings.  相似文献   

Summary Three methods that have been suggested as inexpensive for characterisation of gum arabic were evaluated in characterising and monitoring gum arabic of commerce. The methods were; physico-chemical and carbohydrate analysis (analytical), determination of molecular mass by gel permeation chromatography (gpc) and an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The results revealed that gpc provides quick and consistent information on gum arabic of commerce from Acacia senegal. It was able to detect the three chemical species; Arabinogalactan protein complex (AGP), Arabinogalactan (AG) and Glycoprotein (GP) fractions that are typical of A. senegal and could differentiate gum from the two varieties of A. senegal, i.e., var. senegal and var. kerensis on the basis of the enhanced UV peaks in the later. It was able to distinguish gums from different Acacia species as well as suspected contaminants. The analytical method could differentiate between the two varieties of A. senegal on the basis of optical rotation, protein content and viscosity which were noted as basic parameters for comparison. However, where the proposed FAO (1990) specifiction was applied in its present form, it failed to adequately characterise gum from var. kerensis as gum arabic. Secondly, natural product variability i.e., the observed between sample variation made the method to have limited application in adequately characterising gum arabic from even a single source. The method was able to distinguish gums from the other Acacia species purely on the basis of optical rotation though information on nitrogen and sugar composition was also invaluable. Generating data on the composition of sugars requires time that militates against the method as a slow process. Because of the overlap in the analytical parameters for some samples, it could be adequately characterise two of the samples that were presented as suspected contaminants. Nonetheless, by combining information of gpc and analytical data, a better evaluation of the gums was achieved. The method of Elisa has a future scope but will require refining it by utilising monoclonal antibodies to be developed for it to be more specifc in characterising gum arabic from A. senegal. The authors wish to thank Dr. P. A. Williams of the North East Wales Institute, Deeside, Clwyd, UK for the use of the gpc and Elisa facilities. B.N.C. is grateful to the Kenyan and British governments for financial support.  相似文献   

Understanding the variation of mating patterns in disturbed habitats provide insight into the evolutionary potential of plant species and how they persist over time. However, this phenomenon is poorly understood in tropical dryland tree species. In the present study, we investigated how Acacia senegal reproduces in two different environmental contexts in Kenya. Open-pollinated progeny arrays of 10 maternal trees from each environmental context were genotyped using 12 nuclear microsatellite markers. Overall, A. senegal displayed a predominantly allogamous mating pattern. However, higher multilocus outcrossing rate (tm) was found in Lake Bogoria (tm = 1.00) than in Kampi ya Moto population (tm = 0.949). Higher biparental inbreeding (t m  ? t s  = 0.116) and correlation of outcrossed paternity (rp = 0.329) was found in Kampi ya Moto than in Lake Bogoria population (t m  ? t s  = 0.074, rp = 0.055), showing the occurrence of mating among relatives. Coefficient of coancestry (Θ = 0.208) showed that full-sibs constitute about 21% of the offspring in Kampi ya Moto population compared to about 14% (Θ = 0.136) in Lake Bogoria population. The results demonstrate that low adult tree density of A. senegal may be promoting seed production through consanguineous mating and suggest that man-made disturbance can affect mating patterns of the species. Despite these mating differences, trees from both populations can contribute as seed source for conservational plans, and to support effective genetic conservation and artificial regeneration programs of A. senegal. We suggest collection of seeds from at least 42 and 63 trees in Lake Bogoria and Kampi ya Moto populations, respectively, to retain a progeny array with a total effective population size of 150.  相似文献   

In this paper we use a real options approach to analyze farmers' economic incentives to abandon gum production or expand by creating new plantations. Our results indicate that agricultural crops currently provide higher economic benefits as compared to gum agroforestry. However, we show that the incentives for gum producers to abandon gum production is low, because (i) land is abundant, (ii) gum arabic is produced during the dry season and agricultural crops mainly during the wet season, and (iii) the dry season opportunity cost of labor is low. Hence, an increase in deforestation in the near future is not expected. The analysis further shows that an increase in the prices of gum arabic of about 315% is needed to induce an expansion of gum agroforestry and a shift in land use system from continuous agricultural production to gum agroforestry system. Hence, also an expansion of gum forests and/or agroforests in the near future is not expected. Price policies to improve incentives for expanding gum forests are discussed.  相似文献   

We conducted a two-factor experiment in randomized com- plete block design with four replications during 2004 in El Demokeya Forest Reserve and El Himaira Natural Forest, North Kordofan State, Sudan. The objective was to develop an understanding of the ecological effects of under-story vegetation and tapping date on the productivity of gum arabic from Acacia senegal as over story cover. The first factor was grass cover which was tested in four levels (100% and 50% grass cover in addition to bare and burnt). The second factor, date of tapping was tested in three levels namely (1st Oct, 15th Oct and 1st Nov). The first picking was done after 45 days from tapping and the gum yield up to seven pickings was collected at intervals of 15 days. Gum yield from each picking was collected and weighed using sensitive balance. Analysis of variance was carried out using MSTAT-C statistical package, and the Tukey test was applied for mean comparisons. The results showed highly significant differences (p<0.01) of grass cover on gum arabic yield in the two sites for most of the first consecutive pickings (1st-4th out of seven) in addition to total yield (kg/ha). With exception to the 4th pickings, the interaction effect between the grass densities and tapping date was not significantly different. The total gum yield was significantly (p<0.05) increased in only two pickings (third and fourth) in El Demokeya Forest Reserve and two pickings (1st and 2nd) at El Himaira Natural Forest. The density of grass cover significantly (p<0.05) affected the number of pickings at both sites; the number of gum pickings was directly proportional to grass density. The number of gum pickings was found to be significantly (p < 0.05) increased at the early date of tapping.  相似文献   

Acacia senegal, the gum arabic producing tree, is the most important tree species for the livelihood of the people in South Kordofan State, Sudan. The objective of this study was to determine the optimum tapping date for gum arabic production in the study area. A randomized complete block design experiment with three replications was conducted at (Meari) area for two continuous growing seasons 2008/2009 - 2009/2010. The treatments comprised six tapping dates (1 Oct, 15 Oct, 1 Nov, 15 Nov, 1 Dec, and 15 Dec). Results showed highly significant differences (p < 0.001) in gum arabic yield (g\tree) in all pickings and in the total gum yield between the tapping dates. The results also showed that tapping of trees on 15 October and 1 November gave a higher yield compared to the other dates. The highest gum yield of 1086.6 and 661.2 g/tree was recorded on 15 October and 15 November, while the lowest gum yield of 297.9 g/tree was recorded when the trees were tapped on 1 October. The two highest-yield dates of tapping (15 Oct and 1 Nov) are recommended as the best time for tapping for gum arabic production in South Kordofan State. These results can be used to increase gum arabic production and farmer income in South Kordofan State.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of intercropping with Acacia senegal (L.) Willd on growth and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa). Field experiments were conducted in El-Obeid Research farm (13°10’ N; 30°12’ E), North Kordofan State, Sudan, during 2002 2003 in an 11-year-old A. senegal plantation. The experimental design was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Data were recorded for plant height (cm), fresh weight (kg ha -1 ), dry weight (kg ha -1 ), crop yield (kg ha -1 ), and gum yield (kg ha -1 ). We used Land Equivalent Ratios (LER) and simple financial analyses of gross surpluses to evaluate the productivity and profitability of the different treatments. The results indicated that A. senegal trees had a beneficial effect on crop performance and yield as well as gum yield. Significant differences (p<0.05) were obtained for plant height, fresh weight, dry weight and crop yield. Therefore, yield of sorghum, sesame and roselle under intercropping system were 13.7%, 23.8% and 20.9% higher than that obtained in the sole cropping system respectively. The highest yield increase was observed with sesame (23.8%). Gum yield (g/tree/picking) was signifi- cantly (p<0.05) increased for sorghum, sesame and roslle under inter-cropping system. The highest yield of (298g/tree/picking) was obtained when roselle was intercropped with A. senegal, while the least gum yield of (239 g tree-1 ) was recorded in pure A. senegal plot. All the treatments gave land equivalent ratio (LER) of more than one-indicating the superiority of growing the field crops in intercropping over the sole cropping systems. The highest LER of 3.8 was obtained for sesame intercropped with A. senegal (Hashab), followed by 3.7, when sorghum was intercropped with A. senegal and 3.3 when roselle intercropped with A. senegal. All the treatments gave positive net revenues, the highest being for intercropped sorghum (558 SDG ha -1 ) (SDG=Sudanese gienh). The intercropping of roselle gave the second net revenue (518 SDG ha -1 ),while the sole sorghum gave the lowest net revenue (501 SDG ha -1 ).  相似文献   


This paper examined the potential of dry north western woodlands of Ethiopia (Adi Goshu, Lemlem Terara, and Gemed) for carbon stocks. Allometry equations were used to determine the aboveground, belowground, and dead woods biomasses; litter and herbaceous biomasses were determined using direct harvesting method. The result showed the estimated mean carbon stocks of the aboveground, belowground, and the dead wood biomass for the Untapped Boswellia Papyrifera Woodland (UW) in Lemlem Terara site were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that of the Adi Goshu site. In the Gemed site, the mean Herb Biomass Carbon (HBC) stock was 1.2 Mg ha?1, which is significantly highest (P < 0.05) than the other two study sites (Lemlem Terara, 0.42 Mg ha?1 and Adi Goshu, 0.45 Mg ha?1) for the Tapped Boswellia Papyrifera Woodland (TW). In UW, the mean soil carbon stock of the Lemlem Terara site (58.19 Mg ha?1) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of Adi Goshu (33.61 Mg ha?1). In the case of the total carbon stocks in UW stratum, for the Adi Goshu site, the carbon stock was estimated to be about 55.26 Mg ha?1 while 96.74 Mg ha?1 for Lemlem Terara. Therefore, Carbon stock in different carbon pools (aboveground and belowground biomass, dead wood, litter, herbaceous biomass, and soil) has a potential to decrease the rate of enrichment of atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Sarr  Mame S.  Seiler  John R.  Sullivan  Jay  Diallo  Adja M.  Strahm  Brian D. 《New Forests》2021,52(6):943-957
New Forests - With continued global change as a result of land use changes, invasive species and changing climatic patterns, it is becoming increasingly important to understand the adaptability of...  相似文献   

Acacia senegal, the gum arabic-producing tree, is the most important component of traditional dryland agroforestry systems in the␣Sudan. The spatial arrangement of trees and the type of agricultural crop used influence the interaction between trees and crops. Tree and crop growth, gum and crop yields and nutrient cycling were investigated over a period of 4 years. Trees were grown at 5 × 5 m and 10 × 10 m spacing alone or in mixtures with sorghum or sesame. No statistically significant differences in sorghum or sesame yields between the intercropping and control treatments were observed (mean values were 1.54 and 1.54 t ha−1 for sorghum grain and 0.36 and 0.42 t ha−1 for sesame seed in the mixed and mono-crop plots, respectively). At an early stage of agroforestry system management, A. senegal had no detrimental effect on crop yield; however, the pattern of resource capture by trees and crops may change as the system matures. A significant positive relationship existed between the second gum picking and the total gum yield. The second gum picking seems to be a decisive factor in gum production and could be used as an indicator for the prediction of the total gum yield. Soil organic carbon, N, P and K contents were not increased by agroforestry as compared to the initial levels. Soil OC was not increased by agroforestry as compared to sole cropping. There was no evidence that P increased in the topsoil as the agroforestry plantations aged. At a stocking density of 400 trees ha−1 (5 × 5 m spacing), A. senegal accumulated in its biomass a total of 18.0, 1.21, 7.8 and 972 kg ha−1 of N, P, K and OC, respectively. Agroforestry contributed ca. 217 and 1500 kg ha−1 of K and OC, respectively, to the top 25-cm of soil during the first four years of intercropping.  相似文献   

Growth performances of some multipurpose trees and shrubs have been studied for five years at two locations in the semi-arid areas of Southern Ethiopia. The best performance in terms of rates of survival and growth rates (height and diameter growth) has been attained byAcacia nilotica, A. Cyanophylla, A. seyal, Cassia siamea andProsopis juliflora. Given the ecological limitations of semi-arid areas, growth rates of these species is promising and this indicates that sustainable production system can be realized using proper agroforestry technologies in the semi-arid areas of Southern Ethiopia and similar area types elsewhere.  相似文献   

直干型大叶相思在南宁的引种与生长研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
8年的引种试验表明,直干型大叶相思主干较通直,适应性强,生长迅速,年平均高生长达2.9 m,胸径达2.4 cm,蓄积量年生长量可达16.77m3/hm2;可推广建立速生丰产工业用材林和贫瘠立地绿化造林。  相似文献   

The benefits of inoculation with six arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) isolates (Glomus aggregatum, G. fasciculatum, G. intraradices, G. manihotis, G. mosseae, and G. verriculosum) were investigated on seedlings of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd., a multipurpose tree legume highly valued for arabic gum production. Mycorrhizal root colonization, plant growth and relative mycorrhizal dependency (RMD) were measured in A. senegal seedlings growing in soils from three geographical sites in Senegal (Dahra, Bambey and Goudiry) and two soil conditions (sterilized vs unsterilized) in the glasshouse. The impact of inoculation on mycorrhizal root colonization and plant growth depended on AMF isolates, soil origins and soil conditions. Mycorrhizal root colonization and plant growth were increased in sterilized soils regardless of soil origin and AMF isolates. The degree of RMD of A. senegal seedlings varied with soil origin, soil condition and AMF isolates. A. senegal showed the highest RMD values, reaching a maximum of 45 %, when inoculated with G. manihotis. However, in unsterilized soils, no significant effect of AMF inoculation on plant growth was observed despite significant root colonization with certain AMF isolates in Dahra and Goudiry soils. This indicates that the most infective AMF isolates were not the most effective and unsterilized soils may contain effective mycorrhizal propagules. In conclusion, it is important to consider the native mycorrhizal component of the soils before harnessing mycorrhizal inoculation programs for sustainable agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

对马占相思(Acacia mangium)、大叶相思(A.auriculeaformis)和台湾相思(A.confusa)的造林对比试验,结果表明台湾相思与其两种相思树高地径生长量存在显著差异,马占相思和大叶相思之间差异不显著。  相似文献   

马占相思 10a引种、种源试验表明 ,马占相思较同属台湾相思、大叶相思、厚荚相思生长快 ,且干形通直 ;17年种源试验以产自澳大利亚昆士兰州A5(132 4 2 )号为最优良种源 ;马占相思在海拔 30 0m以下低丘、低山 ,土层深厚 ,表层疏松 ,排水良好的酸性土上生长良好 ,坡向以西南或东南坡下部为宜 ;由树干解析可清楚看出其生长规律  相似文献   

Growing Acacia albida as a permanent tree crop, on farmlands with cereals, vegetables and coffee underneath or in between, is an indigenous agroforestry system in the Hararghe highlands of Eastern Ethiopia. However, there is practically no systematic record or data on the merits and benefits of this practice.The paper presents the results of an investigation into the effects of the presence of A. albida on farmlands on the yield of maize (Zea mays L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Twenty seven plot pairs each consisting of one plot underneath the A. albida foliage cover and the other in the open, away from the tree-on farmers' fields, in a 40 km radius around the Alemaya College of Agriculture, were sampled and the yield components analyzed. A statistically significant increase in crops yields by 56% on average was found for the crops under the tree canopies compared to those away from the trees. This increase was caused by the improvement in 1000 grain weight and number of grains of plants under the tree, indicating that the trees enhanced the fertility status of the soil and improved its physical conditions in terms of crop growth.Additional benefits from the A. albida trees include supply of fuelwood and fodder. Quantitative estimates of these outputs as well as their monetary values are presented in the paper. However, in order to realize these benefits to a discernible extent, higher stand densities of the tree than at present are required.Based on an enquiry about the farmers attitude towards A. albida, the prospects for an extension of this promising agroforestry technique are discussed against the background of the state and trends of development of agriculture in the area. It is surmised that despite some shortcomings like the relatively slow and highly variable growth of A. albida and a conflict with the spreading cultivation of Ch'at (Catha edulis Forsk.), the prospects of extension of this technique are good. It is recommended that its propagation should be incorporated into the programmes of the extension agencies of the various governmental agencies concerned with land use.  相似文献   

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