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Litter is one of the main sources of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in forest soils and litter decomposition is an important control of carbon storage and DOC dynamics. The aim of our study was to evaluate (i) effects of tree species on DOC production and (ii) relationships between litter decomposition and the amount and quality of DOC. Five different types of leaves and needles were exposed in litterbags at two neighboring forest sites. Within 12 months we sampled the litterbags five times and leached aliquots of field moist litter in the laboratory. In the collected litter percolates we measured DOC concentrations and recorded UV and fluorescence spectra in order to estimate the aromaticity and complexity of the organic molecules. Furthermore, we investigated the biodegradability of DOC from fresh and decomposed litter during 6 weeks incubations. Fresh sycamore maple litter released the largest amounts of DOC reaching about 6.2% of litter C after applying precipitation of 94 mm. We leached 3.9, 1.6, 1.0 and 3.3% carbon from fresh mountain ash, beech, spruce and pine litter, respectively. In the initial phase of litter decomposition significantly decreasing DOC amounts were released with increasing litter mass loss. However, after mass loss exceeds 20% DOC production from needle litter tended to increase. UV and fluorescence spectra of percolates from pine and spruce litter indicated an increasing degree of aromaticity and complexity with increasing mass loss as often described for decomposing litter. However, for deciduous litter the relationship was less obvious. We assume that during litter decomposition the source of produced DOC in coniferous litter tended toward a larger contribution from lignin-derived compounds. Biodegradability of DOC from fresh litter was very high, ranging from 30 to 95% mineralized C. DOC from degraded litter was on average 34% less mineralizable than DOC from fresh litter. Taking into account the large DOC production from decomposed needles we can assume there is an important role for DOC in the accumulation of organic matter in soils during litter decomposition particularly in coniferous forests.  相似文献   

To clarify how litter decomposition processes affect soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and soil dissolved nitrogen (DN) dynamics, we conducted a field experiment on leaf litter and collected DOC and DN from the underlying soil in a tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Principal components analysis (PCA) showed the first PCA axis (corresponding to degraded litter quantity and quality) explained 61.3% and 71.2% of variation in DOC and DN concentrations, respectively. Stepwise linear regression analysis indicated that litter carbon mass controlled DOC and hemicellulose mass controlled DN concentrations. Litter decomposition was the predominant factor controlling surface-soil DOC and DN dynamics in this tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

Summary The decomposition of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) leaf litter was investigated in a calcareous beech forest using mesh cages containing two layers, fresh leaf litter (O layer), and partly decomposed leaf litter (F layer). C loss was monitored, together with the changes in the contents of total N, hexosamines, ash, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Al, Cl, Sulphate, and Phosphate.In 1-mm mesh cages, which excluded access to the macrofauna, the mean annual loss rates for C were 28% in the O leaf litter and 17% in the F leaf litter, totalling approximately 23% for the two layers. The mean loss rates from the 12-mm mesh cages were 54% in the O leaf litter and 58% in the F leaf litter. Degradation processes and feeding activities caused increased contents of ash, total N, and hexosamines in the O layer of both treatments. This increase was greater for the ash and smaller for N, glucosamine, and galactosamine in the 12-mm mesh cages. The sum of ions (Na+K+Mg+Ca+Fe+Mn+Al+Cl+SO4+PO4) and also the contents of most single ions were not markedly affected, despite the much higher ash content in the O leaf litter of the 12-mm mesh cages. The ash content increased mainly as a consequence of contamination by soil, which increased the contents of Fe and Al in the ash.  相似文献   

Decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) and plant litter has been shown to be affected by high solar radiation; this could partly explain why biogeochemical models underestimate decomposition in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. We set out to test the effect of using traditional PVC chambers for measuring soil gas fluxes versus quartz chambers that allowed passage of light during field measurements in a dry-land field in Davis, CA. Results showed that fluxes from quartz-top chambers were on average 29% higher than from opaque chambers. We also studied the effect of solar light exposure on decomposition of native grass litter and SOM in a field experiment where plots were shaded or left exposed for 157 days during summer; litter did not seem to be affected by exposure to light. However, we concluded that SOM decomposition was affected by light exposure since shaded soil had similar respiration to sunlight-exposed soil indicating that microbial respiration occurred under the shade while photo-degradation likely occurred under the sun. Additionally, 15N-labeled grass was placed in litter bags in the field with either clear filters to allow light or aluminum covers to block light; 3-month exposure caused a change in lignin degradability as indicated by the change in the Ad/Al ratio. Incubation of that litter showed 9.3% more CO2 produced from litter in clear and aluminum bags than unexposed litter. This showed that photo-facilitation occurred although to a small degree and was a result of light exposure and/or heat degradation. We attributed the similar respiration from clear- and aluminum-exposed litter to heat degradation of the aluminum-exposed litter. In conclusion, our results show that in hot dry ecosystems conventional PVC chambers underestimate measured CO2 flux rates; sunlight exposure changes litter chemistry and appears to affect the degradation of soil organic matter, but the magnitude of degradation depends on an interaction of factors such as soil temperature and moisture.  相似文献   

Climate and litter quality have been identified as major drivers of litter decomposition, but our knowledge of how soil characteristics (e.g. microbial community and chemical properties) determine carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) availability derived from the decomposition of litter of different qualities is still scarce. We conducted a microcosm experiment to evaluate how soils with contrasting microbial communities and soil properties (denoted Soils A and B hereafter, where Soil B has higher bacterial and fungal abundance, fungal:bacterial ratio, and organic C than Soil A) determine the availability of soil C (carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and phenols) and N (dissolved organic and inorganic N, microbial biomass N and available N) during the decomposition of litter of contrasting quality (C:N ratios ranging from 20 to 102). We also evaluated the relative importance of soil characteristics and litter quality as drivers of C and N inputs to the soil during this process. Overall, higher soil C and N availability after litter decomposition was found in Soil B than in Soil A. Soil characteristics had a higher positive effect on soil C and N contents than litter quality during litter decomposition. We also found that changes in N availability and organic matter quality registered after litter decomposition, linked to different soil characteristics, were able to promote dissimilarities in the potential mineralization rates. In conclusion, our study provides evidence that soil characteristics (e.g. microbial communities and chemical properties) can be more important than litter quality in determining soil C and equally important for N availability during the decomposition of leaf litter.  相似文献   

There is a need for plant protection products (PPPs) to be assessed for their effects on the breakdown of organic matter (OM), which is an important functional process in terrestrial ecosystems. Little information is available on to how to assess effects of PPPs on this complex system and formal guidelines for a standardised test method are lacking. We critically reviewed the literature to determine appropriate methods to investigate OM breakdown for the risk assessment of PPPs. Five methods appeared to be potentially suitable: namely the use of mini-containers or litter-bags to enclose OM, cotton-strip and bait-lamina assays which provide an artificial OM substrate, and stable isotopes to track the chemical decomposition of OM. These methods were compared on the basis of 10 suitability criteria, which included ecological relevance, ease of use and relevance to risk assessors. Each test method has limitations but the use of litter-bags, which is the most frequently used method, has distinct advantages over the other approaches. Accordingly, literature describing OM breakdown in litter-bags when applying PPPs are reviewed, gaps in the methodology are highlighted and recommendations for the development of a standardised and validated test method are proposed.  相似文献   

Organic matter content and chemistry is vital to the structure and function of soil systems, but while organic matter is recognized as biogeochemically important, its chemical interaction with soil processes is not well understood. In this study we used fluorescence spectroscopy, which has been used extensively for understanding the role of organic matter in aquatic systems, to identify chemical changes in organic matter with depth in a soil system. Soil was collected from nine different pits in a first-order montane catchment in the Colorado Front Range. The water-soluble soil organic matter was extracted from each sample and fluorescence and UV–vis spectroscopy was used to analyze its chemical character. While organic matter chemistry had little correlation with landscape location and local vegetation, there were noticeable consistent trends between soil horizon and organic matter chemistry in each pit. Total organic matter decreased with depth and became less aromatic with increasing depth. This less aromatic material in the saprolite also had a greater microbial signature. The redox character of the organic matter accompanied this change in source and molecular structure, with more oxidized character corresponding with organic matter with more microbial input and more reduced character corresponding to organic matter with more plant input. A concurrent investigation of the microbial population of the same soil samples also showed microbial population composition varying more with soil depth than landscape position, and depth changes in microbial diversity occurred concomitantly with depth changes in organic matter chemistry.  相似文献   

Investigations on the mass loss of leaf litter were carried out between 1992 and 1994 using litter bags of 0.02 mm and 5 mm mesh sizes in a beech and a mixed forest in northern Germany. The two forests on moder humus differed in soil faunal composition, vegetation type, and nutrient supply. Mass loss and N and C concentrations were determined from the litter at bimonthly intervals. From subsamples macrofauna were sorted by hand and mesofauna was extracted by heat. The biomass and N content of the litter bag fauna was estimated. Mass loss, particularly that attributed to the fauna, was different between the two sites with highest rates in the mixed forest and lowest at the beech site. A significantly higher rate of N release was found for the litter extracted from 5 mm mesh size litter bags in the mixed forest but not in the beech forest. Collembola and Cryptostigmata changed in numbers during litter breakdown. Collembola reached high numbers in the beginning, whereas Cryptostigmata dominated later. The diversity of Cryptostigmata increased at both sites during litter breakdown, whereas collembolan diversity only increased in the beech forest and remained at the same level in the mixed forest. Several species of Collembola and Cryptostigmata occurred earlier in the mixed forest than in the beech forest. Mass loss rate attributable to the fauna did not correspond to total faunal biomass. Only Isopoda, Diplopoda and Cryptostigmata appeared to affect the mass loss positively, whereas the biomass of Lumbricidae was negatively correlated with mass loss, particularly in the beech forest. On the other hand, the release of N attributable to the fauna was positively correlated with the total faunal biomass in the beech forest and Lumbricidae in particular were positively correlated with N-release at both sites.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition is an important process of C and N cycling in the soil. Variation in the response of litter decomposition to nitrogen (N) addition (positive, negative or neutral) has been observed in many field studies. However, mechanism about variability in individual fungal species response to N addition has not yet been well demonstrated in the literature. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of N addition and litter chemistry properties on litter decomposition and enzyme activities of individual fungi. Three fungal species (Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Trichoderma) were isolated from a subtropical mixed forest soil. An incubation experiment was conducted using the individual fungi with two types of litter (leaf of Pinus massoniana and needle of Cryptocarya chinensis) and different N addition levels (0, 50 and 100 for N-deficient treatments, and 500 and 1000 μg N for N-excessive treatments). Cumulative CO2-C, enzyme activities, and lignin and cellulose loss were measured during the incubation period of 60 days. Litter decomposition and enzyme activities significantly varied with the fungal species, while the N addition and litter types greatly affected fungal enzyme activities. The N treatments significantly increased lignin-rich needle decomposition by lignocellulose decomposers (Penicillium and Aspergillus) but did not affect their leaf decomposition. On the contrary, The N treatments stimulated leaf decomposition by cellulolytic species (Trichoderma) but did not affect its needle decomposition. Correlation analysis showed that lignin in the litter was the key component to affect litter decomposition. Activities of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase and phenol oxidase were both positively correlated to litter decomposition. The fungi (Penicillium and Aspergillus) with higher production of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase showed higher litter decomposition ability. The low N addition levels stimulated Penicillium and Aspergillus litter decomposition, but they still required more N source (e.g., litter N source) to support decomposition. Depressed fungal litter N uptake (lower N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase activities) only occurred at the highest N addition level. Litter decomposition of Trichoderma depended more on external N and its litter decomposition capability was the lowest among the three species.  相似文献   

 Litter bags containing sterile Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles (19.8% lignin, 26.5% cellulose and 0.34% N) were inoculated with two species of fungi in the laboratory and then placed in the litter layer of a pine plantation. Marasmius androsaceus, which can degrade lignocellulose, was initially displaced by other fungal colonisers and was not detected in the litter after 2–3 months; but was re-isolated from the needles after 12 months. Trichoderma viride, which is a cellulolytic species and also antagonistic to other fungi, dominated the litter throughout the experiment. The control litter was naturally colonised by litter fungi. After 12 months, mass losses were similar at 52% for M. androsaceus and 48% for T. viride, compared with 36% for the control litter colonised by a more complex fungal community. Lignin concentrations increased with time in control litter and with T. viride because mass losses of carbohydrates were greater than those of lignin. Litter inoculated with M. androsaceus showed significant lignin decomposition throughout the experiment but cellulose concentrations showed a proportional increase in the first 6 months, suggesting that the fungus was preferentially exploiting hemicellulose and non-structural carbohydrates. Analysis of TFA-extractable sugars (mainly from hemicellulose) and CuO-derived phenylpropanoid moieties from lignin confirmed the differential patterns of resource decomposition which were not evident from total mass losses. During the initial stages of decomposition, T. viride was as effective in utilising structural polysaccharides as the complex fungal community in the control litter. Furthermore, M. androsaceus not only exhibited unexpectedly low cellulolytic activity but also facilitated lignin depolymerisation after the fungus was no longer detectable in the litter. The pre-inoculation of litter with these two fungal species therefore affected the overall dynamics of decomposition at a biochemical level. This study illustrates the importance of understanding the effects and interactions of specific fungi, rather than assumptions about the functional competence of diverse communities, on the processes of litter decomposition. Received: 5 July 2000  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the responses of earthworms to soil organic matter and litter at different decomposition stages and their contributions in litter decomposition processes in southern subtropical areas of China. Two plantations were selected as the study sites: Site Ⅰ was dominated by the exotic endogeic earthworm species Ocnerodrilus occidentalis; Site Ⅱ was dominated by epigeic species Amynthas corticis. After the fallen litter and earthworms were removed or expelled, four treatments were set up as: reserving the top soil (0-5 cm, equal to H layer) (H), removing the top soil and adding fresh litter (Le), removing the top soil and adding semi-decomposed litter (Li), and a control with no top soil nor any litter (CK). Five randomized blocks that were enclosed with nylon nets on the top were set up in each site, and then the four treatments were arranged randomly in each block. After 2-3 months, earthworms were collected using the formalin method. The results showed that Ocnerodrilus occidentalis preferred Treatment H though it was found in Treatments Le and Li as well; Amynthas corticis preferred Treatment Li though sometimes it also appeared in Treatment H; and Amynthas sp., another epigeic species, was mainly present under Treatment Le and only appeared in Treatment H occasionally. These findings confirmed that earthworm species belonging to different ecological groups had different responses to organic matter at different decomposition stages. The impacts of earthworm communities dominated by O.occidentalis mainly appeared at the later periods of litter decomposition.  相似文献   

Phenol oxidase, peroxidase and organic matter dynamics of soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Extracellular enzymes mediate the degradation, transformation and mineralization of soil organic matter. The activity of cellulases, phosphatases and other hydrolases has received extensive study and in many cases stoichiometric relationships and responses to disturbances are well established. In contrast, phenol oxidase and peroxidase activities, which are often uncorrelated with hydrolase activities, have been measured in only a small subset of soil enzyme studies. These enzymes are expressed for a variety of purposes including ontogeny, defense and the acquisition of carbon and nitrogen. Through excretion or lysis, these enzymes enter the environment where their aggegrate activity mediates key ecosystem functions of lignin degradation, humification, carbon mineralization and dissolved organic carbon export. Phenol oxidases and peroxidases are less stable in the environment than extracellular hydrolases, especially when associated with organic particles. Activities are also affected, positively and negatively, by interaction with mineral surfaces. High spatiotemporal variation obscures their relationships with environmental variables and ecological process. Across ecosystems, phenol oxidase and peroxidase activities generally increase with soil pH, a finding not predicted from the pH optima of purified enzymes. Activities associated with plant litter and particulate organic matter often correlate with decomposition rates and potential activities generally increase with the lignin and secondary compound content of the material. At the ecosystem scale, nitrogen amendment alters the expression of phenol oxidase and peroxidase enzymes more broadly than culture studies imply and these responses correlate with positive and negative changes in litter decomposition rates and soil organic matter content. At the global scale, N amendment of basidiomycete-dominated soils of temperate and boreal forest ecoystems often leads to losses of oxidative enzyme activity, while activities in grassland soils dominated by glomeromycota and ascomycetes show little net response. Land use that leads to loss of soil organic matter tends to increase oxidative activities. Across ecosystems, soil organic matter content is not correlated with mean potential phenol oxidase and peroxidase activities. A multiple regression model that includes soil pH, mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation and potential phenol oxidase activity accounts for 37% of the variation in soil organic matter (SOM) content across ecosystems (n = 63); a similar model for peroxidase activity describes 32% of SOM variance (n = 43). Analysis of residual variation suggest that suites of interacting factors create both positive and negative feedbacks on soil organic matter storage. Soils with high oxygen availability, pH and mineral activity tend to be substrate limited: high in situ oxidative activities limit soil organic matter accumulation. Soils with opposing characteristics are activity limited: low in situ oxidative activities promote soil organic matter storage.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the physicochemical properties of three kinds of litter (Prunus serotina leaves, Carpinus betulus leaves, and Pinus sylvestris needles) were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry and differential thermogravimetry after decomposition for 12 to 27 months under field conditions. As expected, holocellulose was always decomposed to a larger extent than the corresponding lignin components, leading to an enrichment of lignin in the residue. These lignins were more or less modified depending on the plant species. Moreover, the results suggest that energy-rich crystalline cellulose accumulates during decomposition at the expense of easier degradable amorphous cellulose and hemicelluloses. The quotient Q, from the corresponding calorimetry and thermogravimetry values, was introduced to estimate the specific energy content as a measure for the decomposition of litter components.Dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. W. Kühnelt  相似文献   

Various biologically mediated processes are involved in the turnover of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil; however, relatively little is known about the dynamics of either the microbial community or the individual classes of organic molecules during the decomposition of DOM. We examined the net loss of DOC, the mineralisation of C to CO2 and the degradation of DOC from six different soils by soil microorganisms. We also quantified the changes in the concentrations of protein, carbohydrate and amino acid C during microbial biodegradation. Over a 70-day incubation period at 20°C, the mineralisation of DOC to CO2 was described by a double exponential model with a labile pool (half-life, 3–8 days) and a stable pool (half-life, 0.4–6 years). However, in nearly all cases, the mass loss of DOC exceeded the C released as CO2 with significant deviations from the double exponential model. Comparison of mass DOC loss, CO2 production and microbial cell counts, determined by epifluorescence microscopy, showed that a proportion of the lost DOC mass could be accounted for by microbial assimilation. Carbohydrate and protein C concentrations fluctuated throughout the incubation with a net change of between 3 to 13 and −30 to 22.4% initial DOC, respectively. No amino acid C was detected during the incubation period (level of detection, 0.01 mg C l−1).  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare on organic matter decomposition and stabilization in a long-term (65-week) laboratory experiment. We quantified the microbial activity in leaf litter (Acer pseudoplatanus) which did not come into contact with isopods, in A. vulgare feces produced from the same litter, and in unconsumed leftover of this litter. Freshly fallen leaf litter and up to 3 day old feces and leftover of litter were used. All materials were air dried immediately after collection and rewetted 1 day before use. Simultaneously, we measured how microbial activity in litter and feces are affected by fluctuations in humidity and temperature and by the addition of easily decomposed substances (starch and glucose).Microbial respiration was lower in feces than in litter or unconsumed leaf fragments. At the same time, moisture and temperature fluctuations and addition of glucose or starch increased respiration much more in litter than in feces. The results indicate that the processing of litter by A. vulgare reduces microbial respiration and reduces the sensitivity of microbial respiration to environmental fluctuations. 13C NMR spectra from feces indicated preferential loss of polysaccharide-carbon and accumulation of lignin with some modification to the aromatic-carbon. TMAH-Py-GC MS showed that lignin content was higher in feces than in litter and that lignin quality differed between the two substrates. Guaiacyl units were depleted in the feces, which indicated breakdown of guaiacyl associated with gut passage. As a conclusion, the results suggest that this common isopod greatly affects leaf litter decomposition. Decomposition of isopod feces in a long-term experiment is lower than litter decomposition which may support stabilization of organic matter in soil. This is caused mainly due to higher content of aromatic carbon in feces, which may cause its considerable resistance to bacterial degradation.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems in Taiwan are periodically influenced by typhoons that cause large amounts of litter input to the soil. The potential rapid decomposition of such litter under the warm and moist climatic conditions in Taiwan may lead to nutrient losses via seepage. The goal of this study was to investigate the dynamics of C, N, K, Ca, Mg, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) during decomposition of Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana leaves in a field study at the Yuanyang Lake site in N Taiwan. We simulated the effect of a typhoon by adding about three times the annual aboveground litterfall (totally 13,900 kg ha–1) as fresh leaves. Litterbags were taken at 7 dates over 16 months, followed by detection of mass loss and element composition in the remaining litter. Aqueous extracts of the remaining litter were analyzed for DOC and major elements. The properties of DOC were characterized by fluorescence spectra and by its stability against microbial decomposition. The litter mass loss was 35% after 16 months. The losses of Ca after 16 months from the litter bags were about equivalent to mass loss (39%), while those of K and Mg reached 86% and 60% of the initial amount, respectively. From the 13,900 kg ha–1 of litter applied in total, 59 kg K ha–1 and 12 kg Mg ha–1 were released in the 16 months decomposition period, most of it in the first 4 months. The total release of Ca amounted to 69 kg ha–1 but was more evenly distributed throughout the 16 months of observation. The absolute amount of N in the decomposing litter increased by 37% while the C : N decreased from 69 to 34. Extrapolated to the manipulation treatment, this resulted in a N gain of 36 kg N ha–1 within 16 months. The leaching of K and DOC in laboratory extractions followed an asymptotic function with highest leaching from the initial litter and subsequent decrease with time of decomposition. On the contrary, the leaching of Ca and Mg reached a maximum after 2–4 months of incubation. About 2% of the C was extractable with water from the initially incubated leaves. The bioavailability of the extracted DOC decreased with litter age. Our results indicate that the decomposition of large amounts of litter induces a high risk of K and Mg losses with seepage, but the risk for N losses is low. The sources of N accumulation in decomposing litter at this site require further studies. In the initial phase of litter decomposition, the release of DOC seems to be an important contribution to mass loss.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter enhances the sorption of atrazine by soil   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The influence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the sorption of atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopylamino-1,3,5-triazine) by ten soils was investigated. Batch sorption isotherm techniques were used to evaluate the important physiochemical properties of soil determining the sorption of atrazine in the presence of DOM. The sorption of atrazine as a representative of nonionic organic contaminants (NOCs) by soil with and without DOM could be well described by the Linear and Freundlich models. The n values of the Freundlich model were generally near to 1, indicating that linear partitioning was the major mechanism of atrazine sorption by soil samples. The apparent distribution coefficient, value, for atrazine sorption in the presence of DOM initially increased and decreased thereafter as the DOM concentration increased in the equilibrium solution. DOM at relatively lower concentrations significantly enhanced the sorption of atrazine by soil, while it inhibited the atrazine sorption at higher concentrations. For all the soil samples, the maximum of was 1.1~3.1 times higher than its corresponding K d value for the control (without DOM). The maximum enhancement of the distribution coefficient () in the presence of DOM was negatively correlated with the content of soil organic carbon (SOC) and positively correlated with the clay content. The critical concentration of DOM, below which DOM would enhance atrazine sorption, was negatively correlated with SOC. The influence of DOM on atrazine sorption could be approximately considered as the net effect of the cumulative sorption and association of atrazine with DOM in solution. Results of this study provide an insight into the retention and mobility of a NOC in the soil environment.  相似文献   

In fast-growing tree plantations, decomposition of leaf litter is considered as a key process of soil fertility. A three-month field experiment, spanning both rainy and dry seasons, was conducted to determine how changes in litter decomposition affect the main parameters of litter quality—namely, the concentrations of phenolic and non-phenolic carbon (C) compounds, nitrogen (N), and fibres, and the litter C mineralization rate. This study was conducted to test (1) if these changes vary according to the compound and to the season, and if they are greater for soluble compounds, and (2) if after a three-month period of field decomposition, the chemical composition of the remaining litter drives C mineralization, as measured in laboratory conditions, through a greater influence on the concentration of N and lignin. We found that the concentrations of water- and methanol-soluble phenolic compounds and the concentrations of non-phenolic compounds decreased during decomposition in all plots and in each season, while the fibre and N concentrations increased. The relationships among litter decomposition, C mineralization, and litter quality depended on the season, which strongly suggests that different processes are involved in dry and rainy seasons. The C mineralization rates were driven by soluble organic compounds in the initial litter and by soluble phenolic compounds in the decomposed litter.  相似文献   

The aim of this field experiment was to quantify the contribution of soil fauna to plant litter decomposition in three forest sites differing in C/N ratio under natural conditions in Xishuangbanna, southwestern China. We conducted a survey of soil fauna communities, the forest floor litter and investigated mass loss of mixed tree species leaf litter for two years in a tropical secondary forest, an evergreen broad-leaf forest and a tropical rain forest. Exclusion treatments of different sized soil fauna from the leaf litter by using varying mesh size litter bags (2 mm and 0.15 mm) were also performed. Mass loss and C and N concentrations in litter bag leaf materials were determined at monthly intervals. We found that: (1) the three forests differed in floor litter biomass and nutrient contents but not in soil fauna richness and abundance; (2) litter mass loss and decomposition rate were slower when soil macrofauna and most of mesofauna were excluded; and (3) greatest soil fauna contribution to plant litter decomposition occurred in the rain forest, where leaf litter C/N ratio was also highest (41.5% contribution: 54.8 C/N ratio), in comparison to 8.69% in the broad-leaf forest and 19.52% in the secondary forest, both with low leaf litter C/N ratios (<32). Our results suggested that, soil fauna played a more pronounced role in the decomposition of mixed leaf litter in tropical rain forest, and significantly bigger effects from fauna were ascribed to the enhancement of N concentration and decrease of C concentration of the initially high C/N ratio litter in this forest site.  相似文献   

This study aimed to gain insight into the generation and fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in organic layers. In a Free Air CO2 Enrichment Experiment at the alpine treeline, we estimated the contribution of 13C-depleted recent plant C to DOC of mor-type organic layers. In an additional laboratory soil column study with 40 leaching cycles, we traced the fate of 13C-labelled litter-DOC (22 and 45 mg l−1) in intact Oa horizons at 2 and 15 °C. Results of the field study showed that DOC in the Oa horizon at 5 cm depth contained only 20 ± 3% of less than six-year-old C, indicating minor contributions of throughfall, root exudates, and fresh litter to leached DOC. In the soil column experiment, there was a sustained DOC leaching from native soil organic matter. Less than 10% of totally added litter-DOC was leached despite a rapid breakthrough of a bromide tracer (50 ± 7% within two days). Biodegradation contributed only partly to the DOC removal with 18-30% of added litter-DOC being mineralized in the Oa horizons at 2 and 15 °C, respectively. This was substantially less than the potential 70%-biodegradability of the litter-DOC itself, which indicates a stabilization of litter-DOC in the Oa horizon. In summary, our results give evidence on an apparent ‘exchange’ of DOC in thick organic layers with litter-DOC being retained and ‘replaced’ by ‘older’ DOC leached from the large pool of indigenous soil organic matter.  相似文献   

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