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Blue mould (Peronospora tabacina) is the most serious threat to German tobacco crops. In order to efficiently control the disease whilst minimizing the risk of nontolerable fungicide residue levels on tobacco leaves, a decision support system has been developed which optimizes the timing of fungicide treatments. The DSS consists of two models, SIMPEROTA 1, which forecasts the dates of blue mould first appearance and SIMPEROTA 3 which forecasts the dates of fungicide applications. Crucial biological processes are included in the models (infection, mycelium growth, sporulation and spore release). Input parameters are temperature, relative humidity and leaf wetness recorded on an hourly basis. Validation with data from 2003 and 2006 showed that SIMPEROTA 1 gave satisfying results. The model is suitable for practical use and can be employed for steering monitoring efforts of extension services and for the timing of the first fungicide treatment. SIMPEROTA 3 gives advice on follow‐up treatments and the length of spraying intervals, but this model needs to be validated before being introduced into practice.  相似文献   

Two field studies were conducted in Central and Northern Spain over a total of five seasons to assess the usefulness of a decision support system (AVENA-PC) from agronomic, economic and environmental points of view on herbicidal control of Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana in winter wheat. The control treatments evaluated were: (i) AVENA-PC-based recommendations, (ii) full herbicide dose (standard farmer practice), (iii) half herbicide dose and (iv) no herbicide. The herbicide rates used in the AVENA-PC treatment averaged 65% and 30% lower than the full and half dose treatments respectively. AVENA-PC implementation controlled A. ludoviciana with similar efficacy as standard herbicide treatments. Nevertheless, it did support a reduction in relation to the non-herbicide treatment. Yields obtained with AVENA-PC were, in general, not statistically different to those obtained with herbicide treatments and were on average 69% higher than those in the no herbicide application strategy. Comparing AVENA-PC economic performance with the other treatments there were, in general, no significant statistical differences in Central Spain. In Northern Spain, all herbicide treatments had similar net returns, with there being no statistical differences between AVENA-PC and the herbicide treatments. However, there were differences recorded with the non-herbicide treatment. The results of this research indicate that AVENA-PC, due to its flexibility, may recommend less herbicide than the standard farmer practice, providing clear environmental benefits and adequate weed control with maintained crop yield and net returns similar to standard farmer practice.  相似文献   

In Norway, the new web‐based warning system called VIPS aims to give open access to all the information needed for farmers to reduce their reliance on plant protection products. VIPS calculates warnings for 70 weather stations for several pests in selected fruits, vegetables and cereals. Registered users may adjust the climatic data used in the models and record field observations to get private warnings. They may also use the system to record farm practices. VIPS is unique in several aspects: (1) it has a general user interface for all crops and pests, and the user gets a quick overview of which pests to look out for; (2) all warnings are site‐specific and linked to an authorized weather station which supplies validated meteorological data. The extension service supplies the validated biological data necessary to run the models; (3) the presentation is layered under the weather stations of each county. The first level gives information of danger (red), possible danger (yellow) and no danger (green) for each model (past 5 days/coming 5 days). The next three levels give information of the specific model, historical data and exact values of the input parameters used in the models for the calculations.  相似文献   

A decision‐support system (DSS) has been developed in Belgium to help farmers and advisers to manage Mycosphaerella graminicola in winter wheat during stem elongation. The system calculates in real time the interactions between winter wheat and M. graminicola development to simulate disease progression in the canopy in order to guide field observations on the different leaf layers and determine the risks for the crop. It has been structured to run with individual field input and local hourly meteorological data. An interactive Internet version of the system has been developed to facilitate the delivery of information. It allows users to base their decisions on advice tailored to conditions in their own fields, as well as to recent and validated hourly local meteorological data that is regularly updated on the server computer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A major leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) resistance quantitative trait locus (QTL) (QLrP.sfr-7DS) previously has been described on chromosome 7DS in the winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) cv. Forno. It was detected in a population of single-seed descent (SSD) lines derived from the cross Arina x Forno. QLrP.sfr-7DS conferred a durable and slow-rusting resistance phenotype, co-segregated with a QTL for leaf tip necrosis (LTN) and was mapped close to Xgwm295 at a very similar location as the adult plant leaf rust resistance gene Lr34 found in some spring wheat lines. Here, we describe the validation of this QTL by mapping it to the same chromosomal region close to Xgwm295 on chromosome 7DS in a population of SSD lines from the winter wheat x spelt (T. spelta) cross Forno x Oberkulmer. In both populations, the log of the likelihood ratio curves for leaf rust resistance and LTN peaked at identical or very similar locations, indicating that both traits are due to the same gene. We have improved the genetic map in the target region of QLrP.sfr-7DS using microsatellite and expressed sequence tag (EST) markers. Two EST loci (Xsfr.BF473324 and Xsfr.BE493812) define a genetic interval of 7.6 centimorgans containing QLrP.sfr-7DS, a considerably more precise genetic location for this QTL than previously described both in spring and winter wheat. The identified genetic interval is physically located in the distal 39% of chromosome 7DS. Single-marker analysis identified Xsfr.BF473324 and Xgwm1220 as the most informative loci for QLrP.sfr-7DS and QLtn.sfr-7DS. In the rice genome, the two ESTs flanking the QLrP.sfr-7DS/QLtn.sfr-7DS chromosomal segment in wheat are conserved on chromosome 6S in a region colinear with wheat chromosome 7DS. There, they define a physical region of three rice bacterial artificial chromosomes spanning approximately 300 kb.  相似文献   

小麦抗源Sw92抗叶锈病基因遗传及其分子标记   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以小麦优异抗源Sw92为父本,感病小麦品种铭贤169为母本,杂交获得F1、F2和BC1代群体。采用我国叶锈菌优势小种PHT对双亲及其杂交世代进行接种鉴定。结果表明,小麦抗源Sw92对叶锈菌小种PHT的抗性系由一对隐性基因所控制。采用简单重复序列(SSR)技术对Sw92携带的抗性基因进行分子标记,共筛选了371对SSR引物,获得2个引物(WMC494、WMC737)可在抗/感池和双亲中扩增出多态性DNA片段。遗传连锁分析结果表明,该抗病基因位于小麦6BS上,与WMC494、WMC737标记的遗传距离分别为3.4cM和15.0cM,不同于6BS上的已知抗叶锈基因Lr36和Lr53,暂命名为LrSw92。  相似文献   

山西小麦品种和育种材料抗锈病、白粉病鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011—2015年,采用人工接菌方法,对25个育种单位的601份小麦品种和育种材料进行了小麦条锈病、叶锈病和白粉病的抗病性鉴定,筛选出对小麦条锈病抗性表现良好的品种材料36份,对小麦叶锈病抗性表现良好的品种材料16份,对小麦白粉病抗性表现良好的品种材料12份。  相似文献   

小麦叶锈病是四川冬、春麦上的常发病害,但仅在局部地区偶尔流行;叶锈菌在盆地内以夏孢子越冬,仅很少夏孢子能越夏,其主要越夏场所在海拔800~3 500 m地区的各类小麦上,而在1 900 m海拔地区、6~8月均温19.5℃的地方越夏菌量最大,呈显著优势。小麦秆锈病则是春麦区偶然流行的病害,其在盆地内常年无越冬菌源,但可在盆地内直至3 500 m海拔地区的小麦上越夏,其中以1 500 m以下,特别是700 m左右,6~8月均温23℃的地方越夏菌量较大。  相似文献   

小麦叶锈病是小麦生产上的重要病害,防治该病害主要采用抗病品种和喷施化学农药,而探索生物防治是防治该病的一种新方法。本研究使用3株细菌菌悬液对小麦种子进行处理,于小麦一叶期接种叶锈病菌10d后调查其发病率和严重度。结果表明,在盆栽试验中,Sneb1462菌株菌悬液诱导小麦抗叶锈病的效果最好,可使发病率和严重度比对照分别降低27.54%和49.90%;Sneb1462还可促进小麦根部生长,施用后小麦根长和地下部鲜重分别比对照提高30.19%和29.03%。在大田试验中,用Sneb1462菌悬液处理小麦种子后叶锈病的严重度降低38.60%,小麦株高和穗重分别提高16.44%和34.98%,表明该菌株是一株优良的抗病促生菌。经透射电镜观察、16SrDNA序列分析及生理生化的检测,鉴定该菌株为多黏类芽胞杆菌Paenibacillus polymyxa。利用生防细菌Sneb1462进行种子处理防控小麦叶锈病将是一种新型的植保措施,具有重要的研究意义。  相似文献   

Aegilops umbellulata, a non‐progenitor diploid species, is an excellent source of resistance to various wheat diseases. Leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes from A. umbellulata were transferred to the susceptible wheat cultivar WL711 through induced homoeologous pairing. A doubly resistant introgression line IL 393‐4 was crossed with wheat cultivar PBW343 to develop a mapping population. Tests on BC2F7 RILs indicated monogenic inheritance of seedling leaf rust and stripe rust resistance in IL 393‐4 and the respective co‐segregating genes were tentatively named LrUmb and YrUmb. Bulked segregant analysis placed LrUmb and YrUmb in chromosome 5DS, 7.6 cM distal to gwm190. Aegilops geniculata‐derived and completely linked leaf rust and stripe rust resistance genes Lr57 and Yr40 were previously located in chromosome 5DS. STS marker Lr57/Yr40MAS‐CAPS16 (Lr57/Yr40‐CAPS16), linked with Lr57/Yr40 (T756) also co‐segregated with LrUmb/YrUmb. Seedling infection types differentiated LrUmb from Lr57. Absence of leaf rust‐susceptible segregants among F3 families of the intercross (IL 393‐4/T756) indicated repulsion linkage between LrUmb and Lr57. YrUmb expressed a consistently low seedling response under greenhouse conditions, whereas Yr40 expressed a higher seedling response. Based on the origin of LrUmb/YrUmb from the U genome and Lr57/Yr40 from the M genome, as well as phenotypic differences, LrUmb and YrUmb were formally named Lr76 and Yr70, respectively. These genes have been transferred to Indian wheat cultivars PBW343 and PBW550, and advanced breeding lines are being tested in state and national trials.  相似文献   

借鉴模糊评分法,根据用户对品种特性要求,计算小麦品种特征值的置信度,并建立小麦品种综合评价模型和基于置信度的品种选择模型;依据系统设计原理和组件化程序设计思想,通过藕合数据库技术、Web开发技术和模型技术,用可视化网页开发软件Tomcat 5.5、java语言及MySQL 5.0数据库,设计开发基于Web的小麦种质资源环境配置决策支持系统。该系统具有信息查询、综合评价、良种推荐和系统优化等功能,可为农业高效种植提供辅助决策服务。  相似文献   

Since 1989, the subproject on leaf spot diseases of cereals of the German forecasting project ‘Pflanzenschutz-Warndienst/Wetterdienst’, financed by the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, has included the development of a control/forecasting system against Rhynchosporiurn secalis (scald). Several models were elaborated, of which one was already presented at the 1990 WMO/EPPO/NAPPO Symposium in Firenze (IT). During the 1990/1991 growing season, two control systems (RHYNCHO-OPT I and 11) were tested under field conditions at two winter rye locations in Rheinland (Hennef and Köln-Wahn). In addition to these, the control system of Volk was tested. The aim of all three models was to optimize fungicide application to a necessary minimum. A prophylactic variant with leaf (EC 30/32) and ear treatment (EC 49/51), and a variant without fungicide application, were included in the forecasting systems for verification. No significant differences in yield or profit were found between the three tested forecasting systems, but all three were superior to the prophylactic and untreated variants.  相似文献   

Key weather factors determining the occurrence and severity of powdery mildew and yellow rust epidemics on winter wheat were identified. Empirical models were formulated to qualitatively predict a damaging epidemic (>5% severity) and quantitatively predict the disease severity given a damaging epidemic occurred. The disease data used was from field experiments at 12 locations in the UK covering the period from 1994 to 2002 with matching data from weather stations within a 5 km range. Wind in December to February was the most influential factor for a damaging epidemic of powdery mildew. Disease severity was best identified by a model with temperature, humidity, and rain in April to June. For yellow rust, the temperature in February to June was the most influential factor for a damaging epidemic as well as for disease severity. The qualitative models identified favorable circumstances for damaging epidemics, but damaging epidemics did not always occur in such circumstances, probably due to other factors such as the availability of initial inoculum and cultivar resistance.  相似文献   

E. Bouma 《EPPO Bulletin》2003,33(3):483-487
Weather circumstances before, during and after the application of plant protection products are very important for efficacy. Knowledge of the behaviour of products in relation to weather circumstances can be an aid to achieving better efficacy and even serve as a tool for reducing the dose in well‐defined applications. Formulation type and dynamic build‐up of the wax layer on the upper side of the leaf are important for sticking and the speed and method of uptake of active substances into the leaves. It is difficult for farmers to combine all the important processes. Knowledge of the relations between plant protection products and meteorological conditions is combined in a decision support system (DSS) with the acronym GEWIS. The system calculates (hourly based) the physical behaviour of products at different stages in the process. With the help of this DSS, the farmer can choose the best moment of the day to apply a product with the optimum dose. Furthermore, users learn when it is possible to apply lower dosages and when not to apply at all.  相似文献   

不同杀菌剂对小麦叶锈病的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦叶锈病是威胁我国小麦安全生产的重要病害之一,近年来其发生程度有逐年加重的趋势。为了筛选有效的化学防治药剂,对5种杀菌剂进行了田间药效试验。结果表明,5%烯唑醇微乳剂1 000~2 000倍液、430g/L戊唑醇悬浮剂3 000~5 000倍液、10%氟硅唑微乳剂1 500倍液、1 750倍液、20%丙环唑微乳剂400~800倍液、2%武夷菌素水剂300倍液、400倍液试验处理防效均高于50%。从增产效果来看,20%丙环唑微乳剂600倍液的增产率最高,达到42.33%。5%烯唑醇微乳剂2 000倍液,430g/L戊唑醇悬浮剂5 000倍液兼具高防效和高效益(产出/投入),建议推广使用。  相似文献   

A model simulating the progress of Puccinia recondita severity, expressed as a percentage of rusted leaf area (both as average and its 95% confidence interval) on individual wheat leaves over the course of a growing season, with a time step of one day, was elaborated using laboratory and field data from literature. Data on the stages of each infection cycle (uredospore germination, penetration, latency, uredium eruption and infectiousness) were transformed into model parameters by curve fitting, Montecarlo stochastic procedures, corrections and empirical assumptions. Data on host growth, like the timing of all phenological stages, the dynamic of the green area of each leaf from appearance to complete senescence, and tillering were obtained from a specific sub-model. Model validation was performed on actual data not used in model building and representing a wide range of conditions (several winter wheat cultivars grown at eight locations in northern Italy between 1990 and 1994) by using subjective, non-parametric and parametric tests: it revealed a satisfactory agreement between the data simulated by the model and actual data.  相似文献   

P. Rydahl 《EPPO Bulletin》2003,33(3):455-460
A Danish decision support system (DSS) named Crop Protection Online (CPO) for integrated management of weeds in cereals and beet has been developed during the past 20 years. CPO is based on a model that runs in three main steps: model step 1 quantifies the level of weed control needed on a field level, model step 2 selects candidate herbicides and calculates dose rates to meet the need, and model step 3 calculates tank mixtures of herbicides with two to four mixing components, if advantageous. CPO has been developed in cereals and beet, and various prototype versions have been validated in 1679 field tests. CPO secured yield potentials, and the level of residual weeds was not increased when compared with reference treatments. The potential of CPO to reduce herbicide use has been observed in all model crops, but the potential was greatest in cereals. In spring cereal field trials highly infested with weeds, the present version of CPO suggested 35% of one full herbicide dose on average and in winter cereals CPO suggested 44% on average of one full dose. The results from validation trials demonstrate that CPO is capable of suggesting robust treatment options with a low input of herbicides. The system architecture of CPO has been exported to Poland and the Baltic countries, and the system is expected to be suitable for export to other countries too.  相似文献   

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