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Cydia pomonella, Cydia funebrana, Eupoecilia ambiguella and Lobesia botrana are key pests in orchards and viticulture. The specific situation in Austria makes it impossible to use pheromone traps for decision making without additional information. Models based on temperature sums give information on the expected beginning of moth emergence and egg‐laying activity, but not on the intensity of reproduction over a period of time. An additional method for advisory services on tortricid pests, the‘branch cage technique’, has been developed and introduced in Austria. The technique is described in detail. At the beginning of the season, overwintered larvae or pupae are exposed in a so‐called branch cage in the field. As they emerge, adults are transferred from the branch cage into an egg‐laying box with an exchangeable polyethylene foil inside, offered to the females for egg laying. This technique monitors reproductive activity over a period of time and can be used even for following generations of adults during the season. The results of branch cage stations with (updated) information on moth emergence, egg laying and hatching of caterpillars are published within the Internet plant protection service of the BFL.  相似文献   

性信息素在害虫测报中的应用研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
昆虫性信息素以其专一、高效、无毒、无污染、不伤益虫等优点,在害虫预测预报中广泛应用。本文简要论述昆虫性信息素在国内外虫情测报中应用现状及研究进展,主要包括害虫的发生期、发生量、作物受害水平和害虫分布区域的预测等方面。同时,对昆虫性信息素测报研究中存在的一些问题及前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

为明确山东省泰安市核桃园主要病虫害的发生情况及其化学防治的用药流程,于2017—2018年采用田间调查法进行主要病虫害的调查,于2019年采用常规喷雾法对不同防治对象进行化学防治,研究不同用药时间及用药次数下3种农药对核桃的保果效果及对主要病虫害的防治效果,确定用药流程。结果表明,2017年泰安市核桃园主要病虫害以核桃细菌性黑斑病、核桃炭疽病和核桃举肢蛾Atrijuglans aristata为主,造成的病虫果率达83.25%。5月中旬至6月下旬,以核桃细菌性黑斑病和核桃举肢蛾单独发生为主;7月上旬至8月上旬,以核桃细菌性黑斑病和核桃炭疽病单独发生为主;8月中旬至下旬,以核桃炭疽病单独发生和核桃炭疽病+核桃细菌性黑斑病共同发生为主。2018年3种病虫害造成核桃的总体落果率为79.84%,共出现2次落果高峰,即在6月下旬以核桃举肢蛾造成的落果和在8月下旬以核桃炭疽病单独发生和核桃炭疽病+核桃细菌性黑斑病共同发生造成的落果。针对以上3种主要病虫害,在核桃生长期应至少喷药6次,其总体的保果效果和防治效果分别达到96.58%和93.70%,分别显著高于喷药4次的83.72%和70.56%,与喷药8次处理差异不显著。在实际生产中,建议对核桃细菌性黑斑病自5月上旬至8月上旬,每15~20 d用药1次,至少用药6次;对核桃炭疽病自6月下旬至8月上旬,每15~20 d用药1次,至少用药4次;对核桃举肢蛾在5月下旬和7月下旬各用药1次。  相似文献   

以大量化肥和农药投入为特征的高度集约化生产方式导致我国稻田(尤其是单季晚稻)生态系统失衡、害虫猖獗、环境污染和农药残留超标等一系列问题。自2009年起,本课题组在浙江省宁波市单季晚稻区开展应用生态工程技术修复稻田生态服务功能、降低害虫种群、减少化肥农药使用的研究与实践。技术措施主要包括:一是调节生物多样性保护土著天敌数量;二是种植蜜源植物增强天敌控害功能;三是生物诱集减少害虫虫源基数;四是调整农药使用策略减少天敌杀伤;五是控肥降低害虫自然增长速率;六是集成简便、高效、省本生态控害技术。2013—2014年连续2年的调查结果表明,应用生态工程丰富了单季晚稻稻田生态系统中节肢动物生物多样性、增加了天敌种群数量,稻田生态功能得到良好修复,害虫被持续控制在较低的水平,杀虫剂的使用减少93.75%,比农民自防区平均减少12.42%氮肥量的情况下水稻产量增产9.99%,实现社会、经济、生态效益的有机统一。该技术体系对环境友好、简单易行,已成为国家主推技术,应用推广前景广阔。  相似文献   

【目的】查明广西火龙果园病虫草害种类,探究火龙果主要病虫害的发生规律。【方法】火龙果病虫害种类调查采用了普查法和实地估测法,而主要病虫害的发生动态均采用五点取样调查法。【结果】调查表明,广西火龙果园的主要病虫草害及其天敌种类共有99种,其中害虫及有害动物有17种,病害有12种,杂草43种,昆虫天敌27种;在广西种植的火龙果品种中,金都1号、美龙、越南金边在同一年内发生3次炭疽病高发期,分别在3月、4月和7月,其中金都1号抗炭疽病性较好;溃疡病在同一年内出现2次高发期,分别在4月、7月,其中金都1号抗溃疡病较好;斜纹夜蛾、棉铃虫以及绿象甲在同一年内的种群数量变化均出现双峰型,年内2次高峰期发生在5月和7月,其中5月发生量较大。【结论】上述研究结果可提高人们对火龙果的病虫草害种类及主要病虫害发生规律的认识,为制订火龙果主要病虫草害综合防治方案奠定基础。  相似文献   

中亚五国与我国新疆在地理位置上均为远离海洋的区域, 属于温带大陆性气候。中亚五国与新疆在作物品种、栽培管理、植物保护和土壤改良等农业生产方面具有相似性。本课题组自2000年起与中亚地区的乌兹别克斯坦植物检疫及植物保护研究所建立了合作, 针对棉田有害生物防治进行了长达20余年的合作研究。文章总结了中亚地区棉田主要害虫的发生种类和为害特点, 尤其是以天敌繁育释放为重点的综合防治技术, 为我国西北荒漠绿洲生态区棉田的害虫防治策略提供了思路。同时提出了在“一带一路”合作倡议背景下, 我国与中亚五国加强棉花害虫防控技术合作与交流、学习借鉴乌兹别克斯坦棉田害虫生物防治技术、共同推进棉花重大害虫区域性综合防控技术进步的设想和建议。  相似文献   

通过建设植保防灾展示区、防治技术展示区、防治药剂展示区、施药技术展示区、农药对生态的影响展示区、防治服务创新区、植保技术发展方向区7大区,展示植保防灾减灾的重要作用,展示各种防治技术、农药品种、稻-灯-鱼、稻田养鸭等农业模式及施药方法、药剂对生态的影响。  相似文献   

系统调查了安徽省不同地区、玉米不同生育期害虫种类及发生为害情况。调查发现:安徽省全境玉米适生期长,玉米种植结构复杂,北部地区以连片种植夏玉米为主,南部地区以插花式播种春玉米为主。与为害夏玉米的害虫相比,南部春玉米害虫种类更为多样。亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)是全省玉米的主要害虫,其中铜陵地区春玉米苗期受亚洲玉米螟为害最重,被害株率达25.6%。蜗牛在夏玉米穗期和春玉米苗期为害严重,部分田块被害株率达100%。桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis(Guenée)是春、夏玉米穗期的另一主要害虫,常与亚洲玉米螟、棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)和黏虫Mythimna separata(Walker)混合发生,但在淮北地区玉米秸秆中未发现冬后存活的桃蛀螟幼虫。  相似文献   

2014年全国主要粮食作物重大病虫害发生趋势预报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据2013年小麦、水稻、玉米三大主要粮食作物重大病虫越冬基数、国家气候中心冬、春季全国气候预测、农作物品种抗性布局和种植方式等因素,做出了2014年全国主要粮食作物重大病虫害发生趋势预报,预计2014年全国主要粮食作物重大病虫害总体维持重发态势,发生程度将重于2013年。  相似文献   

根据2012年小麦、水稻、玉米三大主要粮食作物重大病虫越冬基数、国家气候中心冬、春季全国气候预测、农作物品种抗性布局和种植方式等因素,做出了2013年全国主要粮食作物重大病虫害发生趋势预报,预计2013年全国主要粮食作物重大病虫害总体维持重发态势,与2012年基本持平.  相似文献   

2015年全国三大谷类作物重大病虫害发生趋势预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析小麦、水稻、玉米三大谷类作物重大病虫越冬基数、品种抗性布局和种植方式以及冬、春季全国气候趋势预测等因素,判断2015年全国三大谷类作物重大病虫害仍呈偏重发生态势。  相似文献   

The decision in 1986, on an action plan to reduce pesticide use in Denmark by 50% led to increased research on the potential of reducing dosages. A decision support system (PC-Plant Protection), developed by The Danish Institute for Plant and Soil Science, implements this research. It combines a detailed use of threshold values to support decisions on treatment need, choice of pesticides and the appropriate dosage for actual problems in cereals. The pest and disease module within the system has been available commercially since 1993 and up to the end of April 1995, 2000 licences have been issued for its use at agricultural schools and by advisers and farmers. The recommendation model for pest and disease control has been validated in field trials since 1990. The validation has shown that the model is able to provide recommendations for the control of pests and diseases to a satisfactory level, without affecting farmers' gross margins. The model was able to adjust pesticide use to large yearly variations and the average amount of pesticides in the plots treated according to the model was well below that in the reference plots and in the commonly used strategies in Denmark.  相似文献   

为明确现阶段棉田常用化学杀虫剂对新疆维吾尔自治区(简称新疆)棉花主要害虫的毒力以及对新疆本地优势天敌多异瓢虫Hippodamia variegata的安全性,于室内分别测定当前21种棉田常用化学药剂对新疆棉田3种主要害虫棉蚜Aphis gossypii、截形叶螨Etranychus truncatus和棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera以及优势天敌多异瓢虫的毒力,比较不同药剂对各种害虫和天敌的相对毒力指数以及益害毒性比。结果表明,药剂处理24 h后,10种蚜虫防治药剂对棉蚜成蚜的半致死浓度LC50由高到低依次为氟啶虫胺腈、啶虫脒、吡虫啉、环氧虫啶、噻虫嗪、丁硫克百威、烯啶虫胺、呋虫胺、螺虫乙酯和吡蚜酮,其中益害毒性比较高的药剂主要有氟啶虫胺腈和螺虫乙酯;5种叶螨防治药剂对截形叶螨成螨的LC50从高到低依次为阿维菌素、哒螨灵、四螨嗪、噻螨酮和炔螨特,其中益害毒性比较高的药剂主要有四螨嗪、噻螨酮和阿维菌素;6种鳞翅目害虫幼虫防治药剂对棉铃虫3龄幼虫的LC50由高到低顺次为甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐(简称甲维盐)、氯虫苯甲酰胺、茚虫威、灭多威、毒死蜱和高效氯氰菊酯,其中益害毒性比较高的药剂主要有甲维盐和氯虫苯甲酰胺。综合上述2个方面结果,氟啶虫胺腈、阿维菌素、甲维盐和氯虫苯甲酰胺不仅对棉花害虫毒力效果强,而且对有益天敌安全性高。  相似文献   

Assessing the potential environmental impact of alien plants and plant pests is notoriously difficult. New protocols have been developed in the framework of the EC project PRATIQUE to provide guidance on environmental impact assessment in the EPPO pest risk analysis (PRA) decision‐support scheme and enhance consistency between risk assessors and risk ratings for different pests. A set of questions with rating guidance and examples is provided, and individual scores are summarized into final scores, using a hierarchy of risk matrices, to assess current and potential environmental impacts. Two separate protocols are available: for alien plants and for other pests. These protocols could also be used to assess environmental impact in other PRA schemes as well as to assign alien species to regional black lists or to prioritize species for management decisions.  相似文献   

虫螨克在桑园治虫上应用的可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田间小区试验表明 ,0.9%虫螨克 4000倍液对桑蟥、野蚕、桑螟有较高的防治效果 ,达75%~90% ,对家蚕残毒期较短 ,药后 5d已无死蚕现象  相似文献   

Okra production in the tropics is threatened by attack of insect-pests, fruit and shoot borer (FSB), jassid and whitefly causing severe loss in marketable yield particularly in the Gangetic plains of eastern India. No developed varieties/hybrids are free from attack of these pests. However, improved lines of okra have potential to broaden the genetic variability may improve resistance to these pests. Therefore, the population dynamics of these pests were recorded from 24 advance breeding lines/varieties of okra during peak infestation period over two consecutive years. Morphological leaf traits and biochemical parameters were assessed as potential mediators of resistance. The population of these pests reached above economic threshold levels during the month of September. Significant genotypic differences in terms of infestation of these pests were observed. Negatively correlated physico-chemical characters might be considered as important indices for selection of genotype tolerant to these pests. As indicated by the low infestations, the tolerance of BCO-1 to FSB, whitefly and that of Arka Anamika to jassid is based on both antixenotic properties of the genotypes. The donor parents BCO-1 and Arka Anamika should, therefore, be introduced into okra breeding programs to enhance tolerance against these pests.  相似文献   

上海地区水稻重大病虫上升原因与治理工作进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1999年以来,上海地区水稻病虫发生严重,分析其原因,一是免耕面积增大和暖冬的气候条件增加了部分害虫的越冬基数;二是优质稻和杂交稻面积扩大,利于病虫的发生;三是害虫抗药性上升,缺乏特效药剂,导致残虫数量增加等。通过建立计算机预警系统,开展水稻螟虫综防研究,调整防治策略,大力进行综合治理等,控制了病虫严重为害势头,取得了较好的成效。  相似文献   

病虫害防控是国家总体安全的重要组成部分,为构建区域一体化、技术绿色化的农林草业重大病虫害精准监测预警和全程防控综合技术体系,“十四五”期间,国家重点研发计划设立了“重大病虫害防控综合技术研发与示范”重点专项。此专项以保障农林生产安全、农产品质量安全和农林生态安全为根本目标,以草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda、柑橘黄龙病菌Liberbacter asianticum、松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus、东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis等农作物和森林草原重大病虫害防控科技创新为首要任务,旨在建立覆盖全国的农林草业重大病虫害精准监测预警网络,系统揭示重大病虫害区域性灾变机理,为农业绿色高质量发展提供科技支撑。该文综述了该专项的研发背景、专项定位、研究内容、任务布局、实施机制、政策保障,以期为植物保护领域相关科研人员、推广机构、政府部门、技术用户等提供参考。  相似文献   

1987年-2018年我国小麦主要病虫害发生危害及演变分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄冲  姜玉英  李春广 《植物保护》2020,46(6):186-193
本文总结分析了1987年-2018年我国小麦病虫害发生危害及其演变情况?蚜虫?麦蜘蛛?吸浆虫?地下害虫和赤霉病?条锈病?纹枯病?白粉病是当前我国小麦上的主要病虫害?2011年-2018年这8种病虫害的发生面积为4 416.45万~6 051.42万hm2, 占小麦全部病虫发生面积的74.89%~86.07%?通过防治, 每年挽回小麦产量损失307万~2 136万t, 占全国小麦总产的3.60%~18.44%, 平均年挽回损失1 134.94万t, 占全国小麦总产的10.56%, 其中1987年-1990年?1991年-2000年?2001年-2010年和2011年-2018年经防治后平均挽回损失分别为598.13万?1 056.42万?1 272.8万和1 612.35万t; 防治后每年仍造成小麦产量损失220万~640万t, 占全国小麦总产的1.97%~6.52%; 平均年实际损失346.95万t, 占全国小麦总产的3.23%, 其中1987年-1990年?1991年-2000年?2001年-2010年和2011年-2018年分别实际损失378.11万?337.31万?355.50万和316.90万t?2000年以来, 受气候变化?耕作制度变迁和品种更替等因素影响, 我国小麦主要病虫害发生演变呈现小麦赤霉病重发频率提高?发生区域呈北抬西扩趋势, 蚜虫上升为黄淮海麦区最重要的害虫, 小麦纹枯病?白粉病?麦蜘蛛和地下害虫等小麦常发性病虫害发生相对平稳, 小麦条锈病?吸浆虫等病虫害发生趋降, 新发病虫害在局部麦区扩散危害等特点, 并针对性地提出构建小麦病虫害自动化监测预警体系?研究小麦病虫害长期灾变规律?集成和完善小麦病虫害综合防控技术等建议措施?  相似文献   

Within the federal organization of Germany, the practical implementation of phytosanitary legislation including diagnosis of pests is the task of the Plant Protection Services of the 16 Federal Länder. The Federal Biological Research Centre (BBA) gives support by developing diagnostic methods, advising and in some instances reference testing. Due to budgetary constraints during the past decade, there has been a considerable decrease in diagnostic and taxonomic capacities. An analysis of the status quo of the diagnostic abilities in relation to regulated pests, and new pests not yet present in Germany, was carried out by means of a questionnaire sent to the Plant Protection Services of the Länder and to the various institutes of the BBA. The data gathered by the questionnaire supports the need for maintaining and improving diagnostic capacities in Germany, in order to fulfil legal obligations and to cope with evolving challenges, e.g. in the field of quality assurance. In this respect, a future scenario could be the establishment of a diagnostic network within Germany. Some key elements of such a network are already implemented in the potato sector.  相似文献   

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