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Infectious peritonitis in cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Pale chicks with necrotic dermatitis, small bursas of Fabricius (BFs), small thymuses, pale bone marrow, and watery blood were suspected of having parvovirus-like virus- (PVLV) associated disease. Histologic lesions included atrophy or hypoplasia of thymuses and BFs, and septic necrotizing clostridial dermatitis and hepatitis. Clostridium perfringens was cultured from skin and liver. A PVLV was isolated in a Marek's disease tumor cell line (MDCC-MSB1) culture and was identified by physicochemical, immunofluorescent, and morphologic features. This isolate was named GA-1 PVLV. Specific-antibody-negative chicks and embryos infected with heat- or chloroform-treated GA-1 PVLV developed anemia at the same rate. Control chicks never were anemic. This is the first isolation of PVLV from clinically ill chickens in the United States and the first report of PVLV-induced anemia in chickens in the Western Hemisphere.  相似文献   

Propylene glycol (PG) is a common preservative and source of synthetic carbohydrates in soft-moist pet foods. Propylene glycol was fed to cats for 5 weeks at concentrations found in commercial diets (1.6 g/kg of body weight; 12% of diet on a dry-weight basis) and for 3 weeks at concentrations exceeding usual intake (8 g/kg; 41% of diet). There was a dose-dependent increase in Heinz body percentage to 28% in cats fed the low dose of PG and to 92% in cats fed the high dose. Erythrocyte half-life, measured using [14C]-cyanate hemoglobin (Hb), decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) by 18.8% and 60% in cats fed the low and high PG doses, respectively. The PCV in cats fed the low dose was unaffected, whereas cats fed the high dose had a mean (+/- SEM) decrease in PCV from 33.5 +/- 1.05% to 26.3 +/- 1.45%, accompanied by punctate reticulocytosis and bone marrow erythroid hyperplasia. A dose-dependent increase in iron pigment was found in the liver and spleen of all cats. In cats fed the low dose of PG, erythrocyte reduced glutathione concentration actually increased from 7.02 +/- 0.56 to 9.74 +/- 0.69 mumol/g of Hb, but decreased to 2.96 +/- 0.27 mumol/g of Hb in cats fed the high dose. There was no significant increase in methemoglobin concentration. These results indicated that PG cannot be considered innocuous even at concentrations consumed by cats eating commercial diets. Heinz body-induced acceleration of RBC destruction develops in a dose-dependent manner, so that cats with greater food intake, ie, lactating queens and nursing kittens, are at greater risk for development of PG-induced Heinz body hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vaccination and importation of dogs and cats are prohibited in the Galapagos, resulting in a uniquely isolated population. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of infectious diseases of dogs and cats that impact their health, could spill over to native wildlife, or sentinel diseases of concern to humans. HYPOTHESIS: The isolation of dogs and cats in the Galapagos protects them from diseases common in mainland populations. ANIMALS: Ninety-five dogs and 52 cats presented during a neutering campaign. METHODS: A prospective cross-sectional study was performed. Blood was collected for serological and DNA evaluation of a panel of infectious diseases. RESULTS: Antibodies against parvovirus (100%), parainfluenza virus (100%), adenovirus 1/2 (66-67%), and distemper virus (22%) were present in dogs. Dirofilaria immitis was also common in dogs (34%), with lower prevalences of Wolbachia pipiens (22%), Bartonella sp. (13%), Ehrlichia/Anaplasma spp. (1%), and Mycoplasma haemocanis (1%) observed. Antibodies against panleukopenia virus (67%), Toxoplasma gondii (63%), calicivirus (44%), and herpesvirus 1 (10%) were detected in cats. Feline leukemia virus antigen, feline immunodeficiency virus antibody, or coronavirus antibodies were not detected. Bartonella sp. (44%) infections were common in cats, but only one was infected with M. haemofelis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Despite their relative seclusion from the rest of the world, cats and dogs of Isabela were exposed to many pathogens found in mainland South America. Parasite prophylaxis, neutering, and strict enforcement of animal movement restrictions would control a majority of the diseases. In the absence of vaccination, a reservoir of susceptible animals remains vulnerable to new disease introductions.  相似文献   

Two domestic shorthair cats were presented with anorexia and dehydration following ingestion of caramelized onions. Shared key findings from a CBC (ADVIA 2120), serum biochemistry, and urinalysis included a spurious, marked leukocytosis with discordant basophil (BASO) channel and peroxidase channel WBC counts, normal manual leukocyte counts, mild, non-regenerative anemia with discrepancies between automated and manual reticulocyte counts, an abundance of large Heinz bodies (HBs), and highly irregular scattergrams. Case 1 also demonstrated a markedly elevated mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) and discrepancies between RBC hemoglobin indices. Spurious leukocyte results were confirmed through re-analysis of samples (including the acquisition of a new sample, use of an alternate analyzer (Sysmex XT-2000iV; Case 1 only), and evaluation of scattergrams and blood films (Cases 1 and 2). Repeatedly discrepant reticulocyte counts were also identified. In both cases, the erroneous BASO WBC counts, discrepancies in reticulocyte counts and RBC indices, and atypical scattergrams were interpreted to result from various effects of the HBs. These cases emphasize the importance of reviewing blood films, interpreting scattergrams, and the usefulness of duplicate methods for determining various measurands on hematology analyzers.  相似文献   

Infectious salmon anemia (ISA) virus (ISAV), an economically important new pathogen in marine aquaculture, is classified in the family Orthomyxoviridae, genus Isavirus. The main structural properties of this genus include enveloped virions 90-140 nm in diameter with surface projections of a combined receptor-binding hemagglutinin and receptor-destroying enzyme activity demonstrated to be an esterase, hence recently designated HE, and a genome composed of eight segments of linear, single-stranded, negative sense RNA ranging in length from 1.0 to 2.4 kb, with a total size of approximately 14.3 kb. The viral genome encodes at least ten proteins, of which nine are structural and one is non-structural. Examination of more than 160 ISAV isolates has led to the identification of two hemagglutinin subtypes of ISAV, one North American and one European. The immune response against ISAV after infection or vaccination does not provide full protection against the infection. The recent discovery of antibody-mediated uptake and replication of ISAV in macrophage-like fish cell lines suggests that Fc receptor-mediated antibody-dependent enhancement of the ISA virus infection might also occur in vivo, as the virus in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) targets endothelial cells lining blood vessels and macrophage-like cells. Cumulative mortalities in Atlantic salmon during natural ISA outbreaks and experimental infections range from 0 to 100%. ISAV causes fatal systemic infections in marine-farmed Atlantic salmon and asymptomatic infections in feral fish. Experimentally induced fatal clinical disease in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) has identified a correlate of virulence of ISAV that may explain its emergence as a fish pathogen.  相似文献   

Nine of 105 cats with hyperthyroidism treated with propylthiouracil developed a serious immune-mediated drug reaction during treatment. Adverse clinical signs, which developed after 19 to 37 days (mean, 24.8 days) of propylthiouracil administration, included lethargy, weakness, anorexia, and bleeding diathesis. Physical examination revealed pale mucous membranes, and petechial hemorrhages of the skin and oral cavity. Results of hematologic testing revealed severe anemia and thrombocytopenia. The direct antiglobulin (Coombs') test was positive in all 7 cats evaluated, whereas the serum antinuclear antibody titer was greater than or equal to 1:10 in 5 of the 8 cats tested. In 4 of the cats, treatment included appropriate supportive therapy and cessation of propylthiouracil; in these cats, anemia and thrombocytopenia resolved and Coombs' and antinuclear antibody tests became negative within 2 weeks.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of 128 feline bone marrow reports identified 13 cases of aplastic anemia. Clinical diagnoses included chronic renal failure (n=5), feline leukemia virus infection (n=2), hyperthyroidism treated with methimazole (n=1) and idiopathic aplastic anemia (n=5). In some cats, starvation may play a role in the development of marrow aplasia. Some cats with aplastic anemia can have prolonged survival without resolution of the pancytopenia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Famotidine administered IV has been associated anecdotally with hemolysis in cats, and some veterinarians recommend using injectable famotidine only by the subcutaneous (SC) route for cats. However, the actual risk of such a reaction is not known. HYPOTHESIS: We hypothesized that famotidine, when given IV slowly, would not be associated with a clinically significant drop in packed cell volume (PCV) in hospitalized cats. ANIMALS: One hundred and forty-two hospitalized cats. METHODS: A retrospective medical record review was performed for hospitalized cats prescribed famotidine IV (n = 56), famotidine SC (n = 48), or no famotidine (n = 38) at a veterinary medical teaching hospital over the period from January 2004 through December 2006. RESULTS: Baseline signalment, observation times, and famotidine dosage (in treated cats) were similar among groups. Median baseline PCVs were significantly lower in the IV (31.5%) and SC (32.0%) groups compared with the control group (35.0%; P= .04). The median percent drop in PCV (3-4%), however, was no different in cats that received famotidine by either route compared with the control group (P= .90), and no cats in either famotidine group were observed to have any clinical signs of hemolysis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: We conclude from this retrospective study that famotidine IV was given to 56 hospitalized cats without evidence of hemolysis, and that the IV route appeared safe when famotidine was administered over 5 minutes. We could not document a safety advantage of SC versus IV administration in this group of cats.  相似文献   

鸡传染性贫血(CIA)是由鸡传染性贫血病毒(CAV)引起的以雏鸡再生障碍性贫血和免疫抑制为主要特征的传染病,是导致许多疫苗免疫失败以及雏鸡死亡的主要原因之一。该病自1979年在日本首次发现以来,英国、美国、澳大利亚和新西兰等许多养禽国家和地区相继分离到  相似文献   

Objective – To describe the use of oral mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) as an adjunctive therapy in 2 cats with primary immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia. Case Series Summary – Two cats suffering from presumptive primary immune mediated hemolytic were treated with MMF as part of their treatment regimens. Both cats had improved complete blood counts following therapy. New or Unique Information Provided – This is the first reported use of oral MMF as adjunctive treatment for cats with immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia. Outcome was favorable in both cats and no adverse effects were noted from the MMF.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the anemia of inflammatory disease (AID) in cats with naturally-occurring inflammatory diseases, such as abscesses (n = 12), pyothorax (n = 6), and fat necrosis (n = 3). Exclusion criteria were positive FeLV/FIV tests, neoplasia, nephro-, hepato- or endocrinopathies, and blood loss anemia. CBC, clinical biochemistry, measurements of serum erythropoietin, iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), ferritin, acute phase proteins, erythrocytic osmotic fragility (OF), and Coombs' tests were performed. A decrease in hematocrit of 1-28% (median, 10%) occurred within 3-16 days (median, 8 days). The anemia was mild (n = 11), moderate (n = 8), or severe (n = 2). In most cases it was normocytic normochromic, non-regenerative (n = 18), or mildly regenerative (n = 3). Sixteen cats had leukocytosis and 5 mild hyperbilirubinemia. The Coombs' test results were negative for 8 cats and positive for 1 cat. OF was increased in 2 out of 14 cats. Hypoalbuminemia (n = 18) and hyperglobulinemia (n = 16) resulted in a lowered albumin/globulin-ratio in 19 cats. Iron and TIBC were low in 2/19 and 6 /19 cats, respectively. The ferritin concentrations were normal in 7 cats and increased in 12 cats. The acute phase proteins alpha1-acid-glycoprotein and haptoglobin were increased in 14/14 and 13/14 cats, respectively. Erythropoietin was normal (n = 4), mildly increased (n = 7) or severely increased (1). Two cats were euthanized due to their underlying disease, 3 cats needed blood transfusions. AID in cats is usually mild to moderate, non-regenerative, and normocytic normochromic. It can be clinically relevant causing severe and transfusion-dependent anemia. AID seems to be multifactorial with evidence of iron sequestration, decreased RBC survival, and insufficient erythropoietin production and bone marrow response. Specific and supportive therapy, including transfusions, can reverse these processes.  相似文献   

Immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in dogs. IMHA also occurs in cats, although less commonly. IMHA is considered secondary when it can be attributed to an underlying disease, and as primary (idiopathic) if no cause is found. Eliminating diseases that cause IMHA may attenuate or stop immune‐mediated erythrocyte destruction, and adverse consequences of long‐term immunosuppressive treatment can be avoided. Infections, cancer, drugs, vaccines, and inflammatory processes may be underlying causes of IMHA. Evidence for these comorbidities has not been systematically evaluated, rendering evidence‐based decisions difficult. We identified and extracted data from studies published in the veterinary literature and developed a novel tool for evaluation of evidence quality, using it to assess study design, diagnostic criteria for IMHA, comorbidities, and causality. Succinct evidence summary statements were written, along with screening recommendations. Statements were refined by conducting 3 iterations of Delphi review with panel and task force members. Commentary was solicited from several professional bodies to maximize clinical applicability before the recommendations were submitted. The resulting document is intended to provide clinical guidelines for diagnosis of, and underlying disease screening for, IMHA in dogs and cats. These should be implemented with consideration of animal, owner, and geographical factors.  相似文献   

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