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Although pecans are associated with IgE-mediated food allergies, the allergens responsible remain to be identified and characterized. The 2S albumin gene was amplified from the pecan cDNA library. Dot-blots were used to screen the recombinant protein with pecan allergic patients' serum. The affinity purified native protein was analyzed by Edman sequencing and mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis. Cross-reactivity with walnut was determined by inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Sequential epitopes were determined by probing the overlapping peptides with three different patients' serum pool. The 3-dimensional homology model was generated, and the locations of the pecan epitopes were compared with those of known sequential epitopes on other allergenic tree nut homologues. Of 28 patients tested by dot-blot, 22 (79%) bound to 2S albumin, designated as Car i 1. Edman sequencing and the MS/MS sequencing of native 2S albumin confirmed the identity of recombinant (r) Car i 1. Both pecan and walnut protein extracts inhibited the IgE-binding to rCar i 1. Sequential epitope mapping indicated weak, moderate, and strong reactivity against 12, 7, and 5 peptides, respectively. Of the 11 peptides recognized by all serum pools, 5 peptides were strongly reactive and located in 3 discrete regions of the Car i 1 (amino acids 43-57, 67-78, and 106-120). Three-dimensional modeling revealed IgE-reactive epitopes to be solvent accessible and share significant homology with other tree nuts providing a possible basis for previously observed cross-reactivity.  相似文献   

Allergy to walnut is the most frequently reported tree nut allergy in the United States. Walnut 2S albumin, a vicilin-like protein, and a lipid transfer protein allergen have previously been described. Our objective was to clone and express a cDNA encoding a legumin group protein, assess IgE-binding with sera from walnut allergic patients, and investigate cross-reactivity with selected nuts. Primers were used to obtain the cDNA by 5' and 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends from walnut mRNA. The cDNA was subcloned into the pMAL-c2X vector and the recombinant fusion protein, named rJug r 4, was expressed in Escherichia coli. The obtained cDNA encoded a precursor protein with a predicted molecular weight of 58.1 kD, which showed significant sequence homology to hazelnut and cashew legumin allergens. Serum IgE from 21 of 37 (57%) patients bound the rJug r 4 fusion protein. In vitro cross-reactivity was demonstrated with hazelnut, cashew, and peanut protein extracts.  相似文献   

The 11S globulins from plant seeds account for a number of major food allergens. Because of the interest in the structural basis underlying the allergenicity of food allergens, we sought to crystallize the main 11S seed storage protein from almond ( Prunus dulcis). Prunin-1 (Pru1) was purified from defatted almond flour by water extraction, cryoprecipitation, followed by sequential anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and size exclusion chromatography. Single crystals of Pru1 were obtained in a screening with a crystal screen kit, using the hanging-drop vapor diffusion method. Diffraction quality crystals were grown after optimization. The Pru1 crystals diffracted to at least 3.0 A and belong to the tetragonal space group P4(1)22, with unit cell parameters of a = b = 150.912 A, c = 165.248 A. Self-rotation functions and molecular replacement calculations showed that there are three molecules in the asymmetry unit with water content of 51.41%. The three Pru1 protomers are related by a noncrystallographic 3-fold axis and they form a doughnut-shaped trimer. Two prunin trimers form a homohexamer. Elucidation of prunin structure will allow further characterization of the allergenic features of the 11S protein allergens at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Insoluble 11S globulin and soluble 2S albumin, conventionally termed alpha-globulin and beta-globulin, are the two major storage proteins and constitute 80-90% of total seed proteins in sesame. Two full-length cDNA clones were sequenced and deduced to encode sesame 11S globulin and 2S albumin precursors, respectively. Deduced amino acid composition reveals that 2S albumin, but not 11S globulin, is a sulfur-rich protein. Three abundant polypeptides of 50-60 kDa were resolved on SDS-PAGE when seed-purified 11S globulin was prepared in nonreducing conditions. Immunological analysis suggests that these three polypeptides are encoded by homologous genes. Immunodetection on the overexpressed protein of the 11S globulin clone in Escherichia coli indicates that this clone encodes the precursor protein of one of the three purified 11S globulin polypeptides.  相似文献   

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seed has been recognized as a nutritional protein source owing to its richness in methionine. Storage proteins have been implicated in allergenic responses to sesame consumption. Two abundant storage proteins, 11S globulin and 2S albumin, constitute 60-70 and 15-25% of total sesame proteins, respectively. Two gene families separately encoding four 11S globulin and three 2S albumin isoforms were identified in a database search of 3328 expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences from maturing sesame seeds. Full-length cDNA sequences derived from these two gene families were completed by PCR using a maturing sesame cDNA library as the template. The amino acid compositions of these deduced storage proteins revealed that the richness in methionine is attributed mainly to two 2S albumin isoforms and partly to one 11S globulin isoform. The presence of four 11S globulin and three 2S albumin isoforms resolved in SDS-PAGE was confirmed by MALDI-MS analyses. The abundance of these isoforms was in accord with the occurrence frequency of their EST sequences in the database. A comprehensive understanding of these storage proteins at the molecular level may also facilitate the identification of allergens in crude sesame products that have caused severe allergic reactions increasingly reported in the past decade.  相似文献   

Arginine kinase (AK) is an important enzyme participating in energy metabolism in invertebrates, but, to date, there have been no reports that AK from octopus is an allergen. In this study, octopus AK was purified, and its molecular biological, immunological, and physicochemical characterizations were analyzed. The results showed that octopus AK was purified and confirmed by mass spectrometry for the first time, and its molecular mass was 38 kDa. The full-length gene sequence of octopus AK encompassed 1209 bp and was predicted to encode a protein with 348 amino acid residues. The homology of octopus AK and crustacean AK was about 54%, but the similarity between their three-dimensional structures was high. Octopus AK could react with mouse anti-shrimp AK and rabbit anti-crab AK polyclonal antibody singly. Octopus AK could also react with specific IgE of the sera from octopus-allergic patients effectively, whereas crab AK could inhibit the reaction between them. Finally, the IgE-binding activity of octopus AK could be reduced in the processes of thermal or acid-alkali treatment. In summary, AK was identified as a novel allergen in octopus, which had a sensitizing ability similar to that of crustacean AK. This is significant in allergy diagnosis and the treatment of octopus-allergic disorders.  相似文献   

Buckwheat is generally regarded as a nutritionally rich food source. However, earlier studies prove that it also causes allergies to subjects. Allergenic proteins with a strong IgE-binding activity have been identified in common buckwheat (CB) and a 24 kDa allergen (rTBa) in tartary buckwheat (TB). The objective of this research was to clone and express a novel allergen in tartary buckwheat and to evaluate its structure and immunological activity. The 1773 bp full-length cDNA was amplified and cloned from the total RNA of TB by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) methods. Its nucleotide sequence had high similarity with legume-like 13S storage protein mRNA in CB. The deduced amino acid sequence included a putative signal peptide and 18 fragments as its epitope sites. The predicted full-length TB allergen sequence was found to have two domains, and the recombinant protein reacted with sera from patients with positive IgE binding to buckwheat and had a lower binding ability than the recombinant TBa and recombinant TBb (C- and N-terminal amino acid sequence of TBt codes for protein). This fact suggests that full-length TB allergen may hydrolyze to two domains in vivo, decreasing the IgE-binding ability.  相似文献   

Almond major protein (AMP or amandin), the primary storage protein in almonds, is the major allergen recognized by almond-allergic patients. A rabbit antibody-based inhibition ELISA assay for detecting and quantifying AMP in commercial foods has been developed, and this assay, in conjunction with Western blotting analyses, has been applied to the investigation of the antigenic stability of AMP to harsh food-processing conditions. The ELISA assay detects purified AMP at levels as low as 87 +/-16 ng/mL and can detect almond at between 5 and 37 ppm in the tested foods. The assay was used to quantify AMP in aqueous extracts of various foods that were defatted and spiked with known amounts of purified AMP or almond flour. In addition, AMP was quantified in commercially prepared and processed almond-containing foods. Neither blanching, roasting, nor autoclaving of almonds markedly decreased the detectability of AMP in subsequent aqueous extracts of almonds. Western blots using both rabbit antisera and sera from human almond-allergic patients confirm a general stability of the various peptides that comprise this complex molecule and show that the rabbit antibody-based assay recognizes substantially the same set of peptides as does the IgE in sera from almond-allergic patients.  相似文献   

Native, undenatured amandin and anacardein secondary structures were estimated to be, respectively, 56.4 and 49% β-sheet, 14 and 23.7% α-helix, and 29.6 and 27.4% random coil. Circular dichroic (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy were used to assess structural changes in amandin and anacardein subjected to denaturing treatments that included heat (100 °C, 5 min), guanidium HCl (GuHCl), urea, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and reducing agent, 2% v/v β-mercaptoethanol (βME) + heat. Mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) 4C10 and 4F10 directed against amandin and 1F5 and 4C3 directed against anacardein were used to assess the influence of denaturing treatments on the immunoreactivity of amandin and anacardein. Among the denaturing treatments investigated, SDS and β-ME caused a significant reduction in the immunoreactivity of amandin and anacardein when probed with mAb 4C10 and 4C3, respectively.  相似文献   

Total globulins extracted with 0.4 M NaCl in buffer from coconut endosperm separated into two peaks on gel filtration: peak I corresponding to 11S globulin or cocosin and peak II to 7S globulin with native molecular weights of 326 000 and 156 000, respectively. The percent composition of total globulins was estimated to be 11S, 86% and 7S, 14%. On SDS-PAGE, cocosin resolved into two closely migrating bands at approximately 34 000 (acidic polypeptide) and another set of 2 bands at 24 000 (basic polypeptide). Each set consisted of one darkly stained band and one lightly stained band. The 7S globulin consisted of three bands of 16 000, 22 000, and 24 000. Three isoforms of cocosin were identified after anion exchange chromatography. Cocosin, but not the 7S, was found to have disulfide bonds. Using periodic acid-Schiff's reagent, all of the bands of cocosin on SDS-PAGE were positive for carbohydrate. However, when con A-peroxidase was used, only the basic polypeptide stained positively for carbohydrate. For the 7S globulin, no carbohydrate group was detected using the PAS and con A-peroxidase tests. The 7S globulin was easily extracted with 0.10-0.15 M NaCl, whereas cocosin was extracted with 0.35 M NaCl. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the 34 k band and 24 k band of cocosin were SVRSVNEFRXE and GLEETQ, respectively, and that of the 7S was EQEDPELQK.  相似文献   

A cDNA fragment encoding cystatin, a cysteine protease inhibitor, was obtained from maturing sesame seeds. The clone was constructed in a nonfusion or fusion vector and then overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant cystatins were found in the soluble fraction of cell extract and were demonstrated to be functionally active in a reverse zymographic assay. The corresponding endogenous 22 kDa cystatin of low abundance in mature seeds was purified to homogeneity via a papain-coupling affinity column and confirmed by western blotting with antibodies against the recombinant cystatin. Both endogenous and recombinant cystatin proteins showed effective inhibitory activities against papain with K(i) values of 7.89 x 10(-8) M and 2.77 x 10(-8) M, respectively. Immunodetection indicated that cystatin was specifically expressed in maturing seeds and rapidly degraded in germination. Accordingly, zymographic and inhibition analyses showed that sesame cystatin could not inhibit the de novo synthesized proteases in germinating seeds. It is suggested that sesame cystatin may play a role in the regulation of endogenous cysteine proteases during seed maturation and germination.  相似文献   

Few studies exist on the influence of processing methods on structural changes and allergenic potential of hazelnut proteins. This study focused on the effect of glycation (Maillard reaction) on the immunoreactivity and degranulation capacity of the purified hazelnut 7S globulin, Cor a 11. After heating, the extent of the Maillard reaction, sensitivity to proteolysis, binding of human IgE or rabbit IgG, and degranulation capacity were analyzed. Changes in electrophoretic mobility, amount of free amino groups, and contents of bound sugar and fructosamine indicated that glycation of Cor a 11 occurred at all conditions. Glycation at 37 °C did not influence the specific IgG or IgE binding and was decreased after heating at 60 and 145 °C. Heating, with or without glucose, at 145 °C increased basophil degranulation capacity. The results suggest that glycation of Cor a 11 at 60 and 145 °C may decrease the IgE/IgG binding properties but not the degranulation capacity of basophils. This is possibly related to aggregation of the proteins as a result of the Maillard reaction.  相似文献   

The noncharacterized protein ACL75304 encoded by the gene Ccel_0941 from Clostridium cellulolyticum H10 (ATCC 35319), previously proposed as the xylose isomerase domain protein TIM barrel, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli . The expressed enzyme was purified by nickel-affinity chromatography with electrophoretic homogeneity and then characterized as d-psicose 3-epimerase. The enzyme was strictly metal-dependent and showed a maximal activity in the presence of Co(2+). The optimum pH and temperature for enzyme activity were 55 °C and pH 8.0. The half-lives for the enzyme at 60 °C were 6.8 h and 10 min when incubated with and without Co(2+), respectively, suggesting that this enzyme was extremely thermostable in the presence of Co(2+) but readily inactivated without metal ion. The Michaelis-Menten constant (K(m)), turnover number (k(cat)), and catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) values of the enzyme for substrate d-psicose were estimated to be 17.4 mM, 3243.4 min(-1), and 186.4 mM min(-1), respectively. The enzyme carried out the epimerization of d-fructose to d-psicose with a conversion yield of 32% under optimal conditions, suggesting that the enzyme is a potential d-psicose producer.  相似文献   

The influence of thermal processing and nonenzymatic browning reactions on the IgE-binding activity of rAra h 2 was studied and compared to findings recently reported for the allergen's natural counterpart. ELISA experiments as well as inhibition assays revealed that thermal treatment of rAra h 2 in the presence of reactive carbohydrates and carbohydrate breakdown products induces a strong increase of the IgE-binding activity, thus collaborating with the data reported for the natural protein isolated from peanuts. To localize the Ara h 2 sequences responsible for the formation of highly IgE-affine glycation sites, model peptides have been synthesized mimicking sequences which contain possible targets for glycation as well as the immunodominant epitopes. Immunological evaluation of these peptides heated in the absence or presence of reducing sugars and carbonyls, respectively, revealed that neither the two lysine residues of Ara h 2 nor its N-terminus are involved in the formation of IgE-affine structures by Maillard reaction. Also, the cysteine-containing major epitope 3 (aa 27-36) was found to lose its IgE-binding capacity upon heating. By contrast, the overlapping major epitopes 6 and 7, which do not contain any lysine or arginine moieties, showed a distinct higher level of IgE binding when subjected to Maillard reaction, thus giving the first evidence that nonbasic amino acids might be accessible for nonenzymatic glycation reactions and that these posttranslational modifications might induce increased IgE binding of the glycated Ara h 2. Analogous experiments were performed with peanut agglutinin, considered in the literature as a minor allergen. ELISA experiments revealed that the majority of tested sera samples from peanut-sensitive patients showed a high level of IgE binding to the lectin even after heat treatment. In contradiction to published data, nonenzymatic browning reactions seem to deteriorate the IgE affinity of the lectin.  相似文献   

Soybean meal (SBM), the major byproduct of soybean oil extraction, is the main protein source for swine diets globally. In the United States, 8.6 million metric tons of SBM was used in swine rations in 2004. The pathological effect and immunological response of SBM feeding have been demonstrated in swine. In this study, we have utilized plasma collected from piglet feed with SBM in immunoblot analysis to detect proteins that elicited antigenic responses. We have identified soybean beta-conglycinin alpha-subunit as being a potential allergen for young piglets. Characterization of this protein indicated that deglycosylation and pepsin digestion did not eliminate immunoreactivity of this protein. Epitope mapping utilizing planar cellulose supports technology (SPOT) showed that three peptides spanning amino acids S185-R231 were critical for the allergenicity. A computer-generated three-dimensional structure model of the alpha-subunit of beta-conglycinin indicated that the antigenic epitopes were located on the surface of the protein. Information from this study may assist in the construction of recombinant nonallergenic soybean protein useable for both immunotherapy and the potential production of hypoallergenic soybean plants.  相似文献   

H11是寄生阶段捻转血矛线虫小肠微绒毛上皮细胞的一种跨膜糖蛋白,分子量为110kD。H11具有良好的免疫保护作用,免疫动物后,攻击第3期幼虫,雄虫减少70%、雌虫减少80%和虫卵减少90%。本实验克隆了该抗原基因,并对该抗原特性进行了分析,为研制分子疫苗奠定基础。  相似文献   

A recombinant mungbean defensin VrD1 was previously shown to exhibit antifungal and bruchid-resistant activity. To study the function and regulation of VrD1, genomic DNAs of plant defensins were isolated from Vigna radiata VC6089A and azuki bean Vigna angularis Kao Hsiung No. 6. The azuki bean defensin genomic DNA VaD1 was sequenced and converted to VaD1 cDNA. VaD1 defensin was purified from Vigna angularis Kao Hsiung No. 6 to apparent homogeneity. The complete amino acid sequence of the purified VaD1 was determined and was found to be exactly the same as the sequence deduced from VaD1 cDNA. VaD1 is a basic protein containing 46 amino acids with four conserved disulfide bonds and shares high sequence homology (78.3%) with VrD1. VaD1 inhibited the growth of Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Salmonella typhimurium. VaD1 also inhibited in vitro protein synthesis and bruchid larval development, but was less active than the recombinant VrD1.  相似文献   

The composition of seed storage proteins (SSPs) in olive endosperm and cotyledon has been analyzed. Precursor forms of these proteins are made up of individual proteins, which have been purified to homogeneity and further named p1-p5 (20.5, 21.5, 25.5, 27.5, and 30 kDa, respectively). N-terminal sequences of p1 and p2 proteins displayed relevant homology to the basic subunit of the 11S family of plant SSPs (legumins). Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis experiments allowed us to verify the basic character of p1 and p2 and the acidic character of p3, p4, and p5 proteins. In addition, the putative presence of highly similar isoforms or posttranslational modifications of these polypeptides was detected. As a result, a model describing the putative association of p1-p5 proteins into subunits of alpha(acidic)/beta(basic) type has been proposed. Solubility experiments have shown that the majority of these olive seed proteins from the 11S storage protein family are extracted with aqueous alcohol and only partially with water and diluted saline solutions, therefore suggesting their similarity to prolamines. Moreover, no visible differences were found in either subunit composition or 11S proteins mass among six olive cultivars examined. This result suggests that the synthesis of storage proteins is highly conserved in this plant species. By using a rabbit antiserum raised to p1 protein, the proteins have also been immunolocalized in olive seed tissues, showing that they accumulate in conspicuous protein bodies present in both the endosperm and the cotyledon.  相似文献   

Three isoforms of the cDNA of the major 8S globulin of mungbean, 8Salpha, 8Salpha', and 8Sbeta, were isolated, cloned, and characterized. The cDNA sequences of 8Salpha, 8Salpha', and 8Sbeta had open reading frames of 1362, 1359 or 1362, and 1359 bp, respectively, which code for 454, 453 or 454, and 453 amino acids corresponding to molecular weights of 51 973, 51 627 or 51 758, and 51 779, respectively. Homology in terms of cDNA and amino acid sequences was 91-92% between 8Salpha and 8Salpha', 87% between 8Salpha and 8Sbeta, and 86-88% between 8Salpha' and 8Sbeta. The signal peptide was found to be 1-25, 1-24 or 25, and 1-23 for 8Salpha, 8Salpha', and 8Sbeta, respectively, using the signalP website (Nielsen, H.; Engelbrecht, J.; Brunak, S.; von Heijne, G. Protein Eng. 1997, 10, 1-6). The propeptide was determined to be IVHREN. A single site for glycosylation (N-X-S/T) was observed about 90 amino acids from the C terminus. Homology between mungbean 8S isoforms and other 7-8S proteins ranged from 45 to 68% within members of the legume family and 29 to 34% for crops of different species. The major isoform 8Salpha was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by successive ammonium sulfate fractionation, hydrophobic interaction, and Mono Q column chromatography. The recombinant 8Salpha, but not the native form, was successfully crystallized producing rhombohedral crystals.  相似文献   

On the basis of the genomic sequence of Bacillus subtilis 168, two beta-glucosidase genes (bglH and yckE) from B. subtilis natto, which has been reported to have high isoflavone glucoside-hydrolyzing activity, were cloned and overexpressed in E. coli M15. The temperature for the optimal p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucoside hydrolyzing activity of both enzymes was between 37 and 45 degrees C, but BglH had a higher thermal stability than YckE. Both showed high activity at pH 6.0, but YckE was stable over a wider pH range than BglH. Recombinant BglH was inhibited 73%, 63%, and 43% by 1.0 mM Cd(2+), Fe(2+), or Cu(2+), respectively, while other divalent metal ions resulted in 0-23% inhibition, whereas YckE was inhibited by less than 20% by any of the divalent metal ions we tested. Among the substrate we used, BglH showed the highest affinity for genistin and YckE showed the highest affinity for p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-fructopyranoside. Both BglH and YckE hydrolyzed genistin and daidzin into their isoflavone aglycones, genistein and daidzein, but BglH was more efficient than YckE in isoflavone glucoside hydrolysis (20-fold higher kcat). Our results suggest that recombinant BglH may be applicable in the process of isoflavones deglycosylation.  相似文献   

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