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In this research work, the thermo physiological properties of polyester/polyethylene nonwoven composite wraps of varying thicknesses impregnated with aerogel were studied and compared. The SEM images were also taken to compare the physical configuaration of the aerogel based fibrous composites. Specific thermal properties like thermal conductivity, thermal resistance, thermal diffusivity and thermal absorptivity were measured using alambeta instrument. The air permeability of the thermal wraps was measured in air permeability tester. The relative water vapor permeability and absolute water vapor permeability was measured in Permetest. These tests were conducted to understand thermal properties, air and water vapor permeability of flexible aerogel based composites with nanoporous structure. The results of the experiments were statistically analyzed and found to be within confidence intervals.  相似文献   

The porosity of fibrous porous materials is an important factor to the thermal insulating performance of the material. This paper considers both the optimum porosity of uniform fibrous battings and the optimum distribution of the porosity of non-uniform fibrous battings for thermal insulation. The former was determined by an approximate analytical solution and a numerical simulation by using finite volume method, and the latter was studied by applying simulated annealing method. The study showed that the optimum porosity of uniform fibrous porous materials is very much dependent on fiber emissivity, and fiber radius, but little influenced by the temperature difference of the boundaries. For non-uniform fibrous materials, there can be an optimum distribution of porosity, which can be predicted by applying the simulated annealing method.  相似文献   

River water and groundwater are used to irrigate paddy fields and are also principal sources of drinking water for humans. It is important to understand the transport characteristics of water (e.g., direction and intensity of water flow), when grasping a pollution situation in the soil. Endo and Hara (Soc Inst Contr Eng Trans Ind App 2:88–95, 2003) developed the Quintuple-Probe Heat-Pulse (QPHP) sensor to identify water flux density vectors and thermal properties under saturated and steady state conditions. However, there has not yet been any investigation of moisture transfer under transient conditions such as during internal drainage and mid-summer drainage of paddy fields. Only Sand has been used in previous experiments, and examinations with Loamy and Clayey soils have not yet led to done. Simultaneous measurements of the water flux density vectors and thermal properties of soil texture of three types under drainage conditions as well as the soil moisture transfer analysis with Finite Element Method (FEM), were done. The representative drainage flow was indicated as downward, except in the Sandy-Clayey Loam, in which the rightward flux exceeded the downward flux owing to anisotropy of the soil-pore structure and hydraulic conductivity. The apparent horizontal/vertical advanced distance was introduced in order to know about how water moved through the soil column. The estimated volumetric water content was in good agreement with the measured value. Thus, this measurement method was shown to be valid under transient water flow conditions.  相似文献   

Far-infrared polyethylene terephthalate (FPET) fibers have been commonly used in clothing in order to attain heat retention, and the combination of three-dimensional crimped hollow polyethylene terephthalate (TPET) fibers makes the clothing to be fluffy and air permeable, and thereby improves the wearing comfort. This study aims to make thermally insulating nonwoven composites by using recycled far infrared fibers. The composites are used to cover the heat transfer lines and prevent the heat emissivity. A specified amount of low-melting-point polyethylene terephthalate (LPET) fibers and FPET and TPET fibers at different ratios are blended, followed by being needle punched at 100-300 needles/min, and then hot pressed at 120 °C, in order to form thirty nonwoven composite types. These nonwoven composites are measured for their porosity, thickness, and air permeability, and are tested for thermal insulation and temperature-rise slope under a constant ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Ultra porous and flexible PET/Aerogel blankets were prepared at ambient pressure, and their acoustic and thermal insulation properties were characterized. Two methods were selected for the preparation of PET/Aerogel blanket. Method I was a direct gelation of silica on PET. PET non-woven fabric was dipped and swelled in TEOS/ethanol mixture, and pH of reaction media was controlled to 2.5 using HCl to promote hydrolysis. After acid hydrolysis, pH was controlled to 7,8,9, and 10 with NH4OH for the condensation. Method II was by the dipping of PET non-woven fabric in the dispersion of Silica hydrogel. The gelation process was same with Method I. However, PET fabric was not dipped in reaction media. After the hydrogel was dispersed and aged in EtOH for 24 hrs, then, PET non-woven fabric was dipped in the dispersion of hydrogel/EtOH for 24 hrs. The surface modification was carried out in TMCS/n-hexane solution, then the blanket was washed with nhexane and dried at room temperature to prevent the shrinkage. The silica areogels synthesized in optimum conditions exhibit porous network structure. Silica aerogel of highly homogeneous and smallest spherical particle clusters with pores was prepared by gelation process at pH 7. When direct gelation of silica was performed in PET nonwoven matrix (Method I), silica aerogel clusters were formed efficiently surrounding PET fibers forming network structure. The existence of a great amount of silica aerogel of more homogeneous and smaller size in the cell wall material has positive effect on the sound absorption and thermal insulation.  相似文献   

To study the radiation utilization efficiency, latent heat flux, and simulate growth of rice during post-flood period in eastern coast of India, on-farm trial was conducted with three water regimes in main plots (W 1 = continuous flooding of 5 cm, W 2 = irrigation after 2 days of water disappearance, and W 3 = irrigation after 5 days of water disappearance) and five nitrogen levels in subplots (N 1 = 0 kg N ha?1, N 2 = 60 kg N ha?1, N 3 = 90 kg N ha?1, N 4 = 120 kg N ha?1, and N 5 = 150 kg N ha?1) on a rice cultivar, ‘Lalat’. Average maximum radiation utilization efficiency (RUE) in terms of above ground dry biomass of 2.09 (±0.05), 2.10 (±0.02), and 1.9 (±0.08) g MJ?1 were computed under W 1, W 2, and W 3, respectively. Nitrogen increased the RUE significantly, mean RUE values were computed as 1.60 (±0.07), 1.78 (±0.02), 2.060 (±0.08), 2.30 (±0.07), and 2.34 (±0.08) g MJ?1 when the crop was grown with 0, 60, 90, 120, and 150 kg ha?1 nitrogen, respectively. Midday average latent heat flux (on clear days) varied from 7.4 to 14.9 and 8 to 13.6 MJ m?2 day?1 under W 2 and W 3 treatments, respectively, at different growth stages of the crop in different seasons. The DSSAT 4.5 model was used to simulate phenology, growth, and yield which predicted fairly well under higher dose of nitrogen (90 kg and above), but the model performance was found to be poor under low-nitrogen dose.  相似文献   

In this study, the polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based precursor was produced by electrospinning for the fabrication of oxidized nanofiber nonwovens. The parameters adopted for the oxidation process were chosen from the thermal analysis results obtained using DSC and TGA. The oxidation temperatures of 270, 300, and 330 oC were selected for heating times of 30, 50, and 70 min at three levels of tension. The variations in yield rate, breaking strength, shrinkage and stiffness of the oxidized PAN-based electrospun nonwovens were examined in this article. The results indicate that the physical properties of electrospun nonwovens were affected by the oxidation conditions. In addition, the limit oxygen index (LOI) was found to increase with increasing heat treatment temperature and time. In addition, the optimum oxidation condition was found to be heating temperature of 300 °C for a duration of 70 min. Under this condition, high-quality PAN-based oxidized electrospun nonwovens were produced with aromatization index (AI) of 62 % and LOI of 44 %.  相似文献   

浅谈白茶热风萎凋的技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统白条制作关键性技术工序是美凋,白条徐有的外观色泽、叶态及香味,主要是在萎凋过程中形成的,萎凋技术掌握如何对形成白菜品质具有至关重要的作用。白茶萎调表面上主要是去除鲜叶中的水分,但实际上在减少水分过程中引起了一系列的自发性的理化变化,从而形成白茶满被白毫,色泽银白光润.具有清鲜毫香和清甜滋味的品质特征。福鼎白琳茶厂于1985年开始采用热风萎凋工艺制作白牡丹并取得成功,为缩短白茶制造生产周期,解决白茶雨天萎凋困难,稳定产品品质开辟了一条新的途径。白茶热风萎凋由加温炉灶、排气设备、萎凋帝、萎凋菁架等四…  相似文献   

超微绿茶粉原料茶加工中的几个技术要点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高飞虎  李中林  袁林颖  张玲  邓敏 《茶叶》2005,31(4):245-246
超微绿茶粉是一种能快速冲饮并可作为食品添加剂的纯天然粉末茶。它能最大限度的保持茶叶原有的各种营养成分、药理成分和原料的天然本色,具有良好的悬浮稳定性等有机特性,可直接应用于茶饮料加工或直接作为速溶型饮料,也可用于各种茶叶食品或添加于各类食品中,以强化其营养功效,并赋予食品天然鲜绿色泽和特有的茶叶风味。超微绿茶粉的原料茶加工和常规的茶叶加工有一定的区别,  相似文献   

This paper considers the potential impact of biological approaches such as bio-copying (biomimetics) and biomanipulating (e.g. genetic engineering) on future developments in the field of textiles and, in particular, fibres. If analytical tools for studying biological systems combined with those of materials science are further developed, and higher efficiency and reproducibility of genetic engineering technology can be achieved, the potential for the copying and manipulation of nature for textile innovations will be immense. The present state for both fields is described with examples such as touch and close fastener, structurally coloured fibres, the Lotus effect (for bio-copying), as well as herbicide tolerant cotton, insecticide resistant cotton (Bt cotton), cotton polyester bicomponent fibres, genetically engineered silkworm and silk protein, and spider fibres (for genetic engineering). Dedicated to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. H. Zahn on the occasion of his 85th birthday  相似文献   

Measuring and characterizing fabric wrinkling objectively and accurately is of vital importance because wrinkling behavior is one of the most important factors to determine visual aesthetic of fabrics and clothes. In this paper, a novel method for multidirectional fabric wrinkling measurement is presented. 12 fabrics with different fiber contents and weave structures are prepared and wrinkled by the new method. GLCM variables and standard deviation of wavelet decomposition coefficients are used to characterize fabric wrinkling. Results show that WRA (wrinkle recovery angle) does not have significant linear correlation with the GLCM variables (energy, entropy, contrast and correlation). The wavelet coefficient standard deviation at level 6 has the highest correlation with average WRA. The equations between average WRA and standard deviations can be used to predicate average WRA of a fabric conveniently, avoiding the time-consuming and tedious testing of WRA in each direction.  相似文献   

Cotton fabrics were coated with conducting polypyrrole (PPy) by mist polymerization derived from aqueous solution of pyrrole (Py) with ferric chloride (FeCl3) as oxidant. The polymerization conditions, such as the reaction time and the concentrations of monomer and oxidant, were systematically investigated. The prepared PPy-coated fabrics could keep their temperature at about 24–44 °C when charged by a fixed DC voltage of 1–3 V. The results indicate that these PPy-coated fabrics can be used potentially as heating pads and integrated into the apparel to make the wearer warm enough using a portable battery. Furthermore, such fabrics are more comfortable than the conventional heating pads due to their flexibility and breathability.  相似文献   

Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is particularly suitable as a feedstock for a variety of bioprocesses, largely because of its high yields of both lignocellulosic biomass and fermentable saccharides. Sweet sorghum is less economically important for refined sugar production than other sugar crops, e.g., sugar beet and sugarcane, but can produce more raw fermentable sugar under marginal conditions than those crops. In this review, the agronomic requirements of sorghum (viz., water, soil, and nutrient requirements), cultural practices, and plant morphology are discussed from a bioprocessing perspective. Historically, sugar extraction from the plant in the form of juice has been of primary interest; these methods, along with modern developments are presented. Recently, the direct yeast fermentation of sorghum juice for ethanol production has been studied. Additionally, the bagasse resulting from the juice extraction has been used for a variety of potential products: forage, silage, combustion energy, synthesis gas, and paper. The bagasse contains high levels of relatively low crystallinity cellulose, along with relatively labile lignin, and so is itself of interest as a fermentation feedstock. Whole sorghum stalk, and its bagasse, have been subjected to studies of a wide array of pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis, and fermentation processes. The potential fermentation products of sweet sorghum are wide ranging; those demonstrated include ethanol, acetone, butanol, various lipids, lactic acid, hydrogen, and methane. Several potential native products of the plant, in addition to cellulose for paper production, are also identified: waxes, proteins, and allelopathic compounds, such as sorgoleone.  相似文献   

Specialty materials such as essential oils, pharmaceuticals, colorants, dyes, cosmetics and biocides are obtained from plants. Many species of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are cultivated for such industrial uses, but most are still wild collected. The need for renewable sources of industrial products as well as the need to protect plant biodiversity creates an opportunity for farmers to produce such crops. The production of plants as raw material for fine chemicals is different than cultivation of ornamental or food crops. This review attempts to give an overview of the use of MAPs in various industries, as well as trends in the various markets involved. Economic and regulatory issues relevant for such uses of MAP material are also discussed, with a focus on the situation in the European Union. The aim is to provide information to potential producers to help identify interesting MAPs for cultivation.  相似文献   

Climate change has been an increasingly significant factor behind fluctuations in the yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa L.), particularly regarding chalky (white-back, basal-white, and milky-white) grain, immature thin grain, and cracked grain. The development and use of heat-tolerant varieties is an effective way to reduce each type of grain damage based on the existence of each varietal difference. Cultivation methods that increase the available assimilate supply per grain, such as deep-flood irrigation, are effective for diminishing the occurrence of milky-white grains under high temperature and low solar radiation conditions. The application of sufficient nitrogen during the reproductive stage is important to reduce the occurrence of most heat damage with the exception of milky-white grain. In regard to developing measures for heat-induced poor palatability of cooked rice, a sensory parameter, the hardness/adhesion ratio may be useful as an indicator of palatability within a relatively wide air–temperature range during ripening. Methods for heat damage to rice can be classified as either avoidance or tolerance measures. The timing of the measures is further divided into preventive and prompt types. The use of heat-tolerant varieties and late transplanting are preventive measures, whereas the application of sufficient nitrogen as a top dressing and irrigation techniques during the reproductive stage are prompt types which may function to lower the canopy temperature by enhancing evapotranspiration. Trials combining the different types of techniques will contribute towards obtaining more efficient and steady countermeasures against heat damage under conditions of climate change.  相似文献   

An adaptive modeling method has been developed to improve the accuracy of an FDM type 3-D printer especially when printing complex small objects. The thermal and flow properties of PLA, ABS, and HIPS were measured using various types of rheological analysis. The relationship between those results and dimensional errors were analyzed. From this relationship, calibration factors were calculated for correcting the error between virtual and actual models. Image processing software has been developed to measure the dimension of printed samples. A model generation software has been developed to generate calibrated models using adaptive modeling method. The efficiency of system was verified through statistical analysis on the difference between the models with and without calibration.  相似文献   

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