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Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease of potato caused by two species of Verticillium, V. dahliae and V. albo atrum. The pathogen infects the vascular tissue of potato plants through roots, interfering with the transport of water and nutrition, and reducing both the yield and quality of tubers. We have evaluated the reaction of 283 potato clones (274 cultivars and nine breeding selections) to inoculation with V. dahliae under greenhouse conditions. A significant linear correlation (r = 0.4, p < 0.0001) was detected between plant maturity and partial resistance to the pathogen, with late maturing clones being generally more resistant. Maturity-adjusted resistance, that takes into consideration both plant maturity and resistance, was calculated from residuals of the linear regression between the two traits. Even after adjusting for maturity, the difference in the resistance of clones was still highly significant, indicating that a substantial part of resistance cannot be explained by the effect of maturity. The highest maturity-adjusted resistance was found in the cv. Navajo, while the most susceptible clone was the cv. Pungo. We hope that the present abundance of data about the resistance and maturity of 283 clones will help potato breeders to develop cultivars with improved resistance to V. dahliae.  相似文献   

Use of nutrient efficient crop species or cultivars within species in combination with improved crop production practices offer the best option for meeting the future food requirements of growing world populations. Efficiency improvement has a key role for nutrient use and it improves both productivity of yield and minimizes risks of losses that potentially harm the environment. To improve nutrient use efficiency (NUE), one strategy is to select cultivars of crops with high NUE. Both nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are among essential macronutrients commonly applied to agricultural crops to optimize yields. Evaluation of potato cultivars with high N and P efficiency is essential for sustainable production of the crop. In Ethiopia, however, little research has been done to elucidate better NUE of potato crop until recently. This study was, thus, designed to evaluate selected potato cultivars (Belete, Gudene, Jalene, Marachere and one local check) for NP use efficiency under low levels of the nutrients in Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia during 2014 and 2015. Factorial combination of 3 levels of each N (0, 55.5 and 111 kg N ha?1 ) and P (0, 19.5 and 39 kg P ha?1 ) were assigned to the main plots and the 5 cultivars to subplots of split-plot design in three replications. Efficiency indices such as agronomic efficiency, physiological efficiency and recovery efficiency were computed for combined NP nutrients. Results showed that agronomic nitrogen use efficiency, apparent phosphorus use efficiency and phosphorus use efficiencies were significantly influenced by the interaction effect of rates of NP nutrition and variety. Application of NP more than 55.5:19.5 kg ha?1 will not beneficial due to their less or equal use and recovery efficiencies to 55.5:19.5 kg NP ha?1. Belete was the most NP efficient variety followed by Jalene and Gudene in all efficiency indices. Therefore, Belete, Jalene and Gudene return better for NP at 55.5:19.5 kg ha?1 for economical use of fertilizes while obtaining satisfactory yield. It can be concluded that yield response variation of the varieties was related to their differences in NP uptake and use efficiencies; and the improved potato varieties were superior to local check in using NP nutrients efficiently.  相似文献   

An efficient protocol for hairy root induction in Solanum tuberosum was established using Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Transformation of Desiree was more efficient than with Shepody or Purple Majesty. Transformation efficiency of Desiree tuber discs (97% transformation efficiency) was higher in comparison to root (67% transformation efficiency), stem (61% transformation efficiency) and leaf (14% transformation efficiency) explants. Bacterial density, culture parameters, explant type, and genotype influenced the transformation efficiency, as well as the growth of hairy roots. Hairy root transformation efficiency in explants treated with acetosyringone was enhanced from 72 to 89% in Purple Majesty tubers and 56 to 80% in roots during co-cultivation. The growth rate of hairy roots from tuber discs was about 5 times greater than that of hairy roots from leaves. Tuber hairy roots were highly resistant to kanamycin in the absence of NPT II. This study describes the efficient generation of hairy roots in different potato tissues and cultivars that can provide a fast method to generate transformed tissue or be used for production of secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

An approach has been developed to screen a large number of potato clones for cold induced sweetening (CIS) resistance in breeding programs. Two key enzymes responsible for reducing sugar accumulation during cold storage were identified. Clones with the A-II isozymes of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase coupled with low activity of vacuolar acid invertase enzyme had increased resistance to CIS by forming less suc, which is subsequently hydrolyzed to the undesirable reducing sugars, glc and fru. Six named cultivars and 192 genetically diverse clones from various breeding programs in USA were analyzed over two years for the two key enzymes and sugar concentration in cold stored tubers. The predictability for CIS resistance during cold storage was 94% both years. Clones classified as class A accumulated low concentration of reducing sugar glc during cold storage. It is suggested that these two predictor enzymes can be used for screening parents and selections in potato breeding program.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the use of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) to detect and quantify chlorophyll (Chl) and total glycoalkaloid concentrations (TGA) in potatoes. To create a set of tubers with different concentrations of Chl and TGA, potatoes of four varieties were wounded or treated with red, blue, red/blue, UV-a, UV-b or UV-c light. HSI analyses were performed with a reflection based setup implemented in an industrial potato sorting machine. After hyperspectral analyses, the peel was sampled, and concentrations of Chl and total TGA were determined. Results showed that the HSI system predicted the concentrations of Chl with a relatively high degree of accuracy, and a prediction R2 value of 0.92. Prediction of TGA concentrations performed to a much lesser extent, and the overall prediction R2 value was only 0.21. Moderate soil covers only affected the prediction powers to a minor degree.  相似文献   

The precise level of environmental control in vitro may aid in identifying genetically superior plant germplasm for rooting characteristics (RC) linked to increased foraging for plant nitrogen (N). The objectives of this research were to determine the phenotypic variation in root morphological responses of 49 Solanum chacoense (chc), 30 Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja – Solanum tuberosum Group Stenotomum (phu-stn), and three Solanum tuberosum (tbr) genotypes to 1.0 and 0.5 N rate in vitro for 28 d, and identify genotypes with superior RC. The 0.5 N significantly increased density of root length, surface area, and tips. All RC were significantly greater in chc than in either phu-stn or tbr. Based upon clustering on root length, surface area, and volume, the cluster with the greatest rooting values consisted of eight chc genotypes that may be utilized to initiate a breeding program to improve RC in potato.  相似文献   

Pollen protoplasts provide a sexual and haploid system for haploid production, cell fusion and mutation studies used in plant improvement. Due to the multiploidy, heterozygosity, and often self-incompatibility in tetraploid genotypes, haploid potatoes are desirable for breeding schemes via ploidy manipulations. In this study, two tetraploid varieties and two dihaploid lines of potato were used for pollen tetrad protoplast isolation and culture. The meiotic tetrad buds were first pre-treated at 5 °C for 0–12 days, then the tetrads were transferred into enzyme solutions containing different concentrations of snailase (0.5–1.5%), 0.3 M osmolites (sucrose, mannitol, glucose or sorbitol), 1.0% Cellulose, 0.5% Hemicellulase, 0.5% Pectolyase, 0.3% Sucrose, 3 mM 2-(N-Morpholino) ethane sulfonic acid, 1% polyvinyl pyrrolidone, 0.01% casein hydrolysate and K3 medium compositions. Among the four donor materials, tetraploid cv. Gannongshu No. 3 (‘GNS No.3’) showed the greatest protoplast yield (74.6 ± 2.4%). In this variety, most of the tetrad protoplasts regenerated a cell wall and continued cell divisions were observed when they were inoculated in K3 basic medium supplemented with (0.5–1.0) mg/L 2,4-D + (0.1–0.5) mg/L KT + 0.4 mg/L 6-BA +800 mg/L glutamine +100 mg/L serine. ‘GNS No.3’ also showed the greatest first division frequency (21.6 ± 1.5%) and sustained division to form multicellular structures. The study findings suggested that cultured tetrad pollen protoplasts could reverse the gametophytic developmental pattern programmed in vivo to a sporophytic pathway leading to multicellular microspore-derived colonies.  相似文献   

Three marketing varieties of almonds; Carmel, Mission, and Nonpareil; were analyzed for proximate composition and protein nutritive quality. Moisture, lipids, protein, ash, sugars, and tannins ranges were 3.05-4.33%, 43.37-47.50%, 20.68-23.30%, 3.74-4.56%, 5.35-7.45%, and 0.12-0.18%, respectively. No detectable hemagglutinating and trypsin inhibitory activities were present in Carmel, Mission, and Nonpareil almonds. Amino acid analyses indicated the sulfur amino acids (methionine + cysteine), lysine, and threonine to be the first, second, and third limiting amino acids in almonds when compared to the recommended amino acid pattern for children 2-5-year old. However, compared to the recommended amino acid pattern for adults, sulfur amino acids were the only limiting amino acids in almonds tested. True Protein Digestibility (% TPD) values for Carmel, Mission, and Nonpareil were 88.55 +/- 1.26, 92.25 +/- 1.05, and 82.62 +/- 1.47, respectively. Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Scoring (PDCAAS) values suggested almond proteins to be of poor nutritional quality.  相似文献   

This study presents the development of a core collection capturing the genetic diversity of a collection of 350 tetraploid cultivated potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.). The core collection was established by using simple sequence repeats (SSR) data and the M strategy, which aims at maximizing the allelic diversity. A 48-core collection was defined which captured 99.5% of the SSR alleles used to establish it, and 96.9% of the SSR alleles which belonged to an independent set of markers. The defined core collection was further validated by analysing 35 agro-morphological traits. The class coverage value and the estimates of the Shannon-Weaver diversity index indicated a good representation of the phenotypic diversity in the core collection. Furthermore, the core set included accessions having the most desirable status for several agronomic traits. A linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis, using data obtained with the SolCAP SNP array on the defined core collection, was performed. The population structure analysis showed that the core collection did not present a clear genetic structure. The linkage disequilibrium analysis carried out between markers located on the same pseudomolecule within 10,000 bp concluded that 41.3% of these pairs of SNP markers have a significant LD. We conclude that this core collection, representative of the genetic diversity of cultivated potato varieties, is a relevant tool for a first screening for genetic variation regarding novel traits of interest.  相似文献   

Tuber shape phenotype is an important determinant of raw product (≥7.6-cm-long French fries) recovery for frozen processing. Tuber length-to-width (L/W) ratios ≥1.8 translate to maximum yield of raw product; however, some cultivars produce tubers with much lower L/W ratios. While gibberellin (GA) can be used to elongate tubers, it also decreases tuber size and can thereby attenuate raw product recovery. We investigated the utility of GA and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) combination treatments for modifying tuber set, size, and shape to increase yield of raw product from ‘Payette Russet’ and ‘Alturas’; two late-season frozen-processing cultivars that often produce tubers with undesirably low L/W ratios. Models describing L/W ratio and fry yield by tuber size class were developed to translate total U.S. No. 1 tuber yields (>113 g) into yield of raw product. Increases in the L/W ratios of 113–284-g tubers had a greater effect on recovery of French fries (% fresh wt) than for tubers >284 g. Undersize (<113 g) and oversize (>340 g) tubers yielded 0 and 96% fries, respectively, regardless of L/W ratio. GA applied as a seed treatment effectively hastened emergence and altered tuber shape by increasing the L/W ratios of ‘Alturas’ and ‘Payette Russet’ tubers, enhancing total fry yield for the 113–340-g tubers by 24–46%, depending on concentration and application technique (dip, spray, in-furrow). However, GA also decreased apical dominance and shifted tuber size distribution away from >284-g tubers toward higher yields of <170-g tubers, erasing the gains in fry yield when all size classes (>113 g) were considered. When combined with GA, NAA maintained apical dominance, attenuated the shift in tuber size distribution, had no effect on the GA-induced increase in tuber L/W ratio, and only partly moderated the GA-induced stimulation of plant emergence. Raw product yield from ‘Payette Russet’ increased 12–39% in spray application trials by using NAA to confine the effect of GA to tuber shape and limit the loss of U.S. No. 1 tubers to undersize. Increases in tuber L/W ratio with GA/NAA seed treatments translated to increased yield of fries only when the relative concentrations were adjusted to minimize loss of >284-g tubers and gain in undersize tubers, as dictated by cultivar sensitivity to GA. ‘Alturas’ was less sensitive to GA than ‘Payette Russet’ for shifts in tuber size distribution but not shape, resulting in 17% increase in raw product with GA alone in pre-plant seed spray application studies. GA/NAA combination treatments provide an effective approach to manipulate tuber size distribution and enhance the yield of raw product for frozen processing in cultivars with a rounder tuber shape phenotype.  相似文献   

Twelve pairs of SSR markers were used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 138 accessions of potato cultivars from the Western Highlands region of Cameroon. The average Polymorphism information content (PIC) value (0.74) and number of alleles (7.08) indicated a high genetic diversity of the potato cultivars tested. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that most of the genetic variations are found within geographic region (≥ 91%), resulting in high gene flow (Nm > 4 individuals). Local varieties had significantly more alleles than exotic varieties. Genetic diversity estimates for accessions from low elevations were significantly lower than those from medium and high elevations. Cluster analysis showed three clusters; the model-based approach inferred two gene pools. Genotypes revealed a high level of admixture between gene pools within locations and elevations. A core collection identified in this study composed of 27 individuals representing 19.57% of the whole collection and captured 99.15% of the total alleles found.  相似文献   

The inflorescence of cultivated Coptis chinensis has been valued for tea production for many years in China. The antioxidant activities of C. chinensis inflorescence extracts prepared by various solvents were investigated by using several established in vitro systems: 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS), α,α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and superoxide radical scavenging assays, reducing power assay, and ferrothiocyanate (FTC) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) assays. The results showed that the 70% ethanol extract (EE) had the strongest antioxidant activity in vitro among the various extracts. Based on the in vitro results, EE was used to evaluate the antioxidant activity of C. chinensis inflorescence in vivo. The liver and kidney of intoxicated animals showed a significant decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione (GSH) levels, while the malondialdehyde (MDA) level showed a significant increase. These changes were significantly reversed after treatment with EE and the standard vitamin E. Thus, the C. chinensis inflorescence may be a valuable natural source that can be applicable to food industries.  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a major food and cash crop, mainly grown by small-scale farmers in the highland regions of Uganda. Potato late blight is one of the major diseases limiting production with potential yield losses over 70%, making host resistance a strong element in integrated disease management. This study was carried out to screen and select high yielding potato genotypes with resistance to late blight in Uganda. Forty-eight genotypes, including advanced clones from the population B3C2 of the International Potato Centre, commercial and farmers’ varieties, were evaluated under two environments for two seasons. Trials were laid out in an 8?×?6 alpha lattice design with three replications. Genotypes showed significant differences in yield and resistance to blight. A higher disease severity was observed in Karengyere (56%). The average RAUDPC (= 100 max) across locations indicated that genotypes 395,077.12 and 392,657.8, with disease severity of 12% and 14%, respectively, were the most resistant. Genotypes Victoria (53%) and NKRN59.124 (48%) were the most susceptible. Mean tuber yield under late blight infection was19.8 t ha?1. The best yielding genotype across sites was 395,112.32 (35.6 t ha?1) while 394,905.8 (10.3 t ha?1), yielded the lowest. The mean marketable tuber weight was 8.9 kg with genotypes 395,112.32 and 395,109.34 having the highest marketable weight of 16.5 kg and 15.6 kg respectively. Correlations between yield and yield related parameters were positive (p ≤?0.001), while those between RAUDPC were negative. The following genotypes, 395,112.32, 391,919.3, 393,220.54. 393,077.54, 396,038.107. 392,657.8, Kinigi, 395,014.17, NKRN59.58, NKRK19.17 and 395,011.2, were identified as promising parents for a late blight resistance breeding program. These exhibited high to medium resistance to late blight disease and high yields.  相似文献   

Potato mop top virus (PMTV) induced necrosis can cause tuber quality loss at harvest and storage. Stored potatoes help maintain a constant supply of potatoes to the market and processing industry. PMTV-induced necrosis continues to develop during storage and appropriate timelines are needed for growers to make marketing decisions of their potatoes before incurring any significant quality losses. Survival analysis was used to estimate the time to event occurrence (PMTV-induced necrosis) in four (red-, russet-, white-, and yellow-skinned) potato market types across six post-harvest assessments conducted over two years. At each assessment the presence and absence of PMTV-induced necrosis was recorded and probability of tuber survival was estimated. Survival curves were significantly different among the four market type potato cultivars (Log-Rank test, P < 0.0005). Red- and russet-market type cultivars showed low and high survival probability, respectively, demonstrating that red cultivars need priority marketing. The survival probabilities decreased with increased storage time during both years, indicating that PMTV-induced necrosis development is dependent on potato cultivar and post-harvest storage. The median (50% of tubers with symptoms) survival times were estimated as 167 and 214 days for red- and other market type potato cultivars. The information from this study could potentially help growers regulate storage times for their cultivars to minimize tuber quality loss due to PMTV-induced tuber necrosis.  相似文献   

This work was carried out to investigate the pulp composition of four mango cultivars (Haden, Tommy Atkins and Ubá) at the ripening stage in relation to three components with antioxidant potential (total phenolics, carotenoids and ascorbic acid). Total phenolic compound content was estimated by the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and total carotenoid content by spectrophotometry at 450 nm. The contents of β-carotene and total vitamin C (ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid) were quantified by high performance liquid chromatography. Differences were found among the four mango cultivars in all the components analyzed. The content of phenolic compounds ranged from 48.40 (Haden) to 208.70 mg/100 g (Ubá); total carotenoid from 1.91 (Haden) to 2.63 mg/100 g (Palmer); β-carotene from 661.27 (Palmer) to 2,220 μg/100 g (Ubá) and total ascorbic acid ranged from 9.79 (Tommy Atkins) to 77.71 mg/100 g (Ubá). These results corroborated previous information that mangoes are a good source of antioxidants in human diet.  相似文献   

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