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Because of the Ca dependency of the calpains, oral supplementation of vitamin D3 (VITD) can increase the Ca content of muscle to activate the calpains and improve tenderness. Feedlot steers (n = 142) were arranged in a 4 x 3 factorial arrangement consisting of four levels of VITD (0, 0.5, 1, and 5 million IU/[steer x d]) for eight consecutive days antemortem using three biological types (Bos indicus, Bos taurus-Continental, and Bos taurus-English). Feedlot performance factors of ADG, DMI, and G:F were measured, and carcass quality, yield, and color data were collected. Plasma Ca and P concentrations were measured during d 4 to 6 of supplementation and at exsanguination, and carcass pH and temperature were measured in the LM at 3 and 24 h postmortem. Vitamin D3 treatment at 5 million IU/(steer x d) decreased ADG (P < 0.05) over the supplementation and feed intake for the last 2 d of feeding compared with untreated control steers. Likewise, G:F was decreased (P = 0.03) in steers supplemented with 5 million IU/d compared with controls. Overall, there was a linear decrease (P < 0.01) in ADG and G:F as a result of VITD supplementation. Plasma concentrations of Ca and P were increased (P < 0.05) by VITD concentrations of 1 and 5 million IU/(steer x d). All VITD treatments increased (P < 0.05) LM temperature at 3 h postmortem and pH at 24 h postmortem. Vitamin D3 treatments did not affect (P = 0.07) any other carcass measurements, including USDA yield and quality grade; thus, any improvements in meat tenderness as a result of VITD supplementation can be made without adversely affecting economically important carcass factors. Biological type of cattle did not interact with VITD treatment for any carcass or feedlot performance trait. Although feeding 5 million IU/(steer x d) of VITD for eight consecutive days had negative effects on performance, supplementing VITD at 0.5 million IU/ (steer x d) did not significantly alter feedlot performance.  相似文献   

Feedlot steers (n = 36) from three biological types (Bos indicus, Bos taurus-Continental, and Bos taurus-English) were used to determine the Ca, P, and vitamin D3 status of feedlot cattle. The USDA yield and quality grade traits were measured at slaughter, and the concentrations of vitamin D3 (VITD) and the metabolites 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OH D) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2 D) were determined in LM, liver, kidney, and plasma. Plasma and muscle Ca and P concentrations also were determined. Biological type of cattle affected a number of carcass traits. Carcasses from Bos taurus-English cattle had more marbling, resulting in higher quality grades (P < 0.05). Carcasses from Bos taurus-Continental cattle had lower calculated yield grades (P < 0.05) than did carcasses from cattle in the other biological types. In general, differences in carcass traits resulting from biological type were consistent with other reports. Plasma and LM Ca and P concentrations were not affected (P = 0.06) by biological type of cattle, indicating that Ca and P homeostasis is a conserved trait across the different types of cattle. Plasma VITD and 25-OH D concentrations were not affected (P = 0.41) by biological type, whereas plasma 1,25-(OH)2 D concentration was lower (P < 0.05) in Bos taurus-English cattle than in Bos taurus-Continental and Bos indicus cattle. Liver VITD and 25-OH D were not affected by biological type (P = 0.76), but liver 1,25-(OH)2 D concentration was greater (P < 0.05) in Bos indicus cattle than in Bos taurus-Continental cattle. Kidney vitamin D metabolite concentrations were not affected by biological type of cattle (P = 0.21). Muscle VITD concentration was greater (P < 0.05) in Bos taurus-English cattle than in the other two biological types, and muscle 25-OH D concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) in Bos taurus-English cattle than in Bos indicus cattle. Muscle 1,25-(OH)2 D concentration was less (P < 0.05) in the Bos taurus-Continental cattle than in the other two biological types. Cooking eliminated vitamin D metabolite differences among the biological types. Our results suggest that Bos indicus cattle had greater 1,25-(OH)2 D (the biologically active form) in tissues, and greater 1,25-(OH)2 D plasma concentrations than Bos taurus cattle. Thus, the need for VITD supplementation and optimal levels of Ca and P in feedlot diets might differ between Bos indicus and Bos taurus cattle.  相似文献   

Research was conducted to determine the effects of supplemental dietary vitamin D3 on DMI, carcass traits, Warner Bratzler shear (WBS) force, calpastatin activity, plasma minerals, pH (0, 3, 12, and 24 h after slaughter), water-holding capacity (WHC), and sensory characteristics of three muscles. Pre-slaughter vitamin D3 treatments included no supplemental vitamin D3, 6 x 106 IU (MIU) of vitamin D3 for 4 d, or 6 MIU of vitamin D3 for 6 d. Cattle were slaughtered and carcasses were chilled for 48 h before removal of steaks from the longissimus, gluteus medius, and biceps femoris muscles. Steaks were aged at 2 degrees C for 7, 14, or 21 d before cooking to a final internal temperature of 70 degrees C for WBS and sensory panel analysis. Dry matter intake was lower for steers supplemented with vitamin D3 for 4 or 6 d. Live and carcass weights were lower (P < 0.05) in steers supplemented with vitamin D3. Supplementing 6 MIU/6 d of vitamin D3 decreased (P < 0.05) WBS values of gluteus steaks (pooled over aging times). Longissimus steaks from steers supplemented with vitamin D3 for 6 d had lower (P < 0.05) WBS force values than these steaks from control steers or steers fed vitamin D3 for 4 d at 7 d postmortem. Biceps femoris steaks from steers receiving vitamin D3 for 4 d had higher WBS values than steaks from control steers at 14 and 21 d postmortem. Feeding vitamin D3 at 6 MIU for 6 d decreased (P < 0.05) the percentage of steaks that had WBS values > or = 3.86 kg for all steaks. Feeding vitamin D3 had no effect on palatability traits evaluated by trained panelists. Blood Ca concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) when vitamin D3 was fed and with increased vitamin D3 feeding time. Feeding vitamin D3 for 6 d (vs 4 d) delayed pH decline for all muscle types after 0, 3, and 12 h postmortem. Water-holding capacity was increased (P > 0.02) after 0 h, 24 h, and 21 d postmortem when vitamin D3 was fed and was greater at 0 and 24 h if vitamin D3 was fed for 6 d rather than 4 d. These data suggest that supplementing 6 MIU of vitamin D3 will decrease DMI and improve beef tenderness through increased blood plasma Ca concentrations and WHC.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of different doses of vitamin D3 (VITD) on beef feedlot performance, plasma and muscle Ca2+, tissue residues, and improvement of Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) and panel tenderness. A total of 167 steers were fed one of six levels of VITD. The VITD treatments (28 steers/treatment) were 0, 0.5 x 10(6), 1 x 10(6), 2.5 x 10(6), 5 x 10(6), and 7.5 x 10(6) IU/steer daily of VITD fed nine consecutive days before slaughter. Feedlot performance and plasma Ca2+ were measured during the last 21 days on feed. Warner-Bratzler shear force was measured on strip loin and top round steaks at 7, 10, 14, and 21 d postmortem. The VITD treatments of 5 and 7.5 x 10(6) IU/steer daily decreased (P < 0.05) ADG, and VITD supplementation of 2.5, 5, and 7.5 x 10(6) IU/steer daily decreased average dry matter feed intake (P < 0.05) at the end of the feeding trial. Plasma Ca2+ increased linearly with VITD treatment (P < 0.01). Calpastatin and calpain activity were not influenced by treatment (P > 0.05), but muscle Ca2+ was increased (P < 0.05) by VITD treatments of 1, 2.5, 5, and 7.5 10(6) IU/steer daily. Feeding VITD did not influence (P > 0.05) carcass quality or yield traits. Supplementing VITD at levels of 1, 2.5, 5, and 7.5 10(6) IU/steer daily increased (P < 0.05) VITD concentrations in strip loin and liver samples. Cooking liver decreased VITD concentrations 10 to 28%. Vitamin D3 treatments of 0.5 and 7.5 x 10(6) IU/d reduced strip loin steak WBS at d 7 (P < 0.05), but VITD treatments did not decrease strip loin steak WBS at any other time postmortem. The VITD treatments of 0.5, 1, and 5 x 10(6) IU/steer daily decreased top round steak WBS at 7 d, and all VITD treatments decreased 10-d top round steak WBS (P < 0.05). Supplementing steers with 0.5 x 10(6) IU/steer daily of VITD also decreased (P < 0.05) top round steak WBS at 21 d postmortem compared with controls. Sensory tenderness at 7 d postmortem was increased (P < 0.05) by all VITD treatments in top round steaks, yet strip loin tenderness scores were not affected (P > 0.05) by VITD treatment. Treatment with VITD quadratically decreased (P < 0.05) round WBS. Thus, VITD treatment will effectively improve tenderness when cattle tend to be tough and have no impact on cattle that produce tender beef. Feeding steers 0.5 x 10(6) IU of VITD daily for 9 d improved tenderness in two muscles without negatively affecting feedlot performance or tissue residues.  相似文献   

Vitamin D3 supplementation of beef steers increases longissimus tenderness.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The objectives of these experiments were to determine 1) the effectiveness of supplemental vitamin D3 (VITD) on altering plasma and muscle calcium levels, 2) whether VITD supplementation improves Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) values of steaks from feedlot beef steers, and 3) the tenderness response curve of longissimus steaks from steers supplemented with VITD. In Exp. 1, 20 crossbred steers were assigned randomly to one of four treatment diets consisting of either 0, 2.5, 5.0, or 7.5 x 106 IU of VITD per day for 10 d. Blood samples were obtained daily during this supplementation period and 5 d thereafter (d 11 to 15). Between d 6 and 13, a linear increase (P < .01) in ionized plasma calcium concentrations was observed in steers supplemented with VITD. Compared to unsupplemented steers, serum calcium concentrations of the steers receiving 7.5 x 106 IU of VITD per day were increased 8 to 48%. In Exp. 2, longissimus samples from crossbred steers (n = 118) that were supplemented with either 0 or 5 x 106 IU of VITD per day for 7 d were obtained and aged for 7, 14, or 21 d. Following the initial 7-d postmortem aging period, VITD supplementation lowered (P < .01) WBS (.58 kg) and increased sensory tenderness rating (.6 units) compared to cuts originating from unsupplemented steers. In Exp. 3, 44 steers were supplemented with either 0 or 7.5 x 106 IU of VITD per day for 10 d immediately prior to slaughter. Results indicated that plasma and longissimus calcium concentration were higher (P < .05) for steers that received supplemental VITD. Compared with unsupplemented cuts, VITD supplementation improved WBS of cuts aged for either 7 or 14 d (P = .02 and P = .07, respectively). Sensory panelists rated samples from VITD supplemented steers as more tender than their unsupplemented counterparts. Activation of calpain proteases could be responsible for the observed tenderization due to the supplementation of VITD.  相似文献   

The use of vitamin D3 to improve beef tenderness   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that short-term oral administration of dietary vitamin D3 to beef cattle before slaughter would increase beef tenderness through greater calcium-activated calpain activity in postmortem aged skeletal muscle. Thirty continental crossbred steers were allotted randomly to three treatment groups housed in one pen. One group served as a control; two other groups were administered boluses with either 5 x 10(6) or 7.5 x 10(6) IU of vitamin D3 daily for 9 d. Cattle were slaughtered 1 d later. The longissimus lumborum was excised from each carcass 72 h postmortem and steaks removed at 3, 7, 14, and 21 d postmortem. The semimembranosus muscle (top round) was excised from each carcass 72 h postmortem and steaks removed at 7, 14, and 21 d postmortem. Blood plasma calcium concentration of cattle treated with 5 or 7.5 x 10(6) IU of vitamin D3 was higher (P < .05) than that of controls. Strip loin and top loin steaks from cattle fed supplemental doses of vitamin D3 had lower (P < .05) Warner-Bratzler (W-B) shear values at 14 d postmortem but were not significantly different from controls at 3, 7, or 21 d (strip loins) or 7 or 21 d (top rounds). No significant difference in strip loin steak tenderness was observed by sensory panel at 14 d postmortem (P < .17) between steaks from control and vitamin D3-treated steers. At 14 d postmortem, strip loin and top round steaks from cattle fed 5 x 10(6) IU of vitamin D3, but not from those given 7.5 x 10(6) IU, showed more proteolysis (P < .05) than did steaks from control cattle, based on Western blotting analysis. Therefore, the use of supplemental dietary vitamin D3 given daily for 9 d before slaughter did improve tenderness (lower W-B shear values) of 14-d postmortem aged beef. Increased proteolysis seems to be the mechanism of tenderization.  相似文献   

The effect of supplementing diets with various levels of vitamin D3 to provide 0, 0.5, 1, and 5 million IU/(steer x d) for 8 d before slaughter on the mineral content and localization of Ca in LM and muscle fragments was studied during the postmortem aging process. Twelve feedlot steers of three biological types were given access to the four levels of vitamin D for 8 d before slaughter. Differential centrifugation techniques were used to determine the concentrations of minerals relative to protein in different muscle fragments on d 3 and 21 postmortem. Electron microscopy visualization of bound Ca indicated that vitamin D3 mobilized Ca from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and transverse tubule system into the myofibrils. Bound Ca was concentrated near the Z-line at the A-band/I-band juncture within the sarcomere. Supplementing steers with 1 and 5 million IU/(steer x d) of vitamin D3 increased (P < 0.05) Ca, P, and Mg concentrations per unit of protein in the cytosol. Soluble cytosolic Ca concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) on d 21 than on d 3 postmortem only when steers were supplemented with 5 million IU/d. Concentrations of Ca, P, and Mg in isolated tissues were increased (P < 0.05) in nuclei and myofibrilar proteins by supplementing steers with 1 and 5 million IU/ (steer x d) of vitamin D3. All supplemental vitamin D3 treatments also increased (P < 0.001) Mg concentrations in the cytosol, regardless of aging treatment, and increased Mg concentrations (P < 0.04) within the mitochondria at d 3 postmortem. Thus, supplementation of feedlot steers with vitamin D3 at levels of 0.5 to 5 million IU/(steer x d) increased Ca concentrations within respiring muscle, resulting in increased bound tissue Ca concentrations. When the respiring muscle was converted to meat, the increased bound tissue Ca resulting from vitamin D3 treatment released Ca concentrations into the cytosol during aging (P < 0.05). Results of this study indicate that vitamin D3 supplementation increased total cytosolic Ca, P, and Mg concentrations in meat.  相似文献   

Effects of ractopamine hydrochloride (RAC) supplementation and postmortem aging on palatability of beef from steers differing in biological type were evaluated using LM samples from British, Continental crossbred, and Brahman crossbred calf-fed steers (n = 98/type). Equal numbers of steers within each type were assigned to treatments of 0 or 200 mg.steer(-1).d(-1) of RAC fed during the final 28 d of the finishing period. Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) was measured at 3, 7, 14, and 21 d postmortem, and trained sensory panel (TP) evaluation was conducted using LM samples aged for 14 d postmortem. A RAC x type interaction (P = 0.006) was detected for WBSF. Within each type, steers fed RAC produced steaks with greater (P < 0.05) WBSF values than steaks from control steers; however, the magnitude of the effect of RAC on WBSF was more pronounced among Brahman cross-breds (5.53 vs. 4.96 +/- 0.10 kg) than among Continental crossbred (4.16 vs. 3.96 +/- 0.10 kg) and British steers (4.10 vs. 3.75 +/- 0.10 kg). The effect of RAC on WBSF, though diminished slightly by aging (mean WBSF difference: 3 d = 0.49 kg; 21 d = 0.24 kg), was not completely mitigated by 21 d of postmortem storage (P(RAC x AGE) = 0.16). Steers fed RAC produced steaks that received lower (P < 0.05) TP ratings for tenderness (8.09 vs. 8.95 +/- 0.18) and juiciness (7.41 vs. 8.07 +/- 0.16 kg), along with slightly lower (P = 0.06) ratings for beef flavor (6.67 vs. 6.93 +/- 0.10 kg), compared with steaks from unsupplemented steers, regardless of biological type. Among the 3 biological types, Brahman crossbred cattle produced steaks with the greatest (P < 0.05) WBSF values at each aging period; WBSF values for steaks from British and Continental type steers did not differ (P > 0.05) at any aging time. Sensory panel ratings of tenderness, juiciness, and beef flavor were greatest (P < 0.05) for steaks from British steers, and least (P < 0.05) for steaks produced by Brahman-type steers. Results from this study suggest that RAC supplementation slightly decreases LM tenderness (WBSF and TP) of British, Continental crossbred, and Brahman cross-bred steers, and that the effect of RAC on WBSF may be more pronounced in steaks from Brahman crossbred cattle than among stenks from Continental type or British steers.  相似文献   

The effects of different levels of cracked corn on N intake, ruminal bacterial CP synthesis, and duodenal flows and small intestinal digestion of amino acids (AA) in steers fed fresh alfalfa indoors were determined. Angus steers (n = 6; average BW 338 +/- 19 kg) cannulated in the rumen, duodenum, and ileum were fed each of five diets over five periods in a Latin square design with an extra animal. Steers consumed 1) alfalfa (20.4% CP, 41.6% NDF) ad libitum (AALF); 2), 3), and 4) AALF supplemented (S) with three levels of corn (.4, .8, or 1.2% of BW, respectively), or 5) alfalfa restricted (RALF) to the average forage intake of S steers. Average N intake and duodenal flow of nonammonia N (NAN) were greater (P < .01) in S than in RALF steers. Greater duodenal flows of NAN in S compared with RALF were due to a trend toward higher (P = .06) flows of both bacterial and dietary N. Levels of corn decreased (P < .01) linearly N intake and increased (P < .01) linearly duodenal flow of NAN owing to a numerical linear increase in nonbacterial N (P = .15) with no increase in bacterial N flow. Duodenal NAN flows as percentages of N intake increased (P < .01) linearly (69.3 to 91.0%) as corn increased. Ruminal NH3 N concentration, ruminal CP degradability, and the proportion of bacterial N in duodenal NAN were decreased (P < .01) linearly as corn increased. Efficiency of net microbial CP synthesis was not affected (P > .05) by treatment (average 42.6 and 30.9 g N/kg of OM apparently or truly digested in the rumen, respectively). Small intestinal disappearance of total N and individual AA, except for threonine and lysine, and small intestinal digestibility of N and individual AA, except for methionine, histidine, and proline, increased (P < .01) linearly with level of corn and were greater (P < .01) in S than in RALF steers. Supplementing corn to steers fed fresh alfalfa reduced ruminal N losses and CP degradability and increased the duodenal flow and the small intestinal disappearance and digestibility of total N and total, essential, and nonessential AA.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight Angus-based steers (224 +/- 7.6 kg of BW) were used to evaluate the effects of a prolonged dietary vitamin A restriction on marbling and immunocompetency. Steers were allotted randomly to 1 of 2 treatments: LOW (no supplemental vitamin A) and HIGH (diet supplemented with 2,200 IU of vitamin A/kg of DM). Diets contained 60% high-moisture corn, 20% roasted soybeans, 10% corn silage, and 10% of a protein supplement. Steers were penned and fed individually. For the first 141 d, steers were program-fed to achieve a gain of 1.1 kg/d. The last 75 d of the experiment, steers were offered feed for ad libitum intake. At slaughter, serum and liver samples were taken to determine their retinol content. To evaluate immunocompetency, 10 steers per treatment were selected randomly on d 141 and received an ovalbumen vaccine, and 21 d later, the steers were revaccinated. On d 182, blood samples were taken from the vaccinated steers to determine serum antibody titers by ELISA. Steers were slaughtered after 216 d on feed. Carcass characteristics were determined, and LM samples were taken for composition analysis. Subcutaneous fat samples were taken for fatty acid composition analysis. Performance (ADG, DMI, and G:F) was not affected by vitamin A restriction (all P > 0.10). Hot carcass weight, 12th-rib fat, and yield grade did not differ between LOW and HIGH steers (all P > 0.10). Marbling score (LOW = 574 vs. HIGH = 568, P = 0.79) and i.m. fat (LOW = 5.0 vs. HIGH = 4.7% ether-extractable fat, P = 0.57) were not increased by vitamin A restriction. Serum (LOW = 18.7 vs. HIGH = 35.7 mug/dL, P < 0.01) and liver (LOW = 6.3 vs. HIGH = 38.1 mug/g, P < 0.01) retinol levels were lower in LOW steers compared with HIGH steers at slaughter. Response to ovalbumin vaccination was not affected by vitamin A restriction (LOW = 13.1 vs. HIGH = 12.8 log(2) titers, P = 0.60). Slight changes in the fatty acid profile of s.c. fat of the steers were detected. A greater proportion of MUFA (LOW = 41.7 vs. HIGH = 39.9%, P = 0.03) and fewer SFA (LOW = 47.1 vs. 48.7, P = 0.03) were observed in vitamin A-restricted steers. This suggests that vitamin A restriction may affect the activity of desaturase enzyme (desaturase activity index, LOW = 46.9 vs. HIGH = 44.9, P = 0.01). Feeding a low vitamin A diet for 216 d to Angus-based steers did not affect performance, marbling score, or animal health and immunocompetency. Slight changes in the fatty acid profile of s.c. fat were observed, suggesting that vitamin A restriction may have affected desaturase enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of vitamin D3 or 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in ewes after administration of a single massive intravenous dose of vitamin D3 (2 X 10(6) IU) or 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 (5 mg) were determined at zero, one, two, three, five, ten and 20 days postinjection. In six ewes injected with vitamin D3 conversion of vitamin D3 to 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 resulted in a six-fold increase in the plasma 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 level within one day. Elevated levels were maintained until day 10 but by day 20 a substantial decline in the plasma 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 level had occurred. Peak levels of vitamin D3 were reached one day after injection and then continuously declined until day 20. Administration of 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 increased plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 to fivefold higher levels than those observed when vitamin D3 was injected, with approximately threefold higher levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 maintained for five days. On day 10 and day 20 ewes which were injected with 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 still maintained plasma levels of 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 which were twice as high as those of ewes injected with vitamin D3. In six ewes injected with vitamin D3, a sharp increase in vitamin D3 level in milk occurred within one day and more than a tenfold elevation of milk vitamin D3 concentrations were maintained for ten days. By 20 days the milk vitamin D3 level had returned to preinjection levels. These observations suggest that indirect supplementation of the suckling ruminant with vitamin D3 may be achieved through maternal injection and subsequent mammary transfer.  相似文献   

The use of vitamin D3 and its metabolites to improve beef tenderness   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Three experiments were conducted to determine whether feeding 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OH D3) or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25-(OH)2 D3) improves the tenderness of longissimus dorsi (LD), semimembranosus (SM), and infraspinatus (IF) muscles similar to supplemental vitamin D3 without leaving residual vitamin D3 and its metabolites in muscle. In the first two experiments, 24 crossbred steers were used to determine the effects of different oral amounts of 1,25-(OH)2 D3 (Exp. 1; n = 12) and 25-OH D3 (Exp. 2; n = 12) on plasma Ca2+ concentrations. In the third experiment, crossbred steers were allotted randomly to one of four treatments: 1) control placebo (n = 7); 2) 5 x 10(6) IU of vitamin D3/d (n = 9) for 9 d and harvested 2 d after last treatment; 3) single, 125-mg dose of 25-OH D3 (n = 8) 4 d before harvest; or 4) single, 500-microg dose of 1,25-(OH)2 D3 (n = 9) 3 d before harvest. The LD and SM steaks from each animal were aged for 8, 14, or 21 d, whereas steaks from the IF were aged for 14 or 21 d. All steaks were analyzed for tenderness by Warner-Bratzler shear force and for troponin-T degradation by Western blot analysis. Supplementing steers with vitamin D3 increased (P < 0.01) the concentration of vitamin D3 and 25-OH D3 in all muscles sampled. Feeding steers 25-OH D3 increased (P < 0.05) the concentration of 25-OH D3 in meat, but to an amount less than half that of cattle treated with vitamin D3. Supplemental 1,25-(OH)2 D3 did not affect (P < 0.10) shear force values; however, there was a trend (P < 0.10) for supplemental vitamin D3 and 25-OH D3 to produce LD steaks with lower shear values after 8 and 14 d of aging, and lower (P < 0.10) shear force values for the SM aged for 21 d. Analysis of Western blots indicated that LD steaks from cattle supplemented with vitamin D3 and 25-OH D3 had greater (P < 0.05) troponin-T degradation. Antemortem supplementation of 25-OH D3 seems to increase postmortem proteolysis and tenderness in the LD and SM without depositing large concentrations of residual vitamin D3 and its metabolite 25-OH D3.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of a system for classifying beef for tenderness based on a rapid, simple method of measuring cooked longissimus shear force. Longissimus steaks (2.54 cm thick) were trimmed free of s.c. fat and bone and rapidly cooked using a belt grill. A 1-cm-thick, 5-cm-long slice was removed from the cooked longissimus parallel with the muscle fibers for measurement of shear force. Slices were sheared with a flat, blunt-end blade using an electronic testing machine. The entire process was completed in less than 10 min. Therefore, in commercial application, this process could be completed during the 10- to 15-min period that carcasses are normally held to allow the ribeye to bloom for quality grading. In Exp. 1, the repeatability of slice shear force (SSF), as determined by evaluation of duplicate samples from 204 A-maturity carcasses, was .89. In Exp. 2, A-maturity carcasses (n = 483) were classified into three groups based on SSF (< 23, 23 to 40, and > 40 kg) at 3 d postmortem that differed (P < .001) in mean trained sensory panel tenderness ratings (7.3 +/- .04, 6.4 +/- .06, and 4.4 +/- .20) and the percentages (100, 91, and 28%) of samples rated "Slightly Tender" or higher at 14 d postmortem. Therefore, this tenderness classification system could be used to accurately segregate beef carcasses into expected tenderness groups. Further research is needed to test the feasibility and accuracy of this system under a variety of commercial processing conditions.  相似文献   

钙与维生素D_3对肉品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次系统阐述了钙与维生素D3对肉的嫩度及其他食用品质与感官品质的影响 ,并对二者改善肉品质的机理作了深入分析 ,最后指出了今后的研究方向  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted with beef breed steers (120) to determine the effects of substituting bread by-product (BBy) for whole shelled corn on performance and meat quality. Chemical analysis of each diet ingredient and in vitro rates of digestion from gas production of BBy and corn were determined to provide accurate information for diet evaluations using the 1996 Beef NRC Model Level 2. Bread by-product contained 16% CP (75.6% degradable) and 75.1% non-structural carbohydrates (70% as starch, which had a digestion rate of 16%/h). The steers were given one estrogenic implant (Synovex-S) and started on the experiment at 15 mo of age and an average weight of 364 kg. The cattle were commercially slaughtered in three groups (40 steers at 101, 60 steers at 126, and 20 steers at 160 d on feed) weighing an average of 553 kg when they reached a small degree of marbling. Carcasses were electrically stimulated to prevent cold shortening of muscles. Warner-Bratzler shear force values were measured in rib steaks at 5, 14, and 21 d after slaughter (n = 76). Rib steaks from 30 steers per treatment were evaluated for palatability traits. Use of BBy at 55% of the diet (substituted for 75% of the corn) significantly improved feed efficiency by 8.1%. There were no statistically significant differences between the two diets for effects on ADG, carcass characteristics, shear force values, or sensory panel ratings of tenderness, juiciness, flavor, or overall acceptability. After adjusting intestinal starch digestibility in Level 2 to 63% for the whole corn and 90% for the BBy, predicted ADG matched that observed. Apparent NE(g) values for BBy and corn were 1.57 and 1.41 Mcal/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to examine the effects of zinc concentration or source in diets of finishing beef steers. In Exp. 1, 108 (British x Continental) beef steers were supplemented with concentrations of added zinc (as ZnSO4) at 20, 100, or 200 mg/kg of dietary DM. No differences (P > 0.10) were noted among treatments for ADG or gain:feed for the 112-d finishing period. However, a linear (P < 0.10) decrease was noted in daily DMI with increasing zinc concentrations for the overall finishing period. No differences (P > 0.10) were noted in hot carcass weight; dressing percentage; longissimus muscle area; percentage of kidney, pelvic, and heart fat; or marbling score. There were, however, quadratic increases in s.c. fat thickness (P < 0.05) and yield grade (P < 0.01) with added zinc. In Exp. 2, 12 beef steers were used to examine effects of added dietary zinc on serum concentrations of cholesterol and fatty acid profiles. No differences (P > 0.10) were observed in cholesterol or fatty acids among the supplemental zinc levels. In Exp. 3, 84 Brangus- and Angus-sired steers were fed a steam-flaked corn-based diet containing 30 mg of supplemental zinc per kilogram of dietary DM from one of the following sources: 1) ZnSO4, 2) Zn amino acid complex, or 3) a zinc polysaccharide complex. No differences (P > 0.10) were noted for the overall 126-d trial for ADG, DMI, or gain:feed ratio. Percentage kidney, pelvic, and heart fat was increased (P < 0.10) in steers supplemented with ZnSO4 vs the average of Zn amino acid and Zn polysaccharide complexes. However, s.c. fat thickness was greater (P < 0.10) in steers supplemented with Zn amino acid and Zn polysaccharide complexes vs ZnSO4. Serum zinc concentration did not differ (P > 0.10) among zinc sources. Supplemental zinc concentration in finishing diets did not seem to influence feedlot performance and had a minimal impact on carcass quality. Either the organic or inorganic source can be included in finishing diets without affecting feedlot performance.  相似文献   

Vitamin D3 ranging in total amount from 10(5) iu (2.5 mg) to 9 X 10(5) iu (22.5 mg) was given intramuscularly either as a single injection or in three aliquots at three-weekly intervals to housed nonpregnant ewes on a vitamin D deficient diet. The effects on plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OHD3), the major metabolite of vitamin D, were monitored. The increase in plasma 25-OHD3 showed a large variation between animals and was related to, but not proportional to, the dose. None of the treatments produced 25-OHD3 concentrations greater than those in grazing sheep in summer. Repeated dosing provided for more efficient use of the injected vitamin D3.  相似文献   

Vitamin A plays a critical role in many essential life processes. In herbivores, it is either derived from plant β-carotene or directly as a dietary supplement. In cattle, vitamin A has the potential to influence various carcass traits that are sought by specific beef markets. A group of 20 Angus steers was removed from pasture and fed a low β-carotene and vitamin A cereal-based ration on a feedlot for 308 days. Ten of the steers were supplemented with vitamin A (retinyl palmitate, 60 IU of vitamin A/100 kg body weight/day) and the other ten received no supplement. The results demonstrated that restriction of vitamin A intake changed intramuscular fat deposition without changing subcutaneous fat depots. Angus steers that had been depleted of vitamin A showed increased intramuscular fat in the longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) by 35% (P < 0.026) and seam fat area at the quartering site by 33% (P < 0.0273), when compared with cattle supplemented with vitamin A. There were no changes in intramuscular fat in the semitendinosus. Visually assessed marbling scores were also higher (19%; P < 0.094) in the non-supplemented, depleted group. There was no effect of vitamin A depletion on cattle growth and other meat traits (eye muscle area, meat colour, pH, meat cut weight), meat eating attributes (tenderness, cooking loss) or muscle fibre diameter. The only difference (P < 0.0177) among the meat traits was fat colour where depleted animals had whiter fat than the controls. Moreover, the fat from the vitamin A depleted group was softer with a lower melting point. We conclude that the reduced vitamin A consumption, leading to vitamin A depletion, increases intramuscular fat. On the other hand, the vitamin A depletion did not increase subcutaneous fat depth or change other meat quality traits, suggesting that marbling and these other traits are not invariably related.  相似文献   

This experiment determined meat composition and palatability changes resulting from feeding Holstein (HOL) and crossbred beef (XB) steers diets containing corn silage (CS) or alfalfa haylage (AH) (forage type) and soybean meal (SM) or fish meal (FM) (protein source). Fifty-nine steers (30 HOL and 29 XB) were randomly assigned to diet combinations for a 2 x 2 x 2 (breed x forage x protein) factorial arrangement. Steers were fed to a fat-constant end point (fat depth over the longissimus muscle measured by ultrasound: 1.0 cm XB, .6 cm HOL). Proximate and fatty acid analysis and sensory evaluation were conducted on a rib eye roast and steaks, respectively, removed from the left side of each carcass at ribs 9 to 12. Proximate analysis of the longissimus muscle showed no significant difference (P greater than .05) in moisture, protein, or fat content due to breed, forage, or protein treatment. Forage type had no significant effect (P greater than .05) on amount of individual fatty acids found in longissimus muscle. However, total polyunsaturated fatty acids were higher (P greater than .05) for AH than for CS-fed animals. Longissimus muscle from steers fed FM had higher palmitoleic and lower stearic acid contents (both P less than .05) than longissimus muscle from animals fed SM. Muscle from HOL had higher palmitoleic and lower stearic acid contents than that from XB steers (both P less than .05). There was no significant interaction (P greater than .05) of breed with either diet treatment for individual fatty acid contents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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