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BACKGROUND: Beta-cypermethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, was applied frequently in the control of health pests including houseflies, Musca domestica L., in China. However, different levels of resistance to beta-cypermethrin were monitored in field strains of houseflies. A strain of M. domestica, 4420-fold resistant to beta-cypermethrin after continuous 25 generations of selection, was used in this paper to determine the mode of inheritance of pyrethroid resistance. RESULTS: The estimated realized heritability (h(2)) of beta-cypermethrin resistance was 0.30 in this resistant strain. Results of bioassays showed no significant difference in values of LD(50) and slope of log dose-probit lines between reciprocal progenies F(1) and F'(1), and yielded values of - 0.10 (F(1)) and - 0.11 (F'(1)) for the degree of dominance (D). Chi-square analysis from responses of self-bred and backcross progenies (F(2), BC(1) and BC(2) respectively) indicated that the null hypothesis, a single gene responsible for resistance, was accepted. The minimum number of independent segregation genes was 0.93 for F(1) by Lande's method. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that beta-cypermethrin resistance in the housefly was inherited as a single, major, autosomal and incompletely recessive factor. These results would provide the basic information for pest management programmes.  相似文献   

House flies were collected from dairies in New York state and the levels of resistance to commercially available insecticide formulations were measured on painted and unpainted plywood panels. Dimethoate was ineffective on all surfaces. The wettable powder permethrin formulation was more toxic than the emulsifiable concentrate formulation. The wettable powder cyfluthrin formulation was also more toxic than the recently developed liquid formulation. In general, the best house fly control was obtained on flat latex painted plywood panels and the poorest control on gloss latex painted panels. It is highly unlikely that producers obtain adequate control with dimethoate and permethrin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The housefly, Musca domestica L., and stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) are cosmopolitan pests of both farm and home environments. Houseflies have been shown to be resistant to a variety of insecticides, and new chemistries are slow to emerge on the market. Toxicities of selected semiochemicals with molecular structures indicative of insecticidal activity were determined against adults from an insecticide‐susceptible laboratory strain of houseflies. The three most active semiochemicals were also evaluated against recently colonized housefly and stable fly strains. RESULTS: Nineteen semiochemicals classified as aliphatic alcohols, terpenoids, ketones and carboxylic esters showed toxicity to houseflies and stable flies. Rosalva (LC50 = 25.98 µg cm?2) followed by geranyl acetone and citronellol (LC50 = 49.97 and 50.02 µg cm?2) were identified as the most toxic compounds to houseflies. Permethrin was up to 144‐fold more toxic than rosalva on the susceptible strain. However, it was only 35‐fold more toxic to the insecticide‐tolerant field strain. The compounds generated high toxicity to stable flies, with LC50 values ranging from 16.30 to 40.41 µg cm?2. CONCLUSION: Quantification of LC50 values of rosalva, citronellol and geranyl acetone against susceptible housefly and field‐collected housefly and stable fly strains showed that semiochemicals could serve as potent insecticides for fly control programs. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

家蝇生境中充满病原菌,其有效的防防机制成为研究的热点。通过三氟乙酸缓冲液浸提、热处理、固相萃取以及两次RP-HPLC等方法,从混合细菌液诱导的家蝇蛹中分离纯化出4种具有抗菌活性的物质。结果表明,提取的家蝇蛹粗提液抗菌谱较广,对多种微生物具有不同程度的抗菌作用,且抗菌效果好于天然肽类防腐剂和一些化学防腐保鲜剂。4种抗菌物质中包括3个抗菌肽和1个抗菌化合物。Tricine-SDS-PAGE结果显示3个抗菌肽的分子量分别约为12kDa、8kDa和4kDa。本研究表明细菌诱导家蝇蛹中具有丰富的抗菌物质。  相似文献   

House flies were collected from dairies across New York state and the levels of resistance to seven insecticides were measured using standard laboratory assays with three to five diagnostic concentrations. The highest levels of resistance were found for tetrachlorvinphos, permethrin and cyfluthrin. Although levels of resistance to methomyl were somewhat lower, they were among the highest ever reported for field‐collected house flies. Resistance to pyrethrins was limited primarily to the lowest diagnostic concentration. House flies were susceptible to fipronil at all dairies, suggesting that this material would be highly effective for fly control. The levels of resistance were similar at all the dairies, irrespective of their insecticide use, suggesting substantial movement of flies between facilities. Relative to resistance levels found at New York dairies in 1987, resistance levels had increased for permethrin, were unchanged for tetrachlorvinphos and had decreased for dimethoate. To identify a single diagnostic concentration that could be used in the laboratory assays to assess accurately resistance levels in future studies, we carried out a ‘simulated’ field bioassay using formulated materials. A diagnostic concentration for each insecticide is proposed on the basis of a comparison of our bioassays. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Activities of a range of pyrethroidal esters, incorporating structural variations in all regions of the acid and alcohol components, have been measured against two fully characterised and homozygous resistant strains of Musca domestica L. (kdr and super-kdr). The results, limited in this paper to esters of alcohols with cyclic side chains, indicate uniform resistance to the kdr strain across the whole range of structural variations. Against the super-kdr strain, while variation in the acid component has little effect, the resistance factor is sensitive to the nature of the alcohol component, in particular on whether it contains an α-cyano substituent.  相似文献   

In recent years, imidacloprid was introduced to control the housefly in China and it was documented that the housefly indeed showed signs of resistance to imidacloprid somewhere but not in China. Therefore, a housefly population collected from filed (IFS) was selected continuously with imidacloprid to establish the resistant strain (IRS) and the basic characteristics were investigated in this study. After continuous selection over 21 generations, the resistance ratio increased from 9.01 to 140, and different levels of cross-resistance were developed to beta-cypermethrin, chlorpyrifos, chlorfenapyr, acetamiprid and azamethiphos in the IRS strain. The realized heritability of resistance was 0.10. The synergistic ratios for IRS pretreated with DEF, DEM and PBO were 1.68, 1.52 and 2.53, and the corresponding ones for IFS were 3.17, 1.87 and 2.67, respectively. Synergistic and biochemical assays suggested that the cytochrome P450 may play an important role in the imidacloprid resistance comparing with GSTs- and carboxylesterases-mediated detoxification in the IRS strain, and there might be additional mechanisms (e.g. reduced target-site sensitivity) contributed to imidacloprid resistance in the IRS strain.  相似文献   

Activities of a range of pyrethroidal esters, incorporating structural variations in all regions of the acid and alcohol components, have been measured against two fully characterised and homozygous resistant strains of Musca domestica (kdr and super-kdr). The results, limited in this paper to esters of alcohols with acyclic side chains, show the same level of uniform resistance as the kdr strain observed previously, across a range of acid and alcohol variations. Against the super-kdr strain, in contrast to the cyclic side chain set, resistance factors are barely higher than for the kdr strain. Against super-kdr flies, some dependence of resistance factor on the position of the side chain substituent was detected. Polyfluorobenzyl esters confer particularly low resistance factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A study was undertaken to determine the efficacy of seven natural compounds compared with piperonyl butoxide (PBO) in synergising pyrethrum, with the intention of formulating an effective natural synergist with pyrethrum for use in the organic crop market. RESULTS: Discriminating dose bioassays showed PBO to be significantly more effective at synergising pyrethrum in houseflies than the seven natural compounds tested, causing 100% mortality in insecticide‐susceptible WHO and resistant 381zb strains of housefly. The most effective natural synergists against WHO houseflies were dillapiole oil, grapefruit oil and parsley seed oil, with 59, 50 and 41% mortality respectively, compared with 18% mortality with unsynergised pyrethrum. Against 381zb houseflies, the most effective natural synergists were parsley seed oil and dillapiole oil. Esterase inhibition by the natural compounds and PBO in vitro showed no correlation with pyrethrum synergism in vivo, whereas the inhibition of oxidases in vitro more closely correlated with pyrethrum synergism in vivo. CONCLUSION: Dillapiole oil and parsley seed oil showed the greatest potential as pyrethrum synergists. PBO remained the most effective synergist, possibly owing to its surfactant properties, enhancing penetration of pyrethrins. The results suggest the involvement of oxidases in pyrethroid resistance in houseflies, with the efficacy of synergists showing a high correlation with inhibition of oxidases. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The housefly, Musca domestica L., continues to be a major pest of confined livestock operations. Houseflies have developed resistance to most chemical classes, and new chemistries for use in animal agriculture are increasingly slow to emerge. Five adult housefly strains from four Florida dairy farms were evaluated for resistance to four insecticides (beta‐cyfluthrin, permethrin, imidacloprid and nithiazine). RESULTS: Significant levels of tolerance were found in most field strains to all insecticides, and in some cases substantial resistance was apparent (as deduced from comparison with prior published results). At the LC90 level, greater than 20‐fold resistance was found in two of the fly strains for permethrin and one fly strain for imidacloprid. Beta‐cyfluthrin LC90 resistance ratios exceeded tenfold resistance in three fly strains. The relatively underutilized insecticide nithiazine had the lowest resistance ratios; however, fourfold LC90 resistance was observed in one southern Florida fly strain. Farm insecticide use and its impact on resistance selection in Florida housefly populations are discussed. CONCLUSION: Housefly resistance to pyrethroids is widespread in Florida. Imidacloprid resistance is emerging, and tolerance was observed to both imidacloprid and nithiazine. If these insecticides are to retain efficacy, producer use must be restrained. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Straight‐chain, saturated fatty acids (particularly C8, C9 and C10) have some known behavioral effects on insects such as mosquitoes, and were tested in combination for potential repellency/antifeedant activity in bioassays against three significant muscoid flies of medical/veterinary importance: houseflies, horn flies and stable flies. RESULTS: Mixtures of C8, C9 and C10 (1:1:1; 15% total actives in formulation) were highly repellent to houseflies and horn flies at or below 1 mg formulation cm?2. Repellency time varied from < 1 day for houseflies to usually at least 3 days for horn flies. Individual longer‐chain‐length fatty acids were tested, and C11 repelled houseflies for up to 5–8 days, while C12 lasted 2 days. Minimum statistically significant repellency levels of the C8, C9 and C10 mixture (3 h after application) against horn flies were 0.06–0.12 mg cm?2. A liquid formulation of the 15% C8, C9 and C10 mixture in a silicone oil carrier (at 2.8 mg AI cm?2) was highly repellent against hungry stable flies in a blood‐feeding membrane bioassay for at least 8 h. CONCLUSION: The low toxicity and reasonable activity and persistence of these carboxylic acids make them good candidates for development as protective materials against pest flies in livestock settings. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

With increasing worldwide pressure on bee pollinator populations and an increase in insecticide resistance amongst pest insects, there is a growing need for diversification of pollinator and pest control systems. Syrphid flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) contribute ecosystem services to agroecosystems through their supporting roles as crop pollinators and predators of pests. Adult syrphids are important pollinators with high floral visitation rates and pollen carrying capacity, while predatory syrphid larvae are natural biological control agents, reducing aphid populations in both field and laboratory conditions. The present challenge is to determine whether syrphid flies have the potential for application as pollinators and in integrated pest management schemes as biological control agents. Currently, there are gaps in research that are hindering the use of syrphids as dual service providers. Such gaps include a lack of knowledge of syrphid floral preferences, the role and viability of adult syrphids as pollinators in natural and agro‐ecological pollinator networks, and the predatory efficiency of larvae in field and glasshouse conditions. By reviewing relevant literature, we demonstrate syrphid flies have the potential to be used as pollinators and biological control agents. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Progeny of house flies (Musca domestica L) from ten California poultry operations, three dairies and one horse-riding facility were tested for methomyl- and muscalure-treated bait resistance using up to three different assays: a topical assay, a no-choice feeding assay and a choice feeding assay. LD50 resistance factors from the topical assay, compared with a locally-derived susceptible colony, ranged between 1 and 4. LC50 resistance factors from the no-choice feeding assay ranged mostly between 2 and 5, with one value of 18. Measurable LT50 resistance ratios for female flies in the choice feeding assay ranged from 43 to 159; two populations had <10% mortality at 48h and could not be measured. LT50 resistance ratios for male flies in the choice feeding assay ranged from 26 to 96, and one population was too resistant to measure. A behavioral assay tested the feeding preference of male and female flies provided a dish of sugar and a dish of methomyl- and muscalure-treated bait. Of eight strains tested, females from seven strains and males from six strains showed significant preference for sugar over bait. Behavioral factors appear to be important in the severe resistance of house flies to baits in California.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spinosad, a relatively new, effective and safe pesticide, has been widely used in pest control over the last 10 years. However, different levels of resistance to this insecticide have developed in some insects worldwide. RESULTS: After continuous selection for 27 generations, a strain (SpRR) of the housefly developed 247‐fold resistance to spinosad compared with the laboratory susceptible strain (CSS). The estimated realised heritability (h2) of spinosad resistance was 0.14. There was no significant difference in the LD50 values and slopes between reciprocal progenies F1 and F1′, and values of 0.33 (F1) and 0.30 (F1′) were obtained for the degree of dominance. Chi‐square analysis from responses of self‐bred (F2) and backcrosses (BC1 and BC2) were highly significant, suggesting that the resistance was probably controlled by more than one gene. Synergists piperonyl butoxide (PBO), diethyl maleate (DEM) and S,S,S‐tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF) affected the toxicity of spinosad at a low level, and demonstrated that metabolic‐mediated detoxification was not an important factor in conferring resistance to spinosad in the SpRR strain. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that spinosad resistance in the housefly was autosomal and incompletely dominant, and the resistance was probably controlled by more than one gene. These results provide the basic information for designing successful management programmes for the control of houseflies. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spodoptera litura (F.) is an important pest worldwide, with over 112 host plants, and is exposed to insecticides throughout the year, resulting in the rapid development of resistance. Insecticide mixtures can delay the development of resistance more effectively than sequences or rotations. Cypermethrin, deltamethrin, profenofos, chlorpyrifos and fipronil were assessed separately and in mixtures against laboratory susceptible S. litura and two field‐collected populations. RESULTS: The field‐collected population from Khanewal (KWL) was significantly more resistant to cypermethrin, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos and profenofos than one collected from Muzaffar Garh (MGH). Mixtures of cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos or profenofos and of deltamethrin + chlorpyrifos or profenofos at 1:1, 1:10 and 1:20 ratios significantly increased (P < 0.01) toxicity to cypermethrin and deltamethrin in field populations. The combination indices of cypermethrin + chlorpyrifos at 1:1 and 1:10 ratios and cypermethrin + fipronil at 1:1, 1:10 and 1:20 ratios for the KWL strain and of cypermethrin + profenofos or fipronil at 1:1, 1:10 and 1:20 ratios for MGH were significantly below 1, suggesting synergistic interactions. The inhibitors DEF and PBO largely overcame resistance to deltamethrin, cypermethrin and profenofos, suggesting that resistance to the insecticides was associated with esterase and monooxygenase detoxification respectively. CONCLUSION: Chlorpyrifos, profenofos and fipronil could be used in mixtures to restore cypermethrin and deltamethrin susceptibility. These findings may have considerable practical implications for S. litura resistance management. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Peach fruit fly (PFF), Bactrocera zonata, is one of the most dangerous pests of horticultural crops worldwide. This pest spends part of its life cycle in the soil as pre-pupae and pupae. Therefore, the effects of soil type and soil water content levels (SWCLs) on pupal mortality rates of the PFF were studied in an attempt to use soil moisture as an abiotic management strategy for this pest. The effect of clay, loamy, and sandy soils with SWCL of 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, and 100% of field capacity on three ages of PFF pupae (newly formed, 4- and 7-day-old pupae) were studied. Results demonstrated significant effects of SWCLs on pupal mortality rates of PFF. SWCL was the factor with the most remarkable effect (48.47%), meanwhile soil type had a feeble effect (0.65%). Newly formed pupae were more susceptible to SWCL levels than 7- and 4-day-old pupae. Results suggest that sustaining SWCL near 100% of field capacity significantly (p?=?0.000) suppressed PFF population; therefore it could be an important component of Integrated Pest Management against this insect species.  相似文献   

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