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BACKGROUND: Straight‐chain, saturated fatty acids (particularly C8, C9 and C10) have some known behavioral effects on insects such as mosquitoes, and were tested in combination for potential repellency/antifeedant activity in bioassays against three significant muscoid flies of medical/veterinary importance: houseflies, horn flies and stable flies. RESULTS: Mixtures of C8, C9 and C10 (1:1:1; 15% total actives in formulation) were highly repellent to houseflies and horn flies at or below 1 mg formulation cm?2. Repellency time varied from < 1 day for houseflies to usually at least 3 days for horn flies. Individual longer‐chain‐length fatty acids were tested, and C11 repelled houseflies for up to 5–8 days, while C12 lasted 2 days. Minimum statistically significant repellency levels of the C8, C9 and C10 mixture (3 h after application) against horn flies were 0.06–0.12 mg cm?2. A liquid formulation of the 15% C8, C9 and C10 mixture in a silicone oil carrier (at 2.8 mg AI cm?2) was highly repellent against hungry stable flies in a blood‐feeding membrane bioassay for at least 8 h. CONCLUSION: The low toxicity and reasonable activity and persistence of these carboxylic acids make them good candidates for development as protective materials against pest flies in livestock settings. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

温度对悬铃木方翅网蝽生长发育、存活和繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在室内研究不同温度下悬铃木方翅网蝽各虫态的发育历期、存活率及雌成虫的产卵量,组建不同温度下的实验种群生命表。结果显示,在15~33 ℃范围内,随温度升高悬铃木方翅网蝽的发育速率加快,并符合Logistic模型。悬铃木方翅网蝽卵、1龄、2龄、3龄、4龄、5龄若虫、产卵前期和全世代的发育起点温度分别为10.42、9.49、7.89、10.12、8.82、7.80、9.69和10.42 ℃,有效积温分别为153.9、38.8、41.4、31.8、42.0、69.5、101.9和479.3日·度。悬铃木方翅网蝽世代存活率和单雌产卵量在测定温度范围内均表现为先升高后降低的抛物线关系,在25 ℃时最高,分别为57.81%和87.71粒/雌。成虫寿命和雌成虫产卵期均随温度的升高而缩短。25 ℃时,种群内禀增长率和种群趋势指数最大,分别为0.0388和22.46。25~30 ℃是该虫生长发育的最适温区。  相似文献   

The cardiac glycoside, digitoxin, from Digitalis purpurea L (Scrophulariaceae), a cardiac glycosidal (cardenolide) extract from Calotropis procera (Ait) R Br (Asclepiadaceae), azadirachtin and neem oil from Azadirachta indica A Juss (Meliaceae) were tested for their effects against larvae and adult stages of the camel tick, Hyalomma dromedarii Koch (Acari: Ixodidae). The contact LC50 values of the first three materials against adults were 4.08, 9.63 and >40.7 microg cm(-2), respectively, whereas the dipping LC50 values of the four materials were 409.9, 1096, >5000 and >5000 mg litre(-1), respectively. Contact and dipping LC50 values of the extract and azadirachtin against larvae were 6.16, >20.3 microg cm(-2) and 587.7 and >2500 mg litre(-1), respectively. Azadirachtin had no effects on egg production or feeding of adults up to 5000 mg litre(-1); however at 2500 mg litre(-1), it caused significant reduction in feeding activity of larve, prolonged the period for moulting to nymphal stage, and caused 60% reduction in moultability. Results of the two cardiac glycoside materials are comparable with those of several commercial acaricides. The risks and benefits associated with the use of cardiac glycosides are considered.  相似文献   

The pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni Tams. (Lepidoptera: Thaumatopoeidae), is an important forest pest in the Mediterranean area, and urticating hairs of the caterpillars of this species cause allergic reactions on skin of humans and animals. In the present study, the larvicidal activities of Turkish oregano (Origanum onites L.) essential oil and its four major components, carvacrol, gamma-terpinene, terpinen-4-ol and thymol, were evaluated against fourth/fifth-instar larvae of PPM under laboratory conditions. The essential oil was larvicidal to PPM with an LD(50) value of 3800 microL L(-1) when 0.1 mL was applied per larva. Carvacrol was the most toxic component found in the essential oil (LD(50) = 3100 microL L(-1)), followed by thymol (LD(50) = 5500 microL L(-1)). The other two components, gamma-terpinene and terpinen-4-ol, were less effective. The results showed that Turkish oregano essential oil and its two components, carvacrol and thymol, could be potential alternatives to synthetic insecticides for the control of PPM.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Natural pesticides based on plant essential oils may represent alternative crop protectants. This study analysed the chemical constituents and bioactivities of essential oils from Schinus areira L., Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Tagetes terniflora Kunth against winged and wingless adults of Metopolophium dirhodum (Walk.). RESULTS: The major component of S. areira was α‐phellandrene, that of R. officinalis was 1,8‐cineole and that of T. terniflora was cis‐ocimene. Rosemary essential oil was more effective than the others in immersion method tests. In contact toxicity, the rosemary oil was the most toxic to wingless adults and the S. areira leaf oil was the most toxic to winged adults. All the EOs produced some degrees of repellency in adults and effects on the reproduction and demographic parameters. CONCLUSION: These results showed that the essential oils from S. areira, R. officinalis and T. terniflora could be used as an alternative in the management of M. dirhodum. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Plant essential oils have been recognised as an important natural source of insecticide. This study analysed the chemical constituents and bioactivity of essential oils that were isolated via hydrodistillation from Origanum vulgare L. (oregano) and Thymus vulgaris L. (thyme) against eggs, second instar and adults of Nezara viridula (L.). RESULTS: The major component of oregano was p‐cymene, and, for thyme, thymol. The ovicidal activity was tested by topical application; the essential oil from thyme was more effective. The fumigant activity was evaluated in an enclosed chamber; the LC50 values for oregano were 26.8 and 285.6 µg mL?1 for nymphs and adults respectively; for thyme they were 8.9 µg mL?1 for nymphs and 219.2 µg mL?1 for adults. To evaluate contact activity, a glass vial bioassay was used; the LC50 values for oregano were 1.7 and 169.2 µg cm?2 for nymphs and adults respectively; for thyme they were 3.5 and 48.8 µg cm?2 respectively. The LT50 analyses for contact and fumigant bioassays indicated that thyme was more toxic for nymphs and adults than oregano. Both oils produced repellency on nymphs and adults. CONCLUSION: These results showed that the essential oils from O. vulgare and T. vulgaris could be applicable to the management of N. viridula. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

九种植物精油对玉米象成虫的熏蒸作用比较   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
采用广口瓶密闭方法,测定红桔油Citrus tangerina、柠檬叶油Citrus limonum、 红河橙油Citrus hongheensis、 山苍子油Litsea cubeba、留兰香油Mentha spicata、松节油Pinus tabulaeformis、黄樟油Cinnamonum camphora、互叶白千层油Melaleuca alternifolia、蓝桉叶油Eucalyptus globulus等9种植物精油,在熏杀浓度为16 μL/L、熏蒸时间为24、36、48及60 h条件下,对玉米象Sitophilus zeamais成虫的熏蒸活性。结果表明:黄樟油、互叶白千层油、柠檬叶油、留兰香油及松节油的熏杀效果较好,尤以黄樟油的效果最佳。黄樟油在12、24、36、48和60 h不同熏蒸时间下的LC50值分别为31.43、11.26、6.16、2.72和1.11 μL/L。可考虑将黄樟油作为磷化氢及溴甲烷的替代药物用于控制玉米象的危害。  相似文献   

Systemic injection of neem (azadirachtin) was tested in the control of horse chestnut leafminer,Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a pest of horse chestnut trees (Aesculus hippocastanum L.: Hippocastanaceae). Three concentrations, 0.08, 0.15 and 0.25 g of active ingredient (a.i.) per cm of diameter at breast height (dbh), provided long-lasting insecticidal activity. The 0.15 and 0.25 g a.i. concentrations resulted in 100% pupae reduction in all generations; the 0.08 g a.i. concentration was effective against the horse chestnut leafminer for at least 23 weeks and led to 70–80% pupae reduction. Treated trees did not lose their leaves before winter. Neem applicationvia injection is cheap, with no environmental hazards, and thus this treatment is recommended for the control ofC. ohridella in horse chestnut trees. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 19, 2004.  相似文献   

6种农药对瓜蚜的毒力测定及田间药效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选防治西瓜瓜蚜的有效药剂,用6种药剂进行了室内毒力测定和田间药效试验。结果表明,1.8%阿维菌素EC对瓜蚜的毒力最高,60g/L乙基多杀菌素SC毒力最低,48hLC50分别为0.38mg/L和2 225.63mg/L。6种药剂毒力大小依次为阿维菌素溴氰虫酰胺氟啶虫胺腈啶虫脒吡虫啉乙基多杀菌素。田间试验结果表明,1.8%阿维菌素EC 3 000倍、10%溴氰虫酰胺OD 2 000倍、22%氟啶虫胺腈SC 4 000倍对瓜蚜速效性及持效性均较好,3~14d防效均达到90%以上,防效差异不显著;20%啶虫脒WP 3 000倍和10%吡虫啉WP 3 000倍速效性及持效性均较差,1d防效分别为31.31%和6.66%,14d防效分别为57.39%和47.80%;60g/L乙基多杀菌素SC 1 000倍防效最差,药后14d的最高防效仅为34.70%。推荐田间轮换使用阿维菌素、溴氰虫酰胺、氟啶虫胺腈防治瓜蚜。  相似文献   

Aphid control in Moroccan citrus orchards is based mainly on carbamate and neonicotinoid sprays, especially methomyl and imidacloprid. The extensive use of these insecticides may have side effects on natural enemies and environment quality and raises human health concerns. This research aimed to assess the control of aphids with insecticidal soap, kaolin and augmentative biological control using the indigenous predator Adalia decempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). The insecticides were applied and the predators were released in April 2009 and 2010. Under field experimentation, the methomyl and imidacloprid foliar pulverization were very effective against aphids. In contrast, the insecticidal soap and kaolin application were less efficient while A. decempunctata adults were effective only in the first week after release. The side effects on beneficial insects were also assessed and discussed. The possibility of employing A. decempunctata in an integrated pest management package in citrus groves is discussed in relation to effectiveness and side effects on beneficial arthropods.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Essential oils isolated from Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf. and Eucalyptus citriodora Hook grown in Colombia were analysed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) and tested for repellent activity and contact toxicity against Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). RESULTS: The main components of C. citratus oil were geranial (34.4%), neral (28.4%) and geraniol (11.5%), whereas those of E. citriodora were citronellal (40%), isopulegol (14.6%) and citronellol (13%). The mean repellent doses after 4 h exposure were 0.021 and 0.084 mL L?1 for C. citratus and E. citriodora oils respectively—values lower than that observed for the commercial product IR3535 (0.686 mL L?1). CONCLUSION: These studies showed the composition and repellent activity of essential oils of C. citratus and E. citriodora, suggesting that these are potential candidates as insect repellents. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

藿香精油对朱砂叶螨的触杀毒力及几种保护酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在探明藿香精油对朱砂叶螨的触杀毒力及几种保护酶活性的影响。采用喷雾法测定了藿香精油对朱砂叶螨5日龄雌成螨和卵的触杀毒力及雌成螨的产卵抑制作用,分析比较了LC30、LC50和LC90藿香精油喷雾处理雌成螨4、8、12、16、20和24 h后,其体内蛋白酶和3种保护酶活性的变化。结果表明,经藿香精油处理后,雌成螨的死亡率和卵的孵化抑制率与供试浓度呈正相关,LC50和IC50分别为0.60%、0.62%。随着供试浓度的增加,藿香精油的触杀作用增强,对雌成螨的产卵抑制率和产卵抑制指数呈上升趋势,且对雌成螨的触杀作用高于卵。用浓度LC30、LC50和LC90藿香精油处理雌成螨4 h后,蛋白酶和POD活性被激活,SOD活性被抑制,蛋白酶的激活率分别为10.96%、47.70%和62.92%,POD活性分别为对照的2.3、1.5和0.3倍,SOD的抑制率分别为44.52%、23.91%和49.08%。LC30和LC50处理4 h后CAT活性被激活,激活率分别为20.26%和52.22%;LC90处理后CAT活性被抑制,抑制率为62.21%。藿香精油对朱砂叶螨有一定的触杀毒力,能有效抑制雌成螨产卵,可通过扰乱蛋白酶和保护酶的动态平衡来影响其正常生理代谢,从而起到毒害作用。因此,藿香精油在农业防治朱砂叶螨方面有一定的开发潜力。  相似文献   

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