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Trichinellosis in Papua New Guinea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVES: To describe the discovery in a domestic pig of the first case of trichinellosis in Papua New Guinea, caused by a new taxon within the genus Trichinella (T papuae). Also, to establish if the disease occurred in the local wild pig population and in domestic pigs elsewhere in the country, and to test if the worm was infective to some other animals. PROCEDURE: Fresh and fixed tissue samples were examined by the digestion method and histologically, respectively, for the non-encapsulated larvae of T papuae. Feeding trials were conducted, using infected tissues and infective larvae, on animals under laboratory conditions. RESULTS: About 8.8% of a wild pig population in Western Province, adjacent to Irian Jaya, Indonesia, was found to be infected. Infection was not found in other local and feral animals or in domestic pigs from other parts of the country. Infection was experimentally established in cats, pigs and laboratory bred mice and rats. CONCLUSION: Trichinellosis is confined to one remote locality in PNG. Domestic pigs in the initial case became infected, probably, by eating infected wild pig meat.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of Trichinella zimbabwensis in farmed crocodiles (Crocodilus niloticus) of Zimbabwe and its ability to infect mammals, and the development of both T. zimbabwensis and Trichinella papuae in experimentally infected reptiles led to an investigation of Trichinella infection in saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) and in wild pigs (Sus scrofa) of Papua New Guinea, to see if T. papuae also, is present in both cold- and warm-blooded animals. Of 222 crocodiles examined, 47 animals (21.2%), all from Kikori, Gulf Province, were positive for non-encapsulated larvae in the muscles. The greatest number of larvae was found usually in the biceps, with an average of 7 larvae/g. One isolate from a crocodile infected successfully both laboratory rats and mice. Of 81 wild pigs examined, 9 from Bensbach river area (Western Province) and 1 from Kikori area (Gulf Province) were positive for non-encapsulated larvae in the muscles. Trichinella larvae from both saltwater crocodiles and wild pigs have been identified by multiplex-PCR analysis as T. papuae. The sequence analysis of the region within the large subunit ribosomal DNA, known as the expansion segment V, has shown the presence of a molecular marker distinguishing T. papuae isolates of Bensbach river area from those of Kikori area. This marker could be useful to trace back the geographical origin of the infected animal. The epidemiological investigation carried out in the Kikori area has shown that local people catch young crocodiles in the wild and keep them in holding pens for several months, before sending them to the crocodile farm in Lae (Morobe Province). They feed the crocodiles primarily with wild pig meat bought at the local market and also with fish. These results stress the importance of using artificial digestion for routinely screening of swine and crocodiles, and of adopting measures for preventing the spread of infection, such as the proper disposal of carcasses and the adequate freezing of meat.  相似文献   

Eimeria oocysts were found in 89% of fecal samples collected from the rectum of 75 sheep from 3 locations in Papua New Guinea. Eighty five percent of the hosts which were positive for coccidia had multiple infections with up to 6 different species of Eimeria. In order of decreasing predominance in the 67 Eimeria-positive samples the species were: E. ovina (72%); E. parva (58%); E. ovinoidalis (48%); E. ahsata (45%); E. crandallis (39%); E. faurei (28%); E. intricata (24%); E. granulosa (4%). Fecal oocyst counts showed the highest mean of 1252 oocysts per gram (o.p.g.) for E. parva and a maximum of 8000 for E. ovina.  相似文献   

Faecal samples from 232 domestic pigs raised on concrete, 98 free-ranging village pigs, and five wild boar showed 46.6 (108/232), 54 (53/98) and 80% (4/5) prevalence of coccidian oocysts, respectively. Eight species of Eimeria, and Isospora suis, were recovered. In their descending order of predominance in the pigs raised on concrete, the species of coccidia were E. debliecki (26.7%), E. scabra (22.4%), E. neodebliecki (19.8%), E. porci (15.5%), E. suis (11.6%), E. polita (8.6%), E. perminuta (7%), E. spinosa (5.6%) and I. suis (3.9%). The first five species listed above predominated in the village pigs as well. E. polita, E. spinosa and I. suis were not found in the wild boar. I. suis oocysts prevailed in 8.3% of the 36 sows on concrete, and in 11.1% (3/27) of those which were positive for coccidia. Isosporoid oocysts were absent in the village sows. Of the 125 less than 24-day-old piglets, 29.6% were diarrhoeic, and of these, 43.2% were positive for coccidia. Four of the 16 (25%) coccidia-positive, diarrhoeic piglets, and four of the 37 (10.8%) coccidia-positive non-diarrhoeic piglets shed I. suis oocysts, an observation which seems to weaken the present contention that I. suis is the primary causative agent of neonatal porcine coccidiosis. The highest mean number of oocysts per gram faeces (23,550) was recorded from the diarrhoeic farm piglets on concrete, and the lowest of 6,100 from the gestating farm sows. Mean opg data revealed very little significant quantitative variation between the corresponding age groups of the free-ranging village pigs and the commercially-farmed ones. One of the most interesting findings in the study was that the sows were more frequently infected than all other age groups.  相似文献   

Medical evaluations were performed on free-ranging and captive Matschie's tree kangaroos (Dendrolagus matschiei) in Papua New Guinea. The health assessment included physical examination, morphometrics, cloacal swab; and blood, hair, and feces collection. Radio-collars were placed on free-ranging tree kangaroos to determine home range and forest habitat use. The free-ranging tree kangaroos were lightly anesthetized with tiletamine/zolazepam for the data collection. A total of nine free-ranging and seven captive tree kangaroos were evaluated; medical samples were collected from six and five animals, respectively. Results of physical examination, anesthetic monitoring, serum vitamin, mineral, trace nutrient, and electrolytes, whole blood heavy metal analysis, mycobacterial screening, and fecal examinations are presented. Free-ranging tree kangaroos had significantly lower values for beta carotene, copper, selenium, molybdenum, lead, and arsenic and significantly higher values for vitamin E than captive individuals. Cloacal swabs were all negative for Mycobacterium avium via polymerase chain reaction. Some free-ranging and captive individuals had positive coprologic exams revealing Eimeria spp. oocysts and strongyle spp. type ova. These are the first medical and anesthetic data published on Matschie's tree kangaroos from Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

Fasciola hepatica metacercariae were present on pasture throughout the year at the trial site. The highest infection rate in trial sheep occurred in the first year after the beginning of the wet season, in December/January, when contamination of the pasture was maintained by other sheep. Variation in rates of infection in consecutive years was linked to differences in grazing pressure and to a change from sheep to cattle as accompanying grazing stock. A minimum precipitation of 125 mm over 4 consecutive weeks appears to be necessary for infected snails to move from their normal habitats and to contaminate wet pasture with cercariae. Infection of sheep can occur during a dry season if pasture has permanent seepage sites or swampy areas where infected snails can remain active and continue to liberate cercariae.  相似文献   

Groups of 22 steers grazed eight diverse environments in Papua New Guinea for one year. Haemoglobin, packed cell volume, MCHC, plasma albumen, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and saliva sodium and potassium were measured; half of each group received cobalt supplements. Growth rate was measured. Cobalt deficiency was tentatively diagnosed at two sites, sodium deficiency at five sites and phosphorus at three with two other sites marginal. Sodium supplementation at the three most affected sites corrected sodium status and increased growth rate. Additionally, at two of these sites plasma phosphorus concentration increased to more normal levels presumably due to increased appetite. Statistically significant differences between sites occurred in the concentrations of other minerals but were not related to growth rates. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to assessment of mineral status in beef cattle.  相似文献   

Summary Sodium deficiency was suspected from low saliva sodium concentrations in cattle at various sites in the lowlands of Papua New Guinea. In an experiment at Erap, Morobe Province crossbred and pedigree Brahman heifers supplemented with copper, cobalt and/or common salt showed no response to copper or cobalt supplementation. There was a significant growth response (P<0·01) to salt supplementation over a 16 week period confirming sodium deficiency in these animals. The response in the crossbreds was twice that in the purebreds. Supplemented crossbred animals grew 0·78 kg/day over the 16 week experimental period.
Resumen Se sospechó deficiencia de sodio al encontrar valores bajos de este elemento, en la saliva de bovinos que pastoreaban sitios bajos en Pápua. En un experimento en Erap, Provincia de Morobe, novillos Brahman puros y cruzados suplementados con cobre, cobalto y/o sal comun, no mostraron respuesta al cobre o al cobalto. Hubo respuesta significative (P<0·01) a la suplementación con sal en un período de 16 semanas, confirmando así la deficiencia de sodio en estos animales, con major respuesta en los cruces que en los Brahman puros. Los primeros aumentaron 0·78 kg/dia durante el período experimental de 16 semanas.

Résumé Une carence en sodium a été suspectée en raison de faibles concentrations en sodium dans la salive de bovins paissant à divers endroits dans les plaines de Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée. Dans une expérience conduite à Erap, Province de Morobe, des génisses métissées et de pédigré Brahman recevant un complément de cuivre, cobalt et/ou de sel ordinaire n’ont pas réagi à la complémentation en cuivre ou cobalt. La complémentation en sel a entrainé une réponse de croissance significative (P<0,01) sur une période de 16 semaines, confirmant par là la carence en sodium chez ces animaux, avec une réponse deux fois plus importante chez les métisses que les animaux de race pure. Les animaux métissés recevant un complément ont eu un gain de poids de 0,78 kg par jour pendant la période expérimentale de 16 semaines.

Cohort studies were conducted on 29 pigs from 3 villages in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Animals ranged in age from 9 d to 5 m old. Three hundred and twenty nine faecal samples were collected from individual pigs followed over 3 to 6 w periods, and were examined for group A rotavirus antigen by ELISA, and rotaviral genomic RNA by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Electron microscopy was also conducted on selected samples. Group A rotavirus was detected in the faeces of 16 pigs with infected individuals coming from all villages. Non-group A rotavirus resembling group C was found in faeces from pigs from 2 villages. All of the group A rotaviruses examined had the same electrophoretype and this was distinct from that of the common type infecting humans in the area at the time of the study. None of the group A positive samples reacted with monoclonal antisera specific for human group A rotaviruses of serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8. The non-group A rotaviruses also all had identical electrophoretypes. In contrast to previous findings in intensive piggeries, rotavirus infection did not occur in all young pigs and was not limited to young animals under 2 m of age. Infected pigs varied in age from 12 days to 20 weeks of age. This pattern of infection was attributed to the non-intensive husbandry situations in the villages, with less opportunity for transmission to occur than in intensive piggeries.  相似文献   

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