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Landscape structure and breeding bird distribution in a sub-Mediterranean agro-ecosystem 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Richness, abundance and distribution of birds were investigated in the Aulella watershed,a mountainous area of 300 km2, located in the extreme northwestern corner of Tuscany, Italy in spring and summer, 1995. The study area encompasses five
vegetation types (from Mediterranean maqui to upland beech forest) and three main land use categories (woodlands, mixed cultivated
+ urban areas, montane prairies). The recent history of land abandonment in the study area has produced a rapid expansion
of shrubland and woodland, reducing cultivated areas to small patches interspersed in a woodland matrix. Richness, abundance
and distribution of birds recorded at 414 points, randomly selected along secondary roads, and located using a Global Positioning
System (GPS), were compared with topography, vegetation type and land use in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with a
grid cell resolution of 200 × 200 m.
Bird richness (55 species in all) and abundance are correlated: (a) negatively with the increasing altitude and increasing
distance from cultivated areas; (b) positively with the increasing distance from woodlands and mountain prairies. Slope orientation
appears to have a negligible effect on bird assemblages.
Bird richness and abundance are significantly correlated with vegetation type. Cultivated areas support the highest bird richness
and abundance that increase with patch size of the cultivated areas. Local extinction and/or reduction in within-species abundance
of birds are expected to continue if the process of land abandonment continues.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Landscape structure influences avian malaria ecology in the Western Cape, South Africa 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sharon Okanga Graeme S. Cumming Phillip A. R. Hockey Jeffrey L. Peters 《Landscape Ecology》2013,28(10):2019-2028
A central theme in landscape ecology is that of understanding the consequences of landscape heterogeneity for ecological processes. The effects of landscape heterogeneity on parasite communities are poorly understood, although it has been shown that anthropogenic impacts may contribute to outbreaks of both parasites and pathogens. We tested for effects of landcover type, composition, configuration, and urbanisation on avian diversity and avian malaria prevalence in 26 communities of wetland-associated passerines in the Western Cape of South Africa. We predicted that avian malaria prevalence would be influenced by the pattern of farmland and urban areas in the surrounding landscapes and the sizes of the wetlands in which birds were sampled. We quantified landscape pattern using a six-class simplification of the National Landcover data set at 35 × 35 m resolution and five extents of between 1 and 20 km from each wetland. The bird community was sampled using point counts and we collected blood samples from birds at each site. We screened these for malaria using PCR and molecular techniques. Passerine species richness and infection prevalence varied significantly between different landcover types. Host richness and parasite prevalence were highest in viticultural and cropping sites respectively and lowest in urban sites. Wetlands located in indigenous vegetation had intermediate numbers of bird species and intermediate parasite prevalence. Landscape composition and habitat type surrounding wetlands emerged as useful correlates of infection prevalence. Anthropogenic landscape modification appears to have both direct and indirect effects on avian communities and their associated parasite assemblages, with attendant consequences for avian health. 相似文献
Landscape variables impact the structure and composition of butterfly assemblages along an urbanization gradient 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Benjamin Bergerot Benoit Fontaine Romain Julliard Michel Baguette 《Landscape Ecology》2011,26(1):83-94
How urbanization affects the distribution patterns of butterflies is still poorly known. Here we investigated the structure and composition of butterfly assemblages along an urbanization gradient within the most urbanized and densely populated region in France (Île-de-France). Using a method issued from artificial neural networks, i.e. self-organizing maps (SOMs), we showed the existence of four typical assemblages ranging from urban-tolerant species to urban-avoider species. We identified indicator species of these assemblages: the peacock butterfly (Inachis io) in urbanized areas, the swallowtail (Papilio machaon) in sites with intermediate human pressure, or the meadow brown (Maniola jurtina), the small heath (Coenonympha pamphilus) and the gatekeeper (Pyronia tithonus) in meadows around Paris. A discriminant analysis showed that the four assemblages were mainly segregated by landscape elements, both by structural variables (habitat type, proportion of rural areas and artificial urban areas, patch surface) and functional variables (distance to the nearest wood, artificial area and park). Artificial neural networks and SOMs coupled stepwise discriminant analysis proved to be promising tools that should be added to the toolbox of community and spatial ecologists. 相似文献
Landscape Ecology - Management of multiple ecosystem services (ES) is complex, in part due to synergies and trade-offs among ES. Landscape configuration—the spatial arrangement of patches in... 相似文献
Spatio-temporal landscape heterogeneity has rarely been considered in population-level impact assessments. Here we test whether landscape heterogeneity is important by examining the case of a pesticide applied seasonally to orchards which may affect non-target vole populations, using a validated ecologically realistic and spatially explicit agent-based model. Voles thrive in unmanaged grasslands and untreated orchards but are particularly exposed to applied pesticide treatments during dispersal between optimal habitats. We therefore hypothesised that vole populations do better (1) in landscapes containing more grassland and (2) where areas of grassland are closer to orchards, but (3) do worse if larger areas of orchards are treated with pesticide. To test these hyposeses we made appropriate manipulations to a model landscape occupied by field voles. Pesticide application reduced model population sizes in all three experiments, but populations subsequently wholly or partly recovered. Population depressions were, as predicted, lower in landscapes containing more unmanaged grassland, in landscapes with reduced distance between grassland and orchards, and in landscapes with fewer treated orchards. Population recovery followed a similar pattern except for an unexpected improvement in recovery when the area of treated orchards was increased. Outside the period of pesticide application, orchards increase landscape connectivity and facilitate vole dispersal and so speed population recovery. Overall our results show that accurate prediction of population impact cannot be achieved without taking account of landscape structure. The specifics of landscape structure and habitat connectivity are likely always important in mediating the effects of stressors. 相似文献
Anita J. Norman Astrid V. Stronen Geir-Arne Fuglstad Aritz Ruiz-Gonzalez Jonas Kindberg Nathaniel R. Street Göran Spong 《Landscape Ecology》2017,32(1):181-194
Methods for detecting contemporary, fine-scale population genetic structure in continuous populations are scarce. Yet such methods are vital for ecological and conservation studies, particularly under a changing landscape.Objectives
Here we present a novel, spatially explicit method that we call landscape relatedness (LandRel). With this method, we aim to detect contemporary, fine-scale population structure that is sensitive to spatial and temporal changes in the landscape.Methods
We interpolate spatially determined relatedness values based on SNP genotypes across the landscape. Interpolations are calculated using the Bayesian inference approach integrated nested Laplace approximation. We empirically tested this method on a continuous population of brown bears (Ursus arctos) spanning two counties in Sweden.Results
Two areas were identified as differentiated from the remaining population. Further analysis suggests that inbreeding has occurred in at least one of these areas.Conclusions
LandRel enabled us to identify previously unknown fine-scale structuring in the population. These results will help direct future research efforts, conservation action and aid in the management of the Scandinavian brown bear population. LandRel thus offers an approach for detecting subtle population structure with a focus on contemporary, fine-scale analysis of continuous populations.7.
Françoise Burel 《Landscape Ecology》1989,2(4):215-226
Analysis of carabids spatial distribution in a hedgerow network landscape in western France, pinpoints the role of the landscape among other levels of ecological organization.Dispersion of forest species differs among core forest species, peninsula forest species and corridor forest species. Abundance of forest carabid species in a particular hedgerow is related to the positive effect of a dense herbaceous layer and the presence of a tree layer which is enhanced by the presence of two parallel hedgerows, especially along lanes.At the landscape level distance from the largest forest determines abundance of forest species within the first kilometer out of it. Beyond that, abundance is independent of distance from the source forest and the discriminant ecological factors are: hedgerow structure, presence of lanes bordered by two hedgerows. 相似文献
Herbivores influence the structure of plant communities in arctic-alpine ecosystems. However, little is known of the effect of herbivores on plant colonisation following disturbance, and on its variability depending on the identity of herbivores and the characteristics of the habitats. To quantify the role of large and small vertebrate herbivores, we established exclosures of two different mesh sizes around disturbed subplots in forest and nearby tundra habitats in four contrasting locations in the forest-tundra ecotone in northernmost Sweden and Norway. The study revealed that herbivores influenced the abundance but not the species composition of regenerating vegetation. Gaps were colonised by the dominant species in the surrounding vegetation. The only exception to this expectation was Empetrum nigrum, which failed to colonise gaps even though it dominated undisturbed vegetation. Significant effects of herbivory were only detected when both small and large herbivores were excluded. Herbivores decreased the abundance of three of the most common species Vaccinium myrtillus, Vaccinium vitis idaea, and Deschampsia flexuosa. The effect of herbivory on the abundance of these three species did not differ between habitats and locations. However, the composition of the regenerating vegetation differed between habitats and locations. The disturbance treatment increased the species richness on the scale of plots, habitats, and sites. However, on the scale of whole locations, all species found in disturbed areas were also found in undisturbed areas, suggesting that the natural disturbance regime in arctic landscapes is high enough to sustain colonising species. 相似文献
Spatial and temporal landscape patterns have long been recognized to influence biological processes, but these processes often
operate at scales that are difficult to study by conventional means. Inferences from genetic markers can overcome some of
these limitations. We used a landscape genetics approach to test hypotheses concerning landscape processes influencing the
demography of Lahontan cutthroat trout in a complex stream network in the Great Basin desert of the western US. Predictions
were tested with population- and individual-based analyses of microsatellite DNA variation, reflecting patterns of dispersal,
population stability, and local effective population sizes. Complementary genetic inferences suggested samples from migratory
corridors housed a mixture of fish from tributaries, as predicted based on assumed migratory life histories in those habitats.
Also as predicted, populations presumed to have greater proportions of migratory fish or from physically connected, large,
or high quality habitats had higher genetic variability and reduced genetic differentiation from other populations. Populations
thought to contain largely non-migratory individuals generally showed the opposite pattern, suggesting behavioral isolation.
Estimated effective sizes were small, and we identified significant and severe genetic bottlenecks in several populations
that were isolated, recently founded, or that inhabit streams that desiccate frequently. Overall, this work suggested that
Lahontan cutthroat trout populations in stream networks are affected by a combination of landscape and metapopulation processes.
Results also demonstrated that genetic patterns can reveal unexpected processes, even within a system that is well studied
from a conventional ecological perspective. 相似文献
生态农业是按照生态学和循环经济理论和原理,利用动物、植物、微生物之间的相互关系,应用现代科学技术和系统方法,形成农业生态环境与经济发展的良性循环.生态农业不仅要满足农业生产要求,还应大力发展农业生态系统中的文化功能.现以绵竹市猕猴桃农业园为例,依据农业生态学原理制定了一个循环农业的产业模式,并将农业生态技术与园林造园艺术相结合,将湿地景观与生态净水相结合,力求营造一个高产、生态、优美和农耕文化浓厚的农业园. 相似文献
随着时代的发展和人们认识不断提高,景观概念有了不同的内涵和外延。景观就是土地上的所有物体和周围环境空间的结合,是地上物及其结构和功能的综合。景观设计就是合理恰当的安排土地上的不同结构和功能的物体,追求其环境的艺术性,使建筑与环境能完美的融为一体。文章从人们对园林景观视觉的艺术性追求和园林景观的环境生态性和场所包容性进行了探讨,对园林景观设计师对环境的艺术化追求提供理论依据。 相似文献
Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) currently live in metapopulations in the parts of their range where plague, caused by the bacterium Yesinia pestis, has invaded. Prairie dogs are highly susceptible to the pathogen, with most animals within towns dying during Y. pestis outbreaks. A review of population genetic studies of prairie dogs demonstrates considerable differentiation between prairie
dog towns. Despite declines and fluctuations in size of prairie dog populations, they continue to harbor considerable genetic
variation. This results from continual dispersal and gene flow, likely along low-lying drainages that connect towns. When
combined with estimates of population size, the landscape genetic approach described here will provide precise estimates of
dispersal and gene flow, in addition to evaluation of long-term stability of prairie dog metapopulations. 相似文献
以西班牙园林风格地产景观为例,分析硬质景观材料的特点与作用,提出硬质景观材料的应用要点,并分类列举石材、防腐木材和金属材料的应用方法。为科学合理的应用硬质景观材料提供参考。 相似文献
在高尔夫球场中,景观区受重视的程度越来越高,在球场中所占的比重也越来越大。从原先的林克斯风格一统天下的局面,逐渐分化为林克斯球场、森林球场、湿地球场、园林球场等等。本文从几个方面阐述了高尔夫球场中景观区所发挥的作用、景观区设计原则和景观区主要组成部分的设计方法。在景观区设计及营造过程中,将中国优秀的园林设计理念融入其中,也许能给中国的高尔夫球场带来新的发展契机。 相似文献
介绍了盆栽食用菌景观色彩设计的原则,讨论了色彩中的色相、明度和饱和度3要素设计和色彩的调和;探讨了食用菌景观造景中的形式美学艺术,为食用菌景观在现代景观和艺术设计中的应用指明了方向. 相似文献
景观设计与规划林,生态,地理等多种学科交叉融合,在不同的学科中具有不同的意义,"景观设计"(又叫做景观建筑学)是指在建筑设计或规划设计的过程中,对周围环境要素的整体考虑和设计包括自然要素和人工要素。使得建筑(群)与自然环境产生呼应关系,使其使用更方便,更舒适,提高其整体的艺术价值。 相似文献