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Field and glasshouse experiments were conducted to study the effect of three levels of soil compaction on the activity of two soil-applied herbicides, atrazine and trifluralin, using oats as test species. The moderate and heavy compactions increased the bulk density by 24.7 and 35.1% respectively while the normal compaction had negligible effect on physical properties of the soil compared to the freshly cultivated ground. Initial phytotoxicity of both herbicide's was increased significantly by the heavy compaction treatment. Moderate soil compaction also enhanced the initial activity of atrazine but trifluralin activity remained unaffected from this treatment. Trifluralin was more persistent than atrazine and the residual activity of both herbicides was increased significantly as a result of both the moderate and heavy compaction treatments. Effet du compactage du sol sur la phytoloxicilé et la persistance des herbicides appliques sur le sol Des expériences au champ et en serre ont été effectuées pour etudier l'effet de trois degrés de compactage du sol sur l'activité de deux herbicides appliqués sur le sol, l'atrazine et la trifluraline, en utilisant l'avoine comme plante test. Le compactage modéré et le compactage intense ont accru la densite de la masse de 24,7% et 35,1% respectivement, alors que le compactage normal n'a eu qu'un effet négligeable sur les propriétés du sol compacté par rapport à un sol récemment cultivé. La phytotoxocité initiale des deux herbicides a été accrue significativement par le compactage intense. Le compactage modéré du sol a aussi augmenté l'activité initiale de l'atrazine mais celle de la trifluraline n'a pas été modifiée par ce degre de compactage. La triflura-line s'est montrée plus persistante que l'atrazine et l'activité résiduelle des deux herbicides a été significativement accrue à la suite du compactage modéré et du compactage intense. Die Wirkung von Bodenverdichtungen auf Phytotoxizität und Persistenz von Bodenherbiziden Es wurden Held-und Gewachshausversuche durchgeführt, indenen der Einfluss von drei unterschiedlich starken Bodenverdichtungen auf die Wirkung von auf den Boden appliziertem Atrazin und Trifluralin untersucht wurde. Als Testpflanze wurde Hafer verwendet. Durch eine mittlere und starke Ver-dichtung nahm das Boden-Volumengewicht um 24,7% bzw. um 35,1% zu. Eine normale Verdichtung hatte, verglichen mil einem frisch bearbeiteten Boden, nur eine geringe Wirkung auf die physikalischen Bodeneigenschaften. Durch die starke Verdichtung nahm die phytotoxische Wirkung beider Herbizide significant zu. Dieser Effekt trat auch bei der mittleren Boden-verdichtung auf, jedoch nur bei Atrazin; die Wirkung von Trifluralin blieb davon unbeeinflusst. Trifluralin erwies sich als persistenter als Atrazin, die Residualwirkung beider Herbizide nahm aber durch die starke und die mittlere Bodenverdichtung significant zu.  相似文献   

Enhanced degradation of some soil-applied herbicides   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In a field experiment involving repeated herbicide application, persistence of simazine was not affected by up to three previous doses of the herbicide. With propyzamide, there was a trend to more rapid rates of degradation with increasing number of previous treatments. Persistence of linuron and alachlor was affected only slightly by prior applications. In a laboratory incubation with soil from the field that had received four doses of the appropriate herbicide over a 12–month period, there was again no effect from simazine pretreatments on rates of loss. However, propyzamide, linuron and alachlor all degraded more rapidly in the previously treated than in similar untreated soil samples. Propyzamide, linuron, alachlor and napropamide degradation rates were all enhanced by a single pretreatment of soil in laboratory incubations, whereas degradation rates of isoproturon, metazachlor, atrazine and simazine were the same in pretreated and control soil samples.  相似文献   

The relative potencies of analytical-grade lenacil (99% ai) and its commercial formulation, Venzar® (80% ai), technical-grade ethofumesate (96%) and its commercial formulation Nortron® (21% ai) were evaluated using oats (Avena sativa L. cv. Selma) as test plant. In all experiments the dose-response curves of the pure herbicide and its commercial product were parallel. The average potency of Venzar relative to lenacil, assayed twice in a sandy loam, was 0?80 and thus equal to the expected 0?80. The average potency of Nortron relative to ethofumesate, assayed in a sandy loam and a loamy sand, was 0?25 and close to the expected value of 0?21. The implication of using the technique of parallel-line assay in herbicide studies is discussed and its potential use in other contexts than the present one is suggested.  相似文献   

The joint action of soil-applied herbicide mixtures with similar or different modes of action has been assessed by using the additive dose model (ADM). The herbicides chlorsulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl, pendimethalin and pretilachlor, applied either singly or in binary mixtures, were used on rice (Oryza sativa L.). The growth (shoot) response curves were described by a logistic dose-response model. The ED50 values and their corresponding standard errors obtained from the response curves were used to test statistically if the shape of the isoboles differed from the reference model (ADM). Results showed that mixtures of herbicides with similar molecular targets, i.e. chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron (acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors), and with different molecular targets, i.e. pendimethalin (microtubule assembly inhibitor) and pretilachlor (very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) inhibitor), followed the ADM. Mixing herbicides with different molecular targets gave different results depending on whether pretilachlor or pendimethalin was involved. In general, mixtures of pretilachlor and sulfonylureas showed synergistic interactions, whereas mixtures of pendimethalin and sulfonylureas exhibited either antagonistic or additive activities. Hence, there is a large potential for both increasing the specificity of herbicides by using mixtures and lowering the total dose for weed control, while at the same time delaying the development of herbicide resistance by using mixtures with different molecular targets.  相似文献   

Eight herbicides which are normally applied to the soil surface were incorporated on different occasions to a depth of 3 cm in a sandy loam. Variability in percentage weed kill was reduced when propachlor, propyzamide, aziprotryne and prometryne were incorporated, but the benefits from incorporation of simazine, lenacil and chlorpropham were small. The activity of linuron was consistently less with little reduction in variability. In further field experiments with propachlor. propyzamide, aziprotryne and prometryne, variability in weed control was reduced by incorporation but the activity of propachlor was less except when surface applications gave poor results. There was no damage to carrot, lettuce or cabbage respectively when prometryne. propyzamide and propachlor were incorporated, but cabbage was sometimes damaged following incorporation of aziprotryne. The differences in weed kill between surface and incorporated treatments were related to the delay between application and the accumulation of 5 mm rainfall, and the activity of surface applications of prometryne, aziprotryne and propyzamide could be correlated with rainfall after application. No significant correlation was found between the activity of surface-applied propachlor and rainfall. Effets de l'incorporation et des chutes de pluie sur l'activité de quelques herbicides appliqués sur le sol Huit herbicides qui sont normalement appliqués k la surface du sol ont été incorporés, a différentes occasions, à une pro-fondeur de 3 cm dans un limon sableux. La variabilité du pourcentage de mortalité des mauvaises herbes a été réduite lorsque le propachlore, le propyzamide, l'aziprolryne et la prométryne ont été incorporés. mais les effets bénéfiques de l'incorporation ont été faibles en ce qui concerne la simazine, le lénacile et le chlorprophame. L'activité du liruron a été sensiblement moindre, avec une faible réduction de la variabilité. Dans des essais au champ uliérieurs avec le propachlore, le propyzamide, l'aziprotryne et la prométryne, la variabilité de l'effet herbicide a été réduite par l'incorpora-tion, mais l'action du propachlore a été moindre sauf dans le cas oil les applications en surface ont donne de médiocres résultats. Les carottes, les laitues et les choux n'ont pas été endommagés aprés un traitement avec incorporation, respectivement avec la prométryne, le propyzamide et le propachlore, mais le chou a parfois soufTert d'une application d'aziprotryne avec incorporation. La différence de mortalité des mauvaises herbes entre les traitements en surface et les traitements incorporés a été rapportée au délai écoulé entre le traitement et l'accumulation de 5 mm de pluie, ce qui a montré que l'activité d'applications en surface de prometryne. d'aziprotryne et de propyzamide pourraient présenter une corrélation avec la hauteur de pluie tombée après Ie traite-ment. Aucune corrélation significative n'a été décelée entre l'activité du propachlore appliqué en surface et la pluviosité. Die Wirkung von Einarbeitung utid Regen auf die Aktivitat einiger Bodenherbizide Acht Herbizide. die normalerweise auf den Boden appliziert werden, wurden 3 cm tief in einen sandigen Lehmboden eingearbeilet. Wurden Propachlor, Propyzamid, Aziprotryn und Prometryn eingearbeitet, dann war ihre Wirkung gleichmassiger. Bei Simazin, Lenacil und Chtoropropham brachte die Einarbeitung jedoch weniger Vorteile. Die Aktivität von Lenacil war durch Einarbeitung stets ge-minderl und die Schwankungen in der Herbizidwirkung gingen nur geringfügig zurück. In weiteren Feidversuchen mit Propachlor. Propyzamid, Aziprotryn und Prometryn wurden die Schwankungen im Bekämpfungserfolg durch Einarbeitung reduziert, bei Propachlor ging jedoch die Aktivität zurück. ausgenommen in den Fällen, in dcnen Bodenapplikationen unbefricdigend wirkten. Wurden Prometryn. Propyzamid und Propachlor eingearbeitet. traten an Möhren, Kopfsalat und Kohl keine Schäden auf, nach Einarbeitung von Aziprotryn wurde jedoch Kohl manchmal geschädigt. Die Unterschiede in der Unkrautbekämpfung zwisehen den Bodenapplikationen und der Einarbeitung der Herbizide waren darauf zurückzuführen, dass zwisehen Applikation und Regen (5 mm) ein zu grosser zeitlichcr Abstand war. Die Wirkung der Bodenapplikationen von Promelryn, Aziprotryn und Propyzamid waren mit dem Niederschlag nach der Behandlung korreliert. Zwisehen Regen und Propachlorwirkung konnte für die Bodenapplika-tion keine gesicherte Beziehung gefunden werden.  相似文献   

In field experiments to investigate the effect of repeated application of eight herbicides on their persistence in the soil, the rates of loss of metribuzin, metolachlor and isoproturon were shown to be unaffected by up to three previous doses of the same herbicide. With linuron, there was a small but significant enhancement of biodegradation by two or more previous applications. The persistence of monolinuron, propyzamide and metamitron was shorter in plots that had been treated once, twice or three times previously than in plots treated for the first time, but the effects were often small. In the case of napropamide, rates of loss were considerably increased by a single previous dose. In laboratory experiments with soil from the field plots, there was again no evidence of enhanced biodegradation of metribuzin, metolachlor or isoproturon. However, the rate of linuron degradation was enhanced by a single application. This effect was most marked after 12 weeks, but had disappeared by 57 weeks after initial treatment of the soil in the field. Considerable enhancement of monolinuron, propyzamide and metamitron degradation rates was also observed. The effects were again most pronounced after 12 weeks; however, with these compounds, they were still apparent more than 1 year later. Enhancement of napropamide biodegradation was most stable when assessed in laboratory incubations; the effects from a single pretreatment were still apparent more than 12 months later. Etudes complementaires de la degradation accélerée de certains herbicides appliques au sol Dans des essais de plein champ conduits pour etudier 1'influence d'applications répetées de 8 herbicides sur leur persistance dans le sol, les taux de perte de métribuzine, métolachlor et isoproturon n'ont pas été affectés jusqu'à 3 applications précédentes du même herbicide. Avec le linuron, il y a eu une faible mais significative augmentation de la dégradation aprés 2 ou 3 applications. La persistance du monolinuron, de la propyzamide et de la métamitrone éiait plus courte dans les parcelles déjà traitées une, deux ou trois fois que dans celles traitées pour la premiére fois, mais les effets étaient souvent faibles. Avec la napropromide, les taux ont été considérablement accrus aprés une seule application. Dans des essais de laboratoire avec du sol venant des parcelles de plein champ, il n'y a pas eu de nouveau d'accélération de la biodégradation pour la métribuzine, le métolachlor ou 1'isoproturon. Cependant, la dégradation du linuron a été renforcée par une seule application. Cet effet a été plus fort qu'aprés 12 semaines, mais a disparu 57 semaines aprés le traitement du sol au champ. Un accroissement important de la dégradation du monolinuron, de la propyzamide et de la métamitrone a étéégalement observé Les effets étaient de nouveau maxima aprés 12 semaines; cependant avec ces produits, ils étaient encore apparent une année plus tard. L'accé1ération de la biodégradation de la napropromide était la plus stable dans les observations de laboratoire; les effets d'une seule application étaient encore apparents plus de 12 mois plus tard. Weitere Untersuchungen zum beschleunigten Abbau von Bodenherbiziden In Feldversuchen zur Persistenz von 8 Herbiziden bei wiederholter Ausbringung ging bei Metribuzin, Metolachlor und Isoproturon nach 3-maliger Ausbringung desselben Herbizids die Verlustrate nicht zurück. Bei Linuron war der mikrobielle Abbau nach 2 oder mehr Vorbehandlungen nur leicht, aber signifikant erhöht. Die Persistenz von Monolinuron, Propyzamid und Metamitron war bei l-, 2- oder 3-maliger Vorbehandlung geringer als bei erstmaliger Behandlung, doch waren die Wirkungen oft klein. Bei Napropamid erhöhte sich die Verlustrate bereits nach einer Vorbehandlung beträchtlich. Auch in Laborversuchen mit Böden aus den Freilandparzellen konnte bei Metribuzin, Metolachlor und Isoproturon kein verstärkter mikrobieller Abbau nachgewiesen werden. Bei Linuron dagegen erhöhte sich die Abbaurate schon nach einmaliger Applikation. Diese Wirkung war nach 12 Wochen am deutlichsten ausgeprägt, verschwand jedoch nach 57 Wochen nach dem Behandlungstermin. Eine erheblich größere Abbaurate wurde auch bei Monolinuron, Propyzamid und Metamitron beobachtet, am deutlichsten nach 12 Wochen, aber auch noch nach mehr als l Jahr. Bei Napropamid war die Verstärkung der Biodegradation im Labor am bestRaUndigsten; die Wirkungen einmaliger Vorbehandlungen bestanden noch nach mehr als 1 Jahr.  相似文献   

Localized placement of prometryne, linuron and diuron in the soil at the first or second shoot internodes of dwarf broad bean (Vicia faba L.) equally reduced aerial plant growth, whereas simazine and atrazine had no effect. Growth reduction also occurred when the first shoot internode of scarlet runner bean (Phaseolus multiflorus L.) in the soil was treated with all five herbicides, especially with diuron. Localized placement of these herbicides at the first or second shoot internodes of vetch (Vicia sativa L.) in the soil equally reduced aerial plant growth. Foliar injury to vetch due to placement of these herbicides in the shoot zone of the soil was markedly reduced by simultaneous treatment with trifluraiin or nitralin which prevented adventitious root development on the shoot without otherwise affecting plant growth. This lack of root development on the shoots treated with trifluraiin was associated with a marked decrease in 14C-labelled atrazine uptake, which probably accounted for the reduction in atrazine phytotoxicity. A similar explanation may account for the reduced phytotoxicity of the other herbicides in the presence of trifluraiin or nitralin.  相似文献   

植保无人机喷施对玉米田土壤处理除草剂的减量效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在陇东旱塬条件下,以40%乙·莠SE为指示除草剂,测定了植保无人机喷施对玉米田土壤处理除草剂的减量效应。结果表明:通过植保无人机喷施,40%乙·莠SE的控草效果随施药量的减少呈逐渐降低的趋势,玉米果穗有效长度、果穗粗、穗粒数、百粒重、产量及纯收益均随施药量的减少呈先增后降的态势,当施用量降至2 400 mL/hm~2,即较推荐用量(4 500 mL/hm~2)减少用药46.67%时,对藜、狗尾草和总草的株防效仍分别高达93.31%、65.51%和86.40%,鲜重防效分别高达99.12%、78.61%和93.44%;对玉米穗部性状、产量及纯收益的影响程度亦降至较低或最低,其产量较人工除草和背负式喷雾器以药剂常用量喷施分别减产0.17%和增产5.61%,其纯收益较人工除草和背负式喷雾器以药剂常用量喷施分别增加652.08元/hm~2和1 076.85元/hm~2。可见,植保无人机喷施对玉米田土壤处理除草剂的减量效应显著,具有大面积推广应用的价值。  相似文献   

The phytotoxicities of atrazine, simazine, linuron, lenacil and aziprotryne were increased as the moisture content of the soil increased. Results from studies with 14C-labelled atrazine suggested that these differences could be related to differences in concentrations of herbicide accumulated by the plants. Total uptake of atrazine was directly proportional to water uptake, but a comparison of the amounts taken up with those supplied by mass-flow in the transpiration stream suggested that some exclusion factor was operative. It was concluded that herbicide transport within the soil-plant system was the main factor affecting phytotoxicity under the different soil moisture regimes. The significance of the results to herbicide behaviour under field conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects on plant growth of applying trifluralin or nitralin combination with simazine, atrazine, prometryne and linuron to the upper 5-cm root region of vetch (Vicia sativa L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and soybean (Glycine max) were investigated. Foliar injury due to herbicides of the second group was markedly reduced in each species by simultaneous treatment with trifluralin or nitralin both of which inhibited lateral root growth without affecting aerial plant growth or tap root extension growth. This inhibition of lateral root growth in roots treated with trifluralin or nitralin was associated with reduced uptake and subsequent transport to the foliage of 14C-labelled simazine in vetch and pea and 14C-labelled atrazine in soybean. This probably accounted for the reduction in simazine and atrazine phytotoxicity. In the presence of trifluralin or nitralin comparatively higher amounts of radioactivity were retained in the roots of pea and soybean and this reduced the amount of 14C available for transport to the foliage. This was not evident in vetch.  相似文献   

Plots sown with a range of test species were treated with chlortoluron, nitrofen, propyzamide or terbutryne applied at several doses either by rotary atomizer (30 1 ha?1), conventional hydraulic nozzle (250 1 ha?1) or dribble bar (with orifices spaced at 2-cm intervals) (520 1 ha?1). The performance of chlortoluron, propyzamide and terbutryne was similar with all the methods used, regardless of soil and weather conditions. Vertical movement in the soil was similar for each application method. Horizontal variability following dribble-bar application was measured for chlortoluron and was very large across short distances but weed control was as uniform as with the other application methods. In a further experiment, the phytotoxicity of chlortoluron applied by each of the three methods was less in a seed bed prepared by minimum tillage following straw burning than in a ploughed and cultivated seed bed. Activity following minimum tillage and straw baling was intermediate. This difference in phytotoxicity probably resulted from greater adsorption in the surface layers of the minimal cultivation treatments.  相似文献   

In a collaborative study by 12 laboratories the reproducibility of bioassay techniques was analysed by comparison and statistical treatment of the ED50-values (μg herbicide/g soil). Commonlyused bioassay techniques were investigated; two direct seeding methods, a transplanting method and a shoot extension method. The herbicides studied were two photosynthesis inhibitors, atrazine and metribuzin using Lepidium sativum and Brassica rapa as test plants; two germination inhibitors, tri-allate and trifluralin using Avena sativa as test plant. The mean ED50-value of atrazine in the direct seeding method was 0.18 with a variation from 0.12 to 0.29 and 0.12 (0.07–0.68) in the transplanting method. The values of metribuzin were 0.05 (0.02–0.11) and 0.03 (0.01–0.15) respectively. The values for triallate were 1.15 (0.50–2.60) in the direct seeding method and 1.10 (0.54–2.53) in the shoot extension method and for trifluralin 3.11 (0.72–18.31) and 1.33 (0.48–2.94) respectively. The reproducibility was best in the shoot extension method. No outliers (confidence intervals lying entirely outside the confidence interval of the overall mean) in the ED50-values were observed with atrazine and metribuzin when using the direct seeding method, whereas with the germination inhibitors a high number of results (four with tri-allate, six with trifluralin) could be considered as outliers. A comparison of the use of fresh weight and dry matter showed good agreement between the ED50-values they gave, with similar reproducibility.  相似文献   

Chlortoluron, propyzamide, terbutryne and nitrofen were applied to the soil in pots with a rotary atomizer at 301 ha?1, with a conventional hydraulic nozzle at 400 1 ha?1 at several doses, or as discrete 2-μl drops applied with a microsyringe at 2-cm spacings. The test plants were Alopecurus myosuroides, Stellaria media, Chenopodium album, Avena fatua, perennial ryegrass and radish. Chlortoluron, propyzamide and terbutryne had the same activities following the rotary atomizer or conventional spray application but the rotary atomizer application of nitrofen was less effective against A. fatua than the conventional spray treatment. Chlortoluron, propyzamide and terbutryne showed appreciable activity applied as drops 2 cm apart at rates equivalent to 2 kg ai ha?1, on plants growing equidistant from the drops, but nitrofen showed no activity under these circumstances. The activity of chlortoluron was investigated at different soil moisture contents; it was more active when applied to moist soil than to dry soil which was not wetted for at least 10 h. Application method did not affect this response  相似文献   

Chlorpropham, propyzamide and trifluralin were assessed in several trials, to test their potential for the control of groundkeeper potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). Chlorpropham was insufficiently active, but trifluralin and propyzamide at doses of 4 kg a.i./ha, or more, reduced and delayed the emergence of potato plants in the summer, after autumn/winter or spring applications. The highest dose (12 kg a.i./ha) prevented many tubers producing plants. Greatest activity was attained when the herbicides completely surrounded the tubers when active growth started in the spring. However, both residue and crop tolerance data indicated that the doses of trifluralin and propyzamide required to control the potatoes were so high that appreciable residues remained in the following summer. These damaged vegetable crops drilled in April and May, and affected cereals planted 12 months after application. Thus there is insufficient margin of selectivity between the doses required to control the potatoes and those tolerated by subsequent crops.  相似文献   

The effect of herbicide placemem in the soil on control of Cyperus rotundus L. was studied in the greenhouse with EPTC, alaehlor, norfiurazon, perlluidone, napropamide, trifluralin, and naptalam, EPTC was the mosl active herbicide, increasing the number of sprouts per tuber but inhibitmg bud development at an early stage of growth. The effect was greatest when EPTC was incorporated with the soil around the tubers. The effects of alaehlor were similar, but higher doses were required. Another active herbicide, norfiurazon, was taken up by the roots but its effect was to produce small, chlorotic leaves, Perfluidone was mosl effective when incorporated into the soil around the tubers or when placed in a layer 1 cm above them. Very little effect of napropamide trifluralin and naptalam was observed. In studies of growth and deveiopmenl with different planting depths, C. rotumtus produced basal bulbs, roots and most of its early reproductive parts in a layer of soil 1–3 cm from the surface, irrespective of the depth at which the tubers were planted. Shoots etncrged from 35 im deep but not from 50 cm.  相似文献   

Examples from the literature and from the authors’own laboratory demonstrate that herbicides can exert adverse effects on the soil micro-flora, depending on concentration, though often at higher rates than the herbicidal dose. Examples refer to changes in microbial growth (asulam, linuron, paraquat) and equilibrium (metoxuron), respiration and nitrification in samples from field experiments (linuron, simazine) and laboratory experiments (bentazone, glyphosate, barban, etc.), enzyme activities (urease, phosphatase; barban, chlorpropham, linuron) and the decay of sprayed vegetation (glyphosate, paraquat).  相似文献   

Leakage of electrolytes from leaf discs of treated Phaseolus Vulgaris L. plants was the main criterion used to study the effect of several chemicals on the permeability of leaf-cell membranes. Paraquat, diquat, dinoseb and oxyfluorfen (2-chloro-1-(3-ethoxy-4-nitrophenoxy)-4-(Trifluoromethyl) benzene) increased leaf-cell membrane permeability after exposure for 12 h or less. An‘aromatic’oil caused a large increase in permeability at 2–5 min after treatment. Increases in electrolyte release were also correlated with release of soluble amino acids from the leaf discs but the former method was the more sensitive. Increase in cell membrane permeability was always associated with injury symptoms such as appearance of necrotic areas in leaves. Chlorpropham, linuron, sodium azide, glyphosate and 2,4-D at 10?3M, as well as 1% X-77 surfactant and a non-phytotoxic isoparaffinic oil did not alter leaf-cell permeability at 12 h after treatment. Light was necessary for paraquat and oxyfluorfen to alter leaf cell permeability. Paraquat and oxyfluorfen caused a greater increase in leaf-cell permeability of a soybean mutant with yellow leaves as compared with the normal green leaves. With oxyfluorfen this difference in permeability was greater than with paraquat, and was associated with the appearance of severe necrotic injury symptoms in the yellow mutant; paraquat caused no injury symptoms.  相似文献   

低压PE滴灌毛管水头损失试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对内径为20 mm,壁厚1.36mm,承压能力为0.2 MPa,60 cm孔距,出水孔径0.6 mm的PE滴灌管进行了低压条件下的水力性能试验和分析,结果表明:在试验的工作水头下,不考虑滴灌管出水孔水流扰动影响条件,测试滴灌管内的水流有层流和紊流两种流态,但主要以层流为主.用传统的水力学经验公式计算水头损失存在较大的误差,与实际情况差0~14.29%.  相似文献   

Mowing musk thistle (Carduus nutans L.) within 2 days of the first terminal heads in a plant population showing anthesis eliminated the production of germinable seed from all mowed stalks. Mowing later than 4 days after anthesis led to significant amounts of germinable seed being produced. Regrowth, which produced viable seed, usually occurred from plants mowed before first terminal heads began anthesis. A single mowing usually did not give satisfactory control due to wide differences in the maturity of plants in a natural population. When the terminal heads had reached late bud or more mature stages, 2,4-D ester [isoocyt] ester of (2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid] at M kg/ha or 2–2 kg/ha did not provide satisfactory control. In general, the most effective herbicide treatments tested at all three stages of maturity were dicamba (3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid) at 056 kg/ha plus 2,4-D amine (dimethyl amine salt) at M kg/ha, 2,4-D ester at 4–4 kg/ha, or dicamba at 0–56 kg/ha. Inconsistent control of musk thistle results from variability within naturally occurring populations. Uneven development of stands as well as variation among plants are suggested as possible causes.  相似文献   

The activity of 12 herbicides was tested against various freshwater algae found in Britain. Three of the most troublesome species, Cladophora glomerata L., Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum Katz., and Vaucheria dichotoma Ag. were all susceptible to methylthio-1,3,5-triazines. Terbutryne and cyanatryn were the most active and both killed C. glomerata and R. hieroglyphicum at 0.05 mg/litre. The concentration of terbutryne had to be increased to 0.1 mg/litre to control V. dichotoma. Asulam and WSCP (2.0 mg/litre), metflurazone and HZ5914 (1.0 mg/litre), copper sulphate (1.0 mg copper ion/litre) and cutrine (2.0 mg copper ion/litre) had no visible effect on the algae. Diquat (1.0 mg cation/litre) did, however, control C. glomerata and R. hieroglyphicum although, in natural conditions, the algae quickly recovered after treatment. Success with diquat (2.0 mg/litre) against V. dichotoma in laboratory experiments was not achieved in a field experiment.  相似文献   

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