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1.两种药物混合使用应注意药物问的相互作用,而且要分别溶化后混合。两种以卜药物合并使用,或一种药物刚使用,效应未消失,接着使用第二:种药物,可能会出现药效增强或减弱、也可能出现毒副作用增强或减轻,因此必须注意药物的相互,乍用,一般不宜混合使用,  相似文献   

Fungal diseases of fish have become increasingly important over the past 20 years. The traditional "fungi" are comprised of members from several different taxonomic kingdoms. Saprolegnia and other typical water molds are the "classic" secondary invaders, infecting more superficial areas of the body and requiring compromise of the exterior of the fish, poor water quality, or general immunosuppression. An increasing number of other environmental fungi are being reported from diseased fish, further testament to the opportunistic nature of many fungi. Common procedures such as air bladder deflation for many marine species collected at depth under nonsterile conditions may result in fungal infections of the swim bladder. Some fungi such as Aphanomyces and Fusarium can cause more invasive or systemic disease, often associated with changes in environmental factors such as temperature and salinity. Other fungi such as I. hoferi can be even more insidious and chronic, mimicking mycobacteriosis to a degree. Fungal diseases, in general, are very difficult to control or treat once they have taken hold. Prevention is, as always, the best medicine. Increased knowledge of basic biology will help guide treatment and control methods. Further research on general predisposing factors, species susceptibilities, immune system effects and other protective mechanisms in fish and more effective chemotherapeutics for external and systemic infections are needed.  相似文献   

病原:目前经初步分类鉴定,可由三类细菌引起:(1)鲁克氏耶尔森氏菌。菌体为短杆状。(2)气单胞菌。(3)河弧菌,菌体短杆状,直或稍弯曲,极端单鞭毛,有动力等。  相似文献   

Bacterial diseases of marine fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principal bacterial diseases found among wild and cultured marine fish are reviewed. The bacterial agents discussed include the Gram-negative pathogens in the Vibrio, Aeromonas, Pasteurella and Edwardsiella genera, Renibacterium salmoninarum and the myxobacteria, streptococci, mycobacteria, nocardias and anaerobic organisms which have been associated with fish diseases. Methods for the isolation and identification of these organisms are described.  相似文献   

一、治疗肠炎病:每100公斤鱼用大蒜头0.5公斤,另加0.3公斤食盐,与饲料拌合后投喂,连喂3~6天。二、治疗出血病:每万尾鱼用大蒜头0.25公斤,喜旱莲子草4公斤(鲜),食盐0.2公斤,与豆饼一起磨碎投喂,每天2次,连续4天。三、治疗竖鳞病:每50公斤水中加入捣烂的大蒜头0.25公斤,给病鱼浸洗数次有较好的治疗效果。四、治疗烂鳃、肠炎病:每50公斤鱼用大蒜、大黄、食盐各500克,拌饵喂鱼,连续6天。五、从大蒜中提取的或用人工合成的大蒜素制成微型胶囊可长期保存,有广谱抗菌作用,不污染水源,不影响出口卫生检验。六、大蒜素粉用于防治烂鳃病、肠炎病、出…  相似文献   

The normal structure and function of the piscine integument reflects the adaptation of the organism to the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the aquatic environment, and the natural history of the organism. Because of the intimate contact of fish with the environment, cutaneous disease is relatively more common in fish than in terrestrial vertebrates and is one of the primary disease conditions presented to the aquatic animal practitioner. However, cutaneous lesions are generally nonspecific and may be indicative of disease that is restricted to the integument or a manifestation of systemic disease. Regardless, a gross and microscopic examination of the integument is simple to perform, but is highly diagnostic and should always be included in the routine diagnostic effort of the aquatic animal practitioner, especially since various ancillary diagnostic procedures are either not practical or lack predictive value in fish. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of normal cutaneous biology prior to consideration of specific cutaneous diseases in fish.  相似文献   

Emerging viral diseases of fish and shrimp   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The rise of aquaculture has been one of the most profound changes in global food production of the past 100 years. Driven by population growth, rising demand for seafood and a levelling of production from capture fisheries, the practice of farming aquatic animals has expanded rapidly to become a major global industry. Aquaculture is now integral to the economies of many countries. It has provided employment and been a major driver of socio-economic development in poor rural and coastal communities, particularly in Asia, and has relieved pressure on the sustainability of the natural harvest from our rivers, lakes and oceans. However, the rapid growth of aquaculture has also been the source of anthropogenic change on a massive scale. Aquatic animals have been displaced from their natural environment, cultured in high density, exposed to environmental stress, provided artificial or unnatural feeds, and a prolific global trade has developed in both live aquatic animals and their products. At the same time, over-exploitation of fisheries and anthropogenic stress on aquatic ecosystems has placed pressure on wild fish populations. Not surprisingly, the consequence has been the emergence and spread of an increasing array of new diseases. This review examines the rise and characteristics of aquaculture, the major viral pathogens of fish and shrimp and their impacts, and the particular characteristics of disease emergence in an aquatic, rather than terrestrial, context. It also considers the potential for future disease emergence in aquatic animals as aquaculture continues to expand and faces the challenges presented by climate change.  相似文献   

Bacteria are ubiquitous in nature. Fish are constantly exposed to bacteria, and usually only succumb to an infection after having been exposed to prolonged periods of stress. Before making a diagnosis of a bacterial disease, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of environmental or parasitic problems. Environmental factors may act as stressors and can predispose a fish to bacterial disease while affecting the fish simultaneously. Clinical signs caused by the various bacterial pathogens are very similar. Therefore, to make a definitive bacterial diagnosis, it is necessary to culture and identify the organisms involved.  相似文献   

A total of 47 fish located in 10 lake and river systems in northern Finland were examined for furunculosis, enteric redmouth diseases (ERM), viral fish diseases and the parasite Gyrodactylus salaris. Furunculosis was found in 2 fish farms in different watercourses, ERM in 8 fish farms in 3 watercourses and viral diseases were not found at all. G. salaris was looked for only in salmon and rainbow trout and was found in both species in 3 farms belonging to 2 watercourses.  相似文献   

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