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A previously unknown requirement for B by garlic (var. Chiang Mai) has been identified at San Pa tong Rice Experiment Station, Chiang Mai Province. Field experiments were conducted following rice cultivation on major soils (Typic Tropaqualfs) in the northern parts of Thailand. Various sources of B fertilizers such as borax, coal fly ash, and fritted trace elements were applied to the soil to compare their effectiveness in alleviating the B deficiency in garlic. The findings indicated that all of the sources used promoted plant productivity from 24 to 40% compared with the untreated plants. The highest yield (6.13 t ha-1) was obtained in a treatment with coal fly ash at 825 g B ha-1. The average size and weight of garlic cloves from this treatment were also the highest. However, in terms of storage, the application of B with other trace elements was found to be preferable.  相似文献   

The raw form of garlic and some of its preparations are widely recognized as antiplatelet agents that may contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Herein, we examined the in-vitro antiaggregatory activity (IVAA) of human blood platelets induced by extracts of garlic samples that were previously heated (in the form of crushed versus uncrushed cloves) using different cooking methods and intensities. The concentrations of allicin and pyruvate, two predictors of antiplatelet strength, were also monitored. Oven-heating at 200 degrees C or immersing in boiling water for 3 min or less did not affect the ability of garlic to inhibit platelet aggregation (as compared to raw garlic), whereas heating for 6 min completely suppressed IVAA in uncrushed, but not in previously crushed, samples. The latter samples had reduced, yet significant, antiplatelet activity. Prolonged incubation (more than 10 min) at these temperatures completely suppressed IVAA. Microwaved garlic had no effect on platelet aggregation. However, increasing the concentration of garlic juice in the aggregation reaction had a positive IVAA dose response in crushed, but not in uncrushed, microwaved samples. The addition of raw garlic juice to microwaved uncrushed garlic restored a full complement of antiplatelet activity that was completely lost without the garlic addition. Garlic-induced IVAA was always associated with allicin and pyruvate levels. Our results suggest that (1) allicin and thiosulfinates are responsible for the IVAA response, (2) crushing garlic before moderate cooking can reduce the loss of activity, and (3) the partial loss of antithrombotic effect in crushed-cooked garlic may be compensated by increasing the amount consumed.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Garlic is a vegetable widely used both in food and as a pharmaceutical raw material in the world due to its contents. Although morphological differences are...  相似文献   

The content of organosulfur compounds was determined in selected garlic cultivars grown at four locations in Andalusia, Spain. The organosulfur compounds studied were three γ-glutamyl peptides, namely, γ-l-glutamyl-S-(2-propenyl)-l-cysteine (GSAC), γ-l-glutamyl-S-(trans-1-propenyl)-l-cysteine (GSPC), and γ-l-glutamyl-S-methyl-l-cysteine (GSMC), and four cysteine sulfoxides (alliin, isoalliin, methiin, and cycloalliin). There was a significant effect of the location, cultivar, and garlic ecotype on individual organosulfur compound contents. Purple-type cultivars showed on average the highest contents of GSMC, GSAC, alliin, and methiin but the lowest isoalliin content. The impact of genotype was relatively high for GSAC, whereas this factor hardly contributed to the total variability in alliin and isoalliin content. Planting date had a significant effect on the content of alliin and isoalliin. Discriminant analysis evidenced the ability of organosulfur compounds to distinguish among garlic bulbs from different locations or ecotypes with 81 or 86% accuracy, respectively.  相似文献   

The maintenance of plant genetic resources in living plant collections (genebanks) causes costs due to employment of staff, usage of buildings, equipment and consumables. Since this is especially challenging in vegetatively propagated material, studies were performed for the case of garlic, which is one of the major vegetatively maintained crops in the genebank of IPK Gatersleben. Data were recorded to compare various scenarios of the main strategies field maintenance and cryopreservation. A spreadsheet tool was developed to be used for cost assessment and for drawing conclusions concerning the most effective way of maintenance. Field culture is cheaper in the short term, whereas after a break-even point cryopreservation becomes the more efficient storage method in the long term. This break-even point depends on the particular scenario, which is determined by various factors such as field and in vitro multiplication rates of various genotypes, presence of bulbils in a part of the genepool, the sample size of the accessions as well as the number of stored accessions in cryopreservation. The comparative discussion is exemplified for a 1-year field rotation versus cryopreservation using either in vitro plantlets or a combination of bulbils and unripe inflorescence bases as organ sources. For the more expensive use of in vitro plants cryopreservation becomes less costly than field culture only after 13 years, whereas this is the case already after 8–9 years when using a combination of bulbils in winter and inflorescence bases in summer.  相似文献   

The most important active compound in garlic is alliin. Sulfur (S) fertilization was shown to significantly increase the alliin concentration in garlic cloves, while high nitrogen (N) levels had an adverse effect. The effect of graded N and S application on the storage life of garlic has been paid little attention so far. A bifactorial field trial with 4 levels of N and S was conducted in a randomized block design. At harvest, 40 bulbs per treatment were stored under terms comparable to the storage conditions in average households (20 °C, dry, and dim) for 83 days. Every 3 weeks, samples were analyzed for their alliin and water content. The alliin concentration in peeled garlic cloves increased during storage from on average 9.2 mg g(-1) dry weight at harvest to 21.4 mg g(-1) dry weight after 83 days of storage. S fertilization increased the alliin concentration by a factor of 2.3 from 11.4 mg g(-1) in the control treatment to 26.6 mg g(-1) dry weight at the highest S level of 45 kg ha(-1) after 83 days of storage. N fertilization decreased by a trend of the alliin content. Fertilizer rates had only a minor influence on water losses from bulbs at short-term storage. After 83 days of storage, water losses were by trend lower at higher S levels, and this relationship proved to be significant when no N was applied. Best quality in terms of high alliin contents was obtained during the entire storage time at an S level of at minimum 30 kg ha(-1) S if no N was applied. The results show that the physiological S demand of 15 kg ha(-1) S for optimum yield is lower than the S requirement of 30 kg ha(-1) S for a longer storage life.  相似文献   

为探明大蒜种瓣机械压变处理对大蒜出苗及生长的影响规律,以东北白皮蒜为研究对象,利用万能物理试验机对大蒜种瓣进行横向施压(大蒜种瓣平放受压)和纵向施压(大蒜种瓣直立受压),以受压变形量与原基本尺寸比值的百分数来表示受压程度,2个方向受压程度为5%~45%,取一组未处理的大蒜种瓣作为对照。将处理后的大蒜种瓣与对照进行播种试验,探索机械压变处理对大蒜出苗天数、出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度的影响,通过回归分析得出植株茎粗与施压程度之间的回归模型,并进行植株高度与施压程度之间的相关性分析。试验结果表明,与未处理的大蒜种瓣相比,横向受压中,受压程度为10%~45%时,机械压变对大蒜种瓣出苗天数、出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度有显著影响(P<0.05),其中受压程度为10%~25%的大蒜种瓣出苗时间短于对照,出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度均大于未处理的大蒜种瓣;在纵向受压中,受压程度为10%~45%时,机械压变对大蒜种瓣出苗天数、出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度有显著影响(P<0.05);其中受压程度为10%~15%时,大蒜种瓣出苗时间均长于对照,出苗率和植株茎粗均大于未处理的大蒜种瓣。相比纵向机械压变处理,横向机械压变处理的大蒜出苗快,相同压缩条件下,大蒜的各项指标更优。植株茎粗与施压程度之间的回归模型拟合较好(R≥0.91),植株高度与施压程度之间的相关性显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

为探明大蒜种瓣机械压变处理对大蒜出苗及生长的影响规律,以东北白皮蒜为研究对象,利用万能物理试验机对大蒜种瓣进行横向施压(大蒜种瓣平放受压)和纵向施压(大蒜种瓣直立受压),以受压变形量与原基本尺寸比值的百分数来表示受压程度,2个方向受压程度为5%~45%,取一组未处理的大蒜种瓣作为对照。将处理后的大蒜种瓣与对照进行播种试验,探索机械压变处理对大蒜出苗天数、出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度的影响,通过回归分析得出植株茎粗与施压程度之间的回归模型,并进行植株高度与施压程度之间的相关性分析。试验结果表明,与未处理的大蒜种瓣相比,横向受压中,受压程度为10%~45%时,机械压变对大蒜种瓣出苗天数、出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度有显著影响(P0.05),其中受压程度为10%~25%的大蒜种瓣出苗时间短于对照,出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度均大于未处理的大蒜种瓣;在纵向受压中,受压程度为10%~45%时,机械压变对大蒜种瓣出苗天数、出苗率、植株茎粗和植株高度有显著影响(P0.05);其中受压程度为10%~15%时,大蒜种瓣出苗时间均长于对照,出苗率和植株茎粗均大于未处理的大蒜种瓣。相比纵向机械压变处理,横向机械压变处理的大蒜出苗快,相同压缩条件下,大蒜的各项指标更优。植株茎粗与施压程度之间的回归模型拟合较好(R≥0.91),植株高度与施压程度之间的相关性显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

The total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of garlics from California, Oregon, Washington, and New York were determined by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy (400-4000 cm(-1)). The total phenolic content was quantified [Folin-Ciocalteu assay (FC)] and three antioxidant activity assays, 2,2-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assay, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), were employed for reference measurements. Four independent partial least-squares regression (PLSR) models were constructed with spectra from 25 extracts and their corresponding FC, DPPH, TEAC, and FRAP with values for 20 additional extracts predicted (R > 0.95). The standard errors of calibration and standard error of cross-validation were <1.45 (TEAC), 0.36 (FRAP), and 0.33 μmol Trolox/g FW (DPPH) and 0.55 mg gallic acid/g FW (FC). Cluster and dendrogram analyses could segregate garlic grown at different locations. Hydroxyl and phenolic functional groups most closely correlated with garlic antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

秋水仙素诱导大蒜四倍体的研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
张素芝  李纪蓉 《核农学报》2006,20(4):303-308
用5种不同浓度的秋水仙素处理大蒜花苞气生鳞茎进行多倍体诱导,发现在固体培养基上接种处理时毒害作用较小,四倍体的诱导率最高能达到66.7%。而液体培养基浸泡处理的毒害作用较大,适宜进行高浓度短时间处理。添加1.5%二甲基亚砜和25℃的温度有利于四倍体大蒜的诱导。细胞水平的证据表明,经过秋水仙素诱导处理得到了大蒜四倍体植株。  相似文献   

为了探索中国大蒜种质个体的SSR位点的分布情况,为品种鉴定、保存及遗传改良提供分子生物学依据,利用6对SSR引物对40个大蒜(Allium sativumL.)品种进行聚类分析、主成分分析及遗传多样性评价。共检测到21个多态性位点,平均每对引物可扩增出约3.5条多态性片段,多态性百分率为56.76%;SSR引物组合平均有效等位基因数、Nei基因多样度和Shannon信息指数分别为1.5551、0.3414和0.5188。聚类分析显示,6对SSR引物可把40份大蒜种质资源从0.59相似系数水平上3个类群。第一类群包含28份种质,在相似系数为0.73的水平上进一步又被分成了3个亚类;第二亚类仅包含2份种质;第三亚类包含10份种质,在0.68的相似系数水平上分成了2个亚类。主成分分析和UPGMA的结果基本一致。不同地理来源的大蒜种质的Shannon-Weaver多样性指数的变幅为0.0576~0.4179,说明大蒜种质遗传多样性丰富。本研究利用SSR分子标记技术较准确地解析大蒜不同材料间的亲缘关系及遗传多样性,为中国大蒜SSR分子标记提供基础资料。  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the dose-dependent influence of commercial garlic on rats fed cholesterol-containing diets. It was found that commercial garlic contains high concentrations of dietary fibers, microelements, and total polyphenols, and its total antioxidant capacity as determined by two independent assays [1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS)] was similar to that of the original garlic samples. Wistar rats (35) were randomly divided into five diet groups, named control, Chol, Garlic500, Garlic750, and Garlic1000. Control rats were fed basal diet (BD), which included wheat starch, casein, soybean oil, and vitamin and mineral mixtures. To the BD of the Chol group was added 1% of cholesterol. To the BD of the other three groups (Garlic500, Garlic750, and Garlic1000) were added 1% of cholesterol and commercial garlic equal to 500, 750, and 1000 mg of raw garlic per kilogram of animal weight. After 4 weeks of the experiment only in rats from the Garlic500 group were a significant hindering in the rise in plasma lipids and also a significant hindering in a decrease of plasma antioxidant activity registered. A significant decrease in plasma circulating fibrinogen and an increase in the clotting time were found in the same group of rats (P < 0.05 in both cases). The fibrinogenolytic effect of garlic diets was visualized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In the fibrinogen fraction of Garlic500 the 66, 24, and 14 kDa protein bands were detected with weaker protein intensity than in the corresponding ones in the Garlic750 and Garlic1000 diet groups. In conclusion, the positive influences of commercial garlic on plasma lipids, proteins, antioxidant activity, and some indices of blood coagulation are dose-dependent. Therefore, commercial garlic (Elena, Zelazków, Poland) could be a valuable component of atherosclerosis-preventing diets only in optimal doses.  相似文献   

Two garlic subspecies (n = 11), Allium sativum L. var. opioscorodon (hardneck) and Allium sativum L. var. sativum (softneck), were evaluated for their free amino acid composition. The free amino acid content of garlic samples analyzed ranged from 1121.7 to 3106.1 mg/100 g of fresh weight (mean = 2130.7 +/- 681.5 mg/100 g). Hardneck garlic had greater methiin, alliin, and total free amino acids contents compared to softneck garlic. The major free amino acid present in all but one subspecies was glutamine (cv. Mother of Pearl had aspartic acid as the major free amino acid). Cv. Music Pink garlic (a rocambole hardneck variety) contained the most methiin, alliin, and total free amino acids. The solid-phase extraction, alkylchloroformate derivatization, GC-FID, and GC-MS methods used in this study were simple and rapid, allowing 18 free amino acids in garlic to be separated within 10 min.  相似文献   

A total of 179 garlic (Allium sativum L.) accessions were collected from various parts of Nepal in 2000. Each accession was planted in each of a plot of 2.25 m2 at the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS) Horticulture farm (225 m asl) and at the Agriculture Research Station, Dailekh (1400 m asl) of Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) in the first week of November 2000. All accessions were characterized for leaf erectness, leaf color, leaf wax, leaf cross section, bulb regularity, bulb skin color, bulb outer scales number, days to emergence, bulbing period, number of green leaves at 135 days after planting, days to maturity, plant height, bulb weight, bulb diameter, number of cloves per bulb, clove diameter and bulb yield. Data were analyzed by using principal component and cluster analysis procedures to reveal three major clusters. Four principal components were identified explaining more than 86% of total variation. Major characters included in the principal components were bulb weight, diameter, yield, number of cloves per bulb, maturity, plant height, number of green leaves at 135 days after planting, and bulbing period. The level of variation found in the collection showed the great potentiality of improving agronomic characters in garlic.  相似文献   

Five compounds oxidizing canine erythrocytes were isolated from an aqueous ethanol garlic extract by silica gel column chromatography and preparative thin-layer chromatography. On the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry, they were identified as three known compounds: bis-2-propenyl trisulfide (1), bis-2-propenyl tetrasulfide (2), and bis-2-propenyl pentasulfide (3) as well as two novel compounds, bis-2-propenyl thiosulfonate (4) and trans-sulfuric acid allyl ester 3-allylsulfanyl-allyl ester (5). A mixture of compounds 1-3 and compounds 4 and 5 induced methemoglobin formation in canine erythrocyte suspension in vitro resulting in the oxidation of canine erythrocytes. These groups of characteristic organosulfur compounds contained in garlic probably contribute to oxidations in blood. The constituents of garlic have the potential to oxidize erythrocytes and hemoglobin, suggesting that foods containing quantities of garlic should be avoided for feeding dogs.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome (multicatalytic protease complex, MPC) was purified from fresh garlic cloves (Allium sativum) to near homogeneity by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-sephacel, gel filtration on Sepharose-4B, and glycerol density gradient centrifugation. Two alpha-type (20S proteasome "catalytic core") subunits were identified by the direct sequencing of peptide fragments (mass fingerprint analysis, Mass Spectrometry Lab, Stanford University) or the sequencing of a cloned cDNA generated using a garlic cDNA library as the template; these subunits were found to have a high homology to those from other plants. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions separated the garlic MPC into multiple polypeptides having molecular masses in the range of 21-35 (components of the 20S catalytic core) and 55-100 kDa (components of the 19S regulatory units). The banding pattern of the garlic MCP is similar to that of spinach and rat liver with minor differences in some components; however, polyclonal antibodies against mammalian proteasomes failed to significantly stain the enzyme from garlic. This is the first work to identify the garlic proteasome.  相似文献   

Immersion of intact aged garlic (Allium sativum) cloves in a series of 5% weak organic monocarboxylate solutions (pH 2.0) resulted in green color formation. No color was formed upon treatment with other weak organic acids, such as citric and malic acids, and the inorganic hydrochloric acid under the same conditions. To understand the significance of monocarboxylic acids and their differing function from that of other acids, acetic acid was compared with organic acids citric and malic and the inorganic hydrochloric acid. The effects of these acids on the permeability of plasma and intracellular membrane of garlic cells were measured by conductivity, light microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Except for hydrochloric acid, treatment of garlic with all three organic acids greatly increased the relative conductivity of their respective pickling solutions, indicating that all tested organic acids increased the permeability of plasma membrane. Moreover, a pickling solution containing acetic acid exhibited 1.5-fold higher relative conductivity (approximately 90%) as compared to those (approximately 60%) of both citric and malic acids, implying that exposure of garlic cloves to acetic acid not only changed the permeability of the plasma membrane but also increased the permeability of intracellular membrane. Exposure of garlic to acetic acid led to the production of precipitate along the tonoplast, but no precipitate was formed by citric and malic acids. This indicates that the structure of the tonoplast was damaged by this treatment. Further support for this conclusion comes from results showing that the concentration of thiosulfinates [which are produced only by catalytic conversion of S-alk(en)yl-l-cysteine sulfoxides in cytosol by alliinase located in the vacuole] in the acetic acid pickling solution is 1.3 mg/mL, but almost no thiosulfinates were detected in the pickling solution of citric and malic acids. Thus, all present results suggest that damage of tonoplast by treatment with monocarboxylates such as acetic acid may be the main reason for the greening of garlic.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was a comparative examination of the fructan and fructooligosaccharide (FOS) content of different varieties of onions (Allium cepa L. cv. Sturon, Hysam, Durco, Grano de Oro, and Caribo) and the changes produced during their commercial storage. In fresh onions, the Grano de Oro variety presented a remarkably different behavior, showing low contents of total fructans and FOS and high levels of reducing sugars. In the other varieties, Sturon, Hysam, Durco, and Caribo, fructans were the main carbohydrates, the lowest polymerized FOS being the major oligomer. Storage period caused in these varieties important increased levels of free fructose attributed to fructan hydrolysis. Maleic hydrazide treatment had no significant effect in avoiding the hydrolysis of fructans during storage conditions for the Sturon variety. Varieties with >16% dry matter or 15% soluble solids contents could be stored for 6 months at 0 degrees C and 60-65% relative humidity.  相似文献   

Leaves of young chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) plants were sprayed with selenate (1 mg SeVI/L) to establish the distribution of added selenium (Se) in the heads. Its concentration was analyzed in the outer, intermediate, and innermost leaves of chicory heads. The concentration of Se was about double (43-46 ng Se g-1 DM) that in the control (21-24 ng Se g-1 DM), indicating that the applied Se was transported from the sprayed leaves to the heads. In cv. Monivip, Se concentration was even throughout the head, but in cv. Anivip, the innermost leaves had a lower concentration of Se. No visual symptoms of Se toxicity appeared on the plants, and the quantum yield of photosystem II showed no indication that Se spraying could be harmful for energy conversion. Se increased the respiratory potential in young plants but not in plants at harvest time.  相似文献   

A method for determining the country of origin of garlic by comparing the trace metal profile of the sample to an authentic garlic database is presented. Protocols for sample preparation, high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and multivariate statistics are provided. The criteria used for making a country of origin prediction are also presented. Indications are that the method presented here may be used to determine the geographic origin of other agricultural products.  相似文献   

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