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1营养特点玉米胚中蛋白质含量高、品质好,而胚乳中不仅蛋白质含量少,而且品质差。普通玉米蛋白质总量中醇溶性蛋白多,占50%~60%,谷蛋白含量少。醇溶性蛋白缺乏人和单胃动物营养所必需的氨基酸,特别是赖氨酸和色氨酸,而谷蛋白则含有较丰富的赖氨酸和色氨酸。  相似文献   

玉米是重要的能量饲料,普通马齿玉米(以下简称普通玉米)的蛋白质品质较差,氨基酸尤其是赖氨酸、色氨酸缺乏,影响畜禽生产性能。Mertz(1963)发现,Opaque—2(O2)基因能改变这种缺陷,使胚乳中的赖氨酸和色氨酸含量成倍提高,通过基因工程培育成了高赖氨酸玉米。但那时培育的高赖氨酸玉米是软质胚乳,其产量和抗病虫能力也不及普通玉米,给生产和加  相似文献   

自从英国化学家沃拉斯顿(Wollaston)1810年从膀胱结石中首次发现胱氨酸和1820年法国化学家希拉扎诺(Bradonnot)用酸水解明胶和动物肌肉组织分别得到甘氨酸和亮氨酸之后,人类对氨基酸进行了大量研究。40年来,氨基酸科学发展迅速,不仅对氨基酸组成、结构、性质、营养作用以及在动物体内代谢进行了深入研究,而且人工合成了20多种氨基酸,并在食品、医药、饲料行业大量应用。  相似文献   

玉米是一种高产作物,它不仅是我国的重要食粮,也是发展养殖业的良好饲料。但是,用玉米作家畜饲料中能量的主要来源,蛋白质的含量和品质都较低,而且维生素含量也较低。牛和其他反刍动物,能够较好地利用低质蛋白的玉米,而猪、鸡和其他单胃动物则需要含优质蛋白的品种。高赖氨酸玉米的利用,可以提高玉米的饲料质量。高赖氨  相似文献   

六十年代,美国、墨西哥、哥伦比亚等国在选育高赖氨等玉米同时,对玉米籽粒进行营养成分分析、并对畜禽以饲养试验进行了大量的营养价值评定工作。七十年代,我国引进含高赖氨酸基因的奥帕克-2(以下简称O_2)玉米,培育出一批含赖氮酸高的自交系和杂交种玉米,也进行了喂猪试验,效果很好。证明了高赖氨酸玉米是猪的优良廉价饲料。一、国外对高赖氨酸玉米喂猪效果的评价1.高赖氨酸玉米在猪饲粮中的价值哥伦比亚Gallo等(1969)用50—90千克的猪试  相似文献   

<正>随着畜牧业的发展,我国豆粕、鱼粉等常规蛋白原料越来越显得紧张,价格也不断攀升。为了解决饲料蛋白缺乏,降低饲料成本,开发一种新的蛋白饲料原料迫在眉睫。而用粮食为原料生产酒精所排放的糟渣(distillers dried grains with solubles,DDGS)是一种数量相当可观的蛋白质饲料原料。通常DDGS主要是作为一种蛋白饲料原料应用于反刍动物的日粮中,  相似文献   

在玉米为主的猪饲料中添加赖氨酸的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我省农区大多数规模养殖户和中小型饲料厂生产的猪饲料,玉米的比例在50%左右,麸皮30%~40%,菜籽饼8%~10%,一般不另外添加赖氨酸。上述三种饲料原料中的赖氨酸含量分别为:玉米为0.24%,小麦麸为0.58%,菜籽饼为1.28%,赖氨酸是猪饲料中的第一限制氨基酸,在玉米为主的猪饲料中补充适量的赖氨酸,才能改善其生产性能。  相似文献   

加快开发和应用高赖氨酸玉米陈举林(山东省泰安市农科所)玉米是重要的粮问兼用型高产作物。高赖氨酸玉米全籽粒赖氨酸和色氨酸含量比普通玉米高1倍。我国是一个畜牧业极待发展,人民生活水平极待提高的国家。因此,无论从发展畜牧业为畜禽提供优质饲料,还是从发展食品...  相似文献   

小麦替代玉米在猪饲料中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来随着玉米价格的持续走高,许多饲料企业都在使用小麦来替代玉米在猪日粮中的应用,在总结前人研究的基础上,结合生产实际,探讨小麦的使用方法及小麦替代玉米后的注意事项,为饲料企业猪饲料中使用小麦提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Digestible lysine requirement of starter and grower pigs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three experiments were conducted to determine the digestible lysine requirement of starter (6 kg BW initially) and of grower (21 kg BW initially) pigs. Experiment 1 used 294 starter pigs and lasted 28 d; Exp. 2 used 182 grower pigs and lasted 35 d. Protein and total lysine contents of the basal corn-peanut meal diets were 20 and .8% for Exp. 1 and 16 and .54% for Exp. 2. Basal diets were fortified with five incremental additions of lysine.HCl to provide lysine contents ranging from .8 to 1.3% in Exp. 1, and .54 to .94% in Exp. 2. Diets contained crystalline tryptophan, threonine and isoleucine (Exp. 1 only) to provide dietary concentrations equal to 18, 70 and 60% of the highest lysine level fed. Average daily gain and gain/feed of both starter and grower pigs increased (P less than .05) linearly and quadratically as dietary lysine level increased. For starter pigs, ADG and gain/feed were optimized at 1.1 to 1.2% total lysine. For grower pigs, ADG and gain/feed were optimized at .86% total lysine. In Exp. 3, barrows fitted with an ileal T-cannula were used in a 4 X 4 Latin square design. Basal diets and diets with added lysine were evaluated. Apparent lysine digestibility of the basal starter and grower diets and lysine.HCl were 79.9, 74.1 and 96.7%, respectively. Based on these values and the total lysine contents found to optimize performance, the digestible lysine requirements of starter and grower pigs are 1.03 and .71%, respectively.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) balance experiment was carried out to study the individual and group response of growing pigs to lysine (Lys) intake. A series of 15 purified diets limiting in Lys were fed sequentially to nine pigs (initial body weight, 39 kg) during a 15‐day experiment. Lysine concentration ranged from 50% to 140% of its assumed requirement. N retention in individual pigs was related to Lys intake using linear‐plateau (LP) and quadratic‐plateau (QP) models. No difference in the closeness of fit between the models was found (p = 0.72). There were significant differences between the slopes of individual regression lines in the LP model (p = 0.018) and between the individual plateau values in both models (p < 0.0001). The breakpoint values in the QP model were greater than those of the LP model (p = 0.027), while the plateau values estimated by both models were similar (p = 0.32). In the LP model, no relationship was found between the slopes and plateau values (p = 0.67, r = 0.17) or between the slopes and breakpoint values (p = 0.55, r = ?0.23), thus suggesting that pigs with higher protein deposition rate do not utilize lysine more efficiently. However, there was a close positive correlation between breakpoint and plateau values (p = 0.0005, r = 0.92). Based on LP and QP models, the mean daily requirement of Lys for a 47‐kg gilt was estimated to be 20.8 and 24.2 g (0.79 and 0.92 g/MJ metabolizable energy), respectively, with coefficients of variation of approximately 10%. Marginal efficiency of Lys utilization derived from the LP model was 0.67 and was dependent on the range of input data selected. Lysine disappearance was a curvilinear function of Lys intake, indicating that Lys catabolism is not directly related to Lys intake. The closeness of fit of exponential, saturation kinetics or four‐parameter logistic models applied to data set of all pigs was similar to that of LP or QP models.  相似文献   

Self-selection by growing pigs of diets differing in lysine content   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two 42-d experiments were conducted with 60 and 100 Large White growing pigs, initially weighing 17.7 and 18.3 kg, respectively, to determine their ability to select between diets varying in lysine content. Dietary lysine levels ranged from .60 to 1.40%. A common basal diet (17% crude protein, 3.3 Mcal digestible energy/kg) based on corn, soybean meal and peanut meal was used in both experiments. When offered a choice between deficient (.60% lysine) and balanced (.85% lysine) diets, the pigs consumed a higher proportion of the balanced diet. However, they did not discriminate between diets deficient in lysine (.60%) or containing excess lysine (1.16 or 1.40%). There were differences in diet preference over time. Pigs offered the deficient diet (.60%) and balanced diet (.85% lysine) progressively chose a higher proportion of the balanced diet as the trial progressed, but pigs offered a marginally deficient diet (.72% lysine) and a diet with excess lysine (1.21%) consumed a higher proportion of the high lysine diet during the first 3 wk of the experiment, but not during the last 2 wk of the experiment. These differences could be explained by the fact that the preference for a higher lysine diet at a given age depends on its proximity to the optimal level for growth, but also on the range between self-selected lysine concentrations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

With the view to complementing the feedstuff data store and, consequently, to further improving the GDR Feed Evaluation System, some newly bred high-protein and/or high-lysine cereal varieties and strains (spring barley, winter wheat, maize) were studied for their nutrient composition and digestibility. Apart from from WEENDER's feed analysis technique, more recent methods were applied to determine total fat (after HCl treatment), carbohydrates (enzymatic method), lignin and amino acids. The digestibility of the nutrients was determined using growing pigs of different live weight, the test rations being made up of the cereals under and supplementations of limiting amino acids as well as vitamins and minerals. In comparison with the values from currently applied tables, the newly bred strains and varieties proved to have markedly higher contents of crude protein, digestible crude protein, lysine and energetic feed equivalents. Compared to crude fat, the total fat values proved markedly higher in the barley and wheat samples. The readily soluble and easily hydrolizable carbohydrates found with the new analysis procedure suggested, were 100% digestible in all cereal samples used. Lignin proved the constituent most difficult to digest and must be regarded as virtually undigestible in the case of pigs.  相似文献   

乳果糖的作用及在猪生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳果糖具有特异性促进双歧杆菌增殖、降低血内毒素、增强机体免疫等作用。本文就乳果糖的作用及其在猪生产上应用作一综述。  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to study the effect of pelleted and meal-form of a diet supplemented with lysine on passage rate through the digestive tract (DT) and utilization by young pigs. The experiment was carried out on 20 young boars of about 10 kg live weight, divided into 3 groups. The experimental diet composed of feeds of plant origin (barley 80.0%, sesame meal 10.6%, soybean meal 7.0%; total crude protein 15.3%) and supplemented with L-lysine to total level of 0.8% was fed twice daily as: a) a meal mixed with water (group I), b) dry meal (group II), c) pellets (group III). The experiment lasted 51 days including the last 6 days for nitrogen balance. On the first day of the collection period 3% Cr2O3 was included in the first meal to estimate the passage rate of feed. The average body weight at the end of the experiment was similar in group I and II (29.7 and 28.5 kg) but significantly lower as compared to group III (31.7 kg). Differences between the groups in the growth rate were higher during the first than the last period of the experiment. Pelleting reduced feed consumption per kg gain by about 12%. It was calculated that the increase in the live weight in group III could be attributed to the deposit of both protein and fat in the body. Large individual differences were observed in the rate of passage through DT and this probably effected the lack of significant differences between the groups.  相似文献   

疫病复杂而难以防治是当前影响规模化猪场生猪生产发展的大问题。采用常规的饲养管理和药物防治也难以完全奏效。有条件的猪场采用新的技术,如人工授精、全进全出、早期隔离断奶、多点隔离饲养、母猪分胎次饲养、无特定病原猪培育技术等,都能较好地阻断疫病传染链,达到控制、净化疫病,提高猪群健康的目的。  相似文献   

试验选用5头平均体重为60.5kg的杜长大三元杂交猪,研究日粮中赖氨酸与粗蛋白质的比例对肥育猪氮利用效率的影响。日粮中赖氨酸的含量固定为0.8%,按照赖氨酸与粗蛋白质的比例(即4.6%、5.0%、5.6%、6.1%、6.6%)分为5个处理组,采用5×5拉丁方设计。试验结果表明:①赖氨酸与粗蛋白质的比例对粪氮的含量没有影响(P>0.05);②赖氨酸与粗蛋白质的比例对尿氮的含量影响显著(P<0.05);尿氮的含量随氮的摄入量的增加而增加;③氮的沉积和氮的利用效率在赖氨酸与粗蛋白质的比例为5.0%时最大,氮的存留量随日粮粗蛋白质水平的增加而增加(P<0.05),但是赖氨酸与粗蛋白质的比例对干物质和氮的消化率没有影响。  相似文献   

One-hundred-ninety-two weanling pigs from two separate trials, (initial weight 6.0 and 5.6 kg) and 400 growing-finishing pigs (initial weight 17 kg) were fed normal and high lysine corn diets containing four levels of lysine in a 2 X 4 factorial arrangement. Crossbred (Large White X Landrace X Duroc) pigs were used in all experiments. The objectives of the experiments were to (1) compare normal and high lysine corn when fed at different lysine levels, (2) determine the lysine requirements for the three stages of growth and (3) evaluate the effect of protein level on the lysine requirement. All diets were balanced on a lysine basis. The results indicated that both weanling and growing-finishing pig performance and final carcass composition were similar for pigs fed normal or high lysine corn diets balanced on a lysine basis. Weanling pigs from 5 to 14 kg required at least 1.10% lysine. Based on changes in body weight gain and feed efficiency, the lysine requirement of growing pigs (17 to 54 kg) was .70%, and that of finishing pigs (54 to 101 kg) was .50%. However, based on lean tissue growth rate (as reflected by longissimus muscle area and percentage of lean in the carcass) the requirement was at least .75% during the growing stage and .60% during the finishing stage. The reduced protein level (2% lower) of the high lysine corn diets did not reduce the lysine required by pigs compared with those fed normal corn.  相似文献   

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