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CASE HISTORY: Three weanling Thoroughbred fillies were presented during autumn with depression, muscle rigidity and, in one case, colic symptoms and cardiovascular shock.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: All fillies had abnormal physical examinations that included elevated heart rates and respiratory rates coupled with muscle rigidity through the back and rump. Biochemistry revealed markedly elevated creatinine kinase and aspartate aminotransferase which indicated a myopathy.

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT: All three horses were diagnosed with presumptive equine atypical myopathy. The horses received supportive therapy as per the literature available at the time regarding this condition; two responded to supportive therapy and survived, and one was euthanased due to a rapid deterioration in clinical status.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Following post mortem of one case, histology of the trapezius muscle demonstrated an acute, severe myofibre degeneration.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Atypical myopathy and a very similar disorder termed seasonal pasture myopathy in North America are potentially fatal, pasture-related syndromes that have been described in Europe and America but have not been previously described in New Zealand. This report describes three presumptive cases of this unique syndrome in New Zealand for the first time; it outlines the characteristics of the condition; and includes recently published information regarding diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine current practices and attitudes towards vaccination of dogs and cats of veterinarians in New Zealand; the methods used for informing clients on which vaccines to use, and the preferred site for vaccination of cats.

METHODS: A postal questionnaire was sent to all 483 listed veterinary practices in New Zealand during February 2012. Some questions were specific to pet dogs, cats, or working farm dogs. Responses were categorised according to practice type and geographical region of the respondent. Factors associated with respondent recommendation of annual vaccination with modified live viral (MLV) vaccines were examined using logistic regression analysis. Vaccines that were considered to be essential for every animal were defined as core; those that may be recommended for animals whose location or lifestyle placed them at risk, were defined as non-core.

RESULTS: There were 204 useable returns, equivalent to a response rate of 42.2%, distributed across the country. Annual vaccination with MLV vaccines of dogs was recommended by 54/198 (27.3%) respondents, and of cats by 107/181 (59.1%) respondents. Factors associated with the recommendation of annual administration of MLV vaccines to dogs included being a companion animal practice, a desire for policies on vaccination to be left to individual clinics, and having one veterinarian in the practice. Administration of the final vaccination for puppies was recommended at ≥14 weeks old by 55/185 (29.7%) respondents, and for kittens at ≥13 weeks old by 42/183 (23%) respondents. Of respondents that administered MLV vaccines annually, 62/103 (60.2%) believed reducing the frequency of vaccination would reduce income, and 52/103 (50.5%) considered it would have a negative effect on animal health. Advice to enable clients to decide which non-core vaccines were administered was given by 181/199 (91%) respondents. Factors considered when recommending a vaccine included consideration of risk to individual patients (190/203; 93.6%), requirements of boarding kennels/catteries (165/203; 81.3%) and clinic vaccination policy (142/203; 70%). The preferred site for administering MLV vaccines to cats was the dorsal neck or inter-scapular region (137/198; 69.2%). Amongst respondents, 18 wanted disease surveillance information to allow for truly informed decisions to be made about vaccination.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Veterinarians can now compare their own vaccination practices and attitudes with those of veterinarians nationally, and internationally. There is a need for national surveillance information and for continued education of the public and commercial kennel and cattery owners for optimal vaccination strategies to be developed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To survey current anaesthesia practices for dogs and cats in small and mixed animal practices in New Zealand in order to improve anaesthesia education.

METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to 440 small and mixed animal practices, including questions regarding the type of practice, preanaesthetic examination, anaesthetic drugs and management, anaesthetic machines, monitoring and topics of interest for continuing professional development.

RESULTS: Responses were obtained from 113/440 (26%) practices, with 78 (69%) respondents from small and 35 (31%) from mixed animal practices. A preanaesthetic physical examination was carried out by >95% of respondents and premedication was usually given to dogs (112/113; 99%) and cats (95/113; 85%). Acepromazine was the preferred sedative for dogs and cats, with morphine or buprenorphine. Propofol and alfaxalone were the preferred induction agents, and isoflurane was preferred for maintenance in both dogs and cats. A venous catheter was usually placed for anaesthesia in dogs (59/113; 52%), but less so in cats (39/113; 35%). Perioperative fluid was administered at 10?mL/kg/hour by 62/110 (56%) respondents. Intubation was usually used for anaesthesia in dogs (111/112; 99%), and cats (87/112; 78%). Almost 40% of respondents usually administered supplementary oxygen if patients were not intubated. Local analgesia was used by 69/111 (88%) respondents sometimes or always if applicable. Morphine or buprenorphine, and meloxicam were common choices for post-operative analgesia after neuter surgery in dogs and cats. A semiclosed (non-rebreathing) system was used in animals weighing <10?kg, and a Mapleson E or F non-rebreathing circuit was used by 66/109 (61%) practices. Only 15/111 (14%) practices had a ventilator in their practice. A dedicated anaesthetist was usually used by 104/113 (92%) practices, and apnoea alarms, pulse oximeters, thermometers and oesophageal stethoscopes were the main monitoring devices available in practices. Loco-regional block, pain management, and anaesthetic drugs were the main topics of interest for continuing education.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Responses by the veterinarians taking part in this survey indicated that they had a reasonably good standard of anaesthetic practice. A physical examination was carried out preanaesthesia, and premedication including analgesia was routinely administered to most patients. A dedicated anaesthetist usually monitored patients and most respondents reported they had access to basic anaesthetic monitoring equipment. Areas where changes could lead to improved anaesthetic practice were increased use of I/V catheterisation, endotracheal intubation, and supplementary oxygen, and reduced I/V fluid rates.  相似文献   


Aims: To determine the seroprevalence of canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV) in New Zealand dogs, and to explore associations with age, sex, breed, month, and geographical region of sampling and reported presence of clinical signs suggestive of respiratory disease.

Methods: A total of 1,015 canine serum samples were randomly selected from submissions to a diagnostic laboratory between March and December 2014, and were analysed for CRCoV antibodies using a competitive ELISA. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine associations between seroprevalence of CRCoV and breed category, age, sex, sampling month, region, and reported health status of dogs.

Results: Overall, 538/1,015 (53.0%) samples were seropositive for CRCoV, with 492/921 (53.4%) positive dogs in the North Island and 46/94 (49%) in the South Island. Age of dog, sampling month, region, and presence of abnormal respiratory signs were included in the initial logistic regression model. Seroprevalence was higher in dogs aged ≥3 compared with ≤2 years (p?<?0.01). The lowest seroprevalence was observed in July (30/105; 28.5%) and August (32/100; 32%), and the highest in June (74/100; 74%). Seroprevalence in dogs from Auckland was higher than in dogs from the Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Marlborough, and Waikato regions (p?<?0.05). Abnormal respiratory signs (coughing, nasal discharge, or sneezing) were reported for 28/1,015 (2.8%) dogs sampled. Seroprevalence for CRCoV tended to be higher among dogs with respiratory signs (67.9 (95% CI?=?47.6–83.4)%) than dogs with no reported respiratory signs (52.6 (95% CI?=?49.5–55.7)%).

Conclusions: Serological evidence of infection with CRCoV was present in more than half of the dogs tested from throughout New Zealand. Differences in CRCoV seroprevalence between regions and lack of seasonal pattern indicate that factors other than external temperatures may be important in the epidemiology of CRCoV in New Zealand.

Clinical relevance: Our data suggest that CRCoV should be included in investigations of cases of infectious canine tracheobronchitis, particularly if these occur among dogs vaccinated with current vaccines, which do not include CRCoV antigens.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the frequency and type of skin wounds encountered by New Zealand veterinarians in their equine patients, the duration and estimated costs of treatment as well as the expected outcomes for these wounds.

METHODS: An online survey was sent to all veterinarians registered with the New Zealand Equine Veterinary Association. The survey comprised questions on the location and experience of respondents, the number of wound-related cases in relation to the total equine caseload, the type and anatomical location of wounds treated, the frequency, duration and costs of treatments, the outcome of wound treatment and an estimate of the most common causes of death or euthanasia in their equine patients.

RESULTS: The survey response rate was 110/262 (41.9%). The median number of equine cases seen by respondents was 20 (interquartile range (IQR) 6–60) per month; of these, five (IQR 2–10) were wound related. Wounds ranked third after lameness and respiratory disease for the relative frequency with which respondents encountered them. Of 102 respondents 59 (58%) reported that their clients frequently treated wounds incurred by their horse without consulting a veterinarian. Wounds on the distal limb, whether involving only the skin or also deeper structures, were reported by 86/101 (85%) respondents as the most frequently encountered. Wounds in this location also incurred the longest treatment period and were the most prone to develop complications. Finally, wounds ranked second, after colic, as the most common cause of death/euthanasia in the veterinary respondents’ equine patients.

CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained via the survey indicate that skin wounds, particularly on the distal limb, are a common occurrence in horses in New Zealand and, when they involve structures underlying the skin, are costly and time-consuming to manage and may lead to decreased performance, retirement or euthanasia. Consequently, we recommend that more effort be devoted to the education of equine veterinarians and owners, and that appropriate research funds be allocated to help improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

AIM: To survey the attitudes and perceptions of veterinary paraprofessionals in New Zealand to postoperative pain in dogs and cats.

METHODS: In December 2011, veterinary paraprofessionals (VP) from throughout New Zealand were invited to participate in an online survey. Eleven questions, which were divided into five sections, were used to determine demographic information, the respondents’ assessment of pain after commonly performed surgeries in dogs and cats, their opinions on provision of analgesia, who had responsibility for pain monitoring and the use of any formal pain scoring system in the practice.

RESULTS: Data from 165 respondents were able to be used, and 162 (98%) respondents to the survey were female. According to the respondents’ estimates, fracture repair in dogs and repair of diaphragmatic hernias in cats had the highest pain score following surgery. Neutering procedures involving dogs were scored higher than for cats (p<0.01). All respondents agreed that animals benefit from perioperative analgesia. The veterinary nurse was reported to be predominantly responsible for monitoring pain in animals postoperatively by 116/165 (70.3%) respondents. Of 165 respondents, 154 (93%) considered that their knowledge of pain and assessment of pain could be enhanced.

CONCLUSIONS: This survey reflects the attitudes and perceptions of a sample of VP in New Zealand to postoperative pain in dogs and cats. The results indicate that all respondents believe that surgery results in sufficient pain to warrant analgesic therapy. Routine neutering surgeries were considered to be more painful in dogs than in cats. The current survey also provides information to educators on potential areas of focus, given that 93% of respondents felt that their knowledge of pain and assessment of pain could be enhanced.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate public attitudes towards barking dogs in New Zealand in order to quantify the extent to which people perceive barking dogs to be a problem, to compare tolerance of barking with that of other common suburban noises, to assess the level of public understanding about the function of barking, to determine risk factors for intolerance of barking and to assess knowledge of possible strategies for the investigation and management of problem barking.

METHODS: A 12-page questionnaire was sent to 2,000 people throughout New Zealand randomly selected from the electoral roll. Risk factors for being bothered by barking were examined using logistic regression analysis.

RESULTS: A total of 1,750 questionnaires were successfully delivered; of these, 727 (42%) were returned. Among respondents, 356/727 (49.0%) indicated that frequent barking during the day would bother them while 545/727 (75.0%) would be bothered by barking at night. Barking and howling were ranked above other suburban noises as a cause of annoyance. Risk factors for being bothered by daytime barking were not being home during the day, not owning a dog, and considering a dog bite to be a serious health risk. Risk factors for being bothered by night-time barking were not being home during the day, marital status, considering dog bites to pose a serious health risk, and having been frightened by a dog. Overall, 510/699 (73%) respondents understood that barking was a form of communication.

Action likely to be taken by 666 respondents hearing frequent barking included notifying and offering to help the owner (119; 17.8%), complaining to the owner (127; 19.1%) or the authorities (121; 18.2%), or doing nothing (299; 48%). Possible responses by 211 dog owners if they had a barking dog included seeking help from dog trainers (59; 28%) or behaviourists (54; 26%), buying an anti-barking device (33; 15%) or getting rid of the dog (20; 10%).

CONCLUSIONS: Barking was considered to be potentially disturbing by respondents to this survey. Attitudes towards barking were most influenced by age, dog ownership, past experience with dogs and attitude towards dog bites. Public understanding of the possible reasons for barking and appropriate methods of managing the behaviour when it becomes a problem could be improved by better education and the provision of information through veterinary clinics and social media.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the attitudes of veterinary practitioners in New Zealand to pain and analgesia, and their use of analgesic drugs, in dogs and cats.

METHODS: A questionnaire posted to 1,200 practising veterinarians was used to gather information about the use of analgesia in dogs and cats, assessment of pain, attitudes to pain relief, analgesic drugs and procedures used, factors affecting choice of analgesic agent, and veterinary demographics, continuing education and staffing.

RESULTS: Three hundred and twenty questionnaires with useable data were returned, a response rate of 28%. Male and female veterinarians were evenly represented. The analgesic agents most commonly used were morphine (opioids) and carprofen (a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; NSAID). Use of peri-operative pain relief ranged from 50% for castration of cats to 91% for fracture repair in dogs. For most procedures, female veterinarians scored pain at a significantly higher level than their male colleagues. Fifty-eight percent of respondents considered their knowledge in the area of assessment and treatment of pain was adequate.

CONCLUSIONS: This survey was considered representative of veterinarians working in companion animal practice in New Zealand. Results indicated a relatively high use of peri-operative analgesia, including both pre-emptive and multi-modal analge- sia, in cats and dogs, although there was still some disparity between the perception of how painful a procedure was and the consequent use of pain relief.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The establishment of current attitudes and practices indicates to practising veterinarians how their own use of analgesics compares with that of their colleagues. It also provides information to educators on potential areas of focus, given that 42% of respondents felt their knowledge in the area of assessment and treatment of pain was inadequate.  相似文献   

Goniodysgenesis, malformation of the filtration angle, was observed in a New Zealand white rabbit supplied with 100 g/day rabbit chow containing 0.2% cholesterol for 10 months. Histopathology revealed cupping of the optic disc, atrophy of the retina and hyalinization of the ciliary body in the bilateral eyeballs. These findings corresponded with histopathological features caused by glaucoma. On the basis of these findings, we diagnosed this lesion as glaucoma, and classified it as primary glaucoma because of the presence of developmental defects of the filtration angle. In this case, hypercholesterolemia-induced changes, such as aggregation of lipid-laden macrophages and cholesterin clefts in the sclera or choroid, might cause deterioration of the lesions in glaucoma.  相似文献   

To compare the prevalence of intestinal parasites in shelter and hunting dogs in Catalonia, Northeastern Spain, fresh faecal samples from 81 shelter dogs and 88 hunting dogs were collected and analysed by faecal flotation. The overall prevalence of intestinal parasites was 71.6% in each population. In the shelter dog group, 67.9% of dogs were positive for intestinal protozoa and 9.8% were positive for helminths. In the hunting dog group, 20.4% of dogs were positive for intestinal protozoa and 63.6% were positive for helminths. A subset of Giardia-positive samples was evaluated by PCR; Giardia assemblages C or D were detected. These results suggest that comprehensive parasite control measures should be implemented in both shelter and hunting dogs in Catalonia.  相似文献   

The cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, is the recognised vector of Bartonella henselae, B. clarridgeiae and Rickettsia felis. Although these Gram-negative bacteria were only described in the last decade, they are already known to cause a variety of diseases in people, particularly children and the immunosuppressed. Such diseases include cat-scratch disease, bacillary angiomato- sis, endocarditis, bacteraemia, encephalopathy, neuroretinitis, osteomyelitis and peliosis hepatis. Although most infections in cats and dogs appear to be subclinical, recent studies have provided growing evidence that the bartonellas can also cause serious problems in pets, including hepatitis, endocarditis, central nervous system (CNS) signs, lymphadenopathy, uveitis, cataracts and reproductive failure. In 2004, DNA of B. henselae, B. clarridgeiae and R. felis was demonstrated in cat fleas from New Zealand and pets and their owners in the country are thus at risk of infection. While flea control programmes have traditionally been advocated by veterinarians to prevent pruritis and tapeworms in pets, they should now also be recommended to prevent infections with the new flea-borne bacterial pathogens. To raise awareness of the organisms amongst veterinarians and animal health workers, this review describes: the biology of the organisms; clinical and laboratory features of infections in cats, dogs and people; diagnosis; and possible treatments and control of infections with these organisms.  相似文献   

新西兰白兔生长发育规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对初生、7、14、21、28、42、56、70和84日龄等9个阶段日龄组的34只新西兰白兔的体长、体重及主要内脏器官的重量或长度分别进行了测定。结果显示:42日龄之前,仔、幼兔身体各部分随着体重的增加呈现较迅速的增长,至42日龄后生长发育速度减慢;根据非线性方程Y=aX~b计算的异速生长系数b值,主要内脏器官的早熟序列为:胸腺-肾-心脏-肺-胃-肝-小肠-脾-结、直肠-盲肠.  相似文献   

新西兰草地畜牧业特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多立安  赵树兰 《草地学报》2004,12(2):158-161
在对新西兰草地畜牧业实地考察及查阅相关文献的基础上,探讨了新西兰草地畜牧业产业管理模式与经营理念,进而较为客观地分析了新西兰草地畜牧业发展制约因素及其调节方式。新西兰人通过不断努力成功地探索出一种以豆科牧草为主体的、适合本国国情的草地畜牧业发展道路,高效混播人工草地为基础的畜牧业托起今日新西兰。  相似文献   


AIM: To determine whether canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV) and canine influenza virus (CIV) are present in dogs in New Zealand.

METHODS: Serum samples from 251 dogs of varying age, breed and clinical histories were tested for the presence of antibodies to CRCoV and CIV, using indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) analysis. The population sampled represented a wide geographic area but principally encompassed the central and lower North Island of New Zealand.

RESULTS: Seventy-three of the 251 samples (29%) were seropositive for CRCoV. Dogs <2 years old were less likely to be seropositive for CRCoV than older dogs. None was seropositive for CIV.

CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed the presence of antibodies to CRCoV in dogs in New Zealand. Young dogs are less likely to be seropositive than older dogs, probably due to increased opportunity for exposure to CRCoV over time. Serum antibodies to CIV were not detected in any of the dogs sampled, suggesting that this virus is unlikely to be present in dogs in New Zealand.

CLINICAL RELEVENCE: Canine respiratory coronavirus is present in New Zealand. Although the role of this virus in canine infectious tracheobronchitis has not been fully elucidated, evidence suggests that it may have a causal role in this disease. Veterinarians should consider CRCoV as a differential diagnosis in cases of respiratory disease in dogs in New Zealand. While CIV appears not to be currently present in New Zealand, veterinarians should consider infection with this virus as a differential diagnosis in dogs presenting with respiratory signs.  相似文献   


AIM: To describe the patterns of use of antimicrobial drugs by veterinary surgeons treating commonly presented bacterial infections in companion animals in New Zealand.

METHODS: A postal survey of 800 randomly selected companion animal veterinarians practicing in New Zealand was conducted between August and December 2008. Data were collected regarding the antimicrobials prescribed for recent cases of skin, ear and urinary tract infections; the use of culture and susceptibility testing; and veterinarian characteristics such as proportion of time spent treating companion animals and recent attendance at continuing professional development (CPD) events. Potential associations within the data were explored using extended mosaic plots and multivariable regression models.

RESULTS:Completed surveys from 393 respondents were available for analysis, providing data on systemic antimicrobial drug use for 1,799 cases of presumptive bacterial infections. The most frequently prescribed drugs were amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (864 cases, 48%), cephalexin (558, 31%), and fluoroquinolones (198, 11%). Of 359 cases of canine superficial pyoderma, 157 (44%) were treated with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and 155 (43%) were treated with cephalexin with median reported treatment durations of 7 and 10 days, for these two drugs respectively. Culture and susceptibility tests had been used in 376 of 1,984 (19%) of all reported cases and 160 (43%) of these were suspected urinary tract infections. Practitioners that spent 100% of their time treating companion animals and who had attended a CPD course related to companion animals within the 12 months prior to completing the survey were more likely to submit a sample for culture and susceptibility testing and to prescribe longer courses of antimicrobials for the treatment of canine pyoderma than practitioners who spent less than 100% of their time treating companion animals and had not attended a CPD course in the last 12 months.

CONCLUSIONS: Broad-spectrum drugs considered by the World Health Organisation to be critically important for human health, such as fluoroquinolones and amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, are amongst the most frequently prescribed antimicrobials in companion animal medicine, and these drugs are often prescribed without submitting a sample for culture and susceptibility testing.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Many cases of superficial pyoderma were treated for less than the recommended duration of 21 days, which may contribute to a higher rate of recurrent pyoderma and the development of drug resistance within the causal bacteria. Veterinarians should be aware that the use of fluoroquinolones, in particular, should be based upon the results of a culture and susceptibility test.  相似文献   

Fibrotic myopathy of the iliopsoas muscle developed in a dog, following extensive migration of a grass awn within the muscle and adjacent subcutaneous tissue. The dog was initially presented for evaluation of a fluctuant swelling over the right flank region. The clinical and imaging findings were suggestive of iliopsoas fibrotic myopathy and the diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology. This is the third report of iliopsoas fibrotic myopathy in a dog, the first report to describe the postmortem pathologic changes and the first report of iliopsoas fibrotic myopathy subsequent to foreign body migration.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 6-year-old intact male New Zealand Huntaway dog had slowly progressive alopecia that was first observed at 12 weeks of age.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Patchy alopecia was confined to the black-haired areas of the body, and was most evident on the head and dorsum of the body; tan-haired areas of skin appeared normal. Histological examination of black-haired skin revealed distended melanocytes and large aggregates of melanin within, and surrounding, the hair follicles and the epidermis. Macrophages distended with melanin were also visible within the perifollicular and superficial dermis, and follicular lumina were often plugged by keratin that contained aggregates of melanin. The follicles were dysplastic and few hair shafts were visible emerging from follicular infundibula within the sections.

DIAGNOSIS: The clinical and histological findings were consistent with black-hair follicular dysplasia (BHFD).

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first report of BHFD in a dog in New Zealand, and is the first report in a Huntaway. The most significant effect of BHFD is a predisposition to follicular plugging and secondary bacterial skin infections. Due to the hereditary nature of the follicular dysplasias, breeding from affected dogs should be discouraged. Histological examination of the skin is required to differentiate between the different follicular dysplasias as well as differentiating between follicular dysplasia and follicular atrophy due to endocrinopathy.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: An adult New Zealand falcon was presented with metacarpal fractures in the left wing.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: In addition to the fractures, radiographs revealed an area of opacity in the air sacs. A few days after hospitalisation and initiation of treatment of the fractures, the bird developed signs of respiratory disease; the area of opacity was found to have increased in size and density. Treatment with antibiotics and nebulisation was commenced; the bird initially responded but respiratory signs subsequently worsened and the bird died. At necropsy, air sacculitis and bronchopneumonia were associated with numerous nematodes in the air sacs, which were morphologically consistent with Serratospiculum guttatum.

DIAGNOSIS: Serratospiculosis

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The discovery of this parasite and the associated disease for the first time in New Zealand indicates that it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of respiratory disease in falcons and possibly other raptors in New Zealand.  相似文献   

选用代表循环、呼吸、消化、免疫等生理系统的内脏器官,以各内脏器官与胴体重的比率作为代表指标,对它们与屠宰率进行了通径分析。结果表明,心重率和脾重率是影响屠宰率的主要内脏器官性状,其他各器官主要是通过心脏来对屠宰率产生影响的。  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo record the success rate of veterinary professionals and students at identifying the pulse in conscious and anaesthetized dogs. To explore the influence of clinical experience, pulse location, anaesthesia and likely confounding variables on the success of pulse palpation.Study designProspective, observational, randomized study.AnimalsA total of 54 client-owned dogs scheduled for general anaesthesia.MethodsFor each dog, three participants (senior anaesthetist, anaesthesia resident/nurse, veterinary student/animal care assistant) attempted pulse palpation at three locations (femoral, radial and dorsal pedal pulse) in conscious and anaesthetized dogs. The time to pulse palpation was measured with a stopwatch for each attempt and data were modelled using a multivariate Cox regression survival analysis (significance p < 0.05).ResultsThe overall success rate of pulse palpation was 77%, with a median time of 10.91 seconds (interquartile range 9.09 seconds). Success rate was lower in conscious dogs (67%) than in anaesthetized dogs (87%). There was a 77% lower likelihood of success at the radial than at the femoral pulse [hazard ratio (HR) 0.23, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.38–0.69, p < 0.001]. Veterinary students/animal care assistants had a 71% lower likelihood of success than senior anaesthetists (HR 0.29, 95% CI 0.22–0.39, p < 0.001). Age, weight and American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status had no significant influence. Premedication/anaesthetic drugs, heart rate or mean arterial pressure had no significant influence on the time to pulse palpation in anaesthetized dogs. The median time to palpation was less than 10 seconds for all experience groups at the femoral location.ConclusionsPalpation of the femoral location had the greatest likelihood of success with the least amount of time. Monitoring the femoral pulse during induction of anaesthesia is suggested as a method for confirming spontaneous circulation. Pulse palpation improves with clinical experience.  相似文献   

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