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AIMS: To determine the impact of treatment with internal teat sealant (ITS) compared to no treatment at drying-off on the incidence of clinical mastitis (CM) during the dry period and 84 days after calving, and the prevalence of cows with somatic cell counts (SCC) ≥200,000?cells/mL at the first lactation herd test, for cows wintered on forage crops.

METHODS: In four dairy herds in the South Island of New Zealand, cows with no history of CM or individual SCC >100,000?cells/mL during the 2015–16 season were randomly assigned to treatment with ITS in each quarter (ITS group) at drying-off or no treatment (Control group). Cows were otherwise treated similarly, wintered on forage crops and transferred to pasture for calving and lactation. Cows were monitored over the dry period and for 84 days after calving, and any case of CM recorded. Individual SCC were recorded at the first herd test after calving.

RESULTS: Between drying-off and 84 days after calving 36/470 (7.7%) cows in the ITS groups and 73/442 (16.5%) cows in the Control group were diagnosed with CM (RR=0.46; 95% CI=0.26–0.73). The final multivariable logistic regression model included an interaction between treatment group and length of dry period. For a Friesian/Jersey cow, aged 4–8 years, with a dry period of 30–80 days, dried off without ITS, the probability of CM in the study period was 0.12 (95% CI=0.09–0.16), and for such a cow treated with ITS the probability was 0.07 (95% CI=0.05–0.10). For an equivalent cow, with a dry period of 81–140 days, which was untreated, the probability was 0.21 (95% CI=0.14–0.29), and for such a cow treated with ITS it was 0.05 (95% CI=0.02–0.11). At the first herd test after calving 77/383 (20.1%) cows in the Control group and 57/425 (13.4%) cows in the ITS group had SCC ≥200,000?cells/mL (RR=1.51; 95% CI=1.10–2.06).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For these farms, treatment of cows with no history of elevated SCC or CM with ITS at drying-off halved the incidence of CM between drying-off and 84 days after calving, and reduced by 33% the proportion of cows with SCC≥200,000 at the first herd test after calving, compared with untreated cows. Treatment with ITS reduced the risk of CM proportionally more for cows with a dry period of 81–140 days than for cows with a shorter dry period.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the effect of combining an internal teat sealant (ITS) and a long-acting cephalonium-based dry cow therapy (DCT) on the prevalence of cows with a somatic cell count (SCC) >150,000 cells/mL 60–80 days after calving, and the incidence of clinical mastitis diagnosed by farm staff in the first 100 days after calving.

METHODS: Cows from a spring-calving, pasture-based, dairy farm in the South Canterbury region of New Zealand were randomly allocated to receive cephalonium DCT (n=289) or cephalonium and internal teat sealant (n=304) at the end of lactation. Cows were inspected twice daily by farm staff during the dry period and following calving for signs of mastitis. Individual SCC were determined from herd tests conducted in the previous lactation and following calving. Logistic regression models were used to determine relationships with the prevalence of cows with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL after calving, and survival analysis was used to model time to the first case of clinical mastitis following calving at the cow and quarter level.

RESULTS: The OR for a cow with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL after calving, including age and individual SCC in the preceding lactation in the model, was 0.53 (95% CI=0.32–0.89) for cows treated with combination therapy compared to cows receiving cephalonium (p=0.017). At the cow level, including age and preceding SCC in the model, the hazard ratio for diagnosis of clinical mastitis by farm staff in the first 100 days of lactation was 0.60 (95% CI=0.39–0.98) for cows treated with combination therapy compared to cows receiving cephalonium (p=0.04). At the quarter level, the hazard ratio for diagnosis of clinical mastitis, with age included in the model, was 0.41 (95% CI=0.23–0.74) for the combination therapy compared to cephalonium alone (p<0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: The combination of internal teat sealant and cephalonium DCT was more effective than cephalonium alone at reducing clinical mastitis diagnosed by farm staff in the 100 days after calving, and the prevalence of cows with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL 60–80 days after calving.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study adds to the evidence that the prevention of intra mammary infections throughout the dry period and up to calving by using combination therapy is important in reducing the incidence of farmer-diagnosed clinical mastitis and prevalence of cows with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL 60–80 days after calving.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the association between the interval from internal teat sealant (ITS) administration to calving and the incidence of farmer-recorded clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of lactation in pasture-based dairy heifers.

METHODS: Heifers that were administered an ITS by a single veterinary business in the South Island of New Zealand over the winter of 2014 were enrolled in a cross-sectional observational study. ITS was administered to all heifers on each participating farm on a single calendar day. The dates of calving and farmer-diagnosed clinical mastitis were recorded by farm staff. The interval from ITS administration to calving was categorised into four approximately evenly sized groups: <35, 35–48, 49–69 and >69 days. The quartile of the farm’s calving period in which each heifer calved was also investigated as a potential confounding variable. A hierarchical logistic regression model was constructed to determine the association between the interval from ITS administration to calving with the odds of clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of lactation.

RESULTS: Analysis was performed on 7,126 eligible heifers from 31 farms, with ITS administered between 9 May and 11 July 2014. The mean interval from ITS administration to calving was 52.9 (SD 24.4, min 1, max 137) days. Clinical mastitis was diagnosed in 420/7,126 (5.9 (95% CI=5.4–6.5)%) heifers between calving and day 30 of lactation. In the final multivariable model, which included calving period quartile, interval from ITS administration to calving was not associated with the odds of clinical mastitis (p=0.516). Compared to an interval from ITS administration to calving of <35 days, the adjusted OR of clinical mastitis for intervals of 35–48, 49–69 and >69 days were 0.83 (95% CI=0.59–1.17), 0.71 (95% CI=0.45–1.11) and 0.68 (95% CI=0.36–1.29), respectively.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Within the range of intervals from ITS administration to calving observed in this study, there was no association with the odds of clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of lactation in dairy heifers. This study suggests that veterinary clinics may be able to extend their ITS administration service and treat dairy heifers earlier than the current recommendation of approximately 4 weeks before the planned start of calving.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate, under farm conditions, the use of a teat sealant in addition to whole herd dry cow antibiotic therapy on the risk of clinical mastitis in dairy cattle at pasture, and to evaluate the impact of dry period length on that risk and the impact of the teat sealant on that risk.

METHODS: Dairy cows in three herds which used routine whole herd antibiotic therapy were randomly assigned to receive either treatment with an internal teat sealant (n=322) or no additional treatment (n=313) at drying-off between March and May 2010. All clinical mastitis cases during the dry period and to the end of the subsequent lactation were recorded by farm staff; factors affecting risk of clinical mastitis were then analysed using a Cox proportional hazards model.

RESULTS: Median duration of the dry period was 112 days with >25% of cows having a dry period >130 days. The incidence risk of mastitis during lactation for cows treated with teat sealant was 9.9 (95% CI=6.9–13.7) cases per 100 cows compared with 17.9 (95% CI=13.8–22.6) cases per 100 cows for cows treated with antibiotic alone. The addition of a teat sealant to dry cow antibiotic therapy decreased the risk of clinical mastitis only in the first 33 days after calving (Hazard risk 0.24 (95% CI=0.12–0.48)). Length of dry period did not significantly affect the risk of clinical mastitis, or the effect of adding teat sealant to dry cow antibiotic therapy on the risk of clinical mastitis.

CONCLUSIONS: In these herds where, based on the mastitis history, whole herd antibiotic therapy had been recommended, the use of a teat sealant significantly reduced the risk of clinical mastitis. This effect was limited to the first 33 days after calving; subsequently there was no significant effect of treatment. There was no effect of dry period length on risk of clinical mastitis, nor any significant interaction with treatment.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Combination therapy with teat sealant and antibiotic was effective under New Zealand conditions in herds using whole herd antibiotic treatment at drying off. Teat sealant reduced risk of clinical mastitis in cattle with dry periods substantially longer than 100 days, and there was no evidence that this effect changed as dry period length increased.  相似文献   

A longitudinal observational 2 year field study including 178 dairy herds was conducted in Norway. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of iodine post milking teat dipping (PMTD) and an external teat sealant (ETS) in first calvers (heifers) on bacterial isolation from milk culture post-calving. Every heifer was either sampled in connection with a clinical mastitis (CM) event at calving or otherwise approximately 6 days post-calving. Milk culture results were available from 3218 individual heifers and 12,872 quarter milk samples. Separate multivariable logistic regression models were used for each bacterium. Neither use of PMTD nor ETS did decrease the risk of bacterial isolation post-calving. However, if iodine PMTD had been used, there was an increased risk of clinical mastitis (Odd ratio (OR) = 1.6 (0.9–2.7)) and an increased risk of isolation of coagulase negative staphylococci OR = 1.5 (1.0–2.1). If ETS had been used, there was an increased risk of isolation of coliform bacteria (coliform and Escherichia coli) (OR = 2.9 (1.2–7.3)). There was significantly less Streptococcus dysgalactiae during the summer and autumn compared to the winter and spring. There was a significant herd effect for Streptococcus uberis and for coliforms with an OR = 5.1 (2.1–12) and 4.5 (2.7–7.6) respectively.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown significant associations between prepartum energy status and postpartum fertility in dairy cows; therefore, the assessment of energy status by blood metabolites and metabolic hormones and suitable improvement of management during the prepartum period may enhance reproductive performance. Rumen fill score (RFS) is associated with feed intake; however, it is unknown whether RFS is also related to blood parameters. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between RFS and energy status during the prepartum period, and their associations with conception at first artificial insemination (AI) after parturition. In 42 multiparous Holstein cows, RFS assessment and blood sampling were carried out twice a week during 3 weeks of the peripartum period. Ovarian cycles until AI were evaluated by measuring milk progesterone levels. Before calving, positive correlations were observed between RFS and total cholesterol, and RFS did not change in pregnant cows at first AI after parturition, whereas in non‐pregnant cows, RFS decreased gradually as the calving day approached. After calving, non‐pregnant cows showed lower energy status compared with pregnant cows, and some non‐pregnant cows showed anovulation and cessation of estrous cycle. In conclusion, RFS during the close‐up dry period is related to real‐time energy status, and is associated with postpartum energy status and conception at first AI in dairy cows. © 2016 Japanese Society of Animal Science  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the effects of a diet particle size on nutrient digestibility in cows in early lactation. Treatments were diets with forage to concentrate ratio 43:57% in diet dry matter, with four different physically effective fibres (peNDF) content based on different cut length of corn silage and alfalfa haylage. The physical effectiveness factors (pef) and peNDF content of TMRs (total mixed ration) were determined using Penn State Particle Separator (PSPS) with two (pef8.0, peNDF8.0) or three (pef1.18, peNDF1.18) sieves. The reducing of cut length of forages and particle size of diets did not affect on dry matter intake, while decreased peNDF intake by 16.34 and 8.83%, for peNDF8.0 and peNDF1.18 respectively. Apparent total tract digestibility of the nutrients was measured using two indicators: acid insoluble ash (AIA) and acid detergent insoluble lignin (ADL). Decreasing of forages cut length significantly increased apparent total tract digestibility of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) from 48.39% to 53.84% and from 53.9% to 58.66%, of crude protein from 73.96% to 79.24% and from 71.56% to 77.90%, with contemporary decreasing of non‐fibre carbohydrate from 90.89% to 84.81% and from 91.99% to 86.80%, with AIA or ADL as indicator respectively. Dietary value of net energy for lactation (NEL) and energy intake was not affected by the peNDF content of the diet.  相似文献   

随机选取某奶牛场10头患临床酮病乳牛和10头同期健康对照组乳牛,检测了2组乳牛血液10项指标,阐明了酮病对泌乳早期乳牛体内代谢和内分泌的影响。结果显示,酮病乳牛血糖浓度极显著降低(P〈O.01),血浆NEFA和BHBA的浓度明显增高(P〈O.01);酮病乳牛血浆Ins、LP、NPY、E2的浓度和Ins/Gn比值均明显降低(P〈O.05),而血浆Gn浓度未明显升高,P4未明显降低(P〉0.05)。表明,酮病乳牛体内某些激素协调作用紊乱会妨碍酮病乳牛能量负平衡的缓解,并将对产后生殖机能产生不良影响。  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) has been identified as a novel hormonal factor involved in the regulation of metabolic adaptations during energy deprivation. The present study aimed to investigate the expression of the FGF21 gene in the liver of dairy cows during the transition from pregnancy to lactation. Therefore, the relative mRNA abundance of FGF21 in liver biopsy samples of 20 dairy cows in late pregnancy (3 weeks pre‐partum) and early lactation (1, 5, 14 weeks post‐partum) was determined. It was observed that hepatic mRNA abundance of FGF21 at 1 week post‐partum was dramatically increased (110‐fold) compared to 3 weeks pre‐partum (p < 0.001). With progress of lactation, mRNA concentration of FGF21 was declining; nevertheless, mRNA abundance at 5 and 14 weeks post‐partum remained 25‐ and 10‐fold increased compared to 3 weeks pre‐partum (p < 0.001). Using a gene array technique, it was found that many genes involved in fatty acid oxidation, gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis were up‐regulated during early lactation compared to late pregnancy. Moreover, there were positive linear correlations between hepatic mRNA concentration of FGF21 and mRNA concentrations of genes involved in ketogenesis as well as carnitine synthesis and carnitine uptake at various time‐points during lactation, indicating that FGF21 could play a role in ketogenesis and carnitine metabolism in the liver of dairy cows (p < 0.05). In overall, the present study shows that expression of the FGF21 gene is strongly up‐regulated during the transition period. It is assumed that the up‐regulation of FGF21 might play an important role in the adaptation of liver metabolism during early lactation in dairy cows such as in other species.  相似文献   

为了研究发酵玉米秸秆对泌乳期奶牛生产性能的影响,试验选择30头胎次、产奶量相近的健康泌乳期荷斯坦奶牛,随机分为3组,各组精饲料相同,对照组粗饲料为羊草和未处理秸秆,试验1组为低量菌发酵秸秆,试验2组为高量菌发酵秸秆。结果表明:整个试验期(60 d)内,与对照组相比,试验1,2组奶牛干物质采食量及产奶量均显著提高(P〈0.05),经济效益也显著提高(P〈0.05),试验1组经济收入净增127.09元,试验2组净增124.05元。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate whether feeding selenium (Se)-replete cows a Se-yeast supplement in late pregnancy affects nutrient metabolism and inflammatory response during the periparturient period. Twenty cows were randomly assigned to two groups with 10 cows each. Cows in one group received Se-yeast at 0.3 mg Se/kg DM during the last 4 weeks before calving in addition to fed a TMR containing supplemented sodium selenite at 0.3 mg Se/kg DM (Se-yeast), while cows in another group were only fed a TMR containing supplemented sodium selenite at 0.3 mg Se/kg DM (Control). Blood samples were collected and analyzed for nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), glucose, insulin, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, serum amyloid A (SAA), haptoglobin (Hp), and albumin. In control cows, plasma NEFA, IL-1β, IL-6, SAA, and Hp levels increased after calving, but glucose, insulin, and albumin levels decreased after parturition. Se-yeast supplemental cows had lower postpartum concentrations of NEFA, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, SAA, and Hp, and higher postpartum levels of glucose, insulin, and albumin compared with control cows. The results indicate that feeding Se-replete cows a Se-yeast supplement in late pregnancy improves nutrient metabolism and attenuates the inflammatory response after calving.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to determine the effects of differing nutrient levels during the far‐off period on postpartum metabolism and milk production in lactating cows. Twenty‐six multiparous cows were assigned to three dietary treatments in the far‐off period: a low‐energy diet (L, n = 9, 80% intake of the total digestible nutrients requirement), a moderate‐energy diet (M, n = 8, 105%) and a high‐energy diet (H, n = 9, 130%). During the close‐up period, all cows were provided with 105% intake. After parturition, all cows were fed a lactation diet. The BCS recovery was slow, and low milk yield was found in the H group. In the L group, BCS recovery was favorable after parturition, and lactation persistence was increased. The L group had low rumen endotoxin activity and a high initial ovulation rate after parturition. These findings indicate that a high‐energy diet during the far‐off period has a deleterious effect on milk production. In contrast, the restricted diet in the far‐off period increased adaptability with respect to peri‐parturition metabolic changes, improved the post‐parturition nutritional state, and increased milk production. Furthermore, it suggests that the nutrient levels in the far‐off period affect rumen endotoxin activity and reproductive function after parturition.  相似文献   


In dairy cows, overfeeding during the dry period leads to overcondition at calving and to depression of appetite after calving. As a consequence, at calving overconditioned high‐producing dairy cows inevitably go into a more severe negative energy balance (NEB) postpartum than cows that have a normal appetite. During the period of NEB, the energy requirements of the cow are satisfied by lipolysis and proteolysis. Lipolysis results in an increased concentration of non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in the blood. In the liver, these NEFA are predominantly esterified to triacylglycerols (TAG) that are secreted in very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). In early lactation in cows with a severe NEB, the capacity of the liver to maintain the export of the TAG in the form of VLDL in balance with the hepatic TAG production is not always adequate. As a result, the excess amount of TAG accumulates in the liver, leading to fatty infiltration of the liver (hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver). The NEB and/or fatty liver postpartum are frequently associated with postparturient problems. In general, a severe NEB induces changes in biochemical, endocrinological, and metabolic pathways that are responsible for production, maintenance of health, and reproduction of the postparturient dairy cow. These changes include a decrease in blood glucose and insulin concentrations, and an increase in blood NEFA concentrations. High NEFA concentrations caused by intensive lipolysis are accompanied by impairment of the immune system, making the cows more vulnerable to infections. Metabolic diseases such as ketosis, milk fever, and displaced abomasum are related to overcondition at calving. The changes in biochemical, endocrinological, and metabolic pathways are associated with delay of the first visible signs of oestrus, an increase in the interval from calving to first ovulation, a decrease in conception rate, and a prolonged calving interval. It is possible that the increased blood NEFA concentration directly impairs ovarian function.  相似文献   

在研究不同比例全株玉米青贮、谷草和羊草组合日粮饲喂干奶前期奶牛对其围产期生产性能和血液生化及免疫指标的影响。选择健康、体况一致的干奶前期荷斯坦奶牛45头,根据体重、胎次及预产期接近(P>0.05)的原则将奶牛随机分为试验A、B和C组,每组15头。分别以精料、全株玉米青贮、谷草和羊草16∶24∶30∶30(A组)、16∶24∶45∶15(B组)和16∶24∶60∶0(C组)比例配合日粮饲喂。产前2周将3组试验牛转入围产牛群,3个试验组开始饲喂场内同一围产前期和新产牛日粮。试验期88 d。结果表明:1)与C组相比,B组在产后1、2和3周的干物质采食量分别提高10.46%(P<0.05)、7.79%(P<0.05)和5.65%(P<0.05)。除产后1周外,产后2、3周B组的奶牛体况评分分别比C组高6.60%(P<0.05)和9.06%(P<0.05)。2)各试验组的犊牛初生重差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验A、B组初乳免疫球蛋白G(IgG)含量分别比C组提高10.82%(P<0.01)和18.07%(P<0.01)。3)与C组相比,B组产后21 d产奶量提高9.00%(P<0.05),乳非脂固形物率提高2.83%(P<0.05),乳蛋白率提高10.59%(P<0.05),乳糖率提高5.64%(P<0.05)。各试验组间乳脂率和尿素氮无显著差异(P>0.05)。4)分娩当天和产后21 d,B组的血清甘油三酯含量显著低于A和C组(P<0.05),B组的血糖含量显著高于A和C组(P<0.05), B组的血清尿素氮和胰岛素显著低于C组(P<0.05),B组的胰岛素样生长因子I(IGF-I)和总蛋白显著高于C组(P<0.05);在产前7 d和分娩当天,B组的血清免疫球蛋白A(IgA)、免疫球蛋白B(IgM)和IgG显著高于C组(P<0.05);在产后21 d,B组的血清IgM和IgG含量显著高于C组(P<0.05);产前7 d和分娩当天,B组瘦素显著高于C组,而B组的血清非酯化脂肪酸(NEFA)含量显著低于C组(P<0.05);在产前7 d、分娩当天和产后21 d,B组的胆固醇均显著低于C组(P<0.05),B组的血清白蛋白含量显著高于C组,B组谷草转氨酶(AST)和谷丙转氨酶(ALT)也显著低于C组(P<0.05)。各试验组间β-羟丁酸无显著差异(P>0.05)。综合分析,干奶前期饲粮组成和养分水平可影响围产期奶牛的机体代谢和生产性能。在本试验条件下,干奶前期奶牛日粮中精料、全株玉米青贮、谷草和羊草的适宜比例为16∶24∶45∶15。  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of parity number on the dry matter intake (DMI) of cows during the first week after calving. Eighty‐three cows were evaluated from 14 days before to 7 days after calving. DMI and milk yield were measured for 7 days after calving, and the calving score was measured. Blood samples were collected throughout the experiment. The average DMI during the first week after calving was reduced in the first‐lactation heifers and high‐parity number cows. A quadratic relationship between the parity number and the DMI was observed. The first‐lactation heifers had lower prepartum serum total protein (TP) concentration and milk yield, higher prepartum serum nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentration and calving score than the multiparous cows. The recovery rate of serum calcium (Ca) after calving was slow in the cows in the parity 6. The DMI was positively affected by the serum Ca concentration after calving, milk yield, and prepartum serum TP concentration and was negatively affected by the calving score and prepartum serum NEFA concentration. We conclude that the DMI immediately after calving tends to be lower in first‐lactation heifers and high‐parity number cows, but factors that reduce the DMI differ according to parity number.  相似文献   

丙酸钙对泌乳早期奶牛泌乳性能和代谢产物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用32头经产奶牛,根据泌乳期、上个泌乳期305 d产奶量和预产期,采用随机区组设计分为4组,对照组饲喂基础日粮,处理1、2、3组分别在基础日粮基础上添加丙酸钙100、200、300 g/d.结果显示,日粮添加丙酸钙对奶牛的采食量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率、乳糖率和乳干物质率无显著影响,200、300 g/d组产奶量和饲料转化效率显著高于对照组(P<0.05).200、300 g/d组血浆葡萄糖和胰岛素浓度显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而血浆游离脂肪酸和β-羟丁酸浓度显著低于对照组(P<0.05);200、300 g/d组尿酮浓度显著低于对照组和100 g/d组(P<0.05).试验结果表明,丙酸钙适宜添加量为200 g/d.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of fat supplementation during the transition period on pre and postpartum body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), non‐esterified fatty acids (NEFA), glucose and leptin concentrations in Holstein cows. Holstein cows (n = 15) received a low fat diet (LF; 1.61 Mcal net energy for lactation (NEL)/kg of dry matter [DM]), moderate fat diet (MF; 1.68 Mcal NEL/kg DM) or a high fat diet (HF; 1.74 Mcal NEL/kg DM) for 4 weeks prior to calving. All cows were fed similar lactation diets ad libitum (1.74 Mcal NEL/kg DM) for 30 days after calving. Increasing diet energy density during transition period had no effect on prepartum DMI, BCS, BW, glucose and NEFA concentrations (P > 0.05); but leptin concentrations and energy balance (EB) were affected by treatments (P < 0.05). Animals fed HF had less plasma leptin prepartum. After parturition, BW, milk production, milk fat, protein, urea nitrogen and plasma glucose concentrations were affected by prepartum diets (P < 0.05). Fat supplementation prepartum did not affect postpartum NEFA. In conclusion, prepartum fat supplementation decreased leptin concentration prepartum.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of prepartum diets on dry matter intake (DMI) around parturition and on milk production in early lactation during a hot summer. Nine cows due to calve in July or August were assigned to two groups and fed either control (group C; four cows) or high‐concentrate (group H; five cows) diets to meet 110% of their energy requirements from 18 days before the expected calving date to parturition. The proportion of concentrate in the control diet was 35%, and that in the high‐concentrate diet was 45%. For 21 days after parturition, all cows were fed the same diets for lactation ad libitum. The DMI of cows in group H almost met their energy requirements. In group C, the DMI was decreased relative to group H and the concentration of plasma non‐esterified fatty acids was significantly higher (P < 0.05) before parturition. Therefore, the cows in group C were thought to be energy deficient before parturition. After parturition, there were no significant differences in DMI between the two groups. The milk yield of cows in group H tended to be higher than that of cows in group C at 21 days after parturition. Milk protein yield was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in group H 21 days after parturition relative to group C. There were no significant differences in milk composition between the two groups.  相似文献   

丙酸镁对泌乳早期奶牛体况、泌乳性能和代谢参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用36头经产奶牛,根据泌乳期、上一泌乳期305 d产奶量和预产期,采用随机区组设计分为4组,对照组饲喂基础日粮,处理1,2和3组分别在基础日粮基础上添加丙酸镁50,100和150 g/d,研究丙酸镁对泌乳早期奶牛采食量、泌乳性能、血液代谢参数和尿酮浓度的影响。结果表明,添加丙酸镁对奶牛的采食量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率、乳糖率和乳干物质率无显著影响,添加丙酸镁100和150 g/d对产乳量、饲料转化效率、体况及代谢参数有改善,该二处理组产奶量、饲料转化效率、体况评分、能量平衡、血浆葡萄糖和胰岛素浓度均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而血浆游离脂肪酸和β-羟丁酸浓度显著低于对照组(P<0.05),尿酮浓度(除100 g/d组产后7 d测定值与50 g/d组无显著差异外)显著低于对照组和50 g/d组(P<0.05)。根据试验结果,丙酸镁适宜添加量为100 g/d。  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the net energy requirement of Holstein cows in mid‐lactation under heat stress. Twenty‐five multiparous Holstein cows were randomly allocated to five groups corresponding to five isonitrogenous total mixed rations, with net energy for lactation (NEL) content of 6.15 (NE‐6.15), 6.36 (NE‐6.36), 6.64 (NE‐6.64), 6.95 (NE‐6.95), 7.36 (NE‐7.36) MJ/kg of dry matter (DM), respectively. Throughout the experimental period the average temperature humidity index at 07.00, 14.00 and 22.00 hours was 72.1, 88.7, and 77.6, respectively. DM intake decreased significantly with the elevated dietary NEL concentration. Fat corrected milk increased quadratically, and milk fat content and milk energy (MJ/kg) reached the greatest in the NE‐6.95 group with increasing dietary NEL content. Strong correlations were found between dietary NEL content and: (i) DM intake; (ii) NEL intake; (iii) milk energy (El); (iv) El/metabolizable energy intake (MEI); (v) El/NEL intake, as well as between NEL intake and fat corrected milk yield (FCM). The suitable net energy required for dairy cows producing 1 kg FCM ranged from 5.01 to 5.03 MJ, was concluded from the above‐stated regressions. Correlation between heat production (HP) and MEI could be expressed as: Log (HP) = ?0.4304 + 0.2963*MEI (n = 15, R2 = 0.99, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) = 0.18). Fasting HP was 0.3712 MJ/kg0.75 when extrapolating MEI to zero.  相似文献   

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