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Decreased insecticides cuticular penetration, as one of resistant mechanisms in insect, has been extensively documented. Laccases, are enzymes with p-diphenol oxidase activity, was related to the cuticular tanning in insect. In this study, one laccase 2 gene (CpLac2) was cloned from Culex pipiens pallens. The CpLac2 contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 2289 bp and encodes a putative 762 amino acid protein. The deduced protein of CpLac2 was more similar to laccase 2 than other insect laccases, and shared the highest identity with laccases from the same family mosquito, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae. The developmental expression model of CpLac2 in C. pipiens pallens was measured by RT-PCR. The result showed the CpLaC2 was abundantly expressed in egg, the 4th instar larva and pupa, which suggested the role of CpLac2 for egg chorion tanning and cuticular sclerotization. Meanwhile, the expression of CpLac2 in fenvalerate-susceptible and -resistant strains of C. pipiens pallens was measured by real-time PCR. The result revealed the CpLac2 was significant higher expressed in resistant strain than in susceptible strain. The overexpression of CpLac2 in resistant strain suggested that resistance could derive from reinforcement of the cuticle, which decreased the penetration of insecticide in cuticle.  相似文献   

Insecticide-resistance is a major obstacle to controlling insect vectors of microorganisms that cause human diseases. Identification of genes associated with resistance to insecticides has been a valuable tool for understanding mechanisms underlying resistance to commonly used insecticides such as deltamethrin. To identify such genes, we used suppression subtractive hybridization to obtain 809 differentially expressed clones in deltamethrin resistant versus susceptible laboratory strains of Culex pipiens pallens. Using cDNA microarrays and reverse Northern blots, a subset of 16 clones was confirmed to have greater than 3-fold difference in expression levels. Within this subset, we identified 2 clones uniquely expressed in the deltamethrin-resistant strain, eight clones exhibiting higher expression in the resistant strain and six in the susceptible strain. Of these 16 clones, 13 clones have sequence homology to known genes, such as ribosomal RNA, ribosome proteins, trypsin, and chymotrypsin-like proteins. Our data suggests resistance to deltamethrin may be a polygenic phenotype.  相似文献   

细辛醚对家蝇和淡色库蚊的生物活性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了进一步确定细辛醚的作用谱和作用方式,测定了其对家蝇和淡色库蚊的触杀、熏蒸和忌避活性。结果表明:细辛醚对家蝇4 h的触杀LD50值为3.45 μg/头;对家蝇、淡色库蚊4 h的熏蒸LC50值分别为5.77和4.24 μL/L;对两者在LC80剂量下熏蒸处理的击倒中时(KT50)值分别为11.64和4.80 min;在1 mg/mL的浓度下,对家蝇的忌避率为81.82%。中毒家蝇依次表现出兴奋、痉挛、麻痹和死亡等症状。  相似文献   

为探明玉米黑粉菌cyp51基因的表达调控机制,根据玉米黑粉菌cyp51基因cDNA的5'-序列,采用染色体步移技术,获得其5'-上游调控区序列,总长为490bp.利用NNPP分析软件预测转录起始位点,并采用TFSEARCH 1.3软件分析转录因子结合位点.结果显示:转录起始位点位于上游134bp处;上游调控区不仅包含启动子的核心结构序列TATA盒(分别位于-30、-58、-318和-348 bp处)和CAAT盒(分别位于-150、-161和-191 bp处),亦包含多个转录因子结合位点,如AP-4、GATA-1、CdxA、Dfd和Oct-1等;在上游调控序列中嘌呤含量高,而且从-222 bp处开始存在4个连续高嘌呤含量的热激转录因子特异性结合位点(HSE).  相似文献   

为分析灰飞虱mucin基因在水稻条纹病毒(Rice stripe virus, RSV)侵染过程中的作用,采用荧光定量PCR的方法分析了RSV 胁迫条件下灰飞虱mucin基因mRNA表达量的变化。饲喂RSV病叶1天和2天时灰飞虱mucin基因的表达量没有明显变化,而在3天和7天时灰飞虱mucin基因的表达量增加了3.60倍和1.97倍。饲喂健康水稻叶片1、2、3和7天后,灰飞虱mucin基因的表达量分别为饲喂前的1.07、1.12、0.78和0.34倍,而饲喂病叶1、2、3和7天后,mucin基因的表达量分别为饲喂前的1.15、1.19、3.19和1.01倍。结果表明,病毒胁迫使灰飞虱体内mucin基因的表达量增加,暗示mucin基因在RSV与灰飞虱互作过程中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases (P450s) are an important enzymatic system that metabolizes xenobiotics (e.g., pesticides), as well as endogenous compounds (e.g., hormones). P450-mediated metabolism can result in detoxification of insecticides such as pyrethroids, or can be involved in the bioactivation and detoxification of insecticides such as organophosphates. We isolated (from the JPAL strain) a permethrin resistant strain (ISOP450) of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, having 1300-fold permethrin resistance using standard backcrossing procedures. ISOP450 is highly related to the susceptible lab strain (SLAB) and the high resistance to permethrin is due solely to P450-mediated detoxification. This is the first time in mosquitoes that P450 monooxygenase involvement in pyrethroid resistance has been isolated and studied without the confounding effects of kdr. Resistance in ISOP450 is incompletely dominant (D = +0.3), autosomally linked, and monofactorally inherited. It is expressed in the larvae, but not in adults. Cross-resistance to pyrethroids lacking a 3-phenoxybenzyl moiety (tetramethrin, fenfluthrin, bioallethrin, and bifenthrin) ranged from 1.5- to 12-fold. ISOP450 had only limited (6.6- and 11-fold) cross-resistance to 3-phenoxybenzyl pyrethroids with an α-cyano group (cypermethrin and deltamethrin, respectively). Examination of cross-resistance patterns to organophosphate insecticides in ISOP450 showed an 8-fold resistance to fenitrothion, while low, but significant, levels of negative cross-resistance were found for malathion (RR = 0.84), temephos (RR = 0.73), and methyl-parathion (RR = 0.55). The importance and uniqueness of this P450 mechanism in insecticide resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

A nationwide investigation was performed to detect the presence of 1014 mutation(s) in voltage gated sodium channel (kdr) gene of Culex quinquefasciatus from 14 residential areas across 13 states and a federal territory in Malaysia. Molecular genotyping of kdr mutation was performed via a modified three tubes allele-specific-polymerase chain reaction (AS-PCR) and direct sequencing of kdr gene. Based on the results of AS-PCR, homozygous susceptible (SS) genotype was found in nine out of 14 populations with 38 individuals from a total sample size of 140. Heterozygous (RS) genotype was most predominant (99 individuals) and distributed across all study sites. Homozygous resistance (RR) genotype was detected in Perak (one individual) and Selangor (two individuals). The resistance kdr allele frequencies ranged from 0.1 to 0.55, with the highest being detected in Cx. quinquefasciatus population from Selangor. This study has documented the first field-evolved instance of 1014F mutation in Malaysian mosquitoes and the findings of this study could be utilized in the implementation of strategic measures in vector control programs in Malaysia.  相似文献   

为了明确高低温胁迫对三叶草斑潜蝇hsp70表达量的影响,采用RT-PCR和RACE技术获得了1条三叶草斑潜蝇诱导型热激蛋白基因hsp70,命名为Lthsp70-1,并利用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测其在温度胁迫后的表达量.该基因的开放阅读框为1923 bp,编码640个氨基酸.氨基酸序列中含有HSP70家族的签名序列IFDLGGGTFDVSIL和IVLVGGSTRIPK、DnaK特征基序IDLGTT(Y)S(C)V、非细胞器基序RARFEEL,以及C末端的保守序列EEVD.实时荧光定量PCR结果显示:成虫在31~33℃范围内,其hsp70表达量随温度升高而上升,33℃时达到最高峰;35~39℃时,hsp70表达量迅速下降;蛹经0℃胁迫0.5~2.0 h,其hsp70表达量随时间延长呈上升趋势.由此可见,高低温胁迫均能诱导三叶草斑潜蝇hsp70的表达.  相似文献   

为进一步探讨杀虫植物砂地柏Sabina vulgaris Ant.精油中主要杀虫活性成分—松油烯-4-醇(terpinen-4-ol)对卫生害虫的生物活性,测定了该物质对淡色库蚊Culex pipiens Pallens及其Na+,K+-ATP酶活性的影响。结果表明:松油烯-4-醇对淡色库蚊具有较强的熏蒸作用,其LC50值为6.79 mg/L, 在LC80剂量下其击倒中时(KT50)为6.92 min;淡色库蚊Na+,K+-ATP酶活性测定的最佳反应条件为pH值7.42、温度35.5℃、底物浓度0.7 mmol/L;离体和活体情况下,松油烯-4-醇均可显著抑制淡色库蚊Na+,K+-ATP酶的活性,其I50值为32.02 μg/mL。Na+,K+-ATP酶可能是松油烯-4-醇对淡色库蚊的杀虫作用靶标。  相似文献   

研究了香樟叶、香樟果实、天竺桂叶的水蒸气蒸馏精油对致倦库蚊Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus成蚊的熏蒸活性及其混配增效作用。结果表明:用香樟叶、香樟果实和天竺桂叶精油对致倦库蚊熏蒸20 min后,其24 h的LC50值分别为7.47、4.92和5.70μg/cm3;在设定的熏蒸剂量下,3种精油的半数击倒时间(KT50值)分别为16.62、15.91和16.98 min。将香樟叶精油与天竺桂叶精油以体积比1∶9、3∶7和5∶5混配,其共毒系数分别为152.09、158.20和152.86;将香樟果实精油与天竺桂叶精油以体积比1∶9、5∶5和7:3混配,其共毒系数分别为145.73、146.30和139.79。表明3种植物精油均对致倦库蚊成蚊具有显著的熏蒸活性,将其以适当比例混配后具有增效作用。  相似文献   

Deltamethrin (DM) is a pyrethroid insecticide widely used in Brazilian crops and in pest-control programs because of its low environmental persistence and toxicity. It has been shown to exert a wide range of effects on non-targeted organisms including fishes. The aim of this study to evaluate the effects of deltamethrin through the hematological and biochemical parameters using Ancistrus multispinis as animal model. First, blood of A. multispinis was collected by cardiac puncture in order to evaluate the basal values of the total cell counts, hemoglobin and hematocrit rates. A. multispinis showed low number leukocytes, red blood cells and hemoglobin compared to other species. The intoxication with DM (0.1 or 0.3 mg kg−1) induced leukocytosis and increases the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin levels 96 h after the injection when compared to vehicle-injected animals. The injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) also induced a significant leukocytosis and increased the erythrocytes number 4 h after the injection. The combination of the higher dose of DM with LPS showed an additional effect in the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes. The GST and EROD activities were also evaluated in the gills and liver, respectively, 96 h after intoxication with both doses of DM. The GST activity decreased after DM intoxication in both doses while EROD activity was not significantly different. These results suggest that A. multispinis is a valuable model for ecotoxicological studies. Also, DM can affect the metabolizing system (GST) and immunologic system of A. multispinis, a condition that can be worsened in the presence of inflammation or infection.  相似文献   

Broad-spectrum insecticides are still widely being used. Chrysoperla carnea has been shown to develop resistance to the insecticides in the field. Knowledge of the evolution and genetics of resistance to insecticides in natural enemies could enable to explain how effectively natural enemies can be implemented in different IPM systems. To examine this, a population of C. carnea from Multan Pakistan was collected and was subjected to deltamethrin selection in the laboratory. Bioassays at generation G1 gave resistance ratios of 47, 86, 137, 76 and 110 for deltamethrin, alphamethrin lambdacyhalothrin, chlorpyrifos and profenofos respectively compared with susceptible Lab-PK. Bioassays at G4 with a deltamethrin-selected population (Delta-SEL) showed that selection gave resistance ratios of 896 and 30 for deltamethrin compared with the Lab-PK and UNSEL, respectively. Cross-resistance to other insecticides tested was observed in the selected population. A notable feature of the Delta-SEL strain was that resistance to deltamethrin, alphamethrin, lambdacyhalothrin, chlorpyrifos and profenofos did not decline over the course of four generations. Synergism tests with microsomal oxidase (MO) and esterase-specific inhibitors indicated that the deltamethrin resistance was associated with MO and, possibly, esterase activity. Reciprocal crosses between the Delta-SEL and Lab-PK strains indicated that resistance was autosomal and incompletely dominant. A direct test of monogenic inheritance suggested that resistance to deltamethrin was controlled by more than one locus. The broad spectrum of resistance, cross resistance, incompletely dominant mode of inheritance and stability of resistance to insecticides suggest that Delta-SEL population of C. carnea could be compatible with most spray programs.  相似文献   

In an attempt to find the biorational pesticides, we synthesized 12 pyridinyl derivatives of podophyllotoxin (PPT) and 4′-demthylepipodophylltoxin (4′-DMEP) in this study. Their structures and the α/β substitution at C-4 were confirmed by 1H NMR, IR, MS spectral analyses and elemental analysis. The insecticidal activities were tested against fifth-instar larvae of Pieris rapae and the third-instar larvae of Cullex pipiens pallens at concentrations of 250 and 10 μg ml−1. Four derivatives of PPT, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, showed higher insecticidal activities against P. rapae than PPT, while three derivatives of PPT, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6, displayed higher mosquito larvicidal activity than PPT, with LC50 values of 1.66, 3.96 and 1.54 mg l−1, respectively. Interestingly, we also found that the pyridine ring derivatives of PPT showed delayed insecticidal activity, which is different from traditional neurotic insecticides. The results suggest that 4′-OCH3 in the PPT derivatives is essential to keep the insecticidal activity and the insecticidal activities of pyridine ring derivatives of PPT are higher than that of the derivatives of 4′-DMEP, supporting PPT has the potential to be a lead structure of semi-synthetic insecticides.  相似文献   

Cry1Ac和Cry2Ab蛋白对大草蛉生长发育及酶活力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确转Cry1AcCry2Ab基因棉花对大草蛉的影响,运用Bt蛋白与人工饲料混合的方法,以大于转基因棉花叶片中蛋白含量20倍的剂量饲喂大草蛉初孵幼虫,初步研究了Cry1Ac和Cry2Ab对大草蛉生物学参数和消化酶、解毒酶活性的影响。结果表明:取食含Bt蛋白饲料的大草蛉幼虫的发育历期、体重、蛹重、成虫体重、羽化率等生物学参数与对照相比均没有显著差异;在大草蛉幼虫体内可以检测到含量较高的Cry1Ac和Cry2Ab蛋白,分别为974.92~1 282.39 ng/g鲜重和5 592.62~6 082.92 ng/g鲜重,而在大草蛉成虫体内检测到的Cry1Ac和Cry2Ab蛋白含量非常低,分别为0.29~0.39 ng/g鲜重和50.34~56.71 ng/g鲜重;取食含Bt蛋白的饲料对大草蛉幼虫的类胰蛋白酶、类胰凝乳蛋白酶、氨肽酶和谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶活性有一定的影响,但对大草蛉成虫影响与对照差异不显著。表明大草蛉取食含Bt蛋白的人工饲料后,虽然体内可以检测到一定含量的Bt蛋白,但对大草蛉的生长发育并没有显著的直接不利影响。  相似文献   

为筛选与小麦抗白粉病基因Pm2紧密连锁的分子标记,将感病品种Chancellor与Pm2的近等基因系杂交,获得F1、F2分离群体,采用分离群体分组法对Pm2进行了微卫星(microsatellite,又称simple sequence repeats,SSR)标记分析.结果表明,定位于小麦5D染色体上的71对SSR引物中有12对引物能在Pm2的近等基因系、Chancellor间稳定地揭示出多态性差异,7对引物Xcfd189、Xcfd29、Xcfd8、Xcfd102、Xcfd7、Xcfd57和Xgwm190分别能在抗病、感病池间和F2分离群体的抗病、感病单株间稳定地扩增出特异性产物.7对引物所扩增的特异谱带分别为:Xcfd189360、Xcfd29190、Xcfd8160、Xcfd102250、Xcfd7200、Xcfd57245和Xgwm190210,它们与Pm2基因间的遗传距离分别为0、1.5、2.3、5.4、10.2、31.5和54.3 cM,其中标记Xcfd189360与Pm2共分离,标记Xcfd29190、Xcfd8160和Xcfd102250与Pm2紧密连锁,可用于Pm2的标记辅助选择.  相似文献   

利用同源克隆法从小麦抗条锈病基因Yr5近等基因系(Taichung29*6/Yr5)克隆到编码Rop蛋白基因的全长cDNA序列,并将基因命名为TaRop3Triticum aestivum Rop3),聚类分析其所在Rop蛋白家族中的亚组,并利用半定量RT-PCR方法分析其组织表达特异性和不同诱导条件下表达动态。序列分析表明,TaRop3开放阅读框为639 bp,预测编码含213个氨基酸残基Ⅱ型Rop蛋白,C末端具有膜定位基序,与大麦HvRop4和水稻OsRac4聚类在同一亚组。TaRop3基因在小麦幼苗和成株根、茎、叶片和茎节、柱头及花药中均有表达,其中在幼苗及成株茎部表达水平较高。非亲和条锈菌小种CYR17侵染和水杨酸处理诱导TaRop3表达增强,而干旱、高温胁迫以及脱落酸、乙烯利和茉莉酸甲酯处理均降低该基因表达水平。  相似文献   

大豆对灰斑病菌15号小种的抗病基因定位及标记检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确大豆对灰斑病菌15号小种的抗性位点,以大豆抗病品种垦丰16、感病品种绥农10及其杂交F2、F3代群体为试验材料,在接种鉴定的基础上,运用SSR标记技术及分离群体组群分析法(BSA法)对垦丰16抗病基因进行了定位,并应用108份大豆新品系对标记进行了符合性检测。结果表明,垦丰16对15号小种的抗性受1对显性基因控制,抗病基因位于大豆染色体组的J连锁群上,将该基因定名为Rcs15。用Mapmaker/Exp 3.0 b进行连锁分析,获得了5个与抗病基因紧密连锁的SSR标记:Satt 529、Satt 431、Sat_151、Satt 547和Sat_224,标记与抗病基因间的排列顺序和遗传距离为Sat_151-10.7 cM-Satt 529-18.5 cM- Rcs15-6.7 cM-Satt 547-7.8 cM-Sat_224-10.7 cM-Satt 431。标记符合性检测结果显示,Satt 547和Sat_224的检测准确率达到85%以上,可用于分子标记辅助选择育种和抗源筛选。  相似文献   

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