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中国草业教育发展史:1.本科教育   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
中国现代意义上的草业教育是从高等教育开始,由20世纪30年代在大学陆续开设的牧草学、草原学、饲料生产学等单门课程逐步发展、扩大为完整、系统的草业科学专业。70多年来,通过单门课程教学,本、专科专业教学体系初步形成,恢复及完善,本科专业教学体系快速发展和提高4个发展阶段,草业教育由畜牧专业的单门课程发展为独立的二级专业,继由二级专业提升为草业科学一级学科。草业本科教育在内涵提高的同时,其外延也取得了巨大的发展与成就,专业的数量和培养的草业人才大幅度增加,2010年全国共有草业科学本科专业30个,截至2008年底,有专业教师486人,已毕业本专科生14 225名,有在读本科生5 107名,中国成为世界上草业科学专业和学生的数量最多、培养层次最完整、教学指导思想最先进的国家之一,而且,甘肃农业大学的草业科学本科专业是世界上规模最大的本学科本科专业。  相似文献   

中国草业教育发展史:2.研究生教育   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
中国的草业科学研究生教育开始于1951年,较本科专业早7年,也是较早启动研究生教育的学科之一。近60年来,历经了非学位研究生教育(1951~1976年)和学位研究生教育(1978年至今)两个阶段的发展,培养和研究的方向从牧草学和草原学,扩展和覆盖到环境生产、植物生产、动物生产、工贸生产4个生产层的诸多方面;专业的名称也由草原科学改为草业科学。研究生教育在内涵提高的同时,外延也得到了很大的扩展,学科点的数量和培养规模大幅度增加,2010年全国共有草业科学硕士点38个,博士点19个,覆盖全国27个省市自治区;有硕士生导师232人,博士生导师107人。已毕业硕士生1 643名,博士生328名;在读硕士生1 114名,博士生319名。我国已成为世界上同类专业中教学指导思想先进,培养层次完整、学科点和学生数量最多的国家。  相似文献   

草业科学专业是具有世界意义并有70年历史的成熟专业。随着西部大开发战略的实施及草业系统工程思想和草业生态系统理论的发展,绝大多数省(市、自治区)都有了高等草业教育,并建立了草业科学专业本科—硕士—博士3个完整的高等教育层次,草业科学专业的地位也日益重要。而占中国南方天然草地面积十分之一以上、以山地农业和岩溶农业为主的广西,尚未建立草业科学高等教育。为此,在对世界和中国高等草业教育的发展历史和发展趋向以及发展广西高等草业教育的必要性和可行性进行研究的基础上,提出了发展广西高等草业教育的战略及意义,并从广西岩溶山地和草地的面积、农业可持续发展、经济和社会发展、高等教育学科发展等方面进行了具体论证:发展广西高等草业教育符合全国高校设置规定,并具有自身的学科优势和学科发展的专业基础;草业科学有较宽的学科门类,与广西大学现有农类学科相互支持、相互渗透,能够提高学校的综合性;草业科学专业的高级技术人才比较缺乏;专业发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

开展“新农科”教育,培养适应我国现代草牧业发展需求的人才是服务于国家乡村振兴战略的重要举措。草业科学专业作为我国草牧业的重要组成部分,草业人才的培养应与社会发展的实际需求相适应。扬州大学草业科学本科专业人才培养方案的修订以综合性大学为优势,注重多学科融合;以复合型人才培养为核心,完善课程体系;以实践能力提升为重点,改革创新人才培养模式,对专业培养目标、毕业要求、课程体系、实践教学模式等要素进行分析,给出扬州大学草业科学专业的具体做法,并对培养方案修订过程中的难点和不足提出建设性的意见,对南方草业科学本科专业的建设和发展具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   


摘要:随着我国高等教育改革的不断深入以及现代教育思想的不断发展,“宽口径、厚基础、复合型”的人才培养目标已成共识,专业课程设置对人才培养和学生就业具有举足轻重的作用。为进一步探讨草业科学专业本科人才培养体系,本研究以四川农业大学草业科学普通本科专业的课程培养方案为例,分析了草业科学专业人才培养的现状,提出了新世纪草业科学复合型本科人才培养体系的一些思路。  相似文献   

草业科学专业高等职业教育框架刍议   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文论述了草业职业教育的性质和重要性以及我国高等草业职业教育现状,论证了草业科学的3类因子群,3个主要界面和4个生产层的理论是构建草业科学专业的理论基础;提出了草业科学职业教育层次的框架系统及专业设置;以草业高等职业教育为例,尝试拟订其课程框架及其可开设的课程名称;目前我国的草业职业教育在大多数省区尚属空白,为此应尽早、大力弥补和改变这种情况,否则将严重制约我国草业发展。  相似文献   

我国高等草业科学教育发展的道路及其在世界的地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世界上存在着不同特色的高等草业教育和教学指导思想。俄罗斯的草地经营学高等教育始于19世纪末20世纪初,由于认为草地经营是饲料生产的一个组成部分,它的任务是在合理利用和改良天然草地的基础上,生产干草、半干贮草、青贮草、放牧饲料、草粉以及其他饲料,因此,俄罗斯的草地经营学教育至今仍是畜牧学教学的一部分。英国的草地科学史悠久,草地科学教学以土—草—畜系统理论为指导,形成了以草地科学为主要内容的农业教育,没有建立独立的草地科学专业。美国的草原管理学教育始于20世纪初,在利用草原的多种功能,把草原的流域水土保持、野外游憩与放牧饲养家畜结合在一起,全面发挥草原的重要生态价值和经济价值的科学思想指导下,建立了独立和庞大的草原管理学专业教育体系。我国的草业科学教育始于20世纪30年代,50年代建立了独立的草原专业。80年代以来,在草业系统工程思想和草业生态系统理论的指导下,草业教育有了极大的发展。与俄罗斯、英国和美国的草业教学思想相比,我国草业科学的教学指导思想具有更丰富、更系统的科学内涵,也具有更强的产业概括性,为我国的草业教育奠定了科学思想基础,在草业生产的推动下,实现了草业教育的高质量、健康和快速发展。  相似文献   

甘肃农业大学草业科学人才培养体系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃农业大学草业科学专业经过60多年的不断探索和创新,在基本理论创新,教学指导思想确定、教学计划与培养方案制定,课程设置、教学模式建立及推广、教材建设、人才培养体系建立和学研产结合等方面取得了显著成绩,形成了独具中国特色的草业高等教育教学体系,培养了一大批优秀草业科学人才。针对教学存在的问题,提出了今后相应的整改措施。  相似文献   

中国少数民族草业教育在中华民国时期已有萌芽,1939年国立青海初级实用职业学校在青海贵德县成立,主要培养藏族学生,设有垦牧科,开设了牧草课。中华人民共和国建立以后,民族草业教育有了巨大的发展,全国各地的30个高等院校草业科学专业大部分都曾培养过少数民族的学生。根据培养少数民族学生较多的西部7所普通高等学校,北京林业大学(只包含博士研究生)和两所职业技术学院(含中专生)的统计,截止2008年,已培养出了31个少数民族草业科学本专科毕业生2 985名,高职和中职毕业生1 143名;授予了13个少数民族的98名研究生草业科学硕士学位和蒙古、回、朝鲜、哈萨克、达斡尔、仡佬和柯尔克孜7个少数民族的21名研究生草业科学博士学位;此外,还通过短训班培训了2 027名草业专业人员。少数民族草业教育取得这些巨大成绩的主要原因是党和国家关心和重视发展少数民族教育,贯彻执行了党的优惠和特殊的民族教育政策,根据少数民族特点,采取灵活多样的教学制度和教学方法等。  相似文献   

青海大学农牧学院草业科学专业教学改革与实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青海大学农牧学院草业科学系根据目前草业科学专业未设二级学科,考虑到学科的专业发展和招生的要求,在草业科学专业下设草业科学、饲料科学、草坪与花卉、草地生态与资源本科专业方向。根据专业方向培养目标和业务培养要求对教学内容与课程体系、教学方法与实践教学进行了改革与实践。  相似文献   

人才培养是高校的根本使命,新时期不断创新办学理念,探索新型培养模式,对全面实施素质教育,提高教育质量至关重要。根据甘肃农业大学本科生"科研助理"培养模式,结合草业科学专业的特点,分析了"科研助理"培养模式及其宗旨,介绍了几种"科研助理"培养模式的常用方法,阐述了各种方法的优缺点和应用情况,还就其运行机制和实施情况等进行了说明,最后探讨了存在的一些问题及其保障措施。旨在加强本科生"科研助理"培养模式的培养效果,为高校草业科学专业与其他专业人才培养提供参考。  相似文献   

从我国水土保持本科教育中存在的问题出发,对水土保持本科教育创新主体和客体的功能进行了综合分析。在此基础上。深入地探讨了水土保持本科教育创新体系的5个组成部分及各部分的有机联系。分析认为创新性人格培养,素质全面的大学生群体,学术与教学水平并重的教师群体及模块式课程体系建设与参与式教学过程是水土保持本科教育创新的基础和前提条件,而多样化的科技创新活动则是其实现的必要途径和手段。最后对水土保持本科教育创新能力的建设提出了3条对策。  相似文献   

Transition into higher education requires students to adjust to a new environment while showing greater independence in managing their own academic and personal life. This is often more difficult for international students who have to adjust to a different country, culture, and potentially another language. A cohort of first-year veterinary medicine students (17% international students) was investigated at a UK university using qualitative and quantitative questionnaires rating first-year experience and support services and statistical analysis of students' assessment performance. While the overall undergraduate perception was that they had learned a lot and progressed well, students in both groups struggled to cope with the workload. The non-UK educated students and students with English as a foreign language also struggled more with teaching delivery in lectures and participation in self-directed group learning and were more likely to feel that the veterinary degree program was too difficult. There was no statistical difference in how British and international students perceived the support system, although it was noticeable that the level of tutorial support was perceived as tutor-dependent. The international students particularly struggled with the assessments in early modules and also with the spot assessment method. However, in the practical assessments, using observed, structured practical exam stations, international and British students performed equally well. Increased support in the initial transition time, especially with regard to communication skills and confidence required for interactive teaching and learning environments such as small-group teaching, as well as increased time for specific assessment types, might benefit the needs of many international students.  相似文献   

草业科学专业学生野外实习中生态思维的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对5届草业科学专业本科生生态意识的调查,发现学生对草地生态知识比较渴求,但是生态教育欠缺、意识薄弱、认知不足。针对以课程为体系设置教学实习内容缺乏系统协调性、生态思维能力培养不突出的原因,提出在草业科学专业草地群课程教学中贯穿生态教育、野外教学实习培养学生的生态思维、独立观察思考和解决问题的能力等措施。  相似文献   

《兽医内科学》是动物医学专业本科教育的专业方向课,具有较强的理论性、实践性和系统性,是动物医学专业的临床主干课程之一,也是动物临床医学的核心课.目前,该课程主要以线下双语教学方式为主,但随着信息化教育技术不断发展及国际交流合作越来越普及化,全线下教学模式局限性日渐凸显,尤其面对2020年初新冠疫情的暴发,线上居家教学成...  相似文献   

随着我国法治的不断健全,对新时期法律本科教育提出了新的要求,这也是对中国法学教育者传统教学方法的一次新挑战。需要我们吸收传统教学方法的优秀经验,探索适合本科阶段教育特色的教学方法,开展案例教学和实践教学,注重教学中的师生互动关系,改革考试内容和考试方式,以使现阶段法学本科教育更能适应现实社会和法律职业的需求。  相似文献   

招收对口生是我国高等教育适应社会发展的体现。针对行业对对口生家禽生产实践能力的要求,从提高师资水平、加强专业特点教育、调整教学内容和改进教学方法等方面,阐述了进一步培养对口生家禽生产实践能力的体会。  相似文献   

Some thoughts on training and recruitment of academic teachers and future trends in teaching veterinary parasitology are presented with emphasis on the European situation. It is underlined that research is an indispensable basis for academic teaching. Besides a broad scientific background of the teacher, motivation and teaching methods are also important. Many academic teachers do not receive formal training in teaching methods. In order to improve future education, training of staff members in teaching methods should be promoted. Quality control of teaching and research, already established in many schools, should generally be introduced. Teaching is mostly underestimated in relation to research. Therefore, more weight should be placed on the former both in selecting scientists for the career as academic teachers and in evaluating and ranking departments for their academic activities. In the future veterinary medicine will have to cope with profound changes in the society and the veterinary profession, and the progressing European unification will enhance trends for internationalizing teaching curricula. Therefore, veterinary medicine has to reconsider the teaching subjects and methods and to lay more emphasis on flexibility, skills of problem-solving and self-learning and on training for life-long learning. At present there is an ongoing discussion on the question how to teach veterinary medicine, including veterinary parasitology. There are various options, and some of them are discussed, namely, the disciplinary and the problem-based/organ-focussed approaches. It is concluded that for teaching of veterinary parasitology and related disciplines a combined disciplinary and problem-based approach offers the best chances for fulfilling the requirements of teaching for the future. In the curriculum of undergraduate teaching of veterinary medicine at least 70-90 h should be dedicated to veterinary parasitology using a disciplinary and taxonomic approach. Additional hours are required for instructions on clinical cases in approaches focussed on animal species and/or organ diseases. As there is a need for discussing teaching issues, post-graduate specialization, and continuing education in parasitology and related disciplines on national and international levels, it is recommended to WAAVP to include regular workshops on teaching in the programmes of the biannual conferences, and to establish a permanent committee which should collect information and submit proposals for improvement of teaching veterinary parasitology.  相似文献   

A questionnaire regarding attitudes to undergraduate education in genetics and the subsequent use of that education was sent to 1000 veterinarians registered in New South Wales. Three hundred replies to the questionnaire were received and analysed. No significant difference in the perceived adequacy of courses at the four universities involved in teaching veterinary science was observed. Opinions on adequacy of education in genetics were not affected by age, sex or years since graduation. The major reason cited for lack of adequacy was that undergraduate genetics courses were not practical. Only 17 respondents stated that they were never approached for information on genetics or animal breeding, while 76 were approached more than 20 times annually for information. Eighty-three respondents claimed to deal with more than 20 cases annually that required some knowledge of genetics. The results of the questionnaire highlight the importance of genetics instruction in undergraduate veterinary education. The questionnaire responses also provide insight into how working veterinarians consider that courses in genetics could be improved.  相似文献   

Europe has a long and distinguished history in veterinary science and education, and it was here that the first professional investigations of pathological conditions in zoo animals took place. However, despite an increasing number of veterinarians working with wildlife, education in zoological and wildlife medicine has only recently become part of formal veterinary training at the undergraduate level. Consequently, current educational opportunities in zoological and wildlife medicine vary widely throughout Europe, both in availability and in composition. The need to establish agreed standards in education across Europe and to foster the mobility of students and teaching staff are reflected by international agreements such as the Bologna Treaty and the ERASMUS-SOCRATES program. Europe is also home to a number of voluntary professional organizations, such as the European Wildlife Disease Association and the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians, that actively promote the inclusion of zoological and wildlife medicine in veterinary education. Zoo and wildlife medicine is currently a veterinary specialization in Europe, but educational opportunities are likely to increase in availability in the future.  相似文献   

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