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Genetics of resistance to mastitis in dairy cattle   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Genetic variability of mastitis resistance is well established in dairy cattle. Many studies focused on polygenic variation of the trait, by estimating heritabilities and genetic correlation among phenotypic traits related to mastitis such as somatic cell counts and clinical cases. The role of Major Histocompatibility Complex in the susceptibility or resistance to intrammamary infection is also well documented. Finally, development from molecular genome mapping led to accumulating information of quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to mastitis resistance and better understanding of the genetic determinism of the trait. From economic and genetic analyses, and according to welfare and food safety considerations and to breeders and consumer's concern, there is more and more evidence that mastitis should be included in breeding objective of dairy cattle breeds. Many countries have implemented selection for mastitis resistance based on linear decrease of somatic cell counts. Given biological questioning, potential unfavourable consequences for very low cell counts cows are regularly investigated. Improvement of selection accuracy for mastitis resistance is ongoing and includes: advances in modelling, optimal combination of mastitis related traits and associated predictors, such as udder morphology, definition of global breeding objective including production and functional traits, and inclusion of molecular information that is now available from QTL experiments.  相似文献   

The most important characteristics of Mycoplasma mastitis on dairy farms are described, based on two case studies. Clinical symptoms, diagnostics, epidemiology, and a plan of action are presented. In the herds investigated, Mycoplasma mastitis was characterized by multiple affected quarters unresponsive to treatment with antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory agents. Most striking were a sandy sediment, brown colouring, and rice-like structure of the milk of affected animals. Clinical symptoms differed in the two affected herds. Diagnosis was based on bacteriological investigation of samples of milk and synovial fluid taken from infected cows. Affected animals were culled immediately, and the herds were monitored by repeated testing of bulk milk samples. It was concluded that a consequence of the increasing size of cattle herds in the Netherlands is that subclinical/clinical Mycoplasma mastitis may be diagnosed more frequently than in the past. In the case of Mycoplasma mastitis, farmers and veterinary practitioners are advised to draw up a plan of action together, incorporating aspects such as diagnostics at cow level, direct culling of affected animals, hygiene during milking, including post-milking teat disinfection, and routine monitoring of bulk milk. Unpasteurized milk should not be given to calves.  相似文献   

赵素牌 《中国乳业》2002,(11):33-34
经常使用抗生素治疗奶牛乳房炎会导致疗效降低,寻找一种既有效又能真正治疗奶牛乳房炎的药物一直是兽医学面临的一项主要任务。我们研究的出发点是:广泛使用抗生素治疗奶牛乳房炎会使这种物质在动物产品中累积,进入到人体和动物体内,引起变态反应、中毒以及微生物固定菌系的形成。在治疗奶牛乳房炎的新型生态安全方法中,激光疗法占据着主导地位。我们研究的目的是判断某些非传统方法治疗奶牛乳房炎的效果,并挑选出其中最好的一种在兽医实践中加以指导和应用。工作是在1994~1999年奥伦堡州国家农业大学教学试验场完成的。用“…  相似文献   

奶牛分子育种的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
奶牛分子育种是将来奶牛品种改良的主要工具。奶牛主效数量性状基因座育种和转基因育种主要包括构建基因图谱 ,并据此定位主效数量性状基因座或与之连锁的DNA标记 ,通过转基因技术改良奶牛重要经济性状或研究开发乳腺生物反应器。  相似文献   

Reported in this paper is the occurrence of enzootic mastitis in three dairy cattle stocks. The outbreaks had been caused by Mycoplasma bovis, Acholeplasma laidlawii, Acholeplasma axanthum as well as by one unidentified strain of the family of mycoplasmataceae. All animals with positive response to mycoplasma tests were identified an selected by repetitive testing of cultures in milk samples which had been taken from all lactating and dry cows and heifers as well as by evaluation of organ samples obtained from slaughtered cows. Regular cleaning and disinfection of stands in cowsheds, cattle tracks, and milk parlours as well as disinfection of udders and milking cups worked extremely well throughout the action in control of those cases of enzootic mycoplasma mastitis.  相似文献   

Mastitis is the most prevalent production disease in dairy herds world-wide and is responsible for several production effects. Milk yield and composition can be affected by a more or less severe short-term depression and, in case of no cure, by a long-acting effect, and, sometimes, an overlapping effect to the next lactation. Summary values in the literature for losses of milk production were proposed at 375 kg for a clinical case (5% at the lactation level) and at 0.5 kg per 2-fold increase of crude SCC of a cow. Due to the withdrawal period after treatment, composition changes in milk can almost be neglected in economic calculations. Lethality rate for clinical mastitis is very low on the average, while anticipated culling occurs more frequently after clinical and subclinical mastitis (relative risk between 1.5 and 5.0). The economics of mastitis needs to be addressed at the farm level and, per se, depends on local and regional epidemiological, managerial and economic conditions. To assess the direct economic impact of mastitis, costs (i.e. extra resource use) and losses (i.e. reduced revenues) have to be aggregated. To support decision making for udder health control, it is necessary to use a marginal approach, based on the comparison of the losses avoided and the additional costs of modified plans, compared to the existing ones.  相似文献   

Effects of early postpartum breeding in dairy cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

奶牛乳腺炎防治的思考与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从 3个方面分析了奶牛乳腺炎防治失败的原因 ,包括 :抗生素 ,细菌和宿主之间相互作用和自身发生变化 ;不注重隐性乳房炎的治疗 ;挤奶技术、设备、程序不当等。提出防治乳腺炎几点建议 :创造良好的饲养环境 ;补充维生素和微量元素 ;开发研制奶牛乳腺炎疫苗 ;奶牛乳腺炎的综合治疗  相似文献   

近几年,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,奶产品需求量逐年增加,我县城郊出现了以发展饲料转化率占第一位的奶牛养殖热.饲养奶牛的过程中,多数农户饲养管理粗放,在产乳技术的诸多环节上存在很多不合理性,影响了奶牛产奶性能的发挥,造成奶牛产乳量减少,效益不高.根据笔者在实际工作中的体会,简单谈一下实现奶牛高产高效的技术要点,供奶牛户参考.  相似文献   

奶牛繁殖障碍的防治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文围绕引起奶牛繁殖障碍的3个主要因素(饲养管理不当、生殖器管疾病和繁殖技术失误),从奶牛繁殖障碍的发病原因、临床症状、诊断方法、治疗原则以及预防对策上进行了概述。  相似文献   

Cost-benefit analysis using net present value (NPV) as the economic evaluation criterion was used to investigate the economic merits of four breeding strategies used for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. The breeding strategies were evaluated over a 25-year period. The costs involved in setting up and running each strategy were obtained from large-scale dairy cattle farms, and government and private institutions involved in genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Only benefits from genetic improvement were considered. The impact on NPV due to changes in genetic and economic parameters was investigated. The ranking of the breeding strategies greatly differed with genetic ranking. Among the local selection programs, a strategy utilizing young bulls, sons of local bulls, was more profitable than one utilizing old progeny tested bulls. Continuous semen importation was not an economically viable alternative. The strategy utilizing young bulls progeny of imported bulls (PIB) was only viable if imports were from countries which are >2.00 SD in genetic merit above the local dairy cattle population. The ranking of strategies was not sensitive to changes in genetic parameters but to economic parameters. The use of local semen from young bulls progeny of local proven bulls is recommended. Alternatively, PIB can be utilized but the semen will have to be imported from countries which are >2.00 SD above the local dairy cattle population or the cost of imported semen should be?≤?US$40 per straw.  相似文献   

Cost-benefit analysis using net present value (NPV) as the economic evaluation criterion was used to investigate the economic merits of four breeding strategies used for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. The breeding strategies were evaluated over a 25-year period. The costs involved in setting up and running each strategy were obtained from large-scale dairy cattle farms, and government and private institutions involved in genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Only benefits from genetic improvement were considered. The impact on NPV due to changes in genetic and economic parameters was investigated. The ranking of the breeding strategies greatly differed with genetic ranking. Among the local selection programs, a strategy utilizing young bulls, sons of local bulls, was more profitable than one utilizing old progeny tested bulls. Continuous semen importation was not an economically viable alternative. The strategy utilizing young bulls progeny of imported bulls (PIB) was only viable if imports were from countries which are >2.00 SD in genetic merit above the local dairy cattle population. The ranking of strategies was not sensitive to changes in genetic parameters but to economic parameters. The use of local semen from young bulls progeny of local proven bulls is recommended. Alternatively, PIB can be utilized but the semen will have to be imported from countries which are >2.00 SD above the local dairy cattle population or the cost of imported semen should be ≤ US$40 per straw.  相似文献   

Repeat breeding (RB), defined as cows failure to conceive from 3 or more regularly spaced services in the absence of detectable abnormalities, is a costly problem for the dairy producer. To elucidate the occurrence of RB in Swedish dairy herds and to identify risk factors of the syndrome totally 57,616 dairy cows in 1,541 herds were investigated based on data from the official Swedish production-, AI- and disease-recording schemes. The characteristics of the RB syndrome were studied on both herd and individual cow level. The effects of risk factors on the herd frequency of RB were studied by logistic regression. A generalised linear mixed model with logit link, and accounting for herd-level variation by including a random effect of herd, was used to study the individual animal risk for RB. The total percentage of RB animals was 10.1% and the median proportion of RB animals in the herds studied was 7.5%. The proportion of RB cows in herds increased with decreased herd sizes with decreased average days from calving to first AI, with increased herd incidence of clinical mastitis, with decreased reproductive disorders, and increased other diseases treated by a veterinarian. On animal level, the risk factors were milk yield, lactation number, difficult calving or dystocia, season at first service, days in milk at first service and veterinary treatment for reproductive disorders before the first service. Cows being an RB animal in the previous lactation had a higher risk of becoming an RB animal also in the present lactation. In conclusion our results show that the repeat breeding syndrome is a multifactorial problem involving a number of extrinsic factors as well as intrinsic factors coupled to the individual animal.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare use of 4 disease severity scoring systems to predict bacteremia (yes vs no) and outcome (survived vs died or culled) in dairy cows with acute coliform mastitis (ACM). DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. ANIMALS: 99 dairy cows with ACM. PROCEDURES: Cows were classified as having mild, moderate, or severe disease with a scoring system based on systemic disease signs alone (systemic severity score [SSS] system), a system based on local disease signs alone (local severity score [LSS] system), and 2 previously described systems based on a combination of local and systemic signs (local-systemic score 1 [LS1] and local-systemic score 2 [LS2] systems). Test performance was calculated to determine whether a severe disease classification could be used to predict bacteremia or outcome. RESULTS: 21%, 53%, 63%, and 38% of cows were classified as having severe disease with the SSS, LSS, LS1, and LS2 systems, respectively. For both bacteremia and outcome, sensitivity was highest for the LS1 system, but specificity and accuracy were highest for the SSS system. Examination of a scatterplot of true-positive rate versus false-positive rate for each of the scoring systems indicated that the SSS and LS2 systems were similar in their ability to correctly identify cows with bacteremia or an adverse outcome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that the SSS scoring system was better for identifying cows with bacteremia or an adverse outcome than was the LSS system and that the LS1 and LS2 systems were intermediate in their discriminatory abilities.  相似文献   

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