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The island of Milos (Greece), part of the South Aegean volcanic arc with a typical Mediterranean climate, is covered with volcanic deposits of different ages. The objective of this study was to investigate the physicochemical and mineralogical properties of the soils developing on these volcanic deposits and their classification. Samples were taken from seven locations of soil on different parent material and of different ages. There were substantial differences in their particle size distribution, with sand ranging from 19% to 92%, silt from 3.5% to 50%, and clay from 5% to 46%. Organic matter content was low (< 2.0%). The soil pH ranged from 5.6 to 8.0. In two of the profiles, CaCO3 equivalents of 1.4% to 24.6% were found and a calcic horizon identified. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) and specific surface area (SSA) varied between profiles ranging from 3 cmol(+) kg− 1 to 47 cmol(+) kg− 1 and 30 m2 g− 1 to 380 m2 g− 1, respectively. The soils exhibited high base saturation. The amounts of Al, Fe and Si extracted with ammonium oxalate (Αlo, Feo and Sio) were particularly low (< 0.1%, < 0.17%, and < 0.1%, respectively) which demonstrates the absence of amorphous clay-silicate minerals (allophane). Fe extracted with dithionite citrate bicarbonate — DCB (Fed) was greater than Feo sharing the dominance of crystalline Fe oxides. Al and Si extracted with hot 0.5 M NaOH (Al2Ο3NaOH and SiΟ2NaOH) and with Τiron-C6H4Na2O8S2, (Al2Ο and SiΟ). SiΟ2NaOH and SiΟ were particularly high (mean values 3.4% and 4.5%, respectively), showing that amorphous silica was present. The clay fraction of the soil was dominated by the presence of 2:1 (vermiculite and smectite) and 1:1 (kaolinite) clay-silicates. Alo+ 1/2Feo was low (< 0.18%), while the P-retention in most soils was less than 15%. These soils do not exhibit andic properties and hence cannot be classified as Andisols. The silica saturation index (ISS) may be used for these soils to describe a pedogenetic environment rich in Si which favours the formation of pedogenic amorphous silica. The climate is the major determinant of the evolution of these soils.  相似文献   

Red soils in Greece are distributed throughout the country, but they occur more frequently in the southern provinces and constitute important soil resources supporting several land utilization types. They can be grouped into two categories: the autochthonous and the allochthonous. The former soils are found on hard limestone and on basic igneous rocks in sloping mountainous or hilly landscapes. Moreover, they can be found on mica schists and gneisses in locations adjacent to marble or calcareous mica schists.Allochthonous red soils are wide-spread on late Tertiary and Pleistocene surfaces in the lowlands. Many of these deep deposits have red strata, a few decimeters to several meters thick, or red-colored and fine-textured layers interbedded with light colored deposits of marl, or conglomerates and also with thick strata enriched with calcareous concretions. They are distributed in the thermo- and meso-mediterranean bioclimatic zones. These sites have a common feature, the gently sloping terrain that ensures efficient drainage.There are some differences in chemical and physical properties and in the clay mineralogy of the two groups of Greek red soils. Palygorskite is present in some soils developed on basic rocks; the clay minerals of the allochthonous soils on Pleistocene and late Pliocene seems to be mixed with micas in significant amounts.Soil forming factors required for the formation of red soils are: (a) parent material containing iron-bearing minerals, and rich in bases, (b) slope gradients and/or water permeabilities of the bed-rock securing excessive drainage and (c) vegetation cover that does not produce high amounts of, and deeply distributed organic matter.The allochthonous red soils have likely inherited their color from their parent materials that were transported from the originally formed residual soils on hard limestone. The soils retain the red color in the thermo-mediterranean zone only on sloping terrains. The soils on these landscapes are frequently stratified.The Greek red soils belong to the great groups of: Rhodoxeralfs, Palexeralfs, Xerochrepts, Orthents. Large portions of the allochthonous soils have been desertified or have been severely degraded and their extensive exploitation is not recommended.Soil management practices applied in the allochthonous soils include erosion control, preservation of organic matter, minimum tillage, split application of nitrogen using non-acidifying fertilizers, irrigation, soil water conservation and sheltered agriculture.  相似文献   

The various iron fractions were quantified by selective dissolution (Fed, Feo, Fet) in four Red Mediterranean soils, developed on metarhyolite and metadolerite. They were similar in all profiles. A strong trend of iron removal from the surface horizon and of its subsequent illuvial translocation to the argillic horizons was observed. In all profiles, Feo was not related to the organic matter content indicating the Mediterranean xeric soil environment. The Feo/Fed ratio and the percentage of crystalline iron oxides (Fed-Feo) suggested that the pedoenvironment in which the profiles P1, P2 were formed, allowed the high crystallization of iron oxides. As indicated by the Fed/Fet values, the weathering process was more intense in the metarhyolite-developed soils. In contrast, the metadolerite-developed soils present conditions of poorly crystallized iron oxides and a lower degree of development.  相似文献   

One of the developments in recognition of soil properties and different soils is from morphological to analytical. With an incorporation of analytical data, transitional soils can be systematically named using a key-out order as well as typical soils. Our major objective was to evaluate soils with multiple forming processes such as andosolization, podzolization, etc., using soil analytical data, selecting a small area having different soil names based on soil morphological properties. According to a local soil map, Ando soils, Brown forest soils (Dark) and Wet and Dry podzols soils are adjacently distributed around Lake Kuwanuma on the eastern footslope of Mt. Funagata in Miyagi prefecture, northeastern Japan. We studied the morphological, chemical and mineralogical properties of these soils and classified them according to the recent Comprehensive Soil Classification System of Japan (CSCSJ), United States Department of Agriculture Soil Taxonomy (ST) and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB). The elevation of Lake Kuwanuma is 780 m above sea level and a plateau is located next to a steep slope on the western side of the lake. Three pedons were sampled from the northern side of Lake Kuwanuma, and 3 additional pedons were sampled from the plateau. The average difference in elevation between these two groups of pedons was 229 m. All 6 pedons were classified as Andosols in CSCSJ, Udands in ST and Andosols in WRB. Thus, andosolization was the dominant soil-forming process throughout the study area. The major modification of Andisols in the study area was caused by forest vegetation. Of the 6 pedons sampled, three were classified as Fulvudands in ST and had the Fulvic prefix qualifier in WRB. Furthermore, weak podzolization was suggested on the basis of soil profile observations. One pedon on the plateau had a Bs horizon, which satisfied the spodic horizon requirements of ST. Thus, weak podzolization, especially on the plateau, was another accessory characteristic in the present study area. The nearby distribution of Podzols soils and Ando soils in the local soil map may be explained by differences in temperature, leaching intensity and other factors. A podzolic subgroup of Andosols/Udands was desired to express the properties of pedons on the plateau in the lower categories of the recent soil classification systems.  相似文献   


The influence of cultivation practice on the fertility of volcanic soils on Santorini, an important wine‐producing area of Greece, has been examined. In conventional agriculture, weed control, typically of N‐fixing species, is carried out using herbicides, whereas in organic practice it is achieved though plowing, leaving the soil vulnerable to erosion. Soil samples were taken from conventionally and organically cultivated vines and tomatoes and from abandoned vineyards at five locations. Biological indicators of soil quality were measured in addition to physicochemical properties. The loam sandy soils had an acid to slightly alkaline pH reaction, with low organic matter. Earthworms (Lumbricidae) were not found. Enchytreids were absent from conventional soils but were found in low abundance in organic and abandoned vineyard systems. Enzyme activity showed no dependence on cultivation systems but was low compared with other Greek soils. Organic practices adopted on Santorini have maintained soil fertility in the short term.  相似文献   

Soil physical fractionation techniques may provide indicators of changing soil organic carbon (SOC) content; however, they have not been widely tested on volcanic soils (Andisols). In this study, we assessed two fractions as potential indicators in volcanic soils, using two sites in Chile converted from natural grassland to arable and mixed crop rotations, 8 and 16 yr previously. In the 8‐yr experiment, SOC had declined under all rotations, with smaller changes where the rotation included 3 or 5 yr of perennial pasture. Whereas the average SOC was only 76% of the level in the preceding natural grassland, the corresponding value after 16 yr for the second site was 98% (and 93% under continuous arable), probably reflecting its high allophane clay content. The fractionation procedure tested proved applicable to both Andisols, but the intra‐aggregate light fraction (IA‐SOM, isolated in sodium iodide solution at 1.80 g/cm3 after ultrasonic dispersion) accounted for a very small proportion of total SOC (<1%). We suggest that in Andisols, the free light fraction (FR‐SOM, isolated in sodium iodide at solution of the same density, but prior to ultrasonic dispersion) is stabilised to a greater extent than in nonvolcanic soils, and the intra‐aggregate fraction plays a more minor role as a pool of intermediate turnover. The relative value of each fraction needs to be confirmed through dynamic experiments, using more sites, and including situations where SOC content is initially low.  相似文献   

Soils with cool, moist winters and relatively warm, dry summers, a Mediterranean climate, are recognized as having a xeric moisture regime in Soil Taxonomy. These soils are classified mostly in taxa that use the formative element “xer” in the name. Soil series with either a xeric moisture regime or an aridic regime bordering on a xeric moisture regime make up more than 48,640,000 hectares in the western part of the United States. They are classified in the orders of Mollisols (20,080,000 ha), Aridisols (11,200,000 ha), Alfisols (5,320,000 ha), Inceptisols (4,800,000 ha), Entisols (4,400,000 ha), Vertisols (1,520,000 ha), Andisols (960,000 ha), and Ultisols (960,000 ha).  相似文献   


Volcanic glass is the most important primary mineral for the tephra-derived soils because it is the most abundant and the most weatherable among the primary minerals. The chemical properties of volcanic glass in tephras are closely related to the rock types of tephras (Kobayashi et al. 1976; Yamada and Shoji 1983; Shoji 1986; Yamada 1988) and influence on the chemical and clay mineralogical properties of tephra-derived soils (Saigusa and Shoji 1986).  相似文献   

This work evaluated how pine plantations established on old fields and degraded lands influence soil properties in comparison with adjacent unplanted areas that undergo into secondary succession, and native forests, analysing the effects of abiotic variables and stand characteristics in the afforestation process. Thirty‐two paired sites (pine plantations versus unplanted areas) and 10 native forests were selected in the SE Spain. In total, 74 soil profiles were studied, and 222 composite soil samples were collected at three different depths. Soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, and C : N ratio showed significantly greater values in pine plantations in relation to the unplanted areas (0–5 cm), and the mean values of soil organic carbon, nitrogen (N), C : N ratio, and cation exchange capacity in these pine plantations were similar to those found under native forests. Only K+ concentrations were clearly higher in the native forests than in the other land uses for all depths analysed. Pine plantations in the drier and warmer areas showed lower soil quality in relation to the paired unplanted areas, as well as the younger and denser ones; it may be because under these situations, more time is needed to produce an improvement. In fact, the paired net variations increased with the stand age and/or tree size. In conclusion, pine plantations were in general more efficient in improving parameters related to soil quality, especially in locations with high soil water retention capacity, which in our study area were found at higher and cooler elevations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The drying process of volcanic ash soils often results in the formation of shrinkage cracks with consequences for their physical properties (i.e., decrease of water retention capacity) and land use management. This study presents the soil water characteristics and shrinkage behaviour (shrinkage phases in terms of void and moisture ratio), the shrinkage potential (COLE index), and the pore shrinkage capacity (PSI) for 5 and 20 cm depth of a Haplic Arenosol (tephric) and two Silandic Andosols under pasture management along a soil gradient from the Andean mountains to the coastal range in southern Chile. The main focus of the presented study is on the effect of soil development in conjunction with the weathering of volcanic ash soils on the shrinkage properties. The water retention and shrinkage curves were continuously determined for undisturbed soil samples (100 cm3) during a drying process under laboratory conditions. In addition, the shrinkage curve data were modelled to distinguish different shrinkage zones. The results suggest that the investigated soil properties vary depending on soil development. The more developed Andosols had higher total porosities (up to 70 cm3 cm?3) than the less developed Arenosol. The shrinkage behaviour of the Haplic Arenosol showed a wide structural shrinkage phase, whereas the Silandic Andosols revealed a more pronounced proportional shrinkage phase, which is related to the pore size distribution. In addition, wide and narrow coarse pores of the Haplic Arenosol and medium and fine pores of the Silandic Andosols determine the shrinkage potential (COLE) and the pore shrinkage capacity, respectively. The finer‐grained and organic matter‐rich Andosols indicate a higher COLE index (> 0.03–0.09) compared to the Arenosol (≤ 0.03). The pore shrinkage index (PSI) of the total pores (TP) varied significantly (P < 0.05) with values of 0.042–0.149 in 5 cm depth and 0.04–0.091 in 20 cm depth of sites 1–3, respectively.In summary, the shrinkage potential and pore shrinkage capacity are positively correlated to the organic carbon content and decrease with increasing dry bulk density. The study points out a higher risk of soil degradation due to irreversible drying processes for the more clayey and allophane containing Andosols than the Arenosol.  相似文献   

The presence of soils with andic properties on German territory has been suspected for decades and there are numerous reports of sites where they may potentially occur. Andic properties, however, are not adequately represented by the German soil‐classification system. The German taxonomic category “Lockerbraunerde” has not been revised or reconciled with international taxonomic categories since the year 1957, when it was initially proposed. With this review, we show that there are true Andosols of both the silandic (allophane‐containing) and the aluandic (Al‐Humus‐dominated) type in Germany and that their properties differ substantially from other soils which merely exhibit low bulk density. By (1) comparing soil carbon storage between some German Andosols, Chernozems, and nonandic Cambisols with particularly low bulk density and (2) elucidation of the differential pedogenetic pathways leading to Andosol formation, we further demonstrate that Andosols are important objects of study in research issues of contemporary interest. We propose that appropriate measures be taken to lay the foundations for the protection and conservation of these soils, because they are valuable as archives of natural history and provide opportunities to study unique soil processes.  相似文献   

The effects of the water extracts of rapeseed cakes undergoing decomposition under different conditions on plant growth were evaluated using Lemna paucicostata 6746 for the bioassays. Half-strength Hutner’s medium was used as the basal medium, to which aliquots of concentrated water extracts were added in the ratio of 1/1,000, and the number of reproduced fronds were counted after 7 days as an index of the growth.

Aerobic decomposition of rapeseed cake (1:1 ratio of rapeseed cake to water, w/w) showed a strong inhibitory effect on the growth of L. paucicostata 1 to 4 weeks after the start of the decomposition. In the submerged decomposition (1 : 10 ratio of rapeseed cake to water, w/w), no inhibition was detected in the first weeks, but a strong inhibition appeared after 8 weeks and increased thereafter. The water extracts of the rapeseed cake undergoing decomposition under the submerged condition contained large amounts of fatty acids (acetic, propionic, and butyric acid), which were considered to be the main phytotoxins inhibiting the growth of L. paucicostata. In the aerobic decomposition, the concentrations of both ammonium nitrogen and lower fatty acids were too low to inhibit plant growth, suggesting that other decomposed products were concerned with the inhibition.

As the bioassay with L. paucicostata showed similar results to those previously obtained by germination tests, it is considered that the use of L. paucicostata could be generalized to other crop plants.  相似文献   

Limited information is available on the distribution and origin of palygorskite in soils developed on Tertiary sediments as the major soil parent materials in central Iran and other Middle Eastern countries. The objectives of this study were to determine the distribution and origin of palygorskite in soils developed on Tertiary sediments, and to identify the major soil properties that influence palygorskite distribution in the soils studied. Sixteen soil profiles developed on Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Oligocene-Miocene, Miocene and Pliocene sediments were studied by X-ray diffraction analysis, transmission electron microscope, and scanning electron microscopy. Physicochemical characteristics of the soils and sediments including particle size distribution, pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, gypsum, carbonates, and soluble Si, Ca and Mg were determined. The principal component analysis was used to establish the relationships between palygorskite and the physicochemical characteristics of the soils studied. Results showed that clay fraction of all the soils in the study area was dominated by palygorskite. The highest amount of palygorskite was found in horizons where simultaneous accumulation of both carbonates and gypsum occurred. Limited amount of palygorskite was found in salic and calcic horizons. Palygorskite seemed to be of eolian origin in the surface horizon of all the soils. Using principal component analysis, the soluble Mg/Ca ratio, pH, soluble Si and gypsum contents were identified as the most important factors affecting the distribution and genesis of palygorskite in the soils studied. Results might suggest the neoformation of palygorskite by precipitation from solutions in which evaporation fluxes were very high. However, palygorskite in soils developed on Tertiary sediments in central Iran seems to be of both inherited and pedogenic origins.  相似文献   

Temperate volcanic forest surface soils under different forest stands (e.g., Pinus sylvestris L., Cryptomeria japonica, and Quercus serrata) were sampled to study the kinetics of ethylene (C2H4) oxidation and the C2H4 concentrations that effectively inhibit oxidation of atmospheric methane (CH4) and nitrification. The kinetics of C2H4 oxidation in temperate volcanic forest soils was biphasic, indicating that at least two different microbial populations, one with low and another with high apparent K m values, were responsible for ethylene oxidation. Methane consumption activity and ammonium oxidation of soil were inhibited by adding ethylene. Added C2H4 at concentrations of 3, 10, and 20 μl C2H4 per liter in the headspace gas respectively reduced by 20%, 50%, and 100% atmospheric CH4 consumption by soil, and these values were much smaller than those inhibiting ammonium oxidation in these forest soils; thus, the CH4 consumption activity was more sensitive to the addition of C2H4 than ammonium oxidation. Previous studies have shown that accumulation of C2H4 in such volcanic forest soils within 3 days of aerobic and anaerobic incubations can reach a range from 0.2 to 0.3 and from 1.0 to 3.0 μl C2H4 per liter in the headspace gas, respectively. It is suggested that C2H4 production beneath forest floors, particularly after heavy rain, can to some extent affect the capacity of forest surface soils to consume atmospheric CH4, but probably, it has no impact on ammonium oxidation.  相似文献   

姜军  徐仁扣  赵安珍 《土壤》2010,42(2):275-279
利用采自雷州半岛和海南岛北部不同年代喷发的玄武岩发育的6种土壤,研究了土壤的游离氧化铁、铁的游离度、CEC和土壤胶体动电电位与成土母岩年龄的关系,探讨土壤表面化学性质与成土的时间和空间因素的关系。结果表明:土壤游离铁和铁的游离度与母岩年龄间存在很好的线性相关性,铁的游离度与母岩年龄间的相关性更高,土壤全铁与母岩年龄间没有相关性。土壤CEC随母岩年龄增加而降低,土壤IEP呈相反变化趋势。进一步对2个地区土壤CEC和IEP与岩石年龄进行分析表明,空间因素对这2个地区土壤性质的影响更为明显,尤其对IEP。  相似文献   

雷州半岛玄武岩发育的时间序列土壤的发生演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采集了广东省南部热带地区雷州半岛第四纪以来不同时代(0.58~6.12 Ma)喷发的玄武岩上发育时间序列土壤剖面样品,分析了一些理化性质的变化趋势。结果表明:(1)容重随深度增加而增大,与成土年龄有较好的相关性,说明容重在一定程度上可以指示土壤的发生层次和发育程度。(2)游离铁(Fed)、铁游离度(Fed/Fet)、活性氧化铝(Alo)和铝活化度(Alo/Ald)与成土年龄有着较好的相关性,可以指示土壤的发育程度和相对成土年龄;而无定形铁(Feo)、游离铝(Ald)和无定形硅(Sio)与成土年龄的关系不明显,尚难于指示土壤的发育程度。(3)常用的黏粒风化发育指标,如硅铝率Sa(SiO2/Al2O3)、硅铁铝率Saf(SiO2/(Al2O3+Fe2O3))、风化淋溶系数ba((Na2O+K2O+CaO)/Al2O3)、A指数((SiO2+CaO+K2O+Na2O)/(Al2O3+CaO+K2O+Na2O))、B指数((CaO+K2O+Na2O)/(Al2O3+SiO2+CaO+K2O+Na2O))、WI指数([(2Na2O/0.35)+(MgO/0.9)+(2K2O/0.25)+(CaO/0.7)]×100)、CIW指数([Al2O3/(Al2O3+CaO+Na2O)]×100)、CIA指数([Al2O3/(Al2O3+CaO+Na2O+K2O)]×100,与成土年龄之间相关性不显著,难以指示土壤的风化程度,但黏粒的Sa、Saf和元素Si迁移率的变化在一定程度上揭示了土壤中生物复硅的存在。  相似文献   

解钾细菌C6X对不同富钾矿物含量土壤钾素迁移的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了改善黄土高原地区煤炭开采引起土壤质量急剧退化的现状,该文以玉米为供试植物,通过日光温室短期盆栽的方式,系统研究解钾细菌C6X和玉米生长对土壤钾素迁移的影响.结果表明:1)玉米生长条件下,解钾细菌在富钾矿物质量分数45%上层土壤(0~20 cm)中对速效钾增量的促进作用最佳.2)解钾细菌和玉米生长协同提高上层土壤钾素固定能力,缓效钾增量在土壤富钾矿物质量分数68%为最大值.3)解钾细菌和玉米生长协同促进土壤钾素上移能力,在富钾矿物质量分数45%水平,土壤上移速效钾呈最大值;同时,解钾细菌促进土壤上移速效钾和玉米钾素积累量二者趋于线性稳定,利于土壤钾肥长期管理.因此,解钾细菌和玉米生长协同促进土壤钾素的释放和固定,并促进土壤钾素上移.  相似文献   

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