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Abstract –  This study revealed that progeny of sympatric Salangen Arctic char, omitted from any kind of imprinting to home water, returned with high precision to the home river and parental locality upon releases in their native marine environments. Fish did not select river randomly, and the homing precision was the same for progeny whether fertilized in home stream or in foreign water. The progeny studied originate from the lake Øvervatnet and the Salangen River population and were hatched and reared at a hatchery at Voss in southern Norway. Experimental material comprised freshwater resident and smolt released from parr directly. The freshwater resident is partly anadromous exhibiting about 74% smolt when released directly into the sea. Char at all stages (resident, transformed resident, and smolt released from parr directly) returned in significant numbers to the home river system and the site of the specific parental population.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Downstream movement of a wild population of brown trout was examined in a small Danish stream in relation to morphological and physiological smolt status from March to May. Downstream movement was monitored in a Wolf-type trap covering all possible passage routes in the stream. Trout caught in the trap were classified as parr, pre-smolt or smolt based on morphological criteria and compared with trout randomly caught by electrofishing upstream of the trap. Representative gill samples from trap-caught and electrofished trout were analysed for gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity and used as a measure of physiological smolt status. Only a few parr occurred in the trap. Few pre-smolts occurred in the trap evenly in March and early April. In late April, pre-smolt movement peaked. By comparison, the main downstream movement of smolts occurred in distinct peaks through late March and April. The majority of fish caught in the trap were judged as pre-smolts or smolts based on morphological criteria's and they were characterised by relatively high gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity compared with trout judged as parr. Trout caught by electrofishing upstream the trap, were classified as parr, pre-smolts and smolts early in the season (March). During and after the main smolt-run in April the distribution of the remaining trout in the brook became skewed in favour of pre-smolt and parr. The study suggests that smolting trout initiate downstream movement once having reached a certain physiological smolt condition (judged by increased gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity).  相似文献   

Abstract  The diet of Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., was studied in a large Norwegian reservoir over the first four decades (1954–1995) of regulation. Significant changes in diet occurred concurrent with changes in fish density and prey availability. Reduced biomass of fish due to the effect of hydropower development probably led to reduced inter- and intra-specific competition. Consumption of zoobenthos increased for both species during the first decade, fish then became an important food item concurrent with an increase in small-sized Arctic char in the littoral zone. The diet of Arctic char, but not brown trout, then changed radically as the introduced mysid, Mysis relicta Lovén, became an important food item.  相似文献   

Abstract – The survival of brown trout and Atlantic salmon smolts during passage over small weirs was estimated in two small Danish rivers during the spring of 1998. Parallel groups of smolts were released upstream and downstream of the weirs and recaptured in traps further downstream. The results showed a smolt loss varying from 18 to 71% for trout and 53% for salmon. Furthermore, the surviving smolts from the upstream groups were delayed for up to 9 days compared to downstream groups. The study demonstrated that an increased proportion of total river discharge allocated to fish passage increased the smolt survival. Losses may be because of fish penetrating grids erected at fish farm inlets, predation and delays, which may lead to desmoltification. The low survival may seriously threat both the long-term viability of wild populations of anadromous salmonids and the outcome of the intensive stocking programme in Denmark.  相似文献   

Abstract– The utilization of lakes, and inlet and outlet streams by juvenile Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.), brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) and Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus (L.), were investigated in 16 watercourses northern Norway, all known to inhabit salmon stocks. In lakes, fish were caught by small mesh size gill nets, while in rivers fish were caught electrofishing. In the shallow littoral (0-3 m depth) there were juvenile salmon in 15 of 19 investigated lakes, juvenile trout in 17 and juvenile charr in seven. Trout dominated significantly in numbers in the shallow littoral of seven lakes, while salmon and charr dominated in three lakes each. When trout and salmon were frequent in the shallow littoral, charr was usually not present in this habitat, but were found in the profundal zone in most of the lakes. Atlantic salmon parr utilized both shallow and deep lakes, and used both stones and macrophytic vegetation as shelter. The utilization of lakes by salmon parr seemed to be closely related to utilization of small inlet streams for spawning. In most inlet and outlet streams salmon dominated over trout in numbers, while charr were absent. This is the first documentation of lake-use by naturally occurring salmon parr in Scandinavia.  相似文献   

The marine survival of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and sea trout (Salmo trutta) was examined in relation to marine conditions during post-smolt migration and in relation to stock traits. In 1970–2001, Carlin-tagged smolts were released in the Iijoki and Oulujoki rivers, the northern Baltic Sea. When both species were analysed together, the abundance of the three prey fish, herring (Clupea harengus), smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) and vendace (Coregonus albula) correlated positively with the survival of salmonids. In addition, the increase in smolt size appeared to improve the survival rate. Sea surface temperature (SST) may have affected indirectly through the abundance of prey fish during the post-smolt migration of salmon and sea trout. The smelt and vendace showed a statistical effect on survival only when the temperature effects were not included in the models. In sea trout, an increasing smolt length was not significantly correlated with the survival in good herring recruitment years, but in poor years survival increased very rapidly with increasing smolt size. The recapture rates of the salmonids tended to decrease between the years 1970 and 2001. During the same time period, the June SST slightly decreased. The positive correlation between the annual summer SST and recapture rate of salmon may partly explain the decreasing trend in recapture rates. An increase in smolt size did not compensate for the decline in the recapture rate of either species.  相似文献   

Abstract – The possibility to increase the proportion of migrating hatchery‐reared smolts by reducing their food ration was studied. Lake‐migrating, hatchery‐reared salmon (Salmo salar) and trout (Salmo trutta) smolts were either fed normal rations, based on recommendations from the fish‐farming industry, or reduced (15–20%) rations. They were released into the River Klarälven, western Sweden, and followed as they swam downstream to Lake Vänern, a distance of around 25 km. For both Atlantic salmon and brown trout, smolts fed a reduced ration migrated faster than fish fed a normal ration. Furthermore, a higher proportion of salmon smolts fed reduced rations migrated to the lake than fish fed normal rations in 2007 but not in 2006. This difference between years corresponded to greater treatment differences in size and smolt status in 2007 than in 2006. For trout, the proportion of migrating individuals and smolt development did not differ with ration size. Trout migrants fed a normal ration had a higher standard metabolic rate (SMR) than nonmigrants, whereas there was no difference in SMR between migrating and nonmigrating salmon. These results show that it is possible to use a reduced food ration to increase the migration speed of both Atlantic salmon and brown trout and to increase the proportion of migrating Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., fry were point and scatter stocked in the early part of June at densities of 63–263 fry 100 m−2 per species in the River Viantienjoki, a small river in northern Finland, and their population densities were assessed in late summer. Both species were always stocked together in similar quantities. Point stocking was used in the first 2 years and scatter stocking in the following 2 years. In point stocking, there was no correlation between the distance from the stocking sites (maximum = 250 m) and parr density in census sites ( r = −0.013 and 0.019 for brown trout and Atlantic salmon, respectively). The stocking density of fry did not influence parr density in August by either method or by species. Stocking density explained only from 11% to 23% of the parr survival depending on the species or stocking method. The mean densities of Atlantic salmon and brown trout parr did not differ significantly from each other at any fishing site ( P > 0.05). Both point and scatter stocking appear to be suitable methods for use in small rivers. The parr densities depend more on the other factors (e.g. habitat quality) than the stocking method, and the choice between methods could be based on the time and labour available.  相似文献   

Abstract. In an investigation of the occurrence of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in freshwater fish other than rainbow trout, 18 species of wild fish and seven species of fish raised in cultivation wore sampled from waters where the disease occurred annually in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Richardson). Results revealed that certain wild stocks of brown trout. Salmo trutta L., grayling, Thymallus thymallus L., and pike, Esox lucius L., were infected with PKD, as were cultivated Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr, brown trout and char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.). Microscopical examination revealed the presence of the PKX cell in these species and also intraluminal protozoa possibly related to the PKX cell, which were not found in the rainbow trout. Other species of freshwater fish had myxosporidan infections but, unlike PKD infection, there was little host/parasite tissue response. The PKX cell as a myxosporidan stage is discussed and the presence of the disease in wild fish is reported.  相似文献   

The malacosporean Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae was detected in kidneys from Atlantic salmon parr in 64 of 91 sampled Norwegian rivers. Using real‐time PCR, this parasite was found to be present in Atlantic salmon parr in rivers along the whole coast, from the northernmost and southernmost areas of the country. In addition, T. bryosalmonae was found in kidneys from brown trout parr in 17 of 19 sampled rivers in south‐east Norway, and in Arctic charr sampled in the River Risfjordelva, located at the northernmost edge of the European mainland. In conclusion, T. bryosalmonae has a widespread distribution in salmonids in Norwegian watercourses. Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) caused by T. bryosalmonae and PKD‐induced mortality has been observed in salmonids in several Norwegian rivers and it can be speculated that more PKD outbreaks will occur as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

The first evidence of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in an Austrian river (the River Kamp) was documented in 2016, and no information on the PKD infection status of trout in other rivers was available. Since then, brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have been collected from rivers in Upper and Lower Austria for different diagnostic purposes. In this study, we summarize the recent findings of a first survey concerning the distribution of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of proliferative kidney disease (PKD), from these samples. Between September 2015 and October 2017, a total of 280 brown trout and 39 rainbow trout were collected from 21 rivers in the provinces of Upper and Lower Austria. T. bryosalmonae was detected by PCR of kidney tissue in 17 of 21 sampled rivers and in 138 of 280 brown trout as well as in 11 of 39 rainbow trout. Pathological signs of PKD (e.g., hypertrophy of the kidney) were observed in 33 analysed brown trout and six rainbow trout samples. No correlations between fish infected by Tbryosalmonae and the parameters size and age class, condition factor, geological origin of the streams and distribution within the river course were found, while positively tested fish are significantly increased at sampling sites exceeding water temperatures of 15°C for median periods of 115 days. The prevalence within the affected streams or stream sections is highly variable, and in single rivers, infection rates of up to 90% are confirmed.  相似文献   

Abstract – Resource partitioning between Atlantic salmon parr, brown trout and Arctic charr was studied throughout the ice-free season in a north Norwegian lake. Juvenile salmon and trout (≤160 mm) utilized the littoral zone and juvenile charr the profundal, while adult trout and charr (>160 mm) were found in both. Juvenile salmon and trout had a similar diet, although trichopteran larvae were more important for the trout and chironomid pupae and three-spined sticklebacks for the salmon parr. Small salmon and trout parr (≤120 mm) had a higher diet overlap than larger parr (121–160 mm). The feeding habits of adult trout were similar to that of juvenile trout, but the former took larger prey items. At the population level, both salmon and trout were generalistic feeders with a broad diet, but at the individual level, both species had specialized on a single or a few prey categories. Juvenile charr were segregated from salmon and trout in both habitat and food utilization; they had a narrow diet consisting of chironomids and zooplankton, possibly reflecting their confinement to the profundal habitat which have a low diversity of potential prey. Larger charr also took zoobenthos and sticklebacks in the littoral zone. Note  相似文献   

The recruitment of anadromous brown trout smolt from a small Baltic stream, frequently exposed to summer drought, was quantified for 9 years, and the effect from drought on smolt number and age composition analysed. Drought was quantified by, (a) a newly developed index quantifying the severity of summer drought (Drought Severity Index—DSI—based on amount of precipitation, monthly mean temperature and number of hours with sun), and (b) the amount of precipitation. Both DSI and precipitation were measured 1 or 2 years prior to emigration. We found highly significant (negative) relations between DSI (1 year before emigration) and both the total number of smolt, and the number of age 1 smolt. In addition, precipitation was (positively) related to total number of smolt, but DSI proved to be a stronger predictor compared to precipitation. In addition to drought, our results support a negative influence from older parr on the survival of age 0 trout. Our results indicate that recruitment of brown trout smolt from streams, regularly affected by summer drought, may be predicted approx. 6 months before the actual emigration the following spring. This offers an opportunity for managers to adapt protective measures in accordance with local and temporal changes in recruitment.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The size of wild Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) smolts in 1972–2004 was studied in relation to parr density, smolt age, growth opportunity and postsmolt survival in the Simojoki River. There was a significant negative regression between the annual mean smolt size and the density of wild >1 year parr in the previous autumn, but not between the annual mean smolt size and age. The density of reared parr released into the river or the growth opportunity, based on the day length and air temperature during the previous summer, did not affect the size of wild smolts. The data on postsmolt survival based on recaptures of Carlin-tagged smolts showed a significant positive relationship ( P  < 0.01) between the survival of postsmolts and the annual size of wild smolts. It is hypothesised that the increased density of wild >1 year parr could have contributed to the decreased smolt size since the 1990s, and the reduced size of wild smolts could be included among the factors resulting in their declined postsmolt survival in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Although brook trout and the Arctic char hybrids are able to reproduce, individuals with decreased fertility or even fish that are unable to produce any gametes have been also described. Abnormal gonadal development and disturbances in the gamete production in the char hybrid offspring may be triggered by the odd chromosome number and disturbances in their pairing during meiosis. To verify this hypothesis, cytogenetic examination and the gonadal histology analysis of the brook trout x Arctic char hybrids were carried out. Diploid chromosome number in the studied char (F1) hybrids varied from 82 to 84 (FN = 99–102). Among 28 hybrids, 12 males, three females, nine intersex individuals and two sterile specimens were described. In the case of two individuals, gonads were not found. Diploid chromosome numbers in the males and intersex individuals varied from 82 to 84. Chromosome numbers in the females were 82 and 83 chromosomes. Two sterile fish exhibited karyotypes composed of 82 and 84 chromosomes. Predominance of the ovarian component in the intersex gonads and gonadal sex ratio distortion towards the males suggested hybrid females had problems with gonadal differentiation. However, the lack of the clear relationship between chromosome number and gonadal development in the studied hybrids did not support our hypothesis that odd chromosome number may be responsible for such reproductive disturbances in the hybrid individuals. We have presumed that sterility and intersexual development of the gonads may be caused by interactions between brook trout and Arctic char genes on the sex chromosomes and autosomes rather than unpairing of the parental chromosomes.  相似文献   

Wild salmon (Salmo salar) parr and smolt were forced to swim against constant flow (50 cm.s–1) for 8 hours. Physiological properties describing the hormonal status, the energy metabolism and the ionic and osmotic balance of fish were measured from the fish prior to and at the end of the swimming test.Plasma cortisol levels were elevated in response to enforced swimming; the response of the smolt was clearly greater than that of the parr. Plasma thyroxine concentration increased in the parr but stayed at the initial level in the smolts. The parr consumed much of their coelomic fat, but the glycogen stores stayed nearly constant. The smolts had very low fat stores, and the glycogen stores were depleted in the test. The ionic and osmotic balance of the parr was stable in the test, but in smolts, the plasma Cl–1 and osmotic concentrations decreased and muscle moisture increased.The results indicate that downstream migration smolts have markedly lower physiological capacity for continuous swimming than parr.  相似文献   

Abstract– Habitat is important in determining stream carrying capacity and population density in young Atlantic salmon and brown trout. We review stream habitat selection studies and relate results to variable and interacting abiotic and biotic factors. The importance of spatial and temporal scales are often overlooked. Different physical variables may influence fish position choice at different spatial scales. Temporally variable water flows and temperatures are pervasive environmental factors in streams that affect behavior and habitat selection. The more frequently measured abiotic variables are water depth, water velocity (or stream gradient), substrate particle size, and cover. Summer daytime, feeding habitats of Atlantic salmon are size structured. Larger parr (>7 cm) have a wider spatial niche than small parr. Selected snout water velocities are consistently low (3–25 cm. s?1). Mean (or surface) water velocities are in the preferred range of 30–50 cm. s?1, and usually in combination with coarse substratum (16–256 mm). However, salmon parr demonstrate flexibility with respect to preferred water velocity, depending on fish size, intra- and interspecific competition, and predation risk. Water depth is less important, except in small streams. In large rivers and lakes a variety of water depths are used by salmon parr. Summer daytime, feeding habitat of brown trout is also characterized by a narrow selection of low snout water velocities. Habitat use is size-structured, which appears to be mainly a result of intraspecific competition. The small trout parr (<7 cm) are abundant in the shallow swift stream areas (<20–30 cm depths, 10–50 cm. s?1 water velocities) with cobble substrates. The larger trout have increasingly strong preferences for deep-slow stream areas, in particular pools. Water depth is considered the most important habitat variable for brown trout. Spatial niche overlap is considerable where the two species are sympatric, although young Atlantic salmon tend to be distributed more in the faster flowing and shallow habitats compared with trout. Habitat use by salmon is restricted through interspecific competition with the more aggressive brown trout (interactive segregation). However, subtle innate differences in behavior at an early stage also indicate selective segregation. Seasonal changes in habitat use related to water temperatures occur in both species. In winter, they have a stronger preference for cover and shelter, and may seek shelter in the streambed and/or deeper water. At low temperatures (higher latitudes), there are also marked shifts in habitat use during day and night as the fish become nocturnal. Passive sheltering in the substrate or aggregating in deep-slow stream areas is the typical daytime behavior. While active at night, the fish move to more exposed holding positions primarily on but also above the substrate. Diurnal changes in habitat use take place also in summer; brown trout may utilize a wider spatial niche at night with more fish occupying the shallow-slow stream areas. Brown trout and young Atlantic salmon also exhibit a flexible response to variability in streamflows, wherein habitat selection may change considerably. Important topics in need of further research include: influence of spatial measurement scale, effects of temporal and spatial variability in habitat conditions on habitat selection, effects of interactive competition and trophic interactions (predation risk) on habitat selection, influence of extreme natural events on habitat selection use or suitability (floods, ice formation and jams, droughts), and individual variation in habitat use or behavior.  相似文献   

The success of the sea trout, Salmo trutta L., enhancement programme carried out in the Burrishoole catchment in the west of Ireland from 1993 until 1998 is reviewed in terms of the number of fish stocked, the number of fish which migrated to sea and the number which returned from sea during this period. The success of the programme is also evaluated in terms of the cost of producing parr for stocking and the subsequent value of returning post-smolts (0+ sea age) and rod caught fish. A total of 49 235 tagged fish were released into Lough Feeagh, between 1993 and 1998. Of these fish, 14 788 were microtagged and the remainder, 34 447 had either elastomer or alphanumeric visible implant (VI) tags. Tag loss rates at release varied from 3 to 5.7%. Over the course of the programme a maximum of 7801 fish migrated through the traps towards sea, of which 581, or 7.4%, returned. In any 1 yr a maximum 13.1% of fish returned from sea. The average cost of producing a parr for stocking out was €1.15, which translated into average values of €8.16 per smolt and €169 per returning post-smolt.  相似文献   

This is the first comprehensive study on the occurrence and distribution of piscine reovirus (PRV) in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., caught in Norwegian rivers. PRV is a newly discovered reovirus associated with heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI), a serious and commercially important disease affecting farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway. A cross‐sectional survey based on real‐time RT‐PCR screening of head kidney samples from wild, cultivated and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon caught from 2007 to 2009 in Norwegian rivers has been conducted. In addition, anadromous trout (sea‐trout), Salmo trutta L., caught from 2007 to 2010, and anadromous Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), caught from 2007 to 2009, were tested. PRV was detected in Atlantic salmon from all counties included in the study and in 31 of 36 examined rivers. PRV was also detected in sea‐trout but not in anadromous Arctic char. In this study, the mean proportion of PRV positives was 13.4% in wild Atlantic salmon, 24.0% in salmon released for stock enhancement purposes and 55.2% in escaped farmed salmon. Histopathological examination of hearts from 21 PRV‐positive wild and one cultivated salmon (Ct values ranging from 17.0 to 39.8) revealed no HSMI‐related lesions. Thus, it seems that PRV is widespread in Atlantic salmon returning to Norwegian rivers, and that the virus can be present in high titres without causing lesions traditionally associated with HSMI.  相似文献   

In 2017, a PCR‐based survey for Piscine orthoreovirus‐3 (PRV‐3) was conducted in wild anadromous and non‐anadromous salmonids in Norway. In seatrout (anadromous Salmo trutta L.), the virus was present in 16.6% of the fish and in 15 of 21 investigated rivers. Four of 221 (1.8%) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from three of 15 rivers were also PCR‐positive, with Ct‐values indicating low amounts of viral RNA. All anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) were PCR‐negative. Neither non‐anadromous trout (brown trout) nor landlocked salmon were PRV‐3 positive. Altogether, these findings suggest that in Norway PRV‐3 is more prevalent in the marine environment. In contrast, PRV‐3 is present in areas with intensive inland farming in continental Europe. PRV‐3 genome sequences from Norwegian seatrout grouped together with sequences from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) in Norway and Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch Walbaum) in Chile. At present, the origin of the virus remains unknown. Nevertheless, the study highlights the value of safeguarding native fish by upholding natural and artificial barriers that hinder introduction and spread, on a local or national scale, of alien fish species and their pathogens. Accordingly, further investigations of freshwater reservoirs and interactions with farmed salmonids are warranted.  相似文献   

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