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火炬松人工林抚育间伐效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广东省英德县桥头镇低丘台地上,初植密度为1230株/hm^2的7年生火炬松人工林进行了不同间伐强度的试验,间伐2年后的结果表明:不同间伐强度对火炬松人工林的胞径、树高、单株材积和单位面积蓄积量均有显著影响,对单位面积积蓄积总量则无显著影响。  相似文献   

对11年生火炬松人工林进行间伐强度试验,经3年观测表明:间伐促进了林分生长,间伐3年后与对照相比,胸径的年生长量增加了0.24~0.80㎝,树高的年生长量增加了0.19~0.33m,林分蓄积的年生长量增加了6.783 1~14.812 5m3/hm2,促进林分蓄积生长效果最好的处理是间伐强度为30%.采用30%强度进行初次间伐,可显著提高蓄积生长量,有利于发挥火炬松造林的经济和生态效益.  相似文献   

8年生火炬松试验林不同间伐强度分析表明:不同间伐强度的处理对胸径和单株蓄积量均存在显著影响,抚育间伐改善了林分内的通风透光条件,扩大了保留木的营养空间,增加了林分的稳定性,从而促进了保留木的生长和林分的丰产。但不同间伐强度对树高生长和单位面积蓄积量无显著作用,且强度过大的间伐导致单位蓄积量有减少的趋势。在火炬松人工林生产中.应根据培育目标而选择不同的间伐强度.以实现效益最大化。  相似文献   

湿地松人工林间伐效应分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对10年生和18年生两片湿地松人工林进行了不同强度的间伐试验,间伐3年后的结果表明:强度和中度间伐可明显促进10年生林分胸径,平均单株胸高断面积和平均单株材积的生长;18年生林间伐效果则不明显;间伐林分每公顷胸高断面积增长量只有自然林分的70%-87%。  相似文献   

本文通过大青杨在大川林场的密度间伐试验,得出了大青杨树高和单位面积材积的定期生长量与间伐强度的关系,初步确定了培养杨树短周期工业用材林较是伐密度,为我省东部营短轮伐期工业用材林提供了一定的理论依据和实践指导。  相似文献   

侧柏人工林抚育间伐效果的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对济南南部石灰岩山地侧柏人工纯林急待抚育间伐的实际,采用设立固定标准地定位观测动态检测的方法,对侧伯人工林5年来的抚育间伐效果进行了分析和研究。探讨了不同间伐强度对林分各种生长因子的影响及不同间伐强度下林分的稳定性及病虫害发生发展情况,提出了适宜的间伐强度。  相似文献   

湿地松人工林间伐强度效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对赣东北中等立地上的两片6年和9年生,造林密度分别为2500株/hm^2和1110株/hm^2的湿地松林分进行了间伐强度的对比试验5a后的结果表明,前者以1275株/hm^2,后者以525株/hm^2的保留密,可以显著提高林分的胸径和蓄积生长量,改善立木的径级结构,并能有效地缩短轮伐期。对湿地松林的初植密度和初次间伐龄进行了讨论,认为造林密度1500ri  相似文献   

为了研究火炬松纸浆材、建筑材定向培育过程中密度调控对其木材性质的影响规律,以12年生、6年生火炬松人工林为材料进行火炬松中、幼龄林间伐试验.结果表明:间伐对火炬松树高生长量无显著性影响,对直径和材积有极显著影响,间伐强度越大,直径和材积增长越快;间伐对火炬松出材量有极显著影响,强度间伐越大,火炬松出材量越高;间伐对火炬松生长轮宽度有显著影响,而对晚材率无显著影响,随着间伐强度的增加,生长轮宽度、晚材率增加;间伐对火炬松木材密度无显著影响,但木材密度随间伐强度的增加而提高;间伐对火炬松的木材干缩率有显著影响,随着间伐强度的增加,弦向干缩、径向干缩和体积干缩率下降;间伐对火炬松木材纤维的长度、宽度与长宽比无显著影响,但中龄火炬松木材纤维长度与宽度随间伐强度的增加有所下降,而幼龄火炬松木材纤维宽度随间伐强度的增加而增加,木材纤维长宽比则为一常数;间伐对火炬松顺纹抗压强度、抗弯弹性模量有显著影响,对中龄火炬松抗弯强度有显著影响,而对幼龄火炬松抗弯强度无显著影响,间伐后火炬松的主要力学性质增强.  相似文献   

间伐强度对华北落叶松人工林生长效应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对20年生华北落叶松人工林进行不同强度的间伐试验,结果表明:间伐3 a后与对照相比,不同间伐强度对保留木胸径和树高的影响均显著,其中强度间伐表现最明显,3 a胸径和树高的生长量分别为1.79 cm,2.29 m;中度间伐对林分的蓄积生长量影响最大,初次采用中度间伐可以显著提高林分蓄积量,有效地提高华北落叶松造林的生态效益。  相似文献   

通过对福建省永春大荣国有林场16年生福建柏人工林进行间伐强度效应试验,结果表明:强度间伐对胸径和单株材积生长效应最佳,弱度间伐后的蓄积量最大;不同间伐强度对树高生长、单位面积蓄积量及林分总收获量无显著影响。  相似文献   

A thinning levels study was initiated in a 9-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation containing 26.6 m2 ha−1 basal area during the spring of 1984 in southeastern Oklahoma. Thinning treatments consisted of (1) three control plots (BA100), (2) three plots thinned to approximately 50% of the original basal area (BA50) and (3) three plots that were thinned to 25% of the original basal area (BA25). In 1987 the BA50 and BA25 plots were both rethinned to a basal area of 12 m2 ha−1. No other thinnings were done through age 24.The control plots have attained a basal area of 45.3 m2 ha−1 and basal area is now starting to decline. The BA25 and BA50 plots have basal areas between 34 and 35 m2 ha−1. Mortality has averaged about 90 trees ha−1 per year from age 10 to age 24 on the control plot, declining from 2078 trees ha−1 at age 10 to 827 trees ha−1 at age 24. Mortality losses in the BA25 and BA50 plots have been only 3.2–7.7 trees ha−1 per year over the entire study period. Cumulative stem biomass lost to mortality was 10.5, 16.0 and 61 Mg ha−1, respectively, for the BA25, BA50 and BA100 treatments. Cumulative standing live biomass at age 24 in the BA100 treatment is 132 Mg ha−1. Cumulative standing live biomass in the BA25 and BA50 treatments at age 24 is 86 and 79%, respectively, of that observed in the BA100 treatment. These results suggest wide ranges of residual stand densities left after an early thinning will produce a high percentage of the potential total maximum standing stem biomass. Diameter distributions at age 24 show only 33% of the trees in the BA100 treatments have the dimensions to be sawtimber (≥30 cm) but 92 and 95% of the trees in the BA25 and BA50, respectively, are sawtimber dimension or larger. Mean annual stem biomass production (MAI) of the BA100 treatment is 7.5 Mg ha−1 per year at age 24. MAI of the thinned treatments is about 5.1 Mg ha−1 per year and is converging to that of the BA100 treatment. The basis for this convergence is not that the live trees in the BA100 treatment are producing live biomass less rapidly than the thinned plots, but that mortality losses in the BA100 plot are much higher. Current annual stemwood production in all treatments is often limited by the severe summer droughts that occur in this region. The wide variations in weather experienced at this site also result in variations in earlywood:latewood ratio and ring specific gravity.  相似文献   

对国外松生态混交林的林分生长及其对土壤肥力的影响进行研究。结果表明,针阔混交林不仅可提高林分生产力,而且对土壤质地、通气性、土壤肥力都比纯林有明显的改善;通过逐步间伐国外松,把达到数量成熟年龄的国外松针阔混交林更替为生产大径材的阔叶林,是国外松生态栽培的一种有效途径;在国外松人工林早期间伐后的林分中引进速生阔叶树种和在灌木林下开天窗营造国外松的试验林,综合效益高。  相似文献   

Total foliage dry mass and leaf area at the canopy hierarchical level of needle, shoot, branch and crown were measured in 48 trees harvested from a 14-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation, six growing seasons after thinning and fertilization treatments.

In the unthinned treatment, upper crown needles were heavier and had more leaf area than lower crown needles. Branch- and crown-level leaf area of the thinned trees increased 91 and 109%, respectively, and whole-crown foliage biomass doubled. The increased crown leaf area was a result of more live branches and foliated shoots and larger branch sizes in the thinned treatment. Branch leaf area increased with increasing crown depth from the top to the mid-crown and decreased towards the base of the crown. Thinning stimulated foliage growth chiefly in the lower crown. At the same crown depth in the lower crown, branch leaf area was greater in the thinned treatment than in the unthinned treatment. Maximum leaf area per branch was located nearly 3–4 m below the top of the crown in the unthinned treatment and 4–5 m in the thinned treatment. Leaf area of the thinned-treatment trees increased 70% in the upper crown and 130% in the lower crown. Fertilization enhanced needle size and leaf area in the upper crown, but had no effect on leaf area and other variables at the shoot, branch and crown level. We conclude that the thinning-induced increase in light penetration within the canopy leads to increased branch size and crown leaf area. However, the branch and crown attributes have little response to fertilization and its interaction with thinning.  相似文献   

Stem analysis data from trees in permanent sample plots were used to evaluate thinning effects on stem form using the form exponent. Thinning significantly increased the form exponent particularly in the lower bole leading to a more neiloid form. A stem profile model that accounts for changes in stem form due to thinning effects was developed. For testing hypothesis on thinning effects on stem form, direct covariance modeling with the first order autoregressive (AR(1)) specification was used to account for correlation among within-tree observations. The mixed effects analysis technique was used in stem profile modeling to indirectly account for correlation among observations. As judged by the Akaike's information criterion (AIC) and the likelihood ratio test (LRT), substantial improvements were achieved over techniques that ignore correlation thus addressing biases in the standard error of the regression parameter estimates.  相似文献   

Tanger  S. M.  Blazier  M. A.  Holley  A. G.  McConnell  T. E.  Vanderschaaf  C.  Clason  T. R.  KC  Dipesh 《New Forests》2021,52(2):217-235
New Forests - Competition suppression within loblolly pine plantations (Pinus taeda L.) is typically carried out within the first 2 years of a plantation, but competition control for longer...  相似文献   

The effects of varying forest floor and slash retention at time of regeneration were evaluated 10 years after the establishment of a loblolly pine plantation near Millport, Alabama. Treatments included removing, leaving unaltered, or doubling the forest floor and slash material. Forest floor and litterfall mass and nutrient concentrations, available soil N, foliar nutrient concentrations and stand yield were all impacted by the treatments. Forest floor mass and nutrient contents in the doubled treatment were significantly greater than the other two treatments. The doubled treatment accumulated 25, 45 and 350% more forest floor mass and 56, 56, and 310% more N than the control treatment in the Oi, Oe, and Oa layers, respectively. The other nutrients followed similar patterns. Potentially mineralized NO3-N in the mineral soil was also significantly higher in the doubled treatment. The positive effect of doubling the forest floor on soil N availability was reflected in greater foliage production, 30% more litterfall and 25% more stand yield for this treatment. This study shows that increasing the forest floor retention has resulted in increased nutrient availability and improved tree growth.  相似文献   

Growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedlings through three growing seasons after planting increased with intensity of herbaceous weed control using herbicides. Weed control had no effect on pine survival. Two years of complete herbaceous weed control (CHC, control throughout the first two growing seasons after planting) and operational herbaceous weed control (OHC, sulfometuron at 0.42 kg ai/ha at the beginning of the first growing season), resulted in lower biomass of weeds plus trees than with no herbaceous weed control (NHC) during the first growing season. Differences in total biomass during the first year were due to differences in biomass of herbaceous weeds. Total biomass on CHC and OHC plots was at least as great as NHC the second year, and greater by the third year, as pines assumed dominance as a result of increased growth from reduction of herbaceous weeds. The operational herbicide treatment had no significant impact on overall herbaceous weed biomass and cover, and little effect on species composition compared to no herbaceous weed control two and three growing seasons after treatment. The CHC treatment significantly reduced herbaceous weed biomass, cover and composition through three growing seasons.  相似文献   

Physiological parameters were measured under natural light conditions and needle orientation from towers and walkways erected in the canopy of a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation. Four silvicultural treatments were randomly assigned to the twelve plots in the fall of 1988. Plots were thinned to a density of 731 trees per hectare or left unthinned, at a density of 2990 trees per hectare. The plots were left unfertilized or fertilized with 744 kg/ha of diammonium triple superphosphate was applied. During the fifth growing season (1993) following thinning and fertilization, needle level physiology was not different with respect to the thinning treatment for fertilized or unfertilized plots. In contrast, upper crown levels within the fertilized and unfertilized plots had significantly higher light levels and photosynthetic rates than lower crown foliage. Light levels were greater in the thinned, fertilized plots than in the unthinned, fertilized plots. In contrast, no effect of thinning on canopy light levels was found in the unfertilized plots. Within crown variation in photosynthesis was strongly dependent on canopy light levels. A strong interaction of canopy level with thinning was apparent for net photosynthesis. Loblolly pine, being a shade intolerant species, showed only small physiological differences between needles from different parts of the crown. Because of the variability found in this study, more extensive sampling is needed to correctly describe the physiology of a forest canopy with adequate precision.  相似文献   

The impacts of thinning, fertilization and crown position on seasonal growth of current-year shoots and foliage were studied in a 13-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation in the sixth post-treatment year (1994). Length of new flushes, and their needle length, leaf area, and oven-dry weight were measured in the upper and lower crown from March through November. Total shoot length was the cumulative length of all flushes on a given shoot and total leaf area per shoot was the sum of leaf areas of the flushes.

By the end of June, first-flush foliage reached 70% of the November needle length (14.3 cm) and 65% of the final leaf area (15.0 cm2). Cumulative shoot length of first- and second-flush shoots achieved 95% of the annual length (30.3 cm), whereas total leaf area per shoot was 55% of the final value (75.3 dm2). Fertilization consistently stimulated fascicle needle length, dry weight, and leaf area in the upper crown. Mean leaf area of upper-crown shoots was increased by 64% six years after fertilization. A significant thinning effect was found to decrease mean leaf area per shoot in the crown. For most of the growing season, the thinned-fertilized trees produced substantially more leaf area per shoot throughout the crown than the thinned-nonfertilized trees. These thinned-fertilized trees also had greater needle length and dry weight, longer first flush shoots, and more leaf area per flush than trees in the thinned-nonfertilized plots. Needle length and leaf area of first flush shoots between April and July were linearly related to previous-month canopy air temperature (Ta). Total shoot length strongly depended on vertical light gradient (PPFD) within the canopy, whereas shoot leaf area was a function of both PPFD and Ta. Thus, trees produced larger and heavier fascicles, more and longer flush shoots, and more leaf area per shoot in the upper crown than the lower crown. We conclude that thinning, fertilization, and crown position regulate annual leaf area production of current-year shoots largely by affecting the expansion of first flush shoots and their foliage during the first half of the growing season.  相似文献   

Soil respiration is controlled by soil temperature, soil water, fine roots, microbial activity, and soil physical and chemical properties. Forest thinning changes soil temperature, soil water content, and root density and activity, and thus changes soil respiration. We measured soil respiration monthly and soil temperature and volumetric soil water continuously in a young ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. Laws. & C. Laws.) plantation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California from June 1998 to May 2000 (before a thinning that removed 30% of the biomass), and from May to December 2001 (after thinning). Thinning increased the spatial homogeneity of soil temperature and respiration. We conducted a multivariate analysis with two independent variables of soil temperature and water and a categorical variable representing the thinning event to simulate soil respiration and assess the effect of thinning. Thinning did not change the sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature or to water, but decreased total soil respiration by 13% at a given temperature and water content. This decrease in soil respiration was likely associated with the decrease in root density after thinning. With a model driven by continuous soil temperature and water time series, we estimated that total soil respiration was 948, 949 and 831 g C m(-2) year(-1) in the years 1999, 2000 and 2001, respectively. Although thinning reduced soil respiration at a given temperature and water content, because of natural climate variability and the thinning effect on soil temperature and water, actual cumulative soil respiration showed no clear trend following thinning. We conclude that the effect of forest thinning on soil respiration is the combined result of a decrease in root respiration, an increase in soil organic matter, and changes in soil temperature and water due to both thinning and interannual climate variability.  相似文献   

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