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Doré, E., Angelos, J. A., Rowe, J. D., Carlson, J. L., Wetzlich, S. E., Kieu, H. T., Tell, L. A. Pharmacokinetics of ceftiofur crystalline free acid after single subcutaneous administration in lactating and nonlactating domestic goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 34 , 25–30. Six nonlactating and six lactating adult female goats received a single subcutaneous injection of ceftiofur crystalline free acid (CCFA) at a dosage of 6.6 mg/kg. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein before and at multiple time points after CCFA administration. Milk samples were collected twice daily. Concentrations of ceftiofur and desfuroylceftiofur‐related metabolites were measured using high‐performance liquid chromatography. Data were analyzed using compartmental and noncompartmental approaches. The pharmacokinetics of CCFA in the domestic goat was best described by a one compartment model. Mean (±SD) pharmacokinetic parameters were as follows for the nonlactating goats: area under the concentration time curve0–∞ (159 h·μg/mL ± 19), maximum observed serum concentration (2.3 μg/mL ± 1.1), time of maximal observed serum concentration (26.7 h ± 16.5) and terminal elimination half life (36.9 h; harmonic). For the lactating goats, the pharmacokinetic parameters were as follows: area under the concentration time curve0–∞ (156 h·μg/mL ± 14), maximum observed serum concentration (1.5 μg/mL ± 0.4), time of maximal observed serum concentration (46 h ± 15.9) and terminal elimination half life (37.3 h; harmonic). Ceftiofur and desfuroylceftiofur‐related metabolites were only detectable in one milk sample at 36 h following treatment. There were no significant differences in the pharmacokinetic parameter between the nonlactating and lactating goats.  相似文献   

Clothier, K. A., Leavens, T., Griffith, R. W., Wetzlich, S. E., Baynes, R. E., Riviere, J. E., Tell, L. A. Tulathromycin assay validation and tissue residues after single and multiple subcutaneous injections in domestic goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). J. vet. Pharmacol. Therap.  35 , 113–120. Tulathromycin is a macrolide antimicrobial labeled for treatment of bacterial pneumonia in cattle and swine. The purpose of the present research was to evaluate tissue concentrations of tulathromycin in the caprine species. A tandem mass spectrometry regulatory analytical method that detects the common fragment of tulathromycin in cattle and swine was validated with goat tissues. The method was used to study tulathromycin depletion in goat tissues (liver, kidney, muscle, fat, injection site, and lung) over time. In two different studies, six juvenile and 25 market‐age goats received a single injection of 2.5 mg/kg of tulathromycin subcutaneously; in a third study, 18 juvenile goats were treated with 2.5, 7.5, or 12.5 mg/kg tulathromycin weekly with three subcutaneous injections. Mean tulathromycin tissue concentrations were highest at injection site samples in all studies and all doses. Lung tissue concentrations were greatest at day 5 in market‐age goats while in the multi‐dose animals concentrations demonstrated dose‐dependent increases. Concentrations were below limit of quantification in injection site and lung by day 18 and in liver, kidney, muscle, and fat at all time points. This study demonstrated that tissue levels in goats are very similar to those seen in swine and cattle.  相似文献   

Tulathromycin is approved for the treatment of respiratory disease in cattle and swine. It is intended for long‐acting, single‐dose injection therapy (Draxxin), making it particularly desirable for use in bison due to the difficulty in handling and ease of creating stress in these animals. The pharmacokinetic properties of tulathromycin in bison were investigated. Ten wood bison received a single 2.5 mg/kg subcutaneous injection of Draxxin. Serum concentrations were measured by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC‐MS) detection. Tulathromycin demonstrated early maximal serum concentrations, extensive distribution, and slow elimination characteristics. The mean maximum serum concentration (Cmax) was 195 ng/mL at 1.04 h (tmax) postinjection. The mean area under the serum concentration–time curve, extrapolated to infinity (AUC0–inf), was 9341 ng·h/mL. The mean apparent volume of distribution (Vd/F) and clearance (Cls/F) was 111 L/kg and 0.4 L/h/kg, respectively, and the mean half‐life (t1/2) was 214 h (8.9 days). Compared to values for cattle, Cmax and AUC0–inf were lower in bison, while the Vd/F was larger and the t1/2 longer. Tissue distribution and clinical efficacy studies in bison are needed to confirm the purported extensive distribution of tulathromycin into lung tissue and to determine whether a 2.5 mg/kg subcutaneous dosage is adequate for bison.  相似文献   

Using a crossover study design, the pharmacokinetics of carfentanil and naltrexone after i.v., i.m., and s.c. administration were determined in eight domestic goats (Capra hircus). Serial blood samples were taken up to 120 hr after carfentanil administration, and the plasma drug concentrations were determined using liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy. All goats were immobilized with 40 microg/kg carfentanil i.m., although the resulting neurologic effects varied considerably. Plasma profiles showed rapid carfentanil absorption and a simple biphasic decline for 12-48 hr. Naltrexone given at 100 mg naltrexone/mg carfentanil 30 min after carfentanil administration produced rapid reversal of immobilization after all routes of administration. Variable fluctuations in the naltrexone plasma concentrations during the first 2.5-3.5 hr were observed, followed by a more consistent biphasic decline. The time to standing was significantly shorter after i.v. compared with s.c. naltrexone, although the time difference (1 min) had little clinical relevance. No statistically significant differences between the naltrexone pharmacokinetic parameters measured for the three routes of naltrexone administration were identified, although the recoveries after i.m. administration were, subjectively, the smoothest. The carfentanil half-life did not differ significantly in the goats given naltrexone by different routes. Although it is currently recommended that the naltrexone dose be divided into s.c. and i.v. portions, this practice does not appear to offer any benefit.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of moxifloxacin was studied following intravenous (IV) and subcutaneous (SC) administration of 5 mg/kg to healthy lactating goats (n = 6). Moxifloxacin concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography assay with fluorescence detection. The moxifloxacin plasma concentration versus time data after IV administration could best be described by a two compartment open model. The disposition of SC administered moxifloxacin was best described by a one-compartment model. The plasma moxifloxacin clearance (Cl) for the IV route was 0.43 +/- 0.02 L/kg (mean +/- SE). The steady-state volume of distribution (Vss) was 0.79 +/- 0.08 L/kg. The terminal half-life (t1/2lambdaz) was 1.94 +/- 0.41 and 2.98 +/- 0.48 h after IV and SC administration, respectively. The absolute bioavailability was 96.87 +/- 10.27% after SC administration. Moxifloxacin penetration from blood to milk was quick for both routes of administration and the high AUCmilk/AUCplasma and Cmax-milk/Cmax-plasma ratios reached indicated a wide penetration of moxifloxacin into the milk. From these data, it appears that a 5 mg/kg SC dose of moxifloxacin would be effective in lactating goats against bacterial isolates with MIC < or = 0.20 microg/mL in plasma and MIC < or = 0.40 microg/mL in milk.  相似文献   

Tulathromycin is a triamilide antibiotic that maintains therapeutic concentrations for an extended period of time. The drug is approved for the treatment of respiratory disease in cattle and swine and is occasionally used in goats. To investigate the pharmacokinetics of tulathromycin in meat goats, 10 healthy Boer goats were administered a single 2.5 mg/kg subcutaneous dose of tulathromycin. Plasma concentrations were measured by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS/MS) detection. Plasma maximal drug concentration (Cmax) was 633 ± 300 ng/ml (0.40 ± 0.26 h post-subcutaneous injection). The half-life of tulathromycin in goats was 110 ± 19.9 h. Tulathromycin was rapidly absorbed and distributed widely after subcutaneous injection 33 ± 6 L/kg. The mean AUC of the group was 12,500 ± 2020 h ng/mL for plasma. In this study, it was determined that the pharmacokinetics of tulathromycin after a single 2.5 mg/kg SC injection in goats were very similar to what has been previously reported in cattle.  相似文献   

The single-dose disposition kinetics of difloxacin were determined in clinically normal lactating goats (n = 6) after intravenous (i.v.), subcutaneous (s.c.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administration of 5 mg/kg. Difloxacin concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The concentration-time data were analysed by compartmental and noncompartmental kinetic methods. Steady-state volume of distribution (V(ss)) and total body clearance (Cl) of difloxacin after i.v. administration were estimated to be 1.16 +/- 0.26 L/kg and 0.32 +/- 0.05 L/h x kg respectively. Following s.c. and i.m. administration difloxacin achieved maximum plasma concentrations of 1.33 +/- 0.25 and 1.97 +/- 0.40 mg/L at 3.37 +/- 0.36 and 1.79 +/- 1.14 h respectively. The absolute bioavailabilities after s.c. and i.m. routes were 90.16 +/- 11.99% and 106.79 +/- 13.95% respectively. Difloxacin penetration from the blood into the milk was extensive and rapid, and the drug was detected for 36 h after i.v. and s.c. dosing, and for 72 h after i.m. administration.  相似文献   

Levosulpiride (LSP) is the l‐enantiomer of sulpiride, and LSP recently replacing sulpiride in several EU countries. Several studies about LSP in humans are present in the literature, but neither pharmacodynamic nor pharmacokinetic data of LSP is present for veterinary species. The aim of this study was to assess the pharmacokinetic profile of LSP after intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), and oral (PO) administration in goats. Animals (n = 6) were treated with 50 mg LSP by IV, IM, and PO routes according to a randomized cross‐over design (3 × 3 Latin‐square). Blood samples were collected prior and up to 24 hr after LSP administration and quantified using a validated HPLC method with fluorescence detection. IV and IM administration gave similar concentration versus time curve profiles. The IM mean bioavailability was 66.97%. After PO administration, the drug plasma concentrations were detectable only in the time range 1.5–4 hr, and the bioavailability (4.73%) was low. When the AUC was related to the administered dose in mg/kg, there was a good correlation in the IV and IM groups, but very low correlation for the PO route. In conclusion, the IM and IV administrations result in very similar plasma concentrations. Oral dosing of LSP in goats is probably not viable as its oral bioavailability was very low.  相似文献   

A total of 804 goat sera were collected from 144 goat farms in five regions of South Korea during a period between 2005 and 2006 and screened for the antibodies of viral pathogens in ruminants. The individual seropositive rates for each virus were 13.7% (110/804) for bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1), 9.5% (76/804) for bovine parainfluenza type-3 virus (PI-3V), 5.5% (44/804) for Akabane virus (AKAV), 13.3% (107/804) for Aino virus (AINV), 2.0% (16/804) for Chuzan virus (CHUV) and 1.0% (8/804) for bovine coronavirus (BCoV). Compared with other areas, Chungcheong Province showed higher seropositive rates of 13.6% for PI-3V, 22.3% for AKAV and 28.2% for AINV. The results indicate that among the six viral diseases, BHV-1 infection is quite prevalent, while BCoV infection is less prevalent on domestic goat farms in Gyeongsang and Jeonla Provinces.  相似文献   

随着研究的深入,从最初认为单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)是导致遗传和表型多样性的主要原因,逐渐意识到插入/缺失(insertion/deletion,Indel)的普遍存在,并且与山羊生产繁殖性状密切相关。随着山羊参考基因组序列的公布及测序成本的降低,为大规模开发山羊Indels标记提供了可能。本研究就12个山羊个体(大足黑山羊,DBG,n=6;内蒙古绒山羊,IMCG,n=6)全基因组重测序结果,利用Samtools筛选群体间的差异In-dels。结果表明,12个山羊个体获得192.747GB基因组数据,平均每个个体检测到高质量的Indels位点为334 151个;比较基因组获得2个群体特有的Indels分别为110和100个,注释基因38和30个。其中大足黑山群体特有su-fu、sycp2位点和内蒙古绒山羊群体特有kdm4c位点可能是山羊生长繁殖相关候选Indel标记,为进一步精细解析山羊生产繁殖性状遗传机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of moxifloxacin was studied following intramuscular administration of 5mg/kg to healthy lactating goats (n=6). Moxifloxacin concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography assay with fluorescence detection. The moxifloxacin plasma concentration versus time data could best be described by a one-compartment model. The plasma moxifloxacin clearance (Cl) was mean standard deviation (+/-SD) 0.49+/-0.14 L/h kg. The apparent volume of distribution (V(z)) was 0.83+/-0.20 L/kg. The terminal half-life (t(1/2 lambda z)) was 1.31+/-0.64 h. Moxifloxacin penetration from blood to milk was rapid and the high AUC(milk)/AUC(plasma) and C(max-milk)/C(max-plasma) ratios reached indicated a good penetration of moxifloxacin into the milk.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetic behavior of ibafloxacin was studied after intravenous administration of a single dose of 15 mg/kg to 6 healthy lactating goats. Plasma concentrations of ibafloxacin were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The data for concentration versus time could best be described by a 2-compartment model. The mean plasma ibafloxacin clearance (and standard error) was 1.05 (0.10) L/h x kg. The mean steady-state volume of distribution was 1.65 (0.42) L/kg. The mean elimination half-life was 3.76 (0.30) h. Ibafloxacin penetration from the blood to the milk was poor. The ratio between the areas under the concentration-time curve of milk and plasma was 0.20 (0.01), indicating scant penetration of ibafloxacin into the milk.  相似文献   

The single-dose disposition kinetics of cefonicid were determined in clinically normal lactating goats (n = 6) after intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM) and subcutaneous (SC) administration of a conventional formulation, and after subcutaneous administration of a long-acting formulation (SC-LA). Cefonicid concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. The concentration–time data were analysed by noncompartmental pharmacokinetic methods. Steady-state volume of distribution (Vss) and clearance (Cl) of cefonicid after IV administration were 0.14 ± 0.03 L/kg and 0.51 ± 0.07 L/h·kg, respectively. Following IM, SC and SC-LA administration, cefonicid achieved maximum plasma concentrations of 14.46 ± 0.82, 11.98 ± 1.92 and 17.17 ± 2.45 mg/L at 0.26 ± 0.13, 0.42 ± 0.13 and 0.83 ± 0.20 hr, respectively. The absolute bioavailabilities after IM, SC and SC-LA routes were 75.34 ± 11.28%, 71.03 ± 19.14% and 102.84 ± 15.155%, respectively. After cefonicid analysis from milk samples, no concentrations were found above LOQ at any sampling time. From these data, cefonicid administered at 20 mg/kg each 12 hr after SC-LA could be effective to treat bacterial infections in lactating animals not affected by mastitis problems.  相似文献   

Red blood cell volume distribution frequency, red cell counts, packed cell volumes and reticulocyte counts were monitored during recovery from severe haemorrhagic anaemia in goats. During the first three weeks after haemorrhage there was a small transient reticulocyte response and the cells produced were significantly larger than normal. These large cells persisted in the circulation as a distinct subpopulation of macrocytes, so that the rate of red cell production during this phase could be measured. The findings suggest that red cell volume distribution measurement is a useful method for retrospective diagnosis of severe haemorrhage and for monitoring recovery. The technique also provided a means of assessing erythropoietic activity in a species in which the reticulocyte response to red cell loss is minimal.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 59 protein coding loci (16 polymorphic) and 25 microsatellite loci was analysed for 11 indigenous south-east Asian goat populations, and the Australian feral population, to determine the magnitude of genetic differentiation and the genetic relationships among the populations. Significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected in one or more populations for eight of the nine protein loci with codominant alleles, and for microsatellites for all except the two Sri Lankan populations and for all but four loci. For both marker types, average inbreeding coefficients ( F IS) were exceptionally high. Heterogeneity of deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium for the microsatellites showed no differences for among loci within populations as compared with among populations within loci. For protein loci, however, the former was higher, indicating selection affecting allele frequencies at some loci. The variance among protein loci was significantly higher than among microsatellite loci, further indicating selection at some protein loci. There was significant differentiation among populations for both protein and microsatellite loci, most likely reflecting the geography of south-east Asia, and the presumed spread of goats throughout the region. Phylogenies derived from pair-wise genetic distance estimates show some similar clustering for the microsatellite and protein based trees, but bootstrap support was generally low for both. A phylogeny based on the combined set of 38 protein and microsatellite loci showed better consistency with geography and higher bootstrap values. The genetic distance phylogeny and the Weitzman diversity tree derived from microsatellite data showed some identical clusters, and both identified the Ujung Pandang and Australia populations as contributing most to overall genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Separate groups of goats were used to determine drug depletion patterns in serum (n=10), tissue (n=20) and milk (n=8) following a single intramuscular (i.m.) dose of 20 mg/kg of a long-acting oxytetracycline (OTC) formulation (Liquamycin LA-200). Milk residues were also determined following a subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of the same product at the same dose. Serum samples were taken for 24 h post-treatment and tissues (fat, liver, kidney, muscle and injection site) collected at 4, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days following injection. Milk from lactating goats was collected every 12 h for 8 days following both the i.m. and s.c. treatments utilizing an intervening 5-week washout period. Residues in serum and tissue were measured using a microbial inhibition assay, while milk residues were measured using both a microbial inhibition assay and a validated HPLC method. The serum pharmacokinetic parameters of OTC in goats were determined, with a mean AUC=67.4 microg h/mL, mean terminal half-life=14.4 h, and apparent clearance=0.33 L/kg h. Tissue half-lives could not be determined with confidence because the collection times provided only two points at which residues could be measured for most tissues. Oxytetracycline residues in all goat tissue samples measured less then cattle tissue tolerance by 96 h postdosing. One-compartment model describing milk depletion data for i.m. and s.c. dosing had terminal slope half-lives of 20.1 and 36.1 h, respectively. By 96 h post-treatment none of the milk samples contained OTC residues in excess of the cattle milk tolerance (0.3 p.p.m.). For both milk and tissue, the upper-bound 99% confidence intervals for the samples taken from goats 96 h postdosing were lower than approved cow milk and tissue tolerances.  相似文献   

Five Ayrshire cows were given enrofloxacin (5 mg/kg body weight) intravenously (i.v.), intramuscularly (i.m.) and subcutaneously (s.c). The antimicrobial activity was measured in milk and serum samples using the agar-diffusion technique. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay was used to study the extent of metabolism of enrofloxacin to dprofloxacin. Analysis of the serum concentration-time data was based on statistical moment theory. Mean t 1/2β of antimicrobial activity in serum was 1.7, 5.9 and 5.6 h after i.v., i.m. and s.c. administration, respectively. Both i.m. and s.c. routes were associated with a marked flip-flop phenomenon. Based on HPLC analysis of serum samples, the half-lives of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin were approximately the same. A marked proportion of enrofloxacin was metabolized to ciprofloxacin. The enrofloxacin fraction bound in vitro to serum proteins was 36–45%. About 0.2% of the total enrofloxacin dose was found in milk during the first 24h and the amount transferred did not depend on the route of administration. Based on the HPLC data, enrofloxacin concentration in milk was parallel to that in serum, while ciprofloxacin was concentrated in milk. After i.v. injection, the peak concentration of enrofloxacin in milk was reached between 0.7 and 1.3 h but occurred much later for ciprofloxacin ( t max 5–8 h). After i.m. and s.c. administration the concentration-time curves for both enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in milk were shallow and there were no obvious peaks.  相似文献   

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