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水针疗法,又称穴位注射疗法.是一种针刺与药物、中医与西医相结合的新型疗法.它是在穴位、痛点或肌肉起止点注射药液,通过针刺、液压及药物对穴位的作用来调整机体的机能和改变病理状态,从而达到治疗疾病的目的.  相似文献   

贺建忠  杨国辉 《兽医导刊》2008,(5):44-44,46
穴位注射疗法,是在经络、腧穴或压痛点、皮下阳性反应物上,适量注射液体药物,以防治各类疾病的方法,属于中西医结合治疗疾病的范畴.该法始于20世纪50年代早期,到目前为止已经广泛用于医学临床和兽医疾病的治疗中.穴位注射法具有针刺和药物的双重功效,一方面通过针具和注入药液的机械刺激使被刺穴位产生酸、麻、胀等"针感"样作用,另一方面通过药物具有的生物学效应对疾病产生治疗作用.  相似文献   

穴位注射疗法,针对不同的疾病,选用相应的腧穴和药物,将药液注入腧穴内,充分发挥腧穴和药物对疾病的综合作用,从而达到治愈疾病的目的.大椎穴是临床针对发热疾病经常使用的一个穴位,针刺和大椎穴注射具有退热快的特点.  相似文献   

<正>穴位注射疗法是在穴位注射某些药物,通过针刺和药物的双重作用,达到治疗疾病的目的。此法是在祖国医学经络理论基础上发展起来的一种新疗  相似文献   

水针疗法也叫穴位注射法,是一种针刺与药物相结合的新疗法.它是在穴位、痛点或肌肉起止点注射某些中西药物或生物制品,通过针刺、液压和药物对穴位的刺激,来调整机体的机能和改变病理状态,以达到治疗疾病的目的.  相似文献   

<正>穴位注射疗法是在穴位注射某些药物,通过针刺和药物的双重作用,达到治疗疾病的目的。此法是在祖国医学经络理论基础上发展起来的一种新疗  相似文献   

穴位,本来是中兽医用来针灸的部位,但通过兽医实践的不断发展和应用,穴位除了其用于本身的针刺效果外,利用穴位进行药物注射(即穴位注射又称水针疗法),因其药物用量少、作用迅速、疗效显著,对某些疾病的治疗愈来愈多的发挥着其他传统注射方法不可取代的作用。  相似文献   

穴位注射药物治疗畜禽疾病,是按照穴位的治疗作用和药理性能选用相应的穴位和药物,并将药液注入穴位内,通过针刺和药物对穴位的刺激及药理作用三方面结合起来,从而调动畜禽机体的功能,改善病理状态,充分发挥经穴和药物对疾病的综合效能,达到治疗畜禽疾病之目的。文章先概述兽医针灸技术的内容,并重点介绍水针(穴位注药)疗法,包括针具、药液、选穴、操作、应用、注意事项等,以及常用穴位,同时列举应用病例,供动物疾病水针治疗临床参考。  相似文献   

穴位注射治疗马属动物慢性支气管炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
穴位注射亦称水针疗法,是利用针刺、药物的理化刺激和药物的作用,以调整机体机能和改变病理状态、从而达到治疗疾病的目的。  相似文献   

穴位注射疗法,是在经络、腧穴或压痛点、皮下阳性反应物上,适量注射液体药物,以防治各类疾病的方法,属于中西医结合治疗疾病的范畴。该法始于20世纪50年代早期,到目前为止已经广泛用于医学临床和兽医疾病的治疗中。穴位注射法具有针刺和药物的双重功效,一方面通过针具和注入药液的机械刺激使被刺穴位产生酸、麻、胀等“针感”样作用,  相似文献   

母畜在产后泌乳量减少或完全无乳,称为产后缺乳.产后缺乳在绵羊及山羊常有发生,是引起新生羔羊饥饿、能量不足、体质减弱甚至死亡的重要原因,造成养殖业重大经济损失.母羊产后缺乳主要是由品种品质、饲养管理、应激、营养及疾病等因素引起,除全身性疾病外,母羊产后缺乳按临床症状可分为单纯缺乳型、乳腺炎型和传染性无乳症型.针对以上临床...  相似文献   

Gene therapy is a medical intervention based on modification of the genetic material of living cells. This technique offers widespread possibilities in treating or preventing diseases. This applies to genetically determined diseases but also to diseases that occur later in life. Cells may be modified ex vivo for subsequent administration to patients, or may be altered in vivo by gene therapy given directly to the subject. To introduce the genetic material in cells, vectors are being used. Currently, most vectors are from viral origin. This requires special precautions when producing viral vectors. Gene therapy is apparently safe, when the proper indications and contra-indications are taken into account. Expectations regarding gene therapy are very high. However, more technological barriers are encountered than foreseen and therefore, the clinical success up to now is limited.  相似文献   

Protozoal diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical and pathologic findings of and therapy for such protozoal diseases as equine protozoal myeloencephalitis, toxoplasmosis, sarcocystosis, pneumocytosis, cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, besnoitiosis, and klossiellosis are discussed. Emphasis is placed on disorders that occur with greater frequency in North America and on emerging protozoal diseases affecting horses.  相似文献   

经络穴位给药系统在兽医临床上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经络穴位给药系统以中医经络理论为基础,具有经穴效应和药物效应的双重治疗特性,已广泛应用于兽医临床.目前,兽医临床上常用穴位给药方式是穴位埋植和穴位注射,而常用穴位主要是后海穴、百会穴、肺龠穴.随着经络穴位给药系统的广泛应用,新型经络穴位给药制剂和经络穴位给药作用机理已成为经络穴位给药系统研究的重点.  相似文献   

Acupuncture analgesia is an important issue in veterinary medicine. This study was designed to elucidate central modulation effects in response to electroacupuncture (EA) at different acupoints. Manganese-enhanced functional magnetic resonance imaging was performed in Sprague-Dawley rats after sham acupuncture, sham EA, or true EA at somatic acupoints. The acupoints were divided into 3 groups: group 1, analgesic acupoints commonly used for pain relief, such as Hegu (LI 4); group 2, nonanalgesic acupoints rarely used for analgesic effect, such as Neiguan (PC 6); and group 3, acupoints occasionally used for analgesia, such as Zusanli (ST 36). Image acquisition was performed on a 1.5-T superconductive clinical scanner with a circular polarized extremity coil. The results showed that there was no neural activation caused by EA at a true acupoint with shallow needling and no electric current (sham acupuncture). When EA at a true acupoint was applied with true needling but no electric current (sham EA), there was only a slight increase in brain activity at the hypothalamus; when EA was applied at a true acupoint with true needling and an electric current (true EA), the primary response at the hypothalamus was enhanced. Also, there was a tendency for the early activation of pain-modulation areas to be prominent after EA at analgesic acupoints as compared with nonanalgesic acupoints. In conclusion, understanding the linkage between peripheral acupoint stimulation and central neural pathways provides not only an evidence-based approach for veterinary acupuncture but also a useful guide for clinical applications of acupuncture.  相似文献   

Most viral infections in small mammals are transient and rarely produce clinical signs. When clinical signs do appear, they are often of a multifactorial etiology such as respiratory infection with Sendai virus and the bacteria M. pulmonis in rodents. Diagnosis is generally made based on clinical signs, while therapy involves treatment for concurrent bacterial infections and supportive care. Small mammals may carry zoonotic viruses such as LCMV, but natural infections are uncommon. Viral diseases are rare (or largely unknown) for hedgehogs, chinchillas, and prairie dogs, while no known naturally occurring, clinically relevant viral diseases exist for gerbils and sugar gliders. This article is intended to aid the clinician in identifying viral infections in small mammals and to help determine the significance each virus has during clinical disease.  相似文献   

Gene therapy in simple terms is the introduction of a gene into a cell, in vivo, in order to ameliorate a disease process. Human clinical trials have focused on the correction of monogenic deficiency diseases, cancer and AIDS. This paper summarises the technology of gene therapy, gives a brief synopsis of the current applications of gene therapy to veterinary medicine and discusses some of the problems which need to be overcome so that gene therapy can become accepted clinical practice.  相似文献   

犬肠便秘是犬常见的消化道疾病,有的是原发性的,有的是继发性的。临床上是否能正确诊断和早期治疗,关系到该病的经过和预后。中西医结合治疗,一方面及时软化粪便,另一方面对其穴位进行针刺,起到改善经络运行气血的作用,从而增强肠道功能。  相似文献   

为探讨独穴蜂针疗法与蜜蜂毒素对变应性鼻炎的防治效果,5年来采用独穴蜂针疗法治疗了32例全年性变应性鼻炎病人,结果有效率为100%,两年治愈率为78%,说明独穴蜂针疗法对变应性鼻炎具有特殊的防治效果。结果提示:蜂针疗法是一种自然的生物免疫疗法,蜂毒液可能为一类天然的有效的生物应答调节剂,通过调节机体的免疫系统而产生抗过敏、抗感染、抗肿瘤作用。  相似文献   

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