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Memory impairment after subcutaneous injection of acetoxycycloheximide   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Subcutaneous injection of 240 micrograms of acetoxycycloheximide in mice rapidly produces marked inhibition of cerebral protein synthesis. Treated mice were trained to escape shock by choosing the lighted limb of a T-maze. When trained five or more minutes after injection, they had a normal capacity to learn. They remembered normally 3 hours after training, but 6 hours after training they had markedly impaired retention. Amnesia persisted thereafter. Injections immediately after training had a less marked but significant amnesic effect. These studies suggest that protein synthesis is not necessary for learning or for memory for 3 hours after training but that it is required for long-term memory. The protein synthesis which appears to be necessary for long-term e3memory occurs during training, or within minutes after training, or both.  相似文献   

It is apparent that antibiotics are useful in differentiating different stages in the formation of memory. Puromycin gave the first indication that very early memory can be established and survive, for a short period at least, in spite of inhibition of protein synthesis (12). Injection of actinomycin D indicates that RNA synthesis is not essential during this early stage (13). The duration of this early period seems to vary with the inhibiting agent; with puromycin memory was notably degraded in less than an hour, but with actinomycin D or with acetoxycycloheximide it persisted for several hours or more. The fixation or consolidation of memory involves whatever processes give permanence to memory. These processes are disrupted when electroconvulsive shock is administered shortly after a learning experience, presumably because of the interference with organized patterns of neuronal electrical activity. Memory acquired in the presence of antibiotics appears to proceed to a stage beyond that based purely on electrical activity because the memory persists beyond the period usually reported as sensitive to electroconvulsive shock. Further work should show whether this stage is truly insensitive to electroconvulsive shock. Memory acquired in the presence of puromycin does not seem to achieve any durable consolidation. In contrast, memory acquired in the presence of or immediately before injection of acetoxycycloheximide does appear to initiate the later stages of consolidation, as permanent memory. reappears some days after the initial stages have become ineffective in controlling performance. Finally, puromycin has provided evidence of the enlarged area of the neocortex which participates as memory matures. Puromycin also indicates the time required for this maturation process. Since antibiotics have also been useful in studying learning and memory in goldfish (14), this approach seems to have general applicability in defining various stages in the process of memory formation. The initial purpose of these investigations was to determine the molecular basis of the "memory trace" This goal still remains distant, although there are some indications that protein synthesizing systems are involved. This objective, though of enormous interest, is to be regarded as only a necessary first step. Whether new proteins or some other molecules cause the changes in synapses thought to underlie memory, this knowledge of itself will contribute only a beginning to our understanding of the events which account for the functioning of the brain. A determination of the composition of computer components would provide very little information towards unraveling their function. As the experiments proceeded, however, information of a more general nature was being obtained. The identification of different stages of consolidation show how injections of antibiotics can supplement electroconvulsive shock as a way of disrupting the establishment of memory and how it can supplement ablation in destroying memory already laid down in a permanent mode. Applied to larger animals the localization of various regions sensitive or insensitive to the action of the drugs should become more definitive. We hope that such experiments will contribute increasingly to the general problem of brain function.  相似文献   

Actinomycin D blocks formation of memory of shock-avoidance in goldfish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When 2 micrograms of antinomycin D was injected intracranially into goldfish immediately after a training session, the formation of long-term memory of a shock-avoidance was blocked. The results are discussed in relation to similar findings with acetoxycycloheximide and puromycin in the goldfish and with apparently conflicting results in the mouse.  相似文献   

Puromycin effect on memory may be due to occult seizures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Intracerebral injections of puromycin, which have been shown to impair memory 3 hours after training, increase the susceptibility of mice to seizures after administration of normally subconvulsive doses of pentylenetetrazol. Cycloheximide, which antagonizes the puromycin-induced amnesia 3 hours after training, also antagonizes the puromycin effect on susceptibility to seizure. The anticonvulsant diphenylhydantoin antagonizes the puromycin effect on memory. The puromycin effect on memory may be due to occult seizures.  相似文献   

Puromycin: action on neuronal mitochondria   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Puromycin, in dosages that inhibit cerebral protein synthesis and expression of memory in mice, produces swelling of neuronal mitochondria. Acetoxycycloheximide, which inhibits cerebral protein synthesis to the same extent as puromycin, fails to produce swelling of neuronal mitochondria. Puromycin and heximide mixtures produce severe inhibition of protein synthesis, but result in a minimal swelling of neuronal mitochondria and in a decrease of peptidylpuromycin complexes to a level of 30 percent of that following the injection of puromycin alone. It is concluded that swelling of neuronal mitochondria in the presence of puromycin is not due to inhibition of cerebral protein synthesis per se, but is related to a specific action of puromycin on ribosomal protein synthesis. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that peptidyl-puromycin complexes are responsible for mitochondrial swelling.  相似文献   

The effect of the injection into rats of analogs of puromycin, 6-dimethylaminopurine, and the aminonucleoside of puromycin on the stimullation of steroidogenesis by adrenocorticotropic hormone was coin pared with that of puromycin and cycloheximide. This stimulation was blocked only by the antibiotics, which also inhibited adrenal protein synthesis. Glycogenolysis is not associated with the primary mechanism of the adrenocorticotropic hormone stimnulation of steroid hormone biosynthesis in rats.  相似文献   

Homing salmon were injected intracranially with puromycin, actinomycin D, or cycloheximide. From 4 to 7 hours after such treatment these agents markedly inhibited olfactory bulbar discrimination between home water and other natural waters, including spawning sites for other groups of salmon. At longer intervals after treatment there was a partial restoration of olfactory memory-based discrimination. The dosages of the inhibitors used could be shown to have depressed incorporation of H(3)-leucine into protein by 78 percent or of H(3)-uridine into RNA by 41 percent in the salmon brains 4 hours after intracranial injection. These findings suggest that acute blockage of RNA synthesis or protein synthesis can interfere with long-term olfactory memory in anadromous salmon, at least as this function can be analyzed by electrophysiological methods. This implies that long-term olfactory memory depends upon continued metabolism of RNA and continued protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Reticuloendothelial blockade induced by the administration of a gelatinized "reticuloendothelial test lipid emulsion" is due to a loss of opsonic activity in the plasma. Recovery from blockade, which is associated with restoration of plasma opsonins, was inhibited by the administration of puromycin. The effect of puromycin appears to be mediated by inhibition of opsonin formation rather than a puromycin-induced macrophage defect in phagocytosis.  相似文献   

本文研究了咖啡固和Na2一EDTA后处理对不同辐照敏感性作物幼苗DNA、RNA含量和修复能力的影响。结果表明,随着辐照剂量的增大,大豆(对辐射敏感)和油菜(抗辐射)7天龄幼苗下胚轴内DNA,RNA含量随之增大,且大豆的DNA含量比油菜高2倍多。咖啡固和Na2一EDTA后处理,均高于对照。放射性3H─TdR标记6渗入法证实,种子辐照后,7日龄幼苗体内仍存在着非按期的DNA合成,且油菜的非按期DNA合成能力强于大豆。咖啡固、Na2─EDTA和二者复合作用的后处理,抑制了DNA的非按期修复合成,加重了辐射损伤,其抑制程度,咖啡因+N82-EDTA>咖啡固>N82─EDTA。  相似文献   

Brain blood flow: alteration by prior exposure to a learned task   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chicks with the eyelids of one eye sutured were trained to discriminate between grains and pebbles. The learned experience was completely recognizable by the naive eye that had been occluded during training. When both eyes were opened after monocular training, the velocity of blood flow through paired left and right brain regions was identical. However, when chicks were reexposed to the discrimination situation, blood flow through the cerebral hemisphere associated with the naive eye was greater than that through the hemisphere associated with the trained eye.  相似文献   

It was shown that puromycin administered to mice 1 or more days after maze-learning blocks expression of memory; the blockage can be removed by intracerebral injections of saline. We present evidence that intracerebral injections of saline are relatively ineffective in restoring memory when puromycin is administered either before or immediately after training; in these two situations puromycin appears to interfere with consolidation of memory.  相似文献   

Inborn errors of metabolism often cause epilepsy, as with certain strains of mice. Aggravating the metabolic defect with a protein synthesis inhibitor increases the symptoms. Mature animals that have "outgrown" their genetic susceptibility to audiogenic seizures are made susceptible again by acetoxycycloheximide. After a single small dose the incidence and severity of audiogenic seizures increases at 16 hours, reaches a maximum of 40 hours, and then declines gradually.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that in addition to its effects on metabolic rate, thyroxine stimulates protein biosynthesis. The administration of puromycin, a drug which blocks protein synthesis and, therefore, the thyroxine effect on protein synthesis, acutely reverses the hypermetabolism induced in rats by prior administration of thyroxine and restores the oxygen consumption of the thyrotoxic rats to the euthyroid level. The results suggest that a larger fraction of the total body basal oxygen consumption in hyperthyroidism is related to the process of protein synthesis than in the euthyroid state and that the calorigenic effect of thyroxine is secondary to its effect on protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Late gastrulae of paracentrotus lividus regenerated cilia after being deciliated in hypertonic sea water. Regeneration was not affected by actinomycin D or puromycin. Actinomycin D also did not affect ciliary protein synthesis during regeneration, although overall embryonic synthesis was depressed. Puromycin inhibited both total embryonic and ciliary protein synthesis. The data indicate that ciliary protein synthesis is controlled by a stable template and that the regenerating cilia are formed from a pool of ciliary proteins. It is suggested that the proteins of the mitotic apparatus and of the ciliamay be related.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid extracted from brains of trained animals and injected intraperitoneally into naive animals produced no "transfer of learning" effect on several tasks under many conditions. P(325)-Labeled RNA was not found in the brain after intraperitoneal administration. Even intraventricular injections of nucleic acid produced no "transfer" effect.  相似文献   

Sixty mice received either shock or no shock in a shuttle box, or nonspecific stress in another apparatus. Brain and liver homogenates from these animals were then injected into 120 naive recipients, who were all tested in the shuttle box. Subjects receiving brain or liver from shocked or stressed donors had significantly higher latencies than control counterparts. These results are interpreted in terms of stress, rather than a memory transfer hypothesis.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation events during Müllerian duct regression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Regression of the fetal rat Müllerian duct in vitro was stimulated by sodium fluoride in the absence of Müllerian inhibiting substance. The action of Müllerian inhibiting substance was inhibited by sodium vanadate, adenosine 5'-triphosphate, and several related nucleotides in the presence of manganese ions. Epidermal growth factor specifically inhibited the substance, but only with manganese ions present. Insulin, platelet-derived growth factor, and nerve growth factor had no effect. These results suggest that dephosphorylation of membrane proteins mediates the action of Müllerian inhibiting substance.  相似文献   

The deposition of liver glycogen in starved rats given a single dose of cortisone is inhibited by puromycin and actinomycin. The former agent interferes with induced enzyme formation in general, and the latter with the cortisone-induced rise in liver enzyme levels. The results suggest that the regulatory eJffect of cortisone on carbohydrate metabolism may be brought about -by its action on the cellular concentration of certain enzyme proteins.  相似文献   

Immunoregulatory feedback between interleukin-1 and glucocorticoid hormones   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
The production and action of immunoregulatory cytokines, including interleukin-1 (IL-1), are inhibited by glucocorticoid hormones in vivo and in vitro. Conversely, glucocorticoid blood levels were increased by factors released by human leukocytes exposed to Newcastle disease virus preparations. This activity was neutralized by an antibody to IL-1. Therefore the capacity of IL-1 to stimulate the pituitary-adrenal axis was tested. Administration of subpyrogenic doses of homogeneous human monocyte-derived IL-1 or the pI 7 form of human recombinant IL-1 to mice and rats increased blood levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and glucocorticoids. Another monokine, tumor necrosis factor, and the lymphokines IL-2 and gamma-interferon had no such effects when administered in doses equivalent to or higher than those of IL-1. The stimulatory effect of IL-1 on the pituitary-adrenal axis seemed not to be mediated by the secondary release of products from mature T lymphocytes since IL-1 was endocrinologically active when injected into athymic nude mice. These results strongly support the existence of an immunoregulatory feedback circuit in which IL-1 acts as an afferent and glucocorticoid as an efferent hormonal signal.  相似文献   

The antibiotic, puromycin, caused loss of memory of avoidance discrimination learning in mice when injected intracerebrally. Bilateral injections of puromycin involving the hippocampi and adjacent temporal cortices caused loss of short-term memory; consistent loss of longer-term memory required injections involving, in addition, most of the remaining cortices. Spread of the effective memory trace from the temporal-hippocampal areas to wide areas of the cortices appears to require 3 to 6 days, depending upon the individual animal. Recent reversal learning was lost while longer-term initial learning was retained after bilateral injections into the hippocampal-temporal areas.  相似文献   

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