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Indole acetic acid (IAA) was believed to be an important regulator in xylem formation in conifers. However, few studies have been done on the endogenous amount of IAA in cambial region tissues in sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) trees. In this study, we report the IAA amounts in the lower and upper trunk of mature sugi cultivars (Kumotoshi, Yaichi and Obiaka) in September, and the effects of growth traits on the IAA amounts. The effect of height position (lower or upper trunk) on IAA amounts was found to be larger than that of genetic variation (Kumotoshi, Yaichi or Obiaka) by two-way ANOVA. There was no significant interaction effect (genetic variation × height position). The IAA amounts of all trees varied from 3 to 42 ng/cm2 at the lower trunk and 9 to 47 ng/cm2 at the upper trunk. Crown length and distance from crown base had significant positive and negative effects on IAA amounts in the trunk of sugi cultivars, respectively. Distance from crown base had a larger effect on IAA amounts than crown length. In Yaichi, taller trees had larger IAA amounts at both the lower and upper trunk.  相似文献   

Sugi sapwood samples were processed with aqueous solution of acetic acid in order to find the response of the weight of sugi sapwood and the treatment of aqueous solution of acetic acid. The result showed that loss of weight for the treated sugisapwood was about equal to yield of extracts from sugi sapwood, and increased with the increment of the concentration of aqueous solution of acetic acid. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy spectra changes of the treated sugi wood and extracts from sugi sapwood were analyzed by FT-IR spectroscopic technique. Increasing tendency of absorption intensities of the stretching vibration at 3 400 cm^-1 of hydroxyl group (OH) and C=C in lignin stretching vibration at 1510 cm^-1 of benzene ring inlignin were observed from FT-IR of the treated sugi sapwood. From FT-IR spectra of extracts from sugi sapwood by aqueoussolution of acetic acid, the dissolution of lignin was observed during the treatment with 30% acetic acid solution aqueous.  相似文献   

为了研究醋酸水溶液处理给杉树材重量带来的变化,使用醋酸水溶液对杉树材进行了处理。结果发现处理后杉树材重量的减小量大约等于抽出物的重量,而且随着醋酸水溶液浓度的增加而增加。利用傅立叶变换红外光谱法对处理后的杉树材及抽出物进行了光谱分析。从处理后杉树材的光谱图可以观察到3400cm-1附近的OH伸缩振动及1510cm-1附近的木质素中苯环C=C伸缩振动的吸收强度有增加倾向。从醋酸水溶液抽出物光谱图可以发现用浓度30%醋酸水溶液处理时木质素被溶出。图2表2参6。  相似文献   

Methanol extract of sawdust of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) heartwood was fractionated with toluene and n-hexane to give solvent-soluble and solvent-insoluble fractions. The n-hexane-soluble fraction showed the most inhibition activity among the fractions against phytopathogenic microorganisms, namely Fusarium oxysporum, Phytophthora capsici, Pythium splendens, and Ralstonia solanacearum. Sandaracopimarinol and ferruginol, isolated from the n-hexane-soluble fraction, showed moderate antifungal activity against the three fungi and strong antibacterial activity against R. solanacearum. The content of sandaracopimarinol (7.07 g/kg based on the dried sawdust) in the heartwood was about twice that of ferruginol. Sandaracopimarinol and ferruginol strongly inhibited the growth of Gram-positive bacteria but did not show inhibitory action against Gram-negative bacteria except for R. solanacearum. The antibacterial effect of sandaracopimarinol was first found in the present study and was stronger than that of ferruginol.  相似文献   

Variations of certain anatomical and mechanical indices within tree stems of aged sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) trees planted in Akita prefecture were studied. The determination of the juvenile/mature wood boundary was also discussed, and the effects of wood structure on mechanical properties were investigated. On the basis of radial and vertical variation of the anatomical and mechanical indices, modulus of elasticity (MOE)/ shear modulus (G) was chosen as the index for determining the juvenile/mature wood boundary. The increase rates of MOE/G at the points of 1%, 2%, and 3% were discussed. It was found that for aged trees, all three points were thought to be effective for dividing juvenile and mature wood. However, for younger trees, the point of 2% was recommended, which was mostly consistent with the result obtained by the increase rate of 1% for tracheid length (TL). Among mechanical properties, the MOE showed more significant juvenile/mature wood differences than did modulus of rupture (MOR) and . By correlation analysis, it was suggested that microfibril angle largely contributed to the indices of MOE and G, and specific gravity largely contributed to the indices of MOR and .Part of this report was presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Fukuoka, March 2003  相似文献   

Crown form, vertical changes in branch inclination and vertical distribution of foliage density in a young sugi (Crytomeria japonica D. Don) stand were analyzed using allometric equations. Tall trees had deeper crowns than short trees, whereas the crown diameters of both tall and short trees were similar. Apical roundness was more pronounced in the lower-story trees, which were characterized by umbrella-shaped crowns. The vertical distribution of foliage density was approximated by a nearly symmetrical curve. Tall trees had higher spatial densities of foliage than short trees. Branch inclination also varied significantly with tree height. The middle-story trees had the largest branch inclinations and the lower-story trees had the smallest branch inclinations. Even in young uniform stands, crown morphology and structure were modified in response to the light environment.  相似文献   

Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) is one of the most important planted trees in Taiwan. The normal heartwood of sugi has a red to pinkish rose color. Unfortunately, this pleasant appearance is susceptible to discoloration after environmental exposures. This discoloration is a serious defect that decreases the value of sugi products. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of environmental factors such as moisture, oxygen, and lights of different wavelengths on the discoloration of sugi. The results show that under the combined effects of light and oxygen the color of heartwood changes from red (or rosepink) to bluish green. The color further darkens and eventually turns to black with the presence of moisture. As for the effect of light wavelengths on the discoloration of sugi heartwood, it was found that the red color was enhanced after being irradiated with light of wavelengths above 600 nm. Botha * andb * values increased significantly as a result of such exposure.  相似文献   

The frequency of open-pollinated male-sterile seedlings from a male-sterile mother tree in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don was determined in 765 open-pollinated seedlings. Pollen was not formed by 29 out of the 765 seedlings. To find pollen donor candidates for 29 male-sterile seedlings, a male-sterile tree was crossed with five individuals in the neighborhood of the mother tree. Analysis of microspores in male flowers of F1 seedlings revealed that one of the five individuals had a heterozygous male-sterility gene. Paternity tests were conducted on the 29 male-sterile seedlings using eight kinds of CAPS markers in C. japonica. The pollen parents of 29 male-sterile seedlings were not only a tree in the neighborhood of the mother tree, but also other trees. Since it was found that the pollen parents of four of the male-sterile seedlings were not in the study plot, it was inferred that C. japonica trees that possess the male-sterility gene grow in other places and may be widely distributed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of residual trees on the height of 18- and 19-year-old Cryptomeria japonica planted in group selection openings of about 0.1 ha at Yufuin in Oita Prefecture in southern Japan. We first developed a general model expressing variation in the height for all of the planted trees within the openings from indices of both between-cohort competition (the effects of residual trees) and within-cohort competition (among the even-aged planted trees). The between-cohort competition index was calculated both with and without taking into account the direction that residual trees were positioned from subject trees. The two models suggested that residual trees located near the northern edge of the opening were not effective competitors for light for the planted trees within the opening. In addition, our results indicated that both between-cohort competition and within-cohort competition are important for explaining tree height in closed stands within group selection openings. Using the general model, we then estimated the potential loss of height growth for locally dominant trees within the openings that could be attributed only to the influence of residual trees. These results indicated that in addition to the effect of opening size, both the degree of crowding and the direction of residual trees from the planted trees are important factors affecting the height of individual trees planted in group selection openings.  相似文献   

This is the first report to ascertain potassium location in black heartwood of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica). The objective of this study was to understand the distribution of potassium in sugi black heartwood in connection with anatomical morphology. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDXA) was used to investigate the distribution of inorganic elements, especially potassium. In black heartwood, potassium was detected in all tissues (tracheids, ray parenchyma, and axial parenchyma), but its concentrations were different in each xylem tissue. Potassium was particularly accumulated in the droplets in axial parenchyma cells. In addition, calcium was also detected in all tissues. Phosphorus sometimes existed in the granules in ray parenchyma cells. From optical microscopy, the axial parenchyma cells were observed to be arranged in a tangential direction on transverse section and the droplets in these cells were distributed in areas of high ash and green moisture content. For red heartwood, potassium detected by SEM-EDXA was far lower in all tissues than in the black heartwood, while the trend for calcium was the converse. Potassium in axial parenchyma cells was more abundant in black heartwood than in typical pale red heartwood.  相似文献   

The kinetics of color changes in keyaki (Zelkova serrata Makino) and sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) wood during heat treatment were examined. The color of wood specimens treated at 90, 120, 150, and 180 °C was measured by an imaging spectrophotometer and expressed using CIELAB color parameters. At any treatment temperature, values for L* and $ \Updelta E_{ab}^{*} $ decreased and increased in both wood species, respectively, with increased treatment time. Changes in a* and b* varied depending on wood species and treatment temperature. The color changes were successfully analyzed using the kinetic approach applying time–temperature superposition method. This approach elucidated and accurately predicted color changes during heat treatment.  相似文献   

To investigate the wood properties affecting the internal-check variation in boxed-heart square timber of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica), two cultivars, yabukuguri and kumotooshi were kiln-dried together by the high-temperature setting method and their internal checks were compared. There was a difference in the area of internal checks between the cultivars. Kumotooshi formed a larger area of internal checks, which was thought to be affected by the larger tangential shrinkage of kumotooshi. The number, total length, and total area of internal checks were significantly correlated with tangential shrinkage. The area of internal checks around the pith was also larger for kumotooshi, which might be affected by the larger tangential shrinkage in the core part of kumotooshi. The results supported that tangential shrinkage should be one of the important properties affecting the internal-check variation of sugi boxed-heart square timber.  相似文献   

Blackening in heartwood was investigated in relation to the metal contents and the moisture content in xylem of about 50-year-old seedling sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) planted in a steeply sloped stand in Okutama district (Itsukaichi Tokyo), where blackened heartwood is frequently found. The potassium, calcium, iron, and manganese contents were examined in the variously blackened heartwood and normal heartwood by an atomic absorption method. It was recognized that potassium increased relative to the degree of the blackening of heartwood, resulting in a significant correlation between them. This finding implies that an increase in potassium has an important role in the blackening of heartwood. Moisture content has a tendency to increase in the blackened heartwood, so it seems that the large accumulation of potassium is associated with the high moisture content in heartwood.This work was presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society at Morioka, August 1993  相似文献   



Clonal variation of flower production has been investigated thoroughly in coniferous tree species because of the importance of flowering in seed production from seed orchards. However, the inheritance of flower production by progeny test has not been previously studied well, so the heritability of male flower production of Cryptomeria japonica, the most important species for forestry and the main cause of pollinosis in Japan, was estimated to provide fundamental data for pollen control in seed orchards and plantation forests.


Male flower production in C. japonica was investigated for three years using 20 full-sib families created by a diallel mating design with six parents using gibberellin treatment to promote flowering.


The narrow-sense individual tree heritability of male flower production in each year was estimated as ranging from 0.777?±?0.339 to 1.050?±?0.346 by sib analyses. The contribution of general combining ability to the total variance varied from 24.1 to 35.6?%. The highest contribution of specific combining ability was 1.42?%. By selecting the top 50?% of parental clones for reduced male flower production, the genetic gain in lowering male flower productivity was predicted as 46.1?C53.0?%.


Our results suggest that male flower production in C. japonica is under strong genetic control and that control of male flowering by breeding is possible with a well-designed program.  相似文献   

To investigate the factors affecting the surface-check variation in boxed-heart square timber of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica), surface checks formed by the conventional kiln drying were compared for two stem heights of five cultivars with different wood properties. The total length and average length of the surface checks were greater at the upper part of the stems for all the cultivars. This might be caused by more sapwood at the upper part of the stem, and large drying stresses between the outer sapwood and the inner heartwood. The cultivars, in which tangential shrinkage was large owing to small microfibril angle, formed longer surface checks and smaller bow. There was a positive relationship between surface-check length and tangential shrinkage. The heartwood percentage and tangential shrinkage were thought to be important factors affecting the surface-check variation in sugi boxed-heart square timber.  相似文献   


A survey was conducted at nine sawmills in Japan to evaluate and compare the sawing of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) logs of 30 cm and more in diameter. The purpose was fourfold: (1) to document sawing patterns appropriate to the large-diameter logs; (2) to examine the composition of wood components (structural, nonstructural, and fixtures) produced from those patterns; (3) to investigate log and product prices; and (4) to ascertain distances to the log supplier and product markets. Impetus for the study arose from a forecasted shift in the diameter distribution of plantation trees in Japan; from small and medium-sized logs to large-diameter logs. With an overabundance of large-diameter domestic logs forecasted within the next decade, the need to understand how to best utilize and effectively process the large-diameter resource is of utmost importance.  相似文献   

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