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猪的人工授精具有提高公猪的配种效能、降低饲养成本、提高受胎率等优点,且设备简单,易学易掌握,一般养殖户都能做到。我市原康猪场自1997年开始采用人工授精方法给猪配种以来,取得了明显效果和较高的经济效益。现将猪的人工授精操作技术介绍如下,供广大养猪场户参考。1采精1.1假台猪的制作假台猪制成长约130cm,高50cm,背宽25~30cm长凳样即可。为方便大小公猪使用,可安装能调节高低的装置。但假台猪必须固定牢固。1.2采精技术猪的采精方法很多,简单、方便的方法主要是假阴道法和手握法采精。1.2.1…  相似文献   

近年,猪的人工授精技术在我国南方较为普及,但新疆养猪场在猪的人工授精方面尚未大范围开展工作。随着高瘦肉率猪种的不断引入,应激敏感的问题日益严重,有的公猪或母猪在自然交配后会突然死亡,给生产带来很大损失。本场开展猪的人工授精工作已有多年,在生产实践中获得了满意的效果。现将猪人工授精技术加以介绍,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

1采精 一般在采精室进行。当公猪被牵引或驱赶到采精室时,能引起公猪的性兴奋。采精室应平坦、开阔、干净、少噪音、光线充足。采精人员最好固定,以免产生不良刺激而导致采精失败,要尽可能使公猪建立良好的条件反射,设立假母猪供公猪爬跨采精。  相似文献   

段军峰 《北方牧业》2003,(18):14-14,15
<正> 目前,困扰我国人工授精技术在我国推广的两个主要因素是精液的稀释保存过程中怎样保证质量和对母猪进行发情鉴定,以确定最佳的输精时间。下面简要介绍一下人工授精的操作过程。公猪的采精训练一般在7个月龄进行,这时训练成功的可能性比较大。公猪采精要手握公猪螺旋状的阴茎头以使公猪射精,公猪以为阴茎头插到了母猪的子宫颈中。在采精时要将精液进行过  相似文献   

随着规模化养猪进程的加快和目前猪场疫病的复杂化,以及养殖空间减小、养殖成本不断增长,猪场加快实施猪人工授精条件更趋成熟。为此本刊从第2期开始,用连载的方式详细、全面的介绍猪人工授精各环节的操作要领以及注意事项,敬请关注。  相似文献   

猪的人工授精 ,主要包括采精、精液品质评定、精液稀释、保存和运输及输精等技术环节。1 .采精方法 通常采用手握法采精。采精前 ,先将采精场地清扫干净 ,洗净公猪下腹部 ,排尽包皮囊中的尿液及污秽 ,用生理盐水洗净公猪阴茎。2 .精液品质评定  1评定项目 ,主要有精子活力、密度、p H值等。 2精液采集后 ,必须迅速置于接近体温的环境中及时检查。 3取样要有代表性 ,评定结果要有综合性。4每次检查结果都要作好详细记载 ,以便检查和总结。3.稀释液要求  1与精液渗透压相等。2与精液 p H值相同或略低。 3具有缓冲酸碱变化的作用。 4能补充…  相似文献   

猪人工授精技术的工艺流程为:采精准备—采精—精液质检—精液稀释—分装—贮运及使用—输精后母猪管理等环节。要求整个过程中精液不得接触有害气体及有害物质;不受阳光直射;等温稀释;从采精完成到第一步稀释不超过10分钟;尽量减少转移容器的次数。1 采精准备1.1 采精公猪 根据当天精液需要,确定采精公猪品种、耳号,并安排好采精的先后顺序。1.2 集精器 集精器应置于38~40℃的恒温箱中备用。采精前,器口盖3~4层消毒纱布或滤精膜。1.3 精液质检设备 调节好质检用的显微镜,开启显微镜载物台上恒温板以及…  相似文献   

猪人工授精是指利用人工方法采集公猪的精液,经过显微镜检查,精液稀释、分装、保存,将合格的精液输入发情母猪生殖道内,使之受孕的一种方法。人工授精能充分利用优良公猪,加速猪群品种改良,大大减少公猪的饲养数量,提高了养猪经济效益。  相似文献   

母猪场的管理重点有三:营养、预防保健和配种。只有长期坚持不懈地抓好了这三点,提高了母猪产仔数,才能使母猪场有好的经济效益和可持续发展的后劲。配种技术是养殖场的关键,而猪的人工授精又是配种技术的关键之一。掌握了正确的猪人工授精技术,既降低了饲养公猪的成本,又减少了疾病的交叉感染,提高了母猪的产仔数,猪场才能取得很好的经济效益。本文从种公猪的采精到稀释精液,精液的保存,母猪发情鉴定及输精过程等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

猪人工授精技术简介   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,困扰我国人工授精技术在我国推广的两个主要因素为精液的稀释保存过程中怎样保证质量及对母猪进行发情鉴定,以确定最佳的输精时间。对此,欧洲已经研究出一套标准的人工授精方案,严格按标准进行操作,就能达到理想的效果。下面简要介绍一下人工授精的操作过程。  相似文献   

王利娟  常枨 《猪业科学》2020,37(6):102-104
在世界上主要的猪肉生产国中,猪人工授精(AI)技术的应用率在90%以上。尽管猪冷冻精液技术在不断进步,但由于其效率不高,在猪场实际生产中并不多见使用。在猪人工授精技术中,液态精液是目前应用最广泛的精液,与传统的牛冷冻精液不同,其独特的精子微胶囊保护膜技术,可以对猪精子进行更加完善的液态保存,因此液态精液是目前猪人工授精使用的主要方式。文章综述了猪精液保存技术在人工授精中的应用,并展望了今后的发展方向,为人工授精技术助力恢复生猪生产提供参考。  相似文献   

Porcine rubulavirus (PoRV), also known as blue eye disease (BED) of swine, causes respiratory and reproductive problems in pigs at several developmental stages. To study the effect of PoRV infection on semen production, five boars were infected with 1 x 10(6) TCID(50)/ml of PoRV strain PAC-3 and evaluated for 59 days post inoculation (DPI). Infected boars developed reproductive tract pathology that included swelling of the testes and epididymides. Analysis of the semen showed that the infection had little effect on semen production in four animals, but semen from one boar showed severe alterations in sperm concentration, motility, and morphology. When motility was analyzed in BTS-diluted semen after 24, 48, or 72 h, alterations were detected in all boars. Furthermore, viral antigen was detected in semen, the seminal plasma fraction, or sperm fraction from all boars. These results showed that PoRV is excreted via semen and, therefore, artificial insemination is a potential route of dissemination.  相似文献   

Rabbit farmers and insemination centres have established new requirements relating to males (genetic, nutritional and environmental factors) and rabbit insemination techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate buserelin acetate on the reproductive performance of nulliparous, multiparous lactating and multiparous non-lactating does inseminated on three commercial farms. Two thousand two hundred and three commercial crossbred does belonging to three commercial farms were inseminated with pooled semen from males of two selected meat lines; R line (UPV rabbit selection centres, Spain) in farms 1 and 2, and PS Hyplus 59 line (Grimaud Frère, France) on farm 3. Ejaculates from 12–20 males from each line were pooled and diluted to twelve million sperm per millilitre by adding TRIS–citrate-extender. Diluted semen from each male line was split into two fractions, the first without buserelin acetate added to semen (Control group) and the second fraction was supplemented with 10 μg of buserelin acetate per millilitre (Buserelin group). Receptive females (red colour of vulvar lips) were inseminated with 0.5 mL using a standard plastic curved pipette. Artificial insemination with semen extended with buserelin resulted in lower pregnancy and kindling rates irrespective of the physiological status of females or the farm (78.7% and 76.0% vs 85.8% and 83.4%, buserelin extender group and control respectively, P < 0.01), although does from both treatment groups had a similar litter sizes (10.4 and 9.6 total and alive born, respectively). This study opened up new prospects for changing rabbit insemination procedures.  相似文献   

人工授精技术在辽宁绒山羊产业中的应用,不仅使优秀种用公羊的利用效率明显提高,同时也极大地促进了我国个体的低产绒山羊的改良工作,可提高绒山羊养殖的经济效益,实现科研推广部门和养殖户利益双赢,具有非常大的发展前景。  相似文献   

A transvaginal ultrasound-guided intrauterine injection (IUI) technique was developed for embryo transfer and for injection of small quantities of sperm in mares. The target area of a horn was positioned by transrectal manipulation against the wall of the vaginal fornix over the face of a transvaginal transducer. A needle with a catheter containing the embryo or semen was inserted through the needle guide of the transducer into the uterine lumen. The tips of the needle and catheter, the movement of the catheter in the uterine lumen, and the ejection of fluid was monitored on the ultrasound screen. Pregnancy rate 15 days after ovulation for the IUI embryo transfer technique (30/39, 77%) was similar to the pregnancy rate for transcervical (TC) embryo transfer (30/38, 79%). The pregnancy rate for IUI insemination of 20 × 106 progressively motile sperm into the tip of the uterine horn ipsilateral to ovulation was 5/10 (50%). Results indicated that the IUI approach is a viable alternative for embryo transfer. Results also supported the potential of IUI for insemination of low numbers of sperm, but more extensive studies with various doses of sperm are needed.  相似文献   

应用AI ET法分别对三组试验牛进行处理,人工诱导生产肉牛双胎,双胎率达60.8%(79/130),产犊率147.7%(192/130)。其中试验组2(自然发情后AI ET)双胎率达66%(33/50),产犊率150%(45/30),显著提高了母牛的繁殖率。  相似文献   

为提高青海高原型藏羊选育工作,探索羊的人工采精和细管冻精技术在高寒地区的应用效果,对青海省海北州祁连3只高原型藏种公羊和玛多县30只高原型藏母羊进行了选育试验,实验结果表明:藏种公羊鲜精采集量平均为1.5mL,呈乳白或乳黄色、无气味、有云雾状,平均活力冻前鲜精为0.65,高出一般羊精子标准活力的0.075,冻后为0.35~0.5,高出本省羊精子标准活力0.1,且经冷配后的30只藏母羊均无返情现象。本实验对于藏羊的改良有重要的实践意义,对于改善纯种高原型藏羊也有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Three different treatments were compared to improve pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) in repeat-breeder (RB) dairy cows. All cows (n = 103) were assigned to one of four groups: (1) gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH); (2) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG); (3) once-used controlled internal drug release (CIDR) device; and (4) control. All treatments performed 5-6 days after artificial insemination (AI) and milk samples were collected just before treatment for progesterone assays. There were no significant differences in milk fat progesterone concentration among trial groups. Cows were observed for estrus signs thrice daily. Pregnancy per AI on day 45 in hCG and CIDR groups were significantly higher than GnRH and control groups (60.0% and 56.0% vs. 26.9% and 29.6%, respectively), but there were no differences in P/AI between GnRH and control groups. There were also no significant differences between hCG and CIDR groups. Milk fat progesterone concentrations were compared between pregnant and non-pregnant cows in each group and only in the hCG group it was significantly lower in pregnant cows. In conclusion, treating repeat-breeder cows with hCG or once-used CIDR 5-6 days after AI improved P/AI.  相似文献   

近几年我国鹅的需求量不断增加,养鹅逐渐向规模化发展.应用鹅的人工授精技术既能大幅度降低饲养成本,又能克服不同品种、公母体重悬殊所引起配种上的困扰,还可提高种鹅的利用率,使优良种鹅的遗传性能得到更快、更广泛的应用,促进品种改良,使规模鹅场效益大幅度提高.研究鹅的人工授精技术有其现实意义和推广应用的价值.  相似文献   

China was one of the first countries to use artificial insemination (AI) in equids, and it achieved international recognition for its widespread application of AI to commercial horse breeding. This article reviews the history of equine AI in China. The technique originated from the high demand for horses to be used in agriculture, transportation, and the military. Artificial insemination was identified as an ideal tool for Chinese horse breeding to improve the productivity of native horses, especially during 1950-1970. Presently, AI is still practiced commonly in China, and it includes the use of fresh semen and transported cooled semen. The use of frozen semen has also been resumed to broaden the range of elite Sporthorse stallions and to preserve threatened or endangered native breeds. Accurate prediction of the optimum time for insemination depended mainly on transrectal palpation of the mare's ovaries. In addition to controlled methods of insemination, factors like volume and number of spermatozoa in the inseminate and timing and frequency of insemination were optimized to accomplish high fertility rates in the field. Production of hinnies and mules for agricultural labor and donkeys for meat and hide gelatin stimulated a nationwide upsurge of research into the reproductive physiology of and AI technology in donkeys. In the future, there will be further increases in the use of traditional and modern AI techniques in the breeding of Chinese equids.  相似文献   

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