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OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical, clinicopathologic, and radiographic abnormalities in dogs with coccidioidomycosis. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 24 dogs. PROCEDURE: Clinical information and results of clinicopathologic testing were obtained from medical records. Thoracic radiographs were reviewed to characterize abnormalities. RESULTS: Dogs ranged from 1 to 10 years old at the time of diagnosis, with 12 dogs being between 1 and 3 years old. Historical complaints included cough, lameness, signs of head or neck pain, and difficulty breathing. Mild anemia, neutrophilia, and monocytosis were common. All dogs had hypoalbuminemia, and 8 of 15 had hyperglobulinemia. Thoracic radiographs of 19 dogs were reviewed. Pulmonary infiltrates were seen in 13 dogs, with an interstitial pattern of infiltration being most common. Hilar lymphadenopathy was seen radiographically in 10 dogs. Serum from 20 dogs was tested for antibodies against Coccidioides immitis. One dog was positive for IgM antibodies, 5 were positive for IgM and IgG antibodies, and 14 were positive for IgG antibodies. Quantitative IgG titers measured in 14 dogs ranged from 1:2 to 1:128 (median and mode, 1:32). In 6 dogs, histologic examination of biopsy samples revealed fungal spherules ranging from 8 to 70 microm in diameter. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that in dogs, coccidioidomycosis may be associated with a wide spectrum of nonspecific respiratory and musculoskeletal abnormalities. The chronic nature of the disease makes diagnosis difficult, even in regions in which the organism is endemic.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical, clinicopathologic, radiographic, and ultrasonographic abnormalities in cats with ureteral calculi. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 163 client-owned cats. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed, and information on signalment, history, clinical signs, and results of clinicopathologic testing and diagnostic imaging was obtained. RESULTS: The number of cats in which ureterolithiasis was diagnosed each year increased progressively during the study period. Clinical signs tended to be non-specific and included inappetence, vomiting, lethargy, and weight loss. A combination of survey radiography and abdominal ultrasonography revealed ureteral calculi in 66 of 73 (90%) cats in which the diagnosis was confirmed at surgery or necropsy. Ultrasonography revealed that ureteral calculi were causing ureteral obstruction in 143 of 155 (92%) cats. One hundred thirty-four of 162 (83%) cats had azotemia, 84 of 156 (54%) had hyperphosphatemia, and 22 of 152 (14%) had hypercalcemia. Urinary tract infection was documented in 10 of 119 (8%). Fifty-eight of 76 (76%) cats with unilateral ureterolithiasis had azotemia and 33 (43%) had hyperphosphatemia, indicating impairment of renal function in the contralateral kidney or prerenal azotemia. Ultrasonographic imaging of the contralateral kidney in cats with unilateral ureteral calculi suggested that preexisting renal parenchymal disease was common in cats with ureterolithiasis. Ninety-one of 93 (98%) ureteral calculi contained calcium oxalate. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that abdominal imaging should be performed in all cats with chronic nonspecific signs or with acute or chronic renal failure to rule out ureterolithiasis. Preexisting renal disease may be common in cats with ureteral calculi.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical signs and clinicopathologic abnormalities in dogs with naturally occurring clinical spirocercosis. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 39 dogs with spirocercosis. PROCEDURES: Medical records were reviewed, and information on signalment, residence (rural vs urban), owner complaints, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic abnormalities, radiographic and endoscopic findings, and concurrent systemic diseases was recorded. RESULTS: Hellenic hounds and mixed-breed dogs were overrepresented, compared with a group of 117 control dogs without spirocercosis that were examined because of gastrointestinal tract disease, and mean body weight of dogs with spirocercosis was significantly higher than mean body weight of control dogs. Odynophagia (34 [87%]), regurgitation (24 [62%]), and excessive salivation (14 [36%]) were the most common clinical findings. The most common radiographic abnormalities were a mass in the caudodorsal aspect of the mediastinum (15/35 [43%]) and spondylitis of the caudal thoracic vertebrae (10 [29%]). Parasitic nodules were seen during esophagoscopy in all 39 dogs. Normocytic, normochromic, nonregenerative anemia; neutrophilic leukocytosis; hyperproteinemia; and high alkaline phosphatase activity were significantly more common in dogs with spirocercosis than in a control group of 56 healthy dogs. Concurrent systemic diseases, mainly leishmaniosis, dirofilariosis, and monocytic ehrlichiosis, were documented in 14 (36%) dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that clinical spirocercosis occurs more often in young-adult, large-breed dogs. Nonregenerative anemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, hyperproteinemia, and high alkaline phosphatase activity may be useful clinicopathologic indicators of this disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe diseases, prognosis, and clinical outcomes associated with leukocytosis and neutrophilia in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 118 dogs with leukocytosis and neutrophilia. PROCEDURE: Medical records from 1996 to 1998 were examined for dogs with WBC > or = 50,000 cells/microliter and neutrophilia > or = 50%. Signalment, absolute and differential WBC counts, body temperature, clinical or pathologic diagnosis, duration and cost of hospitalization, and survival time were reviewed. RESULTS: Mean age was 7.7 years, WBC count was 65,795 cells/microliter, and absolute neutrophil count was 53,798 cells/microliter. Mean duration of hospitalization was 7.4 days and cost of hospitalization was $2,028.00. Forty (34%) dogs were febrile, and 73 (62%) dogs died. Overall median survival time was 17 days. Dogs with neoplasia or fever were more likely to die than dogs that were hospitalized or had systemic or local infections. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Leukocytosis and neutrophilia were associated with high mortality rate and have prognostic value. Given the mean duration and cost of hospitalization, frank discussion with an owner at first recognition of leukocytosis and neutrophilia may be warranted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare clinical characteristics and laboratory findings of dogs with eclampsia with those of dogs without eclampsia. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 31 dogs with eclampsia (affected) and 31 with dystocia (controls). PROCEDURE: Information on signalment, type of diet, reproductive history, litter size, time from whelping to eclampsia, body weight, clinical signs, results of physical examination and hematologic and biochemical analyses, response to calcium supplementation, and recurrence was obtained from the medical records of all dogs with eclampsia evaluated between 1995 and 1998 and compared with information from medical records of 31 of 102 dogs with dystocia evaluated during the same period. RESULTS: Dogs with eclampsia weighed less, had a smaller body weight-to-litter size ratio, higher rectal temperature and heart and respiratory rates, and lower plasma total solids concentration than control dogs. Ionized calcium concentration was < or = 0.8 mmol/L for all but 1 of the affected dogs; median concentration for the affected dogs was significantly less than that for control dogs. Six (19%) dogs did not manifest typical clinical signs associated with eclampsia. Twelve (39%) dogs with eclampsia had previous litters; none had a history of eclampsia. Affected dogs were discharged from the hospital within hours after admission, but 3 dogs returned 1 to 3 weeks later because of recurrence of eclampsia. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Eclampsia develops primarily in small-breed dogs with large litters. Plasma ionized calcium concentrations > 0.8 mmol/L in dogs with clinical signs typical of hypocalcemia may indicate that other causes of clinical signs should be considered. In addition, some dogs with eclampsia may have low ionized calcium concentrations and not manifest typical clinical signs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency, potential causes, and clinical and clinicopathologic features of hemophagocytic syndrome in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 24 client-owned dogs. PROCEDURES: Records for dogs in which diagnostic bone marrow specimens (including an aspiration smear and core biopsy material) were obtained from 1996 to 2005 were reviewed. Inclusion criteria were presence of bicytopenia or pancytopenia in the blood and > 2% hemophagocytic macrophages in the bone marrow aspirate. RESULTS: Of 617 bone marrow specimens evaluated, evidence of hemophagocytic syndrome was detected in 24 (3.9%). The Tibetan Terrier breed was overrepresented among dogs with hemophagocytic syndrome. Clinical signs associated with hemophagocytic syndrome included fever, icterus, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and diarrhea. Hemophagocytic syndrome was associated with immune-mediated, infectious, and neoplastic-myelodysplastic conditions and also occurred as an idiopathic condition. Overall, dogs with infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome had better 1-month survival rates than dogs with immune-associated and idiopathic hemophagocytic syndrome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that hemophagocytic syndrome may occur more frequently in dogs than has previously been suspected on the basis of the paucity of reported cases. Although most dogs had definable underlying disease conditions, idiopathic hemophagocytic syndrome was also identified. Hemophagocytic syndrome of any cause is potentially life-threatening; however, the prognosis should be adjusted on the basis of the associated disease process and potential for successful treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine results of intracranial meningioma resection by use of a surgical aspirator and assess prognostic factors associated with intracranial meningiomas in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 17 dogs. PROCEDURES: Medical records of dogs that underwent resection of an intracranial meningioma by use of a surgical aspirator were reviewed. Information pertaining to signalment, imaging findings, clinical signs, duration of clinical signs, preoperative treatment, location of the tumor, results of histologic assessment, outcome, and necropsy results was obtained from the medical record. Clients and referring veterinarians were contacted via telephone for information on recurrence of clinical signs and postoperative survival time. RESULTS: 16 dogs were > 7 years of age, and all 17 dogs had seizures before surgery. The most commonly affected breed was the Golden Retriever, represented by 6 of the 17 dogs. Median survival time was 1,254 days. Of the data collected, only histologic subtype of the tumor was prognostic. Analysis of survival times according to histologic tumor subtypes indicated that the order from most brief to longest was as follows: anaplastic, 0 days; fibroblastic, 10 days; psammomatous, > 313 days; meningothelial, > 523 days; and transitional, 1,254 days. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Use of a surgical aspirator to resect intracranial meningiomas in dogs was associated with longer survival times than those achieved with traditional surgery alone or traditional surgery combined with radiation therapy. Dogs with meningothelial, psammomatous, or transitional intracranial meningioma subtypes appeared to have a better prognosis than dogs with other subtypes of meningioma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical, radiographic, and pathologic abnormalities in dogs with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED). DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 19 dogs with MED from 10 litters. PROCEDURES: The diagnosis was made on the basis of radiographs of the shoulder region and vertebral column. Ten dogs underwent necropsy. RESULTS: There were 11 Hygenhund, 6 Dunker, 1 Golden Retriever, and 1 English Pointer. Most dogs were examined because of lameness that developed at 5 to 8 months of age. The most common radiographic abnormality was a deficiency in ossification of the epiphyses, apophyses, and cuboidal bones of the appendicular skeleton and the epiphyses of the vertebrae; ossification of the metaphyses and the diaphyses typically were normal. Disease severity was consistent among littermates, but varied among dogs from different litters. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that MED is a rare condition in dogs characterized by a deficiency in ossification of the epiphyses of the long bones, the epiphyses of the vertebrae, the cuboidal bones, and the apophyses. Radiographic abnormalities were evident in dogs examined as young as 8 weeks of age, and most dogs had developed severe lameness by 5 to 8 months of age. The condition most likely had an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, although genetic studies of mode of inheritance could not be performed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the incidence, potential causes, and clinical and clinicopathologic features of bone marrow necrosis in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 34 client-owned dogs. PROCEDURES: Reports of cytologic examinations of bone marrow specimens performed between 1996 and 2004 were reviewed. All reports that indicated the presence of necrosis, stromal disruption, phagocytic macrophages, individual cell necrosis, or myelofibrosis were evaluated further. RESULTS: Of 609 reports of bone marrow evaluations performed during the study period, 34 (5.6%) had evidence of bone marrow necrosis. Nine dogs had no evidence of associated diseases or drug or toxin exposure, and 25 dogs had associated disease conditions or drug exposures. All 9 dogs with idiopathic bone marrow necrosis were anemic (mean Hct, 14%), but only 3 had neutropenia, and 3 had thrombocytopenia. All 9 had myelofibrosis. Of the 25 dogs with associated disease conditions or drug exposures, only 14 (56%) had anemia (mean Hct, 33%). In addition, 14 (56%) had neutropenia and 18 (72%) had thrombocytopenia. Only 10 (40%) had myelofibrosis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that bone marrow necrosis may be common in dogs with hematologic disorders. In most dogs, bone marrow necrosis was associated with an underlying disease condition or drug exposure, but idiopathic bone marrow necrosis was also identified. Disease conditions that should increase suspicion of possible bone marrow necrosis include sepsis, lymphosarcoma, and systemic lupus erythematosus; drug exposures that should increase suspicion of possible bone marrow necrosis include chemotherapeutic agents, phenobarbital, carprofen, metronidazole, and mitotane.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify clinically relevant variables and treatments for dogs bitten by prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis viridis). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 100 client-owned dogs. PROCEDURE: Records of dogs evaluated for rattlesnake envenomation from 1989 to 1998 were reviewed. Analysis was performed to test for significant associations among clinical variables or treatments and cell counts, costs, and duration of hospitalization. RESULTS: Most prairie rattlesnake bites occurred between May and September. Dogs were 3 months to 12 years old (median, 3.7 years); most were bitten on the head in the late afternoon. There was no sex predilection. Median time to evaluation was 1 hour (range, 15 minutes to 13 hours). Swelling in the area of the bite was the primary physical abnormality. Principal initial laboratory findings were echinocytosis, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, and prolonged activated clotting time. Ninety-four dogs were hospitalized; 48 were discharged the following day. Antimicrobials and crystalloid fluids, glucocorticoids, antihistamines, and antivenin administered i.v. were the most commonly used treatments. One dog died, and small dogs were hospitalized longer than large dogs. Antivenin administration was not significantly associated with duration of hospitalization but was associated with higher platelet counts after treatment and higher total hospital costs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Prairie rattlesnake envenomation in dogs is associated with high morbidity rate but low mortality rate. The efficacy of administration of antivenin for dogs with bites from this snake species is questionable.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine history, clinical and electrocardiographic abnormalities, treatment, and outcome of dogs exposed to toxins produced by the Bufo marinus toad. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 94 dogs. PROCEDURE: Medical records of dogs examined between July 1997 and July 1998 for which a diagnosis of toad intoxication had been made on the basis of history and physical examination findings were reviewed. RESULTS: Most (66) dogs were treated during the spring and summer. For 54 dogs, exposure to toads had been witnessed. For the remaining 40, toad intoxication was diagnosed on the basis of history and clinical signs. The most common clinical signs were neurologic abnormalities, hyperemic mucous membranes, ptyalism, recumbency or collapse, tachypnea, and vomiting. The oral cavity was lavaged with tap water in all dogs. Fifty-two dogs were hospitalized for treatment. Body weight of dogs hospitalized > 2 hours was significantly less than that of dogs treated as outpatients. The most common electrocardiographic findings were sinus arrhythmia, sinus tachycardia, and normal sinus rhythm. Eighty-nine dogs recovered fully, 4 died, and 1 was euthanatized. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In areas in which B marinus toads are endemic, toad intoxication should be considered in the differential diagnosis for dogs with an acute onset of neurologic abnormalities, hyperemic mucous membranes, and ptyalism, especially during the spring and summer months. The prognosis is good for dogs with toad intoxication that receive appropriate treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical signs, clinicopathologic features, treatments, and survival in dogs with naturally acquired foodborne aflatoxicosis. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 72 dogs that consumed aflatoxin-contaminated commercial dog food. PROCEDURES: Medical records of affected dogs were reviewed. Between December 2005 and March 2006, dogs were identified as having foodborne aflatoxin hepatotoxicosis on the basis of the history of consumption of contaminated food or characteristic histopathologic lesions (subject dog or a recently deceased dog in the same household or kennel). Recorded information included signalment, clinical features, clinicopathologic test results, treatments, and survival. Data were analyzed by survival status. RESULTS: Most dogs were of large breeds from breeding kennels. No significant differences were found in age or weight between 26 (36%) survivor dogs and 46 (64%) nonsurvivor dogs. Severity of clinical signs varied widely; 7 dogs died abruptly. In order of onset, clinical features included anorexia, lethargy, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhea (melena, hematochezia), abdominal effusion, peripheral edema, and terminal encephalopathy and hemorrhagic diathesis. Common clinicopathologic features included coagulopathic and electrolyte disturbances, hypoproteinemia, increased serum liver enzyme activities, hyperbilirubinemia, and hypocholesterolemia. Cytologic hepatocellular lipid vacuolation was confirmed in 11 dogs examined. In comparisons of clinicopathologic test results between survivor and nonsurvivor dogs, only granular cylindruria (7/21 dogs) consistently predicted death. Best early markers of aflatoxicosis were low plasma activities of anticoagulant proteins (protein C, antithrombin) and hypocholesterolemia. Despite aggressive treatment, many but not all severely affected dogs died. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Serum liver enzyme activities and bilirubin concentration were unreliable early markers of aflatoxin hepatotoxicosis in dogs. Hypocholesterolemia and decreased plasma protein C and antithrombin activities may function as exposure biomarkers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine demographic, clinical, and radiographic features of bronchiectasis in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 289 dogs identified through the Veterinary Medical Database (VMDB) and 27 dogs examined at the North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. PROCEDURE: Demographic characteristics of dogs identified through the VMDB were compared with characteristics of the entire population of dogs entered in the VMDB. Medical records of dogs examined at the teaching hospital were reviewed; the diagnosis was confirmed through review of thoracic radiographs. RESULTS: Analysis of data from the VMDB indicated that American Cocker Spaniels, West Highland White Terriers, Miniature Poodles, Siberian Huskies, English Springer Spaniels, and dogs > 10 years old had an increased risk of bronchiectasis. Among dogs examined at the teaching hospital, coughing was the most common clinical sign. There was evidence for excessive airway mucus but not hemorrhage. A variety of bacterial organisms were isolated from tracheal wash and bronchoalveolar lavage samples. On thoracic radiographs, cylindrical bronchiectasis, generalized disease, and right cranial lung lobe involvement were most common. Seven of 14 dogs for which follow-up radiographs were available did not have any progression of radiographic lesions. Median duration of clinical signs prior to diagnosis of bronchiectasis was 9 months (range, 1 day to 10 years). Median survival time was 16 months (range, 2 days to 72 months). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that despite substantial clinical abnormalities, dogs with bronchiectasis may survive for years. Certain purebred dogs and older dogs may have an increased risk of developing bronchiectasis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical features of tracheal rupture associated with endotracheal intubation in cats and to evaluate the most appropriate treatment for this condition. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 20 cats with a history of endotracheal intubation that subsequently developed dyspnea or subcutaneous emphysema. PROCEDURE: Medical records of cats with a presumptive diagnosis of tracheal rupture associated with intubation were reviewed. Clinical and clinicopathologic data were retrieved. RESULTS: Cats were evaluated 5 hours to 12 days after a surgical or medical procedure requiring general anesthesia with intubation had been performed. Fourteen (70%) cats were evaluated after dental prophylaxis. All cats radiographed had pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema. Eighteen of 19 cats were initially treated medically. Duration of medical treatment for cats that did not have surgery ranged from 12 to 72 hours. Cats that had surgery received medical treatment 3 to 24 hours prior to the surgical procedure. Medical treatment alone was administered to 15 cats that had moderate dyspnea, whereas surgical treatment was chosen for 4 cats that had severe dyspnea (open-mouth breathing despite treatment with oxygen) or worsening subcutaneous emphysema. Eighteen cats had improvement of clinical signs, 1 cat died after surgery, and 1 cat died before medical or surgical intervention. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Most cats with tracheal rupture associated with intubation can be treated medically. Cats with worsening clinical signs (severe dyspnea, suspected pneumothorax, or worsening subcutaneous emphysema) should have surgery performed immediately to correct the defect.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine prevalence, clinical features, and causes of epistaxis in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 176 dogs with epistaxis. PROCEDURES: Medical records were reviewed for information related to signalment, clinical features, diagnosis, and outcome. RESULTS: 132 (75%) dogs were initially examined by the hospital's emergency service; prevalence of epistaxis was 0.3%. Dogs with epistaxis were more likely to be old (> or = 6 years), male, and large (> or = 26 kg [58.5 lb]) than were dogs in a reference population. In 109 (62%) dogs with epistaxis, an underlying cause was identified; 115 underlying disorders were identified, with 90 classified as local and 25 classified as systemic. Local causes of epistaxis included nasal neoplasia (n = 35), trauma (33), idiopathic rhinitis (20), and periapical abscess (2). Systemic causes included thrombocytopenia (12), thrombocytopathia (7), coagulopathy (3), hypertension (2), and vasculitis (1). Dogs with local causes were more likely to have unilateral than bilateral epistaxis, but 11 of 21 (52%) dogs with systemic disorders also had unilateral epistaxis. Dogs with systemic disorders were more likely to have clinical signs of systemic disease. Duration of epistaxis (acute vs chronic), severity, and duration of hospitalization were similar for dogs with local versus systemic disorders. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that epistaxis was a common disorder in dogs and frequently regarded as an emergency. Local causes of epistaxis were predominant, but clinical features traditionally thought to be helpful in distinguishing local versus systemic causes could not be reliably used for this purpose.  相似文献   

A consecutive series of cases of dogs and cats with locked jaw syndrome (inability to open or close the mouth) are reported in this study. Dogs were significantly overrepresented (84.0%) and adult dogs were more frequently affected (81.0%). Temporomandibular joint ankylosis due to fracture was the most common cause (54.0%) of locked jaw syndrome. Additional potential causes of locked jaw syndrome are masticatory muscle myositis, neoplasia, trigeminal nerve paralysis and central neurological lesions, temporomandibular joint luxation and dysplasia, osteoarthritis, retrobulbar abscess, tetanus, and severe ear disease. Treatment of locked jaw is directed towards the primary cause. It is important to treat the tonic spasm in order to minimize periarticular fibrosis. Surgical intervention is recommended for temporomandibular joint ankylosis. Masticatory muscle myositis treatment is initiated by gradually opening the mouth, with medical treatment based on immunosuppressive therapy. Fracture and masticatory muscle myositis are associated with a relatively good prognosis in regard to short-term outcome as compared to animals with central neurologic lesions or osteosarcoma which have a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe clinical signs, diagnostic findings, and outcome in dogs with idiopathic intrahepatic portal hypertension. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 33 dogs. PROCEDURE: Medical records of dogs with portal hypertension of intra-abdominal origin were reviewed. Dogs with intra-abdominal portal hypertension of vascular causes or with hepatic histopathologic changes consistent with severe diffuse hepatobiliary disease were excluded. History and results of physical examination, clinicopathologic tests, diagnostic imaging studies, histologic examination, and treatment were summarized. Outcome was determined in 26 dogs. RESULTS: Dogs were referred most often because of ascites, intermittent vomiting or diarrhea, and polydipsia of several months' duration. Microcytosis, high serum alkaline phosphatase and alanine transaminase activities, hepatic dysfunction, urine specific gravity < or = 1.021, and abdominal transudate were the predominant clinicopathologic features. Microhepatia, abdominal effusion, and multiple anomalous venous anastomoses were the major findings of diagnostic imaging. Hepatic histopathologic changes were consistent with idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension and were indistinguishable from those of dogs with surgically created portocaval anastomosis. Outcome was determined for 19 dogs released from hospital; 13 dogs remained healthy with mostly palliative treatment for periods of 5 months to 9 years. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The clinical signs, clinicopathologic test results, portal pressure, and gross appearance of the liver of dogs with idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension may be identical to those of dogs with cirrhosis; therefore liver biopsy is crucial. Because the prognosis for idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension is generally favorable, owners of affected dogs should be discouraged from choosing euthanasia.  相似文献   

Objective-To determine whether clinical and clinicopathologic data could assist differentiation of congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSSs) from acquired portosystemic shunts (APSSs) in young dogs. Design-Retrospective case series. Animals-Dogs < 30 months of age with CPSSs (n = 62) or APSSs (31). Procedures-Medical records from 3 referral centers identified 31 dogs with APSSs and 62 dogs with CPSSs diagnosed from July 2003 to July 2008. Signalment, clinical signs, physical examination, and clinicopathological data were recorded, and statistical analyses were performed to determine differences between groups. Results-Univariable analysis showed APSS patients were older, heavier, and in poorer body condition, compared with CPSS patients. In CPSS patients, diarrhea was less prevalent, and neurologic signs were more prevalent. Ascites was more prevalent in APSS (Fisher exact test; OR, 50.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 6.2 to 409.7), with no significant difference in albumin concentration between groups. The logistic regression model used to assess clinicopathological parameters showed lower Hct (OR, 1.42 × 10(-12); 95% CI, 1.42 × 10(-17) to 4.0 × 10(-6)), higher mean corpuscular volume (OR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.08 to 1.50), and higher alanine aminotransferase concentrations (OR, 1.005; 95% CI, 1.001 to 1.009) were more likely in APSS patients. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Several clinicopathologic differences between dogs with congenital and acquired shunts were identified; however, assessed alone, these would be unlikely to enable differentiation between the 2 conditions. Awareness of the rarity of ascites in CPSS cases should prompt recognition of a likely diagnosis of APSS, allowing the veterinarian to target further diagnostics and counsel the owner appropriately.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize serologic and clinical features and outcome of dogs with leptospirosis that were treated conservatively (i.e., medical management alone) or with hemodialysis. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 36 dogs with leptospirosis. PROCEDURE: History; results of physical examinations, ultrasonography, and serologic, hematologic, and serum biochemical analyses; time to resolution of azotemia; and outcome were obtained from medical records. Dogs were treated conservatively (n = 22) or with hemodialysis (14). RESULTS: Between 1990 and 1998, amount of rainfall was positively correlated with number of cases of leptospirosis identified per year. Serum antibodies against 6 Leptospira serovars were measured, and titers were highest to Leptospira pomona in 16 (44%) dogs, L bratislava in 9 (25%) dogs, and L hardjo in 1 (3%) dog. Eight (22%) dogs had equally high titers to L pomona and L bratislava, 1 (3%) had equally high titers to L grippotyphosa and L canicola, and 1 (3%) had high titers to L grippotyphosa, L pomona, L canicola, and L bratislava. During initial evaluation, all dogs were azotemic. Thirty (83%) dogs survived, including 12 of 14 (86%) dogs treated with hemodialysis and 18 of 22 (82%) treated conservatively. Serum creatinine concentration was similar in both groups after resolution of clinical signs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Infection with L pomona and L bratislava was recognized as a cause of leptospirosis in dogs, and resulted in development of acute renal failure with various degrees of azotemia. Prognosis for dogs with mild to moderate azotemia was good with conservative treatment, whereas treatment with hemodialysis appeared to improve prognosis for dogs with severe azotemia.  相似文献   

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