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Changes in fertility of rainbow trout eggs retained in coelom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT:    Effects of prolonged retention time of ovulated eggs in the parental coelom on fertilization success were studied in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss using cryopreserved sperm with a uniform fertilizing ability. Proportions of successful fertilization, eyed eggs and hatched alevins were examined at different time periods up to a retention time of 14 days beyond the ordinary stripping time, and were compared with eggs incubated in artificial coelomic fluids (ACF). Eggs that were retained longer in the coelom showed gradual decreases in all the proportions of successful fertilization, eyed eggs and hatched alevins. The progress of cleavage after fertilization slowed with prolonged retention times. Eggs incubated in ACF lost their fertilizing ability much sooner than those retained in the coelom. The hatching rate of eggs retained for 2 weeks in coelom was 36%, while it was 1% in those eggs incubated for 4 days in ACF. Thus, eggs retained in the coelom showed higher fertilization success than those incubated in ACF.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of disinfection procedures to reduce bacterial load of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum 1792), semen. Fresh semen was obtained from 3–4‐year‐old male species by abdominal sampling of sperm into pre‐cooled test tubes. After sperm cryopreservation and thawing, experiments were accomplished at 4–9°C. ‘Swim‐up’ and gradient centrifugation were used as a sperm washing method with commercial kits. Phosphate buffered saline was also used as washing solution. Bacterial growth tests were employed before and after washing the semen samples. Samples were inoculated on tryptic soy agar (TSA), modified Anacker and Ordal agar (MAOA) as well as brain heart infusion (BHI) agar. After using ‘swim‐up’ method for washing the semen, many bacterial colonies were observed. However, after semen washing with gradient centrifugation, lower bacterial growth was observed on TSA, MAOA and BHI. Some motile (40%) spermatozoa were obtained doing gradient washing procedure. Although sperm motility was not satisfactory, apparently the gradient centrifugation method reduced bacterial contamination as known from the mammalians.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry revealed nerves containing VIP-like and 5-HT-like material in both gallbladder wall and bile duct of the rainbow trout, while endocrine cells containing gastrin/CCK-like and substance P-like material were present in the mucosa of the bile duct and the duodenum. Fluorescence histochemistry showed adrenergic nerves close to the muscle layer of the gallbladder.Sulphated CCK8, caerulein and non-sulphated CCK8 (in this order of potency), 5-HT and acetylcholine were excitatory on isolated strip preparations, while VIP and adrenergic agonists were inhibitory. The adrenergic drugs were probably actingvia a beta-adrenergic receptor, while the effects of 5-HT and cholinergic drugs were antagonized by methysergide and atropine respectively.Electrical stimulation of the gallbladder nervesin situ failed to show any effect or under certain conditions induced a rebound effect.It is concluded that the motility control of the rainbow trout gallbladder may involve an inhibitory innervation by adrenergic and possibly VIP-releasing nerves, while 5-HT, acetylcholine and a CCK-like substance may be involved in the excitatory control.  相似文献   

计算机辅助对几种鲟鱼冻精激活液的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
柳凌 《水产学报》2007,31(6):711-721
首次在我国采用鱼类彩色精子图文分析系统(FSQAS-2000)对中华鲟、史氏鲟、西伯利亚鲟和匙吻鲟经超低温冷冻保存后的精子,在不同激活液条件下,平均曲线运动速度(VCL)、平均直线运动速度(VSL)、平均路径运动速度(VAP)、平均移动角度(MAD)、以及冷冻前后精子活率的变化等多项参数进行了统计学比较研究。研究分析了不同渗透压、pH以及含Mg~(2 )的激活液对这些参数的影响。研究结果表明:几种鲟鱼激活液的渗透压均较低,其中西伯利亚鲟最低,为10 mOsm·kg~(-1);中华鲟和史氏鲟为20 mOsm·kg~(-1);匙吻鲟最高,为30 mOsm·kg~(-1)。不同的渗透压对冷冻精子的VCL、VSL、VAP、以及精子活率均产生显著(P≤0.05)或极显著(P≤0.01)影响。激活液的pH除了对冷冻精子的上述参数产生影响外,最显著的是对精子的运动轨迹,即平均移动角度(MAD°·s~(-1))产生影响(P≤0.01)。pH越低,精子的MAD越小。几种鲟鱼的最适pH分别为西伯利亚鲟pH 7.5,中华鲟、史氏鲟和匙吻鲟pH 8.5。当4种鲟鱼的冷冻精子激活液中加入5 mmol·L~(-1)MgCl_2时,冷冻精子的3种运动速度显著提高(P≤0.01)。综合分析后认为:西伯利亚鲟的冷冻精子激活液应为10 mmol·L~(-1)Tris-HCl 5 mmol·L~(-1)MgCl_2,pH 7.5;中华鲟和史氏鲟的冷冻精子激活液为20 mmol·L~(-1)Tris-HCl 5 mmol·L~(-1)MgCl_2,pH 8.5;匙吻鲟的冷冻精子激活液为30 mmol·L~(-1)Tris-HCl 5 mmol·L~(-1) MgCl_2,pH 8.5。用此激活液对冷冻前后4种鲟鱼精子活力的相关性进行线性回归分析发现,西伯利亚鲟的R~2=0.8296(P<0.01);中华鲟的R~2=0.9860(P<0.01);史氏鲟的R~2= 0.9622(P<0.01);匙吻鲟R~2=0.9477(P<0.01)。说明冷冻前后4种鲟鱼精子的平均活率存在着极显著的线性正相关性。  相似文献   

Abstract – There has been little investigation of the winter ecology of adult trout during winter, especially in regard to concealment behavior. We compared day vs night underwater counts of adult rainbow trout and brook trout from four streams. At water temperatures between 1°C and 9°C, daytime counts accounted for 44% and 16% of nighttime snorkeling counts for rainbow trout and brook trout adults, respectively. As winter progressed, nighttime counts declined more so for brook trout than rainbow trout, but the decline was not significant for either species. Nocturnalism of both species was higher in streams with colder water temperatures. We observed few fish within concealment structure; however, by electrofishing concealment habitat during the day, we captured 10 times more adult trout than we counted immediately beforehand by snorkeling. Adult trout were concealed in cobble-boulder substrate and woody debris during the day. Note  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effect of arginine on seminal plasma composition in rainbow trout. Male rainbow trout broodstocks (2500 ± 200 g) were fed five practical diets (each consisting of three triplicates) supplemented with Arginine at 0.50%, 1.50% and 2.00%. The control group were fed without arginine. Broodstock feeding lasted for 90 days, and then fish semen was sampled. Results indicated no significant differences in LDH, ALP, Fe2+ and phosphorous content among the different treatments. The lowest levels of AST and ALT and the highest levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions were observed in the treatment fed with 1.50% arginine, which showed significant differences from other treatments (P < 0.05). Moreover, the amount of Cl?, Na+ and K+ ions was significantly increased in the seminal plasma in fish fed diets containing arginine in comparison with the control. As the amount of arginine was increased, the levels of uric acid became significantly greater in contrast to urea and glucose levels. The highest amounts of cholesterol, fructose and total protein were observed in treatments fed on 2.00%, 0.50% and 1.00% arginine, respectively, showing significant differences from other treatments (P < 0.05). The highest pH value was assayed in the 1.50% arginine treatment. Results indicated that arginine had a potential efficacy on semen quality in rainbow trout broodstocks.  相似文献   

The motility and fertilizing ability of the Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, spermatozoa were investigated. Optimum ionic content (Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) and pH of activation solution as well as the optimum dilution rate were determined. The results show optimum motility characteristics of spermatozoa in buffered solutions containing 25, 0.2, 3 and 10 mM L?1 Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+, respectively, at dilution rate 1:50 and pH 8.0. To test the fertilizing ability of sperm, two buffered saline solutions were used as activation solution of sperm motility. The present study indicated (1) spermatozoa motility is one of key factors that influence on fertilizing ability of sperm, (2) a high fertilizing ability of sperm is obtained after dilution in saline solutions rather than in freshwater and (3) a maximum fertilization rate occurs in buffered saline solution containing 0.2 mM L?1 K+. There is also a good correlation between biochemical characteristics of seminal plasma and fertilizing ability of sperm.  相似文献   

Hybridisation with introduced taxa poses a threat to native fish populations. Mechanisms of reproductive isolation can limit or prevent hybridisation between closely related species. Understanding how these mechanisms interact between the same species across geographically distinct occurrences of secondary contact, and how regional factors influence them, can inform our understanding of hybridisation as a threat and management actions to mitigate this threat. We used data collected on adult fish migration timing and approximate emergence timing of subsequent juvenile fish paired with genomic data to assess whether temporal isolation in the timing of spawning exists between Yellowstone cutthroat trout, rainbow trout and hybrids in the North Fork Shoshone River drainage in northwest Wyoming. We found evidence that Yellowstone cutthroat trout spawn, on average, two to four weeks later than rainbow trout and hybrids and two environmental covariates related to water temperature and discharge were associated with differences in spawning migration timing. Despite statistical support for Yellowstone cutthroat trout spawning later, disproportionately high numbers of rainbow trout and hybrids, paired with extended spawning seasons, lead to substantial overlap between all genotypes. Our results provide further evidence of temporal segregation in the timing of spawning as a mechanism of reproductive isolation between closely related species, but substantial spawning overlap suggests temporal segregation alone will not be enough to curtail hybridisation in conservation populations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the protective effects of 1 mM Vitamin C and 1 mM Trolox on kinematic and oxidative stresses in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sperm cells against flower‐like zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO‐NP, 1 mg/L) in vitro, during 2 hr. Trolox showed protective effects on all kinematic parameters measured for sperm cells against ZnO‐NPs, whereas Vitamin C only affected angular path velocity (VAP), linearity (LIN) and amplitude of lateral displacement of the sperm cell head (ALH). Although ZnO‐NPs reduced total glutathione (TGSH) and catalase (CAT) compared with the control, there were positive treatment effects for both Trolox and Vitamin C on antioxidant capacity. Conversely, while ZnO‐NP increased the rate of malondialdehyde (MDA) lipid peroxidation, it decreased following antioxidant therapy. This research suggests that Trolox and Vitamin C play a protective role for rainbow trout sperm exposed to ZnO‐NP.  相似文献   

Previously we characterized three DNAs from the endocrine pancreas (Brockmann body) of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) that encode for distinct preprosomatostatin (PPSS) molecules: one containing somatostatin-14 and its C-terminus (PPSS I) and two containing [Tyr7, Gly10]-somatostatin-14 at their C-termini (PPSS II′ and PPSS II″). In the present study, the regulation of PPSS expression was studied in rainbow trout placed on varying nutritional regimes (fed continuously, fasted, fasted then refed). Fish that were fasted for one week displayed reduced growth compared to their fed counterparts, but no alteration in pancreatic PPSS expression was noted between the two groups. Fish fasted for 4 and 6 weeks also were growth retarded and displayed increased levels of PPSS I mRNA and PPSS II″ mRNA compared to fed animals; PPSS II′ mRNA levels were not affected by food deprivation. Refeeding fish for two weeks following 4 weeks of food deprivation restored growth and reduced PPSS I and PPSS II″ mRNA expression to levels similar to those displayed by continuously fed fish. Changes in PPSS expression were correlated with increases in plasma SS. These results indicate that nutritional state modulates differential expression of PPSSs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Calpains are calcium-dependent neutral proteases responsible for many cellular functions. The two forms of calpain ubiquitously expressed in mammalian tissues are known as μ-calpain and m-calpain. We report here the identification of a novel calpain that is similar to but distinct from the μ- and m-calpains in rainbow trout. The cDNA of the novel gene is 2623 bp in length with a single open reading frame. The predicted protein (676 amino acids) contains the conserved calpain characteristic domains that include: domain I (pro peptide), II (cysteine catalytic site), III (electrostatic switch), and IV (calmodulin-like) with five Ca2+-binding EF hands. Northern blot and RT-PCR analyses demonstrated that the novel calpain gene is predominantly expressed in rainbow trout gills. Comparison of the novel protein with the ubiquitously expressed calpains and several mammalian tissue-specific calpains revealed that the novel calpain is an orthologue of the mammalian digestive tract specific calpain (calpain 9).  相似文献   

Spawning runs of brown trout Salmo trutta L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, were compared in three tributaries of two lakes for timing, numbers and redd characteristics. Redd characteristics for the two species in four other streams were examined. No significant differences in redd characteristics between the two species were observed, but in all lake tributaries the possibilities of superimposition of spring spawning rainbow trout on redds of brown trout were examined. A common feature was the high ratio of numbers of spawners to the area of preferred spawning gravel, and it was concluded that in the lake tributaries, superimposition resulted in increased mortality of brown trout eggs, and in one case elimination of the brown trout population. Management possibilities for control of the species proportions in comparable situations are discussed.  相似文献   

Minimizing phosphorus (P) wastes is considered to be a key factor for environmental sustainability of freshwater aquaculture operations in many parts of the world. A factorial P model, consisting of digestibility, whole-body P deposition, P waste output and limnological transformation sub-models, was constructed to simulate the effects of different dietary P sources and levels on P utilization in salmonids. This factorial P model was developed based on information from the literature for rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ). This factorial model runs on the platform of a fish bioenergetics model that provides dynamic estimates of feed intake of salmonids based on diet composition and growth rate. Simulations suggest that this model can potentially be a useful tool for waste output management of salmonid culture operations.  相似文献   

A hypothesis is developed that activation of motility in rainbow trout spermatozoa is a result of membrane hyperpolarization. This hypothesis was developed to explain experimental observations of a relationship between membrane potential and motility as revealed by the use of voltage sensitive fluorescent dyes. The results lead to the following conclusions: a) Transmembrane potential hyperpolarizes with decreasing KCl concentration in 100 mM NaCl. b) Transmembrane potential hyperpolarizes with decreasing NaCl concentration. c) NaCl is three time less effective in changing transmembrane potential and two orders of magnitude less effective in inhibiting activation of motility than KCl. d) Chloride ions have little effect on transmembrane potential or motility. e) Increases in osmotic pressure with the non-ionic molecule sucrose increased the amount of KCl required to inhibit activation. f) The major effect of Na+ on K+ inhibition may be osmotic.It is suggested that while sperm cells are in the seminal plasma in the reproductive tract of the male rainbow trout their transmembrane potential is maintained above an activation threshold, probably through Na/K pumps which are found in almost all animal cells. Since K+ is the most important ion in determining the transmembrane potential, hyperpolarization of the plasma membrane below an activation threshold occurs when the sperm cells are diluted, during spawning, into the low K+ environment of freshwater.  相似文献   

Liver is the main catabolic tissue for low density lipoprotein in rainbow trout (Gjøen and Berg 1992). We have investigated the interaction of LDL with isolated trout liver cells and liver membranes. 125I-TC labelled trout LDL bound to isolated trout liver cells in a time dependent and saturable manner with an apparant Kd of 20.1 g/ml, suggesting the existence of a specific binding site on the surface of these cells. The binding was Ca2+ dependent assessed by the 50% reduction obtained by 5 mM EDTA. Saturable binding to isolated trout liver membranes could also be demonstrated, but with lower affinity as compared to intact cells. Degradation of 125I-TC-LDL in hepatocytes was also saturable as degradation could be inhibited about 60% by a 100 fold surplus of unlabelled LDL. The rate of degradation increased with temperature up to 20°C. Both cell association (binding + uptake) and degradation were reduced down to 20% of control in the presence of microtubular and lysosomal inhibitors. Hepatic catabolism of trout LDL therefore seems to depend on receptormediated endocytosis, followed by lysosomal degradation.Abbreviations TC tyramine cellobiose - LDL low density lipoproteins - MeLDL methylated low density lipoproteins - VLDL very low density lipoproteins - HDL high density lipoproteins - VTG vitellogenin - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - PBS phospate buffered saline - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - DMPC L--phosphatidylcholine-dimyristoyl  相似文献   

The effects of the pancreatic hormones, insulin and glucagon, on rates of lipid biosynthesis in liver removed from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were evaluated in vitro. Livers were removed from animals fasted for 30–36h, cut into ca. 1 mm3 pieces, and incubated in the presence of various concentrations of salmon insulin (sINS), bovine insulin (bINS), or a combination of BINS and bovine/porcine glucagon (GLU). Lipid synthesis was evaluated by total lipid concentration, 3H2O incorporation into total lipid, and by fatty acid synthetase activity. Both mammalian and sINS tended to increase tissue total lipid concentration in hepatic tissue incubated for 5h. Insulin also stimulated 3H2O incorporation into total lipid in a dose-dependent manner. Bovine INS (2 × 10?6 M) stimulated de novo synthesis nearly 6-fold over control rates; sINS (2 × 10?6 M) stimulated label incorporation more than 7-fold over control rates. Glucagon inhibited INS-stimulated 3H2O incorporation; whereas, GLU alone had no effect on lipid synthesis in liver pieces incubated 5h. Lipid class analysis indicated that bINS significantly stimulated 3H2O incorporation into phospholipids, fatty acids, and triacylglycerols. The greatest accumulation of label was in the triacylglycerol fraction, where incorporation was stimulated 17-fold over control levels. Hepatic enzymatic analysis indicated that bINS also significantly stimulated lipogenic enzyme activity 9-fold above control levels. These results indicate that INS is an important regulator of lipid synthesis in the liver of trout.  相似文献   

The intracellular handing of a mannose-terminated glycoprotein taken up in rainbow trout liver cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis has been studied. The intracellular transport and degradation of ovalbumin (OA) were studied by means of subcellular fractionation in Nycodenz gradients and by differential centrifugation following intravenous injection of the ligand. By using OA labelled with125I-tyramine cellobiose (125I-TC), the subcellular distribution of labelled degradation products could be studied, since they are trapped intracellularly in the organelle where the degradation takes place. 125I-TC-OA was shortly after injection (45 min) localized in a homogenous population of endosomes. Labelled degradation products firs appeared in an organelle with the same density distribution as the endosomes. In livers homogenized 2h after injection the degradation products appeared in organelles with increasing size and density. After 24h, the degradation products were recovered in at least two populations of lysosomes with a distribution profile which coincided with that of the lysosomal enzyme -acetylglucosaminidase.The heterogeneous distribution of the late degradation products seemed not to be due to uptake of ligand in different liver cell types as only the parenchymal liver cells took up labelled OA after intravenous injection of the ligand.  相似文献   

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