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石灰岩分布区茶园土壤系统分类探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文对池州市石灰岩分布区茶园土壤特性进行了分析,依照《中国土壤系统分类(修订方案)》,将该区土壤分成淋溶土纲和富铁土纲和雏形土土纲。从而解决了石灰岩分布区种茶的土壤学上的一些认识问题。  相似文献   

瓦房店地区石灰岩类土壤系统分类初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就辽宁省瓦房店地区的10个典型石灰岩类土壤剖面,按《中国土壤系统分类检索(第三版)》中的诊断层和诊断特性对供试土壤剖面进行检索,确定它们在中国土壤系统分类中的归属。诊断层有淡薄表层、黏化层、雏形层,诊断特性有碳酸盐岩岩性特征、温性土壤温度状况、湿润土壤水分状况、铁质特性。10个供试剖面分属于雏形土、淋溶土、新成土3个土纲。1、3号剖面属壤质温性棕色钙质湿润雏形土4,、6、8、9号剖面属壤质温性普通钙质湿润淋溶土,5号剖面属黏壤质温性普通钙质湿润淋溶土,2、10号剖面属粗骨壤质温性石灰扰动人为新成土7,号剖面属壤质温性石灰扰动人为新成土。对30个土壤剖面进行采样、分析和比较,根据基层分类划分的原则和依据,在样区建立了10个土系。探讨供试土壤的系统分类结果与土壤发生分类结果的参比,表明两种分类制对同一土壤的命名差异较大。  相似文献   

地形和土壤属性对大豆产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正确理解作物产量的变异性特征及其影响因素是对农田地块进行科学管理的基础。地块的地形特征是导致作物产量变异形成的主要因素。本文选择代表不同地形特征的洼地农田和岗地农田为研究对象,分析地形对土壤属性和大豆产量的影响以及它们之间的相互关系。研究结果显示,洼地农田与岗地农田的土壤属性和大豆产量均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。洼地农田的土壤养分含量较高,但土壤结构较差,其平均重量直径(MWD)和几何平均直径(GMD)显著小于岗地农田,质量分形维数(Dm)显著大于岗地农田;在两类农田地块中,大豆产量的差别较大,洼地农田的大豆产量仅为岗地农田的62%。相关性分析表明,大豆产量与土壤结构稳定性和地块高程呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);土壤有机碳和土壤养分对大豆产量没有显著影响。  相似文献   

对海南岛 2 43个土壤剖面 ,按中国土壤系统分类体系 ,逐一进行鉴别、检索、分类定名 ;并讨论归纳出地形 -母岩 (母质 )单元与土壤系统分类类型的对应关系 ;然后 ,根据对应关系试拟按土壤系统分类的全岛土壤图的制图单元 (土壤部分 ) ,编绘选择地段的土壤草图 ( 1∶5 0万 )。全岛共设有 5 0个制图单元 (土壤部分 )。结果表明 ,用本研究中的方法步骤编绘按土壤系统分类的土壤草图 ,比单纯用已有按发生分类的土壤图直接进行两个系统间土壤名称更换 ,更具有客观性和可操作性。  相似文献   

以长汀县朱溪流域为例,采用ArcGIS中的克里金插值法生成流域土壤稀土元素含量的空间分布图,采用地形分析功能模块生成地形因子包括高程、坡度和坡向,通过空间分析和相关性分析研究地形因子对稀土元素空间分布规律的影响.分析结果表明:①朱溪流域表层土壤稀土元素含量的空间分布总体上呈现出西南高东北低、自西南向东北倾斜的特征;②稀...  相似文献   

陈静生  洪松 《土壤与环境》1999,8(3):161-167
在中国东部花岗岩,玄武武岩和石灰岩地区布设91个采样点,采集土壤剖面和母岩样品,测试13种微量元素的含量,研究其向分异规律及影响因素。  相似文献   

江汉平原典型土壤的系统分类及空间分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对采自江汉平原区的69个典型土壤剖面,按照《中国土壤系统分类检索(第三版)》进行鉴定、检索和分类,确认了诊断层和诊断特性,明确了其在系统分类中的归属,共划分5个土纲、5个亚纲、8个土类、18个亚类。讨论了江汉平原成土母质、地形及人类活动对土壤属性和土壤空间分布与演化的影响,表明中国土壤系统分类体系能很好的反映母质、地形、人类活动等因素的空间变异与土壤类型分布规律,为进一步完善土壤系统分类研究提供范例。  相似文献   

土壤、地形作为重要的自然因素,与耕地的关系密不可分。选取河南、江苏、浙江三省的9个典型样区作为研究对象,运用改进的仙农熵测度方法在3 km×3 km网格尺度下计算研究区的地学要素空间分布多样性特征。结果表明:(1)河南省样区的土类个数较其他地区丰富;如皋市、宁波市、诸暨市的土类具有单一性;开封市的土类空间分布特征最具波动性;多数样区土类的空间分布特征都具有相对稳定性。(2)研究区在平耕地以及浙江省的6°~15°下的缓坡耕地上地形的空间分布均匀度都在0.9以上,且耕地与地形坡度的相关强度与该特征具有相同规律。从地形类别来看,平原的空间分布特征最均匀,与耕地的相关性也最强。(3)随着时间变化,研究区耕地面积整体上呈减少趋势,但耕地的空间分布特征均匀度整体稳定。(4)在潮土和水稻土上,耕地的空间分布最均匀,且它们与耕地的关联性也相对最大,具有一致性特征。综上所述,土类和地形的空间分布特征具有复杂性,耕地的空间分布特征具有相对稳定性;研究区典型土类(如潮土、水稻土)、平耕地坡度(≤2°和2°~6°)、平原类别分别与耕地的空间分布格局具有较强的相关性。  相似文献   

研究土地复垦类型及微地形对土壤养分的影响对于指导土地复垦实践,控制复垦土地水土流失等具有重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。以平朔露天煤矿排土场为例,借助数理统计方法分析评价复垦类型与微地形因子(高程、坡度、坡向)对土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、有效磷及速效钾含量的影响。结果表明:(1)复垦类型对各项土壤养分含量影响较为显著,不同的复垦类型中,各项土壤养分含量排序均为耕地林地草地;其中,土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷及速效钾含量,耕地分别为草地的2.15~2.68倍,林地的1.48~1.78倍,对于土壤有效磷,耕地中的含量为71.24mg/kg,为草地的11倍,林地的4倍;(2)坡度与土壤养分含量之间存在显著的相关性(p0.05),而高程、坡向与土壤养分含量的相关性较弱,表明排土场复垦区土壤养分受坡度影响较大,而受高程与坡向的影响较小;(3)复垦类型与坡度的交互作用对土壤养分含量产生一定的影响:同一复垦类型的不同坡度的土地养分含量存在差异,耕地的土壤养分含量随着坡度的增大在降低;同一坡度,不同的复垦类型条件下,土壤养分差异显著,总体趋势为耕地林地草地。  相似文献   

沂源石灰岩山地不同植被类型土壤颗粒分形特征研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
运用分形学理论与方法对沂源石灰岩山地营造的3种不同植被类型和封禁条件下灌草丛的土壤颗粒分形特征进行研究,结果表明:(1)不同植被类型土壤颗粒粒径质量百分含量差异显著,有林地粉黏粒含量明显高于灌草地.(2)有林地的分形维数明显大于灌草地,其中,侧柏扶芳藤混交林最大,灌草丛最小.(3)不同植被类型土壤颗粒分形维数与土壤粉黏粒含量和细砂粒含量之间呈明显的正相关(线性)关系,与极粗砂粒呈明显的负相关(线性)关系.(4)不同植被类型土壤颗粒分形维数与土壤不均匀系数呈较好负相关(线性)关系.除灌草丛外,其它3种植被类型土壤均为级配连续、不均匀性良好的土壤.采用土壤颗粒分形维数评价不同植被类型土壤结构和质地是一个重要的量化指标.  相似文献   

Soluble organic matter derived from exotic Pinus species has been shown to form stronger complexes with iron (Fe) than that derived from most native Australian species. It has also been proposed that the establishment of exotic Pinus plantations in coastal southeast Queensland may have enhanced the solubility of Fe in soils by increasing the amount of organically complexed Fe, but this remains inconclusive. In this study we test whether the concentration and speciation of Fe in soil water from Pinus plantations differs significantly from soil water from native vegetation areas. Both Fe redox speciation and the interaction between Fe and dissolved organic matter (DOM) were considered; Fe – DOM interaction was assessed using the Stockholm Humic Model. Iron concentrations (mainly Fe2+) were greatest in the soil waters with the greatest DOM content collected from sandy podosols (Podzols), where they are largely controlled by redox potential. Iron concentrations were small in soil waters from clay and iron oxide‐rich soils, in spite of similar redox potentials. This condition is related to stronger sorption on to the reactive clay and iron oxide mineral surfaces in these soils, which reduces the amount of DOM available for electron shuttling and microbial metabolism, restricting reductive dissolution of Fe. Vegetation type had no significant influence on the concentration and speciation of iron in soil waters, although DOM from Pinus sites had greater acidic functional group site densities than DOM from native vegetation sites. This is because Fe is mainly in the ferrous form, even in samples from the relatively well‐drained podosols. However, modelling suggests that Pinus DOM can significantly increase the amount of truly dissolved ferric iron remaining in solution in oxic conditions. Therefore, the input of ferrous iron together with Pinus DOM to surface waters may reduce precipitation of hydrous ferric oxides (ferrihydrite) and increase the flux of dissolved Fe out of the catchment. Such inputs of iron are most probably derived from podosols planted with Pinus.  相似文献   

Using a capillary method, it was demonstrated that destruction of the structure of a loamy soil decreases its total moisture capacity on the average by 0.034 g/cm3 and increases the moisture content (that is not easily accessible to plants) on average by 0.057 g/cm3. As a result, the range of moisture that is easily accessible to plants decreases on average by 0.091 g/cm3 (that is, by 35% from its initial value). The soil structure influences the parameter of the exponential dependence of capillary pressure of the soil moisture on the volume humidity, which allows one to use it as a criterion during the estimation of the structural state of a soil.  相似文献   

贵州铜仁地区主要烟区植烟土壤养分状况   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
何俊瑜  陈博  陈秀兰  段建军  陆引罡 《土壤》2012,44(6):953-959
为明确贵州省铜仁烟区土壤养分状况,为优质烟叶的生产提供理论依据,从铜仁地区4个主要植烟县区采集90个土壤样品,分析其养分含量,并采用主成分分析法和模糊数学隶属度函数模型,通过估算土壤适宜性指数(SFI)对土壤养分状况进行综合评价。结果表明:铜仁地区植烟土壤pH值偏高,土壤有机质含量平均为26.1 g/kg,较为丰富,土壤全氮和碱解氮含量适宜,部分土壤全磷含量偏低,速效磷含量较高,土壤全钾含量偏低,土壤速效钾不均衡,适宜范围150~220 mg/kg的土壤样品只占24.44%。土壤肥力存在广泛变异,其土壤肥力指标(SFI)值平均为0.68,变幅为0.29~0.94,变异系数为17.04%。根据SFI值的大小将全区土壤肥力分为高、较高、中等、较低和低5个等级,其中高和较高等级肥力的土壤占45.56%,其中德江的SFI平均值较高,而思南的IFI平均值较低。在生产过程中,应针对不同烟区的土壤养分状况强调因地制宜、分类指导,采用不同的烤烟专用复合肥配方,提高植烟土壤的养分均衡供应能力。  相似文献   

研究贵州核桃主产区核桃园土壤养分丰缺状况,为核桃园的养分管理与合理施肥提供理论依据和科学指导。在贵州黔西北高海拔冷凉区、黔北高纬度冷凉区、黔西南、黔南地区高海拔区等核桃主产区共选择典型核桃园 126个,采集深度为 0~ 40 cm土层的土壤样品进行养分丰缺状况的测试分析。结果发现,有 73.0%核桃园土壤 pH适合核桃生长;有 88.2%的核桃园土壤有机质含量处于适宜及以上范围;土壤全氮、全磷含量丰富;土壤全钾有 22.2%处于缺乏(极缺)状态;有 7.9%的核桃园土壤碱解氮含量处于中等及以下水平;有效磷含量处于适宜及以上范围占 76.2%;速效钾含量较为缺乏,中等及以下水平比例占 81.8%;土壤中量元素交换性钙、镁含量均表现丰富,其中交换性钙没有出现低水平情况,交换性镁低水平比例仅占 8.7%;微量元素锰、铜含量较为丰富,但土壤有效硼含量较低,处于中下及以下水平的比例高达 99.2%,有效铁与有效锌中下及以下水平比例分别为 45.2%和 8.8%。黔西南高海拔地区核桃园土壤养分缺乏最严重,其次是黔北高纬度冷凉区、黔西北高海拔冷凉区和黔南高海拔地区。结果的核桃园中土壤碱解氮、有效锌含量缺乏程度重于未结果园,而速效钾含量缺乏程度轻于未结果园。总体来看,贵州核桃主产区核桃园土壤 pH值普遍适合;有机质、碱解氮含量处于中等以上水平;全氮、全磷、交换性钙、镁、有效锰、铜含量丰富;速效钾、有效硼、有效铁含量缺乏;部分核桃园土壤全钾、有效磷、有效锌含量偏低。综上所述,不同核桃园施肥应因地制宜,深施有机肥及含铁、锌、硼元素的肥料作基肥,并提高钾肥比例;同时建议土壤偏碱性地区施用酸性肥料,部分缺磷地区提高磷肥比例。  相似文献   

贵州茶区土壤养分状况综合评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
应用SPSS统计软件,对贵州全省70个茶园土壤样品8项养分指标进行主成分分析,按累计贡献率达到85%以上提取了4个主成分,并求出各土壤养分的4个主成分综合得分。并对综合得分以欧氏距离为衡量土样间差异大小的指标,采用类平均法进行聚类分析。将70个土样分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ等级,第Ⅰ类为养分丰富型土壤,其各项养分指标最高,综合得分范围0.63≤F≤1.08,所占比例9.83%;第Ⅱ类为养分较丰富型土壤,其综合得分范围0.10≤F≤0.53,所占比例29.51%,相对Ⅰ类,有机质和全磷含量相对不足;第Ⅲ类茶园土壤肥力一般,其综合得分范围-0.32≤F≤0.02,所占比例36.07%;第Ⅳ类土壤各养分因子均缺乏,为养分缺乏型茶园土壤。  相似文献   

Abstract. The interaction of caesium isotopes with soil has been widely investigated and the influence of important soil properties studied. From the results of such work and a detailed knowledge of the physico-chemical properties of soils it is possible to classify Cumbrian soil according to its ability to immobilize caesium. The 'immobilization capacity' is a reflection principally of the clay mineral content and type, organic content, pH, ammonium content and potassium status. Although it is not quantifiable, the immobilization capacity permits ranking of the soils and indicates which areas may give rise to persistent caesium problems. Combination of the soil sensitivity classification with deposition data for Cumbria indicates that the mountainous region in the south-west of the county is the most vulnerable. This conclusion is supported by field evidence, since the area identified coincides closely with that where sheep movement and slaughter are restricted and where caesium remains persistently available to the plant-animal chain.  相似文献   

Understanding the natural variation of carbon within the soil, and between soil types, is crucial to improve predictive models of carbon cycling in high and mid-latitude ecosystems in response to global warming. We measured the carbon isotope distributions (12C, 13C and 14C) in soil organic matter (SOM) from Podzols, Brown Podzolic soils and Stagnohumic Gleysols from the British uplands, which were then compared with the total amounts and turnover of carbon in these soils. We did so by sampling at 2-cm intervals down six profiles of each soil type. The average amount of carbon stored in the top 28 cm of the Stagnohumic Gleysols is twice that of the other two soils. The 13C content and 14C age show a general increase with depth in all soils, and there is also a significant correlation between isotopic variation and the main pedogenic features. The latter suggests that soil-forming processes are significant in determining the carbon isotope signatures retained in SOM. Organic matter formed since 1960 is not found below 5 cm in any of the soils. Evidently organic detritus in the surface layers (LF and Oh) is rapidly mineralized. This accords with our modelled net annual C fluxes which show that more than 80% of the CO2 emanating from these soils is derived from the top 5 cm of each profile. Although these soils contain much carbon, they do not appear to assimilate and retain SOM rapidly. The mean residence time of most of their carbon is in the 2–50 years range, so the soils are fairly ineffective sinks for excess CO2 in the atmosphere. Under the predicted future ‘greenhouse’ climate, likely to favour more rapid microbial decomposition of organic materials, these soils are a potential source of CO2 and are therefore likely to accelerate global warming.  相似文献   

基于多维分形的铜陵地区土壤中Pb元素空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
克里格插值法的平滑作用使其无法反应空间分布的奇异性。该文将多维分形地统计学方法应用于铜陵地区土壤中Pb元素的空间分布研究中。通过将克里格插值法与多维分形方法的结果进行对比发现,该地区土壤中Pb元素有较强的空间自相似性,多维分形方法合理地强化了局部区域的估值结果,可以较好的表达土壤元素空间分布的局部奇异性。多维分形方法可以广泛应用于土壤元素空间分布的研究,尤其是矿区土壤重金属元素空间分布的研究。  相似文献   

东北3 个典型黑土区土壤无机硫的形态分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间取样、室内分步浸提的方法, 系统研究了我国东北3 个典型黑土地区土壤无机硫的含量分布和形态特征。结果表明: 耕层(0~20 cm)黑土中无机硫含量占全硫的百分比为22%, 其中水溶性硫占6%, 吸附性硫占3%, 盐酸可溶性硫占13%。水溶性硫和吸附性硫含量表现为海伦>北安>公主岭, 盐酸可溶性硫含量为公主岭>海伦>北安。水溶性硫、吸附性硫含量随剖面的加深变化不大, 盐酸可溶性硫在115 cm 深度以下有一个积累的过程。土壤水溶性硫、吸附性硫与土壤有机质含量、阳离子交换量和<0.002 mm 黏粒含量呈显著或极显著正相关, 与pH 呈显著和极显著负相关; 盐酸可溶性硫含量和土壤电导率之间呈显著正相关。海伦地区黑土无机硫总量和盐酸可溶性硫含量随开垦年限增加明显下降, 呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

Increased tourist activity and recreational use of wilderness and other protected areas has endangered zones of high environmental value. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of trampling intensity (low, high use trails and untrampled trails) and distance from the trails (on the trails, at 10 and 20 m from the trails) on the vegetation, chemical, physical and microbiological properties of a soil in Mediterranean mountain areas. Trail type and distance from the trail significantly influenced several parameters. High use trails showed lower values of plant cover and diversity of vegetation species, as well as soil respiration and some enzyme activities (phosphatase, β‐glucosidase and dehydrogenase) than low use trails. In addition, the effects of trampling spatially extended further from these high use trails than from low use trails. Statistical analysis showed that some microbiological (basal respiration, dehydrogenase activity and β‐glucosidase activity) and vegetal parameters (plant cover and diversity) may be established as a set of indicators for the evaluation of soil quality on these areas subjected to human trampling. We concluded that trampling significantly impacts on soil microbial processes and vegetal communities, and visitor should be restricted from entering ecologically sensitive areas due to the effects of trampling. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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