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氨基酸螯合铁与仔猪补铁   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
铁在动物营养中是最重要的微量元素之一。它是红细胞中血红蛋白的组成成分 ,保证氧在机体内的正常运输 ;它以肌红蛋白形式存在于肌肉中 ,以乳铁蛋白形式存在于乳中 ,以铁蛋白和含铁血黄素形式存在于肝中。铁在动物体内还作为多种酶的组成成分影响能量代谢、蛋白质合成和免疫机能。因此 ,铁是仔猪出生后快速发育及维持身体代谢与生理作用所必需的重要元素。1 仔猪贫血及常规补铁由于母猪体内铁转运系统中存在胎盘屏障和乳腺屏障 ,致使初生仔猪体内铁贮较低 (仅2 9mg/g无脂肪组织 ) ,同时 ,母猪乳汁中铁的含量很低 (1 3 3mg/L)。仔猪…  相似文献   

The acute phase protein haptoglobin (Hp) exerts immune modulating functions in the innate and adaptive immune system. In pigs, serum Hp concentrations are linked to impaired growth performance. There is little information on Hp in newborn piglets and the onset of endogenous Hp synthesis. In the first experiment we analyzed Hp concentrations in colostrum from sows (n=5) and serum from their off-spring (n=43) during the first 12h of life. The piglets were divided in a colostrum group which was allowed to suckle and a colostrum-deprived group which received a Hp-free milk replacer. We were able to show that serum Hp in newborn piglets increased 3h after colostrum intake whereas serum Hp remained low in colostrum-deprived littermates. The absorption of colostral Hp in the jejunum could be shown via immunohistochemistry. In colostrum suckled piglets, endogenous Hp synthesis in the liver increased 9h after birth, no increase in Hp mRNA was observable during the first 12h of life in colostrum-deprived piglets. From our results we concluded that maternal Hp is transferred to newborn pigs via colostrum and the stimulus for the increase in Hp synthesis is mediated by colostrum. In a second experiment we analyzed Hp in colostrum, milk and serum from sows (n=43) and their off-spring (n=442) from birth until weaning. Haptoglobin was high in colostrum (1.11 ± 0.10mg/ml) and declined to lower but stable milk levels (0.36 ± 0.08 mg/ml) until weaning. Colostral Hp and daily litter weight gain were negatively correlated (r=-0.5, p<0.01) whereas the relationship between piglets serum Hp and daily weight gain was weaker (r=-0.22, p<0.05). We therefore speculate that maternal Hp exerts systemic actions in piglets.  相似文献   

As meat quality is basically dependent on muscle fibre characteristics, it is important to know how muscle fibres are regulated and transformed. This study aimed to investigate the effect of maternal dietary supplementation on muscle fibre types using 3% saturated fatty acid (palmitic acid, PA) or 3% unsaturated fatty acid (linoleic acid, LA) from 80 days of gestation to the weaning of offspring (25 days post‐natal). The results indicated that higher mRNA levels of MyHCI type genes were found in the soleus muscles of piglets that suckled from LA‐supplemented sows than from PA‐supplemented sows. In addition, LA treatment increased the gene expression of the type I muscle fibre marker troponin I (p < 0.01), suggesting that LA promoted muscle fibre type transformation to type I fibres. Moreover, PGC‐1α (p < 0.01) and MEF2c (p < 0.05) mRNA levels were higher in the piglets from the LA treatment group than in those from the PA treatment group. Furthermore, LA supplementation also significantly increased AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) mRNA levels (p < 0.05), which is an upstream regulator of PGC‐1α. Collectively, these findings demonstrated that maternal dietary LA supplementation promoted muscle fibre transformation to type I fibre and that this process may be mediated through an AMPK‐dependent pathway.  相似文献   

窝产仔数的加大,使代乳品的使用越来越普遍。研究表明,哺乳仔猪在饲喂教槽料的同时,补充代乳品仍能有效地提高教槽料的摄入量,进行对仔猪随后的生长带来有利影响。但代乳品的补充不应影响仔猪初乳的摄入量,因此补充时间有严格的限制。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare oral iron supplementation in feed with a standard iron injection and assess the impact on the health and productivity of pigs. The reliability of a quick test (HemoCue) for the measurement of blood haemoglobin concentration was also investigated. Three pig herds, with a total of 88 sows and their piglets, were included in the study. Piglets in treatment group O were fed a special iron-rich feed on days 2 to 4, 5 to 7 and 8 to 12 of lactation using a specially designed feeding device. Piglets in group IM received 200 mg of an iron dextran complex intramuscularly at three days of age. Haemoglobin concentrations and performance of the piglets were compared between groups. The mean haemoglobin concentrations in pigs at weaning were 131.4 and 116.4 g/l for pigs in groups O and IM, respectively (P<0.01). Daily weight gain (253.9 v 248.8 g/day) and piglet mortality (11.4 v 12.2 per cent) were slightly better in group O than in group IM (P>0.05).  相似文献   

In a randomized, confirmatory study performed between July and October 2000 the efficacy of two iron products in preventing iron deficiency anaemia was compared. A total of 102 newborn piglets from ten litters were treated intramuscularly with 200 mg iron as iron dextran per ml, or 200 mg iron as gleptoferron per ml. For true comparison, piglets within a litter of a sow were subdivided into pairs on the basis of birth weight (one pair of the two heaviest piglets, et cetera). Within a pair, treatment with the iron supplements was randomly allocated. One group of piglets was injected at an age of 1 day (experiment 1) and the other group of piglets was injected at an age of 3 days (experiment 2). The piglets were weighed and blood samples were taken at an age of 18 days (experiment 1) or at an age of 19 days (experiment 2). Average daily weight gain and haemoglobin concentrations of both treatment groups were compared. Both products were very effective in preventing anaemia. No significant differences could be found between the two formulations. It can be concluded that iron-dextran and gleptoferron can be used with similar effect for anaemia prevention in piglets.  相似文献   

Torque teno sus virus (TTSuV) is responsible for the infection of pig herds around the world. The aim of this study was to analyse the presence of natural infection by both species of TTSuV in suckling piglets from major pig-producing regions of Brazil. Faecal samples (n?=?135) from 1 to 3-week-old suckling piglets from the Southern, Southeast and Midwest regions of Brazil were analysed by PCR assay to detect TTSuV1 and 2. TTSuV1 and 2 DNA was identified in 65 (48.1?%) and 23 (17?%) of piglet faecal samples, respectively. Co-infection by both species of TTSuV was detected in 17 (12.6?%) samples. Detection of TTSuV1 was significantly higher than that of TTSuV2 in the three Brazilian regions together (p?<?0.05). Based on age of animals, TTSuV1 infection was statistically higher than TTSuV2 in each age group (p?<?0.05). For all of the age groups together, no statistical difference was detected in the number of TTSuV1 and 2 positive results (p?>?0.05). These findings revealed that TTSuV infection has disseminated in pig herds from different geographic Brazilian regions, and the presence of TTSuV in suckling piglet faecal samples suggested the early infection by the virus and the potential of these animals in spreading the virus.  相似文献   

仔猪腹泻是集约化养猪生产条件下的一种典型的多因素性疾病,该病是目前最严重的仔猪疾病之一,也是引起仔猪死亡的重要原因.据调查,仔猪因腹泻死亡占仔猪死亡总数的39.8%.而腹泻又主要集中在仔猪的三个年龄段,即出生后1~3日龄、7~14日龄和刚断奶后的仔猪.据报道,即使在养猪业较发达的国家,如美国仔猪断奶前死亡率也占15.5%,荷兰占11.5%~14.2%.故在吮乳仔猪早期补料的日粮中,通过添加某些天然植物抗生素抑制吮乳仔猪的肠道有害菌群,提高其自身免疫能力,已成为养猪业生产的一项重要课题.  相似文献   

No marked gluconeogenetic performance was recordable from nursed piglets aged, between one and five days, in response to ACTH nor glucocorticosteroid application. Store pigs, aged twelve weeks, however, exhibited glucose rises of 34 per cent one hour after injection or 55 per cent three hours from ACTH application. The point was made, in an attempt to elucidate the above findings, that in newborn piglets, few days after birth, the gluconeogenetic capacity is insufficient because of functional immaturity of the liver. The behaviours of several metabolites in the liver and muscles of store pigs were examined under differentiated model conditions to check up and verify that view.  相似文献   

Objective of this study was to examine the efficacy of various local anaesthetics (Procaine Hydrochloride, Procaine Hydrochloride + Epinephrin, Lidocaine Hydrochloride) used in castration of four to six day old male piglets. Animals of the control groups (I-IV) were treated analogous to the castration groups (V-IX) but not castrated. In groups I and V 15 minutes prior to castration/fixation the piglets were fixed as for injection but not medicated. The injection volume was standardised to 0.5 ml per testes. Local anaesthetics were applicated intratesticularly in five groups and intrascrotarly in two groups. Blood samples were taken shortly before and one, four and 24 hours after castration/fixation. The serum cortisol level was analysed to determine pain induced neuroendocrine stress reaction. To proof the tissue tolerance creatinkinase-(CK) and aspartataminotransferase-(AST) concentration were analysed. One, seven and 14 days after castration the healing process were evaluated by a wound score. Groups I to IV did not show any increase of the serum cortisol level. Contrary one hour after castration the average cortisol concentration of castration groups (V-IX) rose significantly. Cortisol concentration of the medicated castration groups (VI-IX) showed a comparable or even higher cortisol level as the not medicated control group (V). Determination of CK and AST indicated no tissue damage of the application of the local anaesthetics. The administration of local anaesthetics prior to the castration did not have any effect on the wound healing process. The results of this study lead to the conclusion that injection of local anaesthetics show a good tissue tolerance but the call for reduction of the castration pain by presurgical injection of Procaine Hydrochloride or Lidocaine Hydrochloride is not justified.  相似文献   

Weanling pigs tend to avoid wind, and suckling piglets are thought to be more sensitive to wind than weanlings, owing to their thinner s.c. fat layer. We developed a crush-reducing device based on the anticipated behavior of suckling piglets toward wind and evaluated the performance of the device through field testing. The crush-reducing device consisted of six photo sensors, a controller, six solenoid valves, and an air compressor. In this study, 206 sows and their suckling piglets (Landrace xYorkshire) were investigated to ascertain the individual effects of several factors. Some of the newborn piglets were cross-fostered before the crush-reducing device was implemented. Litter weights were measured on d 0 and 4 to determine the influence of the crush-reducing device on the weights of suckling piglets. The crushing of suckling piglets by sows was affected by season (P < 0.01) and litter size (P < 0.05), but not by the parity of the sows; however, the number of crushed piglets per litter was less (P < 0.01) in the crush-reducing device group (0.05 +/- 0.02 crushed piglets/litter) than in the control group (0.23 +/- 0.04 crushed piglets/litter), regardless of litter size or season. The BW gain of suckling piglets did not differ between the control and the crush-reducing device groups. Based on these results, the crush-reducing device is expected to decrease the number of crushed piglets per litter without influencing the BW gain of suckling piglets, thereby greatly contributing to the productivity of pig breeders.  相似文献   

According to the applicable animal welfare legislation, the surgical castration of pigs is allowed up until the age of 4 weeks, without anaesthesia. According to the european guideline (2001/93/EG) it is only permitted in the first week after birth. The investigation should show, whether the castration of young piglets takes a milder course and to what extent stress reactions occur in different age groups. The healing process of castration wounds in piglets that were castrated at the age of four days progressed more rapidly and with less complications than those piglets that were castrated at 28 days of age. The catecholamine levels in younger piglets rose significantly after the operation, while these levels virtually stayed the same in piglets castrated at 28 days. As alternatives to castration without anaesthesia, several methods are in discussion: (1) Castration under general anaesthesia can only be practiced by a veterinary surgeon. The sole use of Azaperon and Ketamine has insufficient pain sedating effect. Isofluran anaesthesia is apparatively extravagant. (2) CO2-Anaesthesia in piglets leads to high strain. (3) Castration under local anaesthesia must be practiced by a veterinary surgeon. The application and the pain after the castration are not taken into consideration. (4) Jung boar fattening up until the slaughtering weight of 80 kg is not transformable, because of boar taste. (5) The breeding of slaughter pigs with little boar taint is not yet transformable. (6) Sperm sexing is not and will not, in the near future, be mature for practice. (7) Immunocastration is an active immunisation against GnRH. The immunological elimination of GnRH suppresses the development of sex hormones, such as testosterone, as well as the substance responsible for boar taint, Androstenone. To consider is the acceptance of the consumer. The preparation has the same effect in humans as it has in swine. "Self injections" have the same effect in humans as it has in swine. "Self injections" are therefore risky.  相似文献   

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