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S. Nadal    J. I. Cubero    M. T. Moreno 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(1):110-112
Little is known about the levels of resistance to Orobanche crenata available in narbon vetch. A germplasm collection of 200 accessions of narbon vetch (Vicia narbonensis L.) originating from different countries was screened for resistance to crenate broomrape under field conditions. Thirteen accessions were selected for more detailed screening under controlled conditions and for additional field testing. Resistance to O. crenata was manifested by lower germination of broomrape seeds, reduced emergence of Orobanche shoots and fewer root attachments per narbon vetch plant. Differences in pod yield among narbon vetch accessions were also found in response to Orobanche infestation. Finally, eight accessions were selected and identified as new sources of narbon vetch resistant to broomrape.  相似文献   

Six populations of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) were developed through various selection schemes to examine the influence of selection In improving tolerance to Orobanche crenata (Forsk.) in local faba bean stocks. All populations trace their origin to 209 farmers’ seed lots that were collected from Egypt. The entries of each population were grown during the 1982/1983 season in the Orobanche nursery located at Giza in Egypt. Comparison among means of the selected, populations showed that more progress in improving Orobanche tolerance could be achieved from combined selection between and within lots. Between-lots selection was less efficient than single-plant selection. Results, of this study show that considerable progress could be achieved from selection for Orobanche tolerance in local faba bean germplasm. There was sufficient residual genetic variation in the selected populations to expect substantial progress from further selection for most tolerance traits.  相似文献   

Three pot experiments were earned our to investigate the variation among geographic accessions of Orobanche crenata Forsk. in their ability to attack different stocks of Vicia faba L. Orobanche accessions were quite different in their influence on the performance of genetic lines of the host. However, host parasite relationships appeared to be dependent upon environmental conditions. The usefulness or host genotypes for differentiating between parasite accessions was rather limited. The number of Orobanche shoots per host plant does not appear 10 be a precise indicator of host tolerance although it has been frequently used for this purpose.  相似文献   

通过对124份绿肥箭筈豌豆种质资源品种产量性状指标进行主成分分析及聚类分析.结果表明,第3主成分(荚果数)偏高,第1主成分(株高)偏低,第2主成分(分枝数)适中,箭筈豌豆种子产量较高;第1,2主成分偏高,第3主成分偏低,即株高高,分枝数多的材料,干草产量高,可作为绿肥和饲用作物材料.聚类分析可综合评价箭筈豌豆的表现,发掘产量性状突出的材料,对于箭筈豌豆的育种具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

Five parents of common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) having orange/beige cotyledon colour, brown/white testa colour, purple/green seedling colour and purple/white flower colour were crossed as a full diallele set. The inheritance patterns of cotyledon, testa or seed coat colour, flower and seedling colour, were studied by analyzing their F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 generations. The segregation pattern in F2, BC1 and BC2, showed that cotyledon colour was governed by a single gene with incomplete dominance and it is proposed that cotyledon colour is controlled by two allelic genes, which have been designated Ct1 and Ct2. Testa colour was governed by a single gene with the brown allele dominant and the recessive allele white. This gene has been given the symbol H. Two complementary genes governed both flower and seedling colours. These flower and seedling colour genes are pleiotropic and the two genes have been given the symbols S and F.  相似文献   

向日葵列当是向日葵生产中重要的寄生性杂草。新疆阿勒泰地区和内蒙古乌拉特前旗是国内向日葵列当发生的重灾区。为筛选并为抗列当育种工作提供优质抗性材料,从根本上防治向日葵列当,利用田间自然发生向日葵列当的田块,采用随机区组设计设置小区试验;通过寄生率、寄生程度2 个指标判定对列当的抗感性。于2012 年在新疆阿勒泰对56 个向日葵品种(系),2013—2014 年在内蒙古乌拉特前旗分别对22 个品种(系)和20 个品种(系),进行抗列当鉴定。结果表明:在新疆22 个油葵品(系)中‘陇葵杂1 号’、‘F08-1’、‘辽丰F53’、‘赤CY101’、‘S26’、‘MGS’、‘S31’等16 个品种,34 个食葵品种(系)中‘JK106’品种,表现为免疫;在内蒙古乌拉特前旗2013—2014 年24 个油葵品种(系)中,‘赤CY102’、‘F08-1’等2 个品种表现为免疫,‘MSG’、‘新葵杂5 号’、‘赤029×115R’、‘赤128A×116R’等4个品种(系)表现为高抗,而18 个食葵品种(系)中,没有免疫品种,只有‘JK103’和‘JK106’表现为抗列当,其余16 个品种(系)均表现为感病和高度感列当。其中油葵品种‘赤CY102’在新疆和内蒙古抗列当鉴定中均表现免疫。在2 个不同地区进行向日葵品种抗列当鉴定,新疆地区表现免疫和高抗的品种较内蒙古地区多,说明内蒙古乌拉特前旗列当生理小种级别高于新疆阿勒泰地区列当生理小种。另外,油葵品种对列当的抗性较食葵高。  相似文献   

The inheritance of six components of autofertility was studied in faba beans in two consecutive years (1989 and 1990) by analysing parents, Fl and segregating generations of 14 crosses between preselected pure lines. Genetic analysis was performed by a joint scaling test proposed by Cavalli (1952). Additive gene effects were more important than dominance effects in flowers/node, pods/flower and ovules/ovary. In contrast, characters directly related with the seed such as pods/node, seeds/pod and, to a lesser extent, seeds/ovule showed high positive values of dominance. The three latter traits in general exhibited strong heterosis, probably due to genetic interactions. In order to produce selection gain, any breeding programme has to consider that dominance and heterosis vary according to the character involved. The present study reveals different degrees of dominance expression depending on cross specificity as well as on environmental conditions. The advantages of studying segregating generations instead of diallel crosses and the need for a simultaneous study of many crosses are emphasized in this paper.  相似文献   

A. M. Abd El  -Moneim 《Plant Breeding》1993,110(2):168-171
Loss of seeds from mature pods is common in Vicia sativa L., an important annual, resown forage legume in West Asia and North Africa. Pod shattering restricts its use as a leguminous forage crop. This paper reports the results of germplasm evaluation for non-shattering pods and of breeding and selection to improve seed retention. Wide variation in pod-shattering exists between common vetch ecotypes collected from different regions. Three wild mutants with almost completely non-shattering pods were identified and isolated for use as a genetic resource in cross breeding programmes. Genetic studies revealed that the non-shattering character in the wild types of common vetch is due to a simple recessive gene, whereas shattering in the cultivated types is due to an allelic dominant pair of genes. Incorporation of the non-shattering gene into agronomically-promising lines was achieved by back-crossing. Lines having an average of 95—97 % non-shattering pods were obtained, as compared to 40—50 % in the original cultivated lines which represents a major agronomic advance in common vetch breeding. The importance of seed retention to the economics of seed production is discussed.  相似文献   

向日葵是世界四大油料作物之一,列当是对向日葵生长危害极为严重的一类寄生植物,且在全球范围内的发生面积逐年增加,对向日葵产业发展造成严重危害。培育抗列当品种是防治向日葵列当最为有效的途径,也是目前育种家的首要目标。育种家们通过传统的育种方法鉴定抗性基因,培育了一系列向日葵抗列当品种,并在世界范围内向日葵主栽区广泛种植,有效缓解了向日葵列当对该产业的冲击。然而,随着毒力更强的列当生理小种的出现与传播,亟待培育新的、抗性更强的品种。本文综述了新的、毒性强的列当生理小种的结构与分布,对如何利用分子标记辅助选择(MAS)策略提高向日葵的抗性分析,对向日葵抗列当基因序列信息做了归纳总结,对向日葵抗列当育种研究发展前景进行了分析与展望。  相似文献   

Summary Orobanche attack on twelve broad bean cultivars was measured in connection with vegetative growth by means of two pot tests with different innoculum densities. Orobanche attack appeared to be related to the growth vigour of the host. The higher the root and shoot biomass of a cultivar, the higher the number and the more advanced the development of the tubercles was, independent of innoculum density. Therefore, in spite of the observed variation for Orobanche attack, the tested cultivars were considered to have the same level of susceptibility, however with exception of BPL 2210. This cultivar showed a lower attack than was expected of its growth vigour.Hollandseweg 2, 6706 KP Wageningen, the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Broomrape (Orobanche cernua Loelf.) is a sunflower parasite which has become a potential threat to this crop in Spam with an increasing incidence in recent last years. In order to investigate the racial situation of the parasite in Spam and to evaluate the resistance of differentials and inbred lines currently used in breeding programmes, two experiments were carried out. In the first, two sets of European sunflower differentials were inoculated with three broomrape populations from different geographical origin. The second experiment studied the reaction to the parasite of 38 inbred lines in comparison with resistant and susceptible checks. Reactions of differential lines resistant to known European broomrape races ranged from complete immunity of lines P-1380-2A and ‘Jdanovski 8281’ to complete susceptibility of ‘Record’ and the universal suscepts. These results confirmed the existence of several physiological races of broomrape in Spain and a different racial composition from that of Eastern Europe. Results from the second experiment showed good resistance of half the restorer lines tested and 36 % of the maintainers and cms lines. This material together with the resistant differential lines constitutes good starting material to be used in developing cultivars resistant to broomrape populations in Spain.  相似文献   

张磊  刘志鹏  王彦荣 《作物学报》2011,37(10):1735-1742
AGAMOUS(AG)是参与植物雌蕊和雄蕊发育调控的最重要花器官同源基因之一。通过TAIL-PCR、RACE和RT-PCR技术相结合,获得了箭筈豌豆花器官同源基因VsAG(VsAGAMOUS)及其上游调控序列。该基因DNA序列总长3 158 bp,CDS区域735 bp,编码含有244个氨基酸残基的蛋白产物。序列在氨基酸水平上与近缘植物豌豆PsAG基因序列一致性达98%,与拟南芥AtAG基因一致性为68%。将该基因在GenBank上注册,登录号为JF313850。生物信息学分析表明,VsAG基因第2内含子区域含有丰富的转录调控元件,在种类和功能分化上与基因上游调控序列表现出相似特征。这一结果暗示了第2内含子对豆科植物AG基因表达调控的重要作用,并为通过基因工程方法创造箭筈豌豆优良育种材料奠定了基础。  相似文献   

178 common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) strains were tested for 2 years under dryland conditions in Bursa, Turkey. Broad-sense heritability of the traits was calculated for each trait. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients between seed and straw yield, with several morphological and reproductive traits, were obtained. Broad-sense heritability estimates were high for 1000-seed weight and number of seeds per pod. Heritability values for both seed and straw yield were small and insignificant. Harvest index, 1000-seed weight and spring vigour showed significant positive correlations with seed yield, but days to flower correlated negatively with seed yield. Spring vigour, plant height and number of leaflets per leaf correlated positively, while harvest index, seeds per pod and seeds per plant correlated negatively with straw yield. Correlations between seed and straw yield were both positive and significant.  相似文献   

G. Ramsay 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(3):287-289
Seed dormancy in the grain legumes may interfere with germination in some situations, yet is not well described. Dormancy in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) was investigated to determine the mode of inheritance and whether the gene or genes controlling this trait are linked to other genes. Seeds produced by 235 recombinant inbred lines at the F6 generation were used for this study. The parents were the cultivar ‘Optica’ and 172, an Afghanistan landrace which possesses extended seed dormancy. Germination was scored on a seed sample from each recombinant inbred line. Segregation patterns indicated that the trait is monogenic. This gene, named doz, is linked to a gene controlling anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin synthesis, sp-b, with the genetic distance estimated to be about 25 cM. No associations were detected between seed dormancy and pod dehiscence, seed lustre or mean seed weight. The implications of the persistence of a gene for seed dormancy in the gene pool of V. faba for the introgression of traits from landraces and cultivars possessing dormancy and for the origins of domesticated V. faba are discussed.  相似文献   

Racial evolution of sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cernua) has been very rapid in Spain during recent years, in which resistance has been overcome several times and there has been an important increase in areas infested with this parasitic angiosperm. In order to find resistance to a highly virulent population of sunflower broomrape that could be used directly in breeding programmes, three different sets of cultivated plant material composed of 429 entries were tested by artificial inoculation. All evaluated inbred lines from Moden, Canada, were fully susceptible. Out of the 240 P.I. accessions tested, only 10 segregated for resistance to broomrape, the rest being susceptible. From the 160 USDA breeding lines evaluated, 5% were resistant and 19% segregated for resistance to O. cernua. These lines traced back mainly to crosses of RHA 274 and RHA 801 with Russian, Turkish and Romanian hybrids. The origin of P.I. accessions that segregated for resistance were primarily derived from the former USSR and from Romania.  相似文献   

Summary Genetics of resistance to Ascochyta fabae Speg. in Vicia faba L. was studied with a final objective to develop resistant faba bean varieties to Ascochyta blight. The study was conducted separately on 3 single spore isolates (AF10-2 and AF13-2 from Tunisia and AF4-3 from France) and belonging to different groups of virulence (GV1 and GV2). Important general combining ability (GCA) effects were found especially with isolates AF10-2 and AF4-3. Specific combining ability (SCA), although significant for the 3 isolates, was important only with AF13 -2, but less important than GCA. Additive gene effects were predominant to non-additive effects. Lines 29H and A8817 transmitted to their progenies resistance to the 3 isolates, whereas 14–12 and 19TB conferred resistance to their progenies only with isolates AF13-2 and AF4-3, respectively. In the material studied, resistance was generally controlled by dominant genes but also could be attributed to recessive genes although less frequent. Analysis of segregation in the F2 of 2 crosses between the resistant lines (A8817 and 29H) and the susceptible line (14–12) with isolate AF4-3 revealed dominant monogenic control at the level of leaves in the 2 resistant lines and, in addition, a recessive gene controlling resistance of stems. Non-allelic interactions were occasionally manifested and their origin appeared to be due to line 19TB. A recurrent selection scheme was proposed with the objective to develop improved open-pollination populations and synthetic varieties responding to the objective of the national Tunisian research programme on faba bean.  相似文献   

Cultivation of faba beans (Vicia faba L.) is hampered by poor yield stability. The genetic variation at the homozygous level for yield stability in the gene pool of the small-seeded and indeterminate European faba beans and the usefulness of auxiliary traits for the improvement of yield stability were investigated. The concept of stability, based on the regression technique, was applied. A sample of 36 faba bean lines was tested in 16 environments and a subsample of eight lines was tested in 11 additional environments. Significant differences were found between lines for yield stability parameters, but the repeatability of the results was limited. Early maturity correlated markedly (r = 0.51**) with one of the yield stability parameters (deviation from regression). Although lodging resistance was not correlated with the stability parameters, it proved to be a safety factor for performance.  相似文献   

The effects of six seeding rates (50-300 seeds m−2:) on some morphological traits with hay and seed yield were evaluated in common vetch ( Vicia sativa L.) under fall and spring sowing conditions. The mutual correlations among yield and yield components were also determined.
The sowing seasons and seeding rates significantly affected hay and seed yield, and most of the yield components. Fall sowings resulted in significantly higher hay and seed yield than spring sowings at all seeding rates, and the highest seed and hay yield was achieved in densities of 250 and 300 seeds m−2. In spring sowings there was a positive response in hay yield up to 250 seeds m−2 while no further increase in seed yield at the seeding rates higher than 150 seeds m−2. Average protein content of hay and seed was found to be higher in spring sown crops than fall. The highest protein yields of hay and seed were obtained at 250 seeds m−2 in fall sowings, and 150 seeds m−2 in spring sowings.
Most of the correlations between both hay and seed yields with the yield components were not consistent and differed with the sowing time. Only the correlations between number of the plants per unit area with hay yield, and number of the pods and seeds per unit area with seed yield were statistically significant in both sowing seasons. Close positive associations were obtained between hay and seed yield.  相似文献   

Interactions between Orobanche cernua and bidi tobacco were recorded in naturally infested tobacco fields at Nipani, India. At harvest, most broomrapes occurred in clusters of 4–9 spikes per tobacco plant. The effects of broomrapes became visible at 50 days after transplanting tobacco and were mainly caused by a reduction of the growth rate of the tobacco plant and not by shortening the growth period. The tobacco crop grew exponentially until 60 days and thereafter linearly in the period 60–140 days after transplanting. From 140 days onwards the growth of the crop became truncated. The reduction in tobacco yields depended on the number of broomrapes per tobacco plant. Individual broomrape spikes were lower in dry weight when more spikes occurred per tobacco plant.  相似文献   

A total of 752 faba bean accessions were screened under field conditions for resistance to Ascochyta fabae. Several methods of assessing disease development were compared for evaluating the resistance of these accessions. Thirty‐four accessions displayed low disease severity ratings. In 15 of them, lesions were restricted in size and number, whereas in the remaining 19, lesions were well developed but scarce. These lines could have been discarded if screening had depended only on scales based on lesion type, which shows the need to complement such scores with disease severity or to use a simplified scale that integrates both lesion type and the amount of damage.  相似文献   

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