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The productivity of ten grasses was measured under six cuts per annum for 3 years and three cuts for a fourth harvest year in comparison with a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) control. The grasses were Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus), two red fescues (Festuca rubra), creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera), bent (Agrostis castellana), bent (Agrostis capillaris), smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis), crested dogstail (Cynosurus cristatus), sweet vernal (Anthoxanthum odoratum) and timothy (Phleum bertolonii). Another grass sown, rough meadow-grass (Poa trivialis), did not persist after the first harvest year. Annual N rates were 0, 120, 240, 360 and 480 kg ha?1. Classified by DM production, the grasses grouped into: high (perennial ryegrass, Yorkshire fog and red fescue), intermediate (creeping bent, bent (A. castellana), crested dogstail and smooth meadow-grass) and low (bent (A. capillaris), sweet vernal and timothy. With frequent cutting, production ranking interacted with N rate: Yorkshire fog. red fescue and creeping bent were more productive than ryegrass at the 0 N and 120 N rates but not at higher N rates; crested dogstail and sweet vernal outperformed ryegrass at 0 N; ryegrass and smooth meadow-grass performed relatively better at moderate to high N. DM production of ryegrass was matched or exceeded by some of the other grasses during different parts of the season particularly at low N rates. Notable features from the 3-cut regime were the outstanding DM production of Yorkshire fog at all N rates and the poor production of bent (A. capillaris) and crested dogstail. High DM response to applied N in both cutting regimes was given by perennial ryegrass. smooth meadow-grass, red fescue cv. Boreal, timothy, crested dogstail and Yorkshire fog. N concentrations were highest in less productive grasses such as the bents and lowest in highly productive ryegrass and Yorkshire fog. Ryegrass was superior in digestibility to the other grasses, but especially to the red fescues, bents and smooth meadow-grass. The other grasses, especially Yorkshire fog and bent (A. capillaris) were superior to ryegrass in P, K and Mg concentrations, but not Ca. It is concluded that the annual and/or seasonal production of some of the secondary grasses at low to moderate N rates, e.g. the performance of Yorkshire fog and red fescue, warrant a reconsideration of their poor reputation, particularly within the context of increasing grassland extensification. Breeding to improve selected characteristics, such as digestibility in red fescue, seems justified. Assessment of the grazing and ensiling qualities of secondary grasses require further study.  相似文献   

A field plot experiment was carried out on an established grassland sward from 1983–88 inclusive to examine the effects of time of application, chemical form of nitrogen (N) and cattle slurry dry matter (DM) content on yield and efficiency of N use. Four forms of fertilizer N (a semi-organic fertilizer, a combined 2.1:1 (w/w) semi-organic/calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) fertilizer, CAN and urea, each supplying 300 kg N ha?1 year?1, were applied with or without unseparated or separated cattle slurry at 93 and 73 g kg?1 DM respectively, both supplying approximately 150 kg N ha?1 year?1. All fertilizers and slurries were applied in three equal dressings (February/March, May/June and July/August). The efficiency of use of fertilizer and slurry N was evaluated by measuring DM yield, N uptake and apparent recovery of N in herbage at all harvests during each growing season. Fertilizer N application significantly increased (P<0.001) the mean yields of herbage at each harvest in all years. The form of fertilizer N had no significant effect (P>0.05) on first harvest and total herbage yields, nor on N uptakes by herbage at the first harvest in any year. The performance of urea and of CAN was more variable at the second and third harvests relative to that of the semi-organic or combined 2.2:1 (w/w) semi-organic/CAN sources which had similar efficiencies of N use. Lower DM production was associated with reduced uptake of N. Values for mean overall apparent recovery of N ranged from 57.9 ± 2.67% for the semi-organic fertilizer to 50.2±3.05% for CAN. Unseparated cattle slurry and separated cattle slurry produced similar herbage yields and N responses that were lower and more variable than with fertilizer N. The overall mean apparent recovery of N from unseparated cattle slurry was 25.5 ± 5.03% compared to 5.0 ± 4.74% for separated cattle slurry. Efficiency of N use was highest with spring applications and least with mid-season applications. Recoveries ranged from ?29% for separated cattle slurry applied in June 1984 to 56% for unseparated and separated cattle slurry applied in February 1988 and June 1987 respectively. No interactions were recorded between cattle slurry and fertilizer N in terms of DM production or N uptake by herbage. The results of this study support the use of a fertilizer N source, selected on a least-cost basis, in combination with slurry to promote spring herbage production. For subsequent production, N should be supplied in fertilizer form only. The use of urea is risky under low rainfall conditions. Mechanical separation did not improve the efficiency of use of slurry N.  相似文献   

The productivity of permanent swards of mixed species composition was compared with that of sown Lolium perenne , cv. Melle at five fertilizer-N rates (0, 150, 300, 450 and 900 kg N ha−1) and with L. perenne/Trifolium repens , cv. Grasslands Huia at 0 kg N ha−1. The investigation was conducted under two cutting frequencies at sixteen sites in England and Wales, representing a range of grassland environments.
Annual total herbage dry matter (DM) production from both permanent and reseeded swards increased with successive increments of fertilizer-N up to 450 kg N ha−1. Herbage DM production from reseeded swards in the first year after sowing was signficantly higher than from the permanent swards, at all fertilizer-N treatments. In subsequent years the production advantage of the L. perenne reseeds was maintained only at the higher N rates, though sown L. perenne/T. repens was the most productive sward type at 0 N. Average differences in modified acid-detergent fibre suggested small advantages in herbage quality to the reseeded swards.
It is concluded that, while reseeded swards are more productive in the year after sowing, many permanent swards are capable of high levels of production and that reseeding to a L. perenne sward cannot always be justified, particularly for grassland receiving low or moderate inputs of fertilizer-N.  相似文献   

The productivity of fourteen grasses was measured under a silage cutting regime of four harvests per year for 3 years (1984-86) with an annual fertilizer N rate of 360 kg ha−1, applied at 120, 100, 80 and 60 kg ha−1 for successive harvests. The grasses were: red fescue (Festuca rubra) cvs Reptans, Dawson and Ruby, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) cvs Perma and Sprinter, Yorkshire Fog (Holcus lanatus) commercial types I and II, smooth meadow-grass (Poa pratensis) cvs Parade and Arena, creeping bentgrass {Agrostis stolonifera) cv. Penncross, crested dogstail {Cynosurus cristatus) cv. Southlands and rough meadow-grass (Poa trivialis) cvs Dasas, Omega Øtofte and Sabre.
Red fescue gave the highest dry-matter (DM) production over the 3 years but because of low organic matter digestibility (OMD), its production of digestible organic matter (DOM) was lower than that of perennial ryegrass. Rough meadow-grass was relatively low yielding in the first year and did not persist thereafter. Three-year mean DM production ranged from 9-22 kg ha"'(crested dogstail) to 14-37 kg ha-1 (red fescue cv. Reptans), while mean annual OMD values ranged from 0-660 (smooth meadow grass cv. Arena) to 0766 (ryegrass cv. Sprinter). The mineral composition (P, K, Ca and Mg) differed among species; creeping bentgrass, crested dogstail, perennial ryegrass and Yorkshire fog had moderate to high mineral concentrations while smooth meadow-grass had low concentrations. Mean two-year (1985-86) mineral composition (g kgDM−1) ranged from 3-1 to 40 (P), 234 to 31-0 (K), 3-8 to 6-0 (Ca) and 1-6 to 2-6 (Mg),
It was concluded that while red fescue and Yorkshire fog showed considerable potential for silage DM production, there is scope for breeding red fescue cultivars with improved digestibility and more winterhardy Yorkshire fog; characterization of their ensiling qualities would also be useful.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out over 2 years on grass and grass/clover swards in SW England lo compare herbage yields and N recovery following surface application or shallow injection of cattle slurry at three different times of application. In the second year, losses of N via ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching were measured from applications to the grass sward. On the grass sward, there was no significant effect of time or method of application on dry-matter (DM) yield in the first year, although shallow injection reduced apparent N recovery (ANR) in the herbage by 45% when compared with surface application. In the second year, shallow injection reduced DM yields by 26% and ANR by 48%. On the grass/clover sward, there were no significant effects of time or method of application on DM yields or ANR in either year Inclusion of dicyandiamide (DCD) in the October slurry applications had no significant effect in the first year, but in the second year on the grass sward increased DM yield by 31% and 14% and ANR by 156% and 42% for shallow injection and surface applications respectively. Measurements in the second year on the grass sward showed a reduction in N loss by ammonia volatilization using shallow injection of 40% and 79% for March and June applications respectively. Losses due to denitrification were greatest following October application. Shallow injection increased denitrification losses following March application, but there were no significant differences following October or June applications. N losses due to leaching were small, with no significant difference between treatments. Reasons for the reductions in DM yield and ANR following shallow injection, despite the large reduction in N loss by ammonia volatilization, are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on a grassland site at Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedfordshire between 1987 and 1989, to compare herbage yields from slurry applied by deep and shallow injection, low trajectory and conventional vacuum tanker methods. Slurry application rates for all spreaders were calibrated at 86 ± 5 t ha-1, an equivalent of c. 200 kg NH4+-N ha-1 applied in autumn or in spring.
As expected, herbage yields following spring applications were higher than from autumn applications, with average mineral fertilizer equivalents of 122 and 89 kg N ha-1 respectively. Yields from the conventional and low trajectory spreaders showed no consistent differences. However, in both years, first cut yields from plots were significantly lower ( P < 0·05) where slurry had been injected than where surface applications had been used by an average of 0·7 t DM ha-1. Subsequent cuts in 1988 demonstrated higher residual effects from injection so that annual total yields were similar from all slurry applications irrespective of spreader type.
Analysis of N content revealed high N levels in herbage from deep injection plots. Mean concentrations of N in the herbage, expressed as a percentage of the dry matter, were 1·43 for surface treatments and 1·79 for deep injection in 1988, and 1·84 for surface treatments, 2·13 for shallow injection and 2·68 for deep injection in 1989.  相似文献   

油菜氮肥的轻简施用技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了油菜氮肥的轻简施用技术,包括适宜的施用方式、用量和缓释比例(即缓释氮肥用量占总氮肥用量的比例),及其在直播和移栽油菜间的差异。试验1中设不施肥、普通氮肥撒施、条施(穴施)、撒施翻盖、四次施肥、三次施肥、两次施肥、一次施肥及一次施缓释肥等处理;试验2中设一次施肥各施氮0、90、180、270和360kg/hm2共5个处理,普通氮肥和缓释氮肥两种类型;试验3中设一次性施肥各0、25%、50%、75%和100%共5种缓释比例及不施氮处理;全部试验分直播和移栽两种种植模式。结果表明,试验条件下,一次性施用缓释氮肥产量高于常规氮肥,且移栽油菜产量高于直播油菜;常规氮肥和缓释氮肥的最佳产量的施氮量,直播油菜分别是245.9kg/hm2和242.2kg/hm2,移栽油菜分别是225.0kg/hm2和239.6kg/hm2;高比例缓释氮肥更有利于直播油菜生长和氮肥利用效率提高,直播油菜氮肥最佳缓释比例为78.8%~80.8%,移栽油菜氮肥最佳缓释比例为25.0%。试验还表明,一次性施氮条件下,条施处理或穴施处理的油菜产量最高,撒施翻盖处理次之,撒施处理效果最差;在同等施肥水平下,增加氮肥的施用次数可以提高直播油菜的产量,对移栽油菜也表现相似的结果。分析认为,不同油菜产区可以根据劳动力状况、机械化水平、经济条件和习惯种植模式等选择适宜的氮肥轻简施用技术;一次性施氮条件下,选用普通氮肥可以适度增加用量以获得传统多次施肥的产量,选用缓释氮肥用量可以适当降低;对直播油菜而言,可以施用更高比例缓释氮肥以达到增加产量和氮肥利用效率的目的。  相似文献   

Reducing the reliance on nitrogen fertilizer for wheat production   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
All crops require nitrogen (N) for the production of a photosynthetically active canopy, whose functionality will strongly influence yield. Cereal crops also require N for storage proteins in the grain, an important quality attribute. Optimal efficiency is achieved by the controlled remobilization of canopy-N to the developing grain during crop maturation. Whilst N will always be required for crop production, targeting efficient capture and use will optimise consumption of this valuable macronutrient. Efficient management of N through agronomic practice and use of appropriate germplasm are essential for sustainability of agricultural production. Both the economic demands of agriculture and the need to avoid negative environmental impacts of N-pollutants, such as nitrate in water courses or release of N-containing greenhouse gases, are important drivers to seek the most efficient use of this critical agronomic input. New cultivars optimised for traits relating to N-use efficiency rather than yield alone will be required. Targets for genetic improvement involve maximising capture, partitioning and remobilization in the canopy and to the grain, and yield per se. Whilst there is existing genetic diversity amongst modern cultivars, substantial improvements may require exploitation of a wider germplasm pool, utilizing land races and ancestral germplasm.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of using a trailing‐shoe system to apply cattle slurry, under different conditions of grass height (low [LG]: freshly cut sward [4–5 cm height] vs. high [HG]: application delayed by 7–19 d and applied to taller grass sward [4–11 cm] height) and month of application (June vs. April), on the nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) and apparent N recovery (ANRS) of cattle slurry applied to grassland. NFRV was calculated using two methods: (i) NFRVN based on the apparent recovery of slurry‐N relative to that of mineral‐N fertilizer; and (ii) NFRVDM based on DM yield. The effect of applying slurry into HG swards, relative to LG swards, decreased the DM yield by 0·47 t ha?1 ( 0·001), N uptake by 5 kg ha?1 (P = 0·05), ANRS by 0·05 kg kg?1 (P = 0·036), NFRVN by 0·05 kg kg?1 (P = 0·090) and NFRVDM by 0·11 kg kg?1 (< 0·001). It was concluded that the main factor causing these decreases with HG, compared with LG applications, was wheel damage affecting subsequent N uptake and growth of the taller grass sward.  相似文献   

采用模拟试验方法,研究了棉田生态系统中有机无机肥配施对棉花产量及其构成因素、干物质积累和分配的影响。结果证明:(1)施用N肥能促进各生育时期拂株和各器官干物质积累、增加LAI、改善棉株农艺性状、极显著提高单位面积总铃数和棉花产量;(2)在等N、P、K条件下,与单施无机N相比,绿肥 沼肥 化肥配施对于提高棉花单位面积总铃数和产量、增加棉株和各器官干物量、促进不同生育时期棉株各器官干物量合理分配、使棉花生育后期保持最后LAI并降低LAI衰减速度效果较好,绿肥 化肥配施次之,单施无机N肥较差。  相似文献   

Established swards of two diploid and two tetraploid red clover varieties sown pure received 0, 75, 150, 225 or 300 kg ha?1 N fertilizer and were cut three times in June, August and October 1971. The total yields of herbage DM for red clover varieties ranged from 8.01 to 11.32 t ha?1; swards sown with tetraploids Hungaropoly and Hera Pajbjerg were superior by 25% in DM yield and 23% in CP yield. The red clover contribution to these total yields of DM ranged from 6.05 to 10.69 t ha?1; tetraploid clovers outyielded diploids by 42% in DM yield and 39% in CP yield. The mean effect of N level on yield and on compositional attributes was slight. Total yields of herbage DM, averaged over all varieties, ranged from 9.50 to 10.22 t ha?1 and of total herbage CP from 1.76 to 1.91 t ha?1. The influence of N level on the red clover contribution was negligible. DM yields ranged from 8.54 to 8.72 t ha?1 and CP yields from 1.60 to 1.64 t ha?1. Superiority of tetraploid clovers over diploids was again confirmed. Red clover swards sown pure can give high yields without the application of fertilizer N.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted from 1998 to 2001 to measure the performance and environmental effects of a maize crop (Zea mais L.) in a continuous production system with and without a grass understorey (Lolium perenne L.), with varied N inputs. The experiment was located on a sandy soil in northern Germany and comprised all combinations of slurry application rate (0, 20, 40 m3 ha?1) and mineral N fertilizer (0, 50, 100, 150 kg N ha?1). Understorey treatments included maize with and without perennial ryegrass. Net energy (NEL) yield of maize increased with mineral N application rate but reached a plateau at high rates. Increase in yield of dry matter because of mineral N fertilizer was lower with increased slurry application rate. Neither slurry and mineral N application nor a grass understorey affected NEL concentration of maize, whereas crude protein (CP) concentration increased with increase in application of slurry and mineral N fertilizer. Nitrogen supply by slurry or mineral fertilizer had no effect on the amount of N in the grass understorey after the harvest of maize. The average amount of N bound annually in the understorey was 60 kg N ha?1. The reduced biomass of the understorey because of enhanced maize competition was compensated for by an increased CP concentration in the grass. The grass understorey affected the NEL yield of maize negatively only at very low levels of N input but increased the N surplus at all levels.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to find out whether there is any difference in risk of N leaching to groundwater when cattle slurry and/or mineral fertilizer-N was applied to cut grassland. The experiment was carried out over two consecutive years on two sites (one with a relatively wet sandy soil and one with a relatively dry sandy soil). Treatments were mineral fertilizer-N at annual rates of 0–510 kg N ha−1 year−1 and combinations of sod-injected cattle slurry (85, 170, 250 and 335 kg N ha−1 year−1) and mineral fertilizer-N (289, 238, 190 and 139 kg N ha−1 year−1). Yield responses indicated that in the short run, 0·44–0·88 (average 0·60) of the slurry-N was as available as mineral fertilizer-N. The total N input from mineral fertilizer and slurry was a worse predictor of nitrate leaching (     0·11) than the N surplus (i.e. the difference between total N input and harvested N) (     0·60). The effective N surplus, based on the difference between the summed inputs of the plant-available N and harvested N, proved to be the best indicator of leaching (     0·86). Annual N application rates of up to 340 kg plant-available N ha−1 complied with the target nitrate concentration in groundwater of 11·3 mg N L−1 set by the European Union in both years on the wet sandy soil, whereas on the dry sandy soil none of the treatments did.  相似文献   

Eight field-plot experiments were carried out on established grassland swards between 1984 and 1988 to examine the effects of date and rate of application of calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) on herbage dry matter (DM) yield and apparent efficiency of nitrogen (N) use at first-cut silage.
CAN application significantly increased ( P <0 ·001) the mean yields of herbage and N uptakes by herbage in all experiments. Herbage yields were similar ( P > 0·05) with N rates of 100 kg ha−1, 125 kg ha−1 or 150 kg ha−1 in five experiments but in the other three there were increases above 100 kg ha−1. Date of N application had a significant effect on DM yield in three experiments; this effect was inconsistent for both single and split dressings. Lower production was associated with reduced uptake of N, a trend that primarily reflected lower DM yields and not wide herbage N content variation.
It is concluded that selection of the date on which to apply fertilizer N in early spring to obtain optimum herbage yields at first-cut silage often required little precision. The use of fertilizer N rates >100 kg ha−1 should be questioned where there are likely to be appreciable quantities of available N derived from non-fertilizer sources.  相似文献   

Time of application of fertilizer N on yield of Kennebec potatoes, N content of the plant and specific gravity of tubers were investigated on a sandy loam soil. All N in a band at planting was compared with part at planting plus 1 to 4 supplemental sidedressings at 2 to 8 weeks after emergence. Mean yields for the two-year period showed a significant response to 135 kg/ha of N at planting. Supplemental N as a sidedress had no effect on yield provided the seasonal requirements for the crop were applied at planting time. Concentrations of N in the plant increased with increasing rates of N at planting and generally with sidedress applications. Specific gravity of tubers was lower with high rates of N at planting and with sidedress applications in conjunction with 135 kg/ha at planting. It was concluded that from the standpoint of yield and economic considerations, no advantages accrue from split applications under our soil and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

长期大量施用化肥造成土壤退化、环境污染等诸多问题。为培肥地力、提高肥料利用率,于2018年和 2019年在山东省沂南县设置减氮配施钙肥试验,选用品种龙花5号为试材,探明氮钙运筹对花生光合特性、产量、肥 料贡献率的影响。结果表明:与常规施氮量相较,减氮25%和35%处理降低了花生的主茎高、叶面积指数、净光合 速率、百果重、百仁重和产量,但对出米率无显著影响。氮肥不变的前提下,增施钙肥可促进花生主茎高的生长,增 加花生叶面积指数、SPAD、净光合速率和产量。氮钙运筹情况下,减氮25%配施300 kg∙hm-2 钙肥处理的净光合速 率、叶面积指数、产量、肥料贡献率最高。通过数学建模分析得出,2018年减氮25%配施311.15 kg∙hm-2 钙肥时花生 产量最高,2019年减氮25%配施304.99 kg∙hm-2钙肥时花生产量最高。本试验为花生均衡施肥、高产、稳产提供理 论支撑。  相似文献   

The redistribution of herbage production during the growing season to synchronize herbage supply with feed demand by livestock by altering the application pattern of a range of nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates was studied. Application rates of N were 50, 150 and 250 kg N ha?1 per annum and patterns were with 0·60 of N fertilizer applied before June (treatment RN) and with only 0·20 of N fertilizer before June (treatment IN). Treatments were imposed in a cutting (simulated grazing) experiment (Experiment 1), which was conducted for 2 years and a grazing experiment (Experiment 2) which was conducted for 3 years. In both experiments, herbage production was reduced in April and May and increased in the June–October period on treatment IN relative to RN, but annual herbage production was not significantly affected except in the third year of Experiment 2, when treatment RN had significantly (P < 0·05) higher herbage production than treatment IN. Crude protein (CP) concentration of herbage was lower in April and May on treatment IN than treatment RN. However, CP concentration of herbage was rarely below 150 g kg?1 DM and so it is unlikely that livestock productivity would be compromised. On treatment IN, concentrations of CP in herbage were higher in the late summer than on treatment RN, which may increase livestock productivity during July and August when livestock productivity is often lower. Altering the strategy of application of N fertilizer did not affect in vitro dry matter digestibility of herbage.  相似文献   

Fertilizer‐nitrogen (N) management is a decisive factor in grass‐based, intensive dairy farming, as it strongly influences economic and environmental performance but little attention has been paid to providing guidance on N‐fertilizer management at an operational level to meet these criteria of performance. Essential criteria in operational N‐fertilizer management were identified as target dry matter (DM) yield of herbage, growth period per cut, herbage N concentration, N use efficiency (NUE), amounts of unrecovered N and marginal N response. Statistical relationships between fertilizer‐N application rates per cut and these criteria were derived from field experiments. These relationships were then used to explore the effects of the criteria on optimum fertilizer‐N applications. Optimum fertilizer‐N rates depended strongly on target levels for NUE, amounts of unrecovered N, growth period and DM yield of herbage. Calculations showed that target DM yield of herbage and growth period per cut are essential in estimating the effect of applied N on marginal N response, NUE and amounts of unrecovered N. The derived relationships can be used to explore the effects of changes in target levels of the criteria on optimum fertilizer‐N applications. The study showed that operational fertilizer‐N management set constraints to the decisions made at strategic and tactical management levels and vice versa.  相似文献   

氮素用量对油葵氮磷钾养分吸收积累及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究氮素对油葵植株氮磷钾养分积累和产量的影响,采用田间试验方法,在宁夏中部干旱带同心地区进行了油葵肥料试验。结果表明,在供试土壤条件下,氮磷钾养分积累均呈“S”型曲线,符合Logistic方程。施氮量在6~18kg/667m2之间时,均促进油葵对氮磷钾的吸收。其中,100kg籽粒所需N、P2O5、K2O范围分别是5.68~6.19kg、4.32~4.62kg、14.82~21.20kg,三要素(N:P2O5:K2O)平均比例为1:0.76:2.93。成熟期时,氮磷钾总积累量均是N2P2K2处理最高,分别达到47.99g/株、35.45g/株、152.30g/株。当施氮量为10.53kg/667m2时,产量达最高值221.02kg/667m2,最佳经济效应施氮量为9.54kg/667m2,最佳经济效益产量为220.48kg/667m2。  相似文献   

This study was carried out in a natural pasture in Van province of Turkey between the years of 2004 and 2005 to determine the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on herbage yield. The study was performed in randomized block with three replications. 0, 4, 8, 16 kg da(-1) nitrogen and 0, 6, 12 kg da(-1) phosphorus applications were examined. The effects of different nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer applications on plant height, green herbage and crude protein yield were significant for both years. Depending on the increasing nitrogen and phosphorus applications, significant increases were in green herbage, hay and crude protein yields. According to results, differences between 8 and 16 kg da(-1) doses of nitrogen and 6 and 12 kg da(-1) doses of phosphorus applications were insignificant. In the first year, in terms of nitrogen applications, the highest green herbage, hay and crude protein yield (1423.1, 263.3 and 29.2 kg da(-1)) were obtained from 8 kg N da(-1), in the second year, the highest values (1426.1, 602.7 and 67.8 kg da(-1)) were obtained from 16 kg N da(-1) application. As for the phosphorus applications, in the first year, the highest green herbage yield was 1142.2 kg da(-1) at the 6 kg P2O5/da application, hay and crude protein yields (218.2, 23.1 kg da(-1)) were recorded from 12 kg P2O5/da application. In the second year, the highest green herbage, hay and crude protein yields were (1335.8, 549.6 and 66.1 kg da(-1)) determined at the 12 kg P2O5/da application.  相似文献   

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