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The infection of Yankassa rams with three important trypanosome species affecting livestock, namely, Trypanosoma congolense, T. vivax and T. bruceiproduced both acute and chronic fatal conditions. Chronic infections were induced in the three infections by the application of subcurative doses of diaminazene aceturate (Berenil). Pathological changes in the infected animals included splenomegaly and hepatomegaly which were more pronounced in acute than in chronic T. congolense infection. However, these changes were more severe in chronic than in acute T. vivax infection. While splenomegaly was more pronounced in chronic T. bruceiinfection than in acute, hepatomegaly and lymphadenopathy were more severe in acute than in the chronic condition. The increases in size of the spleen, lymph nodes and liver were associated with congestion, increases in cell density related to increased immunological reactions in the spleen and lymph nodes as well as increase in numbers, size and activity of the phagocytic cells in these organs.  相似文献   

Canine Peyer's patches were examined by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry for possible variations depending on the location within the small intestine and for similarities and dissimilarities to PPs from other species. The duodenal and jejunal PPs were characterized by relatively large domes and interfollicular areas. In contrast, the ileal PP had small domes and poorly developed interfollicular areas and very large follicles. T cells were found in the interfollicular area and corona and in lesser numbers in the dome and germinal centers. The ileal PP contained far fewer T cells than the proximal PPs. Domes of canine PPs contained some cytoplasmic IgA+ (cIgA+) and many cIgG+ cells. Peanut agglutinin (PNA) stained germinal center cells in a selective but not-uniform way and did not stain T cells.  相似文献   

Lectin staining pattern in Peyer's patches of porcine ileum was studied using twenty one biotinylated-labeled lectins as cell markers which were visualized with avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method (ABC). WGA appears to be a selective marker for tingible body macrophages in the porcine germinal centers. ConA may be a positive marker for the lymphoid tissues, whereas 9 lectins (DBA, SBA, SJA, s-WGA, PNA, ECL, UEA-I, PHA-E, and PHA-L) may be negative markers for the lymphoid tissues in all areas.  相似文献   

Lipomatosis of lymph nodes is defined as the replacement of the lymphatic parenchyma by adipose tissue which grows in the node from the hilus toward the cortical zone. In humans, it is considered as part of the normal aging process and is common in obese patients, but there are no reports in non-human primates. In this report, we describe the first case of lymph node lipomatosis in the bilateral axillary lymph nodes of a young adult cynomolgus monkey. Macroscopically, there were no apparent abnormalities in the axillary lymph nodes on either side, and their volumes were unchanged. At the cut surface, pale yellow fat-like tissue was observed in the medullary area. Histopathologically, well differentiated adipocytes replaced a large part of the lymphatic parenchyma in the area from the hilus to the medulla without any malignant findings. Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed with lipomatosis of the lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Brain, spleen, and selected lymph nodes from sheep with clinical signs of scrapie were analyzed for presence of proteinase K-resistant protein (PrP-res). Diagnosis of scrapie on the basis of detection of PrP-res was compared with diagnosis on the basis of histologic evaluation of the brain from clinically affected or exposed sheep. Proteinase K-resistant protein was found in every brain that was histologically positive for scrapie, and in addition, was found in the brain of several clinically positive sheep that were not diagnosed as scrapie-positive by histologic evaluation. Proteinase K-resistant protein was also found in 87% of the spleens and lymph nodes from sheep that had PrP-res detected in brain homogenates. Therefore, analysis of sheep brain, spleen, or lymph nodes for PrP-res provided a diagnostic approach that was superior to histologic examination alone for detection of naturally scrapie agent-infected sheep.  相似文献   

The chicken bursa of Fabricius and calf ileal Peyer's patch are thought to be the primary lymphoid organs of B cell development. In the bursa, the existence of secondary lymphoid tissue, called the diffusely infiltrated area, has been recognized. Recently, we have found the presence of a region of secondary lymphoid tissue in the ileal Peyer's patch at the period of the most rapid growth of this organ. In this study, we compared the development of these secondary lymphoid tissue regions in the bursa and ileal Peyer's patch histologically. Before hatching, lymphatic follicle formation occurred in the bursa, but not in the diffusely infiltrated area, where only a small number of lymphoid cells were found. However, during fetal calf development, lymphatic follicle formation occurred not only in the primary lymphoid organ but also in the secondary lymphoid tissue regions. Therefore, the prenatal development of the secondary lymphoid tissue regions of the bursa and ileal Peyer's patch were distinct. After hatching, formation of the germinal center, which contained many CD4+ cells, was observed in the diffusely infiltrated area of the bursa. After birth, many CD4+ cells and IgG mRNA expression were observed in the lymphatic follicle of the secondary lymphoid tissue regions in the ileal Peyer's patch, but rarely in the ileal Peyer's patch lymphatic follicles. The change of character of these secondary lymphoid tissue regions at the postnatal stage might be dependent on external antigens.  相似文献   

Structure and function of Peyer's patches in man and animals are compared reviewing reports of recent years. Differences exist regarding number and distribution of Peyer's patches along the small intestine and regarding distribution of m-cells of dome epithelium. M-cells trigger the contact between infectious organisms and intestinal epithelium. Several different ways of interaction are possible: 1. Selective uptake of organisms by m-cells. 2. Paracellular transport of organisms between m-cells. 3. Multiplication of organisms above dome epithelial areas. 4. Restriction of interaction between organism and mucosa to absorptive enterocytes. 5. Specific damage of organisms to lymphatic areas of Peyer's patches.  相似文献   

In a study of trends and magnitudes of lymphocytes proliferation, destruction or apoptosis eleven 3-month-old healthy calves were experimentally infected with the protozoan parasite Theileria parva, which is reported to cause lymphocyte proliferation. Four control calves were not infected. Infected and non-infected calves were sacrificed on days 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 24 and 25 to examine lymphoid tissue changes and lymphocyte proliferation, apoptosis or necrosis in the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes. All infected calves developed severe East Coast fever, with enlargement of lymph nodes, dyspnoea, high fever and pulmonary oedema. Lymphocyte proliferation was not observed in lymph nodes, thymus and spleen; instead there were massive deaths of lymphocytes and other cells. The terminal severe disease caused massive lymphoid parenchyma coagulation terminating with caseation, organs and cells being undeterminable histologically. Tissues surrounding the lymph nodes were oedematous. Lymph node and thymus parenchyma were caseated and cortices and medulla indistinguishable because of severe lymphocyte and accessory cell deaths. The lymph node fibrous reticular stroma was necrotic and caseated. Lymphoid follicles in lymph nodes degenerated and lacked germinal centres. Lymph nodes, spleen and thymus were grossly enlarged, hardened, potato or cheese like, but microscopically very hypocellular and in the terminal disease acellular because of massive lymphocytes destruction. In the thymus there was extensive thymocyte and epithelioid cell necrosis and loss of distinction between cortex and medulla. The spleen white and red pulps were indistinguishable because of extensive lymphoid cell necrosis. The white pulp degenerated more than the red pulp. The massive lymphocyte deaths in the lymph nodes, thymus and spleen, without lymphocyte proliferation in this T. parva infection in calves leads to a conclusion that this parasite is lympho-destructive and lympho-degenerative in vivo rather than lympho-proliferative.  相似文献   

Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) residing within ileal Peyer's patches (PPs) are of crucial relevance for sheep scrapie early pathogenesis and subsequent scrapie prion neuroinvasion. In this study, ileal PP follicles were significantly more numerous in lambs than in adult Sarda breed sheep, with significant differences being also found in lymphoid follicle area, perimeter and FDC density. Furthermore, PrPd deposition within ileal PPs and host's PrP genotype did not significantly influence these parameters. We conclude that age significantly affects FDC density in ileal PPs from Sarda breed ovines, independently from host's scrapie status and PrP genotype.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the occurrence of Salmonella in pork carcasses and in some risk tissues (ileum, ileocolic and mandibular lymph nodes and tonsils), that can be involved in Salmonella contamination during slaughter. Salmonella was identified in 27 (26.7%) pigs and in 13 (12.9%) carcasses. From these positive carcasses, 69.2% presented the same serotype as that identified in the corresponding pig, which emphasize the pigs importance as a source of Salmonella during the slaughter, suggesting that measures should be taken at the level of pig production in order to reduce the slaughtering of Salmonella-positive animals. The highest value of Salmonella occurrence was reached in the ileocolic lymph nodes (18.8%) and in the ileum (13.9%), representing Salmonella potential faecal source during pork processing at the abattoir. In these samples, a high level of Salmonella was observed in the ileocolic lymph nodes in comparison with the ileum. The mandibular lymph nodes (12.9%) also presented a higher occurrence in comparison with the tonsils (9.9%). These results indicate that the lymph nodes analysis could be more sensitive in the detection of Salmonella than the closer drainage tissue. Otherwise, the presence of Salmonella in the lymph nodes indicates lymphatic spread of the organism, which reflects an increased risk of pork contamination. These results also indicate that, in order to achieve a better control of Salmonella contamination during the slaughter process, it is important to consider the improvement of the evisceration practices and the tonsils as well the extraction of mandibular lymph nodes after slaughter.  相似文献   

The development of the ileal Peyer's patches (ilPP) and follicle associated epithelium (FAE) was examined in 30 bovine foetuses ranging from 73 to 271 days of gestation by light and transmission electron microscopic methods. The first primordial ilPP was encountered in the foetus at 164 days of gestation The ilPP were found to have been formed from the aggregation of lymph follicles in the foetus at 227 days of gestation whereas in the foetus at 271 days of gestation the follicular development was observed to have been completed. While the cells in the FAE in the foetus at 164 days of gestation and those older were cuboidal, those of the foetus at 271 days of gestation were columnar. As from the foetus at 227 days of gestation, however, the FAE was found to be composed of uniform lymphoepithelial cells with an increase in the number of intraepithelial leukocytes. In the early stages, whereas the apical surfaces of the FAE cells appeared shorter with microfolds, with advancing age the apical surfaces of the FAE cells were observed to be heterogeneous. Our results suggest that bovine ilPP and FAE cells are histologically and functionally mature before birth.  相似文献   

Papillomavirus-associated cervical cancer is the second most common neoplasm in women but has rarely been reported in animals. This report describes cervical and vaginal intraepithelial neoplasms identified in routine histologic specimens obtained from 20 (5.2%) of 385 female cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) being used in long-term studies. Lesion incidence was similar in both control and hormonally treated animals (4.7% and 5.5%, respectively). Neoplasms included benign vaginal papillomas, mild to severe intraepithelial dysplasias, and two invasive cervical carcinomas. Common morphologic features included koilocytosis, nuclear atypia, and expansion of the basal epithelium. Selective staining of lesions with at least one of three papillomavirus antibodies was observed in all cases (20 of 20). In contrast, immunostaining of lesions was negative for Epstein-Barr-related virus proteins (0 of 20). The unique similarities between the observed lesions and those seen in women suggest that macaques may provide a suitable animal model for study of papillomavirus oncogenesis.  相似文献   

The dome epithelium of Peyer's patches from different parts of the intestine of four dogs was examined by scanning and transmission electron-microscopy and by alkaline phosphatase histochemistry on glycol-methacrylate embedded sections. M cells were scattered among more numerous enterocytes in duodenal and jejunal Peyer's patches, but constituted the major cellular component of dome epithelia of the ileal Peyer's patches. Alkaline phosphatase histochemistry demonstrated low enzyme activity in the brush border of M cells, as compared to enterocytes, in the duodenum and jejunum, allowing identification of M cells at the light microscopic level. Alkaline phosphatase activity was too low in ileal enterocytes to permit visualization of M cells. The presence of intrafollicular invaginations of dome epithelium is a consistent finding in duodenal Peyer's patches of the dog and these invaginations were characterized by few M cells, many intraepithelial lymphocytes and strong alkaline phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

To gain further insight into the pathogenesis of African swine fever (ASF), the cytokine expression by macrophages in spleen and lymph nodes were examined. Twenty-one piglets were inoculated with the highly virulent isolate Spain-70 of ASF virus and killed in groups at 1-7 post-inoculation days (pid). An increase in the immunohistochemical detection of proinflammatory monokines in spleen and renal and gastrohepatic lymph nodes is reported, along with an increase in the serum levels of TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta. The expression of these cytokines is detected simultaneously in time and space with the viral protein 73 (vp 73) of the ASF virus detection. Our results demonstrate that mononuclear phagocyte system cell activation results in the release of several cytokines that could induce apoptosis of lymphocytes and haemodynamic changes.  相似文献   

Cells were isolated from canine Peyer's patches (PPs) and their phenotype and capacity to secrete immunoglobulins in vitro were determined. Cells isolated from duodenal and jejunal PPs of adult dogs consisted of 91.4% lymphocytes and 1.6% macrophages with 55.4% mIg(+)-cells and 35.6% Thy-1(+)-cells. In vitro IgA secretion by pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-stimulated PP cells exceeded that by cells from other lymphoid tissues and was specifically increased by concanavalin A, suggesting a role for isotype-specific T-cells. Comparison of duodenal and jejunal (proximal) PPs and the ileal PP revealed that the ileal PP contained fewer T-cells, fewer mIgA(+)-cells and more mIgM(+)-cells. Cells from the ileal PP produced very little IgA and IgG, but abundant IgM in vitro. These data suggest that the proximal PPs of dogs are important in the generation of IgA B-cells, similar to PPs of rodents. The ileal PP of dogs may have a function in the early development of the B-cell system of the dog.  相似文献   

An 8‐year‐old, intact female, mixed‐breed dog presented to the Oklahoma State University Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for evaluation of progressive lameness and joint effusion of multiple joints. Physical examination revealed joint effusion of the elbow, hock, and stifle joints bilaterally, enlarged left axillary and right popliteal lymph nodes, a subcutaneous mass over the left elbow, and a subcutaneous mass involving the left second and third mammary glands. Cytologic examination of the mammary mass, enlarged lymph nodes, and joint fluid from most affected joints revealed a monomorphic population of loosely cohesive neoplastic epithelial cells. The patient was humanely euthanized, and subsequent necropsy with histopathologic examination revealed a complex mammary carcinoma with metastases to enlarged lymph nodes, subcutaneous tissue over the left elbow, and the synovium of multiple joints. Immunohistochemical stains were performed and showed diffusely positive pan cytokeratin, CK8/18, and CK19 staining in the neoplastic luminal epithelial cells of the mammary carcinoma, synovium, and lymph nodes, and showed diffusely positive vimentin staining of the myoepithelial cells. Myoepithelial calponin positivity was diffuse in the mammary mass and lymph nodes but minimal in the synovium. Only the mammary mass showed p63 positivity. Metastatic mammary neoplasia is relatively common in dogs; however, metastasis to the synovium has only been reported once previously in the literature. This is the first case utilizing immunohistochemistry for confirmation and characterization of metastases.  相似文献   

Fifteen conventional 8-week-old pigs were used to compare the morphology and function of Peyer's patches (PP) in different parts of the small intestine with special emphasis on the dome epithelium (DE). The comparisons were done by morphological observation through light and electron microscopy, and by the ability of the DE complex to phagocytize horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Dome epithelium of the PP in the jejunum was more superficially located in the mucosa in comparison with the ileum. The DE's of the ileum were much smaller, with an area of 3.7 micron2/DE, than that of the jejunum (18.4 micron2/DE). The number of DE areas/5 cm2 in the ileum was more than in the jejunum. However, the total surface area of DE/5 cm2 of PP, was larger in the jejunum (180.5 micron2) than in the ileum (55.6 micron2). Brown discoloration of diaminobenzidine-hydrogenperoxide (DAB+H2O2)-treated PP specimens, after HRP inoculation, intensified with post-inoculation time from 20 s to 5 min. The brown pigment first appeared on the surface of microvilli and infiltrated into the dome. No morphological differences were observed between the jejunum and the ileum in 1 micron thick Epon-embedded specimens. Intramucosally, brown pigment was almost always found in DE areas. The pigmented areas were more numerous in the jejunum but the color intensity showed no obvious difference. By transmission electron microscopy, the electron dense materials (which were interpreted as the products of HRP and DAB+H2O2) were found between the microvilli of membraneous (M) cells, in the intercellular spaces of the DE, and in a form similar to intracytoplasmic vesicles in the cytoplasm of M-cell and DE complex lymphocytes. Our results confirmed that DE of PP had much stronger phagocytic activity than did the ordinary villous epithelium. This evidence indicates that the DE complex of PP in the swine intestine is immunologically important.  相似文献   

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